Easy kerberos test system setup?

I wonder, how I can setup up an easy developer kerberos system?
What is used by you?
Linux MIT Kerberos?
Some tips for setup up developer kerberos system?
Thanks a lot!
With regards

I tried to uses ApacheDS 1.0.2 for Kerberos Service now.
Trying to use this documentation:
The after part does not work:
ERROR [org.apache.directory.daemon.Bootstrapper] - Failed on org.apache.directory.server.Service.init(InstallationLayout, String[])
Error creating bean with name 'kdcConfiguration' defined in URL [file:/C:/Programme/apacheds-1.0.2/conf/server.xml]:
Error setting property values; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.NotWritablePropertyException:
Invalid property 'enabled' of bean class [org.apache.directory.server.kerberos.kdc.KdcConfiguration]:
Bean property 'enabled' is not writable or has an invalid setter method:
Does the parameter type of the setter match the return type of the getter?
Invalid property 'enabled' of bean class [org.apache.directory.server.kerberos.kdc.KdcConfiguration]:
Bean property 'enabled' is not writable or has an invalid setter method:
Does the parameter type of the setter match the return type of the getter?So I uncomment the two kdc lines in server.xml:
  <bean id="environment" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean">
    <property name="properties">
        <prop key="java.naming.security.authentication">simple</prop>
        <prop key="java.naming.security.principal">uid=admin,ou=system</prop>
        <prop key="java.naming.security.credentials">secret</prop>
        <prop key="kdc.entryBaseDn">ou=users,dc=example,dc=com</prop>
        <prop key="kdc.java.naming.security.credentials">secret</prop>
        <!--<prop key="changepw.entryBaseDn">ou=users,dc=example,dc=com</prop>--> And uncomment this lines for loading LDIF files on startup:
    <property name="ldifDirectory">
    <property name="ldifFilters">
        <bean class="org.apache.directory.server.protocol.shared.store.Krb5KdcEntryFilter"/>
    </property>Using LDIF from [http://thejavamonkey.blogspot.com/2008/07/using-apache-directory-server-as-kdc.html|http://thejavamonkey.blogspot.com/2008/07/using-apache-directory-server-as-kdc.html]
With this additional lines:
# Users store
dn: ou=users,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
ou: usersBut no kerberos is running.
I got all open ports with "netstat -a -n -b":
  Proto  Locale address         remote address          Status
TCP              ABHÖREN
TCP              ABHÖREN
[apacheds.exe]30003 is the shutdown port according to [http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/directory-commits/200601.mbox/%[email protected]%3E|http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/directory-commits/200601.mbox/%[email protected]%3E]
shutdownPort = AvailablePortFinder.getNextAvailable( 30003 );10389 is the LDAP port.
Any idea?
Edited by: Grogario on Sep 5, 2008 2:41 AM

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    Hi Arjun,
    It is depends on client, for eg:say if client follows Sixsigma processes, then give much importance on Quality. So in this scenario it becomes much clear to have Quality box, If for other clients who don't have much Quality processes in place. you can take up the Quality (test) in Development box itself.
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    Best Regards,
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    Overview of the upgrade progress from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2010 including the following steps:
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    Hello Sylvia,
    Changing it to new delta mode need not clean out everything in BW.
    its a change in R/3 side on how delta records will be pushed.
    Delta queue will remain the same in R/3.
    But since you have already missed some records and you are not sure which one.
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    So I will suggest you after you have done the changes to queued delta....do a fresh start.
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    So with the CPU running with a relatively low load and memory more or less a given, the only thing that may be a bottleneck to be improved upon is the disk setup. This can be seen easily by scrubbing fast through the time line with the popular AVCHD material. Due to the MPEG nature, while scrubbing one needs to look backwards and forwards to create the image under the CTI and that means a lot of disk activity. CPU is not a bottleneck, memory is not a bottleneck and the GPU is not the bottleneck, it is the disk setup.
    Do not be fooled by the claims that SATA2 or SATA3 have enough bandwidth to support the data rate of AVCHD or other MPEG streams. Tests have shown that significant performance gains can be achieved by using a large number of disks, preferably in a raid. This is especially true when one has multiple tracks.
    SSD's are not yet an economical alternative for conventional hard disks, with prices that are a factor 30 - 50 higher per gigabyte than conventional disks.
    To fully benefit from the performance gains that CS5 allows, it may be that using a MPE supported card will lead to the disk setup being the new bottleneck. Be aware of that fact.

