Easy Beginner Stuff...

Please don't throw things...
I am a Microsoft developer type guy who wanted to jump the fence and see how the other half lives. I'm also taking a class on Java Development and need the JDK (which I am told is now the JRE?) Anyway, can anyone give me some pointers on how to download it correctly? I am using IE 6.0.xxxxx or something. I did read the download help page, 5 times, and found no help. I need to get going on this as my class starts tomorrow. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Mike D (The big fat guy)

It's quite easy actually...
go to: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html
then download the JRE and SDK corresponding to your operating system,
scroll down to documents and download the J2SE 1.4.2 Beta Documentation.
after downloading the JRE and SDK, install them in a map e.g. ../programfiles/java
and install the docs to a ../programfiles/java/j2sdk1.4.2/docs map
when you then install your compiler he'll ask you to indicate the maps mentioned above and that's it!
Good luck!

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    I recently purchased a cisco AIR-AP1252AG-A-K9 stand alone wireless access point to serve guest users at a reference area. In trying to get this working, I've used the "debug dot1x all" and "debug eap all" commands, but can't seem to see any info. from the console when I'm attempting wireless connections. I'm spinning my wheels without seeing anything. Suggestions for any other trouble shooting techniques would be appreciated.

    The problem was found. I needed to have "authentication key-management wpa version 1" under the "ssid bibliotheca". The following config. connnects my guest users vi wpa ver 1, TKIP and a username and password that is authenticated on my ACS server. Thanks for jumping on this question so quickly. The corrected config. follows:
    hostname LegAoem2A
    enable secret xxx
    aaa new-model
    aaa group server radius rad_eap
    server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
    aaa group server radius rad_acct
    server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
    aaa authentication login default group tacacs+ local line
    aaa authentication login CONSOLE group tacacs+ local line
    aaa authentication login VTY group tacacs+ local line
    aaa authentication login AUX group tacacs+ local line
    aaa authentication login eap_methods group rad_eap
    aaa authentication enable default group tacacs+ enable
    aaa authorization exec default local
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  • QMASTER hints 4 usual trouble (QM NOT running/CLUSTEREd nodes/Networks etc

