E66 and Mobile Dictionary

I have the Mobile Dictionary in the Office folder. Something like a year ago I managed to load it with three languages: English, Finnish and French. Now I tried to change French to Spanish, but this time I didn't succeed.
If I try to remove French by selecting 'languages' and 'remove language', the program ends without doing anything. (French stays as a language alternative.)
If I connect to Nokia's web page 
and download and install Spanish, everything seems to go OK. After the installation Mobile Dictionary immediately goes to a state where it asks 'Remove language' and gives Spanish as the only alternative. If I answer yes, it removes Spanish. If I answer no, then Mobile Dictionary ends immediately. When restarting Mobile Dictionary again goes to the same 'Remove language' state.
I know I have succeeded changing languages before, but the software version has changed once or twice after that.
Is there some trick I should try?
PS The icon of Mobile Dictionary has the letters ABC but I notice that the icon on my phone is slightly different from that on the Nokia web page.
(Lumia 820, 8.0.10328.78, 3047.0000.1328.0003, Here Drive+ 3.0.4121.0, map

Try this link:
Customer quotes
"An outstanding software with exciting features and unbeatable content. Never in my life have I seen so comprehensive dictionary like Advanced English Dictionary running on mobile device. The links in the definitions are really helpful and interesting. The layout is very clear and easy on the eyes. I recommend it to everyone."
Message Edited by okinawa on 19-Dec-2008 04:32 PM

