E71, MFE - Exchange 2007 / Distribution list

I have a Nokia E71 with MFE 2.0.9 and Exchange 2007. The problem is that the phone don't synchronize distribution lists from an Exchange mailbox. That is, I see contacts and groups (created from the phone with MFE) but I can see distribution lists from my Exchange mailbox.

I have a Nokia E71 with MFE 2.0.9 and Exchange 2007. The problem is that the phone don't synchronize distribution lists from an Exchange mailbox. That is, I see contacts and groups (created from the phone with MFE) but I can see distribution lists from my Exchange mailbox.

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    but the renamed Address list still shows as the old name In Outlook.
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    I have searched everywhere and I'm not the first person to have this problem but I can't seem to find an answer to this issue.
    Any help much appreciated.

    Hi Lee,
    Does the issue also happen in OWA?
    If it is, please run Get-AddressList cmdlet to check whether the address list name (display name) is changed in your Exchange 2007. After re-naming the address list, we also need to run the following command to apply the changes:
    Update-AddressList -Identity "Renamed Address List"
    Then check whether the renamed address list is changed in OWA or not. If it is updated successful in OWA, restart Microsoft Exchange File Distribution service to update the Offline Address Book and manually download OAB in Outlook client.
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to create Exchange dynamic distribution list using multivalue extension custom attribute

    I am trying to create a dynamic distribution list using an ExtensionCustomAttribute.  I am in hybrid mode with Exchange 2013.  The syntax I have is this: 
    New-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name "DG_NH" -RecipientFilter {(ExtensionCustomAttribute2 -eq 'NH')} 
    This works correctly on-prem.  But hosted always results in an empty list.  I can see in dirsync the attribute is in the hosted environment, but for whatever reason, the distribution group gets created but always come up null.
    If I create a group looking at the single valued attributes, such as CustomAttribute6 -eq 'Y', it works correctly on-prem and hosted.  
    If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it.

    I don't think I provided enough information about the problem.  Let me add some and see if it makes sense.
    I have an Exchange 2013 on-premise configured in hybrid mode with Office365.  For testing purposes, I have 2 users, Joe and Steve, one with the mailbox on-prem, and the other with the mailbox in the cloud.  Each of them has CustomAttribute6 = 'Y'
    and ExtensionCustomAttribute2 = 'NH'. Dirsync shows these users and these attributes are synced between on-prem and cloud.
    Using on-prem Exchange powershell, I run the following command:
    New-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name "DG_NH" -RecipientFilter {((RecipientType -eq UserMailBox) -or (RecipientType -eq MailUser) -and (CustomAttribute6 -eq 'Y')} 
    This correctly finds the 2 users when I query for them as follows:
    $DDG = Get-DynamicDistributionGroup DG_NH
    Get-Recipient -RecipientPreviewFilter $DDG.RecipientFilter | FT alias
    So I then delete this DG, and recreate it this time looking at the multi-value attribute ExtensionCustomAttribute2, as follows:
    New-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name "DG_NH" -RecipientFilter {((RecipientType -eq UserMailBox) -or (RecipientType -eq MailUser) -and (ExtensionCustomAttribute2 -eq 'NH')} 
    Replaying the query above, I can see this also works fine and finds my two users.
    Next I open a new powershell and connect to Office 365 and repeat the process there.
    New-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name "DG_NH" -RecipientFilter {((RecipientType -eq UserMailBox) -or (RecipientType -eq MailUser) -and (CustomAttribute6 -eq 'Y')} 
    This correctly finds the 2 users when I query for them.
    And then delete the group and recreate it using the multi-value attribute:
    New-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name "DG_NH" -RecipientFilter {((RecipientType -eq UserMailBox) -or (RecipientType -eq MailUser) -and (ExtensionCustomAttribute2 -eq 'NH')} 
    When I run the query this time it produces no result.  Every test I try results in an empty group if I am using a multi-valued attribute in the search criteria in the cloud.  If I use single valued attribute, it works fine.
    I really need to be able to get multi-valued DDG's working in the cloud.  If anyone has done this and has any suggestions, I would appreciate seeing what you did.  And if this is the wrong forum to port this, if you can point me to a more suitable
    forum I will report there.

