Effects thanks to Actionscript ?

I would like to know how i could do the following effects
under Flash
CS3 and actionscript :
- dislocation
- desagregation (depixelization)
- create "text bubble" (like for a demo program where it is
told to user
what to do...like "click to the button")
- beam
- scanning (like a vertical bar is passing horizontally on my
stage and
behiond it is displaying a new picture/symbol)
thanks a lot for all help.

1. check the flash bitmapdata class.
2. check the flash bitmapdata class.
3. check the textfield class.
4. check the bitmapdata class or you could use dynamic
only 3. is an easy undertaking.

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    Sounds like you did this on the fly.
    MM is supposed to open the Marker Panel Dialogue
    M just sets a marker
    Not sure if either are intended for on the fly during playback .
    There is also a Marker Icon on the Source Window Pane  >>

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    Thanks I will check....  only reference I have found is under LED Effect but no Tuts, Thanks again I will let you know if I find anything. Really a cool visual effect.

  • Motion tween using actionscript

    I'm pretty sure there has to be a way to do this. I want an
    object to move to certain coordinates when certain objects are
    moused over. Any help?

    > Thank you so muck...honestly. I hate to ask for more
    > but i need to ask ONE more thing.
    's okay. :)
    > I got the movement working but the thing i need now is
    > the puck to stay under the button when i mouse off.
    Well ... okay, I looked at your code. Honestly, bro, it's a
    hodge-podge of new and old style coding. I know it's because
    you're on
    unfamiliar territory, and I'm not slammin' ya ... but really
    -- really,
    really, really -- your life will be soooo much easier if you
    step back and
    look at the big picture. Sooner or later, this will all gel
    for you, and it
    suddenly becomes very easy.
    Forget that tellTarget() business. That's old; like, Flash 3
    old. In
    fact, it was deprecated in Flash 5. If you want to path to an
    object, you
    use its instance name. Of course, first, that means you need
    to give your
    relevant assets instance names. You've already done with with
    the revolving
    "police" lights -- but make sure you're consistent. Name them
    light2, light3, and so on (yours were a bit dissheveled).
    An instance name is just a "handle" that lets ActionScript
    "talk" to a
    given object. That light exists as a single movie clip symbol
    in your
    Library, but you want to talk to each one individually, so
    each one gets its
    own instance name.
    Do the same thing with your "net" instance (the tab/button
    movie clips).
    Rather than this ...
    tellTarget(this._parent.light4) {
    ... just refer to objects by instance name.
    Much cleaner code. Now, this isn't relevant in your case,
    but if that
    "light" symbol had another movie clip inside it, you could
    give *that*
    symbol an instance name, too. For example, you might name the
    bulb "bulb".
    If you needed to instruct that bulb movie clip, you could
    react it inside
    each instance of light like this ...
    // etc.
    It's just like folders and subfolders on your hard drive.
    Next, you've GOT to make sure you use the correct case.
    doesn't exist in ActionScript, but gotoAndPlay does.
    Thankfully, the
    ActionScript 2.0 Language Reference is only a click away, and
    script code changes color to indicate when you've spelled
    Next, while it's perfectly legal to use the on() event
    handler, it's
    also pretty old. It was deprecated as of Flash MX (aka Flash
    6), so use the
    approach I showed you in previous posts. Just use the clip's
    instance name
    and assign a function to its event.
    You want those instances of "net" to respond to mouse
    events. I gave
    each movie clip an instance name ... mcHome, mcCalendar,
    mcRecord, and so
    This allows you to neatly put all your code into frame 1 of
    the main
    timeline. No more hunting and pecking, having to click on
    each movie clip
    separately, etc.
    mcHome.onRollOver = function() {
    // instructions here
    That also means you don't have to keep repeating the import
    for each button. It's just much cleaner and more efficient.
    Give yourself
    a Scripts layer dedicated to scripts only, and put all your
