Dynamic Sql  no execute inside procedure

There are a new table, I give permission for select, update, inser and delete, when I executed query select work fine, but when This query is executed inside procedure with dynamic sql return error: ORA-01031 Insufficient Prvileges
I try to test out procedure and work fine , see below
  V_SQL  VARCHAR2(2000);
   V_SQL :='SELECT * FROM TRITON.TTDSLS992'|| '901' || CHR(10);
   V_SQL := V_SQL || ' WHERE  T$CONO$O = 410705'|| CHR(10);
   V_SQL := V_SQL || ' AND    T$PONO$O = 10'|| CHR(10);
   V_SQL := V_SQL || ' AND    T$COND$O = 0'|| CHR(10);
   V_SQL := V_SQL ||'AND    T$ETPA$O = 1 '|| CHR(10);
   V_SQL := V_SQL || ' AND    ROWNUM   = 1'|| CHR(10);
end;the Code 901 is not constant, change when Company change
Why return error permission inside procedure ?

Hardcode the value to '901' & check TRITON.TTDSLS992901 has execute permission to schema where you want to call this
TRITON.TTDSLS992'|| '901' ~Lokanath

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    Thank you,
    Warm Regards,
    Navin Srivastava

    navsriva wrote:
    We are building a messaging framework, which is used to send time sensitive messages to boundary system.I assume this means across application/database/server boundaries? Or is the message processing fully localised in the Oracle database instance?
    Every message has a time to live. if the processing of message does not occurs within the specified time, we have to rollback this processing and mark the message in error state.This is a problematic requirement.. Time is not consistent ito data processing on any platform (except real-time ones). For example, messageFoo1 has a TTL (time to live) of 1 sec. It needs to read a number of rows from a table. The mere factor of whether those rows are cached in the database buffer cache, or still residing on disk, will play a major role in execution time. Physical I/O is significantly slower that logical I/O.
    As a result, with the rows on disk, messageFoo1 exceeds the 1s TTL and fails. messageFoo2 is an identical message. It now finds most of the rows that were read by messageFoo1 in the buffer cache, enabling it to complete its processing under 1s.
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    If it does, then you need to look instead at a real-time operating system and server platform. Not Windows/Linux/Unix/etc. Not Oracle/SQL-Server/DB2/etc.
    TTL is also not time based in other s/w layers and processing. Take for example the traceroute and ping commands for the Internet Protocol (IP) stack. These commands send an ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packet.
    This packet is constructed with a TTL value too. When TTL is exceeded, the packet expires and the sender receives a notification packet to that regard.
    However, this TTL is not time based, but "+hop+" based. Each server's IP stack that receives an ICMP packet as it is routed through the network, subtracts 1 from the TTL and the forwards the packet (with the new TTL value). When a server's IP stack sees that TTL is zero, it does not forward the packet (with a -1 TTL), but instead responds back to the sender with an ICMP packet informing the sender that the packet's TTL has expired.
    As you can see, this is a very sensible and practical implementation of TTL. Imagine now that this is time based.. and the complexities that will be involved for the IP stack s/w to deal with it in that format.
    Making exact response/execution times part of the actual functional business requirements need to be carefully considered.. as this is very unusual and typically only found in solutions implemented in real-time systems.

  • Dynamic SQL statement in a Procedure

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    Thanks for any help or direction

    Turns out you can do the following very nicely (dynamic sql with parameterized values)
    id number(10,0);
    sql_stmt varchar2(300);
    fieldName varchar2(30);
    fieldValue varchar2(100);
    id := 30;
    fieldName := 'somecolumn';
    fieldValue := 'some value';
    sql_stmt := 'UPDATE myTable SET ' || fieldName || ' = :1 WHERE id = :2';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt USING fieldValue, id;

  • Dynamic Sql Using Execute Immediate

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    PROCEDURE UpdateUser(aauser myTable.USERNAME%Type,COL_NAME varchar2, val varchar2) AS
    Update myTable
    set userid = '002'
    where username= aauser;
    PROCEDURE UpdateUser(aauser myTable.USERNAME%Type,COL_NAME varchar2, val varchar2) AS
    Set ' ||COL_NAME||' = val
    where myTable.username = aauser';
    END UpdateUser;
    However I get the following error when I execute this statement. Please help me.
    Connecting to the database Local.
    ORA-00904: "aaUser": invalid identifier
    ORA-06512: at "ANOLD.PUB", line 1433
    ORA-06512: at line 10
    Process exited.
    Disconnecting from the database Local.

