Dynamic configuration "null" value returned

Hi all,
I have reviewed the Michal blog and created a function to return the directory name, but it always returns a null value...
Here is the code:
DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) container.getTransformationParameters().get(StreamTransformationConstants.DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION);
DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/File","DirectoryName");
String ourSourceDirName = conf.get(key);
return ourSourceDirName; 
I can't find the error....
i will reward points....

Please check the Adapter setting also and need addtional parameter where it return the value like

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  • Null values returned when using request.getParameters(

    I have a html form which allows the user to choose options and select a file to upload. When I use method=Post I get null values returned. When I use method=Get I get my parameter values fine.. but I get an error.
    "Posted content type isn't multipart/form-data"
    I would like to know why I am getting null values returned when using Post. I am using the following to get the values from the name=value passed to the servlet.
    String strIndustry = request.getParameter("frmIndustry");
              String strCompany = request.getParameter("frmCompany");
              String strCollabType = request.getParameter("frmCollaboration");
    I have another form where the user can search information in a database that works just fine w/ either Get or Post
    Or perhaps I am using oreilly MultipartRequest incorrectly??? but I copied it directly from another discussion.. ???
    any thoughts

    you could do it like this. in this case, you submit your form with the parameters (industry, company, collaboration), and upload your file at the same time. and in the target servlet, you can build your MultipartRequest object like this:
    MultipartRequest multi = new MultipartRequest(request, temp_location, 50 * 1024);where variable temp_location stands for a temporatory diretory for file uploading.
    and then you get your parameters, so you can build the directory with them. and after that, you can move your file to that directory using File.renameTo();
    but as i've suggested in my previous posting, i just recommend you upload your file in a separate form. and then you can perform an oridianry doPost form submit with those parameters. or you may have problems with the file uploading. (this is just my personal experiences with Multipart).
    there is one other thing i'd like to mention, file.renameTo() won't work if you need to move files to a network drive in windows. it won't work if you move files across file systems in unix.
    Song xiaofei
    Developer Technical Support
    Sun Microsystems

  • Null Value returned into Hashtable  from Vector (after 1.5 compilation )

    Sorry i posted the Question with a misleading heading into another thread .
    Hi , in the given peice of Code , date1 is a vector while date2 is a hashtable .
    I am storing the date from the vector in a hashtable .
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    There is no error during compilation .
    Hashtable date2 = (Hashtable) date1.elementAt(0);
    cat.debug("date2"+date2.get("TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(RES_DT,DD-MON-YYYY)),DD-MON-YYYY)"));"TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(RES_DT,DD-MON-YYYY)),DD-MON-YYYY)") is the key , there is no error in that .
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    Hashtable<Object,Object> date2 = (Hashtable<Object,Object>) date1.elementAt(0);

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    Vector date1 = mDao.getDate(lcrnno,ltxntype,lbranchCd);Value of date1 is filled by calling a function which in turns queries the database .
    Details about the function are below .
    public Vector getDate(String pcrnno,String ptxntype,String br_cd)//throws SQLException
              Vector lResult=null;
              ResultSet lresult = null;
       try {
                                              Hashtable linner=new Hashtable();
                         lResult=new Vector();
              //String lstrquery declared  containing the query to be executed .
             mPstmt = mConn.prepareStatement(lstrquery);
           lresult = mPstmt.executeQuery();
         ResultSetMetaData lrsmd=null;
       int lcolCount=lrsmd.getColumnCount();
      cat.debug("Number of fields:"+lcolCount);
              linner=new Hashtable();
           for(int i=1;i<=lcolCount;i++) {
                   String lkey=lrsmd.getColumnName(i); //column name to be used as key
                   String lvalue=lresult.getObject(i).toString(); //value
                      linner.put(lkey,lvalue); //populating the hashtable
          }//end of for
                             lResult.add(linner); //adding to vector
      }//end of whileNote I have not added the part of code where query string created and parameters passed .
    Hope that should be enough details ...

  • How to query Database with Parameters  and configure null value response?

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    2.When a DB table is queried, if the value does not exist, how to configure the response message ?

