Dynamic Radio Group field

Hi All,
I'm building a application to take a Test or Exam, where you'll have a question with multiple options, some question might have 6 options: A( ) B( ) C( ) D( ) E( ) F( ) and then another question might be just 3 options: A( ) B( ) C( )
Is there a way to make this kind of behavior on a field in Application Express? having a radio group that could have different number of options for each record?
Thanks in advance for all your help on this

Sure, just base the radigroup item on a dynamic LOV query and it will render as many radiobuttons as the number of rows returned by the query.

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    Originally posted by:
    I am using a grid within a component in my Flex application.
    I have an XML dataProvider, and I want to change the row
    colour of my Grid depending on a value coming form my dataProvider
    – but I cant seem to get this to work :(
    can anyone help / advise me on how I can dynamically change the
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    a few hours ago I stumbled across this cookbook entry - it
    didn't solve MY problem, but maybe it provides a way to solve your
    http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/communityengine/index.cfm?event=showdetails&postId=61&product Id=2&loc=en_US
    From the article:
    Changing the background color of a DataGrid cell is not as
    simple as changing some style because the default renderer for a
    DataGrid cell does not have a backgroundColor. Therefore, to do
    this simple task, you have to create a custom itemRenderer where
    you draw your own background in the updateDisplayList function.

  • Dynamic radio button fields do not display again after form is saved

    I have a group of radio button questions within a dynamic form that display additional questions based on the answer.
    So for the question "Is there a basement?" if the user indicates yes, there is a basement, additional questions are displayed to gather more information about the basement. If the user indicates no, then those questions do not appear.
    Everything works beautifully in the form. However, when the form is saved and then re-opened, the additional questions do not appear in the form. So the structure goes from this:
    To this:
    The users must toggle the radio buttons to make those questions reappear...and when they do reappear, they have maintained whatever answer the user indicated before saving.
    I'm not sure why this is happening...does anyone have any advice?
    Thank you,

    Thanks so much for your response! I am using Designer 8.2.1.
    I just played around with more of my form...this seems to happen whenever I am working with a hidden subform that is displayed when the user clicks a button (or selects the appropriate radio button). I have a couple of other places within my form where this occurs.
    Here is an example of the script on one of those buttons:
    var intNewIndex = form1.construction_type.const_type_repeat.instanceManager.count-1; 
    form1.construction_type.resolveNode("const_type_repeat[" + intNewIndex + "]").percentage.presence="visible";
    The script on the radio button is:
    if (basementyes.rawValue == 4){secondwd.sump.presence ="visible"
      secondwd.sumpradio.sumpyes.presence ="visible"
      secondwd.sumpradio.sumpno.presence ="visible"
    else {secondwd.sump.presence = "hidden"
      secondwd.sumpradio.sumpyes.presence = "hidden"
      secondwd.sumpradio.sumpno.presence ="hidden"
    I am pretty new at this so it might be something obvious...thanks again for your help!

