Dynamic table on specific height of JSP page

I have large data.
I have to show this data in dynamic table on jsp page.
the JSP page is logically divided in different pages (as this page is used for printing on specified size of page)
I can only display atmost 12 single rows on one page
but some times text of one column of row become so large that rows expands vertically and occupies space of 2 or 3 rows (thats why now i have to display 8 or 9 rows on first page and then remaining on next )
becoz of this i cant implement this check (only show 12 rows on a page).
so what can i do to show specified height of table on one page and remaining move to next page.

This is an impossible requirement. Page, font and element height is not only browser dependend, but also depending on the settings of the user. Some users will override the font size to be smaller or bigger using a browser option, resizing your table accordingly. Mac fonts might have different sizes if the fonts are antialiased, etc.
You'd have more success if you could output the table as PDF, there are far more table spacing options available, it's portable and you have 100% control over the output. Check out the iText API for example. The only problem with this is that the PDF will be opened by a PDF viewer which you cannot control, so you cannot make it automatically print.

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  • Help Required  !!! -- Dynamic table on specific height of JSP page

    I have large data.
    I have to show this data in dynamic table on jsp page.
    the JSP page is logically divided in different pages (as this page is used for printing on specified size of page)
    I can only display atmost 12 single rows on one page
    but some times text of one column of row become so large that rows expands vertically and occupies space of 2 or 3 rows (thats why now i have to display 8 or 9 rows on first page and then remaining on next )
    becoz of this i cant implement this check (only show 12 rows on a page).
    so what can i do to show specified height of table on one page and remaining move to next page.

    This is an impossible requirement. Page, font and element height is not only browser dependend, but also depending on the settings of the user. Some users will override the font size to be smaller or bigger using a browser option, resizing your table accordingly. Mac fonts might have different sizes if the fonts are antialiased, etc.
    You'd have more success if you could output the table as PDF, there are far more table spacing options available, it's portable and you have 100% control over the output. Check out the iText API for example. The only problem with this is that the PDF will be opened by a PDF viewer which you cannot control, so you cannot make it automatically print.

  • Have to display a dynamic table on specific height of JSP page

    I have large data.
    I have to show this data in dynamic table on jsp page.
    the JSP page is logically divided in different pages (as this page is used for printing on specified size of page)
    I can only display atmost 12 single rows on one page
    but some times text of one column of row become so large that rows expands vertically and occupies space of 2 or 3 rows (thats why now i have to display 8 or 9 rows on first page and then remaining on next )
    becoz of this i cant implement this check (only show 12 rows on a page).
    so what can i do to show specified height of table on one page and remaining move to next page.

    its not so easy ...i had this problem once befor 2 months in the work
    i think u have to implement a Controller.java class that controll the iterating between pages ...
    u should have an pageIndex and just play with this index (increment and decrement)

