Dynamic query disappears from group

Hi All,
I've created a group within my SCOM deployment and wanted to add Windows servers to this group dynamically, using a Dynamic inclusion Rule.
However when I create the rule and click apply, it seems to save (it also says populating the group members).
But when I check the group via the "view group members" actions, it is empty..
The formula I've added is a very simple one: ( NetBIOS Domain Name Equals 'domainname' )
When I check back on the tab for Dynamic Members, then I don't see my rule anymore.
It seems as if it didn't get saved.
Can anyone help me on this?

Apparently SCOM removes the query in the GUI if it's invalid. Sadly, SCOM doesn't notify you of this, so I was pulling my hair out trying to find out why this was happening.
To be able to build the query requested above, I've created the following query:
Object is Windows Server 2008 Logical Disk
And Group
  Display Name Equals S:
  Or Group
    Windows Computer.DNS Name matches wildcard WEBNY*
    Windows Computer.DNS Name matches wildcard SQLNY*
The above query works for Logical Disk 2008. For 2012 Logical Disks, use the appropriate Class. To get the Windows Computer.DNS Name just hit Insert and in the dropdown menu go down to (Host = Windows Computer). This should do the trick to only find disks
belonging (or not, depending on the query) to the targeted computers.
Membership should update almost instantly.

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    if i check the "space statistics" in db02 is is based on the db13 database check. "refresh" is not feasible as it takes much longer time and puts load on produciton system.

    You could do a cost analysis on a SQL Statement to get to a screen where you can put in a straight SQL Statement (I think ST04 can get you there somehow, I don't know, I've move from Basis to BI, so I can't check to confirm if that's the right transaction).  But I don't know if it will allow you access to non-schema owned tables such as dba_data_files.
    Your best bet would be to have your Oracle DBA or OS or Basis group write a simple SQL query that is triggered at the OS level via sqlplus and maybe tie it to a command you could run ad-hoc via immediate job execution.

