Dynamic update of box title

Hi Is ist possible to update the title of a box in the PBO?
I am already updating an input box using the folloing code but when applying similar code for the box, the field symbol remains unassigned.
    CLEAR gv_fieldname.
    CONCATENATE 'P9007-WORK_DATE_W' gv_week '_D' lv_index
      INTO gv_fieldname.
    CONDENSE gv_fieldname NO-GAPS.
    ASSIGN (gv_fieldname) TO <fieldname>.
    IF <fieldname> IS ASSIGNED.
      write gv_date to <fieldname> dd/mm/yyyy.
Any help greatly appreciated.

Hi Ian,
Yes you can update the title of a box in the PBO (or PAI for that matter). All you need to do is to mark the group box as an output field in the Screen Painter. Once you have done this create a variable in your program with exactly the same name as the Group Box on the screen. When the screen is displayed the value of this variable will be copied to the title of the group box automatically by the abap runtime.
All you need to do is change the value of your variable in the program in your PBO.
  De Wildt

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    Yes, this can be done. I've done it a couple ways. If you use
    Flash forms you can put it into ActionScript and not have to reload
    the page.
    See the example here:
    Choose Yes, No, and No then click continue. Choose a grade in
    the drop-down, then go to the Camp Session page and look at the 2
    drop-down. Try choosing a first option, then a second option
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    and choosing the same choice you have in the second option. (Also,
    if you go back and change the grade e.g. from grade school age to
    high school age) you'll see the session choices change.
    Another way to do it is with simple html forms and
    javascript. Here's a page I'm currently using that on:
    Here's the parts of my code that pertain to the drop-downs:
    <cfquery name="dataQuery" datasource="myDatasource">
    SELECT city, state
    FROM churches
    ORDER BY city, state
    <!---Get all states--->
    <cfquery name="stateQuery" dbtype="query">
    SELECT state
    FROM dataQuery
    GROUP BY state
    ORDER BY state
    <!---Get all cities for a particular state--->
    <cfquery name="cityQuery" dbtype="query">
    SELECT city, state
    FROM dataQuery
    WHERE state = '#URL.state#'
    GROUP BY city, state
    ORDER BY city, state
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
    function MM_stateMenu(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0
    eval(targ+".location='smartphone.cfm?state="+selObj.options[selObj.selectedIndex].value+" '");
    if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0;
    function MM_cityMenu(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0
    eval(targ+".location='smartphone.cfm?state=<cfoutput>#URL.state#</cfoutput>&city="+selObj .options[selObj.selectedIndex].value+"'");
    if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0;
    Down in the body of the page:
    <option value="0" <cfif (isDefined("URL.state") AND 0
    EQ URL.state)>selected</cfif>>Please
    Choose a State:</option>
    <cfoutput query="stateQuery">
    <option value="#stateQuery.state#" <cfif
    (isDefined("URL.state") AND stateQuery.state EQ
    </cfoutput> </cfselect>
    <p> <cfselect name="city"
    <option value="0" <cfif (isDefined("URL.city") AND 0
    EQ URL.city)>selected</cfif>>Please
    Choose a City:</option>
    <cfoutput query="cityQuery">
    <option value="#cityQuery.city#" <cfif
    (isDefined("URL.locationCity") AND cityQuery.city EQ
    </cfoutput> </cfselect>
    Hope that helps.

  • Dynamically updating UI (binding, maybe?)