  • Creating Dynamic Radio Groups with HTMLDB_ITEM

    I'm using HTMLDB ( and attempting to create a Dynamic Radiogroup using the HTMLDB_ITEM package in a PL/SQL region. (It's not known until runtime whether a radiogroup should appear on the page.) I normally call to HTMLDB_ITEM and htp.p the results to the screen.
    If I was creating this radiogroup using a normal Page Item: Active/Inactive. I usually define a list of values as: STATIC:Active;A,Inactive;I
    How can I do this with HTMLDB_ITEM package, and get both radiobuttons to appear on the same line next to each other? Unfortunately this function doesn't have a p_query I can pass values to. I'm sure I'm overlooking something obvious so I'm hoping some fresh perspective on this will help.
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi Patrick,
    Thank you for your reply I have done this as follows.
    function getTermdetailsQuerySuccsess(sender, args) {
      var listEnumerator = Termsitems.getEnumerator();
      // var datatable = document.getElementById("TermList");
      var i =0;
      while (listEnumerator.moveNext()) {
       var Question = listEnumerator.get_current().get_item('Title');
       var QuestionNumbers = listEnumerator.get_current().get_item('questionnumber');
       if (QuestionNumbers == 1) {
       $("#questiontable1 tbody").append("<tr>");
       $("#questiontable1 tbody").append("<td align='left'>"+ Question +" </td>");
       $("#questiontable1 tbody").append("<td align='Center'><input type='radio' name='question1Radio"+i+"' id='Question1Radio"+i+"'></td>");
       $("#questiontable1 tbody").append("<td align='Center'><input type='radio' name='question1Radio"+i+"' id='Question1Radio"+i+"'></td>");
       $("#questiontable1 tbody").append("<td align='Center'><input type='radio' name='question1Radio"+i+"' id='Question1Radio"+i+"'></td>");
       $("#questiontable1 tbody").append("<td align='Center'><input type='radio' name='question1Radio"+i+"' id='Question1Radio"+i+"'></td>");
       $("#questiontable1 tbody").append("<td align='Center'><input type='radio' name='question1Radio"+i+"' id='Question1Radio"+i+"'></td>");
       $("#questiontable1 tbody").append("<td align='Center'><input type='radio' name='question1Radio"+i+"' id='Question1Radio"+i+"'></td>");
       $("#questiontable1 tbody").append("<td align='Center'><input type='text' name='question1Text"+i+"' id='Question1Text"+i+"'></td>");
       $("#questiontable1 tbody").append("</tr>");
    d.n weerasinghe

  • Dynamic Action not triggering on Radio Group change

    I have a form that contains a text item, a radio group item and a display-only item. I have created a single dynamic action "CHANGE SUBJECT" associated with both the text and radio group items that updates the display-only item's value whenever either is changed. The action fires properly when the text item is changed, but not when the radio group is changed. If I set the radio group item's "Page Action when Value Changed" property to "Redirect and Set Value", than everything works, but that is not the desired behavior as that requires a refresh of the entire page. Any suggestions on how to make this action work? Is there a different action for the radio-group that I should be using instead of CHANGE? Thanks for your help.
    Edited by: jritschel on Sep 1, 2010 2:05 PM

    OK, then change it to JavaScript Expression instead of SQL and put this code in the value :
    "Radio Group Value= "+ $v('P65_RADIO_GROUP')+" - Text Box Value= "+ $x('P65_TEXT').value I tried it and it work!
    I tried the same code you had before (plsql Expression) but there is something that you need to do to make it work, in the TRUE action setting , there is a "Page Items to Submit" field, you need to put your text item and radio in it as follows:
    Page Items to Submit : P65_RADIO_GROUP,P65_TEXTThis should make your code work in addition to the other way I provided.
    Edited by: Sam_06 on Sep 1, 2010 2:27 PM

  • Dynamic action on "Change" of Radio group value

    I'm using Apex 4.1 on XE 11G.
    If I create a simple dynamic action which shows/hides a field on the change of an item of type select list this works great.
    So for example if the value of the select list is 1 then show another field and otherwise hide this other field.
    If I change the type of the first field ( the select list ) to a radio group the dynamic action stops working. It looks like the value of the radio group does not get changed when I click another value in the radio group.
    I'm somehow able to bypass this by using a dynamic action which fires when the radio group is clicked and then evaluatie it's value via JS, but that's not really the ideal solution.
    Is there some basic difference in radio groups and select lists when it comes to storing values and/or dynamic actions which are based on the change event on that item ?
    Edited by: Bas de Klerk on 31-mei-2012 6:42

    Take a look at the Radio group item in HTML DOM using FF/Firebug or IE/DevTools, and you will see the difference.
    If you have neither of the 2 debug tools , time you get one.

