Eclipse plugin and java

Can i make an eclipse plugin using java?

As Eclipse is written using Java, I'd say it's possible. You can find more information at the Eclipse site.

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    Hello Louis,
    -If you are using latest version of CR Eclipse plugin using the report viewer,then I would recommend going for JAR files of this eclipse plugin than that of CR XI Server.
    -The only reason being Eclipse plugin will give you most updated JAR files.
    -Before using JAR files from Eclipse plugin, I would suggest you to update your present JAR files to latest available JAR files.
    This can be done through Eclipse using update option.
    And once you update them, you can use those JARs.

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    I'm assuming you're machine is OS X (please include this in the future, avoids assumptions).  Are you using anti-virus software, if so, if you stop/exit the anti-virus software, does the installation proceed?
    If not, or if the installation still does not proceed after stopping the anti-virus software, please try the offline installer, posted at the bottom of the Installation problems | Flash Player | Macpage, in the 'Still having problems' section.

  • OSB Eclipse Plugins - and Helios SR1?

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    Thanks and regards
    [1] Re: WLST not found?
    [2] OSB 11gR1 install doesn't recognize oepe-helios-all-in-one-

    I just came across this same problem yesterday.
    using Ubuntu 9.10 and Oracle Workshop bundle. I couldn't create a new project or anything else...
    I'm just finishing downloading OSB for Windows and gonna try it from here.
    I'm hoping it will work here!! otherwise I'm screwed! :s

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    Manik Gupta.

    The features are very closely related. The most notable and obvious difference is that The Web Proxy Server reverse proxy makes use of a content cache, while the reverse proxy of the Web Server does not cache results.
    Message was edited by:

  • I'm updating my plugins and java platform says Firefox is 32 bit. Is this correct? I'm running Windows7 home premium 64 bit.

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    Flash Player is a browser add-on, not an executable program.
    If you need to open a local SWF file you will need the standalone player (Projector) from
    Note that the download is the player, not an installer, so you will need to make the file association manually.

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    <blockquote>As stated. I have a link in ~/.mozilla/plugin that points to test/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/, which is the java 6 update 21 runtime environment.
    Where did you read that?<br />
    See<br />
    In Firefox 3.6 and later versions you need the Next-Generation Java™ Plug-In present in Java 6 U10 and later (Linux:; Windows: npjp2.dll).
    <pre><nowiki>ln -s /usr/local/java/jre1.6.0_20/lib/i386/
    ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/jre/lib/i386/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ (java-1_6_0-sun-plugin)

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    The same license key will work for both FB4 Standalone and FB4 Plug-in.
    In order to get out of trial mode for FB4 Plug-in, launch the bundled copy of eclipse, and switch to the Flash perspective. This should trigger the Activation dialog, where you can enter your SN.

  • "Error running javac.exe compiler" when using ant to compile Eclipse plugin

    I encounter an error "Error running C:\jdk1.5.0_06\bin\javac.exe compiler" when building my project using ant1.7.
    My project has 10 eclipse plugins, and each plugin is compiled by invoking following ant target
    <!-- ===================================================================
    Compile specified plugin
         target parameters:
              param.plugin.dir: the plugin directory
              param.plugin.targetJarFile: the name of jar file for the given plugin
              param.plugin.src.dir: the folder name of source codes. Note: it is relative path name
              param.fork: indicate if another process is forked to run javac
    =================================================================== -->
    <target name="compilePlugin">
         <!-- Prepare compile environment -->
         <!-- Delete obsolete build folder -->
         <delete dir="${param.plugin.dir}/${build.dir}" quiet="true"/>
         <!-- Delete obsolete jar file -->
         <delete file="${param.plugin.dir}/${param.plugin.targetJarFile}" quiet="true"/>
         <mkdir dir="${param.plugin.dir}/${build.dir}"/>
         <!-- Compile source codes -->
         <javac      srcdir="${param.plugin.dir}/${param.plugin.src.dir}"
                   fork="${param.fork}" memoryInitialSize="256m" memoryMaximumSize="512m">
              <classpath refid="compile.classpath" />
         <!-- Create plugin jar file -->
         <copy todir="${param.plugin.dir}/${build.dir}" failonerror="true">
              <fileset dir="${param.plugin.dir}/${param.plugin.src.dir}" excludes="**/*.java, **/package.htm*" />
         <jar jarfile="${param.plugin.dir}/${param.plugin.targetJarFile}" basedir="${param.plugin.dir}/${build.dir}"/>
         <delete dir="${param.plugin.dir}/${build.dir}" quiet="true"/>
    Since each of first 9 plugins contains less than 500 java source files, we always set "param.fork" to false when invoking this ant target.
    For the 10th plugin, it has about 1000 source files. If we set "param.fork" to false, we will get the error "Error running javac.exe compiler". So we have to set "param.fork" to true when compiling it. This week, this plugin contains about 1250 files and we get the same error again when compiling it. I tried to increase the "memoryMaximumSize" to "768", but still couldn't get through it.
    BTW, There are about 150 jar files in our classpath for compiling plugins. Do many jar files cause this problem?
    Any help is highly appreciated.
    Many thanks

