Editing with step entry

This is probably a newbie question, since I just learned what the IN button on score or piano roll editor does.
First, can I INput notes destructively - to replace instead of adding to what's on a particular bar/beat? Can I toggle between replacement and additive modes?
Second, it would be nice to be able to position the playhead precisely to a given bar and beat. Doing it by sight (in the Score Editor, at least) is confusing.
Also, does anyone know a product where there is tight integration with a Sibelius-like score editor and a Logic-like MIDI editor?

Good stuff, good stuff!
When it comes to working in the score editor, however, it's very often the case that the playhead is nowhere to be found in the section of the score being shown. In that case, using OPT+click on the score to get the playhead into view can be your first step. Afterwards, the rewind/forward by division value might work nicely for you if your area of concentration are the notes of a particular bar.
The division value may not always be set to where you need it to be, though. If you're editing 32nds and your div. value is 16ths, it requires mousing to that field in the transport and adjusting it. I find this really inconvenient, as I want my cursor to say in the vicinity of the staves. So there are two other key commands that are really helpful:
• set next higher division
• set next lower division
If you find you're going to use these commands a lot in the course of your editing then I'd suggest assigning key commands around a concentrated area of the keyboard where you can operate them solely with the left hand, keeping your RH free to operate the mouse. For example:
lower/higher division: CMD 2 and CMD 3
rewind/forward by division: CMD R and CMD T
There are no mneumonics involved in those key assignments; it simply suits my hand shape to let me keep my LH in one place with easy access to those related functions. Now, there's a chance that all of those commands are pre-assigned in Logic (I'd have no idea because I ditched the preset commands decades ago). But if for some reason you're attached to the preset key commands, you can always create a specific set just for specific kinds of editing.
Happy editing!

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    Chau wrote:
    I am just wondering if this is normal? This is my first time using the Edit with External Editor in Aperture and I am also quite clueless about using Photoshop efficiently and properly. Could I have done something differently and received the new and fixed file at a smaller size?
    This is normal.
    TIFF files get rather large and the 200 MB sounds about right. If I send a 1.63 MB JPEG at the same settings in PS CS5, I get a 134 MB TIFF after applying the Lens Correction filter and saving.
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    You could therefore send as an 8-bit TIFF to reduce the size. Additionally, the PSD format tends to return a slightly smaller file size (51.xx MB in the case here).
    A JPEG file is actually only an 8-bit file, so it isn't really necessary to go to 16-bit, but many users like to protect against further degradation of the JPEG when editing externally (especially from posterization where smooth gradients - such as a sky - start to break down into visible steps in the color transition).
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    Message was edited by:
            bw expert online
    Message was edited by:
            bw expert online

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    FCO-00011  The step runRADDBDIF with step key |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|NW_CI_Instance|ind|ind|ind|ind|11|0|NW_CI_Instance_ABAP_Reports|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|runRADDBDIF was executed with status ERROR .

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    FRF-00025  Unable to call function. Error message: Exception condition "WRITE_FAILED" raised. .
    INFO 2009-02-16 10:17:43.093
    RFC connection closed.
    ERROR 2009-02-16 10:17:43.109
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    ERROR 2009-02-16 10:17:43.140
    FCO-00011  The step runRADDBDIF with step key |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|NW_CI_Instance|ind|ind|ind|ind|11|0|NW_CI_Instance_ABAP_Reports|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|runRADDBDIF was executed with status ERROR ( Last error reported by the step :Caught ERfcExcept in Modulecall: Exception condition "WRITE_FAILED" raised..).