  • How to get dynamic query results from an array/structure

    I have an edit page that is set up to display phone number fields from the user stored in our database. The properties for the phone number fields are set by a structure of arrays. My problem is that when a user has more than 1 phone number in my database, my structures correctly show this on the form by displaying 2 phone numbers. The problem I am having is that when it shows multiple phone numebrs, it always shows the first result and just repeats it as opposed to dropping the 2nd or 3rd phone number in their respective fields.
    array and structure code below:
          <!--- Mobile --->
          <cfset mobile = StructNew()>
          <cfset mobile.dynamic = false>
          <cfset mobile.dynamicLabel = '+ Add'>
          <cfset mobile.fields = ArrayNew(1)>
    <cfif #checkuserv.recordcount# GT '0'>   
          <cfset mobile.fields[1] = StructNew()>
          <cfset mobile.fields[1].required = false>
          <cfset mobile.fields[1].label = 'Phone Number 1'>
          <cfset mobile.fields[1].displayIcon = false>
          <cfset mobile.fields[1].voice = true>
          <cfset mobile.fields[1].voiceChecked = true>
          <cfset mobile.fields[1].toolTip = "Please choose if you would like to receive a text or voice call on this number">
    <cfif #checkuserv.recordcount# IS '2'>    
          <cfset mobile.fields[2] = StructNew()>
          <cfset mobile.fields[2].required = false>
          <cfset mobile.fields[2].label = 'Phone Number 2'>
          <cfset mobile.fields[2].displayIcon = false>
          <cfset mobile.fields[2].toolTip = "Please choose if you would like to receive a text or voice call on this number">
          <cfset mobile.fields[2].voice = true>
          <cfset mobile.fields[2].voiceChecked = true>
    <cfif #checkuserv.recordcount# IS '3'>     
          <cfset mobile.fields[3] = StructNew()>
          <cfset mobile.fields[3].required = false>
          <cfset mobile.fields[3].label = 'Phone Number 3'>
          <cfset mobile.fields[3].displayIcon = false>
          <cfset mobile.fields[3].toolTip = "Please choose if you would like to receive a text or voice call on this number">
          <cfset mobile.fields[3].voice = true>
          <cfset mobile.fields[3].voiceChecked = true>
    Here is the code for my fields that call the array info:
    <!--- Voice 1 --->      
            <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(mobile.fields)#">
                <cfif i EQ 1 OR NOT mobile.dynamic OR form.mobileDisplayed GTE i>
                    <cfparam name="form.areacode_#i#" default="">
                    <cfparam name="form.prefix_#i#" default="">
                    <cfparam name="form.suffix_#i#" default="">
                <div class="fieldBlock phoneBlock" id="phoneBlock#i#">
                    <label for="areacode_#i#">
                        <cfif mobile.fields[i].required><span>*</span></cfif>
                        <cfif mobile.fields[i].displayIcon><img src="/images/sm_phone.jpg" /></cfif>
                    <div class="inputBlock">
                        <input type="text" maxlength="3" onKeyUp="numTyped(this, 'prefix_#i#', 3, event)" name="areacode_#i#" id="areacode_#i#" class="areacode" value="#trim(left(checkuserv.sub_user_number, '3'))#" />
                        <input type="text" maxlength="3" onKeyUp="numTyped(this, 'suffix_#i#', 3, event)" name="prefix_#i#" id="prefix_#i#" class="prefix" value="#trim(mid(checkuserv.sub_user_number, "4", '3'))#" />
                        <input type="text" maxlength="4" name="suffix_#i#" id="suffix_#i#" class="suffix"  value="#trim(mid(checkuserv.sub_user_number, "7", '4'))#" />
                        <cfif StructKeyExists(mobile.fields[i], "voice") and mobile.fields[i].voice>
                            <div class="voice" id="voice#i#">
                                <input type="radio" value="0" name="voice_#i#"<cfif Not StructKeyExists(mobile.fields[i], "voiceChecked") or Not mobile.fields[i].voiceChecked> checked="checked"</cfif> />
                                <input type="radio" value="1" name="voice_#i#"<cfif StructKeyExists(mobile.fields[i], "voiceChecked") and mobile.fields[i].voiceChecked> checked="checked"</cfif> />
                        <cfif StructKeyExists(mobile.fields[i], "toolTip") and mobile.fields[i].toolTip neq "">
                            <div class="toolTip" id="toolTip_#i#" title="#mobile.fields[i].toolTip#" onClick="alert('#mobile.fields[i].toolTip#')">?</div>
    <!--- This number was invalid or if geocoding failed, and they've picked a carrier to override, display the carrier override dropdown--->
                    <cfif ListFindNoCase(invalidMobileIndexList, i) or ( showMap and IsDefined("form.carrierOverride" & i) )>
                        <div id="carrierOverrideBox#i#" class="carrierOverrideBlock">
                            <div class="inputBlock">
                                <select name="carrierOverride#i#" id="carrierOverride#i#">
                                    <option value="-1">-- Pick your carrier --</option>
                                    <cfloop query="carriers">
                                        <!--- 1111 is voice, 0 is NONE, don't display  --->
                                        <cfif Not ListFindNoCase("0,1111", carriers.carrier_id)>
                                            <option value="#Trim(carriers.carrier_id)#"<cfif IsDefined("form.carrierOverride" & i) and form["carrierOverride" & i] eq Trim(carriers.carrier_id)> selected="selected"</cfif>>#Trim(carriers.carrier_title)#</option>
                                <a href="http://www.inspironlogisticscontact.cfm?account_id=#account_id#&carrierOverride=1"
                                       title="Carrier help"
                                       onClick="window.open('http://www.inspironlogisticscontact.cfm?account_id=#account_id#&carrierOverride=1','#accou nt_id#','width=500,height=800,scrollbars=no,screenX=100,screenY=100,top=100,left=100,resiz able=1'); return false;"
                    <cfif mobile.dynamic AND i EQ form.mobileDisplayed AND i LT ArrayLen(mobile.fields)>
                    <div class="dynamicAddBlock dynamicAddMobileBlock" id="dynamicAddmobile_#i#">
                          <a href="javascript: submitAddField('mobile')">#mobile.dynamicLabel#</a>
            <cfif mobile.dynamic>
                <input name="mobileDisplayed" id="mobileDisplayed" value="#form.mobileDisplayed#" type="hidden" />
            <input name="carrierOverrideActive" id="carrierOverrideActive" value="<cfif carrierOverrideActive>1<cfelse>0</cfif>" type="hidden" />
    I have been stuck on this for days, finally turning to the forum today with a few different issues. I hate trying to work within the framwork of other peoples code.
    I use coldfusion 8

