Dying IBook G4-Use External HD Possible

My barely two year old G4 made a series of ungodly noises, then booted up with the dreaded question mark. I rebooted the next day and all was well, but I know the clock is ticking. After buying a new drive, I looked at the guide to installing it and wet myself twice. I've assembled IKEA furniture that was less intimidating. That said, I do have an external drive and was wondering if it was possible to migrate my information over to that and have that always be my startup drive, bypassing the dying internal. Is that possible at all? Granted, it no longer is as portable being tethered to an external drive, but at 40GB, it was going to fill up soon anyway. Thanks

Hi poppaearl,
Yes, you can use the external as the boot drive provided it's a firewire drive. Just use SuperDuper or Carbon Copy Cloner to clone yout internal to a bare external drive and select it in System Preferences>Startup Disk.

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    okay, i had to collect my thoughts for a moment
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    the files will have to be added to iTunes. however, with the correct settings, they can be put straight on the external.
    in order to set up iTunes on the new Mac, you will have to launch it. with the external drive mounted on your new Mac's desktop, go iTunes > preferences > advanced and point +iTunes media folder location+ to the external. this will cause iTunes to put all newly added content in that location.
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    did you back up the music to disk ? if so, you should probably authorize iTunes with your iTMS account details, then just pop in the disk(s) and add the content to your library.
    if you have backed up to an external HD, use the +add to library+ command from the file menu and navigate to the folder containing your media files.
    edited by the Jolly Green Giant (where Green stands for environmentally friendly)

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    Is it possible to use External defination in Interface mapping? I used this ED in Message Mapping but I am unable to use the same ED for Interface Mapping?
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    Hi Rajeev,
         External definitions is for importing avaliable external DTD,XSD or WSDLs instead of creating them in XI environment maually by creating elements under datatypes,assigning them too Message types and Message Interfaces etc.Where as you fo for Imported Archives to import externally done Mapping programs like JAVA,ABAP and  XSLT mappings but not define Mesage interfaces.
    So you can create message interface import appropriate External definition into it.Later use it during interface mapping.Hope you understand it.

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    You can do this, but you should make a new volume on your external disk. Time Machine needs a volume that is only used to store backups, so you can't store other data in the same volume as the one you are using for making backups.
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    Hello Felix,
          The External defination which you has been imported that cant use in DT and MT but yeah you can use this in Service interface.
    you cant modify that External defination if you want to do that then 1st of all modify it and then reimport it as an another external defination.
    and creating service interface with this ED you can use it in your message mapping .
    i hope this will help to you to clear your doubt.

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    Hello Sudhir,
    This topic has been discussed many times at SDN forum, please search at SDN forum before you post your question !!
    Anyway i have included the below links for your easy referrence.
    [External number range for billing document (Invoices)|Re: External number range for billing document (Invoices)]
    [Billing document number range   |Re: Billing document number range]

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    3. I repeated the same procedure as described above under 2. using the „iBooks“-folder which encloses the „Books“-folder (along with three other folders) with the same results as before. I.e. no successes!
    (path:  Users/„username“/Library/Containers/com.apple.BKAgentService/Data/Documents/iBooks)
    Does anyone know how to successfully move the iBooks library to external/different hard drive?
    Does anyone have links to internet discussions about this problem?
    Regards BJB

    I was in on the Mavericks beta, when iBooks was introduced. You can not believe me if you want but it isn't currently possible to store the iBooks library on external storage at this time. The ebooks must be on the path ~/Library/Containers/com.apple.BKAgentService/Data/Documents/iBooks/Books for iBooks to function properly. Any other method you may find to accomplish what you want will be unapproved and could break at any time.
    You may submit your polite feedback to Apple here: http://www.apple.com/feedback/ibooks_ios.html