    Okay, you've provided exactly what John S. asked for - and no more. This is helpful, but not enough. I think we're going to need a use case to understand exactly what you are asking. What should the user see? What does the user do next? What should happen in the database and in the application when the user does this?
    However, I'll try to read between the lines a bit, and get you part of the way there. To query the database with parameters in ADF BC, you need a View Object (VO). The simplest thing to do is create the SELECT command behind the VO with some bind variables and add the bind variables to your VO. At that point, you will get an ExecuteWithParameters operation in the Data Control. You can drag that operation onto a JSF page and it will give you an option to create a parameter form to let the user fill in the parameters to set the bind variables, and a button to execute the query with these values. Any table or form based on that same VO will show the selected data.
    A Trinidad or ADF Rich Faces table will have an attribute to let you define some text to show the user if no data was retrieved by the query. But there are other ways to determine if data was retrieved which you can use to control other ways to display this information. For instance, I have a page that has an outputText component that has a "rendered" attribute to show the text only when there was no data retrieved by a query.

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    <ns0:beginDate xsi:nil="1"/>
    <ns0:sourceCode xsi:nil="1"/>
    But the corresponding column in my ADF data control is trying to initialize itself using the value ‘[{nil=1}]’. It fails with the following error.
    2006-04-20 13:31:37.510 WARNING JBO-25009: Cannot create an object of type:java.util.Date with value:[{nil=1}]
    I will appreciate if someone could help me resolve this issue.

    I tried again, but it seems that I'm unable to reproduce this in a test project which uses another data controls but is still as similar as possible to the original project in which I've encountered this behaviour.
    However, using a data control based on the same web service as in the original project, [{nil=1}] appears again instead of emtpy values.
    Is it possible that there is a significant difference in the generated wrapper classes? The underlying PL/SQL is the same (in strucutre) and the corresponding elements in the response XML of the web service are the same in the two cases, always like <ns0:someResponeValue xsi:nil="1"/>, so I don't know how it is possible that I can't reproduce this behaviour.
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    I created a PL/SQL funcition in a package that returns a user type object. This return parameter consists of a non-empty string and a null value string. On top of this I created a PL/SQL web service and a data control for that.
    A JSF JSP page which has a read-only form showing the return values of the web service.

  • Reading User Profile Properties pragmatically in SharePoint 2010 Returns Null Values Although it has values returned from AD

    Reading User Profile Properties pragmatically in SharePoint 2010 Returns Null Values Although it has values returned from AD
    I configured the user profile service application and run Sync and user profiles and its properties returned from Active directory but when I want to read it pragmatically it returns null values.
    this is my code...
       void runQueryButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
               // Get the My Sites site collection, ensuring proper disposal
                using (SPSite mySitesCollection = new SPSite("http://sp/my"))
                    //Get the user profile manager
                    SPServiceContext context = SPServiceContext.GetContext(mySitesCollection);
                    UserProfileManager profileManager = new UserProfileManager(context);
                    UserProfile profile = profileManager.GetUserProfile("Contoso\\user");
                    foreach (Property prop in profileManager.Properties)
                       // if (prop.Name == "Department")
                        resultsLabel.Text += prop.DisplayName + ":" + profile[prop.Name].Value + "<br />"; ;

    Please try with the following code
          PrincipalContext principalContext = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain);
                                SPServiceContext context = SPServiceContext.GetContext(site);
                                UserProfileManager profileManager = new UserProfileManager(context);                        
      foreach (Property prop in profileManager.Properties)
                       // if (prop.Name == "Department")
                        resultsLabel.Text += prop.DisplayName
    + ":" + profile[prop.Name].Value + "<br />"; ;
    Please vote or mark your question answered, if my reply helps you

  • How to clear alert when a null value is returned for a metric column?