    I broke the chunk of code away from the page and am now getting teh phone numbers in the right spots, but I am still getting a coldfusion error.
    Element 2 is undefined in a Java object of type class coldfusion.runtime.Array.
    Here is my code...
    <cfset invalidMobileIndexList = "">
    <cfset showMap = false>
    <cfset carrierOverrideActive = false>
    <!--- Voice 1 --->       
            <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#ArrayLen(mobile.fields)#">
    <!------>            <cfif i EQ 1 OR NOT mobile.dynamic OR form.mobileDisplayed GTE i>
                    <cfparam name="form.areacode_#i#" default="">
                    <cfparam name="form.prefix_#i#" default="">
                    <cfparam name="form.suffix_#i#" default="">
                <div class="fieldBlock phoneBlock" id="phoneBlock#i#">
                <label for="areacode_#i#">
                        <cfif mobile.fields[i].required><span>*</span></cfif>
                        <cfif mobile.fields[i].displayIcon><img src="/images/sm_phone.jpg" /></cfif>
                    <cfoutput query="checkuserv" ><div class="inputBlock">
                        <input type="text" maxlength="3" onKeyUp="numTyped(this, 'prefix_#i#', 3, event)" name="areacode_#i#" id="areacode_#i#" class="areacode" value="#trim(left(checkuserv.sub_user_number, '3'))#" />
                        <input type="text" maxlength="3" onKeyUp="numTyped(this, 'suffix_#i#', 3, event)" name="prefix_#i#" id="prefix_#i#" class="prefix" value="#trim(mid(checkuserv.sub_user_number, "4", '3'))#" />
                        <input type="text" maxlength="4" name="suffix_#i#" id="suffix_#i#" class="suffix"  value="#trim(mid(checkuserv.sub_user_number, "7", '4'))#" />
                        <cfif StructKeyExists(mobile.fields[i], "voice") and mobile.fields[i].voice>
                            <div class="voice" id="voice#i#">
                                <input type="radio" value="0" name="voice_#i#"<cfif Not StructKeyExists(mobile.fields[i], "voiceChecked") or Not mobile.fields[i].voiceChecked> checked="checked"</cfif> />
                                <input type="radio" value="1" name="voice_#i#"<cfif StructKeyExists(mobile.fields[i], "voiceChecked") and mobile.fields[i].voiceChecked> checked="checked"</cfif> />
                        <cfif StructKeyExists(mobile.fields[i], "toolTip") and mobile.fields[i].toolTip neq "">
                            <div class="toolTip" id="toolTip_#i#" title="#mobile.fields[i].toolTip#" onClick="alert('#mobile.fields[i].toolTip#')">?</div>
                    <!--- This number was invalid or if geocoding failed, and they've picked a carrier to override, display the carrier override dropdown--->
                    <cfif ListFindNoCase(invalidMobileIndexList, i) or ( showMap and IsDefined("form.carrierOverride" & i) )>
                        <div id="carrierOverrideBox#i#" class="carrierOverrideBlock">
                            <div class="inputBlock">
                                <select name="carrierOverride#i#" id="carrierOverride#i#">
                                    <option value="-1">-- Pick your carrier --</option>
                                    <cfloop query="carriers">
                                        <!--- 1111 is voice, 0 is NONE, don't display  --->
                                        <cfif Not ListFindNoCase("0,1111", carriers.carrier_id)>
                                            <option value="#Trim(carriers.carrier_id)#"<cfif IsDefined("form.carrierOverride" & i) and form["carrierOverride" & i] eq Trim(carriers.carrier_id)> selected="selected"</cfif>>#Trim(carriers.carrier_title)#</option>
                                <a href="http://www.inspironlogistics.com/wens/contact.cfm?account_id=#account_id#&carrierOverride= 1"
                                       title="Carrier help"
                                       onClick="window.open('http://www.inspironlogistics.com/wens/contact.cfm?account_id=#account_id#&carrierOverride= 1','#account_id#','width=500,height=800,scrollbars=no,screenX=100,screenY=100,top=100,left =100,resizable=1'); return false;"
                    <cfif mobile.dynamic AND i EQ form.mobileDisplayed AND i LT ArrayLen(mobile.fields)>
                    <div class="dynamicAddBlock dynamicAddMobileBlock" id="dynamicAddmobile_#i#">
                          <a href="javascript: submitAddField('mobile')">#mobile.dynamicLabel#</a>
            <cfif mobile.dynamic>
                <input name="mobileDisplayed" id="mobileDisplayed" value="#form.mobileDisplayed#" type="hidden" />
            <input name="carrierOverrideActive" id="carrierOverrideActive" value="<cfif carrierOverrideActive>1<cfelse>0</cfif>" type="hidden" /><!------>

