E6700 3.5Ghz 350FSB on P965 Platinum - Damn :))

Just got my E6700 on the P965 Platinum MOBO to 3.5Ghz 350FSB. Thats preatty cool indeed.
Running bios 1.51b
Last night i tryed 3.4Ghz and it was stable all night. Lets see now with 3.5ghz 

Quote from: iamrobk on 16-May-07, 05:55:43
I am currently running my E6600 at a FSB of 346 Mhz, or 3.1 Ghz on the 1.4 BIOS.  I'd like to go higher, but I'm on the stock HSF so I can't anyway.  Plus I have my RAM (rated for DDR2-800) running at DDR2-1040, and I don't want to push it much more.
Yeah, I ran into this recently when I put together my new rig on the P965 Platinum. I'm also running DDR2-800 and the BIOS DRAM frequency seems to default to a 2:3 ratio (which is what is needed to run at 800 frequency at the default 266 bus speed). The same effects happen when manually setting to 800Mhz.
Took a bit of fiddling around to realize the manually selected frequencies were actually dividers. If you're looking to run 1:1, try manually selecting 533. DDR2-800 is rated to run on an FSB of 400 without having to overclock.
My E6600 is currently running on an fsb of 356 (x9 = 3.2Ghz) with the 1.5b2 BIOS. Minor voltage increases all around (Prime died on one of the cores about 12 hours in at the default levels).
I know my system can be pushed further. My temps are only 45C at load with a Tuniq Tower, and I was able to get successful XP boots with the FSB approaching 400 (although Prime would die one one core during the first test). I guess I just don't have the patience to step it up further. :p

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    Now i found these. Would these ram be good with my system ?
    OCZ DDR2 PC2-6400 Gold GX XTC 2GB Dual Channel kit
    Please inform me soon. I have to bye them today !!!
    If you live in Denmark and that's your favorite IT online shop, this is a better offer:
    DDR2-800 5-5-5-15 at 1.8V.
    I'm not a G.Skill fan ...

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    All you expert. Tell me one thing if enybody know this.
    Is FSB 335 = 3.3Ghz ok with a E6700 CPU ? Shoulden it be posible to get much higher with this CPU.
    I even have really good Cellshock DDR2800 2.2v 4-4-4-12 ram.
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    Thx so far everybody 

    Hi. alright. Did'nt know that E6600 could be better than E6700 for OC.
    Anyway. My system is not unstable. Infact it is rock solid almost what ever i do accept to high FSB.
    Thats why i was awsking all those ram (mem) questions. timing etc. What the best settings was for my system.
    In my first post is some questions about ram and timming.
    My system is infact really nice because it either runs solid or it dosent run at all.. 
    To high FSB and the computer want boot to windows. So right now 333FSB and under sruns smooth.
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  • Average OC with E6600-E6700 and P965 Platinum ? Post here plz

    Would love to hear what average OC with E6600 & E6700 is on P965 Platinum board is.
    If other people would post your OC score and settings duo to the list under here. It would be very helpfull.
    BIOS version
    CPU VCore
    Ram timming (Auto or mauel)
    Ram frequency (Auto or Manuel) in Cell menu
    Ram Voltage
    NB Voltage
    any other known settings to help OC more
    Thx for your help 

    Quote from: Bluum on 17-May-07, 17:03:28
    Try to stress your RAM with MemTest lychgate, then I'm sure you will find that it is not stable.
    Anything over about 330MHz FSB gives me RAM error in MemTest, even with 5-5-5-15 and 1:1 divider on PC2-6400 with 4-4-4-12 as standard timings.
    Trust me, it just seems stable...
    You mean with the 1.5b3 bios? Well, I use orthos and superpi to test stability, and they don't give me any errors, even with 450FSB (wich I'm currently using) . Which number of memtest is giving you errors?
    I think that I'll test it with memtest now, to be sure.

  • P965 Platinum and E6700 CPU Core v ?

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    So my question is really. Is the default CPU core v on the P965 Platinum alright for a Core 2 Duo E6700 CPU or should it be chanced
    to the CPU the user are using with the board.

    1.265V for mine...

