Ear Piercing crash of death....revisited

As posted in a previous thread,
I am experiencing the ear piercing crash during gaming only.  Going along fine and suddenly-- nails down the chalkboard courtesy of the speakers, and a total system hang, remedied only by the reset button.  Not even necessarily in heavy "combat" situations, happens just sometimes when booting the game (Call of Duty).  Here's what I've tried.
-Dumped the "new" ATI drivers and went with the latest Omega's
-Got new PSU
-Graphics card is only device attached to the respective PSU line
-Reinstalled VIA 4 in 1's, DirectX and drivers, respectively
-Turned off AGP fast writes
-Turned off spread spectrum
-BIOS 1.6
-Banged head into desk, repeatedly.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.  Hopefully it's not time to RMA the card.
Thanks in advance.

Originally posted by shorner
Glad to see that I'm not the only one with this quirk.  Interestingly, I upped the RAM voltage to 2.65, and have not experienced the crash since.  Even got a few extra hours of "testing" ie. gaming, in with wife approval, as I had to be sure that this didn't happen to her while she was doing her work reports  .
Not really sure why this works, as I have run  memtest & prime95 etc etc for extended periods of time with no problems.  MAybe the extra draw of the graphics card during gaming affects the RAM voltage???--shouldnt with a decent PSU.  Maybe I'm on the "verge of stability" with the RAM settings and a little heat messes things up.  Who knows.
So hopefully, this will continue to fix the problem, or fry my RAM...whichever.
Thanks for the help.
Wonder if my wife would fall for that?
I think you may find, in most of these cases, it is a heat build up, as the heat builds even by only a few degrees, the PSUs output falls dramatically, that I think is why raising the volts often helps, I raise both AGP and DDR.

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    Hello again,
    As detailed in:
    and followed up in:
    the crash is back, but more info is available this time.  
    Here are my current settings:
    -Fast writes are off
    -Spread spectrum is disabled
    -mem voltage 2.65
    -AGP voltage 1.65
    -Catalyst 4.6 drivers
    -AGP aperture 128
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    Thanks for any input.

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    ATI drivers : 4.2
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    G770 x64 homePremium 
    When I turn up the volume (fn+rightArrow) 
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    Click Recording tab
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    Click Properties
    Click Listen tab
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    Click OK
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    Disable the internal mic if you don't need to use it.
    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

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    For problems that occurred with Flash 11.2 and earlier, you might want to consider disabling graphics hardware acceleration in both Flash and Firefox.
    Right-click any video in Flash Player and choose Settings.
    Clear the checkbox for "Enable hardware acceleration"
    Save all work (e.g., mail you are composing, online documents you're editing, etc.).
    orange Firefox button ''or'' classic Tools menu > Options > Advanced
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    Restart Firefox.

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    Here's a link and instructions.
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
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    So, if anyone out there has any ideas as to how I might receive a fairer hearing from my once-favourite computer company, I'd be delighted to hear from them. Failing that, has anyone got Steve Jobs' phone number?
    Thanks for persevering.
    G5 Quad   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    This is a sorry tale and so different from my experience. I'd suggest keep climbing the Management tree in Applecare until you get satisfaction - which only you can judge if/when you get it.
    I shipped a MBP to Applecare for a repair (first time) on Tuesday, arrived 4 days later all the healthier for their treatment. Repair time was very fair. Quads however are a different beast altogether. Spares will be spread further apart(cost and low volumes), repair processes being more specialised (liquid cooling etc).
    Got to say there must be didly-squat that is complex with the wirless modules and radio. Awful Apple Marketing making these an optional party on a £2k system. Very poor service from your Applecare support.

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    I ran a couple tests on the drive using AJA system test and came back with these results:
    Basic test of read/write speed using firewire 800:
    write - 14/mb sec
    read - 21/mb sec
    then, using usb 2.0
    write - 18/mb sec
    read - 37/mb sec
    both these connections seemed to be running slower then they should ..but at least the USB connection would actually let me play a song and record to it without stopping
    I manually copied over a 2.04GB file and via firewire 800 connection it took 2 mins and 20 secs. Via the USB 2 connection it was 55 seconds! ..also, while i transfered the files i noticed that the USB transfer was nice and steady with tiny increments of the file being transferred. Firewire, however, was speedy then slow, speedy then slow. Very inconsistant transfer speed throughout the process. kind of choppy
    So what gives? I cant figure out if I'm doing something wrong, or if my external HD is bad? Or the cable is bad? Or maybe the firewire port on my mac mini is bad (i've never used it before for anything other than this external drive). Or i'm thinking maybe my processor isnt strong/fast enough to record to the external firewire drive? Im working with a mac mini 120GB internal HD and the 2ghz intel core 2 duo with only 2GB ram (i know thats not ideal for recording and im planning to upgrade at some point, but i have been recording to the internal just fine with the RAM i have now and never had a problem until trying to record to the firewire drive). I was going to go out today and get a new cable and see if that was the cause of it. Anyway sorry for the book-length post! But PLEASE SOMEBODY help me here! ..as i said, im not very computer literate and only just started producing music using computers so please use dummy terms lol ..thanks in advance