    TEST@XE SQL> desc mytable
    Name                                                  Null?    Type
    USERNAME                                                       VARCHAR2(30)
    USERID                                                         VARCHAR2(30)
    COL3                                                           NUMBER
    COL4                                                           NUMBER
    TEST@XE SQL> insert into mytable values('TEST','001',1,2);
    1 row created.
    TEST@XE SQL> create or replace PROCEDURE UpdateUser(aauser myTable.USERNAME%Type,COL_NAME varchar2, val varchar2) AS
      2  BEGIN
      3     EXECUTE IMMEDIATE  'UPDATE myTable
      4     Set ' ||COL_NAME||' = ' || chr(39) ||val|| chr(39) ||
      5     ' where myTable.username = ' || chr(39) ||aauser|| chr(39);
      6  END UpdateUser;
    TEST@XE SQL> /
    Procedure created.
    TEST@XE SQL> exec UpdateUser('TEST','userid','002');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    TEST@XE SQL> select * from mytable;
    USERNAME                       USERID                                    COL3            COL4
    TEST                           002                                          1               2
    TEST@XE SQL> exec UpdateUser('TEST','col3',111);
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    TEST@XE SQL> select * from mytable;
    USERNAME                       USERID                                    COL3            COL4
    TEST                           002                                        111               2

  • How to run dynamic SQL from an ODI procedure step

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    /* Setup Java variables */
    String out_SQL = "";
    java.sql.Connection sourceConnection = odiRef.getJDBCConnection("SRC");
    String sqltxt = "{call set_sql(?)}";
    java.sql.CallableStatement pstmt = sourceConnection.prepareCall(sqltxt);
         pstmt.registerOutParameter( 1, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
    out_SQL = pstmt.getString(1);
         catch(java.sql.SQLException ex)
              errMessage = ex.getMessage();
              errMessage = errMessage.replace("'","");
    catch(java.lang.Exception e)
         errMessage = e.getMessage();
         errMessage = errMessage.replace("'","");
    -- The SQL that I want to run
    -- Error handling
    <@ if ( out_SQL.length() ==0 ) { @>
         raise_application_error(-20101, '<@=errMessage@>');
    <@ } else { @>
    <@ } @>     

    Please understand that I know that I can do this all within PL/SQL -- I am explicitly doing it the way I have outlined because I want to better understand the parsing levels/behavior within ODI procedures and I want to understand why KMs steps behave differently.
    Another observation -- putting this all within a pl/sql block prevents ODI from properly capturing insert/update/delete row counts like it would if it were running a SQL statement.
    So the question remains -- is there a way to run a dynamic SQL statement in an ODI procedure where the SQL statement is generated from within an Oracle procedure call and then run as SQL within an ODI procedure step? Best would be if there is an example of how this can be done.

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    I would be interested. We are currently using a homegrown DataMapper architecture with the Microsoft OracleClient. I would like to move to ODP.Net once a production version supporting ADO.Net 2.0 is available. After that, I would then like to look at using an off the shelf persistence framework such as EntitySpaces, NHibernate or IdeaBlade's DevForce.

  • Display results from dynamic query created and executed inside procedure

    I have created this code:
    -- Do something
    -- That ends up with a variable holding a query.... (just an example)
    MainQuery :='select sysdate from dual';
    end RunDynamicQuery;
    How can I run this procedure and see the result on the dymanic query generated inside it?
    Expected Output for this given example:
    20-05-2009 11:04:44 ( the result of the dymanic query inside the procedure variable MainQuery :='select sysdate from dual';)
    I tested with 'execute immediate':
    -- Do something
    -- That ends up with a variable holding a query.... (just an example)
    MainQuery :='select sysdate from dual';
    execute immediate (MainQuery );
    end RunDynamicQuery;
    Output:"Statement processed'' (no sysdate displayed ! )
    Please consider that the collums in the query are always dynamic... PIPELINE Table would not work because I would need to define a container, example:
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE emp_tabtype AS TABLE OF emp_type;
    FUNCTION RunDynamicQuery (p_cursor IN sys_refcursor)
    RETURN emp_tabtype PIPELINED
    emp_in emp%ROWTYPE;
    FETCH p_cursor
    INTO emp_in;
    EXIT WHEN p_cursor%NOTFOUND;
    PIPE ROW (...)

