DVD to jpeg?

It seems photos copied to DVD before my old PBG4 went south was burned in a video format so, is there anyway to convert these to jpeg and transfer to Iphoto?
I burned these to DVD because there were about 500 photos in raw form, each one 5-10mbs.
I would hate to lose these photos although they do play like a slideshow on the disc.
I'd REALLY appreciate some help

How did you burn the photos to the DVD disk? If you exported the photos to a folder on your HD and then burned that folder to disk they should be in the same format as they were exported in.
If you burned them to disk directly from iPhoto using the Share->Burn menu option they will have been burned to a mini library on the disk which can be mounted in iPhoto to copy back to the library when needed. They will be in their original format but nearly impossible to locate and use via the Finder. This method is for use with iPhoto.
If you used the Share->Send to iDVD option and burned them to disk in an iDVD project then the best you can do is get 640 x 480 screenshots of each photo using a screenshot application. However, if you selected the option in iDVD to add the still photos to the DVD ROM you should be able to open the disk in the Finder and located the jpg files in the ROM portion of the disk.
If you can describe exactly how you got the photos burned on the disk we can go from there.

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    I seldom ran across a question to which I could offer an abridged answer. Sorry about that.
    There is an assortment of miscellaneous information to guide your path as to what you can and cannot do with regard to a Premiere Elements DVD Template that represent the Main Menu and Scene Menu set. The number and kind of menu markers that you place on the Timeline are linked to the Menus - Main Menu or Scene Menu depending whether you have placed a Main Menu Marker or Scene Marker on the Timeline. Again, do not put a Stop Marker at the end of the last file on the Timeline.
    Each movie (in your case album) cannot have its own Scene Selection page or pages. All the Timeline scene markers representation found on the Scene Selection page or pages is there in the order that each was placed on the Timeline. There is a limited amount of space under each scene thumbnail, and you do want to avoid button overlap.
    Each main menu and scene menu that came with the program is designed with a certain number of buttons per page (Main Menu page or Scene Selection page).  When the number of Timeline markers exceed the number of designed in buttons per page, the buttons spill over to additional pages (each a copy of the first).
    Most Main Menu pages come with Play All button, Scene Selection button, and some with Main Menu or Bonus Movie button. Most are text type buttons, fewer are thumbnail type buttons for this Main Menu. You see the thumbnail type buttons in the Scene Selection Page, and typically the maximum number there is about 6, may goes to 8 in some rare instances.
    Once you introduce Stop Markers to separate the multi movie type setup, your Play Movie (Play All) button on the Main Menu is meaningless.  And, the reminder, two menu markers cannot occupy the same spot on the Timeline.
    Important to the project are the pixel dimensions of the photos and the duration of the content. If you are heading for DVD-VIDEO on DVD disc Standard or Widescreen, the pixel dimensions should not exceed 1000 x 750 pixel  (landscape) – classical recommendation here and elsewhere. Greater than that typically does not accomplish much other than stressing out the program.  The level of computer resources can often dictate whether the program stress will set in sooner or later. That 1000 x 750 which is not written in stone is close enough to the export standard and will leave some room for pans and zooms if needed. Look to the Premiere Elements burn dialog prior to burn to and look at the Quality Section’s values for Space Required and Bitrate. The DVD-R  4.7 GB/120 min is in reality 4.3 GB and the “for best results” classical recommendation is not to exceed 90 minutes for this type of disc. There is also the DVD double layer disc 8.5 GB (really 7.3 GB)/240 minutes to think about.
    How does this all impact what you outlined for what you would like to do? Many thoughts on that, but for starters:
    Are your photos sized properly for a NTSC or PAL DV Standard or Widescreen project? Are you heading for NTSC or PAL DVD-VIDEO Standard or Widescreen? Are you considering Blu-ray disc format on Blu-ray disc in this regard for your Premiere Elements project.
    How many albums do you envision in each of your planned DVD discs. I suspect the number is going to be in excess of 6 or 8. Here some of the considerations might be:
    …switch the names of the .psd files for the main and scene menu (just the names) so that you can take advantage of the larger number of scene buttons on an already designed Scene Menu. The Timeline markers are Main Menu Markers in this instance, no Scene Markers. Result: One page Main Menu with thumbnails there displaying the first photo in each album.
    …editing the .psd file for a DVD Template to add more buttons to the design. That requires strict adherence to requirements for doing that, including editing with Photoshop CS and later or a version of Photoshop Elements that will open the Layer Groups of the .psd so that you can get at the Folders and Files that you need to modify/duplicate and the like.
    If you wanted text buttons instead of thumbnail buttons, you could look at a DVD Menu such as Faux Widescreen Main Menu Page and customizing that.
    Not sure if long trip descriptions (text) would be feasible. I can offer a how to for creating a page for information before the main menu (like those FBI notices) if you thought that might be appropriate for any overview trip descriptions per disk. Lots of details, Lots of choices, but often with limitations and special considerations if you are restricted to what comes as is with the program.
    Please review the above and then we could fine tune with more specifics.