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    Hello dragondriver,
    To answer your first question, yes you could send data in that fashion. You would have to programmatically build a pulse train and use that to trigger the sending of data. The answer to the second question is essentially the same. You should be able to programmatically build a pulse train with a delay and use it as trigger to begin whatever operation you have.
    Jonathan L.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Note: Phrases that are underlined and are in bold letters are the usual symptoms of a dying iBook G4. Believe me. I've search all over this discussion board since 2005 and all I see are people expressing their deep sorrow and grief about their dead iBook G4. I miss me iBook so much and all that is in it. It is still sitting in my bag waiting to be resurrected. A few days ago I planned to get a MacBook because I really missed my iBook, but upon stumbling upon this Discussion Board again, I still feel much dissatisfaction from both old and new users of iBooks and MacBooks -- from the same logic board issues. I dare you find it out yourself by surfing around this Discussion Board.
    To those who are in my shoes: "I feel your agony"
    To those who's iBook still works: "You're one of the lucky few...but just wait...huh."
    To those who are planning to buy one: "True. iBooks and MacBooks are really cool with very cool design and very good OS. But my friend, think it over plenty of times. Im not telling you to not buy one but its really painful to wake-up one day and your beloved iBook/MacBook is DEAD and its now just as useful as a paperweight or probably a doorjam or maybe even a cutting board. Believe me, I know."
    Unless APPLE would decide to backup their systems with a 3year warranty(WHY NOT?), I wouldn't....
    Mr. Steve Jobs, Sir, with full respect, that's my dare to you.
    Feb. 21, 2007
    iBook G4:1064MHZ/256MB/40GB/COMBO   Mac OS X (10.3)  

    on some G4 iBooks similar problems could be caused by display cables - they wear out and can cause electric short
    or color issues.
    in any case it supposed to be diagnosed properly.

  • How to remove namespaces in mapping when using External Definition

    I read in the blog (/people/sameer.shadab/blog/2005/12/05/how-to-remove-namespaces-in-mapping--xi) that you are able to remove namespaces in mapping by deleting the value from XML Namespace under the Message Type. However, is it possible to do this when you are using External Definition (xsd) ? The blog only describe how to do this if you define a Data Type.

    Hi ,
    No ..it is not possible to remove the namespace once you imported into IR of external defintion.You can remove your namesapce from external definition before importing into IR.

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    I do not know what you are waiting for.
    I'd make a backup of your important stuff before cloning the entire disk.
    Carbon Copy Cloner will copy your startup drive to an external  firewire drive.  You can boot from the external drive to verify that you have a good clone. When you upgrade your existing startup drive, you can at any time boot from your external drive and go back to your existing system.
    SuperDuper is the wildly acclaimed program that makes recovery painless, because it makes creating a fully bootable backup painless. Its incredibly clear, friendly interface is understandable, easy to use, and SuperDuper's built-in scheduler makes it trivial to back up automatically. And it runs beautifully on both Intel and Power PC Macs!