    That would be a nice solution, thanks :)
    ''For now'' I implemented like this:
    My dynamic query now returns a single string ( select col1 || col2 || col3 from bla)
    This way I don't have dynamic collumns issue, and from business side, this ''string'' format works for them.
    This way I can use the pipelines to get the result out...
    OPEN myCursor FOR MainQuery;
    FETCH myCursor
    INTO myRow;
    WHILE (NOT myCursor%notFound) LOOP
    PIPE ROW(myRow);
    FETCH myCursor
    INTO myRow;
    CLOSE myCursor;

  • Executing dynamic SQL in trigger

    Hi !
    I just wanted to ask the community if it is ok using dynamic SQL
    with execute immediate in triggers, like:
    if (deleting or updating)
    and nvl(:old.col_val, 0) != 0
    /* Update */
    sSql :=
    'update TMP_STAT_TEST ' ||
    'set col_val_' || to_char(:old.col_id) || ' = col_val_' ||
    to_char(:old.col_id) || ' - :1 ';
    execute immediate sSql using :old.col_val;
    end if;
    All dyn SQL inside the trigger does not reference the triggered
    table, so I will not get a mutating trigger.
    Thanks for your feedback.

    Hi Andrew !
    I have a "master" table with date and amount and some more
    columns. I have a statistic table which must get updated
    accordingly each time the master table is changed (ins, upd,
    del). In this stats table there a cols like "sum_2000, sum_2001"
    etc. The dynamic statement depends on date to figure out the
    column name for the sum_yyyy cols, and amount will be
    added/subtracted. Of course there is a check that the trigger
    cannot handle when the year of the date is smaller than 2000 or
    greater than 2009.
    That's why I want to use dyn SQL.

  • Stored Procedures and Dynamic SQL

    In order to return query results from a PL/SQL procedure, I currently use an IN OUT parameter to return a cursor to JDBC.
    (Q: Is there any other way ???)
    But if I want to use dynamic SQL (DBMS_SQL) within the procedure, I don't know how to return the results. How do I get a handle on the DBMS_SQL underlying cursor, rather than just its cursor-ID?
    Can anyone help ?
    ([email protected])

    Very happy customer here!

  • SSRS - Stored procedure with Dynamic SQL Query

    Am calling stored procedure in SSRS report.  I have used Dynamic SQL query in stored procedure as I don't know the column name and column count.  And I have used like below at end of the stored procedure "select * from ##temptable".
    As I have used dynamic column, am not able to create report with this stored procedure.  Can someone help me out to resolve this issue.
    It will be highly appreciated if I get help. 

    I have tried everything.  But nothing has worked out. 
    If I get solution for below issue, it would be highly appreciated.
    "An error occurred during local report processing.
    The definition of the repport 'Main Report' is invalid.
    The report defintion is not valid.  Details: The report definition has an invalid target namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2010/01/reportdefinition' which cannot be upgraded.
    I would suggest you post the complete error message to us for further investigation, if you preview the report before you deploy you may get a more detailed error that will help diagnose the source of the problem.
    This issue is more related to SQL Server Reporting Services, it's more appropriate to discuss it in the forum below:
    Don't forget to elaborate your issue with more detail.
    For the manual column, it might be the calculated field in SSRS. Here is the article for your reference, please see:
    Elvis Long
    TechNet Community Support


    hi gurus,
    i have a dynamic SQL in a procedure where a table will be created from an existing table without data.
    strSQL:='create table ' || strTemp || ' as select * from ' || strArc || ' where 1=2';
    execute immediate strSQL;
    without GRANT CREATE ANY TABLE for the user, *"ORA-01031: insufficient privileges"* error during execution.
    Is there a way to tackle this issue without providing GRANT CREATE ANY TABLE privilige?
    many thanks,

    ravikumar.sv wrote:
    The problem is not because of dynamic sql...It probably has something to do with dynamic SQL or, more accurately, dynamic SQL within a stored procedure.
    From a SQL*Plus command prompt, you can create a table if your account has the CREATE TABLE privilege either granted directly to it or granted to a role that has been granted to your account. Most people probably have the CREATE TABLE privilege through a role (hopefully a custom "developer role" that has whatever privileges you grant to users that will own objects but potentially through the default RESOURCE role). That is not sufficient to create tables dynamically via a definer's rights stored procedure. Only privileges that are granted directly to the user, not those granted via a role, are visible in that case.
    I expect that the DBAs are granting the CREATE ANY TABLE privilege directly to the account in question rather than through whatever role(s) are being used which is why that appears to solve the problem.