    All, I just posted this with some hints & workaround with very common issues people have on this forum and keep asking concerning the use of APPLE QMASTER with FCP, SHAKE, COMPRESSOR and MOTION. I've had many over the last 2 years and see them coming up frequently.
    Perhaps these symptoms are fixed in FCS2 at MAY 2007 (now). However if not here's some ROTS that i used for FCP to compressor via QMASTER cluster for example. NO special order but might help someone get around the stuff with QMASTER V2.3, FCP V5.1.4, compressor.app V2.3
    I saw the latest QMASTER UI and usage at NAB2007 and it looked a little more solid with some "EASY SETUP" stuff. I hope it has been reworked underneath.. I guess I will know soon if it has.
    • provide access from ALL nodes to ALL the source and target objects (files) on their VOLUMES. Simply MOUNT those volumes through the APPLE file system (via NFS) using +k (cmd+k) or finder/go/connect to server. OR using an SSAFS such as XSAN™ where the file systems are all shared over FC not the network. YOu will notice the CPU's going very busy for a small while. THhis is the APPLE FILE SYSTEM task,,, I guess it's doing 'spotlight stuff". This goes away after a few minutes.
    • set the COMPRESSOR preferences for "CLUSTER OPTIONS" to "Never copy source to Cluster". This means that all nodes can access your source and target objects (files) over NFS (as above). Failure to to this means LENGTHY times to COPY material back an forth, in some cases undermining the pleasure gained from initially using clustering (reduced job times)
    • DONT mix the PHYSICAL or LOGICAL networks in your local cluster. I dont know why but I could never get this to work. Physical mean stick with eother ETHERNET or FIREWIRE or your other (airport etc whic will be generally way to slow and useless), Logical measn leepin all nodes on the SAME subnet. You can do this siply by setting theis up in the system preferences/QMASTER/advanced tab under "Use Network Interfaces". In my currnet QUAd I set this to use BUILT IN ETHERNET1 and in the MPBDC's I set this to their BUILTIN ETHERNET.
    • LOGICAL NETWORKS (Subnet): simply HARDCODE an IP address on the ETHERNET (for eample) for your cluster nodes andthe service controller. FOr eample 3.1.1.x .... it will all connect fine.
    • Physical Networks: As above (1) DONT MIX firewire (IPoFW) and Ethernet(IPoE). (2) if more than extra service node USE A HUB or SWITCH. I went and bought a 10 port GbE HUB for about $HK400 (€40) and it worked fine. I was NEVER able to get a stable system of QMASTER mixing FW and ETHERNET. (3) fwiw using IP of FW caused me a LOAD of DISK errors and timouts (I/O errors) on thosse DISKs that were FW400 (al gone now) but it showed this was not stable overall
    • for the cluster controller node MAKE SURE you set the CLUSTER STORAGE (system preferences/QMASTER/shared cluster storage) for the CLUSTER CONTROLLER NODE IS ON A SHARED volume (See above). This seems essential for SHAKE to work. (if not check the Qmaster errors in the console.app [see below] ). IF you have an SSAFS like XSAN™ then just add this cluster storage on a share file path. NOte that QMASTER does not permit the cluster storage to be on a NETWORK NODE for some reason. So in short just MOUNT the volume where the SHARED CLUSTER file is maintained for the CLUSTER controller.
    • FCP - avoid EXPORT to COMPRESSOR from the TIMELINE - it never seems to work properly (see later). Instead EXPORT FROM SEQUENCE in the BROWSER - consistent results
    • FCP - "media missing " messages on EXPORT to COMPRESSOR.. seems a defect in FCP 5.1 when you EXPORT using a sequence that is NOT in the "root" or primary trry in the FCP PROJECT BROWSER. Simply if you have browser/bin A contains(Bin B (contains Bin C (contains sequence X))) this will FAIL (wont work) for "EXPORT TO COMPRESSOR" if you use EXPORT to COMPRESSOR in a FCP browser PANE that is separately OPEN. To get around this, simply OPEN/EXPOSE the triangles/trees in the BROWSER PANE for the PROJECT and select the SEQUENCE you want and "EXPORT to COMPRESSOR" from there. This has been documented in a few places in this forum I think.
    • FCP -> COMPRESSOR -> .M2V (for DVDSP3): some things here. EXPORTING from an FCP SEQUENCE with CHAPTER MARKERS to an MPEG2 .M2V encoding USING A CLUSTER causes errors in the placement of the chapter makers when it is imported to DVDSP3. In fact CONSISTENTLY, ALL the chapter markers are all PLACED AT THE END of the TRACK in DVD SP# - somewhat useless. This seems to happen ALSO when the source is an FCP reference movie, although inconsistent. A simple work around if you have the machines is TRUN OF SEGMENTING in the COMPRESSOR ENCODER inspector. let each .M2V transcode run on the same service node. FOr the jobs at hand just set up a CLUSTER and controller for each machine and then SELECT the cluster (myclusterA, hisclusterb, herclusterc) for each transcode job.. anyway for me.. the time spent resolving all this I could have TRANSCODED all this on my QUAD and it would all have ben done by sooner! (LOL)
    • CONSOLE logs: IF QMASTER fails, I would suggest your fist port of diagnosis should be /Library/Logs/Qmaster in there you will see (on the controller node) compressor.log, jobcontroller.com.apple.qmaster.cluster.admin.log, and lots of others including service controller.com.apple.qmaster.executorX.log (for each cpu/core and node) andd qmasterca.log. All these are worth a look and for me helped me solve 90% of my qmaster errors and failures.
    • MOTION 3 - fwiw.. EXPORT USING COMPRESSOR to a CLUSTER seems to fail EVERY TIME.. seems MOTION is writing stuff out to a /var/spool/qmaster
    TROUBLESHOOTING QMASTER: IF QMASTER seems buggered up (hosed), then follow these steps PRIOR to restarting you machines.
    go read the TROUBLE SHOOTING in the published APPLE docs for COMPRESSOR, SHAKE and "SET UP FOR DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING" and serach these forums CAREFULLY.. the answer is usually there somewhere.
    ELSE THEN,, try these steps....
    You'll feel that QMASTER is in trouble when you
    • see that the QMASTER ICON at the top of the screen says 'NO SERVICES" even though that node is started and
    • that the APPLE QMASTER ADMINSTRATOR is VERY SLOW after an 'APPLY" (like minutes with SPINNING BEACHBALL) or it WONT LET YOU DELETE a cluster or you see 'undefined' nodes in your cluster (meaning that one was shut down or had a network failure)..... all this means it's going to get worse and worse. SO DONT submit any more work to QAMSTER... best count you gains and follow this list next.
    (a) in COMPRESSOR.app / RESET BACKGROUND PROCESSES (its under the COMPRESSOR name list box) see if things get kick started but you will lose all the work that has been done up to that point for COMPRESSOR.app
    b) if no OK, then on EACH node in that cluster, STOP the QMASTER (system preferences/QMASTER/setup [set 0 minutes in the prompt and OK). Then when STOPPED, RESET the shared services my licking OPTION+CLICK on the "START" button to reveal the "RESET SERVICES". Then click "START" on each node to start the services. This has the actin of REMOVING or in the case where the CLUSTER CONTROLLER node is "RESET" f terminating the cluster that's under its control. IF so Simply go to APPLE QMASTER ADMINISTRATOR and REDFINE it. Go restart you cluster.
    c) if step (b) is no help, consult the QMASTER logs in /Library/Logs/Qmaster (using the cosole.app) for any FILE MISSING or FILE not found or FILE ERROR . Look carefully for the NODENAME (the machine_name.local) where the error may have occured. Sometimes it's very chatty. Others it is not. ALso look in the BATCH MONITOR OUTPUT for errors messages. Often these are NEVER written (or I cant find them) in the /var/logs... try and resolve any issues you can see (mostly VOLUME or FILE path issues from my experience)
    (d) if still no joy then - try removing all the 'dead' cluster files from /var/tmp/qmaster , /var/sppol/qmaster and also the file directory that you specified above for the controller to share the clustering. FOR shake issues, go do the same (note also where the shake shared cluster file path is - it can be also specified in the RENDER FILEOUT nodes prompt).
    e) if all this WONT help you, its time to get the BIG hammer out. Simply, STOP all nodes of not stopped. (if status/mode is "STOPPING" then it [QMASTER] is truly buggered). DISMOUNT the network volumes you had mounted. and RESTART ALL YOUR NODES. Tis has the affect of RESTARTING all the QMASTERD tasks. YEs sure you can go in and SUDO restart them but it is dodgy at best because they never seem to terminate cleanly (Kill -9 etc) or FORCE QUIT.... is what one ends up doing and then STILL having to restart.
    f) after restart perform steps from (B) again and it will be usually (but not always) right after that
    LAstly - here's some posts I have made that may help others for QMASTER 2.3 .. and not for the NEW QMASTER as at MAy 2007...
    Topic "qmasterd not running" - how this happened and what we did to fix it. - http://discussions.apple.com/message.jspa?messageID=4168064#4168064
    Topic: IP over Firewire AND Ethernet connected cluster? http://discussions.apple.com/message.jspa?messageID=4171772#4171772
    LAstly spend some DEDICATED time to using OBJECTIVE keywords to search the FINAL CUT PRO, SHAKE, COMPRESSOR , MOTION and QMASTER forums
    hope thats helps.
    G5 QUAD 8GB ram w/3.5TB + 2 x 15in MBPCore   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   FCS1, SHAKE 4.1

