E450 won't boot with key switch, does with keyboard

Evening chaps.
As the subject suggests, this is actually a follow up question to a previous thread by the same name.
I have a E450 here which until about 4 hours ago was running just fine using a serial console.
Up till then it has had no issues, problems, etc and has run absolutely flawlessly.
I did a nice graceful shutdown (Solaris 9), and then used the power-off from the obp.
I turned the key off, powered the machine off, switched some disks around and when it came to powering the unit back on ... it wouldn't!
No matter what I did, I could not bring it back to life.
The 'solution' was to plug a keyboard in and use the power key on that.
Now my question ... does anyone have any idea as to what causes this and how do I go about fixing it???
Having to have a keyboard attached to the machine to turn it on has knobs on it!
Any suggestions here would be greatly appreciated as this is a 'new' behaviour for this machine.

Me too! Did you ever sort this out?
FWIW, here are the eeprom settings:bash-2.03$ eeprom
keymap: data not available.
.reboot-cmd: data not available.
.asr-disable-list: data not available.
diag-file: data not available.
boot-file: data not available.
boot-device=disk net
nvramrc: data not available.
security-password: data not available.
oem-logo: data not available.
oem-banner: data not available.

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    I am doing a request based provisioning task.When I request for a resource the approvers are able to approve the request but the user is not created.
    I am getting the below exception at the backend:-
    [XELLERATE.APIS],Class/Method: tcProvisioningOperationsBean/getProcessDetailData encounter some problems: Process instance with key '0' does not exist.
    [11/2/12 0:30:13:640 EDT] 00000097 SystemOut O ERROR,02 Nov 2012 00:30:13,639,[XELLERATE.WEBAPP],Class/Method: RequestApprovalDetailAction/requestDetail encounter some problems: Process instance with key '0' does not exist.
    Thor.API.Exceptions.tcAPIException: Process instance with key '0' does not exist.
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beansimpl.tcProvisioningOperationsBean.getProcessDetailData(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beansimpl.tcProvisioningOperationsBean.getProcessDetail(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beans.tcProvisioningOperationsSession.getProcessDetail(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.interfaces.EJSRemoteStatelesstcProvisioningOperations_6b2f800a.getProcessDetail(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.interfaces._tcProvisioningOperations_Stub.getProcessDetail(Unknown Source)
         at Thor.API.Operations.tcProvisioningOperationsClient.getProcessDetail(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor309.invoke(Unknown Source)
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         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)
         at Thor.API.Base.SecurityInvocationHandler$1.run(Unknown Source)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at javax.security.auth.Subject.doAs(Subject.java:337)
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         at com.ibm.io.async.AsyncFuture.completed(AsyncFuture.java:136)
         at com.ibm.io.async.ResultHandler.complete(ResultHandler.java:195)
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         at com.ibm.io.async.ResultHandler$2.run(ResultHandler.java:873)

    Process instance with key '0' does not exist
    Such issue typically appears when the Provisioning is initiated without "Auto Save" i.e. before ORC_KEY entry goes in the OIU table...
    Second possibility can be that the mandatory attributes in the process form are not populated..
    Third possibility can be that the Status is Waiting... And Resource is dependent on another Resource...
    Are you able to Direct Provision the account? I mean without raising Request Based provisioning?
    Please give us following details:
    (1) Resource Profile:-status of Auto Save
    (2) Approval Process:- status of Auto Save and Auto Pre-Pop
    (3) Prov Process:-status of Auto Save and Auto Pre-Pop.
    (4) Is the object form properly populated?
    (5) Is the Process form properly populated?
    (6) Any Exception occurred during Approval process?
    (6) In the OIM Database, fire the following query:-
    This will show whether any proper ORC_KEY was generated for this resource instance..

