N8 Has received a schedule for pr update what bout E7 where is a schedule for us

Here is the last oficial information and schedule of E7 PR 1.1 (14.002) Firmware Update
This is the last Excel they provide.
Refering PR 2.0 (Symbian Anna), no information.
Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mistery.
Today is a gift.

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    Hi Mark,
                 I have faced same requirement. I am not sure about transporting to TST and PROD. I done by this way.
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    About authorization , if its not sensitive report, BASIS can restrict at transaction level.

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    Atlantic OTC, April 25, 26
    Washington Convention Center
    Early registration discounts for the Atlantic Oracle Training Conference expire on Monday, April 15. By registering early, attendees pay just $300, which is a $100 savings off the Late/walk-in registration fee of $400.
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    I am paranoid that some untrusted technician is going to make a copy of my music (11,000 tracks) or share some of my personal information (scanned copies of my birth certificate, passport, certificates, photos, etc.) on the web.
    If you put your info into the computer and hand it to another, you have to assume they will copy everything.
    Why are you putting scanned copies of valuable identity information into a computer than can be hacked, stolen, lost or compromised by a dirty tech?
    Have you lost your mind?
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    No. The tech would just deny it if he did, or tell the truth which the answer would be "NO" in either case.
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    If it's iTunes music, it has your personal ID embedded into the song files. Most IT techs know this though.
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    Too late now, all you can do is not worry about it.
    Take your personal info out of the machine and if you need it, burn cd/dvd copies, a few USB thumb drives, Iron Keys or self encrypting external storage drives with key and/or keypad.

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    Hi Experts . i need your help .
    I have a user getting error when he is trying to schedule a workbook in the Discoverer plus/desktop version is 10g (9.0.4) on linux
    This is the error .
    Database Error - ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
    ORA-06152: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_SQL", line 1608
    ORA-06152: at "SYS.DBMS_SQL", line 33
    ORA-06152: at "DISCO_WKB_REP.EUL5_BATCH_REPOSITORY", line 399
    ORA-06152: at line 2
    The user is getting this error only for one report . Please let me know how to resolve the issue ?

    check your discoverer user role using:
    select granted_role from dba_role_privs where grantee=upper('<username>');
    from your database. the database to which the desktop is connecting.
    check for connect, resouce, multiorg roles.

  • KM Scheduler

    Hello All,
    I am trying KM Scheduler example by following the bellow link :
    i created a portal application project and created a blank new schedule task.
    in the run method i wrote just one line.
    public class Sample implements ISchedulerTask {
      public void run( String id, Properties properties ) {
         // implement the tasks to be scheduled
         System.out.println("Hello world...");
    when i tried to deploy the application i am getting an error message : PAR Upload failed please check sap-plugin.log for more details.
    please help me regarding this.
    Dhananjaya R E

    Check the below SAP note,It will help you find the root cause of the problem.Paste the contents of the log file to check further.
    Note 1130469 - Deployment failure of PAR and EPA (EPT) files in the portal

  • New DVR Scheduler Bugs: Priority Settings No Longer Working, Scrolling Series Schedules is Flakey