  • How to retrieve multiple data from table and represent it in jsp page

    The below JavaScript code is used to add row in the table when I want to add multiple row data into table for single entry no field.
      <html>  function addRow()
                var newRow = document.all("tblGrid").insertRow();
                var oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='srno"+i+"' type='text' id='srno"+i+"' size=10>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='itmcd"+i+"' type='text' id='itmcd"+i+"' size='10'>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='itmnm"+i+"' type='text' id='itmnm"+i+"' size='15'>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='indentqty"+i+"' type='text' id='indentqty"+i+"' size='10'>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                    oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='uom"+i+"' type='text' id='uom"+i+"' size='10'><input type='hidden' name='mcode"+i+"'id='mcode"+i+"'>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='packqty"+i+"' type='text' id='packqty"+i+"' size='10'>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='packuom"+i+"' type='text' id='packuom"+i+"' size='10'><input type='hidden' name='pack"+i+"' id='pack"+i+"'>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='rate"+i+"' type='text' id='rate"+i+"' size='10'>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='dor"+i+"' type='text' id='dor"+i+"' size='0' onClick='"+putdate(this.name)+"'>";           
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='bccode"+i+"' type='text' id='bccode"+i+"' size='10'></td><input type='hidden' name='bcc"+i+"' id='bcc"+i+"'>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='cccode"+i+"' type='text' id='cccode"+i+"' size='10'></td><input type='hidden' name='ccc"+i+"' id='ccc"+i+"'>";
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input name='remark2"+i+"' type='text' id='remark2"+i+"' size='20'>";           
                oCell = newRow.insertCell();
                oCell.innerHTML = "<input type='button' value='Delete' onclick='removeRow(this);' />";
               // oCell = newRow.insertCell();
               // oCell.innerHTML = "<input type='button' value='Clear' onclick='clearRow(this);' />";
            }<html>  Then this data are send to the next Servlet for adding into two table.
    My header portion data are added into one table which added only one row in table. while footer section data are added into the no of rows in another table dependent on No. of
    Rows added into jsp page.
    Here is an code for that logic.
    ArrayList<String> mucode = new ArrayList<String>();
                                ArrayList<Integer> serials = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                                ArrayList<Integer> apxrate = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                                ArrayList<Integer> srname = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                                ArrayList<String> itcode = new ArrayList<String>();
                                ArrayList<String> itname = new ArrayList<String>();
                                ArrayList<Integer> iqnty = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                                ArrayList<String> iuom = new ArrayList<String>();
                                ArrayList<Integer> pqnty = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                                ArrayList<String> puom1 = new ArrayList<String>();
                               ArrayList<Integer> arate = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                                ArrayList<String> rdate = new ArrayList<String>();
                                ArrayList<String> bcs = new ArrayList<String>();
                                ArrayList<String> ccs = new ArrayList<String>();
                                ArrayList<String> remarkss = new ArrayList<String>();
                                //ArrayList<Integer> qtyrecs = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                                //ArrayList<String> dors = new ArrayList<String>();
                                //ArrayList<String> remarks = new ArrayList<String>();
                     String entryn = request.getParameter("entryno");       
                        String rows = request.getParameter("rows");
                        //String Entryno = request.getParameter("entryno");
                       // out.println(Entryno);
                      int entryno = 0,reqqty = 0,srno = 0,deprequest = 0,rowcount = 0;
                                        entryno = Integer.valueOf(Entryno);
                                        rowcount = Integer.valueOf(rows);
                               for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                        } //out.println(itcode.get(i));
                                for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                               for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                               for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                     /* for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                              for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                                }catch(ParseException p){p.printStackTrace();}
                                           { rdate.add("");}
                                   for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                        ArrayList<String> Idate = new ArrayList<String>();
                        for(int i=1;i<=rowcount;i++){
                                                }catch(ParseException p){p.printStackTrace();}
                    String Rdate = dashdate.format(new java.util.Date());
                     String tdate = dashdate.format(new java.util.Date());    
                     // String Indentdate = dashdate.format(new java.util.Date());
                   //  String ApprovedT1 = dashdate.format(new java.util.Date());
                   //  String ApprovedT2 = dashdate.format(new java.util.Date());
                       // String ApprovedT1=" ";
                        //String ApprovedT2="";*/
                    String ApprovedT1= dashdate.format(new java.util.Date());