    Thanks for joining the forum and for doing all this work and posting your results for our benefit.
    As FCP2 arrives in our shop, we will try once again to make sense of it and to see if we can boost our efficiencies in rendering big projects and getting Compressor to embrace five or six idle Macs.
    Nonetheless, I am still in "Major Disbelief Mode" that Apple has done so little to make this software actually useful.

  • How do i reposition the timeline to the left margin?

    I dip into FCP Pro X when I have a new project to edit - in between doing other things.  The interface reminds me of the dash on my old Merc A160.  It has very few buttons and they have multiple functions, but to change the time on the clock I always have to consult the manual.  Less is not always more - something Apple struggle to understand sometimes.  If I was using FCP all the time (heaven would be not having several different jobs) I would probably figure it out - but, because there is nothing intuitive about the interface, I have to relearn how to use it every time I come back to it.  Just like the buttons on my Merc.  I have completed a couple of editing projects in FCP.  But I haven't looked at it for some months.  In between I have been using Resolve (because a lot of my footage is shot in Log mode - something FCP doesn't handle at all - and I have to use a LUT to make the clips usable in the editing process).
    I have a wedding to edit.  Three cameras, three audio tracks on the cameras plus the church PA audio and a Roderick recording from a mic work by the groom.  I would like to choose an audio track and sync the video to that - but I learned last time that is not possible (or not easy).
    I looked at multicam sync clips but I can't see how I can use this to fit my workflow - it requires too many decisions up front and I don't have small clips - I have two 1hr "clips" and some smaller ones from the handheld camera.  I don't want to chop up the "master" clip and I can't see how to easily sync everything together in such a way that I can see it all.   Yes I see that I can choose different angles in a different editor, but I don't want to get into that at this stage - I just want to see all my material in a timeline so I can make major edit decisions first.  Oh I wish I had not thrown out FCP 10...
    So what I want to do this morning is just drop clips into the timeline from the main camera, chop it up and remove the bits of the ceremony that I don't want in the final video and then choose clips from the other cameras to replace the main camera. 
    So, I drop a clip in the timeline.  Its the warmup to the wedding.  People are sitting down.  The organ is playing.  I don't want this in this timelines.  So I trim the clip from left to where I want it to start.  Great.  Except...
    ... the timeline now starts halfway across the display and I have a blank black box to the left.  I cannot, for the life of me, see how to move the start of the clip back to the left margin.  Nor can I imagine why anyone at Apple thinks this is a useful thing to do?
    In between all of this I have the usual Yosemite instability issues and, for whatever reason, Preview keeps crashing so using the FCP User Guide is more or less impossible.
    Any clues?
    And don't say use Resolve on Windows instead.  I don't need much persuasion, and I hate Windows.