    Hey all,
    Recently, I've encountered a problem about clearing alert when a null value is returned for a metric column. From Oracle official doc, it seems that NO_CLEAR_ON_NULL could be used for this propose. However, it doesn't.
    Here is the line from doc, you can see when NO_CLEAR_ON_NULL is set as FALSE, the null value will clear alert, and the default value for NO_CLEAR_ON_NULL is FALSE.
    NO_CLEAR_ON_NULL: This attribute is used to control severity clearing when a null value is returned for a metric column. It defaults to FALSE with the behavior that a null value ends up clearing previous alert severities. With a TRUE value for this attribute, null values will be skipped in severity evaluations without clearing the severity.
    TRUE | FALSE (default)
    STATELESS_ALERTS: This attribute if set to TRUE indicates to EM that alerts on this
    column will not have corresponding clears. This allows the UI to decide whether to
    allow users to manually clear alerts on this column.
    TRUE | FALSE (default)Here is my code for the metric,
    -- meta definition
      <Metric NAME="Flushing_Table_Overtime" TYPE="TABLE" HELP="NO_HELP">
          <Label NLSID="mmd_ip">Flushing Table Overtime</Label>
          <ColumnDescriptor NAME="State" TYPE="STRING" IS_KEY="FALSE">
              <Label NLSID="mmd_rc_State">State</Label>
          <ColumnDescriptor NAME="Time_Seconds" TYPE="NUMBER" IS_KEY="FALSE">
              <Label NLSID="mmd_fto_Time_Seconds">Flush Table consume Seconds</Label>
          <GetTable NAME="MysqlProcessAggregate"/>
          <GetView NAME="v_flushing_tables" FROM_TABLE="MysqlProcessAggregate">
            <Column NAME="State" />
            <Column NAME="Time_Seconds" />
            <Filter COLUMN_NAME="State" OPERATOR="EQ">Flushing tables</Filter>
    -- coll definition
      <CollectionItem NAME="Flushing_Table_Overtime">
          <IntervalSchedule INTERVAL="10" TIME_UNIT="Min" />
        <MetricColl NAME="Flushing_Table_Overtime">
          <Condition COLUMN_NAME="Time_Seconds"
                     CRITICAL="30" OPERATOR="GT"
                     MESSAGE="There is a Flushing Table command has exceeded %critical_threshold% seconds."
                     MESSAGE_NLSID="msg_Flushing_Table_Overtime" />
      </CollectionItem>If this feature can not be achieved by coding XML, then is there a way to clear alert with Oracle Package? I have confirm neither sysman.em_severity.delete_current_severity nor sysman.em_severity.clear_alerts could do it.
    Would anyone give me a hint?
    Thanks in advance!
    Best wishes,

    > I am executing in this manner
    BUT I am unable to create variable with boolean data type.
    WARNING. Do not confuse SQL*Plus with PL/SQL.
    There is no variable command in PL/SQL. PL/SQL does support the boolean data type.
    There is a variable command in SQL*Plus. It allows one to define bind variables. It is limited in the data types it supports. It does not support boolean as a bind variable type.
    SQL*Plus is a CLI (Command Line Interface) client tool. It has a very limited vocabularly, allowing you to (primarily):
    a) configure its local environment (e.g. size of the terminal ito number of characters per lines)
    b) configure its bevahiour (e.g. spooling data to a file)
    c) defining substitution and bind variables
    And that's it. It is not PL/SQL. It is not SQL. It takes the PL/SQL and SQL you enter, and submit that to the Oracle server. (it does some basic parsing of the data to substitute variables and bind variables where applicable)
    Do not confuse this CLI client tool with the server side PL/SQL or SQL languages.