    So I am writing an export plugin for lightroom. I need to update the export UI dynamically after getting a result from Lrhttp.post. The code is underlined below. Basically, how can I display to the user that their login is successful by dynamically updating the export UI after they click the submit button (I want the last row to display whether the login was a success or not)? I could not find a UI refresh function in the LR API.
    I tried looking at Lr.Binding to try to bind resultlogin but that did not work as intended. Any suggestions? Thanks!
    ExportDialogSections = {}
    function ExportDialogSections.sectionsForTopOfDialog(f, propertyTable)
               return {
                                  title = "...",
                                  f:row {
                                            spacing = f:control_spacing(),
                                            f:static_text {
                                                      title =  "Username",
                                                      width = share 'labelWidth',
                                                      alignment = 'right',
                                            f:edit_field {
                                                      value = bind 'Username',
                                                      width_in_chars = 40
                                  f:row {
                                            spacing = f:control_spacing(),
                                            f:static_text {
                                                      title = "Password",
                                                      width = share 'labelWidth',
                                                      alignment = 'right',
                                            f:password_field {
                                                      value = bind 'Password',
                                                      width_in_chars = 40
                                            action = function( button )
                                                      import "LrTasks".startAsyncTask( function()
                                                                resultlogin = LrHttp.post(...)
                                                      end )
                                                      if resultlogin == "success" then
                                                                --send username to exporttask and display username is valid
                                  f:row {
                                            spacing = f:control_spacing(),
                                            f:static_text {
                                                      title = resultlogin,
                                                      width = share 'labelWidth',
                                                      alignment = 'right',
    return ExportDialogSections

    You have to assign resultLogin as a member of a (observable) property table, then bind to that member by name, for example:
    f:static_text {
        title = LrView.bind( 'resultlogin' ),
        width = share 'labelWidth',
        alignment = 'right',
    In the case of export dialog box, the export settings themselves are a usable property table. In other cases, you may need to create one yourself - see LrFunctionContext, in which case the only trick is to make sure that the property table is specified as bind_to_object.
    There are examples galore in my plugin's source code:

  • How do I enable multiple dynamic drop down boxes?

    I'm using Windows 2000, Java SDK 2 Standard, Tomcat, Apache, Microsoft Access and Macromedia Dreamweaver Ultradev 4.
    With UltraDev I'm trying to create a jsp page that has more than one dynamic drop down box or more than one dynamic select list box. I can show one dynamic object and as many static objects as I need. But when I add a second dynamic drop down box, with a second recordset, the page will only display the first dynamic object and all content following that object will not display.

    Here's the code:
    <%@page contentType="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" language="java" import="java.sql.*"%>
    <%@ include file="Connections/conn.jsp" %>
    Driver DriverRecordset1 = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_conn_DRIVER).newInstance();
    Connection ConnRecordset1 = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_conn_STRING,MM_conn_USERNAME,MM_conn_PASSWORD);
    PreparedStatement StatementRecordset1 = ConnRecordset1.prepareStatement("SELECT STATE_NAME, COUNTRY FROM STATE");
    ResultSet Recordset1 = StatementRecordset1.executeQuery();
    boolean Recordset1_isEmpty = !Recordset1.next();
    boolean Recordset1_hasData = !Recordset1_isEmpty;
    Object Recordset1_data;
    int Recordset1_numRows = 0;
    Driver DriverRecordset2 = (Driver)Class.forName(MM_conn_DRIVER).newInstance();
    Connection ConnRecordset2 = DriverManager.getConnection(MM_conn_STRING,MM_conn_USERNAME,MM_conn_PASSWORD);
    PreparedStatement StatementRecordset2 = ConnRecordset2.prepareStatement("SELECT FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, AGE FROM PLAYER");
    ResultSet Recordset2 = StatementRecordset2.executeQuery();
    boolean Recordset2_isEmpty = !Recordset2.next();
    boolean Recordset2_hasData = !Recordset2_isEmpty;
    Object Recordset2_data;
    int Recordset2_numRows = 0;
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
    <form name="form1" method="post" action="">
    <select name="select2">
    <option value="Canada">Canada</font></option>
    <option value="France">France</font></option>
    <option value="French Guiana">French Guiana</font></option>
    <option value="French Polynesia">French Polynesia</font></option>
    <option value="French Southern Territories">French Southern Territories</font></option>
    <option value="Germany">Germany</font></option>
    <option value="United Kingdom">United Kingdom</font></option>
    <option value="United States">United States</font></option>
    <select name="select">
    while (Recordset1_hasData) {
    <option value="<%=(((Recordset1_data = Recordset1.getObject("COUNTRY"))==null || Recordset1.wasNull())?"":Recordset1_data)%>" ><%=(((Recordset1_data =
    Recordset1.getObject("STATE_NAME"))==null || Recordset1.wasNull())?"":Recordset1_data)%></option>
    Recordset1_hasData = Recordset1.next();
    Recordset1 = StatementRecordset1.executeQuery();
    Recordset1_hasData = Recordset1.next();
    Recordset1_isEmpty = !Recordset1_hasData;
    //Here's where things go awry
    <select name="select4">
    while (Recordset2_hasData) {
    <option value="<%=(((Recordset2_data = Recordset2.getObject("FIRSTNAME"))==null || Recordset2.wasNull())?"":Recordset2_data)%>" ><%=(((Recordset2_data = Recordset2.getObject("FIRSTNAME"))==null || Recordset2.wasNull())?"":Recordset2_data)%></option>
    Recordset2_hasData = Recordset2.next();
    Recordset2 = StatementRecordset2.executeQuery();
    Recordset2_hasData = Recordset2.next();
    Recordset2_isEmpty = !Recordset2_hasData;
    <select name="select5">
    <p> </p>
    <form name="form2" method="post" action="">
    <select name="select3">
    <p> </p>