    Strictly my opinion, and more than happy to be educated with facts and convinced otherwise... but, there are no dangers.
    Bottom line is this... does your specific computer setup encounter ANY problems during recording or editing with your chosen software and current workflow? If not, then there is nothing wrong. Simple as that. Further, if you are having problems, then its more than likely dealt with by upgrading RAM amount and internal HDD speed and size. If you have a slightly older machine that is pre FW800, you will find by bench marking your HDD's that an upgraded internal system HDD will significantly outperform any external HDD read/write spec's. Even with FW800, comparing apples with apples, your system HDD will more than likely have better spec's. Please however, do not take my word for this, but try it out for yourself. Make sure you have facts about your own system rather than believing my claims or anyone else's claims. I used Intech's Quickbench http://www.speedtools.com/QuickBench.html to get some facts about my machine.
    There will be an argument made that you will be putting strain on your hard drive by recording to the system drive because it not only has to deal with this function but also with other functions related to your audio programs and OS. Apparently you may be working it on the 'hard' side and shorten its life span. Probably technically correct but practically speaking you will more than likely never even notice any such strain. If you are worried about a system HDD crash or death because you are working it too hard then the answer to this is a well planned back up regime. You should have one anyway, regardless of setup.

  • Speaker squeel in my HP Pavilion Elite e9180t

    I purchased my  HP Pavilion Elite e9180t in Oct. with Vista Loaded on it. Plan was to upgrade to 7 for ease of home networking.
    It worked great out of the box. Sound was wonderful. This machine was very fast. My Printer, Scanner- everything worked better than expected. and secure.
    Received my free upgrade for Windows 7 two months later, Installed it and have had nothing but problems since.
    I called HP support about my speakers squealing . They took control of my PC and removed the driver for the Creative Sound Blaster X- Fi Xtreme Audio  Card and then reloaded  it. I noticed as they were loading it again that the driver was for Windows Vista. I don't know if this has anything to do with my problem or not. it seemed to work until the following day. Problem returned as bad as before.
    I have tried different speakers including a good set of Bose that are hooked up to the laptop in the basement. They still squealed.
    The speakers do not squeal all the time. One time you boot up they sound beautiful, the next time, the sound will be tinny and they will squeal periodically, not continuously, but often.
    System Specs:
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-920 quad-core processor
    9GB DDR3-1066MHz SDRAM [5 DIMMs]
    1GB ATI Radeon HD 4650 [DVI, HDMI, VGA]
    640GB 7200 rpm SATA 3Gb/s hard drive
    LightScribe 16X max. DVD+/-R/RW SuperMulti drive
    Wireless-N LAN card
    Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Audio
    15-in-1 memory card reader, 1 USB, 1394, audio
    Any suggestions??

    JB, I have had an experience similar to yours.  My problem was caused by the 'Microphone Boost' in the Master Volume control under 'Advanced' microphone settings.  It boosts the volume of the mic by several decibels.  I am using XP Pro so I can't tell you exactly how to find it in Win7.  It made an ear piercing screech when it was enabled.  I never did figure out what caused it.  I simply quit using the Boost feature.
    HP TouchPad - 1.2 GHz; 1 GB memory; 32 GB storage; WebOS/CyanogenMod 11(Kit Kat)
    HP 10 Plus; Android-Kit Kat; 1.0 GHz Allwinner A31 ARM Cortex A7 Quad Core Processor ; 2GB RAM Memory Long: 2 GB DDR3L SDRAM (1600MHz); 16GB disable eMMC 16GB v4.51
    HP Omen; i7-4710QH; 8 GB memory; 256 GB San Disk SSD; Win 8.1
    HP Photosmart 7520 AIO
    **Click the Thumbs Up+ to say 'Thanks' and the 'Accept as Solution' if I have solved your problem.**
    Intelligence is God given; Wisdom is the sum of our mistakes!
    I am not an HP employee.

  • Constant Fan Noise from Hard Drive

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    My friend has same machine and has No sound,
    checked with display models in Apple Store (ear right necxt to pb) - No sound
    I have had this low level noise from new.
    Anyone else have the same problem.

    hello there!
    When I upgraded to 1.4.0 and I notice that ear piercing noise and it was quite annoying. I called Apple and they advised me to look into the activity monitor. And YES, it ws the anti virus that came with .mac that 1.4.2 for some reason did not like and the process was running for such a long time consuming the resources including of course HD. I removed the anti virus (which at this point was useless) and the machine was just wonderful again.
    I think what I may say is that you may want to look for a process (using the activity monitor) which is eating the cpu alive - if you can remove it the better, else try to deal with. Good luck - an OSX convert!