  • Dynamic query built from items is not refreshing state

    Hi. I'm generating a report table using the Pl/SQL function returns SQL query report region. My region source is:
    v_tbl varchar2(500);
    v_sql varchar2(32676);
    v_tbl := v('P7_STUDENT_TBL');
    v_sql := 'select b.grade,
    from event_attendance a right outer join ' || v_tbl || ' b
    on ( lpad(a.permnum, 12, '' '') = b.permnum
    and a.event_id = ' || v('P7_EVENT_ID') || ' )
    where b.status = '' ''
    order by b.lastname, b.firstname ';
    return v_sql;
    As you can see, the query relies on a dynamic table name and event id. These 2 items are hidden items, although i've checked them and they are correct, as is the sql query supposed to generate the report.
    It seems i have to go back and forth between the event page and this page in order for the report to "catch up" to the items (event id, table name).
    It's almost like it's cached the old report, and won't discard it and bring up the current report unless the page is repeatedly accessed. There's no place to designate the source to be "Always, replacing any existing value in session state" like other items.
    My dynamic tablename is accessing a remote database using a dblink. It's working, and shouldn't be remarkably slower, but i'm wondering why my report is not current with the items its using to generate the report?
    I hope this is clear... any ideas?

    Thanks for the reply, Scott.
    I am indeed using bind variables in my query. The page before the "event attendance" page is "events" where you can search for an event. A link for attendance is there for each event record, which passes on the event id to the event attendance page, where you are recording the attendance for that event, which is for a particular school.
    The query uses the event id and the school id in the query. The school table is dynamic, so i get the table's name from a function call. This query generates the list of students and some form elements for each student so you can record their attendance at an event.
    Now i've verified that the table name, school id, event id, and even query are correct, by creating items i can see displayed on the page with their values. And the report is correct, but it seems a step behind.
    For example, i may have an event for school 100. If i go back and select an event for school 200 to edit the attendance, my students are still from school 100. If i go back and select an event for school 300 to record attendance on, my students are from school 200. So you see, it's like the bind variables are hanging around. Yet if i look at the items (which are the same pl/sql source, but are items, not regions) they are correct.
    My item query (which shows proper substitutions) is:
    select b.grade,
    from event_attendance a right outer join schema.school015@dblink b
    on ( lpad(a.permnum, 12, ' ') = b.permnum
    and a.event_id = 91 )
    where b.status = ' '
    order by b.lastname, b.firstname
    This item has EXACTLY the same pl/sql function returning sql source as the region, but it's an item, not a region. So what you see is the parsed query.
    And here's my debug output:
    0.00: S H O W: application="114" page="7" workspace="" request="" session="8149080792357934854"
    0.01: alter session set nls_language="AMERICAN"
    0.01: alter session set nls_territory="AMERICA"
    0.01: ...Setting NLS Decimal separator="."
    0.01: Application 114, Authentication: CUSTOM2, Page Template: 5225413680368493
    0.01: ...Supplied session ID can be used
    0.01: ...Application session: 8149080792357934854, user=ARICHMOND
    0.01: ...Determine if user ARICHMOND with SGID 4503012961108875 can develop application 114 in workspace 4503012961108875
    0.01: Fetch session header information
    0.01: Branch point: BEFORE_HEADER
    0.02: Fetch application meta data
    0.02: ...fetch page attributes: f114, p7
    0.02: Fetch session state from database
    0.02: Computation point: BEFORE_HEADER
    0.02: Processing point: BEFORE_HEADER
    0.03: Show page template header
    0.03: Computation point: AFTER_HEADER
    0.03: Processing point: AFTER_HEADER
    0.03: Computation point: BEFORE_BOX_BODY
    0.03: Processing point: BEFORE_BOX_BODY
    0.03: Region 1:Record Event Attendance for the following event:
    School:      School 015
    Event:      Event Desc
    Location:      Auditorium
    tbl :      schooltbl015
    (see query above)
    0.05: Region 2:Students
    Edit Edit     
    0.05: show report 15
    0.05: set report template: user defined template
    0.06: determine column headings
    0.06: is numeric ?
    0.06: parse query
    0.06: describe columns
    0.07: define columns
    0.07: execute cursor
    0.07: print template before rows text
    0.07: print column headings
    0.07: rows loop
    0.30: pagination
    0.30: print template after rows text
    0.30: Computation point: AFTER_BOX_BODY
    0.30: Processing point: AFTER_BOX_BODY
    0.30: Computation point: BEFORE_FOOTER
    0.30: Processing point: BEFORE_FOOTER
    0.30: Show page tempate footer
    0.31: Computation point: AFTER_FOOTER
    0.31: Processing point: AFTER_FOOTER
    0.31: Log Activity:
    0.31: End Show:

