Dw cs4 ftp - not uploading modified dependant files?

Hi, Ive made some changes to my css and worked on a few images, just over-writing them so they still have the same name.
I then uploaded the modified files but it still displays the old images and doesnt show the changes in the ccs?
Ive even uploaded the entire site again with no result :<
ps: Im working from a template, and all my pages are child pages from the template, all sharing the same css. Ivé cloaked the template but the css file doesnt have a red line through it.. dont know if this would affect anything.
Edit: Ive even tried to delete the style sheets and images by pressing delete in local and remote split view, and then re-upload them to no avail.
Does the host server refresh only so often or something?
bleh.. please help

Ive even deleted all the files I uploaded on the server and re-uploaded them and still, it doesnt load using the modified ccs, calling up the old images and not applying the changes I made to a menu.
The only thing I can think of is that its uploading them to a new folder if it is able to call up images ive deleted but I havent changed and ftp settings so why would this be.
I also inserted a image, not related to the css and that gets called up... so im really lost?

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  • DW CS4 ftp not uploading css

    Hi all.
    Ive edited my css on my site and tried to upload it using dw cs4 ftp, it uploads all new images and stuff but not the css.
    This is the modified css having just added the label rule (in green):
    .page-container .main .main-content .column1-unit v2 {
        font-size: 130%;
        line-height: 1.5em;
        font-weight: bolder;
        color: #900;
    .page-container .main .main-content .column1-unit p img {
        float: left;
    label {
    And here's whats on the site AFTER having uploaded the one above:
    .page-container .main .main-content .column1-unit p v1 {
         color: #F00;
         font-size: 120%;
         line-height: 1.5em;
         font-weight: bold;
         text-decoration: blink;
    .page-container .main .main-content .column1-unit v2 {
         font-size: 130%;
         line-height: 1.5em;
         font-weight: bolder;
         color: #900;
    So as you can see it hasnt over written the origional css, ive even tried to delete it through the ftp clien to no avail.
    This is quite urgent and desperatly need help, sure its some setting but I cant figure it out.

    Below is the CSS in the CSS folder at 10 AM est.  Your green code is in it
    label {
    /*   Design:   Multiflex-3 Update-7 / Layout-5               */
    /*   File:     Global layout structure                       */
    /*   Author:   Wolfgang                                      */
    /*   Date:     January 15, 2007                              */
    /*   Homepage: wwww.1-2-3-4.info                             */
    /*   License:  Fully open source without restrictions.       */
    /*             Please keep footer credits with a link to     */
    /*             Wolfgang (www.1-2-3-4.info). Thank you!       */
    /*  GLOBAL  */
    /* NON-HEADER */
    *{padding:0; margin:0;}
    body {font-size:62.5%; background-color:rgb(255,255,255); font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif;} /*Font-size: 1.0em = 10px when browser default size is 16px*/
    .page-container {width:900px; margin:0px auto; margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:10px; border:solid 1px rgb(150,150,150); font-size:1.0em;}
    .main {
         background-color: transparent;
         background-image: url(../img/bg_main_withnav_reverse.jpg);
         background-repeat: repeat-y;
         background-position: left top;
    .main-navigation {
         display:inline /*Fix IE floating margin bug*/;
         overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/;
         overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;
         background-image: url(../img/advert.jpg);
         height: 700px;
         background-repeat: no-repeat;
         padding-right: 10px;
    .main-content {display:inline; /*Fix IE floating margin bug*/; float:left; width:440px; margin:0 0 0 30px; overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;}
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    .footer {clear:both; width:900px; padding:1.0em 0 1.0em 0; background:rgb(225,225,225) url(../img/bg_foot.jpg) no-repeat; font-size:1.0em; overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;}
    /* --- For alternative headers START PASTE here --- */
    /* HEADER */
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    /*  HEADER SECTION  */
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         top: 96px;
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    .sitemessage h3 a:hover {text-decoration:none; color:rgb(50,50,50);}
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    .nav2 ul li a:hover ul li a {display:block; w\idth:10.0em; height:1px; line-height:1.3em; padding:4px 16px 4px 16px; border-left:solid 1px rgb(175,175,175); border-bottom: solid 1px rgb(175,175,175); background-color:rgb(237,237,237); font-weight:normal; color:rgb(50,50,50);} /*Color subcells normal mode*/
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    .header-breadcrumbs .searchform input.button:hover {cursor:pointer; border:solid 1px rgb(80,80,80); background:rgb(220,220,220); color:rgb(80,80,80);}
    /* --- For alternative headers END PASTE here --- */
    /*  MAIN SECTION  */
    .main-navigation .round-border-topleft {width:10px; height:10px; position:absolute; z-index:100; margin:0; background:url(../img/bg_corner_topleft.gif) no-repeat;}
    /* MAIN CONTENT */
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         margin:0 0 2.5em 0px;
         padding:0 0 10px 0;
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    .round-noborder-topright {width:10px; height:10px; position:absolute; z-index:100; background:url(../img/bg_corner_topright.gif) no-repeat; margin-top:0px; margin-left:175px;}
    /*  FOOTER SECTION  */
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    /*  6. CLEAR FLOATS  */
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    @media print {.header-top {width:900px; height:80px; background:rgb(240,240,240); overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;}}
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    @media print {.main-navigation {display:inline /*Fix IE floating margin bug*/; float:left; width:199px; border-right:solid 1px rgb(200,200,200); border-bottom:solid 1px rgb(200,200,200); background-color:rgb(240,240,240); overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE*/;}}
    @media print {.footer {clear:both; width:900px; height:3.7em; padding:1.1em 0 0; background:rgb(240,240,240); font-size:1.0em; overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;}}
    #effect1 {
         color: #F00;
         font-size: 120%;
         font-weight: bold;
         text-decoration: blink;
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         color: #900;
         font-weight: bolder;
         text-decoration: blink;
         font-size: 120%;
         line-height: 1.5em;
    .page-container .main .main-content .column1-unit p v1 {
         color: #F00;
         font-size: 120%;
         line-height: 1.5em;
         font-weight: bold;
         text-decoration: blink;
    .page-container .main .main-content .column1-unit v2 {
         font-size: 130%;
         line-height: 1.5em;
         font-weight: bolder;
         color: #900;
    .page-container .main .main-content .column1-unit p img {
         float: left;
    label {