    I don't agree with you here.  Resolve is much easier to use - I don't have to try and get into the heads of the developers and its is easy to see how my material slots into the editor.
    I am still trying to get my head around the way FCP organises the material.  Events/Projects?  What are they thinking here?  How does this fit into a wedding video?  I can create meaningful "events" (wedding/photoshoot/reception) etc but why would I?.  Is a "project" just a timeline - a "sequence" in normal film editors?  Why not call it that then?  I cannot figure out what kind of environment Apple were imagining when they came up with this way of organising things?  They must have had some kind of job in mind where events and projects make sense.  The manual is silent on where the clips actually go - are they organised within events?  within projects"  or within both?  Whatever it is, it might be easier to understand what FCP is doing if Apple explained what this structure means and why they have adopted it.  I am left to guess.
    What I can't seem to get rid of is the groups (I have no idea what else to call them) which are just a date and under which my clips appear.  I don't want this hierarchy but I can't see how to get rid of it...   Clips that should be together, but were filmed on different dates, are in different places - and I cannot see how to group them together without these dates imposing another level of hierarchy,  I struggled through the last couple of videos not really understanding where my clips were and ended up with multiple copies all over the place.  Right now I don't know if I have all my footage in the library or not - its so hard to construct a meaningful organisation in this crazy interface.  I just deleted 8 copies of a lapel mic audio track - I have no idea how I got 8 copies of that into this library.  Does FCP just import duplicates without warning?  Its so hard to correlate what is in the library with my folder structure on disk...
    To my mind, this is one project - a wedding video.  And this video will include multiple sequences.  But my clips need to be ordered in such a away that makes sense to me - I am not sure how to do that in FCP, but its easy in file manager.  The clips were shot in various locations on multiple occasions.  But this has nothing to do with the finished product, which will have its own order of things, not necessarily related to the order of shooting.  In FCP (or Resolve) I would have the clips in bins and my various sequences which I could then assemble.   Now I guess these are projects?  They aren't "projects" at all - at least to in my mind.  I don't like having to think about this project (the wedding video) in some weird way which only makes sense to the FCP developers.  Maybe they never filmed a wedding!
    Thanks for the advice re multicam clips.  I came to the same conclusion  but there is an awful lot of stuff to synchronise and I am not confident that FCP will do this in one go.  But now I have to learn and get familiar with the different editing environment for multicam clips.  Oh joy!  I am hoping I can add more clips to a multicam clip afterwards - once I sort out how to get my footage into some meaningful structure without all these surplus dates...  The clips have been imported so that the file structure creates keywords - which would be ok, perhaps, except for this extra date-related hierarchy which means I have to keep expanding the tabs to see the clips.
    As for Synchronised clips, if you read the user guide there is nothing to warn you that this is an audio-only sync.  Or which video track you are going to end up with. "For example, if you select two video clips and three audio clips from different sources that were all recorded during the same take, Final Cut Pro automatically analyzes and syncs the clips together into a new clip in the Browser."  Perhaps, when they wrote this manual, they were thinking this would create a multicam clip.  Or maybe its an old manual - I don't suppose they get updated automatically.  Maybe I better go look to see if there is a newer version on Apple's website.
    I seem to spend a lot of my time undoing the default settings in FCP.  I don't want my footage disappearing into an impenetrable amorphous mass in some hidden library somewhere, so I have to remember to change that default - the wording in the inspector is not very clear and sometimes I find that it is importing the material into its library and creating another copy.  I generally only notice when my backup software suddenly starts copying gigabytes of data to tape...
    I don't want to see my footage an in iMovie layout with no tracks either.  Especially my audio tracks, so I always have to unpack them.  I miss the little buttons to turn off different audio tracks - yes I know there is another way to do this, but its not obvious (as with everything else in this software) and means fumbling around in the interface to find how to do it - and its slower if you want to flip between audio tracks to decide which one to use at any given point.  Its the same with synchronising clips.  You expect to select the clip, right click and get a sync option.  But its in a separate menu under Clip.  Why?  If you want to copy a clip to another library its not under a clip menu - but under the file menu?  Why?  I think its a terrible mess - and I think that Apple introduced a level of complexity to this interface with little to show for it.  I am new to Resolve.  It looks complicated with all its colour wheels and stuff, but actually its very intuitive and easy to use.  And its very easy to structure clips and sequences without having to spend hours trying to figure out how Apple think you should do things.  if you use FCP all the time then fine - you get used to it.  But is it truly a better way to work?   I like structure - it helps me to understand my material - but FCP is anti-structure and forces a virtual schema on its users.  If you like that, well and good - but it shouldn't be compulsory.
    I got my head around using keywords - but I hate it - its just extra work for me and I hate the loss of the direct relationship with my material.  Its very hard to see whether I have used all the material or not and how it all fits together.  Now I have duplicated stuff everywhere and lots of things missing - but no real organisation.  And I have to remember how I keyworded clips to find them - not easy in a big project.  And since I have lots of big clips I have to remember not to change the I/O points without first saving the subclip and assigning a keyword.  Extra work and easy to stuff up.  Its a problem too if you edit a subclass without realising it is just a virtual clip so every instance will be edited.  Sometimes thats a good thing, but not always.  The issue is that this happens invisibly so you have to be very careful working with these virtual clips.  Subclips are safer - you always know whats happening - and that's increasingly difficult when you have lots of subclips which are really the same material but grouped separately.
    Its much the same with all Apple's software today - its all written from some other planet.  I have had to take out a subscription to Office 365, use Dropbox and oneDrive instead if iCloud and download Resolve to deal with my Blackmagic camera.  Its a consumer world at Apple now - and an iMovie view of the world.  Apple like to hide half the functionality because they think it makes things look easy.  Their manuals are useless and their online Help worse.
    And yes, thanks for the Shift-Z.  That works, though finding it in the manual is another matter.  But why this behaviour in the first place?  Is there any reason why you would want your timeline to start halfway across the screen?  Why doesn't the clip just snap back to the left as it would in any other editor?  Its little quirks like this that make this a very frustrating experience.  I am not editing all the time - I am just as likely to be in Dreamweaver, Indesign, Illustrator or Photoshop - or working on business projects.  I don't feel I should have to wade through a badly written user guide or ask basic questions in this forum every time I come back to FCP Pro X - that was never the case with the old FCP.  Its just like the clock on my car - daylight saving happens here twice every year and the time has to be changed.  I always need to refer to the manual.  To my mind that is a crap user interface.
    FCP Pro X has some nice new features.  But its hard to justify this when everything else is so hard to use.  Its like connected tracks.  Why is that an improvement?  I always start with an audio track from my master camera - because its on tape and runs for the whole take - but its impossible (or very difficult) to do this in FCP Pro X.  If I have a jumble of clips and its not clear where they fit, I can't assemble them, in sequence on a separate track - I have to connect them, arbitrarily, to an existing track.  And then undo that connection later.  I have to rethink my workflow every time to try and fit in with FCP Pro X.
    In an earlier life I was a software developer.  The golden rule of applications in business was that you built your application to suit the workflow of the user.  You could streamline it, but not change the sequence unless the business had made a decision to do that already.  I wrote quite a few large applications for various areas of the business - I used them to make sure they worked, and I used the existing workflow.  A user could come back from holidays and know immediately how to use the app to do their job.  A new user could use the app without weeks of training.  Its not hard to write intuitive software - but its impossible if you set out to impose a new workflow or method of organisation on a user.
    Apple seem to have missed this altogether.  FCP will always be a dog, for that reason alone.  I have never used Avid or Premiere Pro, but I imagine no-one else has adopted Apple's upside-down way of doing things.  That spells lots of training issues for anyone adopting FCP Pro X.  And now since you have to work with  colour grading apps, like Resolve, users have to work backwards for Apple and forwards for everyone else, in the same project.
    After this project I am going to look seriously at Premiere Pro - but only if I decide I can't use Resolve on its own for everything.  I have been an Apple diehard for 12 years after being a Windows guru for a decade before that.  I am close to giving up on Apple.  Having to buy Office was very difficult - but the Apple apps have been dumbed down (Pages) or were never up to the mark (Numbers).  I can't use iCloud because it doesn't support half my material so I have Microsoft oneDrive which also goes against the grain.  And I am running Yosemite which means crashes at regular intervals and reboots several times a day.
    I am an Apple shareholder too.  But I beginning to think they have lost the plot.  I hope not.

