E-mailing quiz results

I am having a problem getting Captivate 4 to e-mail results.  I have enabled reporting, selected e-mail as reporting mechanism, put in my e-mail address, and selected e-mail as both the pass/fail option.  I publish the file and test it but no e-mail is sent.  I click the "Send E-mail" button and nothing happens.  Once I get to the results screen and click rewind it will bring up my outlook e-mail window, but no data is in the e-mail.
Is there something that I am missing here?

brysonallen wrote:
Is there something that I am missing here?
Yes... You are missing seeing the hundreds of other posts reporting the same issue.
The bottom line here is that eMail reporting is unreliable at best. If it works for you, count yourself lucky. Maybe even buy yourself a lottery ticket!
You really should consider using the forum search facility to locate reports of eMail issues with Captivate. You will likely be surprised.
You may wish to report it to Adobe as a bug.
Click here to visit the Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
Cheers... Rick
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    Take a look at
    as it should provide the type of solution you are looking

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    Hi Matt
    Sure thing. Where you type the E-Mail address, tack on a
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    Note that if you left it at that, Captivate will advise this
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    Cheers... Rick

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    Branch aware turns off the playbar in 6 (not in 7 any more, at least not for me).
    Could you explain more in detail what you want, because I don't understand it. You want the user to answer all questions, but the score should only show what? If you don't want some questions to have a score added to the Quiz total, you can indicate that in the Properties of that Question slide.
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    The Quiz Results slide's Continue button actions are set under Quiz Preferences > Pass or Fail > If Passing Grade etc. By default, the Continue button is set to just continue on to the next slide after the Quiz Results.
    After the user clicks the Continue button on the Quiz Results slide any Pass/Fail actions you've set up there will be evaluated and executed.
    So if the user achieved a passing score, and you set up an action such as Go to URL in Current Window for that case, then the user should find themselves redirected to that URL.  If there was a different action for Failure, and the user failed, then that should happen.  But either of these will only happen after the Continue button is clicked.
    I tested this by setting www.google.com as the go to URL and it worked.  To see if the URL is the issue, try using another URL that you know everyone can get to.  If that works, try to find out why the URL you want to use is not working.  If no URL works, something else is interfering with the action.

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    Just finally getting my head above water and am able to respond and update. Yes, I was using a tool called RELOAD to update the imsmanifest file. Actually a great tool that I can recommend now that I worked out the kinks with Captivate. Please see this post for more information. http://www.caddicks.com/blog/2012/02/17/how-to-publish-a-multi-file-captivate-project-as-a -single-scorm-course/#comment-249711
    Here's a quick summary of how I ended up resolving this - I can't even remember all the different options I tried until I settled on this! I never resolved the issue with launching another project from the quiz results page, but found a workaround that works even better.
    The course starts with a brief introduction module. The 'Continue' button on the last slide is set to launch another project, which opens the course's 'main menu.'
    The 'main menu' project has several buttons that launch appropriate sub-topic projects.
    On the last slide of each of the 'sub-topic' projects has the 'Continue' button set to launch the 'main menu' again. Each of these had quiz questions, but feedback was set at the question level only - no quiz results page.
    The last option on the 'main menu' project was a 'Course Completion' button - which launches a project containing the final quiz. (NOTE: This was always the only project that had the "Show score at the end of the quiz" set to display under Preferences / Quiz / Settings. After a lot of hair-pulling, I realized that it wasn't necessary to open another project to accomplish what I wanted to do, which was return the user to some basic instructions before they retook the quiz.)Here is how the last project was set up.
    The first slide is a content slide with instructions for the quiz. When the user clicks the "Back" button from this slide, it will launch the 'main menu' project. 'Next' simply goes to the next slide.
    Slides 2-5 are quiz questions
    Slide 6 is the quiz results slide (turned on under Preferences / Quiz / Settings). Buttons are: Review Quiz and Continue.
    Slide 7 is a content slide with instructions on what to do next. This slide has a text button that I called "Retry" and under Properties / Reporting for the button the "Include in quiz" is NOT checked. The Retry button takes the user back to the first slide in the quiz.

  • Can we remove the Continue button from Quiz Results?

    Hi Everyone,
    Is there any way to remove the continue button from the Quiz Results page?
    I have a captivate file in which there is a Thank you slide at the end after the Quiz results slide. Now, here's the problem - The user is just finishing the quiz and closing the browser tab - which is not showing the completion status inside LMS. The user must need to view the Thank you slide  -  so that the LMS can respond as "Completed" status.
    Now, I want to remove the Continue button on Quizzes result slide so that user doesnot need to go ahead to next slide to complete the course. And i will put the Thank You message here in Quizzes result slide only.
    Can I remove the continue button from the Quiz Results page so that it can be the last slide?
    Vikas Sharma

    Removing the Continue button from the Quiz Results slide is NOT a good idea in my experience.  Clicking the Continue button triggers functions in Captivate to terminate the quiz and commit the score to the LMS.  If this button is not clicked, Captivate may not be sure the person has decided they're done with the quiz and wants their score to be captured by the LMS at that point.  There are often other buttons on the Quiz Results slide to offer the user the option of Retaking or Reviewing the Quiz.  Only the Continue button is designed to take them further beyond the Quiz Result slide.
    Like yourself, I have also found learners often fail to grasp the importance of the Continue button and don't realise they need to do something extra (beyond reaching the Quiz Results slide) in order for their score to be captured.  So what I usually do is rename the Continue button to something more meaningful such as: Register Your Score, or Record Quiz Results Now.  Having a name like this (and making the button nice and large and bold so that it's not easy to miss) clearly tells people that they need to click this button if they want their score to be retained.  It's just a simple change, but it practically eliminated all issues we had with people just closing down their browser when they saw the Quiz Results.

  • Can I show quiz results in the recording of software simulation?

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    Please do not double post issues.

  • How to get a question in the course placed anywhere in the course and does not appear in the quiz result or total number of questions. Pretest would work except it can't go anywhere in the course (at least for me it can't)

    How to get a question in the course placed anywhere in the course and does not appear in the quiz result or total number of questions. Pretest would work except it can't go anywhere in the course (at least for me it can't)

    Use a normal question, and do not add the score to the total score. That will give you a correct score at the end. But the total number of questions, that system variable will still take into account all questions. You'll need a user variable, and calculate its value by subtracting 1 from the system variable cpQuizInfoTotalQuestionsPerProject. Same for the progress indicator if you want to show it?
    Customized Progress Indicator - Captivate blog
    If you want to allow Review, you'll have to tweak as well. You didn't specify the version, and all those questions I now mentioned.
    And my approach, since you talk about only one question: create a custom question, because you'll have total control then.

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