  • Can not upload an excel file if it is opening.

    I found I can not upload an excel file if it is opening(using) at same time. My questions are:
    (1)How can I still upload an excel file even it is opening at same time? Or
    (2)How to check the file which is opening(using) or not and give a pop-up message?

    Hi Michael,
    (1) NO you can't.
    (2) Yes you can check testing sy-subrc of "OPEN DATASET" or "GUI_UPLOAD"
    CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_UPLOAD'                  
             filename                = x_file   
             has_field_separator     = '#'      
             filetype                = l_filetype
             data_tab                = file_y   
             file_open_error         = 1        
             file_read_error         = 2        
             no_batch                = 3        
             gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4        
             invalid_type            = 5        
             no_authority            = 6        
             unknown_error           = 7        
             bad_data_format         = 8        
             header_not_allowed      = 9        
             separator_not_allowed   = 10       
             header_too_long         = 11       
             unknown_dp_error        = 12       
             access_denied           = 13       
             dp_out_of_memory        = 14       
             disk_full               = 15       
             dp_timeout              = 16       
             OTHERS                  = 17.      
    Hope this helps,

  • FTP - Not uploading to remote host server.

    Trying to use FileZilla client on Mac with Lion to FTP upload (in passive mode) files from the Mac to the remote server to build web pages. Within FileZilla, able to log in, change directories and download any available file. Only able to upload files less than ~ 600 Bytes, but not greater. Larger files will transfer only the directory name, listed with 0 bytes file size. The client FileZilla times out.
    I have 3 iMacs (all with the most recent version of OS X Lion) on a local area network without a firewall connected to my ISP through a DSL modem. All exibit the same symptoms. After bypassing the LAN router, connecting directly to the DSL modem I got the same results as well.
    Bringing in a Windows 7 Ultimate PC, connecting to the LAN through WiFi, the uploads went flawlessly.
    The trouble seems to be with Apple's OS.
    Can anyone point me in the right direction?
    > The remote server requires passive FTP to transfer page elements.
    > My automated software for page building uses passive FTP to keep pages updated at 15 minute intervals, 24 hours a day. So, I'm not really interested in other manual options. I must get FTP passive mode to work in order to upload files.
    > I've also tried Transmit and Cyberduck with no success.