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    You can't mix different formats on the same time line.  so you had to separate them anyway.  Deleting a small part of what you shot will not make this any more likely to fly.
    There are only a few clips that I need to shorten duration with, other than that, all the clips are exactly how I need them to be in terms of content and length.  I'm trying to avoid having to take all the time to create everything in PrmPro (also I don't know how to do that "link" function which you guys are referring to).
    It is true that at this point, your only success will involve some luck.  If your not lucky with Premiere, well, you're just outa luck!  (All this said in a commiserating, sorta been there, kind of sympathy.)  The big time issue will be transcoding.  That is going to happen in either system.
    Open Premiere.  Import one of your clips.  Drag it to the new item icon.  Click on the timeline of the sequence that is created.  Go to File -> Adobe Dynamic Link (or is it Export?), "Send to Encore".  It will open a new Encore project with that sequence.  That is all there is to "dyamic link."
    Instead of that little experiment, you import all your clips to Premiere, I think separated into bins (folders) by the format.  Now put them in the order you want into a sequence.  I would create several sequences based on content also.  So you've got let's say 8 sequences, 4 720 and 4 480.  Any sequence that is less than 3 hours would make one DVD.  You wouldn't even need to worry about multiple dynamic linked sequences.
    Be sure you set you Encore preferences to using Adobe Media Encoder for transcoding.  If you are 64 bit, it will be faster.
    In Encore, set the transocode setting for the DL'd sequence to "Automatic."  My suggesting is do not try to get more than 3 hours.  Do any menu work.  (simplest: one menu, one button to the one timeline.)  Then right click on the sequence and pick transcode now.
    Your only simple option for 2 disks?  Forget Premiere.  Pick no more than 3 hours of your 720 footage.  Put that on one disk.  Same for the 480.

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    You need to have the hard drive replaced. The one that is currently installed has failed.

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    Do you recommend the canned air
    It works just as well as the regular cleaning discs works.  The only disadvantage is that you will need to keep purchasing canned air once it runs out.  Cleaning discs last forever or until the tiny bristles on the disc wears out.  Whichever comes first.
    Any store that sells cds & dvds will also sell disc cleaners.  Prices vary but they all do the same thing - clean your slot drive.

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    Rob Hecker2 wrote:
    ...(Viewers view images, browsers browse webpages)...
    If you are so argumentatively wrong, how do you expect anyone here to be able to set you right? Open your mind and chill out.
    Adobe Bridge is an image/media browser.
    And, of course, your web browser, if you really want to take that  interpretation of 'browser', can open JPG files.
    Oy. Kids. Sheesh...
    An image browser will do 2 things that your semantically-argued "viewer" will not do. A browser will attempt to view multiple images instead of wasting your time opening one at a time in a viewer. A browser may also attempt to view smaller preview icons that might be saved on the disk so you can at least get an idea of what you are missing from the full image files.
    If you never tried irfanview, why are you discounting the initial advice? Why would you expect others to waste time on you if you have no sincere interest in solving the problem?
    Rob Hecker2 wrote:
    What I'm hoping is for a response from someone who has encountered this before and can tell me that there is a jpeg format used in asia that will give this result, or something like that. Thanks.
    Digital cameras come from Asia so you are unlikely to be experiencing a localized issue with an unusual JPG format.
    UTF8 Meta?

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    Create a smart album with either of one of these criteria:  Kind is Movie or File Name conatins .avi.  Then select all of the movies and export them to a folder(s) on the desktop via File ➙ Export ➙ File Export with Formate = Original.  This will get the movie files into folders ready to be burned to disk.

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    Is there something that I did or something or that I can do (formating?) so that she can open them if I make another set of disks?

    If you made a disc image from a folder and burnt it, you most likely made Mac formated disc (either Extended or Standard) which wouldn't be able to be read on a PC. Now I haven't used iPhoto to burn discs, so I don't know if it can do hybrid discs (Mac & PC), but you can try this...
    If you go to the File menu (when in Finder), select "New Burn Folder". Drag your photos into the newly created "Burn Folder". Don't worry that the files look like aliases (they are just placeholders, the actual files will be written to disc). When you are done loading the folder (and don't forget to rename the folder to what you want the disc to be named), burn the disc by either clicking the "Burn" button in the open "Burn Folder" window, or selecting "Burn 'Folder Name' to Disc..." via the Finder's "File" menu. Insert blank disc, and away you go. According to the dialog, a Burn Folder burn "should" be readable on both Mac and Windows.
    Open Disk Utility... click New Image... then select Image Format>MS-DOS (FAT)... then select a size that can accommodate all the photos... name the image, then create it.
    When the image mounts on your desktop, drag your photos into it (like a virtual HD), then unmount it. When you are done, burn it to disc with Disk Utility.
    Now since this is in MS-DOS format, you may need to rename the files in the old 8+3 format (XXNAMEXX.EXT), or the files maybe truncated when viewed on a PC.
    Hopefully one of these methods will work for you. It's been awhile since I've done either of these, as I use Toast for my burning needs. However, you should be go to go.