                   out.println (ApprovedT1);
                      String ApprovedT2=dashdate.format(new java.util.Date());
                    String Indentdate=(dashdate.format(slashdate.parse(request.getParameter("dateindent").trim())));
                        String Cocode ="BML001";  
                        String Deptcode = request.getParameter("dept1");
                        String Empcode = request.getParameter("emp");
                        String Refno =request.getParameter("rtype"); 
                        String Divcode = request.getParameter("todiv1");
                        String Usercode = "CIRIUS";    
                         String Whcode = request.getParameter("stor");
                        // String Itemgroupcode = request.getParameter("");
                         String Itemgroupcode ="120000";
                        String Supplytypecode = request.getParameter("stype");
                        String Delcode = request.getParameter("deliverycode");
                        String Itemclass="WS";
                        // String Itemclass = request.getParameter("iclass");
                       // out.println(Itemclass);
                        String unitcode = request.getParameter("uni");
                         String Todivcode = request.getParameter("todiv1");
                        String Appxrate = request.getParameter("rate");
                        String Srno = request.getParameter("srno");
                    /*    String Indqty = request.getParameter("indentqty");
                  String Itemcode = request.getParameter("itmcd");
                       String Othersp = request.getParameter("remark1");
                        String Reqdt = request.getParameter("dor");
                        String Munitcode = request.getParameter("mcode");
                        String Packqty = request.getParameter("packqty");
                        String Packuom = request.getParameter("pack");
                        String Remark2 = request.getParameter("remark2");
                        String BC = request.getParameter("bcc");
                        String CC = request.getParameter("ccc");
                            String sql="INSERT INTO PTXNINDHDR(COCODE,DEPTCODE,EMPCODE,APPROVEDT1,APPROVEDT2,INDDT,ENTRYNO,REFNO,REMARKS,DIVCODE,USERCODE,WHCODE,ITEMGROUPCODE,SUPTYPECODE,DELCODE,UNITCODE,TODIVCODE,ITEMCLASS)VALUES('"+Cocode+"','"+Deptcode+"','"+Empcode+"','"+ApprovedT1+"','"+ApprovedT2+"','"+Indentdate+"',"+Entryno+",'"+Refno+"','"+Othersp+"','"+Divcode+"','"+Usercode+"','"+Whcode+"','"+Itemgroupcode+"','"+Supplytypecode+"','"+Delcode+"','"+unitcode+"','"+Todivcode+"','"+Itemclass+"')";
                            for(int i=0;i<serials.size();i++){
                                out.println("Inside the Statement");
                                String query3="test query for u";
                               String queryx="Insert into PTXNINDDTL(APXRATE,ENTRYNO,BRKNO,INDQTY,ITEMCODE,OTHERSPFCS,MUNITCODE,PACKQTY,PACKUOM,REMARKS,DIMSUBGRPCODE,DIMCODE,REQDT)VALUES("+arate.get(i)+","+entryno+","+srname.get(i)+","+iqnty.get(i)+","+itcode.get(i)+",'"+Othersp+"','"+mucode.get(i)+"',"+pqnty.get(i)+",'"+puom1.get(i)+"','"+remarkss.get(i)+"','"+bcs.get(i)+"','"+ccs.get(i)+"','"+rdate.get(i)+"')";
                           int[] result=st.executeBatch();
                           for(int k=0;k<result.length;k++)
                           out.println("rows updated by "+(k+1)+"insert sta:"+result[k]+"");
                        catch(BatchUpdateException bue)
                        catch(SQLException sql)
                        catch(Exception l)
       Now I looking for to retrieve this footer section data available in multiple rows from footer table and present it in jsp page .
    I am finding difficulties in how to show this multiple row data for dynamic no of rows .i.e. variable no. of rows.
    I have able to show the data in Header portions of page in this ways
    here i am adding the part of code which shows the data from header part of table i.e from Header table
    <h2 align="center"><b>Indent Preparation</b></h2>
        <div align="left">
            <table width="849" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" align="center">
                    <td ><div align="left"><b>Indent No.</b></div></td>
                    <td ><label>
                            <input name="indentno" type="text" id="indentno" size="15" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="no" id="no">
                    <td ><div align="center"><strong>Indent Date</strong></div></td>
                    <td ><label>
                            <div align="center">
                                <input name="dateindent" type="text" id="dateindent"value="<%=date1%>"/><input type="hidden" name="no" id="no">
                    <td> </td>
                    <td><div align="right"><strong>Entry No.</strong></div></td>
                     <%if(oper!=null && oper.equals("view") && hdrcode!=null && hdrdetails!=null){%>
            <td><input type="text" value="<%=hdrcode.get(3)%>" size="10"></td>
                   <td><input type="text" name="entryno" id="entryno" value="<%=entryNo%>"/></td>
                            <div align="right"></div>
                    <%if(oper!=null && oper.equals("view") && hdrcode!=null && hdrdetails!=null){%>
    <td><input type="text" value="<%=hdrdetails.get(9)%>" size="20"</td>
    <td><input type="hidden" name="div1" id="div1" value='<%=hdrcode.get(10)%>'></td>
                   <td><input type="text" name="div" id="div" /></td>
                   <td><input type="hidden" name="div1" id="div1" /> </td>
                    <td> </td>
                    <td> </td>
                    <td><div align="right"><strong>Unit</strong></div></td>
                   <%if(oper!=null && oper.equals("view") && hdrcode!=null && hdrdetails!=null){%>
    <td><input type="text" value="<%=hdrdetails.get(14)%>" size="20"</td>
    <td><input type="hidden" name="uni" id="uni" value='<%=hdrcode.get(12)%>'></td>
                   <td><input type="text" name="unit" id="unit" /></td>
                   <td><input type="hidden" name="uni" id="uni" /> </td>
      Any suggestion on any above works is highly appreciated.
    Thanks and regards