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    Hi Uday
    Loading of 'SASACONT1' import package: OK
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 23, completed 4, failed 0, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 22, completed 4, failed 0, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPSSEXC' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 22, completed 4, failed 1, total 29.
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    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 22, completed 4, failed 2, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL0' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 22, completed 4, failed 3, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 21, completed 4, failed 3, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 20, completed 4, failed 3, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 19, completed 4, failed 3, total 29.
    Loading of 'DOKCLU' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 19, completed 4, failed 4, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL1' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 19, completed 4, failed 5, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPAPPL2' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 19, completed 4, failed 6, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 18, completed 4, failed 6, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 17, completed 4, failed 6, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 16, completed 4, failed 6, total 29.
    Loading of 'DD03L' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 16, completed 4, failed 7, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPSSRC' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 16, completed 4, failed 8, total 29.
    Loading of 'STERM_TEXT' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 16, completed 4, failed 9, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 15, completed 4, failed 9, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 14, completed 4, failed 9, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 13, completed 4, failed 9, total 29.
    Loading of 'SEOSUBCODF' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 13, completed 4, failed 10, total 29.
    Loading of 'E071K' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 13, completed 4, failed 11, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPSDIC' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 13, completed 4, failed 12, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 12, completed 4, failed 12, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 11, completed 4, failed 12, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 10, completed 4, failed 12, total 29.
    Loading of 'ATAB' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 10, completed 4, failed 13, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPSPROT' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 10, completed 4, failed 14, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPSDOCU' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 10, completed 4, failed 15, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 9, completed 4, failed 15, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 8, completed 4, failed 15, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 7, completed 4, failed 15, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPPOOL' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 7, completed 4, failed 16, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPSLOAD' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 7, completed 4, failed 17, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPSLEXC' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 7, completed 4, failed 18, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 6, completed 4, failed 18, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 5, completed 4, failed 18, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 4, completed 4, failed 18, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPDDIM' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 4, completed 4, failed 19, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPDFACT' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 4, completed 4, failed 20, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPCLUST' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 4, completed 4, failed 21, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 3, completed 4, failed 21, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 2, completed 4, failed 21, total 29.
    Import Monitor jobs: running 3, waiting 1, completed 4, failed 21, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPDODS' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 2, waiting 1, completed 4, failed 22, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAP0000' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 1, completed 4, fail
    ed 23, total 29.
    Loading of 'SAPUSER' import package: ERROR
    Import Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 1, completed 4, failed 24, total 29.
    Edited by: Kevin Wong on Jun 18, 2009 11:23 AM
    Edited by: Kevin Wong on Jun 18, 2009 11:24 AM

  • Editing a Table entry while debugging

    Dear All how can I edit a table entry in SE11 during debugging mode ?

    Follow the procedure.
    Step 1.
    Open the detail of the record that you have to edit in SE11.
    Step 2.
    Start debugging by putting /h.Press 'Enter' two times.
    Step 3.
    change the value of code from 'SHOW' to 'EDIT'.Execute.Now you can change the record.Save it.
    One restriction : You cannot change the key field by this method.
    Message was edited by: mukesh kumar

  • CFSTKE* Queues with few entries executing for long durations  (10 hrs)

    In APO 7.0 the CFSTKE* Queues with few entries executing for long durations  (10 hrs)
    Below are the FM from the queue 
    Do any one have the same problem and any fixes ?
    Thank You

    Hi Aravind,
    What is the status of your queue:
    Is it in status running, ready or sysfail?
    If it is in "Running" status since last 10 hours then check the following things:
    Check SM51 and see if you find a long running process, see if it is trying to do a sequential read on some table.
    If yes then ask your Basis team to run ST04 and see what index it is using,
    If that is also fine then ask them to check stat on that table.
    Builiding stat may help if a read on table is taking long time and index which is being picked up is correct.
    Your basis team should be able to help you.
    I hope it helps.
    Edited by: Anupam Sengar on Aug 11, 2011 12:06 AM

  • Preview breaks pdf with data entry cells?

    Here's the gist of the trouble:
    I created a simple invoice in acrobat with data entry cells for the user to enter hours worked, description of work, etc. It works fine in acrobat.
    If I open it in Preview two things seem to happen:
    1. closing the document saves it without me being prompted
    2. the data entry cells are mucked up - data is in the cells but can't be seen unless I click on the cell. If I click away from that cell the data dissappears behind a blue highlight of the cell (the same blue highlight I see in Preview). I am able to 'bring the data back' by selecting the data, cmd-x, click to another cell, click back to original cell, cmd-v. It don't make no darned sense I tell ya!
    So, why is Preview saving my data without asking me? What's going on there?
    Why is Preview breaking the data entry cells?
    Any ideas?
    Cheers, Mike