  • E71 MfE - Exchange 2003

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    First of all I want you to know I'm new to the whole server / mobile thing.. So please forgive if I need a little extra explaining.
    Right, I have an E71 that i'm trying to connect to exchange 2003 r2, I've got the server setup for web access on https://company.dyndns.org/exchange. I can browse to this address no problem via the phones browser.
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    Do I need to put a certificate on the phone?
    If so how?
    I tried installing the Certificate Authority and creating a certificate, but did not **bleep** right.
    Please help..

    Did you get a response to this post?  I am having the same problem...

  • Remove Exchange 2007

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    Hi Keith,
    Agree with both MAS and Gulab Prasad.
    Please shut down Exchange 2007 and monitor whether the new environment works well.
    Then, please remove Exchange 2007 from a server by using Setup Wizard. Details to see:
    (Optional) Last, remove the Exchange 2007 administrative group by using ADSIEdit. The Exchange 2007 administrative group is called
    Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • ICloud won't allow my Outlook Distribution lists to come over

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    I have also tried starting new list within iCloud but get a similar message.
    I have spent hours correcting everything iCLoud have stuffed up!
    Any tips and ideas are relished!

    You can make a distribution list as normal in outlook and then drag and drop it to icloud contacts works a treat

  • Distribution group not showing up in Exchange 2007 GAL

    We have AD running on a 2003 R2 SP2 server
    We have Exchange 2007 running on a 2003 R2 SP2 server on the same domain.
    I put a distribution group (all staff) on the active directory server.    I can e-mail to [email protected] and it goes to everyone I put in that group no problem.   However if I do check name, allstaff isn't listed, I have to go to contacts and drop down to find that distribution group (under groups).   How do I get it into the global address list so it shows for anyone pressing alt K or checkname along with other members of our domain - I don't want them to have to drop down under the contacts item in outlook to go to groups to find it.