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    You may get their contact info from this site

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    Thanks Senthil for the details,
    We are on EP6 SP2 at this point. Standalone (DEV) portal installation, and SAP Dedicated system (not Load-Balanced, ie No message server). I've create a test system to SAP_BW, with WAS info. When I tried to test the system in Landscape Cockpit, (selected the test SAP_BW system and JCO) I got NO results. I hope I'm not missing a thing.
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    [The installed version of the portal plug-in must be 6.0 or higher], pretty obvious!
    For the other system I got, [Connect to SAP gateway failed Connect_PM  GWHOST=http://FQN.com:3200, GWSERV=sapgw00, ASHOST=http://FQN.com:3200, SYSNR=00 LOCATION    CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host ERROR       hostname 'http://FQN.com:3200' unknown TIME        Sat Dec  4 17:03:39 2004 RELEASE     620 COMPONENT   NI (network interface) VERSION     36 RC          -2 MODULE      nixxi_r_mt.c LINE        2225 DETAIL      NiIHostToAddr COUNTER     6]
    in my server: etc/services file:
    sapdp00      3200/tcp        # SAP System Dispatcher Port
    sapdp00s        4700/tcp        # SAP System Dispatcher Security Port
    sapgw00      3300/tcp        # SAP System Gateway Central Instance Port
    Message was edited by: Aater Attar

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    System Install Path: usr/sap/DAA/
    Instance Path: usr/sap/DAA/SMDA97/
    Instance Numer: 97
    Is there a failure?
    I look forward to your reply!
    Best reagrds,

    Hi there!
    I have found an interesting warning:
    Managing System '<hostname>' is  registered in the SLD but the CIM declaration is not valid, the agents cannot be attached correctly. check SLD Managing system declaration. (detail: CIM_ERR_FAILED: Cannot find SAP_BCCentralServiceInstance of SAP_J2EEEngineCluster SAP_J2EEEngineCluster.CreationClassName="SAP_J2EEEngineCluster",Name="<hostname>" in SLD LR)
    I think it is the reason for my problems .. Can anybody help me?
    Best regards,

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    I have recently upgraded Oracle in the test system from to My Production system ran still with the old oracle version
    Now I need to refresh the test system.
    Is that possible to be made at all, a database copy from production system (with old oracle version 10g) into test system (with the new version 11g) ?
    Thanks in advance for your reply.

    We must have taken the
    When you upgraded 10.2.0.X.X  to on TST System
    You would have defintiely taken the 10.2.0.X.X.  ( Oracle Home Backup)
    I Strongly feel..
    Resotre  home folder in Qty System
    Change the Environment Variables of  s<sid>adm & ora<sid> users to oracle 10.2.0.X.X home directory
    Change listener file entires.
    Restore backup of Production of 10.2.0.X.X
    recover system as you have not done any upgrade on QTY and release.
    ...The rest all approaches may consume your extensive .
    You are the best judge...
    How you want to build TST System ....want to make easy ...want to make hard your self.
    Business wants data ..The rest all yours decission i think

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    We use BI 7.0 SP15.
    Kind regards

    It's all much easier than that...use xml.
    Go to the transport conection in your test system.
    Note the xml export import icons.
    Select your query under object types.
    Export as xml..it will create a file that you can store in your PC.
    Go to your target system.
    Execute an import of your new xml file. That's all...now you have your query in P..and you can forget about all the STMS and requests, etc..

  • Urget please moving to testing system

    Dear All,
    I am new to BW. I have bulit a report(Development system). What is the process after that? It needs to be in portal. How that report will be transported to Test System. which one is first task? Portal or test system. Do i need to ask basis guy to do these? Please explain me in detail as i have no experience.
    also, we have  2 systems bw test1, bw test2. I think after bw tes1 it has to go to  bw test2 system. why is that?
    the only information  i know is if i have transport request, it needs to be released and approved. Once it's done, what is the next step? Please help me as a matter of urgency. I am stucked here.
    If i don't have any transport request for report, what should i do?
    Eagerly waiting for reply..