  • BSOD / Lock-ups with new Q9550 in P965 Platinum

    MSI P965 Platinum Mobo
    E6700 CPU, recently upgraded to Q9550
    Zalman Cu heat sink + fan.
    4GB Corsair 6400 C4 (4-4-4-12 800 MHz)
    MSI 8800 GTX graphics
    Auzentech Meridian sound
    2 x 36GB Raptors RAID 0 (System)
    2 x 250 GB Western Digital Caviar WD2500KS RAID 0 (Data)
    Corsair HX620W PSU
    All drives attached to the ICH8R Intel RAID controller.
    BIOS: 1.8 (latest)
    Vista Ultimate 32 bit SP1 + latest patches
    Intel Matrix Storage Manager v8.6
    Hi all,
    I have run with the above hardware specification since Jan 2007 without experiencing any hardware problems at all. Two weeks ago I upgraded the CPU from an E6700 dual-core to a Q9550 quad. I was a little concerned about doing this, because the P965 supports a max FSB of 1066 and the Q9550 is rated at 1333. In any case, I Googled around and found that some flavours of the Q9550 had been tested on my mobo (http://www.cpu-upgrade.com/mb-MSI/P965_Platinum_(MS-238).html) and also MSI list the Q9550 stepping C1 as being compatible so I took the leap.
    Early indications were good - Vista detected the new chip and I rebooted when prompted. However, in the space of two weeks I have experienced  around one or two BSODs per day STOP 101 or 124 codes. Hmm!
    I have switched back to my trusty E6700 chip and the system is then as solid as a rock. I see 3 possibilities here:
    1.The Mobo website (MSI P965) lists the Q9550 stepping type C1 as being compatible. There is no mention of E0 or C0 which seem to be the other two variants. I have no idea which stepping type mine is as the product numbers for the Q9550 chips are all the same (EU80569PJ073N or BX80569Q9550) regardless of whether it is a C0, C1 or E0 stepping. Is there any way to tell which on I have - I tried with CPU-Z but didn't spot the stepping type? In any case, could this be the problem or am I off-base?
    2. It's possible I have a faulty chip. How likely is this do you think? I could ask for a swap with Novatech but could be back in the same boat, and they will reject the return unless it is 'proven faulty'.
    3. I need to mod the clocking on my rig to support the Q9550. If so, can anyone advise on what I should do?
    I doubt the problem is caused by an OS factor as I ran some tested in an XP pre-boot environmet and still got the lock-ups.
    What should I do? i don't really want to ebay the chip at say a £50 loss if i can help it.
    Many thanks in advance.

    I have no idea which stepping type mine is as the product numbers for the Q9550 chips are all the same (EU80569PJ073N or BX80569Q9550) regardless of whether it is a C0, C1 or E0 stepping.
    No, the OEM Order Code is different, and the sSpec Number also.
    Have a look at these links
    Q9550=SLAWQ=C1--> http://processorfinder.intel.com/details.aspx?sSpec=SLAWQ
    Q9550=SLB8V=E0 --> http://processorfinder.intel.com/details.aspx?sSpec=SLB8V