  • Satellite L20-260 won't boot up, everytime it freezes with no reasons

    Hi all,
    I've got a sad problem with my satellite, after 3-4 days I've installed a new OS (i've tried with XP SP2 and Kubuntu) system won't boot up, everytime it freezes with no reasons, the only way is to perferom a new OS installation. Could it be an hardware problem maybe related to RAM or HDD?
    10x, Daniele.

    This is not easy to say if the problem is software or hardware related.
    You should install the OS from the Toshiba recovery CD and test the functionality again
    If the notebook will start freezes again immediately after recovery CD installation then it could be a hardware problem.
    You could try to use the MemTest 3.5 tool.
    It checks the memory for malfunction.

  • E450 won't boot with 4 cpus

    E450, 4x300 CPU's all identical, will boot with any one, any two or any three of the five CPU's I have (one extra) but won't boot with any four installed.
    When I do I get (transcribed from terminal - no ethernet) is sth like:
    CPU0 has assumed the role of boot CPU
    Online: CPU0: Ultra-II (V2.0) 3:1 2048kb 2-2 ECache MCap 13
    Offline: CPU1:
    Online: CPU2: unknown code (code 15) v15.15) ?:? 262080kb ?-? (type 15) ECache MCap 255Incompatable CPU Type -- DISABLED!]
    Offline: CP
    Hangs right there.
    I have latest OP 3.30. Otherwise machine is perfect on three legs!
    All points to me to being the top CPU slot maybe? I have a spare board so I'm going to try that.....
    In the meantime, any ideas?

    <table border="0" align="center" width="90%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="SmallText"><b>haroldkarl wrote on Sun, 22 January 2006 12:03</b></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">
    the little riser are for is for a sound card... the same one that the Sparc 4 uses... hard to find... the others are "Elite3D-m6 assembly <=540-3058-06 is not compatible with the A20." a horizontal version of the Elite3D-M6... also hard to find.
    you do know about this site??? http://sunsolve.sun.com/handbook_pub/Systems/E450/E450.html
    Yes HaroldKarl I know Sunsolve, I work in Sun, but not for Sun!
    This is my home E450, I just got it, trying to max it out. I bought four bare ones for 99p, ie about 1.50 Euro....
    I used memory from my old Ultra 60, which I thought where 128mb sets, turns out they where 256mb, which the U60 sees as 128mb it seems. Anyway, 3gb RAM now!!
    Actually it's quiter than that the U60, a more satisfying low hum of quality iron. I want to take it bed with me!
    PS I have a girlfriend but she's not interested in a threesome with the E450 :(

  • G4 17' won't boot, flashing question mark folder with complications

    I'm editing a final cut pro project, due to air on friday at noon and during conversion in compressor to dvd format, final cut quits then the computer freezes up. On a hard restart I get the flashing question mark folder.... i know what that means
    I was able to boot up after a couple of tries from the os 10.4 (tiger) cd and the hard drive shows up but disk utility can't make the repair. This is the error i get:
    booted with the tiger os cd and got to the disk utility. the hard drive does show up with some generic-y looking name. I try to repair the disk and get this error (in red):
    Invalid node structure
    Volume check failed.
    Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit
    then it says:
    1 volume could not be repaired because of an error
    g4 powerbook 17" Mac OS X (10.4.9)
    so then i get the bright idea that i will change the startup disk to network drive and try to start from another drive on the network. it tries to find it then goes back to the flashing question mark. I've restarted holding the c key down with the tiger cd back in there and it is spinning but it never reads it.
    any ideas? I REALLY need to salvage this film if possible.
    Has anyone seen this before? What is my next step--short of erasing the drive. i really need to get this project off.
    thanks in advance for any and all help!!!!!
    g4 powerbook 17"   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

    i'd try disk warrior except that i cant get it to boot from ANY cd right now EXCEPT apple hardware test. and i have NO idea what to do with that.
    I've tried booting in option mode and all i get is the little restart button and the forward arrow button but NO drive options
    it won't pick up my other laptop in target mode
    i've even put in Norton Utilites 8.x and it won't boot up from that either.
    i've zapped the pram--nothing
    know of any other boot tricks or shortcuts?