  • Dynamic action on radio group in tabular form

    I'm very new to APEX and I've tried searching the web, but I can't seem to find a good answer for my problem. I have a page in APEX with a tabular form with 6 columns. The last column is supposed to show/hide a button for each row based on the value of a radio group (static LOV) with 2 options in column 5. I want to do this with a dynamic action on the radio group, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to do this. Since the radio group is in a tabular form it's not an item and so I can't just select it in the dynamic action wizard. I figure I have to use a JQuery selector here, but my knowledge of this is very limited.
    I've created the button in the select statement for the tabular form like this:
    '<a href="javascript:epf.dialog.open(''f?p=&APP_ID.:18:&SESSION.::::P18_ROWID,P18_ID:'||ROWID||','||ID||''',800,700);" id="Category" class="epf-button"><span class="epf-tooltip" data-epf-tooltip="Definer kategorier for denne variabelen"></span>Definer Kategori</a>' category
    where "DATA_COLLECTION_ID" = :P17_IDAny help would be greatly appreciated.
    - Patrik

    patrikfridberg wrote:
    $('input[id="category"]')[currIndex].hide();;where does this category come from? and you are referencing id attribute which can only handle one row.
    You must make the jquery selector based on column name (inspect your column using firebug/chrome and see the name attribute of the column form element, it will in format f0x).
    Look at my original code below and i am controlling a column with name f01
    It still doesn't work for me. From what I understood from the "Incorporating JavaScript into an application" page I should put the code in the JavaScript section. I tried that too, but nothing changed. So now I'm thinking there is something wrong with the code itself?
    this is my original code
    function test(pThis) {
    //get the curren row index on change
    var currIndex = $('select[name="'+pThis.name+'"]').index(pThis);
    if (pThis.value=='20') {
      $('input[name="f01"]')[currIndex].style.display = 'block';
    else {
      $('input[name="f01"]')[currIndex].style.display = 'none';