  • P965 Platinum, Vista, and Raid

    I spent a good couple of hours skimming the boards yesterday trying to set up my two new 320 SATAII hard drives in a RAID array.  I ran into a ton of trouble, but then finally figured out part/all of my problem and got things working.  I figure this information will be helpful for anyone who is trying to do the same.  I'll post the most useful links I found at the end of this post as well...
    heres what i'm working with:
    MSI P965 Platinum
    2gb OCZ DDR2 800MHZ 2 dimm kit
    36.7 WD Raptor SATAII (as system drive)
    Intel Core 2 Duo E6700
    Sapphire X1650 PRO 512MB PCI-Express
    Antec TruePower TRIO 650 650W Power Supply
    promise technology ultra ata 133 tx2 (the source of a ton of trouble)
    originally i had vista ultimate x64 installed on a 36.7 gb raptor that was performing ok (once i did the extremetech suggested reghacks for lowdiskspace and 8.3ntfsfilenames), but not as well as my friends new computer with a blazing fast 500 gb stripe.
    my bios was configured as such:
    on board raid controller: ide
    on chip ata devices -> sata 1 config: enhanced
    ...configure sata 1 as: ide
    ...sata 2 configuration: enabled
    i shut down the computer, and changed
    on chip ata devices -> configure sata 1 as: raid
    then i was able to get into the raid setup with Ctrl + I, and set up my array.  Here's where I ran into my first problem.  I figured I wanted a raid 0 because I don't care soooo much about my data being lost, and i have never had a hard drive die on me (knock on wood) in the past 8 years (guardian angel).  So setting up my array was working fine, except for i hadn't anticipated that i would have to choose an ideal strip size.  The board suggests 128k, but after much deliberation I decided since I wanted the speed benefit for my OS and programs, I wanted 32k strip size; but having a 640 stripe for just the OS and programs seems huge, so out of curiosity I tried setting up two raid arrays (both across the same drives).  The first was a 100gb raid 0 with a 32k strip size and the second was a 496.2 raid 0 with a 128k strip size.  This worked fine, but then I got to thinking... can I set up the 100 gb array as a mirror?  If so, then I get the best of both worlds since I can secure all my OS/settings/programs/documents, but I'll have a super fast (respectively) 400 gb drive for ephemeral memory and expendable data (replaceable stuff like ripped dvds, downloaded music and programs, downloaded anything...).  This would all be at the expense of 100 gb which certainly seems worth it at this case because I wouldn't have to worry about the possibility of losing all my data like everyone seems to cry about all over the internet when talking about raid stripes.  So i set it up, this worked fine... next step boot into vist ultimate and start installation.
    Here proved my most annoying step, as my first problem occurred when I couldn't find the dvd/cd drive in the boot sequence menu.  I saw the usb card reader drives, my raid arrays, and my raptor... but no dvd/cd drive (of which I had two connected).  After scouring the web about that darned Jmicron chip, it appeared as if the bios cannot see the PATA drives on this board and I would have to try pressing F8 at the jmicron bios screen.  THIS IS COMPLETE MISINFORMATION.
    As stupid as it is, the real problem is that the boot sequence only displays 6 (i think it's 6) bootable media, and if you have anything else it just doesn't show it.  This gave me the impression that the bios was unaware of my cd/dvd drives connected to the IDE controller.  As soon as I unplugged my card reader, the dvd/cd drives appeared in the boot sequence... thank gawd because...
    i had tried plugging my dvd/cd drives into the promise ata controller (which i already know lacks a vista 64bit compatible driver), which actually allowed me to boot into the vista setup whereupon I was asked (I did NOT have to press F6, even though everyone seems to think they have to) to install the driver for the dvd/cd controller (I assumed and was right that it was asking for the promise ata controller driver).  I put the most recent drivers from their website on a usb stick, plugged it in, and the driver worked and then setup was able to see my dvd/cd drives (which is weird because how did I get to that point if it couldn't?).
    Then setup said it couldn't find any drives, so I figured the problem was with the driver for the ICH8R intel raid controller.  I downloaded drivers from MSI's website, intel's, and a bunch of others, and NONE of them worked.  Setup would install the drivers, but it still could not see any hard drives attached to it.  I'm not sure what caused this problem, but my best guess is that it had to do with the promise card being plugged in. 
    I gave up on that and figured I'd try something else, maybe the promise card was causing the problem.  So I tried changing the ports that all my sata drives are plugged into.  The two new 320's were on 0 and 2, and I also had a drive on 3 4 and 5.  I read somewhere that intel had some array issues on 0 1 and 2, so I tried setting my 320's on 4 and 5 and moved my other drives around it.  This is also when I had the idea to remove my card reader and pull out the ultra ata 133 tx2 card. 
    I was able then to see the dvd/cdrom in the boot sequence, put it first, and boot into vista setup.  VISTA ULTIMATE DID NOT ASK ME FOR ANY DRIVERS AT THIS POINT.  I'm not sure if it was the sata ports I had my drives plugged into or not, but at this point vista setup saw all my drives and I chose the 100 gb array and installation went smoothly.
    Excellent… now I just have to install photoshop and see if it loads in 4 seconds like on my friends new computer with the stripe.  If not, then I'll probably just cry.
    Hopefully I've covered enough of the keywords in this description that anyone who has this problem will  easily find this page.  Remember:
    Hope this was helpful