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    Server Side - ServerBox.java
    public class ServerBox implements Runnable {
       LocalDevice localDevice;
       StreamConnectionNotifier notifier;
       ServiceRecord record;
       boolean isClosed;
       ClientProcessor processor;
       CMDProcessor cmd;
       MainInterface midlet;
       private static final UUID ECHO_SERVER_UUID = new UUID(
               "F0E0D0C0B0A000908070605040302010", false);
       public ServerBox(MainInterface midlet) {
           this.midlet = midlet;
       public void run() {
           boolean isBTReady = false;
           try {
               localDevice = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice();
               if (!localDevice.setDiscoverable(DiscoveryAgent.GIAC)) {
                   midlet.showInfo("Cannot set to discoverable");
               // prepare a URL to create a notifier
               StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer("btspp://");
               url.append(";name=Echo Server");
               // create notifier now
               notifier = (StreamConnectionNotifier) Connector.open(url.toString());
               record = localDevice.getRecord(notifier);
               isBTReady = true;
           } catch (Exception e) {
           // nothing to do if no bluetooth available
           if (isBTReady) {
               midlet.showInfo("Initalization complete. Waiting for connection");
           } else {
               midlet.showInfo("Initalization fail. Exit.");
           // produce client processor
           processor = new ClientProcessor();
           cmd = new CMDProcessor();
           // start accepting connections then
           while (!isClosed) {
               StreamConnection conn = null;
               try {
                   conn = notifier.acceptAndOpen();
               } catch (IOException e) {
                   // wrong client or interrupted - continue anyway
       // activate the set up of process
       public void publish() {
           isClosed = false;
           new Thread(this).start();
       // stop the service
       public void cancelService() {
           isClosed = true;
           midlet.showInfo("Service Terminate.");
       // inner private class for handling connection and activate connection handling
       private class ClientProcessor implements Runnable {
           private Thread processorThread;
           private Vector queue = new Vector();
           private boolean isOk = true;
           ClientProcessor() {
               processorThread = new Thread(this);
           public void run() {
               while (!isClosed) {
                   synchronized (this) {
                       if (queue.size() == 0) {
                           try {
                               // wait for new client
                           } catch (InterruptedException e) { }
                   StreamConnection conn;
                   synchronized (this) {
                       if (isClosed) {
                       conn = (StreamConnection) queue.firstElement();
           // add stream connection and notify the thread
           void addConnection(StreamConnection conn) {
               synchronized (this) {
                   midlet.showInfo("A connection is added.");
                   notify();    // for wait() command in run()
       // receive string
       private String readInputString(StreamConnection conn) {
           String inputString = null;
           try {
               DataInputStream dis = conn.openDataInputStream();
               inputString = dis.readUTF();
           } catch (Exception e) {
           return inputString;
       private void sendOutputData(String outputData, StreamConnection conn) {
           try {
               DataOutputStream dos = conn.openDataOutputStream();
           } catch (IOException e) {
       // process connecion
       private void processConnection(StreamConnection conn) {
           String inputString = readInputString(conn);
           String outputString = cmd.reactionToCMD(inputString);
           sendOutputData(outputString, conn);
    /*       try {
           } catch (IOException e) {}*/
           midlet.showInfo("Client input: " + inputString + ", successfully received.");
    }For "CMDProcessor" , it is the class of message processing before feedback to client.
    Client side - ClientBox.java
    public class ClientBox implements Runnable, CommandListener{
        StringItem result = new StringItem("","");
        private DiscoveryAgent discoveryAgent;
        private String connString;
        private boolean isClosed = false;
        private boolean boxReady = false;
        StreamConnection conn;
        private static final UUID ECHO_SERVER_UUID = new UUID( "F0E0D0C0B0A000908070605040302010", false);
        Form process = new Form("Process");
        ClientInterface midlet;
        public ClientBox(ClientInterface mid){
            this.midlet = mid;
            process.addCommand(new Command("Cancel",Command.CANCEL,1));
            new Thread(this).start();
        public void commandAction(Command arg0, Displayable arg1) {    
                isClosed = true;
        public synchronized void run() {
            LocalDevice localDevice = null;
            boolean isBTReady = false;
            /* Process Gauge screen */
            Gauge g=new Gauge(null,false,Gauge.INDEFINITE,Gauge.CONTINUOUS_RUNNING);
            try {
                localDevice = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice();
                discoveryAgent = localDevice.getDiscoveryAgent();
                isBTReady = true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
            if (!isBTReady) {
                showInfo("Bluetooth is not avaliable. Please check the device.");
                try {
                    connString = discoveryAgent.selectService(ECHO_SERVER_UUID, ServiceRecord.NOAUTHENTICATE_NOENCRYPT, false);
                } catch (BluetoothStateException ex) {
            else return;
            if (connString == null) {
                showInfo("Cannot Find Server. Please check the device.");
            else showInfo("Can Find Server, stand by for request.");
            boxReady = true;
        /* True if the clientbox is ready */
        public boolean getBoxReady(){
            return boxReady;
        /* True if the clientbox is closed in run() */
        public boolean getIsClosed(){
            return isClosed;
        public String accessService(String input) {
            String output = null;
            try {
                /* Connect to server */
                StreamConnection conn = (StreamConnection) Connector.open(connString);
                /* send string */
                DataOutputStream dos = conn.openDataOutputStream();
                /* receive string */
                DataInputStream dis = conn.openDataInputStream();
                output = dis.readUTF();
            } catch (IOException ex){
                showInfo("Fail connect to connect to server.");
            return output;
        private void showInfo(String s){
            StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(result.getText());
            if(sb.length()>0){ sb.append("\n"); }
    }Client side - ClientInterface.java
    public class ClientInterface extends MIDlet implements Runnable, CommandListener{
        private ClientBox cb = new ClientBox(this);
        private Form temp = new Form("Temp");
        private Command select = new Command("Select", Command.OK, 1);
        private Command back = new Command("Back", Command.BACK, 1);
        Alert alert;
        String[] element;
        String out;
        List list;
        public void run(){
            /* Send message and get reply */
            out = cb.accessService("Proglist");
            element = split(out,",");
            /* Use the reply to make list */
            list = createList(element[0], List.IMPLICIT, out);
        public void startApp() {
            waitForBoxSetUp(); /* Recursively check for clientbox status */
            new Thread(this).start();
        public void pauseApp() {
        public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {
        public void displayPage(Displayable d){
        private void waitForBoxSetUp(){
        public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d){
            if (c.getCommandType() == Command.OK){
                if (d == list){
                    /* Send the choice to server */
                    out = cb.accessService(list.getString(list.getSelectedIndex()));
                    alert = new Alert("Output", "selected = "+out, null, AlertType.ALARM);
            if (c.getCommandType() == Command.BACK){
        public void showWarning(String title, String content){
            alert = new Alert("Output", "selected = "+list.getString(list.getSelectedIndex()), null, AlertType.ALARM);
        private List createList(String name, int type, String message){
            List temp;
            String[] source = split(message,",") ;
            temp = new List(name, type, source, null);
            return temp;
        private static String[] split(String original,String regex)
            int startIndex = 0;
            Vector v = new Vector();
            String[] str = null;
            int index = 0;
            startIndex = original.indexOf(regex);
            while(startIndex < original.length() && startIndex != -1)
                String temp = original.substring(index,startIndex);
                index = startIndex + regex.length();
                startIndex = original.indexOf(regex,startIndex + regex.length());
            v.addElement(original.substring(index + 1 - regex.length()));
            str = new String[v.size()];
            for(int i=0;i<v.size();i++)
                str[i] = (String)v.elementAt(i);
            return str;

    i haven't worked with devices but only with the toolkit emulators;
    it definitely is possible...
    u have to send the image as a bytestream and receive the image at the jsp end...
    and then reconstruct the image.
    the Stream classes in J2ME AND J2SE are all u will require.
    also the Image class.
    i have not done this but i have successfully sent an image frm a jsp and displayed it on the emulator.

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