  • Cross column radio group solution using dynamically generated HTML

    I am tasked with creating a screen in Apex matching look and feel of an existing application screen; tabular form, multiple column radio buttons to update a single column value (radio group needs to be row oriented, across multiple columns). I could not find a way to use HTMLDB_ITEM.RADIO_GROUP () function for this due to the radio group being column based, great as a row selector but not for use across columns (each button being a column).
    My first thought was to comprise and use checkboxes via HTMLDB_ITEM.CHECKBOX () for the multiple choices (in each column) and HTMLDB_ITEM.HIDDEN() to hold the chosen value, a JavaScript function for “onClick” event to make the checkboxes in one row act like radio buttons in a radio group. I created a simple application to show the concepts of my solutions …
    SQL looks like this:
    select pk_id, -- f01
    object_to_color, -- f02
    HTMLDB_ITEM.CHECKBOX(11, color_choice,
    'onClick="chkboxAction('||pk_id||', document.wwv_flow.f11, ''RED'')"', 'RED') red,
    HTMLDB_ITEM.CHECKBOX(12, color_choice,
    'onClick="chkboxAction('||pk_id||', document.wwv_flow.f12, ''BLUE'')"', 'BLUE') blue,
    HTMLDB_ITEM.CHECKBOX(13, color_choice,
    'onClick="chkboxAction('||pk_id||', document.wwv_flow.f13, ''GREEN'')"', 'GREEN') green,
    color_choice -- f03
    from objects_to_color
    Columns pk_id and color_choice are set as Show off and Display As Hidden. Note that my HTMLDB_ITEM.CHECKBOX items start with id number 11 (f11 – f13) so as not to conflict with the item id’s Apex will generate on it’s own. I could have used HTMLDB_ITEM functions to create all items and had my own PL/Sql update process.
    This creates a tabular presentation with a column for each color choice as a checkbox, shown checked if that color is initially set.
    The JavaScript function chkboxAction() clears the other checkboxes if a color is selected and stores the color in the hidden item db column for use in Apex Submit processing. Sorry the identation get's lost in the post!
    function chkboxAction (id, ckbx, color) {
    // f01 is pk_id (hidden)
    // f11 is RED checkbox
    // f12 is BLUE checkbox
    // f13 is GREEN checkbox
    // f03 db column color_choice for update (hidden)
    var idx;
    // Find row index using pk_id passed in as id argument.
    for (var i=0; i < document.wwv_flow.f01.length; i++) {
    if (document.wwv_flow.f01.value == id) {
    idx = i;
    i = document.wwv_flow.f01.length;
    if (ckbx(idx).checked == true) {
    // Set hidden color_choice column value to be used in update.
    document.wwv_flow.f03(idx).value = color;
    // Uncheck them all, then reset the one chosen.
    document.wwv_flow.f11(idx).checked = false;
    document.wwv_flow.f12(idx).checked = false;
    document.wwv_flow.f13(idx).checked = false;
    ckbx(idx).checked = true;
    } else {
    // Unchecked so clear color_choice column value to be used in update.
    document.wwv_flow.f03(idx).value = '';
    This works well and, as an aside, has an added feature that the color can be “unchosen” by unchecking a checked checkbox and leaving all checkboxes unchecked. This cannot be done with radio buttons unless a radio button is added as “no color”.
    But what if radio buttons must be used, as in my situation? Here is another solution using custom code to dynamically generate radio buttons for a row based radio group rather than using HTMLDB_ITEM.RADIO_GROUP ().
    select pk_id, -- f01
    object_to_color, -- f02
    '<input type="radio" name="rb'||pk_id||'" id="rb'||pk_id||'_1" value="RED" '||
    decode(color_choice, 'RED', 'CHECKED', '')||
    ' onClick="rbAction('||pk_id||', ''RED'')">' red,
    '<input type="radio" name="rb'||pk_id||'" id="rb'||pk_id||'_2" value="BLUE" '||
    decode(color_choice, 'BLUE', 'CHECKED', '')||
    ' onClick="rbAction('||pk_id||', ''BLUE'')">' blue,
    '<input type="radio" name="rb'||pk_id||'" id="rb'||pk_id||'_3" value="GREEN" '||
    decode(color_choice, 'GREEN', 'CHECKED', '')||
    ' onClick="rbAction('||pk_id||', ''GREEN'')">' green,
    color_choice -- f03
    from objects_to_color
    The pk_id column is used here to ensure a unique name and unique id for the items. In practice a custom api should be used to generate items in this way.
    The JavaScript function is actually simpler for radio buttons because the radio group handles the mutually exclusive logic for choosing a color.
    function rbAction (id, color) {
    // f01 is pk_id (hidden)
    // f03 db column color_choice for update (hidden)
    var idx;
    // Find row index using evaluation_question_id.
    for (var i=0; i < document.wwv_flow.f01.length; i++) {
    if (document.wwv_flow.f01.value == id) {
    idx = i;
    i = document.wwv_flow.f01.length;
    // Set hidden result column referenced in update.
    document.wwv_flow.f03(idx).value = color;
    Now the problem is that on update, Apex will be confused by the custom items and try to post updated values to it’s own internal items – which don’t exist. The result is the very frustrating HTTP 404 - File not found error when apex/wwv_flow.accept executes on Submit. So, the trick is to clear the custom items prior to the update with a simple JavaScript function, then the values show again when the page is rerendered, if you are not branching from the page. The Submit button is changed to call the following function:
    function submit () {
    var items = document.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
    for (i=0; i< items.length; i++) {
    if (items(i).type == "radio") {
    if (items(i).checked == true)
    items(i).checked = false;
    This technique might have general use when using custom items. Comments or improvements on this?
    See Oracle Apex site: workspace SISK01, app OBJECTS_TO_COLOR