    Problem solved!
    I found out how to get FTP to work on my Macs. It was just a hunch, but I tried it and BANGERS ON! (FYI: Bangers is an English slang term for sausages, the kind that is usually enjoyed with a sparkling fermented beverage. Ergo, bangers on implies that the work is done. Time to celebrate.)
    As you know, the Macintosh is a very sturdy operating system based almost entirely on Unix, but with a candy apple shell GUI. The developers of this candy coating went to great lengths to provide transparent services to the users that once were only available to the zealous key coders of yesteryear. File Sharing is one such feature. All one has to do is turn it on and specify a folder, and that folder makes itself discoverable on the local network. Oddly though, having it on interferes with passive FTP. All I did to make passive FTP work was to inadvertently decide that maybe … just maybe … it was a problem because it was another kind of File Transfer Protocol. So, I tried turning it off and the rest is history.

  • HT202796 I can not copy, modify, any file from my Mac to external hard disk,  of the seagate brand (fast HDD Portable Drive)  I don´t know  if I need some software to copy and  modify files in my hard disk external ? Could you help me please?

    Hello I have a iMac with 3.4 GHZ intel core I7, memory 16 GB 1333 MHZ DDR3, and OS X 10.9.4 Software.
    I have problems when I try to copy or modify any file from my MAC to MY PORTABLE DRIVE/DISQUE (external hard disk).
    my external hard disk have the next features:
    brand: Seagate
    I do not know if I need some software such as: paragon or I need to configure my MAC,
    Please help me..
    Thanks a lot

    Click on it, choose Get Info from the File menu, and check the format.
    If it's formatted as NTFS, reformat it as MS-DOS, exFAT, or Mac OS Extended (Journaled) as desired, or install software such as Paragon NTFS on the computer.
    If it's formatted as FAT32 or exFAT, use the Disk Utility's Repair Disk command on it; this may also happen for a flash drive which is about to fail.
    If it's formatted as Mac OS Extended, click Authenticate and provide your administrator password, or change the permissions on that specific folder in its Get Info window.

  • PS CS4 could not save because the file is locked

    I saw this post, my problem is very similar, but this solution does not solve my problem:
    Everytime I try to save a photoshop file I get the "Could not save becasue this file is locked" -- and then I go to save again and it does save, becasue the file has disappeared from where I had originally saved it!
    This is VERY irritating, as it is not happening EVERY time I try to save a photoshop file.
    In reference to the previous post about this, I do not use Spotlight, and often I do not have anything else open when working on these photoshop files.
    I am using CS4, and this occurs when saving files both on and off a server.
    I am afraid I will at some point end up losing a file.
    Any suggestions?

    No anti-virus software (they cause far more problems than they solve, at least on a semi-secure network), I don't leave Bridge running. iTunes is running, so is InerTrak (time tracking software)... so it has to be Spotlight or Time Machine unless Activity Monitor will lock files. Or it could be Quicksilver, which creates indices like Spotlight.
    First thing I'm doing is adding all my hard drives to "Prevent Spotlight from searching these locations" and we'll see if this comes up again.
    Could it be the Finder? Does the Finder lock the file while reading the thumbnail?
    I'm surprised that there's no way to tell what process has locked the file.
    OK, last bit: Why doesn't Photoshop lock the file when it's open so that other programs won't open it?

  • Flash CS4 does not allow importing .tif files

    Hello, anyone know why Flash CS4 does not allow import .tif a few days to date. I worked very well and now he tells me something of a Swift 3D importer, but have not installed or that or any other programs lately, I also have QuickTime.
    The truth is very strange that no permits, hopefully someone knows of that is due. Need help, please.

    That's exactly what I'm doing (since using 1 Graphic Symbol instead of 2). In my current Flash work I have a bunch of Classic Tweens and those all worked. But when I try a Graphic Symbol that's a line of text, then it suddenly doesn't work (the timeline does change color with an arrow, but the text stays the same size with the exception of the second keyframe where it promptly turns into what's in that one). I even tried a random Classic Tween just now making a rectangle grow to make absolutely sure I wasn't doing something wrong, and that one worked immediately no problem.
    And never mind that. Now it does work. I suppose I indeed did something wrong. Thank you very much for the help!
    Say, one small question: does Adobe Flash have a function to properly set video clips after each other in one big video clip? Or do you have to manually count the frames and add the video clips at the proper frame yourself?