  • Thank you, Pterobyte: You restored my faith in Leopard Server!

    I set up a new installation of Leopard Server 10.5.6 and accepted the base configuration. I wanted to test a mail server setup on VMware Fusion 2.0.2. No issues during the installation but once I started the mail services and setup my first user account, I kept getting IMAP errors in the logs.
    After much searching and trying this and that, I found a post with Pterobyte's answer as seen below...I tried his recommendations and suddenly mail worked. My question is this, why would Leopard require this manual configuration/changing permissions when it clearly isn't stated in any of the manuals for mail services or anywhere else for that matter?
    Lesson learned? You bet! Seeing is believing and the "It's so easy a caveman can do it" isn't quite the case with Leopard's postfix implementation. I wish Apple would fix the easy mode stuff so that it really does work as advertised. Again, I didn't alter the base installation. Love to get your feedback folks. I still don't know what went wrong but I re-installed the server 3 times and observed the same behavior.
    Pterobyte's Recommendations:
    sudo chown -R _cyrus:mail /var/spool/imap
    sudo chown -R _cyrus:mail /var/imap
    Next check if the user has the necessary access privileges in Server Admin -> "Servername" -> Settings -> Access
    Then issue:
    sudo postsuper -r ALL

    Hmm - My test-leo-server did NOT have to have any permissions changes done - the default values from Apple was correct.
    So the question is why your specific installation was bad?
    As a curiosity - would these permissions be corrected by running a "Disk Utility: Repair Permissions"?
    PS.: I always use the "Combo updates" when they exist, not sure if that's relevant for this secific problem…

  • Issue with video playback in Flash Player

    I am currently doing some voluntary work for my mom for the local branch of the Alzheimer Foundation. Now I have encoded a video to mpeg4/h.264 and F4V using the Adobe Media Encoder only I am having not much luck to get it successfully played. Now is my question what could I be doing wrong? I already tried to use ActionScript 2 and 3 and disabled GZIP compression on the server and even tried different files like H.264 and F4V.
    The strange thing is that the video always work just fine when being tested in Flash CS4 10.2 but when I tried it in the browser it fails. The Test Movie feature of Flash is using the following player version MAC 10,0,12,36. I am using 10,0,32,14 MAC in my Safari browser and their the movie plays fine once the file is fully downloaded (how can I change this?) only when let friends try it out which have version 10,0,32,18 or the same version it doesn't work for them. Also when I am using an older version doesn't seem to work. I thought that H.264 support was added in some version of Flash Player 9. One of the issues which I was getting that the video playback worked lovely in Test Movie with the below listed alzheimer.mp4 url but when testing after the SWF and HTML were uploaded to the webserver it failed to work and I was receiving a FileStructureInvalid error. Now I would expect that the video file would fail in Test Movie too when the video file structure is invalid.
    I have tried the following video files both encoded with Adobe Media Encoder:
    The current player can be found at:
    I have attached my As3 version of the Flash file which is normal easy video stuff.
    Anyone happen to know what could be the issue here? I am getting desperate!

