E90 GPS Shutdown

i have had the E90 for about a week and today was exploring the GPS system.
while in Maps, if i select 'Plan Route' and then try to use "recent" as the start or finish point, the phone switches down and restarts. this happens in both the front screen mode and the open mode.
I bought and operate the unit in Dubai (UAE) and the E90 software FW is V 12-06-1007 RA-6 which Nokia software updater tells me is the most current.
after a terrible time with the 8800, i was just about sick of Nokia and was kinda hoping this would be different - seems not.

In response to all:
I had this happen once as well. It appears to be a memory problem in that as a test, I restarted my phone by taking out the battery then tried the GPS. No more restarts. Could be a memory leak somewhere and then the addition of the GPS makes it crash. Not sure here but my fix seemed to do the trick for me.
As for the outer screen crashing. Sounds like a loose connection. Can you take it to a service center and have them check it? You are still under warranty so they should keep quiet and fix it.
To all three: Salaams.
Show the KUDOS button some love.... Hit that bad boy.... It don't hurt....
Apple iPhone 5,
Retina MacBook Pro, iPad Mini, Nikon D4

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    I bought a liscence for BENELUX to get voicenavigation.
    Since the up/daown/left/right button is working terribly slow. The sound stutters.
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    Is the solution buying route 66?

    The E90 GPS module is C.R.A.P.. Compared to SirfIII equipped GPS units, it is horrible.
    It can take up to 20 minutes and more for the first satellite fix, meaning that you need to leave your E90 OUTSIDE (free line of view to all directions, no skyscrapers, trees, etc.) for 20 minutes or so to get the first position and satellite data. If you're lucky, it works a little bit faster. The E90 needs a strong satellite signal, meaning that you need to be outside or VERY close to a window to get a GPS signal. To explain to you how bad the GPS on the E90 is: I get a GPS signal only directly next to the Windows, receiving 5 satellites. My other business phone, a T-Mobile Ameo (HTC Advantage), receives almost ONE METER away from the windows 7 satellites, close to the Windows 9 satellites. I really gave it up using the E90 GPS but sometimes it comes in handy when I need to send my position to someone in a foreign city for example. Otherwise, forget about it. I also heard that Route 66 seems to provide better navigation results than Nokia's Map program (you need the PC program Maploader for uploading maps to your phone).

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    17-Oct-200703:36 PM
    tonyl wrote:
    What is the best accuracy one can get from the E90 GPS in terms of position in meters ? Does it depend on the GPS software, or what ?
    Hi tonyl
    Improve your GPS receiver's view of the sky and your occurrence of multipath interference will decrease; loss of contact with just one satellite can cause indicated position to jump 20metre in addition to expected ±10metre error.
    Ionospheric effects ± 5 metre
    Ephemeris errors ± 2.5 metre
    Satellite clock errors ± 2 metre
    Multipath distortion ± 1 metre
    Tropospheric effects ± 0.5 metre
    Numerical errors ± 1 metre or less
    On a negative note as solar flare activity increases up to 2011/12 you can expect degradation of GPS reception. At the last peak there were very GPS receivers compared with the expected situation next time around!
    Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

  • E90 GPS problem

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    Hi, I too had this same problem, with a slight difference. I did get a satellite fix briefly, then no matter what I tried just could not get it to work.
    After a lot of searches on sites like this this is what I tried and fingers crossed it seems to work. First of all unlike me do a backup. Fortunately for me I did one 2 days ago so didnt loose much.
    Next read about the new firmware download so looked but could only find the 7.24 version, which was already up to date on my E90. Despite this as I was getting desparate I downloaded it anyway, which sends the phone back to factory settings.
    Then I did a backup from COMPUTER to phone, which restored my settings, contacts, messages, and so on. (Phew was I happy when it all came back) Hence the advice to backup BEFORE you update.
    Next I downloaded the maps from the Nokia site, and installed, then tried and hey presto it worked.
    Just one thing I am not sure of, I did see somewhere when I was trying the sat nav it said something about a 3 day trial, oops, will have to see what that means.
    Just one other thing, for some thing the only thing that didnt re-install was the calender events, but as I had not had the Phone for that long there was not too many events on the calender, so not too worried about that, also for some odd reason, I did have the Digital Clock installed from the business site, and that also didnt re-install. But again as it was saved on my computer I managed to get that back too.
    Oh couple of other things, When I start the maps, it always tries to find any bluetooth signals in the area, I just cancell that, but on the plus side I have just started the maps again, I have 4 to 5 satellite`s and that is in the house and about 10 foot away from a window.
    Hope this helps you guys. Sorry its such a long reply but do like to try and make sure all details are set out.