  • Dynamically Updating Content Server Portlets

    [urlHi, I am currently having difficulty dynamically updating content server portlets.  I have a portlet of the following form:[/url]
    ArticleName Author Title Date mystory author1 title1 04/05/01
    story2 author2 title2 06/07/04
    story author3 title3 01/02/03
    So I have this table where each one of the line items is an article in the content server. So, for example the first line item is an article "mystory" by "author1", with title "title1" and date "04/05/01" additionally there is an article text field, but this isn't displayed unless I click on the article name.
    I can set up the basics of this portlet, but when I try to add any real functionality I run into one of two problems.
    First Problem: Passing Information
    I cannot find a way to pass information between content portlets. For instance, if the user would like to "re-sort" this table based on "date", I would like to have the user click on the "date" column heading and then reload the page. To do so, I would have to pass the section name back to the page so that it could resort based on this data. I have not found anyway to effectively pass information to a content server portlet. I am building these pages through use of the presentation template framework (so I can have access to the content items) but that seems to change the way portlets are handled.
    I got around this limitation with a regular portlet by creating an intermediary page which captures passed information and stores it to the session state. Once the information was in the session state, it is accessible to the portlet on the first page. However, this only works because remote portlets do not change their session id once loaded. Content Server portlets, on the other hand, change their session id after every reload of the browser or page change. I can send information from a content server portlet to an intermediary page, but I cannot send it back to the portlet because the session id has changed so I have no idea of knowing where to send the information. I can write it to a session state, but by the time I return to the portal page, the content server has changed its session id so it does not know where to look any longer.
    I suppose it would be possible to create an application state variable and append it with some static token (if there is some static variable per portal session) but I would rather not have to deal with application variables if at all possible.
    Second Problem: Dynamically Updating PCS Tags
    Even if I were able to the pass information back to my content server portlet, I run into another issue. The easiest way to sort content server items is using the filter command in the pcs:foreach tag. So, if I wanted to sort by author name, I could do something like the following <pcs:foreach var="item" expr="filter(folderByName('content'), filtered.name == '"name")" or something like that (the syntax may be incorrect, I just wrote this off the top of my head). However, it appears that the way the presentation templates are compiled goes in the order of PCS tags THEN JSP. So I would have no way of dynamically changing the variable on which I sort. For example, if I clicked on "Date" above in my table, I would like to be able to dynamically change my code so that I sort on date, and not name. I cannot find a solution to this problem.
    My workaround is to use the pcs tags to write out all the possible sortings to java array objects. This gives me access to the data on a JSP level and based on whatever the user will chose, I could then display that array. While this works, it is extremely ghetto and inefficient. Any help or suggestions would be fantastic.
    Thanks a lot,
    Jason Grauel

