ECM Remove change no mandatory in CA01

Dear Experts,
i have Followed procedure as below:
in OP5A: to make the change no mandatory for CA01 and CA02
1. Double click on PP Task Lists. Do not select the Change Number mandatory there.
2. Click on Influencing Button
3. Double click on Transaction Code:
Here, select the "Change No." as required and in the Contents filed, put CA01 and Pres Enter.
Afterwards put CA02 and Press enter.
4. Now Press on Influences Button.
Here you can see that the Transaction Code - Change number is mandatory for CA01 and CA02.
It was working fine.
But my question is because of some reasons i would like to revoke the above settings, i revoked all the settings and deleted the influences.
Still for CA01 change no is mandatory, for CA02 is not.
Can any one tell what is the issue?
Thanks in advance,

Please check once again it should not show the X mark in front of CA01 it should be ready for input
Also note The influences of certain fields do not have effects on the modifiable fields although these fields are defined as being influencing.
Example: You defined the field "change number" depending on plant as a required entry. Nevertheless, the field "change number" does not appear as a required entry on the initial screen for routing maintenance.
transaction SFAC, 
- enter program and screen group, change, Module Pool SAPLCPDI  Screen groupP000
- select modifiable field (double-click, modifiable field),
- select influencing field, new values,
- maintain influences
Also go to CA01 and check any transaction or screen variant has been created for CA01 in SHD0 then delete it.

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    Thanks in advance,

    Dear all,
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    Thanks in advance,

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    This requirement is genuine but liitle tricky..
    Follow th procedure as below:
    in OP5A:
    1. Double click on PP Task Lists. Do not select the Change Number mandatory there.
    2. Click on Influencing Button
    3. Double click on Transaction Code:
       Here, select the "Change No." as required and in the Contents filed, put CA01 and Pres Enter.
    Afterwards put CA02 and Press enter.
    4. Now Press on Influences Button.
    Here you can see that the Transaction Code - Change number is mandatory for CA01 and CA02.
    But not for CA03
    Remeber to press enter after inputing the Transaction codes, otherwise those will not apper in influences..
    Try this revert for further discussion.

  • Change number mandatory only for CS02

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             I want to mandatory the change number only for CS02. I have refereed scn discussion but i am unable to make mandatory  the change number.
    Refereed comments:
    how to make the Change number field in CS02 transaction
    A basic SAP Engineering Change Management Setup
    ECM Change no Mandatory for CS02 | SCN
    Kindly suggest how to make mandatory the same.
    Santosh Sharma

    Hello Santosh
    The change number requirements on CS02 is controlled by the authorization object C_STUE_ROH.
    Note 420878 provides more information about this scenario.
    Check the relevant information provided on the note below:
    In Customizing of the BOM, the history requirement is set or a BOM requires a history. Despite this, it is possible to process BOMS without engineering change management. The system only processes a warning message (29 045) which can be skipped.
    Additional key words
    CS02, change number, OS27, W045(29)
    Cause and prerequisites
    Authorization profile
    Check the authorization profile of the respective user.
             C_STUE_NOH <OBJ>
                &_SAP_ALL    <AUT>
                    NOHIS      <FLD>
    would have the authorization to process BOMs requiring history without a change number. In this case, if you change '*' to ' ' in NOHIS, you will no longer receive a warning, but rather an error message.

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        border: 1px solid #666;
        padding: 5px;
        background-color: #C0BEB6;
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    .exclaim {
        border-style: none;
        float: left;
        margin-right: 10px;
        padding: 0px;
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        border-style: none;
        float: left;
        margin-right: 10px;
        padding: 0px;
    #main_text .exclaim {
        border-style: none;
        float: left;
        margin-right: 10px;
        padding: 0px;

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    Thank you.

    if you want to replace also look at
    How to remove underscore in xml tag
    Re: How to remove underscore in xml tag
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    Appreciate your pointers and time!!

    If you want to remove the sales tax from sales order,
    first of all  goto FTXP, give the country, for which you want to change the tax code percentage, and give the tax code and press enter, there it will show existing the tax percentage for that condition type (say earlier it was 10%). Now you want to make it 0% then remove 10 and put it as 0 and save it.
    Next goto condition record VK12 maintaine new tax percentage which you want to change. Like earlier 10% was there but you want to make it as 0%, then maintaine in VK12 tax condition record.
    Now goto your sale order in change mode VA02, and update the procedure using G, then the new tax willbe reflected i.e., 0% will come.
    Hope this is clear
    Reward if helpful

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    Please help.

    // Get your bean
    OAMessageRichTextEditorBean bean = (OAMessageRichTextEditorBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("YourMessageRichTextEditorBean");
    // Set to be plain text mode
    // Remove the "Switch to Rich Text" hyperlink
    bean.setAttributeValue(OAMessageRichTextEditorBean.SWITCH_MODE_HYPERLINK_ATTR, BooleanUtils.getBoolean(false));
    Edited by: asnow_au on Jan 9, 2009 3:37 PM

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    On client server the mandatory report parameters are changed to user preference color.
    Testing when running the form with the Developer Web Previewer of Forms Builder 6i the mandatory parameters are also changed to user preference color but the background color is white instead of gray?

    I'm sorry, on creation of Headstart 2.1 we added the implementation_name to the qms_modules table, but we just plain forgot to modify qms0012f as well. As most people have the implementation name identical to the module name, nobody noticed until you did!
    If you want to change this, you should modify library qms0012l.pll.
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    find the declaration of g_short_name_item, and add a similar one g_implementation_name_item where 'SHORT_NAME' is replaced by 'IMPLEMENTATION_NAME'. In the same package qms0012f, find the function get_short_name_item and add a similar one get_implementation_name_item.
    Then go to package qms$report, function fill_par_list. At the end of this function, you will see a statement l_module_name := name_in(qms0012f.get_short_name_item);
    Change this into l_module_name := name_in(qms0012f.get_implementation_name_item);
    I am not able to test this, but I think it should work. Please let us know if this workaround helps, then we can include it in Headstart 6i.
    Hope this helps,

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    Hi Writhdar,
    You can move and delete icons by tapping and holding any icon. They will begin to jiggle, and any that can be deleted will have a little "x" in the upper left-hand corner. You tap on this to delete the app from the device.
    If it doesn't have an "x", it is an Apple core application, and cannot be deleted, but it can be moved to the last Home screen if you wish, or into a folder.
    To move icons: tap and hold the icon you wish to move and slide to the right or left to move it to another Home screen
    To put icons in a folder: tap and hold the icon and move it on top of another icon that you wish to store in the same folder. It will assign a name, but you can change it to anything you wish by opening the folder and tapping the bar at the top where the name is, click on the "x" on the right, and then typing in the new name.

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