    Just the code for formatting.
    Checkboxes to behave like radio group ...
    SQL ...
    select pk_id,              -- f01
           object_to_color,    -- f02
              HTMLDB_ITEM.CHECKBOX(11, color_choice,
                  'onClick="chkboxAction('||pk_id||', document.wwv_flow.f11, ''RED'')"', 'RED') red,
              HTMLDB_ITEM.CHECKBOX(12, color_choice,
                  'onClick="chkboxAction('||pk_id||', document.wwv_flow.f12, ''BLUE'')"', 'BLUE') blue,
              HTMLDB_ITEM.CHECKBOX(13, color_choice,
                  'onClick="chkboxAction('||pk_id||', document.wwv_flow.f13, ''GREEN'')"', 'GREEN') green,
           color_choice  -- f03
    from objects_to_colorJavaScript ...
    function chkboxAction (id, ckbx, color) {
        // f01 is pk_id (hidden)
        // f11 is RED checkbox
        // f12 is BLUE checkbox
        // f13 is GREEN checkbox
        // f03 db column color_choice for update (hidden)
        var idx;
        // Find row index using pk_id passed in as id argument.
        for (var i=0; i < document.wwv_flow.f01.length; i++) {
           if (document.wwv_flow.f01(i).value == id) {
              idx = i;
              i = document.wwv_flow.f01.length;
        if (ckbx(idx).checked == true) {
          //  Set hidden color_choice column value to be used in update.
          document.wwv_flow.f03(idx).value = color;
          // Uncheck them all, then reset the one chosen.
          document.wwv_flow.f11(idx).checked = false;
          document.wwv_flow.f12(idx).checked = false;
          document.wwv_flow.f13(idx).checked = false;
          ckbx(idx).checked = true;
        } else {
          //  Unchecked so clear color_choice column value to be used in update.
          document.wwv_flow.f03(idx).value = '';
    }Radio button solution ...
    SQL ...
    select pk_id,              -- f01
           object_to_color,    -- f02
           '<input type="radio" name="rb'||pk_id||'" id="rb'||pk_id||'_1" value="RED" '||
                decode(color_choice, 'RED', 'CHECKED', '')||
                ' onClick="rbAction('||pk_id||', ''RED'')">' red,
           '<input type="radio" name="rb'||pk_id||'" id="rb'||pk_id||'_2" value="BLUE" '||
               decode(color_choice, 'BLUE', 'CHECKED', '')||
               ' onClick="rbAction('||pk_id||', ''BLUE'')">' blue,
           '<input type="radio" name="rb'||pk_id||'" id="rb'||pk_id||'_3" value="GREEN" '||
               decode(color_choice, 'GREEN', 'CHECKED', '')||
               ' onClick="rbAction('||pk_id||', ''GREEN'')">' green,
           color_choice  -- f03
    from objects_to_colorJavaScript ...
    function rbAction (id, color) {
        // f01 is pk_id (hidden)
        // f03 db column color_choice for update (hidden)
         var idx;
         // Find row index using evaluation_question_id.
        for (var i=0; i < document.wwv_flow.f01.length; i++) {
           if (document.wwv_flow.f01(i).value == id) {
              idx = i;
              i = document.wwv_flow.f01.length;
        //  Set hidden result column referenced in update.
        document.wwv_flow.f03(idx).value = color;
    function submit () {
      // Clears radio buttons to prevent Apex trying to post and causing page error.
      var items = document.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
      for (i=0; i< items.length; i++) {
        if (items(i).type == "radio") {
          if (items(i).checked == true)
            items(i).checked = false;

  • RFDOPR10 dynamic selection to add customer group field

    I am trying to add the customer group field in the dynamic selection
    option, when running the RFDOPR10 report. I don't seem to find the
    option to add the customer group field (KNVV-KDGRP). I tried looking in
    the config, but was not able find this report. I also looked for any
    OSS notes, but didn't find anything either.
    Can anyone please tell me if this possible to do? Thanks.

    you have to update all the following routines in program RM07MLBD which load stock
    IF      BWBST = 'X'.
    *   select the valuated stocks
        PERFORM                  AKTUELLE_BST_BWBST.
      ELSEIF LGBST = 'X'.
    *   all own stock from storage locations or batches
        IF XCHAR = ' '.
          PERFORM                AKTUELLE_BST_LGBST_MARD.
        ELSEIF  XCHAR = 'X'.
          PERFORM                AKTUELLE_BST_LGBST_XCHAR.
      ELSEIF   SBBST = 'X'.
    *    special stocks
        CASE    SOBKZ.
          WHEN  'O'.
            PERFORM              AKTUELLE_BST_SBBST_O.
          WHEN  'V' OR  'W'.
            PERFORM              AKTUELLE_BST_SBBST_V_W.
          WHEN  'K' OR  'M'.
            PERFORM              AKTUELLE_BST_SBBST_K_M.
          WHEN  'Q'.
            PERFORM              AKTUELLE_BST_SBBST_Q.
          WHEN  'E'.
            PERFORM              AKTUELLE_BST_SBBST_E.
          WHEN  OTHERS.
    *       Angegebener Sonderbestand nicht vorhanden.
            MESSAGE S290.
            PERFORM              ANFORDERUNGSBILD.
    But as material group is in MARA, you could fill a table from MARA using the SELECT-OPTIONS FOR MARA-MAKTL, then update the routine using a FOR ALL ENTRIES OF the result table (if not empty) (you could also use a JOIN with MARA)