    After this last HD DVR update, I have two new problems:
    1) I can no longer set the priority of most of my series schedules. I have about 100 series schedule entries, which the DVR update probably wasn't tested for.
    Now when I try to set a series priority, it LOOKS like it worked, but if I get out of DVR options and go back into Manage Recordings, 90% of the time I find that the series priority is either unchanged, or (even worse) has bounced up to some unexpected random priority - Thus, I have to search the series list  to find it - Then I cannot move it back to where it's supposed to be!
    It seems that only moving a series priority a little bit will sometimes work, but moving the series from near the top of the list to near the bottom (or vice-versa) doesn't work at all, even though it may appear like it worked until the list is refreshed (either by paging up and down the list a few times, or by exiting the DVR manager and going back in).
    2) The scrolling is messed up now in the series schedule manager - When setting Priority, as I scrool up or down from the middle of the list using the arrow or Page buttons,  the list will end unexpectedly, making it impossible to actually drag the series to the bottom or top of the list. Then if you deposit the series at the "end" of the list, suddenly the rest of the list will then magically appear (of course, the series schedule you deposited there will no longer be where you deposited it - See problem #1). Obviously the list is running out of buffer space, so the next part of the list isn't being loaded while you're in the process of changing a series priority..
    Scrolling is also messed up just scrolling through the list without changing priority: Scrolling through my series schedules USED to be very FAST and painless using the Page (Channel) up/down button, I could scroll from top to bottom of my 100 series schedules in a matter of like 5 seconds. NOW, it takes forever and is a real pain to scroll from top to bottom, because the scrolling pauses on just about every other page - As though it ran out of buffer space and is having trouble loading the next buffer.
    I have a lot of series schedule entries so all the First-run Programs are at the top of the priority list, then all the re-runs are in the bottom half of the list. That's the only way I have found to prevent Re-Runs from hijacking new programs, since there's no DVR option to prevent re-runs from inteferring with new episodes (BTW, in order for this to work, the First-Run schedule must be created first. Then a duplicate First-Run and Reruns schedule must be created - Creating them in reverse order will throw a "Duplicate" error message).
    The DVR software has always been buggy and feature-depribed, but this is rediculous - To think the programming team didn't even test the scrolling and priority of series schedules is as bad as the ObamaCare website, and that's setting a very low bar! You HAVE to test EVERYTHING when you release new updates, even if the programmers say it won't affect anything else, because from my experience programmers develop tunnel vision (been there, done that myself), and if you have more than one person on the programming team, neither programmer will communicate their changes to anyone else (been there, done that too).

    I have the identical problem after the recent software upgrade which VERIZON did to my DVR.
    In addition, I have "Manual Series" listed under the "Manage Series Recordings" section of my DVR for about 10 of the tv shows that I have tagged to be recorded weekly. Several others have reported this seemingly related problem to this forum.
    I've tried twice to report the latter problem to VERIZON's technical support staff, but met with indifference in the first attempt (a guy recommended that I replace my DVR with a new one - an utterly ridiculous suggestion), and in my second attempt I got a somewhat helpful lady who couldn't correct this glitch and was unaware of others having same problem but promised to send it up the flagpole to higher level tech folks (best action that I realistically could get).
    As I told VERIZON's techies, I likely was not the only customer experiencing these problems - and your and others postings to this forum confirm my initial hunch.  VERIZON leaves a lot to be desired in the testing of their software "upgrades".

  • Scheduling is not working in BI Publisher

    Hi all,
    I am trying to schedule the report on BI publisher it's giving the following error:
    oracle.apps.xdo.servlet.scheduler.ProcessingException: java.sql.SQLException: Listener refused the connection with the following error:
    ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found
    The Connection descriptor used by the client was: localhost:1521:xe (I am using oracle database 10g and obiee
    I have followed the instructions provided in the link "Exploring Advanced Features of Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher"
    Created mail server as instructed in the link ...
    Problems are:
    Unable to connect incoming and outgoing mail servers. I have used my machine host name i.e user as both incoming and outgoing server (u.ser.com)
    also Scheduled jobs are not working in BI publisher.
    Please let me know the solution for the above problem.
    chandra kanth.

    pls answer the above one, as i am unable to proceed further.
    chandra kanth.

  • Report works but not when scheduling

    I have a report that copies table contents to a text file. When using this report from se38 everything works but every time we schedule the job from sm36 it gets status cancelled.
    The input to the report is what table should be copied and where it should be copied to.
    The error message is from sm36 job scheduling is: "Could not ascertain code page"
    Message class: FES
    What does this mean?

    Where do you download the text file to?
    If you try to save to your PC, it will never work.
    You can not download to a local drive, only to UNIX or print the file to the spool. Then, later, you'll need to retrieve it either from UNIX or from the spool.

  • How to measure performance of supplier when using scheduling agreement ?