  • [ps3mediaserver][pms-svn][AUR] No sound while using external subtitles

    Greetings everyone,
    I am experiencing some weird behavior while using External Subtitles, e.g. Playing an AVI file with PS3MediaServer works fine but playing the very same AVI file with external subtitles gives me the video with subtitles and no sound.
    My Server configuration is as follows :
    Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q6600  @ 2.40GHz
    RAM :2048 Mo
    OS : Archlinux 2.6.37-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Mar 8 08:34:35 CET 2011 x86_64
    Target : Playstation 3 Slim, firmware 3.60
    Here are the various Sofware versions I use :
    PMS version I am using is PS3 Media Server 1.21.0 (built from AUR, PKG: pms-svn)
    Java version is Java: 1.6.0_22-Sun Microsystems Inc.
    MPlayer version is "MPlayer SVN-r32792-4.5.2 (C) 2000-2011 MPlayer Team" and so is "MEncoder SVN-r32792-4.5.2 (C) 2000-2011 MPlayer Team"
    TSMuxer version is "1.10.6-10"
    FFMpeg version is "FFmpeg version git-2611e52"
    The network configuration of the server is :, netmask ; 100MBits Full Duplex (Wired)
    The network configuration of the Playstation 3 is :, netmask ; Auto (Wired, no WiFi !)
    Both are linked on a 100MBits Switch : Playstation 3 <--> Switch 100 Mbits <--> PS3 Media Server
    My PMS.conf is :
    thumbnails = true
    language =
    prevents_sleep_mode = true
    folders = \/srv\/shares
    network_interface = eth0
    hide_empty_folders = true
    hide_media_library_folder = true
    hide_transcode_folder = true
    hide_enginenames = true
    enable_archive_browsing = false
    audio_thumbnails_method = 2
    mencoder_subfribidi = false
    mencoder_disablesubs = false
    autoloadsrt = true
    hostname =
    port = 5001
    thumbnail_seek_pos = 10
    nbcores = 4
    turbomode = true
    minimized = false
    hidevideosettings = false
    charsetencoding = 850
    engines = mencoder,avsmencoder,tsmuxer,mplayeraudio,ffmpegaudio,tsmuxeraudio,mencoderwebvideo,mplayervideodump,mplayerwebaudio,ffmpegdvrmsremux
    avisynth_convertfps = true
    avisynth_script = #AviSynth script is now fully customisable
    transcode_block_multiple_connections = false
    tsmuxer_forcefps = true
    tsmuxer_preremux_pcm = false
    tsmuxer_preremux_ac3 = false
    audiochannels = 2
    audiobitrate = 384
    maximumbitrate = 0
    skiploopfilter = false
    mencoder_fontconfig = false
    mencoder_font =
    mencoder_forcefps = false
    mencoder_usepcm = false
    mencoder_intelligent_sync = true
    mencoder_decode =
    mencoder_encode = keyint=1:vqscale=1:vqmin=2
    mencoder_nooutofsync = true
    # mencoder_audiolangs = fre,eng
    # mencoder_sublangs = fre,off;fr,off;eng,off;en,off
    mencoder_audiosublangs = fre,off;fr,off;eng,off;en,off
    mencoder_ass_scale = 1.0
    mencoder_ass_margin = 10
    mencoder_ass_outline = 1
    mencoder_ass_shadow = 1
    mencoder_noass_scale = 3
    mencoder_noass_subpos = 2
    mencoder_noass_blur = 1
    mencoder_noass_outline = 1
    mencoder_subcp = cp1252
    mencoder_ass = false
    mencoder_yadif = false
    mencoder_scaler = false
    mencoder_scalex = 0
    mencoder_scaley = 0
    ffmpeg = -g 1 -qscale 1 -qmin 2
    # The next value has to be chosen very carefully: to low = possible stuttering if the network is congested, but
    # to high causes the java heap to be to small. Check the -Xmx-setting in /opt/pms/PMS.sh and raise it to 1024M
    # or higher if you see unexplainable Out Of Memory-errors in the debug.log
    maxvideobuffer = 400
    use_mplayer_for_video_thumbs = false
    # The next value sorts your media files. 0 (default) = A-Z while 1 = Z-A
    sort_method =
    usecache = true
    Here are the tests I have run :
    MediaInfo output
    Complete name : test without subs.avi
    Format : AVI
    Format/Info : Audio Video Interleave
    File size : 350 MiB
    Duration : 42mn 24s
    Overall bit rate : 1 153 Kbps
    Writing application : transcode-1.0.6
    ID : 0
    Format : MPEG-4 Visual
    Format profile : Advanced Simple@L5
    Format settings, BVOP : 2
    Format settings, QPel : No
    Format settings, GMC : No warppoints
    Format settings, Matrix : Default (H.263)
    Codec ID : XVID
    Codec ID/Hint : XviD
    Duration : 42mn 24s
    Bit rate : 978 Kbps
    Width : 624 pixels
    Height : 352 pixels
    Display aspect ratio : 16:9
    Frame rate : 23.976 fps
    Color space : YUV
    Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0
    Bit depth : 8 bits
    Scan type : Progressive
    Compression mode : Lossy
    Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.186
    Stream size : 296 MiB (85%)
    Writing library : XviD 1.2.1 (UTC 2008-12-04)
    ID : 1
    Format : MPEG Audio
    Format version : Version 1
    Format profile : Layer 3
    Mode : Joint stereo
    Codec ID : 55
    Codec ID/Hint : MP3
    Duration : 42mn 23s
    Bit rate mode : Variable
    Bit rate : 160 Kbps
    Channel(s) : 2 channels
    Sampling rate : 48.0 KHz
    Compression mode : Lossy
    Stream size : 49.4 MiB (14%)
    Alignment : Aligned on interleaves
    Interleave, duration : 24 ms (0.58 video frame)
    Writing library : LAME3.90.
    Encoding settings : -m j -V 4 -q 2 -lowpass 18 --abr 160
    And its very same but with external subtitles :
    -rw-r--r-- 1 svc-pms svc-pms 77159 Oct 12 12:57 test with subs.srt
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 svc-pms svc-pms 366711578 Oct 23 10:50 test with subs.avi