    Yes, I have just used the normal Video-object together with the normal trick to load Flash Video files with it. Nothing special only with a full URL for the play()-method. I have attached the source code for your convenience. The original files are edited in Premiere Pro CS4 and are based on one original ripped DVD vob file and a newly created Quicktime-based slideshow animation which has then be edited into one using Premiere.
    After that I  have selected the sequence of the Premiere project which I have exported using File > Export which is using Adobe Media Encoder. For the encoding I haved used the Export Settings: "Format FLV | F4V", Codec On2 VP6 and then altered the video size and bitrate so that the file size gets smaller this is for the Alzheimer08.f4v file. The other file used the H.265 Web Medium profile with also the video size and bitrate modified after it got encoded and uploaded to my webserver.
    The original files used by the Premiere Pro project are:
    Type: DV Stream
    File Size: 2.6 GB
    Image Size: 720x576
    Average Data Rate: 3.4 MB/Second
    Compressor: DV - PAL
    Quality: Normal (3.00)
    SLIDESHOW 2.mov
    Type: QuickTime Movie
    File Size: 3.2 GB
    Image Size: 720 x 576
    Average Data Rate: 3.4 MB/Second
    Compressor: DV - PAL
    Quality: Most (5.000)
    Above information is obtained in Premiere Pro by selected Properties-option of the submenu when selecting the file.
    Hopefully you can use this information but I could upload the original Premiere Pro project over the next few days. If you would be interested in it.
    FLA file: http://www.letslearn.it/dropbox/alzheimer.fla

  • How can I Catch the program to prevent exit all?

    I am actually implementing a Ptolemy GUI for my subject. And I am now facing a very serious problem. I build an application to call the Ptolemy application to probe up a plotting graph program. Every time after I call the run Simulation() the program call the plotting from Ptolemy, but when I press close from the plotting, everything close including all applications that are not expected to close.
    The problem I think is located here:
    PtolemyApplication exec_model = new PtolemyApplication(argument);
    So I would like to know how can I catch its exit to avoid closing everything.
    Can anyone give me suggestion please?
    below are the method I call:
    public void runSimulation()
    File file = new File("default.xml");
    DataOutputStream out =
    new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
    SimGraphWriter writer = new SimGraphWriter();
    boolean checkAllConnected;
    checkAllConnected = writer.write(graphpane.getGraphModel(),
    graphpane.getGraphView(),currDirector, out);
    ("//d/Ptolemyii/ptII0.4/ptII0.4beta/bin/ptolemy.bat ./default.xml");
                   String argument[] = {"default.xml"};
                   try {
                        PtolemyApplication exec_model =
    new PtolemyApplication(argument);
                   catch(Exception ex) {
    catch(Exception ex){

    Thread is an object that u create just like String /or whatever eg;-
    Thread firstThread, secondThread, thirdThread;
    once they're declared u can stop, start + run them individually with boolean values (true /false) and therefore control what u want to do when.
    Play with the code examples + mess around with it - it's not absolute beginner stuff - but it isn't that tough either

  • Algorithm an data Structure in Labview

    I want to learn implementing algorithm and data stucture using LabVIEW. Is there a book or link some of you may recommend?

    Aristocrate wrote:
    you're right altenbach1
    however most labview tutorial only teach you how to program with labview; the basics. But none elaborate on how to implement complex data structre like Queues, list, threes, or recursion. That is actually what I want. Same like we observe with other text books for c,c++ and java.
    That's probably because LabVIEW does some of these for you.  I remember learning the different sort algorithms and how to implement them with trees and other methods.  It was all good for academics, but when it came to the real world just use the built in sort function.  Same with queues.
    If you are sick of the beginner LabVIEW stuff I suggest going to a local user group to try to learn from others.  These generally are an intermediate step after you've master the beginner stuff.  There are official coarses that go beyond beginner stuff, but they too likely won't focus on algorithms.  More often these coarses explain how to make large scale applications, or how to design an application to scale up without painting your self into a corner.
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines - Hooovahh - LabVIEW Overlord
    If 10 out of 10 experts in any field say something is bad, you should probably take their opinion seriously.

  • IPod nano..  The $200 paperweight??