  • Help: iMac won't boot past Grey logo screen with spinning lines

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    When booting in verbose mode I get these lines:
    Launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /Library/LaunchDaemons
    Launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /System/Library/LaunchDaemons
    Launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /etc/mach_inid.d
    AppleYukon2: Marvel Yukon Gigabit Adapter 88E8055 Singleport Copper SA
    AppleYukon2: RxRingSize <= 1024, TxRingSize 256. RXMAXLE 1024, TXMAXLE 768, STMAXLE 3328
    Then it just stops and does nothing.
    I've unplugged everything except the apple keyboard and mouse. Ethernet is not connected.
    She doesn't seem to have the original disc that came with the computer, but I do have the Snow Leopard upgrade disc.
    What do I do? It won't boot in Safe Mode either, freezes at the same spot.
    I'm not a particularly savvy Mac user as I recently embraced them when we moved in together.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Repairing permission is not the first answer. Should try to run fsck and reset the PRAM
    Start up your computer in single-user mode to reach the command line.
    Note: If necessary, perform a forced restart as described in the Emergency Troubleshooting Handbook that came with your computer. On desktop computers, you can do this by pressing the reset/interrupt button (if there is one) or holding down the power button for several seconds. On portable computers, simultaneously press the Command-Control-power keys. If your portable computer doesn't restart with this method, you may need to reset the Power Manager.
    At the command-line prompt type:
    /sbin/fsck -fy
    Press Return. fsck will go through five "phases" and then return information about your disk's use and fragmentation. Once it finishes, it'll display this message if no issue is found:
    ** The volume (name_of_volume) appears to be OKIf fsck found issues and has altered, repaired, or fixed anything, it will display this message:
    Important: If this message appears, repeat the fsck command you typed in step 2 until fsck tells you that your volume appears to be OK (first-pass repairs may uncover additional issues, so this is a normal thing to do).
    When fsck reports that your volume is OK, typerebootat the prompt and then press Return.
    Your computer should start up normally and allow you to log in.
    Resetting PRAM and NVRAM
    Shut down the computer.
    Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
    Turn on the computer.
    Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.
    Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
    Release the keys.
    Your computer's PRAM and the NVRAM are reset to the default values. The clock settings may be reset to a default date on some models.

  • Snow leopard won't boot, but windows bootcamp does.

    My mac has a partitioned hardrive. I have xp on one side and snow leopard on the other. Starting yesterday, snow leopard won't boot. I ran the apple hardware test and came up with these 2 codes: 4MOT/4/40000003:HDD-1347 and -1352. The mac still runs properly though if started with xp.

    That error is the HDD cooling fan I believe.
    Could be many things, we should start with this...
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu at top of the screen. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    *Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.*
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    5. Click Repair Disk, (not Repair Permissions). Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
    Then try a Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    (Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive.)
    If perchance you can't find your install Disc, or are running 10.7+, at least try it from the Safe Boot part onward.
    Re-install if that doesn't work.

  • Reset PMU and Powerbook won't boot past the blue screen with "Mac OSX" box

    Problem: I tried to reset my PMU, and now when my computer restarts it won't go past the blue screen with the "Mac OSX" logo in the box (and progress bar, that never fills up). I then also tried to reset PRAM, but it still won't boot properly.
    I've had my 12-inch Powerbook G4 for about 3.5 years already, so things are starting to get a bit out of whack. I replaced my battery about 3 months ago, which has been great, but recently my power-cord has been wonky (having to unplug it and replug it in to make sure it actually charges the computer, the light flickers on and off, etc). Today it actually started producing SPARKS at the place where the thin white wire meets the white plastic power brick, so I decided it was time to get a new one. Brought it home, plugged it in, and since it seemed like the battery indication icon on the menu bar was all out of sync with the powercord colored-light, I tried restarting it a few times, but still the same. Then, I decided to reset the PMU, which may have been a huge mistake. And now it won't boot past the blue screen... Any advice? I'm going to try restarting it in "safe" mode, but I'd be so grateful for any recommendations. Hope I haven't done something irreversibly stupid with the PMU reset.