  • Shared Services Users Disappear from Groups

    We have Native Groups in Shared Services that we added users from our MSAD directory to. Yesterday we found that the groups no longer have these users in them and IT did say they did some moves in the directory over the weekend. But I'm wondering if that would really cause SS to drop all the users from the groups like this.
    Basically, no one is able to log in although we are testing adding users back to the groups and think that's working.
    I just don't want to have to re-create our groups anytime our MSAD is updated.
    I'd appreciate any help in understanding this better,

    Our MSAD administrators moved some OU's around one day and it caused a lot of problems for us since our Shared Services MSAD configuration setting for "User DN" had all the OU's hard coded or what have you. I had to change them to the same that the AD folks had changed them to, then restart everything.
    So on the native side I can see how if they moved OU's around that could throw off what you had done. There's a utility which I've been too scared to use (probably harmless but I can't afford any mishaps) which tells Shared Services to search for MSAD changes and to force them through Shared Services, which is probably a nice thing to do once in a while especially when MSAD OU's are moved around. SS does not automatically poll for that type of change but you should be able to automate this.
    There's an updatenativedir utility that you can read up on which might help. Don't forget to do backups first of all the security-related databases & files, etc. first.
    Perhaps someone reading this is comfortable running UPDATENATIVEDIR and can help provide better guidance, if that's the issue here.

  • Can a content query web part dynamically query items from a particular that exists in multiple subsites

    I have a site collection with multiple subsites. All of the subsites have a list called "Status" which is using content types for its column management.
    I want to use a content query web part in the parent site level to query 1 item from everyone of these subsites. Is there a way to do this?
    The only way I can do this is if I create an individual content query web part for each subsite as I did not find an option for my content query to query from multiple subsites at once.

    You can do it using CQWP. For instance, if you have a site column called 'Rollup' that is part of your content type, that will be part of all your subsites custom list 'Status'. On the root site CQWP set the source to 'Show item from the following site and
    all subsites' and choose your root site (first image below). Then add 'additional filters' and set the value to 'Yes' as shown in second figure below; you will be able to roll up all the data to the root site like below. Now, you need to decide what query
    field you will use that is unique and that can roll up. 
    Srini Sistla Twitter: @srinisistla Blog: http://blog.srinisistla.com