    Hello all,
    My client has an absolute need to be able to measure the performance of its suppliers based on delivery dates and delivered quantities. That is to say he needs to be able to compare what dates and quantities were asked to what has been really delivered.
    Most of the procurement processes used are based on scheduling agreements : schedule lines are generated by MRP and forecast is sent to supplier while firm requirements are sent through JIT calls.
    It seems that when doing GR in MIGO, it is done against the outline agreement number, and not against the call. Therefore, we have no way to compare dates and quantity with what was expected (in the JIT call).
    Do you know if SAP proposes a standard solution to this, and what could be a solution to this issue ?
    Thanks for your help
    E. Vallez

    My client faced the same problem and we ended up developing an own analysis in LIS. Since the GR is not linked to specific schedule line (SAP does some kind of apportioning, but it doesn't have to correlate to the correct match), one needs to do assumptions. Our assumption was the closest schedule line, i.e. each GR is related to the schedule line with the closest date. Then all GR the same day are totaled together before the quantity reliability is calculated, since the very same shipment can be reported through several GR transactions in SAP (one per pallet).
    If anybody has info about what SAP has to offer in this question (or is developing), please tell us!

  • Some info abt SCHEDULE LINES - VBEP; VBBE for OPEN quantites?

    Hi Experts,
    Pls. clarify me that,
    Am trying to show up the OPEN or BALANCE or BACK quantities in the report FOR EACH SCHEDULE LINE FOR EACH ITEM/POSNR.
    So, I need to look/subtract the VBEP-WMENG, VBFA-RFMNG for Delivery i.e. "J" VBTYP_N and the BALANCE I hv to show up.
    So, pls. let me know How Can I build the logic betwn VBEP, VBFA, VBBE? Is VBBE-MBDAT is comes into picture?

    no reply

  • Link between Delivery and Sales Order Schedule Line

    Hi Gurus,
    I have a requirement in which i need to display quantity and amount at schedule line level and also the delivery and delivery item for each schedule line.
    For example, if there is a sales order O1 and item 10 for which we have 3 schedule lines and 3 deliveries as well say D1, D2 and D3.
    Report should be something like this
    Sales Order    Item   Schedule Line    Delivery    Del Item   Confirmed Order Qty
    O1                 10      1                       D1           10            5
    O1                 10       2                      D2            10            5
    O1                 10       3                      D3            10            4
    How can i determine that a particular delivery corresponds to which schedule line of that saler order-item?
    We have the link between delivery and sales order but is there any way that we can get the link of delivery at schedule line level?
    Please help.

    I suppose you must check with SD functional consultant and the post should also be in the logistics SD forum and not BI. But I suppose there is know specific link between the schedule line of SO to the Delivery. It is more like a bucket flow for ex.
    Sale order   Item    Schedule line  qty
    SO1            Item1     Sch1            10
    SO2            Item1      Sch2           10
    Delivery Item QTy
    DO1       IT1   15
    DO2       IT1    5
    In this case qty 15 is distributed over both SO1 and SO2, and SO2 ITem1 Sch2 has link to both the DOs
    So I am not sure if you can establish a one to one link, please check with your SD consultants.
    Ashwin G

  • Released Schedule Delivery lines display

    Hi Gurus,
                       I have a scenario in my client place. User wants to display scheduled delivery lines which will sum all the released schedule delivery lines and will display the total quantity in a smart form which will be sent to the vendor. I.E Scheduling agreement Qty - 100. Schedule lines 10 Qty per day and it will hve 10 delivery lines(100Qty=10 qty per day x 10 days). output document will show only the total qty of released schedule lines(sum of all released qty).Is there any standard form/ output type available for this requirement.Kindly advice.

    As far as Db link is concern , I don’t remember exactly , but 3 years before I had written a report which see Sales order schedule lines and devilry note lines against sales order.  If you see process wise…. when ever you create PO ( production order you assign some qty using 101 movement type .. and against production order you also give sales order . When you do delivery ( run seclude run ) it delivers against that material number , its movement is 601 ...
    but I remember there’s a link between these tables, VBAP,VBFA AND VBEP , LIPS ...  against every sales order you can see sales invoice ( VBRP,VBRK) and you can also see your delivery note number in document flow .
    I hope this’ll give you some guide line, as right now I can not tell you the exact business process but I remember I written a report in SD 4 years before , in which they required Delivery against production order and sales order ... One more thing you also have production order reference on delivery item number. ( field :Empst ) . I think in my project they were maintaining this field .