    MediaInfo output, just to acknowledge it is the same file, but with a different name
    Complete name : test with subs.avi
    Format : AVI
    Format/Info : Audio Video Interleave
    File size : 350 MiB
    Duration : 42mn 24s
    Overall bit rate : 1 153 Kbps
    Writing application : transcode-1.0.6
    ID : 0
    Format : MPEG-4 Visual
    Format profile : Advanced Simple@L5
    Format settings, BVOP : 2
    Format settings, QPel : No
    Format settings, GMC : No warppoints
    Format settings, Matrix : Default (H.263)
    Codec ID : XVID
    Codec ID/Hint : XviD
    Duration : 42mn 24s
    Bit rate : 978 Kbps
    Width : 624 pixels
    Height : 352 pixels
    Display aspect ratio : 16:9
    Frame rate : 23.976 fps
    Color space : YUV
    Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0
    Bit depth : 8 bits
    Scan type : Progressive
    Compression mode : Lossy
    Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.186
    Stream size : 296 MiB (85%)
    Writing library : XviD 1.2.1 (UTC 2008-12-04)
    ID : 1
    Format : MPEG Audio
    Format version : Version 1
    Format profile : Layer 3
    Mode : Joint stereo
    Codec ID : 55
    Codec ID/Hint : MP3
    Duration : 42mn 23s
    Bit rate mode : Variable
    Bit rate : 160 Kbps
    Channel(s) : 2 channels
    Sampling rate : 48.0 KHz
    Compression mode : Lossy
    Stream size : 49.4 MiB (14%)
    Alignment : Aligned on interleaves
    Interleave, duration : 24 ms (0.58 video frame)
    Writing library : LAME3.90.
    Encoding settings : -m j -V 4 -q 2 -lowpass 18 --abr 160
    A- I tried playing the AVI file without external subtitles and it is working fine. 
    /var/log/pms.log :
    GUI environment not available
    Switching to console mode
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.228 Starting PS3 Media Server 1.21.0
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.237 by shagrath / 2008-2011
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.237 http://ps3mediaserver.org
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.237 http://ps3mediaserver.blogspot.com
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.238 http://code.google.com/p/ps3mediaserver
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.238
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.238 Java: 1.6.0_22-Sun Microsystems Inc.
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.238 OS: Linux amd64 2.6.37-ARCH
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.238 Encoding: UTF-8
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.238 PMS.conf: /filers/fvEXT3-01/_applications_/opt/pms/PMS.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.238 Working directory: /filers/fvEXT3-01/_applications_/opt/pms
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.245 Temp folder: /tmp/ps3mediaserver
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.652 Loading configuration file: FreeboxHD.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.662 Loading configuration file: XBMC.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.666 Loading configuration file: FreecomMusicPal.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.669 Loading configuration file: XBOX360.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.685 Loading configuration file: PS3.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.705 Loading configuration file: Streamium.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.708 Loading configuration file: WDTVLive.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.710 Loading configuration file: N900.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.712 Loading configuration file: Philips.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.715 Loading configuration file: Bravia4500.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.718 Loading configuration file: WMP.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.720 Loading configuration file: Samsung.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.722 Loading configuration file: Bravia5500.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.724 Loading configuration file: Realtek.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.726 Loading configuration file: Kuro.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.729 Loading configuration file: Android.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.731 Loading configuration file: BraviaEX.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.734 Loading configuration file: PopcornHour.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:17:02.736 Checking font cache... launching simple instance of MPlayer... You may have to wait 60 seconds!
    [main] TRACE 06:17:04.173 Done!
    [main] TRACE 06:17:04.210 Loading plugins from /filers/fvEXT3-01/_applications_/opt/pms/plugins
    [main] TRACE 06:17:04.227 No plugins found
    [main] TRACE 06:17:04.257 Registering transcoding engine FFmpeg Audio
    [main] TRACE 06:17:04.300 Registering transcoding engine MEncoder
    [main] TRACE 06:17:04.300 Registering transcoding engine MPlayer Audio
    [main] TRACE 06:17:04.301 Registering transcoding engine MEncoder Web
    [main] TRACE 06:17:04.301 Registering transcoding engine MPlayer Video Dump
    [main] TRACE 06:17:04.301 Registering transcoding engine MPlayer Web
    [main] TRACE 06:17:04.303 Registering transcoding engine TsMuxer
    [main] TRACE 06:17:04.303 Registering transcoding engine Audio High Fidelity