  • Iweb Seo Tool not uploading last updated file

    I am using the Iweb Seo Tool to put title tags, google analicts...I have used it and it works, it updated me the data the first time.
    But now I was doing some changes in the Iweb adding things, changing others....and I saved the changes in Local, then open Iweb Seo Tool press Re-Apply save tags, go to publish, try to upload through FTP like I did before and press browse go to the file CK_Translations try to get the last file updated (it should appear saturday 13:04 file changed) and it doesn't.
    http://picasaweb.google.com/carlinhosiro/IwebSeoToolErrorUploading#5541600955239 467618
    Like you can see in the printscreen the exact date for last update (what the programm say) is jueves 18 Noviembre de 2010 a 10:50, but this is wrong is not real, I just change the file in Iweb save it in local and it should appear saturday 20 Noviembre de 2010 a 13:06....something is wrong, and it is not updating me the last version???
    Can anybody help here.

    Did you check the files in the folder to see if the files modified has the correct dates? I've had folders with one date and the files inside with newer. That might be the case here.
    Also you might try using a 3rd party FTP client like the free Cyberduck to upload the files. It can be setup to upload just the new or modified files if the steps in this tutorial are followed: Old Toad's Tutorial #2 - Uploading only those published new or newly edited files when using a 3rd party FTP client.

  • The agent can not upload the xml file in the repository of the OMS

    I install an agent HP-UX v.11.23, 64 bit, which has an Oracle database v.
    The OMS identified a single server, but no database.
    I uninstall the agent and remove the server from the OEM (html).
    I install agent again with the patch 6409645.
    Configure a security key to the agent (emctl secure agent).
    However, it generates a file error emagent.trc, when i start the agent:
    2009-04-14 12:23:05,819 Thread-1 WARN collector: MESSAGE_NLSID "Successful Name Registration Request Sent By Identity Provider(%)" is too long, truncating to "Successful Name Registration Request Sent By Identity Provider(%"
    2009-04-14 12:23:40,616 Thread-21 WARN upload: FxferSend: received http error in header from repository: https://gcontrol.manquehue.local:1159/em/upload
    ERROR-400|ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
    2009-04-14 12:23:40,619 Thread-21 ERROR upload: Failed to upload file B0000001.xml: HTTP error.
    Response received: ERROR-400|ORA-01861: literal does not match format string
    Please anyone can help me?

    Do the following in OMS host:
    [oracle@gcontrol bin]$ ./emctl secure unlock
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release 4 Grid Control
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2007 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Checking the security status of the OMS... Done.
    Stopping the HTTP Server... Done.
    Updating HTTPS Virtual Host for Enterprise Manager OMS... Done.
    Starting the HTTP Server... Done.
    OMS Unlocked. Non Secure Agents may upload using HTTP.
    [oracle@gcontrol bin]$
    In Agent host:
    $AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl unsecure agent
    $AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl secure agent
    $AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl start agent
    $AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl status agent
    $AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl upload agent
    but the error continues:
    2009-04-16 18:08:07,700 Thread-1 WARN http: snmehl_connect: connect failed to (delfos:1830): Connection refused (error = 239)
    2009-04-16 18:08:07,700 Thread-1 ERROR main: nmectla_agentctl: Error connecting to https://delfos:1830/emd/main/. Returning status code 1
    Even start the agent without security, but the error remains. (unsecure only)
    2009-04-16 18:07:43,353 Thread-1 WARN http: snmehl_connect: connect failed to (delfos:1830): Connection refused (error = 239)
    2009-04-16 18:07:43,354 Thread-1 ERROR main: nmectla_agentctl: Error connecting to http://delfos:1830/emd/main/. Returning status code 1
    Not yet implemented $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl secure lock
    Any idea?
    Thanks for your help.

  • ITunes producer will not upload its own files?

    I have tried to publish through the publish process from within IBooks as well as outside of it through Itunes producer. Both stop me at the final upload process. The file that Itunes producer made of my ibook, early in the publish process, is grayed out as well as my ibooks file. I get no message of error, just gray out files that cannot be uploaded.
    Appreciate any help I can get!  I just downloaded the updated Itunes producer I'm running OS X 10.9.