  • Security risk of ref cursor & dynamic sql

    Hi guys,
    I am using Ref Cursor to execute a dynamic sql in my stored procedure. Inputs to the dynamic SQL are passed in as parameters. My code fragments:
    CREATE PROCEDURE mm_select(
    aaa     IN VARCHAR2,
    bbb     IN VARCHAR2 )
    in the code:
    sqlstmt := 'SELECT * FROM dbaivoc.mm ' ||
    'WHERE b in (' || role_id_list || ') ' ||
    'AND c = '|| application_fn_id_list ;
    OPEN RC1 FOR sqlstmt;
    My question is, is it possible for anyone to pass in a malicious SQL like drop table xxx into the parameter list eg. exec mm_select(1,'1; drop table aa;')
    I've tried but it doesn't seem to work. I'm just asking for confirmation. Thanks for any help!

    I don't see in your small pieces of code what the input parameters aaa and bbb are used for.
    If your statement is always
    sqlstmt := 'select ....'
    then I don't see how this can be changed to 'drop table ...'.
    It would be something different if you have something like this in your procedure:
    execute immediate bbb;

  • Question on Dynamic SQL Execution

    Our company is currently using Oracle 7 but will move to Oracle 8i soon. I am trying to execute a dynamic SQL statement in a function and it always error-out during execution. The SQL statement is NOT doing any update to a table. Its doing a select only. The function is being called during an execution of another dynamic SQL statement in a procedure. Here are examples of the code listing for the procedure and function:
    lookup_cursor      integer;
    ignore          integer;
    VARvalue          number;
    lookup_cursor := DBMS_SQL.open_cursor;
    DBMS_SQL.PARSE( lookup_cursor,
              'SELECT ' || TEST_FUNCTION || ' FROM DUAL,
    DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( lookup_cursor, 1, VARvalue);
    ignore := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(lookup_cursor);
         IF DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS(lookup_cursor) > 0 THEN
         DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(lookup_cursor, 1, VARvalue);
         END IF;
    end TEST_PROC;
    lookup_cursor      integer;
    ignore          integer;
    VARvalue          number;
    VARsql_string     VARCHAR2(200);
    lookup_cursor := DBMS_SQL.open_cursor;
    DBMS_SQL.PARSE( lookup_cursor,
    DBMS_SQL.DEFINE_COLUMN( lookup_cursor, 1, VARvalue);
    ignore := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(lookup_cursor);
         IF DBMS_SQL.FETCH_ROWS(lookup_cursor) > 0 THEN
         DBMS_SQL.COLUMN_VALUE(lookup_cursor, 1, VARvalue);
         END IF;
    RETURN VARvalue;
    The error I received during execution of TEST_PROC is:
    ORA-06571: Function TEST_FUNCTION does not guarantee not to update database
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_SQL", line 239
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SQL", line 32
    It may seem like the example procedure doesnt need to use a dynamic SQL execution to call TEST_FUNCTION but the actual code that I extracted from does.
    Does Oracle 7 always treat the dynamic SQL command set as some kind of update statement? Is that a bug? I understand that the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE command in Oracle 8i will replace the old command set found in the above examples. Will using the new EXECUTE IMMEDIATE command in Oracle 8i solve this problem?
    Thank you for any help,

    In Oracle 7, for a function to be called from a select statement it has to follow the 'purity rule' that it does not modify any database table or package variable.
    Probably you will have to use the compiler directive PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES (WNDS,WNPS) on your TEST_FUNCTION so that it can be called within a SQL statement.
    This restriction is removed in Oracle 8i onwards.
    Hope this solves your problem.

  • Dynamic SQL in table vauled function or CLR

    So I have a query that gives me some analysis on the values in a column, in a table.  It reurns a small data set.
    It gives me the max, min, stdev, avg and some other stats grouped by another column.
    I wanted to create a table valued function from the query, so I could do the same analysis on any numeric column, in any table.  I would just pass in the column name and the table name as paramters to my table-valued function and it would return the
    data set.  Then I could join to it and use in other queries.
    I thought I would build my query using dynamic SQL and execute it within the function, but I got an error and learn that you can not use execute in a function.
    I have never created a CLR function, would this be possible to do it this way?  This would be a decent sized step for me, but am willing to learn if possible.  Or does anyone know how to solve this problem?
    Problem: Pass column name and table name into function and have it reurn a dataset.  Use the dataset as a table in other queries, scripts or procedures like a table valued function.