    [main] TRACE 06:17:04.303 Registering transcoding engine VLC Audio Streaming
    [main] TRACE 06:17:04.304 Registering transcoding engine VLC Video Streaming
    [main] TRACE 06:17:04.304 Registering transcoding engine Raws Thumbnailer
    [main] TRACE 06:17:04.401 Scanning network interface eth0 / eth0
    [main] TRACE 06:17:04.403 Using address / found on network interface: name:eth0 (eth0) index: 2 addresses: /;
    [main] TRACE 06:17:04.403 Created socket: /
    [main] TRACE 06:17:04.548 Using database located at : /filers/fvEXT3-01/_applications_/opt/pms/database
    [main] TRACE 06:17:04.930 A tiny media library admin interface is available at:
    [main] TRACE 06:17:05.001 Using the following UUID: d83f2e45-d8b8-3db7-b0ff-a6fc95ce046c
    [New I/O server worker #1-1] TRACE 06:17:08.787 Renderer Playstation 3 found on this address: /
    [main] TRACE 06:17:09.902 It's ready! You should see the server appear on the XMB
    [New I/O server worker #1-1] TRACE 06:17:10.794 Renderer Playstation 3 has an estimated network speed of: 93 Mb/s
    /opt/pms/debug.log :
    available at : http://dpaste.org/774i/
    B - I tried playing the AVI file with external subtitles (SRT) and the file is playing with subtitles but no sound :-(
    /var/log/pms.log :
    GUI environment not available
    Switching to console mode
    [main] TRACE 06:20:24.967 Starting PS3 Media Server 1.21.0
    [main] TRACE 06:20:24.968 by shagrath / 2008-2011
    [main] TRACE 06:20:24.968 http://ps3mediaserver.org
    [main] TRACE 06:20:24.968 http://ps3mediaserver.blogspot.com
    [main] TRACE 06:20:24.968 http://code.google.com/p/ps3mediaserver
    [main] TRACE 06:20:24.969
    [main] TRACE 06:20:24.969 Java: 1.6.0_22-Sun Microsystems Inc.
    [main] TRACE 06:20:24.969 OS: Linux amd64 2.6.37-ARCH
    [main] TRACE 06:20:24.969 Encoding: UTF-8
    [main] TRACE 06:20:24.969 PMS.conf: /filers/fvEXT3-01/_applications_/opt/pms/PMS.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:20:24.969 Working directory: /filers/fvEXT3-01/_applications_/opt/pms
    [main] TRACE 06:20:24.973 Temp folder: /tmp/ps3mediaserver
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.038 Loading configuration file: FreeboxHD.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.040 Loading configuration file: XBMC.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.041 Loading configuration file: FreecomMusicPal.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.044 Loading configuration file: XBOX360.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.047 Loading configuration file: PS3.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.055 Loading configuration file: Streamium.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.057 Loading configuration file: WDTVLive.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.059 Loading configuration file: N900.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.061 Loading configuration file: Philips.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.063 Loading configuration file: Bravia4500.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.065 Loading configuration file: WMP.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.068 Loading configuration file: Samsung.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.069 Loading configuration file: Bravia5500.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.071 Loading configuration file: Realtek.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.073 Loading configuration file: Kuro.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.076 Loading configuration file: Android.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.077 Loading configuration file: BraviaEX.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.080 Loading configuration file: PopcornHour.conf
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.082 Checking font cache... launching simple instance of MPlayer... You may have to wait 60 seconds!
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.144 Done!
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.153 Loading plugins from /filers/fvEXT3-01/_applications_/opt/pms/plugins
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.153 No plugins found
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.160 Registering transcoding engine FFmpeg Audio
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.166 Registering transcoding engine MEncoder
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.167 Registering transcoding engine MPlayer Audio
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.167 Registering transcoding engine MEncoder Web
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.167 Registering transcoding engine MPlayer Video Dump
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.168 Registering transcoding engine MPlayer Web
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.169 Registering transcoding engine TsMuxer
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.169 Registering transcoding engine Audio High Fidelity
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.170 Registering transcoding engine VLC Audio Streaming
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.170 Registering transcoding engine VLC Video Streaming
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.170 Registering transcoding engine Raws Thumbnailer
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.223 Scanning network interface eth0 / eth0