    You can use just about any javascript you want in any Content Server presentation template including ones that are used for portlets.
    However, you should be careful to name javascript functions and global variables uniquely so that they do not conflict with any other javascript on the page. To do this, you can append the item id to function and variable names, for example,
    function doSomething<pcs:value expr="pcs_id"></pcs:value>() {
    return true;

  • [Forum FAQ] DNS Dynamic Update Troubleshooting Guide

    As we all known,
    DNS Client service and DNS Server services support dynamic updates. With dynamic updates, the DNS client computer is allowed to dynamically register and update this resource
    records based on their fully qualified domain name by default. However, in some scenarios,
    we may find that
    the DNS records are not updated.
    To analyze this issue clearly, this kind of issue is divided into two parts in this article:
    Non-AD integrated zone with DHCP and DNS unintegrated
    AD-integrated zone with DHCP and DNS Integrated
    Next, we begin to troubleshoot this issue from the above two classes separately.
    Non-AD integrated zone with DHCP and DNS unintegrated
    1. Check if Dynamic Updates is enabled or not
    If you have encountered this kind of issues, firstly, Please check if dynamic updates is enabled in DNS server or not. You can right-click the domain in the
    Forward Lookup Zones, then select Properties. In the dialog, click
    General tab and choose Nonsecure and secure
    in the Dynamic updates box, then click OK. Please refer to Figure 1 and Figure 2
    Figure 1: Check DNS Server Settings-1
    Figure 2: Check DNS Server Settings-2
    2. Check DNS Suffix
    Besides, since all computers register records based on their fully qualified domain name, and the fully qualified domain name is based on the primary DNS suffix of a computer appended to its Computer name. We also need to check the DNS panel of Advanced TCP/IP
    settings in TCP/IP properties.
    Just as Figure 3, if Register this connection's address in DNS is selected and
    Use this connection's DNS suffix in DNS registration
    is not selected. This default configuration causes the client to request that the client register the Host resource record and the server register the PTR resource record. In these scenarios, please make sure the primary DNS suffix portion of a computer's FQDN
    is the same as the name of the Active Directory domain to which the computer is joined.
    Figure 3: Check DNS Client settings-1
    You can run “ipconfig/all” at the command prompt to check the Primary DNS suffix. From Figure 4, we can see that the Primary DNS suffix is blank.
    Figure 4: Check DNS Client settings-2
    To set the Primary DNS suffix, you can follow the steps below (Figure 5):
    My computer and then click Properties.
    In the
    System Properties dialog, click Computer Name tab and then click
    In the
    Computer Name Changes panel, click More…, then you can type the domain name into the
    Primary DNS suffix of this computer and then click
    Figure 5: Set the Primary DNS Suffix
    After set the primary DNS suffix, we can see that the Primary DNS suffix is demo.com in Figure 6.
    Figure 6: Primary DNS Suffix-demo.com
    If both
    Register this connection's address in DNS and Use this connection's DNS suffix in DNS registration are selected. You need to check the primary DNS suffix and connection-specific DNS suffix at the same time and make sure that
    the connection-specific domain name of this connection is the DNS suffix for this connection appended to the computer name. In the picture above, we can see that the Primary
    DNS suffix and Connection-specific DNS suffix are the same.
    AD-integrated zone with DHCP and DNS Integrated
    In some cases,
    this issue may happen when the DNS zone is AD-integrated and DHCP server is configured to register and update the A resource records and PTR records on behalf of the DHCP-enabled clients.
    1. Check if secure dynamic updates is enabled or not
    As everyone knows, DNS update security is available only for zones that are integrated into Active Directory Domain Services (we
    can see the difference from Figure 7 and Figure 2). Since secure dynamic updates can prevent unauthorized computers from overwriting existing names in DNS, generally, we recommend
    using only secure dynamic updates for AD-integrated zone.
    For AD-integrated zone, we can check if secure dynamic updates is enabled in DNS server or not firstly.
    You can right-click the domain in the Forward Lookup Zones, then select
    Properties. In the dialog, click General tab and choose