  • How to query data from grid cache group after created global AWT group

    It is me again.
    as I mentioned in my previous posts, I am in progress of setup IMDB grid environment, and now I am at stage of creating cache group. and I created global AWT cache group on one node(cachealone2), but I can not query this global cache group from another node(cachealone1)
    thanks Chirs and J, I have done successfully setup IMDB grid env, and have two node in this grid as below
    Command> call ttGridNodeStatus;
    < MYGRID, 1, 1, T, igs_imdb02, MYGRID_cachealone1_1,, 5001, <NULL>, <NULL>, <NULL>, <NULL>, <NULL> >
    < MYGRID, 2, 1, T, igsimdb01, MYGRID_cachealone2_2,, 5002, <NULL>, <NULL>, <NULL>, <NULL>, <NULL> >
    2 rows found.
    and I create group ATW cache group on cachealone2
    Command> cachegroups;
    Cache Group Type: Asynchronous Writethrough global (Dynamic)
    Autorefresh: No
    Aging: LRU on
    Table Type: Propagate
    1 cache group found.
    Command> SELECT * FROM oratt.subscriber;
    0 rows found.
    however I can not query this from another node cachealone1
    Command> SELECT * FROM oratt.subscriber WHERE subscriberid = 1004;
    2206: Table ORATT.SUBSCRIBER not found
    The command failed.
    Command> SELECT * FROM oratt.subscriber WHERE subscriberid = 1004;
    2206: Table ORATT.SUBSCRIBER not found
    The command failed.
    Command> SELECT * FROM oratt.subscriber;
    2206: Table ORATT.SUBSCRIBER not found
    this is example from Oracle docs, I an not sure where I missed for this. thanks for your help.

    Sounds like you have not created the Global AWT cache groupo in the second datastore? There is a multi-step process needed to roll out a cache grid and various things must be done on each node in the correct order. have you done that?
    Try checking out the QuickStart example here:

  • ORA-2001:The approver group Process MFG Approvals has dynamic query in wron

    ERROR ORA-2001:The approver group Process MFG Approvals has dynamic query in
    wrong format in 11i
    We are setting up the Approver Group 'Process MFG
    Approvals" using a dynamic query, like:
    fnd_lookup_values FLV
    AND SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date
    - Above query is passing the validation action from within the setup screen.
    - However, when this approver group is being invoked via Sample Creation
    workflow, there is following error raised:
    ORA-20001:The approver group Process MFG Approvals has dynamic query in
    wrong format
    More, if user is trying to use a more simple query like:
    select distinct person_id from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F where full_name = 'Mr.
    Oliverking G' we are getting same error
    Any idea, plse, would be gretaly apprciated.

    You need to prefix the value with a text string which indicates what kind of value you are returning.
    E.g. if you are returning a user ID, prefix the value with 'user_id:'; if you are returning a person ID, then prefix it with 'person_id:'
    There is an article on my blog about creating a dynamic approval group in AME as part 5 in the series on AME: http://www.workflowfaq.com/ame-part-five-defining-a-dynamic-approval-group
    WorkflowFAQ.com - the ONLY independent resource for Oracle Workflow development
    Alpha review chapters from my book "Developing With Oracle Workflow" are available via my website http://www.workflowfaq.com
    Have you read the blog at http://www.workflowfaq.com/blog ?
    WorkflowFAQ support forum: http://forum.workflowfaq.com

  • Move a query to from one user group to another user group

    it's possible to move a query (SQ01) from one user group to another user group ??
    Thank you.

    You can copy queries only if you have the authorization to make changes. Within your current user group, you can copy all queries. However, queries of other user groups can only be copied if the InfoSet used to define the query is assigned to both user groups.
    To copy a query, proceed as follows:
    1. Choose the name of the query you want to copy on the initial screen.
    If you do not know the name, use the directory functions to display the query directories and then choose a query to copy from there.
    2. Choose Copy.
    3. Enter the name and the user group of the query that you want to copy in the dialog box. Furthermore, you must enter a name for the copied query. The system proposes values for this.
    4. Choose Continue.
    This takes you to the initial screen. The query is added and appears in the query directory. You can now continue.

  • Returning a result set/record from a dynamic query

    There seems to be plenty of examples for using Native Dynamic Sql to formulate and execute a dynamic query, however there are no examples of returning a result set or records which contain the rows of data that are retrieved by executing the query. Could someone give us an example?