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.224 Using address / found on network interface: name:eth0 (eth0) index: 2 addresses: /;
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.224 Created socket: /
    [main] TRACE 06:20:25.279 Using database located at : /filers/fvEXT3-01/_applications_/opt/pms/database
    [main] TRACE 06:20:26.010 A tiny media library admin interface is available at:
    [main] TRACE 06:20:26.017 Using the following UUID: d83f2e45-d8b8-3db7-b0ff-a6fc95ce046c
    [New I/O server worker #1-1] TRACE 06:20:28.867 Renderer Playstation 3 found on this address: /
    [New I/O server worker #1-1] TRACE 06:20:30.872 Renderer Playstation 3 has an estimated network speed of: 93 Mb/s
    [main] TRACE 06:20:32.488 It's ready! You should see the server appear on the XMB
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] TRACE 06:20:56.875 Starting transcode/remux of test with subs.avi
    So, obviously here, the only thing which changes from before was that, this time, the PS3 Media Server did a transcode/remux of the file (for the subtitles to be streamed)
    /opt/pms/debug.log :
    available at : http://dpaste.org/6XMI/
    I have pasted the complete debug.log but I believe the problem is around this :
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.874 Opened request handler on socket / // Playstation 3
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.874 Request: HTTP/1.0 : HEAD : get/0$0$4$0/test+with+subs.avi
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.874 Received on socket: Accept-Encoding: identity
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.874 Received on socket: Cache-Control: no-cache
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.874 Received on socket: Connection: close
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.874 Received on socket: Host:
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.874 Received on socket: User-Agent: PLAYSTATION 3
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] INFO 06:20:56.874 HTTP: get/0$0$4$0/test+with+subs.avi / 0-0
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.874 Searching for objectId: 0$0$4$0 with children option: false
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.875 Asked stream chunk [0-0] timeseek: 0.0 of test with subs.avi and player MEncoder
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] TRACE 06:20:56.875 Starting transcode/remux of test with subs.avi
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.875 Looking for an audio track with lang: eng
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.883 Looking for an audio track with lang: fre
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.884 Looking for an audio track with lang: jpn
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.886 Looking for an audio track with lang: ger
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.887 Looking for an audio track with lang: und
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.888 Matched audio track: Audio: MP3 / lang: und / ID: 1
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.888 Search a match for: und with fre and off
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.889 Search a match for: und with fr and off
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.889 Search a match for: und with eng and off
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.890 Search a match for: und with en and off
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.891 Found subtitles track: Sub: SubRip / lang: und / ID: 100 / FILE: /srv/shares/test_with_sub/test with subs.srt
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.891 Found external file: /srv/shares/test_with_sub/test with subs.srt
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:56.892 channels=2
    [mkfifo] INFO 06:20:56.979 Starting mkfifo --mode=777 /tmp/ps3mediaserver/mencoder1300252856978
    [mkfifo] INFO 06:20:56.995 Unix process ID (mkfifo): 4390
    [mencoder] INFO 06:20:57.029 Starting mencoder -ss 0 -quiet /srv/shares/test_with_sub/test with subs.avi -quiet -quiet -oac lavc -of mpeg -quiet -quiet -mpegopts format=mpeg2:muxrate=500000:vbuf_size=1194:abuf_size=64 -ovc lavc -channels 2 -lavdopts debug=0:threads=4 -lavcopts autoaspect=1:vcodec=mpeg2video:acodec=ac3:abitrate=256:threads=4:keyint=1:vqscale=1:vqmin=2 -spuaa 3 -subfont-text-scale 3 -subfont-outline 1 -subfont-blur 1 -subpos 98 -quiet -quiet -sid 100 -quiet -quiet -ofps 24000/1001 -sub /srv/shares/test_with_sub/test with subs.srt -utf8 -mc 0 -noskip -af lavcresample=48000 -srate 48000 -o /tmp/ps3mediaserver/mencoder1300252856978
    [mencoder] INFO 06:20:57.048 Reading pipe: /tmp/ps3mediaserver/mencoder1300252856978
    [mencoder] DEBUG 06:20:57.049 Opening file /tmp/ps3mediaserver/mencoder1300252856978 for reading...
    [New I/O server worker #1-6] DEBUG 06:20:57.129 Sleeping for 6000 milliseconds
    [mencoder] INFO 06:20:57.395 Attaching thread: mencoder
    [Timer-1] DEBUG 06:20:57.396 Buffered Space: 0 bytes / inputs: 0
    [mencoder] INFO 06:20:57.396 Unix process ID (mencoder): 4395
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.396 MEncoder SVN-r32792-4.5.2 (C) 2000-2011 MPlayer Team
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.397 161 audio & 351 video codecs
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.397 success: format: 0 data: 0x0 - 0x15db931a