    Thanks - I don't think the regen of the address book is really the key but modifying the distribution group in AD after you create it in EMC.   I had regened the OAB a few times since last friday but the allstaff was only available under groups in outlook.   Maintenance runs every morning at 5AM and that didn't update the group into lookup in outlook.   It seems to be the broken AD interface between exchange 2007 and windows 2003.   You used to be able to see all exchange data for a user or group in AD however now part of it is in Exchange 2007 Management console and some is in AD users and computers.  
    THis is just one more item in my opinion along with the lack of gui control in exchange 2007 that displays the half baked creation that is Exchange 2007.   Is the next version of WIndows Server going to require all DOS commands like Exchange 2007 does to do any AD work?   Gussy it up with a fancy name like "POWERSHELL" but it is just another way of saying DOS to me.   Pretty sure PCs became more popular with GUI interfaces.    I used to be an MS FAN (not the same as fanboy who thinks they can do no wrong) but things at MS have taken a SERIOUS turn down hill as of late
    Vista - incredibly bad performance - no such issue with WIndows 95, 98, 2000, XP - and then they claimed it was drivers, then it was third party apps such as AV or firewalls - 5 months later they finally admit as people set up boxes with all the extras turned off with identical hardware and the latest drivers - hmm XP blows the doors off vista for file copy performance - can't imagine why sales suck for business clients and Dell had to start selling XP again.
    BTW - I tried their patch for performance - it actually decreased disk to disk performance on the same box while increasing performance by 20% in network copys however since network performance is up to 500% slower than XP that 20% increase doesn't really help enough to offset internal performance slow downs - here is a tip MS - strip out the DRM scanning and you'll get your performance back.
    Exchange 2007 - ESM worked great in 2003, 2000.   2007 we bring you POWERSHELL known 20 years ago as DOS.   Much easier to write scripts like - ## AutoDisco for EWS
    [array]$SCPCurrent = Get-ClientAccessServer
    $autodiscoResponse = "<Autodiscover xmlns=`"http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/autodiscover/outlook/requestschema/2006`">"
    + " <Request>"`
    + " <EMailAddress>" + $siSIDToSearch.WindowsEmailAddress + "</EMailAddress>"`
    + " <AcceptableResponseSchema>http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/autodiscover/outlook/responseschema/2006a</AcceptableResponseSchema>"`
    + " </Request>"`
    + "</Autodiscover>"
    $strRootURI = $SCPCurrent[0].AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri.absoluteuri
    $WDRequest = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($strRootURI)
    $WDRequest.ContentType = "text/xml"
    $WDRequest.Headers.Add("Translate", "F")
    $WDRequest.Method = "Post"
    $WDRequest.UseDefaultCredentials = $True
    $bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($autodiscoResponse)
    $WDRequest.ContentLength = $bytes.Length
    $RequestStream = $WDRequest.GetRequestStream()
    $RequestStream.Write($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)
    $WDResponse = $WDRequest.GetResponse()
    $ResponseStream = $WDResponse.GetResponseStream()
    $ResponseXmlDoc = new-object System.Xml.XmlDocument
    $EWSNodes = @($ResponseXmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("ASUrl"))
    if ($EWSNodes.length -ne 0){
    $ewsURL = $EWSNodes[0].'#text'
    than just clickin in Exchange System Manager and going to mailbox management like you had to in 2003.   Whew glad that trudgery is gone!   In just 20 lines I can do what I was forced to do in a couple of mouse clicks in the old version - happy days are finally here.
    WM6 - the BT stack was horrible in PPC2003, WM5 it was still bad but we've made it intolerable in WM6 - and we've made sure you can't get in touch with anyone at MS to point out these issues.
    Office 2007 - Gone are all those customizable menus that made your job easy - we've locked them down because we didn't have enough time to fix them after we scrapped our original ribbons interface - we tell you they are locked for security reasons but we'll bring it back as a new feature in the next version of Office.
    Thanks for letting me dump on the *** coming from MS these days - if their surveys actually let you give open feedback it would be great but their surveys about products are more like -
    Would you like to give feedback about VIsta?
    Question 1 -
    Do you think Vista is
    a more colorful
    b more intuitive
    c more visually stimulating
    Question 2
    Do you think the menu bar
    a Has better icons
    b Has better fonts
    c Looks more user friendly
    A real question about my Vista experience would be
    Question 1
    What did you think was better about Vista
    Question 2
    What did you think needs fixing in Vista
    Question 3
    Any additional comments
    MS is determined not to let in any info that might delay releases or improve their products.

  • E71 / MfE 2.7 / Exchg 2007 / Sync problems

    Hello, this is my setup:
    we have a couple of E71s running with firmware v100.x and MfE 2.4 (factory installed) synching with our Exchange 2007 server. these devices run fine.
    recently we upgraded some devices to MfE 2.7. And trouble started. The profile settings are "always online" and the sync works nicely. After some time the 3G data connect is shut down by the E71 and MfE stops synching. There are
    messages in the log like:
    Error during ping
    Exception occured during ping
    Cannot connect to the internet
    We took one phone and had it upgraded to the latest firmware 110.07.127 (09-10-2008), reinstalled MfE. It runs
    fine for about one day then it the link goes down and MfE stops synching.
    All the devices with firmware 100.x and MfE 2.4 run fine without any problems. We consider downgrading to 2.4 but I could not find the install for that one on the NOKIA site.
    Can anybody help with the sync issue or a 2.4 install? Thanks! Oliver

    remove repeating appointments in your outlook with no end date.
    This will solve your problem.
    Message Edited by wimmert on 18-Nov-2008 07:35 PM