    This is the work around that I got from the Apple iWork Team; they are working on solving the problem:
    "Unfortunately, Numbers can enter a bad state. We are investigating a fix. In the meantime:
    To avoid this bad state, please do not exit Numbers with a file open. Always:
    1. Tap the "My Spreadsheets" button to close the file.
    2. Then exit Numbers."
    So far, following this procedure, I have encountered no problems. If Numbers is in this "bad state," you can return it to a normal condition by either double tapping the spreadsheet name which will put you into edit mode, then tap the spreadsheet to exit. Also, you can tap the arrow in the upper right corner to enter read mode, then tap the spreadsheet to exit. Hope this helps.

  • How to edit one particular entry in custom database table

    Hi all,
    I want edit one particular entry in custom database table with or without a program.
    1.   I tried using SE16N and &SAP_EDIT but im unable to get entries to edit.
    2.   I tried using '/h' and 'code = edit' but it is prompting me to delete an entry but not edit.
    3.   I tried using modify statement. But in vain.
    I tried this statements through programatically,
                            MODIFY itab FROM wa_itab TRANSPORTING  zabc.
                            MODIFY zsample_02 FROM itab.
    please suggest with out writing a program, if possible.

    Hi ,
    Try with FM SE16N_INTERFACE.
    1 .Go to SE37
    2. Enter FM SE16N_INTERFACE and execute
    3. Give table name in Itab,
    I_EDIT                  =   
    I_SAPEDIT             =    
    4. Press F8
    5. Edit table entries and save.

  • Faces issue when selecting 'edit with CS4' (or any other external editor)

    Ok, so I have a work flow where I effectively use Nik Plugins. I have the complete set so that i can use them in Aperture and CS4. I correct exposure and white balance and crop in Aperture but then have automators set up in CS4 to apply Nik plugin effects via a batch change process ie no manual adjustments needed, start the batch and come back 20 mins later. Anyway thats somewhat irrelevant....
    Once stage one is done in Aperture I select faces and see that all looks fine. Suggestions appear over faces etc as you'd expect. BUT if I then select edit with CS4 (via right click) on that image it creates a duplicate image (as its non-destructive) and opens it in CS4. Fine. But if you go in to Aperture the faces on this duplicate image are now all messed up. They are not at all over peoples faces but seemingly in random places. Right click and selecting detect faces does nothing. So in summary if I edit anything with CS4 and hit save so that the changes appear in Aperture then hit faces to tag people I have to effectively start from scratch and delete all the faces (not over peoples faces) and add new faces.
    The best way to illustrate this is with screenshots. See this link for 2 screenshots of the issue. http://adamlewis.zenfolio.com/screenshot
    Can someone else confirm they have this issue at all first off to see if it is a specific issue to myself or a generic Aperture issue?
    After that I guess we can proceed with troubleshooting and solutions.
    PS I have repaired my library and rebuilt it and have upgraded Aperture to the latest 3.2.2 (released today / yesterday but note the issue was found under 3.2.1 so its not a 3.2.2 specific issue).

    Maybe I should have made it clearer in my original post. The 1st paragraph was just for colour. The fact of using Nik has nothing to do with the issue. The below quote is the issue:
    "Suggestions appear over faces etc as you'd expect. BUT if I then select edit with CS4 (via right click) on that image it creates a duplicate image (as its non-destructive) and opens it in CS4. Fine. But if you go in to Aperture the faces on this duplicate image are now all messed up. They are not at all over peoples faces but seemingly in random places."
    Thus the issue is generated by merely selecting Edit with CS4. ie no editing done in CS4 and not even saved in CS4. Just selecting edit with CS4 in Aperture creates the duplicate image in Aperture (and sends it to CS4 but lets assume we do nothing with it there at all) but creates a duplicate with face tags in the wrong places.
    After further investigation I changed my external editing software option in preferences to Pixelmator and the same issue occurs.
    So to replicate the issue in my place there are 2 simple steps that I need to make (and would like tested by someone else):
    1. Tag some peoples faces in an Aperture image
    2. Select edit with (any external editor)
    Then go back in to Aperture (immediately) and select faces on the duplicate image created and see if the faces are in the correct position.
    Note I have my external editor set to TIFF 8 Bit 300dpi using Adobe RGB colour space.
    Thanks for your time.
    Message was edited by: loobola