    Take a look into READ only table variable parameter
    Create a user-defined data type with a single column.
    Develop a procedure with a table variable as an input parameter.
    Declare a table variable of the type of the user defined data type.
    Loading 10 records into the table variable and pass the table 
    variable to the stored procedure.
    create type tt_example AS TABLE
     (spid int)
    create procedure usp_example
     @spids tt_example READONLY
     SELECT *
     FROM @spids
    declare @spids tt_example
    insert into @spids
    select top 10 spid
    from sys.sysprocesses
    exec usp_example @spids=@spids
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

  • Unique id in dynamic sql

    hi all,
    I am using oracle 10g version.
    I have one table but i do not have any unique id to identify the row.
    I want to have a unique id temporarily in my select statement (dynamic sql) in a stored procedure while fetching the results, so that i can return my results along with the unique id through the cursor.
    Please help me...
    Thanks in advance to all...

    it depends if you have a more than one column that you can uniquely identify and put them together by concatenating you can have a unique id. or a rowid might help you to temporarily identify a row.
    SQL> select e.* from employee e;
    FNAME           MINIT LNAME           SSN       BDATE       ADDRESS                        SEX       SALARY SUPERSSN         DNO
    John            B     Smith           123456789 09-Jan-1965 731 fONDREN, hOUSTON, TX       M       30000.00 333445555          5
    Frankin         T     Wong            333445555 08-Dec-1955 683 Voss, Houston,Tx           M       40000.00 888665555          5
    Alicia          J     Zelaya          999887777 19-Jul-1968 3321Castle, Spring, TX         F       25000.00 987654321          4
    Jennifer        S     Wallace         987654321 20-Jun-2041 291 Berry, Bellaire, TX        F       43000.00 888665555          4
    Ramesh          K     Narayan         666884444 15-Sep-1962 975 Fire Oak, Humble, TX       F       38000.00 333445555          5
    Joyce           A     English         453453453 31-Jul-1972 5631 Rice,Houston,TX           F       25000.00 333445555          5
    Ahmad           V     Jabbar          987987987 29-Mar-1969 980 Dallas,Houston, TX         M       25000.00 987654321          4
    James           E     Borg            888665555 10-Nov-2037 450 Stone, Houston, TX         M       55000.00                    1
    8 rows selected
    SQL> select rowid, e.* from employee e;
    ROWID              FNAME           MINIT LNAME           SSN       BDATE       ADDRESS                        SEX       SALARY SUPERSSN         DNO
    AAD8pbAAJAAAJ4fAAA John            B     Smith           123456789 09-Jan-1965 731 fONDREN, hOUSTON, TX       M       30000.00 333445555          5
    AAD8pbAAJAAAJ4fAAB Frankin         T     Wong            333445555 08-Dec-1955 683 Voss, Houston,Tx           M       40000.00 888665555          5
    AAD8pbAAJAAAJ4fAAC Alicia          J     Zelaya          999887777 19-Jul-1968 3321Castle, Spring, TX         F       25000.00 987654321          4
    AAD8pbAAJAAAJ4fAAD Jennifer        S     Wallace         987654321 20-Jun-2041 291 Berry, Bellaire, TX        F       43000.00 888665555          4
    AAD8pbAAJAAAJ4fAAE Ramesh          K     Narayan         666884444 15-Sep-1962 975 Fire Oak, Humble, TX       F       38000.00 333445555          5
    AAD8pbAAJAAAJ4fAAF Joyce           A     English         453453453 31-Jul-1972 5631 Rice,Houston,TX           F       25000.00 333445555          5
    AAD8pbAAJAAAJ4fAAG Ahmad           V     Jabbar          987987987 29-Mar-1969 980 Dallas,Houston, TX         M       25000.00 987654321          4
    AAD8pbAAJAAAJ4fAAH James           E     Borg            888665555 10-Nov-2037 450 Stone, Houston, TX         M       55000.00                    1
    8 rows selected

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