  • Unable to manage Distribution list membership since moving from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010

    We have recently started migrating from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010.  One of our customers used to be able to manage a security group through the outlook address book.  This is a mail enabled security group where the customer is on
    the "Managed by" entry and the "Manager can update membership list" is ticked. 
    Now that the users mailbox has been migrated to Exchange 2010, if they try and modify the membership using outlook by finding the group in the address book they get the error "changes to the distribution list membership cannot be saved. you do not have
    sufficient permission to perform this operation on this object".
    I have now added a test account to the managed by entry on the security group to test the problem.
    I have followed the article
    http://blogs.technet.com/b/exchange/archive/2009/11/18/3408844.aspx that explains how to use the EMS to give users the right to amend groups that users own.  I did not run the script but entered the following commands:
    New-ManagementRole -name “MyDistributionGroupsManagement_Test” -parent MyDistributionGroups
    Remove-ManagementRoleEntry “MyDistributionGroupsManagement_Test\New-DistributionGroup” -confirm:$false
    Remove-ManagementRoleEntry “MyDistributionGroupsManagement_Test\Remove-DistributionGroup” -confirm:$false
    New-ManagementRoleAssignment -name “MyDistributionGroupsManagement_Test-Default Role Assignment Pol” -role “MyDistributionGroupsManagement_Test” -policy “Default Role Assignment Policy”
    All appears to have worked ok and I have seen no errors while doing this
    If I use OWA and then use the ECP, I can now see the "Public groups I own" but no groups are listed.
    I have created some new distribution groups in Exchange 2010 (One dist list and one security group) to test and added the test account as an owner of both and a member of both.  I still cannot amend the membership using outlook address book and the
    ECP still shows no groups under "Public Groups I own"
    I have seen a number of articles on how to do this and it looks like I am doing everything right and it has worked for plenty of other people.  I just don't know what's going wrong.
    I would be very grateful if anyone can help. 

    Hi Rajith,
    I deleted the outlook profile and recreated it but this did not work.
    I have now created a brand new mailbox on Exchange 2010 added this to the "managed by" section of the Exchange 2010 dist lists and I still get the error.  I also do not see the groups listed when logging in as that user to OWA ECP and clicking on the
    Groups link.
    I had a look at the link you sent me and I could see that from the Exchange server when I opened the User roles to get to the ECP, clicked on Roles and Auditing and then User Roles the only policy applied is "Default role assignment".  When I select
    the details for this, under Distribution groups, "My Distribution Groups" is not ticked but my new one that I created "My DistributionGroupsManagement_Test" is.  So this looks ok.
    Any other ideas?

  • Contact list not show after migration Exchange 2007 to 2010

    I have a old infraestructure with exchange 2007 and new organizacion with exchnage 2010
    If I migrate a mailbox from 2007 to 2010 I can open the mailbox on 2010 without problems,
    From owa works correct active sync and outlook work correct, I can send a receive mails but, from outlook client I can not see the Global Address list.
    Step by step:
    User with mailbox over exchange 2007.
    Outlook, owa active sync.. all is working fine and I can see the Global Addres list from owa and from outlook.
    Move mailbox from 2007 to 2010
    Completed ok without errors
    The user mailbox on 2010 working fine, I can access by owa by outlook and active sync and from owa I can see the Global Addres list but from outlook I can not see the GAL.
    I've tried diferents outlook versions: 2003 2007 and 2010 but I can not see the GAL
    If I try to download de GAL from Outlook I see outlook download the correct list and complete ok without erros but not show on outlook.
    I don't know why..
    Exchange 2007 with sp3 and 2010 with sp3 too.
    Any idea how could resolve this problem?
    Thanks in advance¡

