Edit the path of a polygon hotspot

I need to edit the path of a polygon hotspot in Fireeworks.
Actually, a simple drag n' drop is working with the path.
But to make the path a little less complex, I need to delete several knots.
How can I do that??
Thanks in advance.

Use the sub-selection tool (white headed arrow) to select individual nodes (points) and delete them.
There's a Path palette with some additional tools. In CS3, it's under Window>Other. It may be in other places in later versions, check the help files.

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    Type about:config in the address bar. Find browser.download.dir and change it to the path you want. Remember that Android has a linux base so the path will similar to /mnt/sdcard/downloads/

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    >believe the line thickness is screwing up the calligraphic style. It could be a combination of the path thickness in conjunction with the calligraphic style as well.
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    Hello ccc123d,
    I won't be able to help you "hack" QuickPlay, but this link will help you get back whatever version you need.  The links are at the very bottom of the document.
    I hope this helps.
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    On 08/17/2015 05:50 AM, matt matt wrote:
    > Having installed cygwin and editing the PATH variable was not sufficient
    > for me because I'm running a user account.
    > When I run "gcc -v" in cmd.exe I get the output: "..not recognized as an
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    There's an Eclipse forum dedicated to C/C++ questions you might wish to
    post in. It's called Eclipse CDT.

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    Your PATH appears to be correct. However, to verify your PATH you should be able to type the following:
    c:\>echo %PATH%
    This will display your PATH setting on the console. In addition, you can verify that your PATH setting is correct by typing:
    c:\>java -version
    If your path is set correctly, you should see something like:
    java version "1.3.0"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.0-C)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.3.0-C, mixed mode)
    If, instead, you get something like:
    "Bad command or file name"
    Then your PATH is not configured correctly.
    Hope this helps.

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    when he clicks OK button on this error, second error is received
    error2: "Some obsolete objects have been removed from the query. (QP0027)"
    When he clicks OK button on this error, third error is received
    error3:"A connection required to refresh this document is unavailable(DA0004)"
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    kind Regards,

    Hi Denis,
    Normally,what we do is once we provide access to webi users group for each user from BO supervisor module, user(s) will able to refresh/edit the existing report from Full client BO.His colleagues have had no problem editing all his reports from their machines but he is not able to edit any report from his machine and BO is getting freeze.
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    Can you please tell me how to resolve this issue
    Kind Regards,

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    SP2-0556: Invalid File NameThe problem may be that the path to the file name has a space in it. I'm going to simplify the problem down to one of the many commands I run in the file to make it simple. The sample command I'm trying to run looks like this:
    sqlplus [uname]/[pw] @'../database/My Schema/create_sequence.sql'the create_sequence.sql file has two simple create sequence commands that run fine by themselves. I strongly suspect it is due to the white space because when I change the directory name from My Schema to MySchema and alter the above sqlplus command accordingly, the script runs fine.
    Like I said, this script works in windows with the spaces, but not in Linux. I suspect spaces may not be supported, but I was wondering if anyone knew any different or it there is a work-around?
    side note: running a command like:
    more ../database/My\ Schema/create_sequence.sqlor
    more '../database/My Schema/create_sequence.sql'prints the contents of the file to the console as you would expect. So, I think this is sqlplus (and linux) specific.
    Edited by: user10887698 on Jul 28, 2009 4:21 PM
    code markup!!!

    user10887698 wrote:
    I'm running Oracle 11g on Linux ...
    ..when I change the directory name from My Schema to MySchema and alter the above sqlplus command accordingly, the script runs fine.i really can't see why you are considering this as a problem.
    On linux, you can't create directory that contains spaces between letters, like let say : fol der. Doing a mkdir fol der would create two folders,
    one named fol and the other named der.
    By information you provided , it's obvious that the exact and the correct full path to the create_sequence.sql file is ...database/MySchema/create_sequence.sql.
    Can you position yourself in the directory where create_sequence.sql file is and type pwd to confirm the correct path?

  • Programmatic launch of reader 11.0.3 won't open file with spaces in the path?

    The application I work on uses a PDF file for online help.  We programmatically launch the help file into the user's PDF viewer.  The path to the help file may have spaces in the directory names or filename.  With previous versions of Adobe Reader, it would launch just fine (path passed in on the command line).  However, with 11.0.3, I find that if I don't include an extra set of quotation marks around the path, it fails to open when there are spaces in the directory name.  What changed between then and now to cause this problem?  If I add extra quotation marks, will users with an older version of Reader not be able to open the file?
    Edit -- running in Windows 7, launched from C# .NET 3.5.

    benten2000 wrote:
    Install is fine and the icon is shown on the desktop and pdf files icons also change to Acrobat.
    I seem to have missed this part when reading your original post.  See if anything in this article fixes your problem: http://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/application-file-icons-change-acrobat.html

  • How do i standardize the path of Adobe to open a PDF file?

    Hi all,
    In one of my forms, i have created a Text Item (named as PDF1 ) in which i will display the name of PDF file and also have created a check box (named as CH1 & put in the block 'PDFCHK' ).
    Here what i am doing is when i click on the check box, the PDF file opens (name present in the Text Item).
    So i have written the following code.
      filename VARCHAR2(256);
      IF :pdfchk.CH1 = 1 THEN
      filename :='C:\'||:PDF1||'.pdf';
      AppID := DDE.App_Begin('C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe '||filename,DDE.APP_MODE_MAXIMIZED);
    END IF;
    The problem here is that since i have hardcoded the path of Adobe (C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe) , there is a problem.
    In all the systems different versions of Adobe is installed & in different folder. So it does not work on all systems. So how do i standardize the code such that it searches the path itself or what can be the remedy to this???
    Please help me on this?
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    Thank You.

    Turn off the "Verify ...on Open" preference in the "Signature Verification Preferences" dialog. How to get there depends on the Acrobat/Reader version you have. in XI it comes up when you go to Edit->Preferences->Signatures->Verification->More...

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