    Welcome to the Oracle forum....
    TYPE t_cursor IS REF CURSOR ;
    Procedure open_join_cursor1 (n_EMPNO IN NUMBER, io_cursor IN OUT t_cursor);
    END curspkg_join;
    Create the following Oracle package body on the Oracle server:
    Procedure open_join_cursor1 (n_EMPNO IN NUMBER, io_cursor IN OUT t_cursor)
    v_cursor t_cursor;
    IF n_EMPNO <> 0
    OPEN v_cursor FOR
    OPEN v_cursor FOR
    END IF;
    io_cursor := v_cursor;
    END open_join_cursor1;
    END curspkg_join;
    Dim Oraclecon As New OracleConnection("Password=pwd;" & _
    "User ID=uid;Data Source=MyOracle;")
    Dim myCMD As New OracleCommand()
    myCMD.Connection = Oraclecon
    myCMD.CommandText = "curspkg_join.open_join_cursor1"
    myCMD.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
    myCMD.Parameters.Add(New OracleParameter("io_cursor", OracleType.Cursor)).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
    myCMD.Parameters.Add("n_Empno", OracleType.Number, 4).Value = 123
    Dim myReader As OracleDataReader
    Catch myex As Exception
    End Try
    myReader = myCMD.Parameters("io_cursor").Value
    Dim x, count As Integer
    count = 0
    Do While myReader.Read()
    For x = 0 To myReader.FieldCount - 1
    Console.Write(myReader(x) & " ")
    count += 1
    MsgBox(count & " Rows Returned.")
    The above code is working in one of our application; which is using ref cursor as result set and get from procedure. I hope you can found more code by google and/or search in this forum as well; if above code is not useful to you.
    Girish Sharma

  • How to get 100 latest hits from dynamic query?

    using a dynamic query like BTQAct returns the 100 first results.
    I know how to change the number of results by setting parameter MAX_HITS, but is there a possibility to get the latest 100 results without getting all results and delete the oldest till 100 remains?
    In GENIL_BOL_BROWSER I see additional parameters MATCH_TYPE, DROP_SEL_PARAMS_ALLOWED and SELECTION_HINTS, but I don't know, how to use them and what they are doing.

    Hi Martin,
    All the bol parameters that you have mentione dwill not help you unfortunately.
    The only facility provided in the wb ui as of now is to automatically customise the no of results (ie max hits),but not the order in which they are displayed.
    Though there is a sort option in the table view,which can be enabled throguh html and you can sort the same on any of the date fields tha you have.BUt if you want to do any kind of xtra processing of the search results then you have to do it in eh_onsearch().Here after getting the results collection,you can filtre them on the basis that you want.If you do thsi,you will also be able to delete all the older from the result collection xcept for the 1st 100 like you said.This will ensure that the results are filetred only on the Ui level and no harm is done to the database entires as such.

  • How to fetch indivdual rows from a dynamic query.

    I wish to fetch the individual rows returned from a dynamic query.
    if my dynamic query is:
    dyn_stmt := select col1, col2, col3
    from tab1;
    The query returns multiple rows.
    Then how to fetch individual rows of this query ?
    Please explain.

      cur_test sys_refcursor;
      c1 varchar2(30);
      c2 number;
      c3 date;
      dyn_stmt := select col1, col2, col3 from tab1;
      OPEN cur_test FOR dyn_stmt;
        FETCH cur_test INTO c1, c2, c3;
        IF cur_test%NOTFOUND THEN
        END IF;
        -- Process this row
      END LOOP;
      CLOSE cur_test;

  • Domain Users AD group disappearing from SharePoint security

    After applying SharePoint 2010 SP2 and the September 2014 cumulative update (KB 2883103) to our SP2010 farm, we've discovered the system is automatically removing the 'Domain Users' active
    directory group from SharePoint security.  It's not affecting any other AD groups or users or when Domain Users is a member of a SharePoint group.  Only when Domain Users has been explicitly added to a site, library, list or document.
    For example, we give Domain Users access to the root of most our site collections and then break inheritance for certain libraries or lists that need more security.  Now Domain Users has disappeared from every site.  I can say
    with 100% confidence that this has not been done by anyone in the organization.  Nothing else changed besides SP2 and Sept2014 CU. 
    Yesterday we fixed a few sites by re-adding Domain Users.  This morning those were missing again, so it must be a timer job or other cleanup process that is causing this.  Again, this does not affect SharePoint groups/membership or any other
    AD object, only Domain Users.
    Has anyone ran into this issue or have any suggestions on a resolution?  We have enabled audit logging but have not seen any related logs yet. 