    It's almost 1am and me and my dad have been fighting with this stupid thing since 8 this morning. 1st, my computer doesn't recognize my nano. Dad gets that problem fixed and then installs, uninstalls, and reinstalls the iPod software and iTunes probably 2 dozen times. He thought he was making good progress when about 2 hours ago the thing finally formatted and the installation completed. Restarted my computer and then tried launching iTunes. The license agreement popped up and then nothing. iTunes.exe ***** up 99% of the CPU time and nothing happens.
    About 45 minutes ago my dad finished uninstalling and cleaning the registry of everything Apple/iPod and tried again. Now the license agreement pops up for about 2 seconds and iTunes exits.
    My dad just went to bed mumbling something about how the thing should be called an iPOS.. i-Piece-Of-S*... hehehe
    Isn't Apple always touting how easy their stuff is to use? My dad's really good with computers (He used to own his own computer/network company) but he's out of ideas with this one.
    Seems there are quite a few problems with this thing.. Should I just return it and get something else???
    Nano   Windows XP Pro  

    I have had similar problems...I have put the cd in and it takes a few minutes and recognizes the i-pod and then it says it needs to format the ipod. Then some 45-60 minutes later it says "there was an error communicating with ipod, please disconnect and reconnect. And once you disconnect you get to start all over and repeat and repeat. So this great mp3 player hasnt played a song yet and doesnt look like it will anytime soon.
    I have also tried to uninstall everything, etc.
    PS. I like how the quick install guide doesnt even mention anything about formatting.

  • 2 questions of interest

    I am new to using garage band. I have an older version so most responders probably have a newer version but hopefully they are generic questions, beginner stuff.
    First, I created a composition, finally got it the way I liked it, then EXPORTED it to iTunes and burned it on a CD. What did I do wrong as it only plays on computers both Windoze and Mac but not on a regular CD player? My song was imported into iTunes with the AAC encoder and burned in the same format at a 1 to 1 speed setting.
    Second in order to get a voice recording into GarageBand I have to tape it to a audio cassette then play that into the computer to get any VOLUME into the vocal itself. As you can imagine this is very time consuming for several reasons. My question then is how do I get a GOOD input level from my Mic recording straight into the computer? I have a Samson Mic for multimedia. If plugged directly into my computer with all the correct settings I can find to set it still sounds like the played back audio is from someone talking about fifty feet away thru a tube, WHAT GIVES?

    pjongray wrote:
    Do you have a recommendation as to a device which i can plug my Mic into which has a audio out that I can then plug into the computer?
    As I understand your situation, your mic plugs into a cassette recorder that you record yourself on, and then you've been transferring that to GarageBand in order to get enough level. However, with your mic plugged directly into the computer, you don't get enough level (I assume you've increased any input controls up all the way without good results).
    So here's a workaround that doesn't require you to buy a thing:
    Plug your mic into the cassette recorder, as if you were going to record your voice. You may need to put a cassette in the recorder for this trick to work (the machine is going to have to think it's about to record). Then, push record and pause on the cassette recorder so that it thinks it's recording from the mic, but the tape isn't actually moving. This should bring the signal from the mic into the tape machine and amplify it, and send it along its merry way to the tape machine's outputs. Then, plug the outputs of the tape machine (while in record/pause) into the input on the computer (I take it you already own this cable since you have transferred cassettes to the computer). This should work and allow you to record directly into the computer at the higher volume levels. You are essentially inserting the amplifier in the cassette machine into your signal path, and outputting live (line) levels equivalent to those you had recorded on tape.
    Good luck!

  • Whats the best way to go about learning C?

    I'm an almost complete noob when it comes to programming. I did write a few simple pascal programs about 10 years ago at school, thats about it.
    What I hope to achieve is (hopefully) not that complex, but I'm not sure where to start learning. My reason for wanting to learn is this: I really love MOC (music on console) but I ended up wanting a GUI player which still worked without the mouse. Every one I tried just isnt a patch on MOC, IMO, or just has one or other feature that doesnt work without a mouse. So it occurred to me, I have the source code for all these GUI players and the source for MOC, perhaps I can "modify" MOC and create a GUI version, or alternatively write some kind of front end to MOC.
    So far, I have had a go with Glade and Anjuta IDE, but my knowledge of C being almost nonexistent is making things tough. I'm probably trying to do it wrong anyway, my thought was to create a GUI in glade and make it call functions from the moc source... :?:
    So I need a crash course in C programming with Glade (I think?) and I'm not sure what the best way to proceed is.
    Any tips on how best to learn? I ask here because you all seem to be the most knowledgable group I can think of

    I'm not trying to discourage you, but the idea of Frankensteining all that C source into your own custom GUI music player is likely to cause nothing but hours of frustration. C is a great language for system programming, but for most application software it's far too low level and for most beginners it's far too dangerous (it lets you do bad things that can kill your app in dozens of intersting and extremely hard to debug ways).
    What I would suggest is that you first off break the problem in half. Use a client/server approach. The server does all the low-level heavy lifting of decoding/decompressing the music files and sending them to your audio subsystem. Something like Music Player Daemon (MPD) is perfect for the server part and is specifically designed to be controlled by a separate client program.
    Then all you have to do is write the GUI client of your dreams. For that I would recommend something like Python plus the GUI library of your choosing (Qt, GTK, wxWidgets, etc. all have nice Python bindings). Python is a far easier beginner language than C and can do much more work with much less code. You'll spend less time mucking around looking for memory leaks and invalid pointer references and more time actually making your GUI do useful work Oh, and there just happens to be a Python MPD client library so the task of communicating with the server gets even easier.

  • Variable not declared?