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    Thank you in advance

    Not sure what you meant but yes you can use wifi to download the maps to your card. I would recommend this actually.
    Show the KUDOS button some love.... Hit that bad boy.... It don't hurt....
    Apple iPhone 5,
    Retina MacBook Pro, iPad Mini, Nikon D4

  • E90 GPS

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    I want to start using GPS on the E90.
    Inicially the maps aren´t installed, is this correct?
    I have to download them on the E90 or can I do it from my PC and the install them on the E90?
    Jorge Teixeira
    Go to Solution.

    With the maploader all the maps are free, the only thing you pay for is a licence if you want to use the voice navigation. You will also pay data download charges if you are navigating in an area for which you have not downloaded the relevent maps with maploader as the application on your phone will download them as you move around. I have downloaded the whole of the UK so all the maps I need are on the phone and it does not need to download as I move around.

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    Hi, it probably has to do with the overhaul of the Maps application. It is currently being upgraded to Maps 3.0, but this version is not yet fully supported an E90.
    Could it be be that the version of Map loader you use is not compatible with the Maps version you ahve on your device?

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    Hi rkgupta
    If you visit this site and download Maploader application to your PC, you can choose whichever maps you want:
    Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

  • E90 GPS software

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    Hi rkgupta
    If you visit this site and download Maploader application to your PC, you can choose whichever maps you want:
    Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

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    By the way - initally my E90 GPS took less than 1 minute to lock in, and thereafter it takes seconds. Quite amazing.

    07-Oct-200708:40 PM
    wolf666 wrote:
    07-Oct-200705:45 PM
    tonyl wrote:
    Another Question - can I use the phones USB port to access an external memory device such as a 40G or 120G HD or even the solid state USB memory sticks ?
    PS I am really enjoying this phone compared to my previous SE P910i, and others.
    Not sure what you mean, you can only connect to a PC running PC suite and having the usb drivers installed.
    More then this, access is triggered in one way PC to E90, not in the reverse !
    I didn't event tested it, but almost sure it won't work.

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    Thanks to All.Message Edited by wolf666 on 19-Aug-200704:41 PM

    22-Aug-200702:15 AM
    marbolec wrote:
    MGMaps! it's free and you even can track your phone online with this apps.
    It also seems there is the possibility to store maps in the SD avoiding gprs traffic.
    I read better in the forum.
    Thank you