    Sometime between noon and 1:00pm this afternoon we lost the Domain Users group again from all sites where we re-added it.  Audit logging is showing this for one particular site:
    System Account   <SHAREPOINT\system>
    Security Role Bind Update
    <roleid>-1</roleid><principalid>DOMAIN\domain   users</principalid><scope>67A6138A-CBFA-42BD-87EF-86D558047D63</scope><operation>ensure   removed</operation>
    Does anyone know if any additional logging can be enabled to see WHY this is occurring?
    So far our solution has been to setup another AD security group and nest the domain users security group inside.  Not exactly a solution but at least a work around. 

  • Display results from dynamic query created and executed inside procedure

    I have created this code:
    -- Do something
    -- That ends up with a variable holding a query.... (just an example)
    MainQuery :='select sysdate from dual';
    end RunDynamicQuery;
    How can I run this procedure and see the result on the dymanic query generated inside it?
    Expected Output for this given example:
    20-05-2009 11:04:44 ( the result of the dymanic query inside the procedure variable MainQuery :='select sysdate from dual';)
    I tested with 'execute immediate':
    -- Do something
    -- That ends up with a variable holding a query.... (just an example)
    MainQuery :='select sysdate from dual';
    execute immediate (MainQuery );
    end RunDynamicQuery;
    Output:"Statement processed'' (no sysdate displayed ! )
    Please consider that the collums in the query are always dynamic... PIPELINE Table would not work because I would need to define a container, example:
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE emp_tabtype AS TABLE OF emp_type;
    FUNCTION RunDynamicQuery (p_cursor IN sys_refcursor)
    RETURN emp_tabtype PIPELINED
    emp_in emp%ROWTYPE;
    FETCH p_cursor
    INTO emp_in;
    EXIT WHEN p_cursor%NOTFOUND;
    PIPE ROW (...)

    That would be a nice solution, thanks :)
    ''For now'' I implemented like this:
    My dynamic query now returns a single string ( select col1 || col2 || col3 from bla)
    This way I don't have dynamic collumns issue, and from business side, this ''string'' format works for them.
    This way I can use the pipelines to get the result out...
    OPEN myCursor FOR MainQuery;
    FETCH myCursor
    INTO myRow;
    WHILE (NOT myCursor%notFound) LOOP
    PIPE ROW(myRow);
    FETCH myCursor
    INTO myRow;
    CLOSE myCursor;

  • HT203175 My own group of selected playlists has disappeared from my computer screen

    My own group of selected playlists has disappeared from my computer screen. Therefore I cannot add tunes to them and am scared to synchronise the ipod in case they disappear from there.  Can anyone help a computer illiterate.

    Empty/corrupt library after upgrade/crash
    Hopefully it's not been too long since you last upgraded iTunes, in fact if you get an empty/incomplete library immediately after upgrading then with the following steps you shouldn't lose a thing or need to do any further housekeeping.  Note that in iTunes 11 an "empty" library may show your past purchases with links to stream or download them.
    In the Previous iTunes Libraries folder should be a number of dated iTunes Library files. Take the most recent of these and copy it into the iTunes folder. Rename iTunes Library.itl as iTunes Library (Corrupt).itl and then rename the restored file as iTunes Library.itl. Start iTunes. Should all be good, bar any recent additions to or deletions from your library.
    Alternatively, depending on exactly when and why the library went missing, there may be a more recent .tmp file in the main iTunes folder that can be renamed as iTunes Library.itl to restore the library to a recent state.
    See iTunes Folder Watch for a tool to catch up with any changes since the backup file was created.
    When you get it all working make a backup!
    Should you be in the unfortunate position where you are no longer able to access your original library, or a backup of it, then see Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.
    I've noticed more of these missing library posts of late and a common factor to most since I started asking is AVG Anti-Virus. It seems in some cases it might be at least part of the reason why the library file disappears. Try excluding the iTunes folder from any AV scanning process.

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