    Secure only in the Dynamic updates box, then click OK. Please refer to Figure 7.
    Figure 7: Check DNS Server Settings-2
    2. Check the DNS configuration and options settings on DHCP server
    We need to make sure
    that DHCP server is configured to register and to update client information with its configured DNS servers. You can check by right-clicking the
    IPv4 under your domain and choosing DNS in IPv4 properties.
    By default,
    Enable DNS dynamic updates according to the settings below and
    the Dynamically update DNS A and PTR records only if requested by the DHCP clients box is checked. 
    You can also select Always dynamically update DNS A and PTR records box so that the DHCP server
    always registers and updates client information with its configured DNS servers. (Figure 8)
    Figure 8: DHCP Server Settings
    In addition, you need to check that the configuration 006 DNS server option in DHCP option is correct.
    You can check that by clicking
    Server Options in DHCP console. If the setting is incorrect, you can right-click the option and then choose
    Properties, then you can remove the wrong DNS server and add a correct one. (Figure 9)
    Figure 9: Check DHCP Options
    Check if the DHCP server is added to the DnsUpdateProxy security group
    Furthermore, as the DHCP server becomes the owner of the name since the DHCP server performs a secure dynamic
    update on that name, only that DHCP server can update the name. We would make sure the DHCP server is available. If the DHCP server fails, even other DHCP servers are online, they still have no right to update the client’s record because the other DHCP
    server are not the owner of the client name.
    To solve this, it is necessary to add the DHCP server to the DnsUpdateProxy security group in AD. You can follow the steps below to achieve that: (Figure 10 and Figure 11)
    Open ADUC, click
    Computers under your domain.
    Right-click your DHCP server and select
    Add to a group tab.
    DnsUpdateProxy in the object name box and click
    Figure 10: Add DHCP Server to the DnsUpdateProxy security group – 1
    Figure 11: Add DHCP Server to the DnsUpdateProxy security group – 2
    After that, you can find that the DHCP server (In this demo, the DHCP server is W2K12R2) is a member of the DnsUpdateProxy group. (Figure 12)
    Figure 12: DHCP server is a member of the DnsUpdateProxy group
    Check the
    Credentials configuration for DNS update
    Furthermore, if
    a domain controller is running on the same host as the DHCP server and secure dynamic DNS update has been configured, you need to configure
    Credentials for DNS update.
    You can
    open DHCP console tree, right-click
    IPv4 and then click Properties. In the IPv4 Properties
    dialog, click Advanced, click
    Credentials, type the credentials that the DHCP server supplies when registering names using DNS dynamic updates, and then click
    OK. (Figure 13)
    Figure 13: Configure DNS dynamic update credentials
    More information:
    DHCP, Dynamic DNS Updates , Scavenging, static entries & timestamps, the DnsUpdateProxy Group, and DHCP Name Protection (Published by Ace Fekay, MVP)
    Integrating DHCP with DNS
    Using DNS servers with DHCP
    How to configure DNS dynamic updates
    Keyword: Dynamic Update, Troubleshooting 
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    I have created one STATIC DNS Entry, for Example "ROSE" and
    1.                   Open
    the DNS snap-in.
    2.                   Right
    click the individual record (ROSE) and open the Properties dialog.
    3.                   Uncheck
    the Delete this record when it becomes stale option
    and click OK
    the moment the time stamp will show as BLANK
    I logged in to server "ROSE" and restarted DHCP Client
    Service on server or restarted server, the time stamp is automatically setting as current date and "DELETE THIS RECORD WHEN IT BECOME STALE" check box also selected automatically
    and gets deleted after a week or so when the scavenging runs
    there any way to avoid the static entries become dynamic automatically. 
    Domain Controller or DNS OS is Windows server 2003 R2 Standard Edition SP2
    Thanks & Regards
    Dinesh Cholekkavil

  • Dynamically populating List box

    Hello Everyone:
    I need to create a JSP with two combo boxes and submit button.
    Where the first combo box will be updated from database - which is simple.
    but depending on the selection of the first box the second box should be populated and should be able to make multiple selections in it.
    and in the same jsp page should be able to display the results, of what I added by submiting the previous form.
    Please can somebody help me witha sample.