    Too much code. It's also not well intented nor formatted. I don't see a question either or it got lost in that heap of unformatted code.
    I will only answer the question in the thread's subject:
    How to retrieve multiple data from table and represent it in jsp pageTo retrieve, make use of HttpServletRequest#getParameterValues() and/or #getParameter().
    To display, make use of JSTL's c:forEach.

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    I want to know whether we can create a pivot table of excel sheet in a jsp page using POI package from apache.
    thank you.

    Hi Alex,
    Many thanks for replying.
    I followed the link, but unable to get correct output.. I have shared the template earlier. I can share the template once again.
    It would be grateful if you give me share the working template with table of content.

  • Looking to load embedded PDF at a specific height on the page

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    Not that I know of, but I have completely given up on Pages for anything. For labels I use Avery software which is free http://www.avery.com/avery/en_us/Templates-%26-Software/Software/Avery-Design--P rint.htm

  • Sorting Dynamic Table by specific field

    Hi guys,
    I need to sort a dynamic table (without header line) by a certain field in order to achieve the client requierment. I really don't have any clue about how can i do this, because, it appears that is not possible to declarate a field symbol type standar table with a headerline...

    Try this:
    TABLES T001.
    DATA: FIELD1(30),
    ASSIGN T_T001[] TO <TABLE>.
    FIELD1 = 'BUTXT'.
      WRITE: / T001-BUTXT, T001-BUKRS.
    U have to decide how many fields can be used to sort the table: in my example I suppose the user can use max 3 fields in the same time.
    The ALV use this way to sort the table.

  • Dynamic table needs to break to 2nd page

    Still consider myself clueless when it comes to dynamic properties in a form.
    I have a user interface that collects and stores data for some of our business accounts. A chunk of these fields are free-form text boxes.
    I need the ability to simply, neatly display all information saved or entered in the user interface.
    I'm working with LiveCycle and am required to have a standard header/footer on each page that consists of fields that will also populate with data from the user interface.
    What I've tried is to set up the fields as a table. I have the ability to extend the field according to the amount of text entered, but have problems when the field should break to the next page.
    I've allowed multiple lines for the text boxes, and set the table row to "expand to fit". Unfortunately I can't figure out how to get the system to accept or have available the setting Allow Page Breaks with Content.
    When there is enough text to cause the field to break over a field, it simply takes the entire section to the next page.
    Any help or suggestions would be welcomed.

    Input fields cannot be broken across pages in version 8.x and before.
    That is why it is trying to keep the whole field together on a single page.

  • Linking to a specific frame from JSP page

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    You can not point to a specific frame ina document from an external document.Your best bet might be to pass the parameters using URL and on the recieving end write some javascript to parse the url adn if it has a parameter then process that else just load standard document.

  • Problem in displaying dynamic table placed in master page

    Hi all,
    I have placed a dynamic table in my master page. When the page overflows the dynamic table is shown only in 1st page. I want this table to be shown in every page. Please help me solve this.

    Thank you all for your reply. But i cannot keep the table in body page as i want this table to be displayed in every page in the header.  Actually i am displaying an address through this table.
    I have moved the content area in master page to center and reduced its size and in the body page i have placed a table which will display the report. When this table overflows to next page all the contents in master page are shown except for the address table in master page. I am not sure whether i am doing it the right way as i am bit new to adobe forms.
    Please let me know where am i going wrong. Also please suggest me some alternative method ( if any ) to display the address in every page if the above method is not feasible.

  • Reg dynamically displaying records from database into a jsp page

    I am working in a project which is using struts and hibernate.In a class I gave code for retrieving data from a table and I put it in a list.
    List retrieveList;
    public List getRetrieveList() {
    String SQL_QUERY ="from student s";
    Query query = session.createQuery(SQL_QUERY);
    retrieveList = query.list();
    return retrieveList;
    public void setRetrieveList(List retrieveList) {
    this.retrieveList = retrieveList;
    And this list value I want to be displayed in a jsp page.What I have given is :
    <jsp:useBean id="records" class="StudentImpl" scope="session" />
    <bean:define id="list" name="records" property="retrieveList" />
    <table align="center" bordercolor="black" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10">
    <logic:iterate id="data" name="list" type="pojo.student" indexId="index">
    <td><html:multibox property="checked" value=""></html:multibox></td>
    <td><bean:write name="data" property="studentname" /></td>
    <td><bean:write name="data" property="age" /></td>
    When I run my jsp page its showing an error
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to pojo.Student
    can anyone resolve this problem?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    ya i got through criteria query.
    Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
                   Criteria query = session.createCriteria(Student.class);
                   list = (ArrayList)query.list();
              catch(Exception e){

  • Capturing data from a dynamic table that span multiple pages

    I created a PDF form that contained a dynamic table that can span across multiple pages. Additional rows in the table can be created by the person filling the form as and when needed.
    The PDF form is distributed to the receipient using Adobe LiveCycle Designer.
    However, when the form is "Submitted" back to the originator of the form, only data in the first row of the table is captured in the Response file. All the other rows are left out.
    I would be grateful if anyone can advise me as to how do I or what shall I do to get all the data in all the rows in the table into the Response File?
    Thank you.