  • Dynamic radio button and group

    Hi, we have create dynamic radio button and group on “application creation complete” event , but which I am try to get number of radio button its show zero, see below code
    import flash.utils.setTimeout;
    import mx.controls.Alert;
    import mx.events.FlexEvent;
    import spark.components.RadioButton;
    import spark.components.RadioButtonGroup;
    private var  rbg:RadioButtonGroup;
    private var  rb1:RadioButton;
    private var  rb2:RadioButton;
    private var dcount:int = 0;
    protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         // TODO Auto-generated method stub
         rb1 = new RadioButton();
         rb2 = new RadioButton();
         rbg = new RadioButtonGroup();
         rb1.label = "Radio1";
         rb2.label = "Radio2";
         rb1.group = rbg;
         rb2.group = rbg;
         checkRadioButton (); 
    protected function checkRadioButton ():void
         Alert.show("In checkRadioButton function : " +  rb1.group.numRadioButtons.toString());
    If I put some Time interval to call  checkRadioButton function its working fine,
    //checkRadioButton (); 
    but this is not best practice.
    why this happen ….can anybody  clear  this or any other way to do this.
    Thanks in advance

    Just write the below line of code
    You need not use setTimeout() function

  • Mandatory is checked when exiting radio groups, but not text fields?

    I have a form with many questions, and most all of them are required.   When tabbing out or otherwise exiting a radio group, the user gets warned if they did not select an item.  When tabbing out of a text field, nothing happens.  The user does get warned about the empty text fields if they try to submit the form.

    The following is a very basic/general script used to check/test if a field's value is null after the user exits out of the field. Note that it will not prevent the user from submitting the form, however, it seems you are covering that "validation" via other means (i.e. field property).
    if (this.rawValue == null){
    xfa.host.messageBox("Please enter a value in this field. It can't be left empty", "REQUIRED", 0, 0);

  • Read-only radio group losing value on validation error

    It took quite a while to track this down, but I think I've got it narrowed down properly. I have an APEX form for updating a record in a databse table with a radio group which is conditionally read-only. If that radio group has a value AND is read-only, when the form is submitted and hits a validation error, the value of the radio group is lost.
    For example, the radio group SUBMITTED_FOR_APPROVAL is set to Y and is read-only for a given user. That user then changes something else on the form and submits it. However, the form now hits a validation error for some field. When the form reloads with the validation error displayed, all the fields are restored except the read-only radio group which is now blank. If a select list is used with the identical read-only condition, it works fine. Likewise, if a radio group is used, but the read-only condition is removed, it works fine. It is only when it is a radio group and it is read-only, that the value does not appear to be submitted to the session with all the form values whent he form is submitted.
    Is this a bug or am I simply missing something?
    Apex 3.1.2
    Rgds/Mark M.

    It's using a shared component LOV cleverly called LOV_YN which consists of a static LOV with
    1 Display=Yes, Return=Y
    2 Display=No, Return=N
    The settings in the LOV section on the item iteself:
    Named LOV: LOV_YN
    Display Extra values: No Dynamic translation: Not translated
    Number of columns: 2 Display null: No
    Null display value is blank as is null return value
    Item was setup as a radio group and was only converted over to a select list to work around this issue. Let me know what else you need and thanks again.
    Rgds/Mark M.