    I have a problem that’s driving me crazy. I apologize if this is beginner stuff, but I don’t know what to do.
    It’s an ASP.NET Web Application. I’m using VS2013 Pro. I have a Web Form, WebForm1.aspx. It looks like this:
        <%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="WebForm1.aspx.vb"
    Inherits="WebApplication2.WebForm1" %>
        <!DOCTYPE html>
        <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
        <head runat="server">
            <form id="form1" runat="server">
    The code behind, WebForm1.aspx.vb, looks like this:
        Public Class WebForm1
            Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
            Public MyVar = "Blah Blah"
            Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
            End Sub
        End Class
    And the error message I’m getting is: ' MyVar ' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level. The error is in WebForm1.aspx.
    Most maddening, sometimes it works, sometimes I get the error message.
    What am I doing wrong?

    Hello AzraV,
    Welcome to MSDN forum.
    Your issue is out of support range of VS General Question forum which mainly discusses
    the usage of Visual Studio IDE such as WPF & SL designer, Visual Studio Guidance Automation Toolkit, Developer Documentation and Help System
    and Visual Studio Editor.
    Because you are working with ASP.NET Web Application, I suggest that you can consult your issue on ASP.NET forum:
     for better solution and support.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Get windows file attribute?

    Is it possible to read the Windows file attribute "Owner" (or others, for that matter)?
    I'm writing a program that searches through a network folder and finds files that fit a certain criteria. When it finds it, it writes the name to an output file. I'd like to have the "Owner" in the output file, so I can easily see who the culprits are.

    There's an RFC on it (outstanding for only six bluddy years): http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do;jsessionid=ef75e3d144bc88fba12783a55cf?bug_id=6309963 So I wouldn't hold my breath!
    On any of uncle Bill's monstrosities: You can use JNI to call the native windows API.
    On an operating system: You can use JNI to examine the inode.
    In either case I think it's best to "wrap" the API calls in C/++ library which exposes the most granular possible interface to your java application(s)... thus reducing the amount/complexity of platform specific code in your java application... and pushing the bulk of the implementation realities into an environment which is equipped to deal with platform specifics...
    If you require (and it sounds like you do) bulk file system information I'm imagineering a FileSystemIterator: which would do a breadth-first recursive directory descent... It's next method would return an INode object... because the unix file system is more feature rich, so it'd be easier to stuff winblows files into an INode's than it would unix files into a winblow structure. You might also have a DirectoryIterator which iterates the INode's in a given directory.
    Your C/++ libary(s) won't ever be platform portable... they will have there hands full being "version portable"... and that's really all that is required.
    Just an idea...
    Cheers. Keith

  • Any way to increase movie volume for iPad2?

    I've tried various headsets and the volume seems to be a little weak on all. The best was Bose's over-the-ear type. I'm planing a trip back east soon and with two kids using a splitter I'm thinking more volume is going to be needed. Suggestions?

    You can do this in GarageBand, but personally I find Audacity much easier for stuff like this:
    Let me know if you go that way, and I'll tell you how to do it.

  • Difference between EHP4 Ready and Installed EHP4 system

    When i  installed EHP4 Ready System the SPRO path is somewhat different from the EHP4 IDES system for some of activities.
    Also when i installed the EHP4 using solman the SPRO is same what was there in the EHP4 Ready system.
    Let me elaborate , what we are experiencing
    1. For Ex : Easy DMS node is not there in the EHP4 Ready and also not after the installation of EHP4 , Does selection of technical usage effects the functionality ? like in easy dms as we did not select the technical usage of easy DMS in solman while upgrading the process.
    2. Also  if we have missed this easy DMS stuff , how can we install now ?
    Please advice ...

    In EHP4 Ready system, all the basic netweaver components are on 701 release like SAP_Basis, SAP_ABA etc. and all ERP components are on 600 release. So, you cannot use this system as such.
    You need to upgrade EHP4 Ready system to EHP4 level using EHPi installer. For that you need to select required usage type in MOPZ in solution managerwhich you want to use in the system and then upgrade it.
    As in your case you need to upgrade only easy DMS component in your as system as I assume your system is already upgraded to EHP4 level.

Maybe you are looking for

  • HELP ME (Macbook Air + HP printer)

    Im trying to connect a Macbook Air to a HP Deskjet 4480, it seems like its set up ok and it says that everything is working but when I try to print anything, the computer shows that its 'printing' but it doesn't what did I do wrong or what can I do??

  • Has anyone else had the same problem with SYSMAN password resetting?

    I am a Oracle Support Administrator and have posted a SR with Metalink and just wanted to ask the community if they have had any of the same problems. I am remotely accessing a customers Grid Control via VMWare software and over the past couple of we

  • Exchange Rate Diff in F110 & EBS

    Hi Our client processes foreign vendor payments in F110 and uses exchange rate maintained in Exchange Rate table. This payment creates an open item Bank Clearing Account. Subsequently when EBS is received, bank debits account with spot exchange rate

  • Character mode report with 0 KB

    There is one more problem , which we are facing now, the character mode reports are now coming with 0kb size, we are using the orarrp.exe for remote printing utility. If same report is generated using desformat as PDF, then it comes. OS:Win 2k AS:9i

  • APPLE: We Need An Upgrade Price for Logic Pro X!!!

    There has always been an Upgrade path for Logic Pro. Where is it???