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    @Gamer_Defiance, Can you please reproduce the issue and provide logs as described in this link https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA12321/how-do-i-​create-log-files under Skype for Windows Desktop and attach it to your post?
    Thank you

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    I can hear my computer whirring loudly when I'm in the other room. That, to me, constitutes a very loud whisper. Perhaps their ads should say "stage whisper quiet." Sitting in front of the machine, most anyone would say it was quite loud. Far louder than my old imac G4.
    I'm feeling very frustrated. I'm left with a machine that I can't really sell in good faith, sold to me by a company that is pretending that there isn't a problem. The only solution I can think of is to get a monitor and stuff the main computer in the other room. But just the idea of that really tweaks me off. It shouldn't be so...
    I glad to know that not everyone is having this noise problem, but I'd sure like to know what the difference is between my noisy imac and the whisper quiet ones. I've heard about people having the midplane's replaced and the power supplies replaced, but how does one get Apple's attention on this and get them to respond to the problem in a compassionate and timely manner?
    Any tips would be most appreciated.

    I had the exact same problem as you, I bought a refurbished iMac and the thing was so loud, it drove me crazy. As soon as I got the thing out of the box I called Apple and complained. I had to go through several tech support personnel before I got to a specialist. He agreed and said that he heard the noise through the phone. I had to argue and start to get rude with the guy, and I spent over an hour on the phone before he would agree that the computer was DOA and that I could return it for a full refund. I then went to the Apple store and bought a brand new one, and low and behold the same exact ear piercing noise that I can hear from a room away. I then took this computer to the Genius bar the the guy said that they are loud and there is nothing he could do. It drives me crazy, does anyone have a fix???? I have been so disappointed with this issue, but it is good to know that I am not alone and that I am not just hearing things. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it.

  • Looking to Put Inspire 5.1 5300 Back In Service

    The situation is like this: I have the Creative Inspire 5.1 5300 speaker system: however, it has a wired remote that doesn't work. (That is literally the only problem; however, with the wired remote unusable, the speaker system itself is useless.) Creative *does* carry other wired remotes (specifically one for the newer Inspire P5800); however, I have no idea if the remote will work with the older 5300 (I'm not expecting the M-Dock to work, and have no use for it if it does). Will the P5800 wired remote work? Will I instead have to contact Creative Direct (I'm in the US) for a 5300 replacement remote? Or am I basically screwed (and thus have to buy another speaker system, which is not exactly inexpensive)?

    I tested the speaker again. This time round, I did a few test using VLC, Media Player, and Audacity. What I hear on the VLC and the Media Player is very consistent, the 5kHz tone is not as ear piercing as the 10kHz tone. I then test using Audacity. Initially, the 5kHz tone is more ear piercing then the 0kHz. But after I played the tone again on the VLC and Media player, and then back to Audacity again, what I hear became the same as that played in VLC and Media Player. So, now I am wondering which part of my PC is having problem software, sound card, or some other things that is not known to me. Can somebody please enlighten me?

  • Inspire 5.1 5300

    I have been using the speakers for several years, and it is working fine so far. However, I wish to test the limit of the satellite speakers, which is not available in any places. When I use 5KHz sound, I can hear it loud and clear, and the tone apparently lower than that of 0KHz.
    I tried the sound on another PC (onboard sound card, with an lower end Multi-media speaker). I am not able to hear the sound, but my friends are able to hear it).
    Would like to confirm if is because there is some hardware or software in the speaker or the PC that automatically reduce the tone when it is too high? Or it is because of the limitation of the speaker?
    For you info, I am using Creative Audigy in surround mode.
    Thanks for reading. Please help.

    I tested the speaker again. This time round, I did a few test using VLC, Media Player, and Audacity. What I hear on the VLC and the Media Player is very consistent, the 5kHz tone is not as ear piercing as the 10kHz tone. I then test using Audacity. Initially, the 5kHz tone is more ear piercing then the 0kHz. But after I played the tone again on the VLC and Media player, and then back to Audacity again, what I hear became the same as that played in VLC and Media Player. So, now I am wondering which part of my PC is having problem software, sound card, or some other things that is not known to me. Can somebody please enlighten me?

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    hi, i have problem with my nokia c700, i was trying play music with headset but all the time showing comand 'speak now" and stoping plaing music. I was trying swich that off but i could't. is that voice commands problem? can  You help me, please.

  • Wifi drop outs

    Hi, its me again, having just recieved a new hh3 as my last was faulty, i find that the wifi keeps dropping out at random intervals some times 15 seconds all the way up to 3 or 4 minutes, when it does this the blue wifi light on the front of the hub