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.397 AVI file format detected.
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.397 [aviheader] Video stream found, -vid 0
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.397 [aviheader] Audio stream found, -aid 1
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.397 VIDEO: [XVID] 624x352 24bpp 23.976 fps 977.5 kbps (119.3 kbyte/s)
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.397 [V] filefmt:3 fourcc:0x44495658 size:624x352 fps:23.976 ftime:=0.0417
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.397 ==========================================================================
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.397 Opening audio decoder: [mp3lib] MPEG layer-2, layer-3
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.397 AUDIO: 48000 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 128.0 kbit/8.33% (ratio: 16000->192000)
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.397 Selected audio codec: [mp3] afm: mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.397 ==========================================================================
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.397 PACKET SIZE: 2048 bytes, deltascr: 884
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.397 Opening video filter: [expand osd=1]
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.397 Expand: -1 x -1, -1 ; -1, osd: 1, aspect: 0.000000, round: 1
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.397 ==========================================================================
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.397 Opening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.403 Selected video codec: [ffodivx] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg MPEG-4)
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.403 ==========================================================================
    [Thread-27] DEBUG 06:20:57.403 [ac3 @ 0xd37ca0]No channel layout specified. The encoder will guess the layout, but it might be incorrect.
    [Thread-27] DEBUG 06:20:57.437 Limiting audio preload to 0.4s.
    [Thread-27] DEBUG 06:20:57.437 Increasing audio density to 4.
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.463 Movie-Aspect is 1.77:1 - prescaling to correct movie aspect.
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.463 videocodec: libavcodec (624x352 fourcc=3267706d [mpg2])
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.463 [VE_LAVC] Using constant qscale = 1.000000 (VBR).
    [Thread-30] DEBUG 06:20:57.617 Writing header...
    [Timer-1] DEBUG 06:20:59.396 Buffered Space: 26595328 bytes / inputs: 0
    [Thread-28] DEBUG 06:21:01.227 freeMemory: 25791584
    [Thread-28] DEBUG 06:21:01.227 totalMemory: 81592320
    [Thread-28] DEBUG 06:21:01.228 maxMemory: 715849728
    [Thread-28] DEBUG 06:21:01.228 Extending buffer to 419430400
    [Timer-1] DEBUG 06:21:01.397 Buffered Space: 49999872 bytes / inputs: 0
    [Thread-28] DEBUG 06:21:01.726 Done extending
    Thing is, I do not have the same issue with files that are not (yet) MP3-Audio powered, for instance :
    Complete name : /srv/shares/media03/directories/toto.avi
    Format : AVI
    Format/Info : Audio Video Interleave
    Format profile : OpenDML
    Format settings : rec
    File size : 1.59 GiB
    Duration : 1h 46mn
    Overall bit rate : 2 140 Kbps
    Writing application : AVI-Mux GUI, Feb 16 201019:42:50
    ID : 0
    Format : MPEG-4 Visual
    Format profile : Advanced Simple@L5
    Format settings, BVOP : 2
    Format settings, QPel : Yes
    Format settings, GMC : No warppoints
    Format settings, Matrix : Default (H.263)
    Codec ID : XVID
    Codec ID/Hint : XviD
    Duration : 1h 46mn
    Bit rate : 1 620 Kbps
    Width : 1 280 pixels
    Height : 544 pixels
    Display aspect ratio : 2.35:1
    Frame rate : 23.976 fps
    Color space : YUV
    Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0
    Bit depth : 8 bits
    Scan type : Progressive
    Compression mode : Lossy
    Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.097
    Stream size : 1.20 GiB (76%)
    Writing library : XviD 1.2.1 (UTC 2008-12-04)
    Audio #1
    ID : 1
    Format : AC-3
    Format/Info : Audio Coding 3
    Mode extension : CM (complete main)
    Codec ID : 2000
    Duration : 1h 46mn
    Bit rate mode : Constant
    Bit rate : 384 Kbps
    Channel(s) : 6 channels
    Channel positions : Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE
    Sampling rate : 48.0 KHz
    Bit depth : 16 bits
    Compression mode : Lossy
    Stream size : 292 MiB (18%)
    Alignment : Aligned on interleaves
    Interleave, duration : 64 ms (1.53 video frames)
    Interleave, preload duration : 192 ms
    Title : UW 6ch audio
    Audio #2
    ID : 2
    Format : AC-3
    Format/Info : Audio Coding 3
    Mode extension : CM (complete main)
    Codec ID : 2000
    Duration : 1h 46mn
    Bit rate mode : Constant
    Bit rate : 128 Kbps
    Channel(s) : 2 channels
    Channel positions : Front: L R
    Sampling rate : 48.0 KHz
    Bit depth : 16 bits
    Compression mode : Lossy
    Stream size : 97.4 MiB (6%)
    Alignment : Aligned on interleaves
    Interleave, duration : 64 ms (1.53 video frames)
    Interleave, preload duration : 192 ms
    Title : UW 2ch audio
    This file is well played by PS3 Media Server.
    I am quite confused with this issue ; did anyone experienced the same thing ?
    Best Regards,