    Did you migrate your address list or create a new one? Move-OfflineAddressBook "Default Offline Address Book" -Server <your Exchange 2010 server>
    Get-OfflineAddressBook | fl *server*
    Set-OfflineAddressBook "\Default Offline Address Book" -VirtualDirectories "your exchange server\OAB (Default Web Site)"

  • Cannot "Send As" a distribution list in Exchange 2010

    I'm trying to enable some of our users to send email as one of our distribution lists in Exchange 2010, and I cannot get it to work. 
    I have granted the users "send as" permissions on the distribution group in ADUC, both individually and as members of a security group. I also did the same using the "Add-AdPermission" PowerShell cmdlet.
    I have ensured that the distribution list is visible to the GAL.
    I have cleared Outlook's nickname cache.
    I have tried waiting the specified two hours for Exchange settings to update, and I have also rebooted the Exchange server itself. 
    I continue to get bounce messages with "You can't send a message on behalf of this user unless you have permission to do so."
    What can I try next? 

    Hi Jason,
    I have a test in my lab. Here is the steps for your reference:
    1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers on Domain Controller. Click Users -> right click the distribution group -> click Properties -> click Security.
    2. Add the user that you want to grant "Send As" permission to the list. Allow the "Send As" permission.
    3. Click Apply, and then Ok.
    Besides, we need to wait some minutes to take it effect.
    Hope it helps.
    If you need further assistance, please feel free to let me know.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange 2007 Global Address List

    I connect to my organisations Exchange 2007 server.
    My address book syncs for my personal contacts, appearing in address book as a brown book icon with an @ symbol.
    However, there is also a blue book icon with an "i" on it. When I click on it, in the right hand pane appears "Search [organisation] global address list", but there are no entries.
    I can access the global address list either through Outlook Web Access (OWA) or Outlook (on a PC), so I know there are entries there. On OWA, my personal entries appear in Contacts, whereas the global address list appears on OWA in address book.
    Any tips on how to access the global address book from within Address Book on Mac?
    Thanks in advance.

    Further update, if I do a search whilst "Search [organisation] global address list" is displaying, it does search the global address list and bring up results from it.

  • How to create a security group to manage a Distribution list in exchange 2013

    Hi folks,
    We have AD synced with Online Exchange 2013. Dirsync is installed on AD. We would like to create a security group for a Distribution list(for instance: distribution list name is [email protected] and it is managed via a security group named "abc" ).
    How can this be achieved? I do see an option under Online Exchange console using browser-> Groups to create a new security group but it doesn't allow me to add the group created in AD-instead it ask us to create a new one. If we create a new one in Exchange
    online console- will it publish to our local AD?

    Hi TR,
    Thank you for your question.
    Are there any errors when we could not add group which is in local AD.
    When we could not add group which was created In AD, there are following options we could check:
    If current user who logon Exchange server has enough permission to add it
    The connection between Exchange server and AD
    If we create a new DG in Exchange online, it will be published to local AD.
    We could run the following command to create DG for abc.com:
    New-DistributionGroup -Name "abc" -Alias abc -Type "Security" -MemberJoinRestriction open
    We could refer to the following link to learn more about distribution group:
    If there are any questions regarding this issue, please be free to let me know. 
    Best Regard,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    Jim Xu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Getting permissions on distribution lists in exchange server programmatically

    Hi All,
    Is there any way to get the permissions of current user on distribution lists in exchange server?

    You cannot use distribution list to assign permission on sharepoint server.
    You can use LDAP protocol to query and get user details from Distribution list and then assign permission. you will have to custom code this
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

  • Script for exporting the Delegated List from Exchange 2007

    We are Planing to Migrate the Exchange 2007 Mailbox to O365 by Hybrid deployment.
    So i would like to generate the List of delegated access rights on Mailboxes, could you help the script for genetating the delegated list.

    Look into get-Help Get-MailboxPermission
    When you see answers and helpful posts, please click Vote As Helpful, Propose As Answer, and/or Mark As Answer.
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