  • Error msg "FCO-00011  The step createJSF with step key " install SM7

    Hi all
    The following error msg as when I installing SM7
    the error show "The step createJSF with step key " <== what meanings?
    WARNING[E] 2009-06-10 21:58:40.890
    CJS-30197  User SAPJSF already exists
    You have tried to create or change a user that already exists.
    Edit the existing user or first delete the user and then recreate it.
    Alternatively, you can choose another user name, for example, by
    appending part of the first name.
    [System: PAS(001), Message: 01 224]
    . DIAGNOSIS: For more details see output of log file: User SAPJSF already exists
    You have tried to create or change a user that already exists.
    Edit the existing user or first delete the user and then recreate it.
    Alternatively, you can choose another user name, for example, by
    appending part of the first name.
    [System: PAS(001), Message: 01 224]
    *ERROR 2009-06-10 21:58:41.218*
    *FCO-00011  The step createJSF with step key |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|NW_CI_Instance|ind|ind|ind|ind|11|0|NW_CI_Instance_Doublestack|ind|ind|ind|ind|3|0|createJSF was executed with status ERROR .*
    Edited by: Kevin Wong on Jun 11, 2009 3:47 AM

    anyone can help me or having the same problems?
    *ERROR 2009-06-10 21:58:41.218*
    *FCO-00011 The step createJSF with step key |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|NW_CI_Instance|ind|ind|ind|ind|11|0|NW_CI_Instance_Doublestack|ind|ind|ind|ind|3|0|createJSF was executed with status ERROR .*

  • Load Options for Edit Sub Step

    Hi Ppl,
    I have created a custom step type which has a edit sub step with LabVIEW adapter. When invoke the edit sub step for the first time, it takes a while to load the edit sub step and there is a noticebale delay for the first time. I want the edit sub step module to be loaded when TestStand is open or when the sequence file is open. I was not able to locate any location where we can specify the load and unload options of the edit sub step. Is there any way to do this ?

    This is probably because of the launching of LabVIEW development system.
    Have you tried setting the Load option for the SequenceFile to 'Preload when opening sequence file'
    Ray Farmer

  • Edit original/Edit with opens PS or AI from Time Machine backup

    In the last days this strange problem accured in InDesign CS4. If I right click and select "Edit original" or "Edit with" for a EPS or PSD linked file, InDesign opens Photoshop or Illustrator from a Time Machine backup image instead of the default location (Applications folder in Mac OS X).
    It's really annoying, because most of the time I already have Photoshop and Illustrator running, but if I select "Edit original" it runs another instance of PS or AI.
    What should I do?

    OK, I have a partial solution. A kind fellow has written a virtual filesystem for Linux specifically to read Time Machine drives: https://github.com/abique/tmfs. Simply installing this utility allows me to browse the hard link structure of Time Machine without manually delving into the '.HFS+\ Private\ Directory\ Data^M' folders. I'm currently copying out all of the files onto a second external hard drive, and hopefully this will recovery my data. A bazillion thanks to abique!
    Of course, this doesn't track down my hardware problem, but I think it's best to retire this external hard drive entirely. I think the problem is with the drive or the enclosure and not with my MBP, since I attempted to copy the data onto a different MBP and had the same errors.
    - Install TMFS, available in the Ubuntu Software Manager.
    - Find the initial mount point of the Time Machine drive. For me, it was /media/<username>/<long string of random letters and numbers>.
    - Re-mount the time machine drive using the virtual filesystem. I also had to make a folder corresponding to the new mount point by hand, for some reason:
    > sudo mkdir /mnt/tm-root
    > sudo tmfs /media/username/4be78be9-cc68-32b4-9683-72c2209d11be /mnt/tm-root -ouid=$(id -u),gid=$(id -g),allow_other
    - The Time Machine partition is now browsable (read-only) at /mnt/tm-root in a terminal, instead of not recognizing the hard links. 

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