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    Have anybody dealt with the same situation or I should try more professional soft like Cut pro or DVD pro?

    IDVD can't process AVCHD. I use Toast to do that. Import your pictures or slides into IMovie and export them via Quicktime if you want 1920x1080 or via browser if you want 720P. Than you can us the browser in Toast to create a DVD in AVCHD. It will play in a blu ray player but NOT in Mac OSX. You will need to use Native Windows via Boot Camp and a Blu Ray player in your mac if you have one. Otherwise a Blu Ray player in you TV system should work.

  • Importing movies actually stored in iPhoto library

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    But I've also movies (made with the same camera) in iPhoto Library (that I've imported from a backup DVD containing .jpeg and .mov). This movies are correctly played by Quicktime once I click it over.
    Now I wish to export this movies from iPhoto Library to iMovie Library, to manage with iMovie.
    I'm not able! I can't select this file.. I've tried to export to desktop and then to import in iMovie dragging it or selecting it from import menu but.. "this file can't be managed by iMovie" .
    Can someone help me?
    (thanks in advance and sorry for my english...)

    It depends whether you want the edited in iPhoto copies or the originals.
    If you want the originals, just control/right click the iPhoto Library and choose Show Package Contents, than drag the masters folder onto Lightroom.
    However if you want the iPhoto edits, you will need to export cops from iPhoto and then import those to Lightroom.

  • What size when exporting files?

    Im unclear about which choice to make when I'm exporting images (shot RAW)in Lightroom for
    1. back up purposes
    2. when I'm exporting images to DVD and taking it to a printer
    Do I pick JPEG and if so what size resolution?
    Or do I go with DNG?
    dorothy - using IMAC OSX 10.4.11

    For backup, go for dng or RAW+XMP sidecar or use tiff or psd if you're worried about being able to read it in the future. For taking it to a printer or DVD, use jpeg and you'll probably have to scale down depending on the precise destination.

  • Email attachments not displaying

    Recently I've noticed my iPad and iPhone both have issues displaying the same files - jpg and png - when they are sent as email attachments. I've tried from different accounts to different accounts (I have both Gmail and MobileMe email on my iPad, iPhone and Mac), and the files display correctly on my Mac in both Mail and Preview. But on my iPad and iPhone I just get a little blue question mark. Trying to save the image just saves the little blue question mark.
    Anyone got any suggestions? I've tried restarting the devices, deleting/readding email accounts, and modifying/resaving/converting the images on my Mac with both Preview and Photoshop... none of which makes any difference. And yes, I have "Load Remote Images" on in Mail Settings.

    I have the same problem I get a email from my security DVD with jpeg attachments and it shows and old picture.  It seems the iPad is stuck on the old picture. This happens only on the iPad other devices download correct image.

  • LRViewer now available for Windows

    Views metadata and images from a Lightroom catalog without Lightroom.
    Free versions for Mac and Windows, at ImageIngester.com.

    >Also if previews are being kept in ProPhoto format instead of sRGB, the colors will be off. And doing an on-the-fly conversion to sRGB might be too slow to pull off.
    The previews are usually in adobeRGB, except if you have the highest quality preview selected in which case it is prophotoRGB. To me, if this app indeed does not color manage, it sounds like the programmers were just lazy. Conversion to monitor profile (you never want to convert to sRGB for display you want to convert to monitor profile, which on uncalibrated windows machines usually (but less and less because of monitor makers supplying "drivers") corresponds to sRGB) is superfast and done in a simple system routine in both windows and Macs. No real extra programming, except maybe a few lines of setup necessary. It's far faster than decompressing the jpeg and scaling it and really does not add any significant overhead. The real bottleneck on an app like this is going to be disk speed anyway. On the Mac you'll have to go very far out of your way to not make it color manage, so I wouldn't be surprised if the mac version color manages. On windows it is almost as easy. Of course the app is free, so I guess we shouldn't be too harsh on them.
    >I suspect that things like cropping are not part of a 'preview' either.
    They are. The preview is an exact representation of the file as developed in Lightroom. If it is not out-of-date, it should look exactly like what you see in the Library module in Lightroom.
    >I personally would not hesitate to send catalogs out to a client with 'less than optimal' color, since this is not meant to be a way to show off final work, but as an aid to view work-in-progress.
    Personally I would never send my clients a lightroom catalog. It seems asking for trouble on so many levels. Most of them are very happy with simple galeries or just CDs/DVDs with jpegs as proofs as they would have no clue what to do with a lightroom catalog anyway, even with an app like this.
    >The potential for an application of this type is excellent, if you consider some inherent limitations that are hard to overcome based on the data that is available for it to work with.
    I don't see the point at all. I think it is good that there is another app than Lightroom that reads the catalogs, but it seems an academic exercise. Opinions on this can vary I guess.

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    Maybe you should create a burn folder and drag the items to it before beginning the burn. Just a guess ~

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