    I have the very same issue except two things. When I try to see why it will not load the Array I find that the first drive (Maxtor 6V160E0) is red and considered to be bad. Did you happen to notice if your system showed the same thing?
    I have moved the drives around and it still corrupts the Maxtor 6V160E0. I have not tried to move them to the end of the SATA connections. I will try that and see what happens.
    Other thing was the JMicron would see my NEC DVDRW, but thought it was a ACSI and it would only read at 12X. It even stated that in the OS. I then was told by the Techs that they have not had alot of luck with NEC drives. So, I purchased a LiteOn SATA II DVDRW, connected it to the JMicron SATA connector and it came alive. I then found it to turn out worthless DVD's and CD's. Not even that Drive would read them after burning. I got so ticked about the JMicron I just shut it off in the BIOS. I hooked up the drive to the #4 port and whala, no more problems with burn. Now it reads, writes, and re-writes at the stated speeds (also I needed to update the firmware twice since I purchase the drive. The MS updates did something to it and the new firmware fixed it.). I have never been able to get a drive to work correctly on the JMicron no matter who made it.
    I sure hope that MSI has scraped any board that will ever use that controller. JMircon is not my friend!
    I am going to get 2 more SATA II drives and try this without having to backup all my data.

  • New Computer with the P965 Platinum

    Hello. I'm new to computer building. I'm tired of Dell. I just ordered the following setup:
    1 Thermaltake Bach VX Mid Tower Computer Case
    1 Thermaltake Purepower 600W Power Supply
    1 MSI P965 Platinum Motherboard
    1 Intel Core 2 Duo E6700
    1 ZALMAN 9700 CPU Cooler
    1 Mushkin eXtreme Performance 2GB (2 x 1GB) DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800
    1 EVGA GeForce 8800GTX
    2 SAMSUNG 500GB 7200 RPM SATA 3.0Gb/s Hard Drive
    1 ASUS Black SATA DVD-ROM Drive
    1 Microsoft Windows Vista 32-Bit Ultimate
    Did I screw anything up? I was wondering if I will be able to assemble the computer and have it boot the first time. Or should I expect problems? Does anyone have any insight or wisdom for me as to what I should expect?
    I had a few specific questions:
    1.) RAID0 configuration: Is there more than one RAID controller? If so, which is better?
    2.) Windows Vista (32 bit) installation: Is there anything I should do before installing Vista?
    3.) Overclocking: After the dust settles I want to mildly overclock my CPU, GPU, and RAM. Does anyone have any recommended overclock settings or links on how to do this?
    Thank you.

    Why overclock? Mainly because of intellectual curiosity and because faster is better all else equal. It's like Spinal Tap - I want my volume to go to 11!
    Thanks T_smith for the overclocking how-to, but it appears my BIOS options on the P965 are different that yours. I will start a thread in the Overclocking forum.
    My computer runs great and is fast. It's been quite a learning experience so far. You guys have been a lot of help. Thank you.
    I created a bootable USB drive (definitely good to have around) and flashed the BIOS to 1.5b3.
    At boot time, the computer beeps once for every USB device that is plugged into the computer. Is there a way to disable that beep in the BIOS? I have a USB mouse and keyboard and it's a bit annoying to listen to the beeps.
    I installed CPU-Z. I got a scare to see my CPU idling at 1.6 GHz instead of 2.67 GHz (6 multiplier vs. 10 multiplier). Then I realized it was completely normal because of Intel SpeedStep.
    I installed MSI DualCore Monitor, nVidia nTune, CoreTemp to monitor my temps.
    Here are my temps:
    Closed case (messy wires still)
    - GPU 68 C
    - System 40 C
    - CPU 34 C (CoreTemp & DualCore Monitor) vs. CPU 40 C (H/W in BIOS)
    Does anyone know why the CPU temp measurements differ so dramatically? SpeedStep?
    If I take the side panel off the computer, all temps drop 3-5 C.
    I noticed that HDD write cache is disable by default. Do you guys think it's worth enabling? It's a performance vs. data protection question. I don't mind a little data loss in the event of a power failure, but I don't want the OS to become permanently unstable.