  • ME2L Delivery Schedule Showing Fully Delivered Lines

    We are experiencing this issue on a SAP 4.7c system that we support.
    Our business are trying to generate a report, every month, that is sent to vendors, of all the purchase orders that the business are expecting them to fill. To do this the business user uses ME2L report per vendor, only selecting the Schedule Agreements documents, hitting the calendar button (Delivery Schedule), exporting the resulting output to Excel, using a formula to identify the lines which have a GR value less than the Scheduled Qty value and sending these onto the vendor as a notification to the that these are the orders that the business have marked as outstanding.
    The issue arose when the business cancelled lines on Scheduling Agreement 5500000073 by going into MD04 and deleting the requirement for vendor 5033760 and reassigned those requirements to a new Agreement 5500000053 for vendor 5000259.
    However when you run the process above the deleted lines still show up on the report and you believe this should not be the case and never was the case.
    What process to accurately identify on SAP, schedule line items, that have not being fully Goods Receipted and/or cancelled so they can be sent to the vendor?
    Many thanks for any help,

    Hi Jurgen,
    Apologies for the delay, I was away on leave.
    We use selection parameters WE101 and that correctly brings us back only open orders on the selection screen, however when we click the Delivery Schedule button it displays lines that have been fully Goods Receipted.
    For example, if I have a PO with 3 lines, Lines 1 and 3 have been fully received and line 2 has only been partly received.
    I run ME2L with the selection parameter WE101 and the report only displays line 2. Which is correct.
    However when I click the delivery schedule button I will be shown the entire history of that line, including scheduled quantites that were fully goods receipted.
    What I would like to see is only lines where the scheduled quantity is greater than the goods receipted quantity.
    I hope this makes sense, thanks for your help,

  • How to put schedule lines for one year  in a schedule line agreement

    dear all
    thanks for the support till now from the forum
    now i need some seetings by which the scheduling agreement will autoumatically take the schedule line for one year automatically
    in my client we are getting open PO so
    we have to make one agreement acording to that PO and thats for one year
    and this one yr will have same quantity to be produced everyday
    means 12nos of material every day for 12 month and this will be for every day
    and as per that it should generate a sales order.i need to put schedule line automatically not mannually one by one for each date.so wat is the settingand how to reffer this scheduling agreement we can produce sales order.
    please help
    Message was edited by:
            subrat panda

    Dear Subrat,
    you cannot create a yearly schedule line in the scheduling agreement. It is not possible due to format restrictions of the date field. But what you can do is the follows (it is the modification, but it should work with the help of user-exits):
    1. You can split the year schedule line to the monthly schedule lines. There are two ways to do it. If you apply the DELINS IDOC, then you can do it already during transfer of the data to the application (itr is the best way). Here you can use, for example, user-exit USEREXIT_ZUORDNEN_IDOCS (include LVED4FZZ) or customer function EXIT_SAPLVED4_002, called from the subroutine USEREXIT_DYNPRO (Include LVED4F0U). Alternatively, you can use the user-exit USEREXIT_MOVE_FIELD_TO_VBEP (Include MV45AFZZ) within the call transaction, then it will work also in the dialog case.
    2. After getting the monthly schedule lines, you can create a planning delivery schedule, where you can split mothly schedule lines automatically to daily schedule lines according to the customer factory calender.The settings for generation of planning delivery schedules can be found under:
    Customizing SPRO: Sales and Distribution => Sales => Sales Documents => Scheduling Agreements with Delivery schedules => Maintain Planning Delivery Sched. Instruct./Splitting Rules
    It is the only ways, how you can reach your aim. I hope, this information will help you further.
    Kind Regards,
    Akmal Vakhidov
    Development Support SD, SAP, Walldorf/Germany

  • Auto cancellation of schedule lines

    We have a requirement fo auto cancellation of schedule line such that after some time of schedule line delivery date system should cancel the schedule line if the GR has not been posted so that new schedule line needs to be generated by MRP .
    In standard scenario if the GR has not been done system will keep open the schedule line and will not generate new schedule line.
    Is there any config setting is there??

    Hi Bhavin,
      Two report program are there to cancel error msgs automatically..

Maybe you are looking for

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