  • Component binding return null value

    I'm migrating a JSF 1.2 application to JSF 2.1, specificly I'm currently using mojorra 2.1.24.
    The application consists of request scoped beans, and in order to pass data between requests, it embeds the data inside UI components.
    The following behaviour works well with JSF 1.2, but not with JSF 2.1.
    The application has the following configuration:
    The page contains the following snippet:
    <h:form prependId="false">
         <h:inputHidden binding="#{bean.inputHidden}" />
         <h:panelGroup rendered="#{bean.rendered}">
          <h:commandLink value="onAction" action="#{bean.onAction}" />
    The bean is the following:
    public class Bean {
      private UIInput inputHidden;
      private AItem item;
      public setInputHidden(UIInput inputHidden){
        this.inputHidden = inputHidden;
        if(item != null){ this.inputHidden.setValue(item); }
      public AItem getItem(){
        return (AItem) getInputHidden().getValue();
      // other getter/setter
      public String onNavToPage(AItem item){ this.item = item; return "page"; }
      public String onAction(){ //... do something return ""; }
      public boolean isRendered(){ return getProcessItem() != null; }
    The steps are the following:
    to navigate to page page the method bean.onNavToPage is invoked from within another page;
    upon page rendering the bean.item is set as bean.inputHidden value;
    after the page is diplayed, the command link is pressed.
    At this point no command link is invoked, because the bean.inputHidden.getValue() returns null, and the command link is not processed.
    I noticed that the inputHidden parameter passed to the setInputHidden method during restore view phase has, inputHidden.getValue() == null, no value has been saved previously in the view.
    I would guess that something has changed in the component state management, but debugging the JSF code I didn't find what.
    Debugging JSF code I found that the component state has been masked before the state has been saved in the view, so the ComponentStateHelper.saveState saves the deltaMap and not the defaultMap, where all the state has been put.
    public Object saveState(FacesContext context) {
            if (context == null) {
                throw new NullPointerException();
            if(component.initialStateMarked()) {
                return saveMap(context, deltaMap);
            else {
                return saveMap(context, defaultMap);
    is this a bug?
    If not, how can I restore JSF 1.2 behaviuor and save the defaultMap?
    Thanks in advance for the help.

    0.10: Saved session state: 6385226710016200 "P327_OU_NAME" changedValue="test"
    0.10: ...P327_FK_ORGUNIT session state saving same value: "%null%"
    0.15: Saved session state: 6388922235040486 "P327_OU_DESC" changedValue=""
    0.15: Processing point: ON_SUBMIT_BEFORE_COMPUTATION
    0.15: Branch point: BEFORE_COMPUTATION
    0.15: Computation point: AFTER_SUBMIT
    0.15: Perform Branching for Tab Requests
    0.15: Branch point: BEFORE_VALIDATION
    0.15: Perform validations:
    0.16: Branch point: BEFORE_PROCESSING
    0.16: Processing point: AFTER_SUBMIT
    0.16: Show ERROR page...
    0.17: Processing point: AFTER_ERROR_HEADER
    0.18: Processing point: BEFORE_ERROR_FOOTER
    ORA-01722: invalid number
    the table was created with:
    what i see is that the status is "%null%" and not really "" (NULL, nothing, ...).
    so what can i do to insert a null value from a select list?
    i gave up RTFM. because i found nothing (NULL) ?!?!

  • Need Help ::  Current row attribute value returning null

      Hi Frds,
    I am facing the problem that
    Current row attribute value returning null............ even though value is there..... plz.. he
    This is the code in PFR
    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    if (pageContext.getParameter("queryBtn")!= null)
        String  pPersonId = pageContext.getParameter("ctrlPersonId");
         String rowReference = pageContext.getParameter(EVENT_SOURCE_ROW_REFERENCE);
         OptionsVORowImpl curRow = (     OptionsVORowImpl) am.findRowByRef(rowReference);
        String dtlsItem =  (String)curRow.getFlexValue();   /*  this is returning null value */
    /*  here creating  the hashmap and calling the page with the hashmap*/
    Thanks & Regards,
    Message was edited by: 9d452cf7-d17f-4d1e-8e0e-b22539ea8810

    Hi Jaya,
    You want to catch Flexfield values?
    Try below code for catch value.
    OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
    if (pageContext.getParameter("queryBtn")!= null)
    OADescriptiveFlexBean dfb = (OADescriptiveFlexBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("flexDFF"); //get the DFF bean
    OAWebBean dffbean = (OAWebBean)dfb.findChildRecursive("flexDFF0"); //get the field that applies to the attribute1 column that is being rendered
    OAMessageStyledTextBean Stylebean = (OAMessageStyledTextBean)dffbean;
    String dtlsItem  = (String)Stylebean.getText(pageContext);
    /*  here creating  the hashmap and calling the page with the hashmap*/

  • Check for null values in conditional formatting when no rows returned.