  • DVD Burner problem with P965 Platinum

    I have had on going issue with my DVD burner. When i try to play or esp burn a DVD the whole PC slows down and i am unable to open or run any other applications.  The Burner is connected via IDE cable and i have tried 2 other DVD Burners with all the same result.  When i play a DVD the picture jitters and when i burn a DVD the burn rate is about 10 x slower than my other PC.  It comes across as if there is a data transfer problem, not sure though.
    Could this be a bios issue or maybe a faulty IDE port on the MOB ???
    My system
    MSI P965 Platinum
    Intel Core 2 Duo E6600
    2 x 1GB DDR2 800mhz RAM
    Leadtek 8800GTS 640mb G/C
    ASUS DRW-1612BL DVD Burner

    I would also like to add that, this fix has also fixed my Lan input port.  I built this PC about 3 weeks ago and from day one the Lan connection would come up with that "Limited or no connectivity" issue.  So I thought it was a faulty Lan port so I went and bought a PCI Lan card to fix that issue.
    But as soon as i applied this fix, I noticed the network connection popped up so I tried it out and the damn thing now works.
    Extremely Happy 

  • Msi P965 Platinum with Vista Premium 64bit big problem

    hi i cant run vista properly, i get blue screen dumps that dumps memory.
    Some time it can run 5min sometimes 2hours
    Vista says that there is a hardware incompatiblity something with memory.
    I have run memtest x86 it passed, and Vistas memtest fail.
    tryed to run with only one memory and changed place to them
    core duo center doesent work either.
    now i run windows Xp with latest drivers and everything works just fine.
    I want to run my computer on windows vista 64bit, whats my problem

    Sad to hear about those problems, especially since I am going to upgrade to Vista myself in the nearest future.
    I have no guarantee that this will work, but try using manual settings for RAM. And set RAM to 5-5-5-15, not 4-4-4-12. And run RAM at stock speed, and the same goes for FSB etc.
    And try using 2,1V for the RAM.
    If you have runned on manual settings, set the to "Auto" if you haven't tried that.
    I have read abuot one guy that got bluescreens all the time when he overclocked in Vista. You haven't overclocked, have you? :P
    EDIT: I see you use BIOS v1.3. Try flashing to v1.2.
    I flashed from a bluescreenfree system at high overclocks (v1.2), to a instable system vith plenty of bluescreens when exeding 340-350FSB.
    With BIOS 1.2, I have booted with FSB 389, and been able to run SuperPI, CPU-Z and some other small programs. Now, with BIOS 1.3, I can't get into windows, get bluescreen before logon is complete.
    I think there is something "wrong" with the northbrigde in P965 Platinum, because the errors are allways memory related.

  • P965 Platinum Power Connections

    I am building a new system with a P965 Platinum, Core 2 Duo E6700 and MSI NX8800GTS video card.  On the board there is power connector, JPWR2, which is an 8 pin connector with 4 of the pins covered with tape.  My PS (Antec NEOHE 550) has both a 4 and a 8 pin cable.  Why are 4 pins of JPWR2 coverd and should I use the 8 pin cable?  Also the JPWR3 connector says it is for the graphics card but the NX8800GTS has a 6 pin connector on the card.  Do I need to put power to both JPWR3 and the graphics card?

    Quote from: gbjbany on 31-December-06, 00:34:09
    I have a related question. The JPWR3 connector is a molex plug. Can i just use one of my molex 4 pin power cables or does it need to be the 4 pin 12v connector with an adaptor ?
    I have a geforce 7600gt oc and it doesnt have a power connector, So im not even sure i need JPWR3, i found in a web review that it is only neccesary if running 2 video cards, but that was not confirmed from any other source.
    Appreciate the help.
    "Can i just use one of my molex 4 pin power cables"
    yep, no need any adapters. grab one free from the PSU and connect it.