    Hello all,
    Thanks for all of your great suggestions and info-- here are a few responses.
    1) The disk I just borrowed from my friend appears to be the full retail version-- it looks just like the links that Ali B sent, and is in a large box saying "Mac OSX Tiger, version 10.4"... will this be the proper disk to do an Erase and Install? The only other disks I have came with my Powerbook when it was originally purchased, when it came Panther (I think, 10.3?). Would I use both sets of these disks to do erase and install? Or only the Tiger OSX disks?
    2) I get the sense that Disk Warrior or Tech Tool might be necessary, but does it make sense to TRY to do erase-install before buying them? Also, are there any downloadable (for pay) versions of this, or would I need to track down the actual physical disks in Hong Kong or wait for them to be shipped?
    3) I haven't yet tried the S.M.A.R.T. test, should I do that first? What is the procedure? Are there any results or ways to know if the drive is too far gone (so that I might instead replace the internal hard-drive) instead of pay 100 USD first to do the disk repair?
    4) Cornelius said: "An alternative would be to completely reformat and erase the entire HDD, then re-install and restore your data from backup. If your backup is in the form of a bootable clone of the entire HDD, you can just clone it back." I use Super-Duper to back-up and the most recent one copied the whole thing-- what would be the later procedure of "cloning it back"?
    5) As I'm able to use my computer pretty normally right now, but does it still mean that it might crash/die at any moment? Is there any way to tell?
    Thanks so much!

  • Software component with Key ID does not exist

    Hi Friends,
               Here I am in need of your help. I got involved in an upgrade from XI 3.0 to PI 7.1. The Basis has imported all the SWC & Business systems from XI 3.0. When I am trying to activate the objects imported from IR of XI3.0 then It is triggering an error as
    data retrieving failed from Adapter Metadata  | RFC http://sap.com/xi/XI/System. /// ROA_MOA_NOTCOMPLETED.
                Because of this I am unable to activate the imported objects in ID by showing the message as Software component with key ID XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  does not exist.
                when I went there to ESR then under a software component I found a message under underlying components  like             " XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX not exist"  but I am not aware of the object related to that Key ID.
    Please help me out in this . Thanking you in Advance.

    Hi Neeetesh,
             I got the alternative solution for my problem. All credit goes to you. I recreated the communication channels instead of using the same ones after Upgrad. Any way we need to change the communication channels after importing the channels but the system is giving the above error message as   "Adapter Software component with Key ID XXXXXXXX......  does not exist".
             But its allowing me to create a new channel. Then based on the neetesh suggestion, I went through and create the new comm channels instead of wasting so much time on the same issue.
            Thanks a lot Neetesh.     
             I am really sorry for not giving your  points.  I am assigning points  now with great pleasure. Here you go.

  • Won't boot, intermittent, power button does little (Early 2008/A1260/15")

    I've got a Macbook Pro Early 2008/A1260/15". It's a 2.5Ghz running 10.5.8 with 2GB of RAM. Model Identifier MacBookPro4,1, Boot ROM MBP41.00C1.B00 and SMC version 1.27f2.
    Sometimes it will not boot. When it does not boot, the only thing that occurs when the power button is pressed is that the hard drive spins up. Nothing else happens. The display does not turn on, the system makes no sounds, the light on the latch does not illuminate, and the fans do not activate (I have tried booting with the case open to watch the fans and they do not spin).
    If the AC adapter is plugged in during such an attempt, the hard drive seems to stay on indefinitely, until the power button is held down for 5 seconds. If the laptop has only battery power during such an attempt, the hard drive will power down after a couple of seconds.
    There are 3 sorts of things that seem to allow it to boot in such a scenario:
    1) Time. If I wait for an hour or sometimes many hours, it boots fine.
    2) SMC reset. Sometimes disconnecting AC and battery and holding the power button for 5 seconds, then reconnecting power allows a successful boot
    3) Random repeated attempts (generally with AC power) of holding down power to shut down the drive after an unsuccessful boot and then trying again. This sometimes works.
    At other times, it boots fine and will boot fine repeatedly.
    I tried running Apple Hardware Test. The short test was successful. The extended test was also successful, although during the test the mouse froze, and after the test succeeded, the mouse remained frozen.
    I have tried re-seating the RAM, swapping the RAM sticks, trying each of the 2 RAM sticks individually in each of the 2 slots, but none of this helps.
    I have removed the hard drive and attached it to another computer where I ran a SMART short and extended self test, both of which were successful. There is no evidence that there is anything wrong with the drive.
    Any ideas? Is it the logic board? Is it the so-called "left I/O board"?
    Please help. thanks.