    Attached are the saved completed PDF-Form and the response file after the completed form has been submitted. I have copied this message to your gMail account.
    Only data in the first row of the table is captured in the Response file.
    If it is working correctly on your side, please let me know what could have gone wrong on my side.
    Thank you.
    Best regards,
    Kim-Siang Ng
    With the wish to help all beings, may all my thoughts,words,and actions be void of attachment and ego.
    May they arise from compassion and wisdom.
    May they be imbued with patience and joy.
    The information contained in this transmission may contain privileged and confidential information and is intended only for the use of the person(s) named above. If you are not the intended recipient, any review, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you received this email in error, please contact the sender immediately by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. This email is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instruments.
    This email is forwarded automatically to a selected list of my buddies for enjoyment. Contents come from various sources and none of the materials I claim as my property. If any belongs to you, please consider it an honor that the content was worthy enough to be shared. No copyright infringement intended!. If any material is not appealing to you DELETE immediately.
    When forwarding this email, please have the courtesy to respect the privacy and confidentiality of the sender by deleting all previous email trails and addresses before you proceed to forward this email to others.

  • Need Dynamic Table in JSP page

    Hi Friends,
    I need to build table dynamically in my JSP page.
    My requirement like:
    I have a Button in my JSP page when i click that it should go to another jsp where it will ask me the row and column counts, after i entered some values then i have a button to say OK it should go to the first page again there i want the table for the rows and columns dynamically.
    (like MS- Word when u create table it will ask the row count and column count after that its building a table)
    Please help me....

    Make use of JSTL's c:forEach.

  • How to add tables in JSP page dynamically?

    Hi all,
    I am Girish, i am new to Java. I want to create a html page.
    The main requirment in the page is ...
    Initialy the page will contains a table which will accepts some data.
    If the user want to enter some more information he can click one add button such that a new table will be created. If he wants to delete created table he can select delete button such that the table will be deleted in the same JSP page.
    Please give me a solution.. how to achieve this requirment.
    Waiting for reply..
    Thanks in advance...

    this is a sample.. you can give it a try:
    whatever jsp
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
    <%@page import="java.util.*,mypackage.TestBean"%>
    String name = request.getParameter("name")!=null?request.getParameter("name"):"";
    String age = request.getParameter("age")!=null?request.getParameter("age"):"";
    Collection col = new ArrayList();
    col = (Collection)session.getAttribute("col")!=null?(Collection)session.getAttribute("col"):new ArrayList();
    TestBean tBean = new TestBean();
    if(!age.equals("") || !name.equals(""))
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"/>
          <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1" width="200">
                <input type="text" name="name"/>
                <input type="text" name="age"/>
              <td colspan="2">
                <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
          Iterator iter = col.iterator();
          <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1" width="200">
              tBean = (TestBean)iter.next();
    package mypackage;
    public class TestBean
      private String name;
      private String age;
      public TestBean()
      public String getName()
        return name;
      public void setName(String name)
        this.name = name;
      public String getAge()
        return age;
      public void setAge(String age)
        this.age = age;

  • Dynamic table in JSP

    We need some help regarding an unusual problem we are facing in our web application.
    The background:-
    We have a web page (JSP) for updating (adding, modifying, deleting) data from a single table. This page has been designed in such a way that when ever it is invoked, it displays content of the entire table on the page. Also there is a facility of filtering this content. The entire table content is displayed in a dynamic table without paging. There is one java script which is used to manage the scrolling of this table (300 rows at a time). Please not that it is just scrolling that is controlled by the Java Script, that is the entire table is displayed in a specific area with vertical scroll. Each row in this table has a radio button associated with it which is used to select a particular row for modifying it. User can select a single row at a time.
    The problem:-
    This page was working fine, until the number of rows in the table were under 70,000 records. Currently there are more than 72,000 records and the page doesn�t get displayed at all. It is not giving timeout error and also it is not going in to �Not Responding� state. It is simply showing a blank result page without the result table. Initially we thought that because we are fetching so much data in one go this would have been happening. But this problem arises only when we access this page from PC having Windows-XP operating system. If we access this page through a PC having Windows 2003 Server OS then it displays the entire table in a normal fashion.
    We are in the process of redesigning the page, but still want to know why this is happening. It will be a great help if anybody can give any pointer on this issue. And also what should be a better option of displaying such a huge table for modification of rows.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Thanks a lot masoodmjan.
    Lets assume that this problem is due to huge data being desplayed at once. Now if I decide to provide pagination to browse this entire recordset, which now has grown to 90000+ records, how many rows should I desplay on 1 page? Is there any thumb rule to decide this number?
    Just now I tried with 10,000 records per page & it took more than 25minutes to display single page. :(

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