    I have a report that is showing facts for different months.
    For some months there is no row in the facts table.
    But in the report, I have to show a * when there is no data.
    If there is a row in the facts table with null value for data, the conditional formatting successfully shows a * when data is null.
    But when no row is present in the facts for a particular month , conditional formatting is unable to detect any null, as none exist.
    How we can check that no rews returned for a particular month and then show *?

    which obiee version r u using?
    My Blog ref:
    in obiee10g its working fine.expect obiee11g
    also see the bug reference
    How to replace null as 0 in  obiee11g pivot table view?
    obiee11. also have the same issues.

  • Target URL Value in Dynamic Configuration

    1)When Dynamic Configuration is done for a receiver SOAP adapter what value has to be entered in the Target URL section of the SOAP channel?...assuming that a UDF for the same is implemented in the message mapping.
    2) Also under the ASMA section for the CC what is the purpose/ meaning of Variable Transport Binding and the subsequent XHeaderName1, XHeaderName2, XHeaderName3 fields.
    I have read the contents from the following:
    but there is a doubt regarding the above two.

    > 1)When Dynamic Configuration is done for a receiver SOAP adapter what value has to be entered in the Target URL section of the SOAP channel?...assuming that a UDF for the same is implemented in the message mapping.
    Anything you like. Maybe a default URL, or just an "x".
    > 2) Also under the ASMA section for the CC what is the purpose/ meaning of Variable Transport Binding and the subsequent XHeaderName1, XHeaderName2, XHeaderName3 fields.
    You have to check "Variable Transport Binding" when you use ASMA. You can leave the XHeaderNameX fields empty. They are for HTTP header fields.

  • How to check the sql:query is return null value

    I have use :
    <sql:query var="sql1" dataSource="${db}">
    select col_name from table_name
    where a=<c:out value="${row.test1}"/>
    and b='<c:out value="${row.test2}"/>'
    So, how can I check this statement return null value which is no record within this table?

    The Result should never be null but can be empty. You can check if the Result is empty using an if tag and checking the rowCount property:
        <sql:query var="books"
          sql="select * from PUBLIC.books where id = ?" >
          <sql:param value="${bookId}" />
         <c:if test="${books.rowCount > 0}">
    Look for query Tag Result Interface

  • AJAX - How do we check if the response text returns a null value

    Could someone please help me with this issue?
    I am trying to disable a select box based on my responseText value.
    I need to check if my responseText is a null and disable my select if it is a null.
    Here is my code:
    if (xmlHttp.readyState==4)
              var getVal = xmlHttp.responseText;
              alert(getVal); //MY ALERT SHOWS A NULL     
              if(getVal == null) //but my null comparison fails
              document.all[ajaxBean.ajaxId2].disabled = true;               var valarray=getVal.split(",");
                   for (var i=0; i < valarray.length;++i)
         var valarrayinner = valarray.split("|");               addOption(document.getElementById("secondBox"), valarrayinner[1], valarrayinner[0]);
    could someone tell me if its the right way to check for null value in responseText? or an alternative way to do the same
    Your help is appreciated!

    Thank you for your promt response...I tried doing them as well. but nothing seems to work.
    It returns a length value of 1. It appears to be strange. I even tried to catch the null and set some junk text. When i try to check for the returned text again it returns a false.
    I dont know if this is the way responseText works. I tried setting a form variable but it doesnt do that too. Is there a specific way to check for the values in returned responseText?

  • Dynamic Configuration - Values changing depending on System

    We have a requirement where we need to send the files of an interface to different locations on the same server based on Company Codes. We have used Dynamic configuration to achieve this function.
    However the location names also differ based the environment. The values of location differ between the TEST and PRODUCTION environments. I was planning on using SYSTEM ID ( Like in ABAP SYST table ) to achieve this function howvere i cannot find a Java method that can give me access to the System Values.
    Can someone help me point to the JAVA method i can use in the UDF Map to acess these values and determine the name of the location.

    Yes as Shabarish pointed  use System class in Java. You can fetch any information related to System using this class. You can find whether the environment is TEST or PROD like that...
    String env =   System.getProperty("SAPSYSTEMNAME")
    If (env.equals("TEST"){
       //do something
      // code per requirement

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