    Dear user,
    If you get any response for the asked question on Dynamically populating List box from anybody please forward the reply to the following e-mail id.
    [email protected]

  • Info record update check box in Po

    We are working in ECC 6.0 envirnmoment and our project is trying to explore the functionality of PIR. The problem is I am not able to see info record update check box in the material data tab of the PO. I did not get any configuration in SPRO to make that field visible/ invisible. Please help me to for making this field visible at the time of PO creation in transcaction code me21n.

    HI Muttu,
    SPRO>>MM>>Purchasing >> Purchase order>>Define Screen Layout at Document Level>> NBF>> Administrative data,
    in that u can make display or optional or required entry
    Check once again in ur Purchase order it may be display mode in ur PO

  • Help, lost all the songs on my iPod when checked the box titled "Replace all items when Autofilling" in my Autofill Settings window.

    Help, I lost all the songs on my iPod when I deleted a few songs from my iTunes Library, checked the box titled "Replace all items when Autofilling" in my Autofill Settings window, and then tried to Autofill. Note that I do not purchase songs from iTunes, but rather I rip songs off my own cd's and then transfer the mp3 files to iTunes.  And after I transfer mp3 files from my pc to iTunes and then Autofill, I generally delete those files from my pc.
    I can still see the songs in my iTunes Library, but not on my iPod.  Is there a way that I can salvage them and get them back on my iPod?
    Thanks in advance.

    Well you will have to wait to connect you ipod to the orignal computer and it will put all your songs back on to it.

  • How can i dynamically update a table in my program?

    Hi there!
    I would like to know if anyone can assist me with advice on how to dynamically update
    a table within my program, with new values from the database?
    Thanking You all.

    Add rows to its model.
    Kind regards,

  • How to update the BOX version of the Logic Pro 9 in Mountain Lion??

    How to update the BOX version of the Logic Pro 9 in Mountain Lion?
    For example,  if tomorrow will be new updates for Logic Pro for exapmle 9.1.8. (now I have 9.1.7) Will I not able to get it?? Now should I buy the second Logic pro??
    Recently I have got answer from App Store support:
    "Max, since you have not purchased the app in the App Store, you can't get updates directly in App Store. In this case, you will need to purchase the updated version in the App Store so you can get further updates."
    It's... I bought Logic Pro 9 + MainStage +  + +++ .... in the Apple Retail Store and what now?? Updates works perfect in Snow Leopard.
    I can't understand...
    Can you help me please? =)

    Rest assurred, you will get updates via the App store. What will happen is when you install the box version, the Mac App Store will ping when there is an update to download(for free), much like any other Apple app(Garageband, iWork, etc) regardless of where you bought it from. If it's installed, it will check for updates.
    If the Mac App store doesn't show an update that you know is out, simply down it directly from support.apple.com and apply it.
    Hope this helps. If so, LIKE the post.

  • Dynamic update of safety stock in SAP R/3 systems (ECC 5.0 version)

    Hi Friends,
    Forgive my newness to SAP. Let me explain the problem i am facing in SAP. I want to identify the parameters to dynamically update the finished goods safety stock for each depot by SKU wise.
    Current process :- Safety stock is calculated manually and updated by using Transaction code MS02 in the system.
    It would be highly useful if i know the flow in SAP system and how the current process can be changed?
    If more info is required i'm ready to give.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Mario Adler,
    Thanks a ton for ur answer.
    Will it update safety stock for finished goods in each depot by SKU wise? Raw material safety stock isn't my concern.
    project description :  Manufacturer of chemical goods , 70+ products,350 skus
    Distribution : factory to depot (bulk volume)
                          Mother go-down to depot(Stock transfer)
                         No of depots :33,factory:3,mother go-down -1
    Sales forecasting is done in excel for every month and updated to SAP via  BAPI. After that DRP,MRP and other runs takes place.
    What are all the areas i need to touch in to get the parameters to update the safety stock?
    Edited by: Arasu_IIM on Apr 26, 2011 12:52 PM

  • How to dynamically update columns in a where clause to a SQL query in OSB?