    I did. It's just that I am in a developing country with only 8 authorized service providers in the entire country, and 0 apple stores. They were not able to reproduce, diagnose, or fix the issue.
    So I'm hoping that my own tests and the experience of others can help me narrow it down a bit more so that I can bring it back again and have a higher chance of success.

  • MacBook Pro won't boot, even using flash drive with OS

    I have a 2007 MacBook Pro that won't boot up past the gray screen.
    I connected it via Firewire to my iMac and the hard drive showed up without any problem.
    I ran DiskWarrior on the drive and rebuilt it. That didn't resolve the issue.
    I zeroed out the hard drive and tried to reinstall the operating system. My DVD drive no longer works so I created a bootable flash drive from the OS disc but when I try to boot that I get a screen with a checkerboard line down the middle (see image).
    Any idea what this could be?

    Could be a failing GPU/logicboard as you said the HD checked out.
    Take it in to an Apple Genius for a full diagnostic, they wil diagnose it for free, then give you your options. (make an appointment)l

  • P965 won't boot DVD from Intel SATA with RAID enabled

    System specs
    1 x MSI P965 Platinum
    1 x Intel Core 2 Duo 6420
    2 x 1GiB Geil PC6400 DDR2/800
    2 x 320G Seagate Barracuda 7200.10
    1 x Pioneer 212 SATA CD/DVD Writer
    Configuration has both hdd's in RAID mode (on the ICH8 SATA connectors), with RAID volumes setup and functional.
    My DVD drive is plugged into the SATA-5 connector (ICH8).
    I have disabled the JMicron sata/ide (since I don't want to use it).
    BIOS recognises the SATA DVD drive in the POST as an ATAPI CDROM. And an existing windows installation recognises the DVD drive.
    The problem is that I cannot boot from the DVD drive. I have even tried the boot menu directly (F11) - there is a momentary flicker on the DVD drive, but after a while, booting continues from the HDD anyway.
    Please help, I'm trying to install XP onto a different partition, and if I cannot boot from the optical drive, it may present some difficulties ;-)
    Has anyone else had a similar issue? Or can offer any help on tuning the BIOS settings?
    The Wibbler

    In my first post, I said that the DVD is plugged into the SATA-5 connector (on the ICH8), the JMicron sata connector is not used.
    I also said that my configuration has 2x 320G drives configured as a RAID array (on SATA-0,SATA-1 if that matters), hence BIOS is set to "RAID" mode - if it were IDE or AHCI I would suspect my RAID array would not function (haven't tested this, but it seems logical).
    If the system boots from HDD, the DVD drive (on SATA-5) is fully functional from Windows XP, just that the BIOS won't boot from the DVD drive on the ICH8.
    Jack the Newbie
    I have tried the JMicron SATA connector, but WinXP setup disk causes BSOD if the drive is configured as IDE in BIOS. And after some more hair pulling I figured out that if I slipstream the JMicron RAID drivers and configure the JMicron as RAID, then WinXP setup accesses the DVD correctly. Seems like a lot of hoops to be jumping through  :(