  • My E90 review

    I have my new Nokia E90 for several weeks now and I had the chance to thoroughly "evaluate" it. I must say I am coming from a Nokia 9300 / 9300i, which means that I am influenced by them (I have used them for over 2 years now)
    First the good stuff about the E90:
    - SPEED - it is extremely fast compared to 9300i and all functions benefit from this. Everything works as it should be, including Internet browser, meaning that the waiting times are at a minimum on all applications.
    - 3G - I do not use video-calling too much, but my God the Internet at 3.5g is fast compared to GPRS ! Internet at high speed makes live much easier, while another very good aspect is the ability to make calls and stay connected on the Internet at the same time (impossible with GPRS).
    - You always have the possibility to choose the access point when needing an Internet connection. Every time an Internet connection is required, you are asked which access point should be used. On 9300i this wan only available for Internet Browser, while the E-mail program was much more difficult in this respect.
    - Larger inner screen. While 9300i dsipaly was only 640 pixels, E90 has 800. This in a benefit only for Internet browsing, even though most pages these days require 1024. Never the less, a step forward.
    - The keyboard is lit (finally) ! Very good !
    - The phone software can be up-graded by the user. This is a very smart move from Nokia ! No new software available for Nokia E90 just yet, though.
    - It has vibration alert. Good for meetings.
    - Power-up is done maybe 5 times faster than 9300 / 9300i. A Big step forward.
    - In two weeks my E90 never hanged-up, while 9300i would have hanged-up several times in this time.
    The bad stuff:
    - Missing shortcuts. Nokia 9300i is GREAT when it comes to shortcuts. The new E90 does not have too many shortcuts and some of them do not even work in all applications. I am especially missing the Ctrl+T for full screen (its lack is most annoying in Internet Browser and Acrobat reader) and the Zoom keys (Chr + arrows up and down) Having a BIG keyboard but being forced to work through the menus to perform simple tasks is AWFUL. A big step back from 9300i.
    - Missing buttons on the right of the screen. Not only that E90 has only two buttons on the right of the screen (compared to 9300 / 9300i), but they are normally full with "Options" and "Exit". 9300i was very smart: have important functions on those 4 buttons on the right of the screen, while keeping a proper, computer-like menu on top of the screen. Another step back from 9300i.
    - Internet Browser does not allow to open a new window, unless a web page is opening a new window. You do not have anymore the option of opening a link in a new window. So we have now an Internet Browser which is performing slightly better than the one in 9300i, but with fewer functions. Another step back from 9300i.
    - E-mails are displayed without the "To:" and "Date:" field, unlike in the 9300i. If you want to see when the message and to whom it was sent, you have to check the "Message details". Again, why the big screen if it in not user properly ?
    - No fax. I cannot believe this ! Another step back from 9300i.
    - Computer has only basic functions and it does not know the order of operation (in the 21st century !). This is step back compared to the very good computer available on 9300i.
    - It does not show the phone number of the person calling, only the name. If a person is calling and the contact has several numbers in memory, you do not know from which number that person is calling from. The 9300i was showing the number on the inner display (not on the outer display though). For me this is a big problem since I have to reject calls from some numbers and accept calls from other numbers, for the same contact name. Of course I can go around it by putting the same person on two contact names with different number, but why ? The displays are huge, so the number of the caller would easily fit on the screen. Another step back from 9300i.
    - Search function for contact was very much simplified. You can no longer search a contact by company name, job of phone number. Even though this function was slow in 9300i, at least it worked. Another step back from 9300i.
    - Keyboard keys are very stiff. The keyboard on 9300i was perfect in terms of ergonomic (at least for my fingers) They keyboard on E90 gives me cramps on fingers because I have to press much harder on keys.
    - Keyboard is touching the screen and leaves grease mark all over it. Very annoying because you have to clean the screen very often.
    - No BACK-UP to Memory card function anymore ! I have to keep a back-up copy of the phone in my computer, instead of the memory card. If my E90 gets broken, I will have to connect the new one to a computer. Another step back from 9300i.
    - Multitasking have a strange meaning on the E90. You can no longer have opened in the same time the Messaging program and several messages. If you open a message, the entire messaging program is blocked with it. If you want to see two E-mail messages in the same time, you have to close one of them and open the other. Same, if you open a document from File Manager, the entire File Manager is blocked until you close the document. Another MAJOR step back from 9300i.
    - Calendar does not show the "Number of years" for anniversaries. Another MAJOR step back from 9300i.
    - Notes are no longer on the Desk, but in a separate program. This new program is very good because it searches for E-mail addresses, web addresses and phone numbers in the notes (something which 9300i was not doing), but the notes are no longer sticking on your face. The display is big, why use it ?!
    - Text documents (.txt) are opened by default in an viewer which does not allow editing, just viewing (?)
    - I do prefer the Office programs (Text editor and spreadsheet editor) on 9300i. Quickoffice might display the documents better, but it has one very annoying "feature": you have to switch from edit mode to viewer mode. Why ?
    - I did prefer the Picture Viewer and the Music Player on the 9300i. The new ones want to be smart an search for available pictures / music all over the phone. I just preferred to tell the software which folder I want to see / play. Maybe it is a matter of taste and this was a response to the iPod (which is definitely not on my taste)
    The two new major features added on E90:
    - GPS is EXTREMELY slow on acquiring the position. I actually use it with an external GPS mouse connected to the phone via Bluetooth. It work 10 times faster !
    - CAMERA: all pictures have a blue tint, while the camera button is very hard to be used. On top of this, the long time from the moment the button is depressed until the picture is taken makes the camera almost impossible to use in real life. To obtain acceptable results you need to take pictures in full natural light, on static subject, and with a lot of patience. So forget about the camera. Moreover, in my line of work I am not allowed to enter with a camera phone on some of the customer's premises, so I have to leave the phone outside and change the SIM to another phone.... Why do we not have the choice to have the phone without the camera, like on E50 ?
    All in all:
    - If you do not count the incredible speed and the 3G, E90 is a step back from 9300i on almost all functions.
    - Nokia 9300i was designed for power users, having in mind the person which is using a PC computer at full capacity and expects a similar performance from a Communicator. Nokia E90 was designed for kids who want to show off with an expensive phone, not for power users.
    - I was expecting from Nokia just a 9300i communicator with 3G and 10 times the speed. It really does not need anything more, hence the camera or GPS.
    - The fact that I can have the same application running both on the large inner screen and on the smaller outer screed is of no use for me. If I wanted to use the applications on the smaller outer screen I would have bought the Nokia N95.
    - I do not think I could come back to Nokia 9300i because it is VERY slow compared to Nokia E90. But just for speed and 3G I have to make A LOT of compromises.
    - However, if I brake the E90 (which is very easy with a phone of this size), I am not sure I will pay the same money for it again. I will probably buy a new 9300i which is very cheap these days and incredible value for money.
    Now, I would very much like to have somebody tell me that I am wrong and that all the features that I am missing so much actually exist and I just did not see them...
    August 2007.
    2110i, 6150, 6210, 6310i, 6670, 9300, 9300i, E90, E72, HTC Touch Pro2, Samsung Galaxy S, Samsung Galaxy S II