    Hi Gurus,
    I have a requirement where in we need to dynamically update a where clause to a SQL query in OSB(
    For example:
    If the JCA sql string is "select * from emp where emp_id = 100 and emp_status ='Permanent'" now i want to change this where clause and the new query has to be like "select * from emp where emp_name like 'S%' and emp_dept like 'IT' ". basically we need to change the where clause dynamically.
    We can also use "fn-bea:execute-sql()" in a xquery but I don't want to use this function as creates a new connection.
    I have done some home work and found out --> as per the DOC "http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23943_01/dev.1111/e15866/jca.htm#OSBDV943" section: "25.5.2 JCA Transport Configuration for Proxy and Business Services", when a business service is created by using JCA, we can see Interaction Spec Properties under JCA Transport Tab. This will have a property "SqlString' and we can over ride it. But I am unable to figure out how to over ride the value. I have tried by using Transport Headers activity but no luck. Please guide me how to achieve this?
    Thanks in advance

    I solved my problem.
    In my header renderer, I simply added a line to set the text to the object value "label.setText( (String) value );" (where label is an instance of a JLabel.
    Thank you to who took some time to think about it.

  • Please help! Ipod not dynamically updating smart playlists!

    I have quite a complex system of smart playlists on my 4G color ipod but I can't get any of them to update dynamically away from the computer. I have a total of 6 and here are their preferences:
    SPL 1:
    match ALL
    1) My rating is in the range 4-5 stars
    2) Last played is not in the last 1 day
    3) Last skipped is not in the last 1 day
    4) Playcount is less than 5
    limit to 100 by most recently added
    SPL 2:
    match ALL
    1) My rating is in the range 0-3 stars
    2) Last played is not in the last 1 day
    3) Last skipped is not in the last 1 day
    4) Playcount is less than 4
    limit to 55 songs by most recently added
    SPL 3:
    match ALL
    1) My rating is in the range 3-5 stars
    2) Last played is not in the last 1 day
    3) Last skipped is not in the last 1 day
    4) Playcount is greater than 5
    limit to 30 songs by random
    SPL 4:
    match ALL
    1) Last played is not in the last 1 day
    2, 3, 4) Playlist is not SPL 1, SPL 2, or SPL 3
    limit to 15 songs by random
    match ANY
    1) Time is greater than 15 minutes
    2) Genre is Comedy
    The active playlist that I use to listen to:
    match ANY
    1-4) Playlist is SPL 1, SPL 2, SPL 3, or SPL 4
    5) Playlist is not Unwanted
    So here's the problem. When I sync with my computer, the playlists work great, everything updates as expected and I get a pretty diverse playlist every time I sync which I want. The problem is that while I'm listening to my music on the ipod away from the computer, my playlists don't dynamically update. After I listen to a song, the song's supposed to remove itself from the playlist which doesn't happen, as well as when I skip songs. Even when I rate songs that aren't rated they don't appear in any playlist. This is really frustrating and I can't find a solution anywhere and yes, I do have Live Updating selected. I also have "Match only checked items" selected on all playlists as well. If anyone has any ideas for how to fix this, I would love to know. Thanks!

    I was searching this forum and found someone who says that 4th gen ipods have problems live updating smart playlists if the criteria "last skipped" is on the playlist. I took this off of all of my playlists but they still don't work. Then I tried making a playlist that is just "rating is equal to 5 stars" and it WORKS!!! But that doesn't help me out much for my other playlists so maybe it's some other criteria that's causing the problem. Any ideas?

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