  • Help with Radio Group and Web Service

         I created a Radio Group with Dynamic Entry List (Web Service).  It seems my list keeps coming back empty.  I am on SP10. 
         When I deploy I get warnings that "Entry List is missing output fields mapping.  I think this is a warning only because I don't have my form connected to any other components.  I just want to see the radio group populated. I don't think this is the cause. 
    I see references out there to this "Dynamic List" not working until SP12?  Can anyone add some insight to what is wrong?  unsupported until later?

    I created a new model and the new model works fine.  Something must be cached.

  • Read Only Display of Radio group and Text area with counter not working

    I am using Apex 3.2, with 10g for the database
    I have this form, with fields that will set to read only when status = 'closed'
    All of the fields display as read only except for 2. I cannot figure out why this is not working correctly.
    1st field is Issues that is a text area with character counter, with a sql query behind it, that is set to null unless the query is pulling in the data.
    2nd field is Status which is a radio group that will not display as read only when status = 'closed'
    I have other fields on the form with the same format and they change to read only when the status = 'closed', I have even copied the pl/sql expression from one field to these fields and it still doesn't work correctly. I have also tried javascript for an on load event, which works, but once I click on the save button, it disables all of the page items, which works correctly, but I purposely forget to enter information, to make sure the validations are firing correctly, which it does, but the script disables everything, not allowing me to correct the errors. The javascript is firing on the on page load event.
    Any help on this is greatly appreciated.

    That API seems to have a bug, it returns true/false/null, so you could use 'return not nvl(htmldb_util.current_user_in_group(p_group_name => 'APP Admin'),false)' to get a false value.
    Unfortunately there's another problem: using the read-only attributes for checkbox or radiogroup item makes them hidden. My suggestion would be to create another item that has disabled="disabled" in the HTML Form Element attribute in the item definition and display that item or the non-disabled item alternately, using conditions based on the current_user_in_group logic.

  • InfoPath - Populating People/Group field works on Create, but not on Edit

    Hi- I have a scenario where there are a few data connections hooked up to a primary form. One of those data connections is connected to an assignment list. It consists of 3 columns (Warehouse(Text), Primary
    User(People/Group), Secondary User(People/Group). This list is meant to be a dynamic source that my main form uses to determine assignments. I have a button that pulls in the data from that list onto my form. I am assigning the DisplayName to my DisplayName,
    the Account ID to my AccountID and the AccountType to My AccountType. This works just fine when I go to create an item--> all values populate correctly, I can save my form with all of the newly brought in values.
    For some reason, every time I open the form after that and try to use the same button, the query runs as normal, but my people/group fields do not populate - assuming they are not already populated. I
    have validated that the rules are running and they are running with the values I want (I have written the values from the people/group fields to text fields and they appear to be correct).
    I did look at the SP logs and it gave me this: Failed to get SPGroupName from GroupID. Error Message: Group cannot be found. Callstack: at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPGroupCollection.GetByID(Int32 id) at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls.PeopleEditor.set_SharePointGroupID(Int32
    value).The StateManager is disposing and calling ReleaseLockedStates() (Count=0).
    Any thoughts? I have not gotten any errors when interacting with the form. I had to pull this from the ULS logs.
     Thanks, Jesse
    Jesse A. Brandenburg

    The rules go as following:
    1) Switch Views to a more specific view (less fields showing)
    2) Query Data Connection for assignments
    3-12) Set primary contacts
    This looks at my assignment list and based on the location sets the display name, account id and account type on
    my form, based on what exists on the other list
    *I have the same thing happening for 10 fields based on location.  I am using a filter for each one to identify the correct location populates that person field.  
    13) I am setting a field to true that identifies that the rule was just run with a sign and date of username.
    I have verified that the values are trying to be populated by looking at bothe the default values of the display name, account id, and account type of my people picker fields, however they are not showing anything within the picker itself.  Additionally
    I have a view that shows my assignments data connection that is populated correctly.  
    Thanks for your response - 
    Jesse A. Brandenburg

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