  • P965 platinum "please insert a disc into floppy"

    Assembled a P965 system worinking fine now after a couple of video problems except the floppy drive wont work.
    Clicking on it in my computer results in "please insert a disc into floppy" even thouigh the floppy appears in device manager and so vista reconises its connected..
    Tried changing the drive (twice) and the ribbone cable and tried a different PSU with no sucess.
    System is standard Vista ult/ P965 platinum/ E6700/ 2Gig ram/ XFX 8800gts 320M vid/ 2*320Gig seagate drives/ 2* optical drives/ Seasonic 500W PSU
    Anyone any ideas.
    Thanks in advance

    Quote from: superkev6969 on 02-June-07, 01:33:25
    Tried 2 diff psu's, 3 diff drives and 2 diff ribbon cables.
    MSI have suggested flashing the bios with Beta 1.5 and upgdating the inf driver but how without a floppy I dont know at the moment.
    "Tried 2 diff psu's, 3 diff drives and 2 diff ribbon cables."
    i was talking about power cable, not to PSU, not to ribbon cable, not to drive itself.., ensure power cable from PSU to the floppy is connected property and filled well.
    "MSI have suggested flashing the bios with Beta 1.5 and upgdating the inf driver but how without a floppy I dint know at the moment."
    have a look here:  (P.S: what inf driver.... your floppy doesn't work outside windows too....)
    latest one available is 1.5 B3, you will need a USB key.
    but i have doubt that BIOS update will help with that.

  • MSI P965 Platinum networking issues

    Hi there. I'm having a really annoying issue with my dsl connection. It started 2 months ago and I didn't find a solution yet. 4 months ago I've built a new pc with vista ultimate 64bit. 2-3 weeks later on, this strange problem with my internet connection came up. Even thought I was currently connected, I couldn't access the internet at all. In the 'network & sharing centre there were 2 networks: Local Area Connection & Unidentified Network. At the begining, by disabling my connection and enabling it again the problem was resolved. But later on, having this problem again and again, disabling and enabling the connection didn't work. I also switched off the dsl modem but it didn't work either. I even unistalled/reinstalled & updated my ethernet card drivers but with no luck. So the only way to get my connection working was to format and do a fresh installation of vista. I'm suspecting the realtek ethernet. I'm still having this issue and I really can't affort of doing another format. A friend of mine has the same mobo and vista ultimate 64bit but he never had such a problem. Any suggestions?
    My computer specs:
    Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit
    MSI P965 Platinum (ethernet card: realtek)
    Intel Core 2 duo E6700
    MSI 8800GTX OC Edition
    2gb DDR2-800mhz Super Talent
    Corsair 620W SLI Ready
    adsl modem b-focus

    I think this is due to configurations of your modem and your network card.
    You can give your friend a trial with your DSL modem and see if the problem exist.

  • Memoy bug with MSI P965 Platinum?

    Hi, im gonna take this step by step to make it easier to read
    First, the specs:
    Chieftec CTF-620-A12s (620W)
    MSI P965 Platinum
    Intel Core 2 Duo E6600
    MSI NX8800GTS
    Geil Ultra 2GB PC2-6400 (4-4-4-12)
    Creative X-Fi ExtremeMusic
    Samsung DVD-burner
    I have updated to the newest drivers, and BIOS was 1.2 when I recieved the board.
    The problem:
    MemTest gives me errors as early as 331MHz FSB, while running 1:1 divider. Which makes the RAM run at 662MHz. Since the RAM is sertified to run at 800MHz 4-4-4-12, im pretty sure that the motherboard is the problem.
    I have been able to run MemTest without errors for 1/2 hour with these settings: FSB 334, Divider 1:1, DRAM Volt. 2,2 and NB Volt 1,38.
    I think the volt is very high when you compare it to the FSB. I Have been able to run the system at 389MH FSB (3,5GHz) and max volts, but I recieved multiple errors in MemTest imediately. SuperPi runned without errors though, managed to do it in 14 secs :D
    The system rarely starts when I use dividers other than 1:1 and 2:3. At low FSB, I can run with 2:5, but the other dividers are impossible to boot with.
    The problem is obviousl related to the memory, and i don't think the RAM modules are the problem...
    BIOS settings:
    Turned of "SpeedStep"
    Turned of "On Board Audio"
    Turned of "Floppy Disk Controller"
    Currently running at:
    FSB = 334
    RAM = 667MHz (1:1)
    DRAM volt = 2,2V
    NB Volt = 1,38V
    Does anybody have a similar problem they got past or do anyone have some help to give to me?
    It would be nice to run stable at 3,2GHz or something like that. I invested in a Zalman CNPS9500AT CPU-cooler, and it keeps the CPU below 50 degrees celcius at all times; idle is about 30 degrees at 3GHz.
    The temperatures is gennerally not a problem.
    ANY help would be nice, thank you.