    Having the same problem. I'm watching all of my movies without subs now, because transcoding kills the 5.1 audio (no problems with 2 channel audio). A workaround is posted in the comments of the pms-svn package.
    I will post the URL to this thread to another thread with probably the same problem (mplayer/x264). I have not yet seen a real solution to this, and I'm not really familiar with the bugzilla's from both projects.
    Other threads with similar problems:
    https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=112219 (devede also uses mplayer and x264)
    https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/22654 (related bug in Archlinux)
    http://bugzilla.mplayerhq.hu/show_bug.cgi?id=1865 (related bug in mplayer)
    https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=115165 (this thread)
    Another workaround might be to trick pms into using ffmpeg or vlc rather than mencoder. I'm also streaming to a ps3 - I didn't try it, but it could be as easy as temporarily changing settings inside the profile for a ps3-client.
    Last edited by zenlord (2011-03-22 16:15:38)

  • How to load external data without using external tables

    I'm asked to develop an ETL for loading external data into a database but, unfortunately, the vers. is 8i so I can't use external tables.
    I know that it's possible by using SQL-Loader. What I want to know is whether there's another way in 8i to load external data from a text file or a CSV file directly with a stored procedure without having to write CTL of SQL-Loader on the server. I mean, is there a way to write everything on the database the same manner I'd do whether I wrote data from a table to a file using for example UTL_FILE or the unique way is to write control files of SQL-Loader directly on the server?

    Mark1970 wrote:
    Thank you very much Karthick
    I didn't know I could use UTL_FILE also for reading files. I've always use it only for writing data into external files.Yes you can use UTL_FILE to read. The version of oracle you are using i last used in 2004 :) Still remember giving the OS path of the file to open the file. That is long gone now. Its surprising that you are still in 8i.

  • Identity Server using external LDAP

    anyone have idea whether ID Server can use external an LDAP server for authentication, like the Policy Server in Portal Server 3 ?

    You typically need to use our JNDI store. We strongly recommend this for
    performance reasons..
    You can use the JNDI To LDAP bridge which is available from the sun web
    Michael Girdley
    BEA Systems Inc
    "Jack Archer" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    I'm trying to find out if it is possible to re-direct JNDI calls to the WL
    server to an external LDAP server. I know you can install an external LDAP
    server for security purposes, but I would like to use an external LDAP
    server to handle all JNDI lookups (like for JNDI EJB name location, etc.).
    Is this possible?

  • Using external libraries in eSWT on 7.1

    Hi again.
    Is it still possible to use external libraries when developing applications for Handhelds on Mobile 7.1 (eSWT)? Or do we have any restrictions here?

    as long as your have POJOs it should be ok to use them still.

Maybe you are looking for