    Because my review of E90 has got too long, especially on he not so pleasant issues, I have put together a list of the problems / missing features. Of course, the comparison is with 9300i, so the users of other S60 Nokia phones swill not notice most of them.
    Software issues:
    1. Missing fax
    2. Missing keyboard shortcuts (most of them)
    3. No scheduled SMS
    4. Only basic computer
    5. Browser cannot "Open a link in a new window"
    6. Browser has no "Save picture as" function. Images can be saved only working through several menus.
    7. Messaging cannot open several messages in the same time
    8. E-mail does not display "To:", "Date:" and sender E-mail address (they can be found only in "Message details")
    9. Phone does not show the number of the caller, nor the number of the person I'm calling (only the name)
    10. No advanced search fucntion for Contacts (search is available only for names, but not for company name, function, address, phone number, etc)
    11. No "Back-up to memory card" function
    12. Calendar does not show the "Number of years" for aniversaries
    13. Strange multitasking (opening a document from File Manager will block File Manager until the document is closed)
    14. Mail / calendar software does not support .ics attachments
    15. Problems with roaming in Russia
    16. Tab key adds 5 spaces instead of moving the cursor to the next field
    17. No buffer for the keys pressed in advance
    18. Voice recorder can only record 60 seconds (instead of 60 minutes on 9300i)
    Hardware issues:
    1. Stiff keyboard
    2. Keyboard is touching the screen and get it dirty
    3. Extremely slow GPS
    4. Camera button hard to opperate
    5. Pictures taken have a blue tint
    If here are any other isues to be added to the list, or those on the list are not correct, please feel free to comment.
    2110i, 6150, 6210, 6310i, 6670, 9300, 9300i, E90, E72, HTC Touch Pro2, Samsung Galaxy S, Samsung Galaxy S II

  • Why GPS Takes long time to start in E90

    i do have an E90, everytime i start the MAP the GPS takes more than 10minute to start and sometimes it dosent start unles i plan a route so i start using external GPS is there any updates or a way to raise the performance of the GPS??

    A-GPS is used to speed up the TTFF or sat acquisition. Nokia is using the TI chip in the N95 and the E90 rather than the better SIRFstar III chipset.
    A-GPS is new.
    Show the KUDOS button some love.... Hit that bad boy.... It don't hurt....
    Apple iPhone 5,
    Retina MacBook Pro, iPad Mini, Nikon D4

  • GPS settings on Nokia e90. Just checking!

    I have recently bought an E90 communicator and had a couple of questions about my GPS setup/ costs etc.
    I have read as many forums etc as I can but nothing quite answers my queries.
    I have successfully managed to lock onto satellites. I have initiated the route I want to take by going into maps and setting the start and end locations. The route map is downloaded using the O2 "free" unlimited wap access I have. So far so good. I then initiate the navigation option under settings and it loads and sets up showing me where I am starting. What I want to know is are all the processes described, as far as anyone knows, cost free and covered by the integrated Gps on the phone.
    Also once my e90 has made the very first contact with the satellites which took a while, but not too long, it locked on much more quickly the next times. Will this only happen if I attempt in the same place again or will it log on in a different place(i.e fifty miles away) just as quickly because initial lock on has been made. Thanks in advance. James

    Yes, assuming that your O2 data access is free then everything you have done as described is free.
    First satellite fix is always the slowest. Subsequent fixs in the vicinity should be fairly quick. The only times I have had to wait for the receiver to get a fix again is usually when I travel abroad.

  • GPS non-functional on out of box Nokia E90 in Indi...

    GPS isn’t working on my father’s Nokia E90. Apparently, it can’t find GPS satellites. I haven’t installed any Nokia or 3rd party software. All I have on the phone are the default, out of the box packages. How do I start troubleshooting GPS? Please help.
    Connection: Vodafone India, Kolkata.

    Try checking whether it has Assisted GPS (A-GPS) enabled, the standard set up takes ages (up to an hour on mine) to lock onto satellites.
    To do this:
    Tools -> Settings -> General -> Positioning (at the bottom) -> Positioning Methods
    Enable "Assisted GPS" and disable "Integrated GPS". Mine finds and locks on to satellites with a minute.
    If you don't have A-GPS listed, a firmware update might be needed to get hold of this setting.
    I have full End User experience of:
    5510, 3210, 3310, 3510, 3510i, N80, N80IE, 7610, 2610, 1208 and current E90.

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