    I encountered a very similar error and I was able to resolve it by removing the following parameters from the javac task:
    memoryMaximumSize="512m"My values were not the same as yours, before I removed them, the values were set to:
    memoryMaximumSize="256m" Not sure why this fixed my problem but it did. I was using Ant 1.7 and Java 1.6_07 hope this helps.

  • Eclipse plugin & errors with imports

    I've been using the Eclipse plugin and it's working well. Then I added an
    import to my class, and now the Kodo enhancer gives me an error (error in
    build) but it's not specific. I removed the import and it goes away. I
    then tried adding one line to my class:
    private static org.apache.log4j.Logger log =
    And I get the error. When I run jdoc from a windows prompt it works fine.
    I'm using Eclipse 2.1 build
    Also, when running jdoc by hand with the -properties flag, I get:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The specified
    ss "-properties" could not be loaded. javax.jdo.JDOFatalUserException:
    g.ClassNotFoundException: -properties
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: -properties
    But it still seems to pick up my properties file and it works.

    Thanks for helping!
    in the windows->preferences->Kodo Preferences, my parameters are below:
    License key: [license key censored by [email protected]], evalud key from email
    Connection driver: mysql-connector-java-3.0.6-stable-bin.jar
    Connection URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/MONSOON
    connection username: root
    connection password: foobar
    Dictionary class: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    "Stephen Kim" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    How did you configure your Preferences panel? The Eclipse plugin
    doesn't use a file. You should specify your driver
    name, not the jar, in the preferences page.
    Charle Wang wrote:
    I think I have similar problem as followed: I use eclipse2.02 + kodo
    2.4.2 +
    Windows 2000
    By following dev_doc, I imported petshop project. The menu->" Enhancer"part
    works fine, and build successed, but for the file Animal.jdo, "kodo->Addto
    Database" failed. Error message is bellow: (I even can not copy+pasteit)
    <error>-SchemaTool Failed. The message included was:
    1. I remove the possiblity of the JDBC driver issues. because I use same
    driver and parameters for Quantum_DB plugin. it works fine. I canmanipulate
    the whole mySQL tables.
    2. part of plugin.xml is as bellow:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <plugin id="com.solarmetric.kodo"
    Put your jdbc driver in this directory and enter the filename
    here (and configure in Preferences the changes you make) -->
    <library name="mysql-connector-java-3.0.6-stable-bin.jar"/>
    <!-- library name="jdbc-hsql-1_7_0.jar"/ -->
    <!-- ########### do not modify below ######### -->
    3. is bellow:
    #Thu Nov 07 12:32:12 EST 2002
    com.solarmetric.kodo.LicenseKey=[license key censored by
    [email protected]
    4.I have spent a whole day, still can not make the thing move. Did Imiss
    some tip? or .. ?
    "Petr" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Hi Guys,
    Loosely related question, is there any chance that build of an
    class will some day trigger enhancement where appropriate? Currently it
    seems that only full project re-build does the trick ...
    It is a minor thingy, probably in 'nice to have' category.
    Stephen Kim wrote:
    Can you specify what version of Kodo you are using?
    java com.solarmetric.kodo.conf.JDOVersion
    If you enhance using the wrench icon/menu, do you get a more verbose
    logging in the Kodo view?
    On Mon, 03 Mar 2003 15:33:58 +0100, Michael Mattox wrote:
    I've been using the Eclipse plugin and it's working well. Then I
    added an
    import to my class, and now the Kodo enhancer gives me an error (errorin
    build) but it's not specific. I removed the import and it goes away.I
    then tried adding one line to my class:
    private static org.apache.log4j.Logger log =
    And I get the error. When I run jdoc from a windows prompt it worksfine.
    I'm using Eclipse 2.1 build
    Also, when running jdoc by hand with the -properties flag, I get:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Thespecified
    ss "-properties" could not be loaded.
    g.ClassNotFoundException: -properties
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: -properties
    But it still seems to pick up my properties file and it works.--
    Stephen Kim
    [email protected]
    SolarMetric, Inc.
    Stephen Kim
    [email protected]
    SolarMetric, Inc.