    Quote from: Bluum on 24-January-07, 20:17:40
    It is right that my _Quad-Pumped FSB_ is 1334MHz, but my DDR2 RAM is running at a 1:1 Ratio with FSB, NOT Quad-Pumped FSB. When the RAM runs at 350MHz, the DDR2 speed is 700MHz.
    Why du you think PC2-4200 RAM run at 1:1? Because 266x2 = 533MHz, which is the speed PC2-4200 RAM runs at.
    The highest stable RAM speed I have runned on is 993MHz DDR2 speed. That was with FSB @ 331MHz and divider 2:3.
    I think the RAM is capable of 1GHz, and that it is the motherboard holding me back.
    PC2-6400 RAM run at 2:3, which results in this: 800MHz/2*2/3=266MHz.
    Using the divider right in the calculation is important: DDR2 speed/2= DDR speed, DDR speed*2/3(divider)=FSB
    i beg to differ. the difference between DDR and DDR2 is that the bus clock on ddr2 is double than the one on ddr. so when you have ddr2-800, the memory clock is 200 MHz, but the bus clock is 400MHz. for a ddr-400 the memory clock is 200MHz and the bus clock is 200 MHz. and since it is DDR, this gets doubled. this means that with 200 MHz mem clock on DDR2, the effective speed of the memory is 800MHz, when run at 1:1. you're trying to run the memory at 1:1 with a memory clock of 300+MHz, that means that you're forcing the memory to run in excess of 1.2GHz effective speed.
    some reading material for you if you want:

  • P965 Platinum

    BIOS Sign-on message: MSI P965 Platinum A7238IMS V1.5B1 032207 (Date: 03/22/2007)
    Attachment name: A7238IMSv151.zip
    BIOS Sign-on message: MSI P965 Platinum A7238IMS V1.5B2 040407 (Date: 04/04/2007)
    Attachment name: A7238IMSv152.zip
    BIOS Sign-on message: A7238IMS V1.5B3 042007 (Date: 04/20/2007)
    Attachment name: A7238IMSv153.zip
    BIOS Sign-on message: A7238IMS V1.5B4 053107 (Date: 05/31/2007)
    Attachment name: A7238IMSv154.zip
    Note: P965 Platinum.rar contains A7238IMSv151.zip, A7238IMSv152.zip, A7238IMSv153.zip. (B1,B2,B3 versions.)
    Extract the P965 Platinum.rar to desired folder, then execute our Tool, and point to desired BIOS version .zip archive when asked.
    A7238IMSv154.zip (B4 version)
    Make and ensure PC is stable before proceed. Remove any OC temporary if you have.
    Use Beta or Modded BIOSes at own risk!
    flash BIOS from USB key, by using our Tool(easy & safe way to flash):
    MSI Forum HQ USB Flashing Tool 

    I am uploading the latest BETA BIOS Release for the P965 Platinum:  A7238IMS.193 [=v1.9b3]
    Changelog [A7238IMS.180 -> A7238IMS.193]:
    - the POST could show 4096MB when installing 4GB memory, but BIOS System Information only displayed 3328MB
    memory size.
    -fix installing 1TB hard disk, when configuring sata mode as IDE, the bios shows 1000GB, but post shows 100GB. the bios and post both show only 100GB in AHCI mode   
    - Support Intel E8400 CPU [E0]
    Source: http://www.msi-forum.de/index.php?page=Thread&postID=717266#post717266
    Note:  This BIOS will also support the E8500/E0, the Q9550/E0 and probably the Q9650/E0.
    However, use it at your own risk, as always.
    >>Use the MSI HQ Forum USB flasher<<

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