    Rather than remark on your issues, because you mention files etc but not if they are iba .ibooks or .itmps,  perhaps some process tips may help.
    When the book is finished, save it and export it ... if you are using one, same applies to your sample/ preview.
    I find its better to have all the screen shots, cover page image and the the "mybook".ibooks exported book files on one folder
    You can either use "Publish" in iBooksAuthor or open iTunesProducer to start tbe delivery process.
    Some have made the mistake of trying to deliver the .iba file..which is wrong, it has to be the .ibooks file.
    You say your are stopped at the final upload process... what error message? 
    Did you fill in everything required in iTunes Producer. You need to fill in all form fields, author, publisher, categories etc.
    Your screenshots and cover need to comply with the assets guide. ie either, 1024 x 768 or 2048 x 1536 and the cover image needs to be 1400 on the width.
    You need a preview/ sample book or elect to state a chapter of at least 15 pages or allow the delivery process to select a preview.
    You should also stay with the same .itmps  ( iTunes Producer) file. using two with the same info will cause you problems.

  • Why can you not upload a pdf file to the cloud?

    Other online storage services allow PDF files to be uploaded; but not iCloud. Why not?

    Winston Churchill wrote:
    You can do it with Air Doc as I've already said, there's an app for the mobile device and an application in the MAS for the MAC.
    As I posted to you already, as far as I can see Air Doc only lets you upload to the iCloud from iOS, not OS X.  I'd would welcome instructions about how to make it upload from OS X if you know how.

  • Upload modified Webcat file in OBIEE11.

    I am using OBIEE11. in Windows platform. I have successfully migrated the RPD & Webcat from 10g to 11g into both development and test environment. Both of them are working fine.
    During CAT, users have created few report/segments in test environment and they want to upload the latest Webcat in development environment rather than migrate them using catalog manager.
    I have copied the Webcat from Test into Dev environment --> Then using Fusion Middleware --> Lock and Edit --> Changed the Webcat path --> Apply --> Activate changes --> Restart. But this is giving the following error:
    13/07/17 12:11:24 Start process
    [Util Logger] Exception occurred:
    Type:class saw::Exception const * __ptr64
    Message:Invalid settings in config file: Bad config instance '\\?\F:\BIHOME\instances\instance1\config\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obips1\instanceconfig.xml'!
    Can anyone please help me.

    Hi Amol,
    The Webcat is modified on 11g version in test environment and we want to upload it development environment which is again in OBIEE11g.
    Is there something I am missing while uploading the Webcat using Fusion MIddleware ?
    I have just copied the modified Webcat from test box into development box at: F:\BIHOME\instances\instance1\bifoundation\OracleBIPresentationServicesComponent\coreapplication_obips1\catalog\siebelanalytics_cat_22JULY2013
    And then changed the path in Fusion Middleware and restarted the services.

  • CS4 will not create a movie file, it just stops!

    Can anyone help, I am at my wits end trying to create a movie file and have tried over half a dozen formats without success. Everything appears to be going well then it just stops! It was fine the last time I tried it 3 months ago.
    Waiting in anticipation for a Premiere Pro expert to come to my aid.

    More information needed for someone to help... please click these links and provide the requested information

  • In dreamweaver mx 2004 and dreamweaver cs4, how I configure, when download/upload do not ask me to include DEPENDED FILES but act without including ?

    in dreamweaver mx 2004 and dreamweaver cs4, how I configure, when download/upload do not ask me to include DEPENDED FILES but act without including ?

    Open the Preferences panel (Edit menu on Windows, Dreamweaver menu on a Mac), and select the Site category. There are two checkboxes there for dependent files. Make sure both are selected. The Dreamweaver default is NOT to upload/download dependent files. You need to click Yes, if you want the dependent files to be included.

  • Dreamweaver CC not prompting to put dependent files when uploading ColdFusion .cfm files?

    I just 'upgraded' (if you consider DW CC an upgrade) from CS6 to CC, and am having problems with .cfm files.
    I have followed all the instructions to get DW CC to open and edit .cfm files..... and it does this just fine. I have also installed the server behaviours and databases panel extension.
    However heres the BIG problem: when I want to upload a .cfm file to a server, I am no longer getting a prompt to upload dependent files! It prompts me fine if I upload a .html file, but not .cfm.
    I mostly work with .cfm files and make changes to CSS files regularly. Whenever I upload a .cfm it is essential that DW also uploads the dependent files associated with it.
    Please how can I fix this issues? I have gone into preferences and all the boxes are checked correctly to prompt for dependent files when putting/getting. I'm so stuck I'm thinking about cancelling my CC products and going back to CS6.

    I have now discovered that DW CC does not prompt to upload dependent files if the file extension is .CFM or .ASPX.
    This is seriously frustrating Adobe..... !!!

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