  • Using JMF when writing Eclipse plugin

    I am writing an Eclipse plugin and using the JMF to send/recieve audio. My application freezes when it calls the following function:
    Player p =;
    I am using MacOSX as my dev machine, and my suspicions are that the createPlayer function uses some AWT componenets, which starts an AWT event loop. Since SWT is already running for the plugin, I get the freeze. The problem is described here:
    So, my question is whther it is possible to not use AWT components when using the JMF. For example, I dont need to display anything, just need to send/recieve audio, so not sure why AWT GUI components are tied to the Player in the first place. Currently, my only "hack" solution is to start another process from the plugin to do the Audio. Any thoughts on the matter?

    I encountered a very similar error and I was able to resolve it by removing the following parameters from the javac task:
    memoryMaximumSize="512m"My values were not the same as yours, before I removed them, the values were set to:
    memoryMaximumSize="256m" Not sure why this fixed my problem but it did. I was using Ant 1.7 and Java 1.6_07 hope this helps.

  • Eclipse plugin vs JDeveloper plugin

    I recently installed the Oracle BPEL Designer Eclipse plugin and realized that it doesn't have the User Workflow extensions that the Oracle JDeveloper plugin has for almost a year. Any ideas when will the Designer plugin have the latest designer features.

    When i import the source code and try to compile i get huge number of compilation errors as below. Below are only few examples. I have set the external libraries and jars for all the related projects. Any idea or pointers why the code with Generics has problem.
    Error(466,27): method load(<?>) not found in class
    Error(234,50): method copyEntity(E, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object>,<E>,, java.lang.String) in class cannot override method copyEntity(E, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object>,<E>,, java.lang.String) in class with different return type, was E
    Error(58,38): incompatible types; found: class<>, required: class
    Error(229,49): method createDTO(java.lang.Class<T>) not found in interface
    Error(54,49): type parameter E is out of bounds
    Error(41,37): method getInfo(<?>) not found in interface

  • Cannot add javafx eclipse plugin to Eclipse, need help doing so

    After following the instructions for installing the javafx eclipse plugin, I am on the step where you add available software by typing in the link "" and you select the software to install... the problem that is occuring is that it is prompting me for a username and password. The username and password I am providing is the one I use on oracle; yet, it is saying my login details were not accepted. The walkthrough does not mention this step at all. Please help!
    Thank you very much for your time!

    Is that a bad location?Yes, JavaFX 1.x is, for all intents and purposes, dead and that plugin is for the unsupported JavaFX Script which shipped with JavaFX 1.x and is not applicable to (and incompatible with) JavaFX 2.x.
    From the faq => "The JavaFX 1.x family of products will remain available for a limited period of time, and is expected to become End Of Life (EOL) in 2012."
    Instead, use the JavaFX 2.1 distribution from here:
    And the e(fx)clipse plugin linked in the previous post:

  • Flex Builder Eclipse Plugin install

    I am trying to install the Flex builder eclipse plugin and
    when I choose the path to eclipse, the installer gives me a warning
    the root folder must contain the subfolder configuration. My path
    is /Developer/Applications/eclipse. there is a subfolder
    configuration. I have permission to the folders. The gui installer
    under the title "Please Choose an Existing Eclipse Folder" displays
    "eclipse" in the folder "Applications" on the disk "Macintosh HD".
    Is the installer looking at /Application, not

    I installed the plugin on another eclipse and copied over the
    adobe com folders and jars to the features, plugins, and
    configuration folders of my eclipse install

  • CF8 Eclipse plugin

    Hello all,
    Maybe this is more of an Eclipse question, but I'm hoping someone here has used the Eclipse plugin and can provide assistance.
    Working with our admin team here at work to enable/install the CF8 plugin for Eclipse has brought me to the point of trying to debug an application.
    I can see that various CF views are installed and when I click 'Test Debugger' and 'Test Connection' in the RD Configuration I have success.
    I believe the problem lies in my Debug Configuration because after configuring the debug server I am able to start the debug instance but am unable to toggle a breakpoint.  Additionally I noticed that syntax highlighting does not work in the .cfm I loaded to test the debugger.  Could this be a sign of a misconfiguration?
    Eclipse and the ColdFusion server are running on different machines so I am using the 'Mapping' option in the debug server configuration.
    Thanks for any help!

    Check whether you have enabled the "Allow Line Debugging" under "Debugger Settings". Also check whether the port settings are correct. Alternatively, you can use ColdFusion Builder from Adobe which will automatically get the settings from the server.

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