  • My iMac won't boot, get a black screen with alarm sound, then gray screen with start up sound, then repeats

    this problem started last fall after upgrading to Mavericks. If I shut down my computer (or restart) I have problems getting it going again. This is getting progressively worse. I hadn't shut down in over a month, forgot about this issue and shut down (which I used to do daily), so now I can't get my computer to boot. When I hit the power button I hear it starting, then a loud alarm sounds, then a long pause then start up sound with a gray screen with a progress bar. Once the progress bar fills, the screen goes black again for a bit. This whole process will repeat until I get frustrated and force - shut down by holding the power button. I have tried reseting the pram, starting up in safe mode, starting up with the command - R, starting up with my original install disc... none of it works. I'm at a loss! I do have an external hard drive that I have been using for Time Machine, but it's not recent because the disc needs repairs and I hadn't gotten around to buying a new HD to back up to first. Has anyone else had this problem? I really can't afford a big repair/replacement bill.

    A long, steady, load tone followed by a progress bar can indicate it is trying to install a Firmware Update.  Any other Tones would be multiple beeps and show an error code.
    You can also see a progress bar similar to booting into Safe Mode. However, the firmware update bar is thinner vertically than the Safe Mode bar.
    Either way, I would say something is wrong and it would be better evaluated at an Apple Store as Kappy points out.

  • IMac won't boot and has flashing folder with question mark on gray screen

    I just bought a new iMac. I have been trying all week (with no success) to transfer files and apps from my previous iMac. The last time I tried to transfer, I used target mode on the old computer. It looked as if it was finally working, so I left with 2+ hours remaining on the transfer. When I returned, the computer was frozen and nothing would work. So I held the power button to turn it off. When I tried to turn it back on, there was only a gray screen with a flashing folder with a question mark. I feel like I have tried everything listed in other discussions. The only thing I am not able to try is to reinstall Lion because the new computer did NOT come with an OSX disc of any type. Any suggestions?

    Go to > OS X Lion: About Lion Recovery

  • Bootcamp volume selectable in Startup Disk but won't boot. Bootcamp not visible with Option Key

    My bootcamp volume is selectable in Startup Disk System Preference, but Windows 7 will not boot stating no bootable volume.  The Bootcamp volume does not appear when option key held down during startup.  Windows 7 booted fine before I booted into MacOS.  When I tried to reboot in Windows 7, that's when I received the non-bootable error.  All looks fine on the Windows 7 volume.
    I'm working with a Macbook Pro Early 2008, 256 GB SSD, Windows 7 and the Boot Camp Support Software 4.0.4033.
    I tried to re-install Windows 7 on its 32 GB partition, however Windows reported volume is not in proper format???
    I tried repairing my Windows 7 volume with my install disk, but apparentl after having to update my initial Windows 7 instalation (disk bought in 2009) about 3 or 4 times, my Windows 7 install disk reports it cannot repair the now updated version of Windows 7 on my hard drive.  Lovely.  Brilliant engineering.
    I looked into editing my partition table, but that process appears more a hack/bandaid for the underlying problem that more than likely still exists.
    Any suggestions, other than painfully starting from the beginning???

    Well, want to rule out drive case,, as those do come up with EVERY new OS, just hit Lion 10.7 forum when it came out, or when 10.6.0 came out 3 yrs ago.
    Maybe the power adapter is the weak link.
    As I said, and goes back yrs, not a fan of FW/USB/eSATA case from major vendors (LaCie, WD, Seagate etc).
    And you could try another case. Be sure to buy a case that lets you swap in your own hard drives though.
    http://www.macsales.com/firewire - look for bare drive case "0" capacity hard drive

Maybe you are looking for

  • Patience the only solution h

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  • Problems submitting a book order

    It has been virtually impossible to purchase my book created on iPhoto. It takes ages to assemble (seems to hang at last page) and then starts to transfer the book and crashes about 25% of the way through saying 'an error occurred uploading one of yo