    You have the report in development, then you need to create a transport for the report, once you collected the report into a transport (Go go RSA1, transport Connection to collect transport or do some reading on this), you need to release transport to the next system in the landscape, as you said the next system in the landscape is test1 and later to test test2. Two test system is just to make sure the report is tested well before moving to production
    To have the report on the portal, you don't need to do anything more than attaching the report to the proper role, once you attach it, it will be available on portal.
    To move the transport to the next system, you ask the basis to move it for you once you release the transport (SE10 and release).
    Once the transport imported to target system, you need to make sure that the transport imported successfully and validate the report in target system and ask user to test the report and move on....
    I am not sure how you can attach the report to proper role, it depends from company to company, you might need to attach it to role before you move to target system or you might have authorization to do it in target system itself.
    Hey, take it easy you will make it.

  • USB-VXI re-enumeration when we switch hard drives betweens test systems.

    We have a test system that uses a USB-VXI controller and has removable hard drives.  When we move the removable hard drive between systems, we get another instance of the USB-VXI controller, and the test system cannot determine which enumerated instance is the correct one.
    The hard-drives each have the same volume ID.  The USB-VXI controllers each have a different identifier.  We are using WIndows XP.

    An option you could use is to save the Measurement & Automation (MAX) Configuration File for each setup. You could setup the system as desired on each computer and then when you switch the harddrive you Import that proper configuration file.
    Please reference the following KnowledgeBase 3FII43MP: Export and Import Files in Measurement & Automation Explorer for more information. Please remember that you will need to clear out MAX, by deleting the previous VXI system, before setting up the current VXI System. This will ensure that you are saving the desired setup.
    Sarah S.
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

  • Open and close posting periods on test system

    Hello together,
    to open and close posting periods is only allowed on the develepment und the production client, but not on the test client.
    It is an customizing object, but the flag "current settings" is set, so you also can change the settings on the production system.
    In the test system, it only can be changed by opening the system for customizing using SCC4 und change to "Changes without automatic recording".
    Is there a way to allow open and close posting periods on the test system without opening the client for customizing?

    Hi Michael,
    Please, refer to the note 356483. Proceed as following:
    Call transaction SE54
    Enter the Customizing object (view or table)
    Select "Generated objects"
    Choose "Create/change"
    Select "no, or user, recording routine" in the bottom part of the screen
    Save the change
    The view in your case is V_T001B.

  • How can I handle deploying multiple test systems on the same PC that have been developed using different versions of LabVIEW, TestStand, and/or Switch Executive?

    The major issue here is that the test systems must be documented and validated before being released to the production floor. Given this if a test station has multiple test systems deployed on it that have been developed on various versions of LV, TS, and Switch exec how can I force the test system selected to use the correct versions of TS, LV, and Switch exec.? I understand that the solution would be to recomplie everything and bring them up to the latest version but that would then require re-validation according to the QA department. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
    It would be nice if theTS deployment was more like an LV executable... meaning when a LV executable is launched it always knows what LV runtime engine to use when there are multiple engines installed on a PC.

    Multiply versions of teststand can reside on the same system, but only one version can run at a time. They is a utility that has to be run to set the active version.
    The SequenceFiles have a version number, and you will find an error will be generate if you try to Load the sequencefile in the wrong version of TestStand.
    The labview VIs will only work providing the correct version of the RTE is also installed on your system, even a labview executabe requires the correct RTE to be installed, either as part of the executable installation or as a seperate installation, before the labview exe will work correctly.
    I'm not fimilar with the Switch exec but I would expect that it will also require the correct lower level device drivers to be available for the version you are using.
    Therefore, as you are indicating that some of your system are at  a older version, its difficult to image how you could achive this, considering if you say you have different versions of the software(s). For a start, you may have the problem that newer code/ sequencefiles using additional functionatily not available in the older versions.
    I would think your only solution would  be to have different deployments covering the different versions you have, or at least bring all your test systems up to the same version of teststand.
    Ray Farmer
    Ray Farmer

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