    code there.
    Just remove all the on() stuff.
    Now here's the part that should make a halogen bulb go BOOM
    in your
    head. I'll repeat what you were asking:
    > I got the movement working but the thing i need now is
    > the puck to stay under the button when i mouse off.
    Okay. That means you want the puck not to start from its
    position every time. (In your Tween instantiation, you were
    always starting
    from 66.3 -- which of course means that's where the puck will
    start from
    every time.) So, how are you going to know where the puck is?
    Well, the puck is a movie clip -- so look up the MovieClip
    class. The
    MovieClip class lists a bunch of properties, which refer to
    of the object at hand. In other words, the MovieClip class
    TELLS YOU what
    properties are available to any movie clip out there --
    because classes
    define objects, and this is a movie clip object.
    So if you need to know where the puck is horizontally, look
    up its
    MovieClip._x property. Badda bing.
    mcHome.onRollOver = function() {
    new Tween(puck, "_x", Elastic.easeOut, puck._x, 58, .5,
    That puts the current _x value of the puck instance as the
    parameter of that Tween constructor. Make sense? Here's
    working code for
    your Flash banner ...
    import mx.transitions.Tween;
    import mx.transitions.easing.*;
    mcHome.onRollOver = function() {
    new Tween(puck, "_x", Elastic.easeOut, puck._x, 58, .5,
    mcHome.onRollOut = function() {
    light1.gotoAndPlay(this._currentframe + 70);
    mcHome.onRelease = function() {
    mcCalendar.onRollOver = function() {
    new Tween(puck, "_x", Elastic.easeOut, puck._x, 215, .5,
    mcCalendar.onRollOut = function() {
    light2.gotoAndPlay(this._currentframe + 70);
    mcCalendar.onRelease = function() {
    mcRecord.onRollOver = function() {
    new Tween(puck, "_x", Elastic.easeOut, puck._x, 373, .5,
    mcRecord.onRollOut = function() {
    light3.gotoAndPlay(this._currentframe + 70);
    mcRecord.onRelease = function() {
    mcTitans.onRollOver = function() {
    new Tween(puck, "_x", Elastic.easeOut, puck._x, 533, .5,
    mcTitans.onRollOut = function() {
    light4.gotoAndPlay(this._currentframe + 70);
    mcTitans.onRelease = function() {
    mcPressBox.onRollOver = function() {
    new Tween(puck, "_x", Elastic.easeOut, puck._x, 688, .5,
    mcPressBox.onRollOut = function() {
    light5.gotoAndPlay(this._currentframe + 70);
    mcPressBox.onRelease = function() {
    ... keeping in mind, of course, that each instance of the
    "net" movie clip
    needs the relevant instance name, and that each instance of
    the "light"
    movie clip should be named as shown from left to right. NO
    CODE exists as
    attached to any movie clips. It's all in frame 1 of a new
    layer named,
    arbitrarily, scripts. The correct case is in use --
    Elastic.easeOut, rather
    than elastic.easeOut (or easeIn, whatever you prefer). And
    make sure to
    correc the getURL() parameter as needed.
    > I owe you big time!
    If you really feel that way, I do have an Amazon Wish List.
    ;) Write
    me off line, if you're so inclined. I'll reply with your FLA.
    You're under
    NO obligation to buy me anything. I mean that. If the spirit
    moves you, I
    won't complain -- but write me so I know where to send you
    your FLA. I
    think seeing it will help you out.
    David Stiller
    Adobe Community Expert
    Dev blog,
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

  • Lunar effect in photoshop?

    could you tell me how can i recreate similar effect to this on the photo. (its taken from nasa,and i would like to apply to some landscapes that effect)
    Thank you

    The image is originally in color (as also evident in the Layers Panels in the screenshots).
    Topmost is Black & White Layer that takes care of that.
    Other than that the second montage was an arrangement of copies of a faked blank print with Layer Styles to fake some dimensionality.
    Copies of the original image converted to a Smart Object are clipping masked to those and a (slightly different) Curves Adjustment Layer added.
    As for the benefits of using a Smart Object in this case: one can easily edit the multiple instanced or switch in a different image.

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    here is the error summary:
    I am trying to install on a new macbook retina, I had installed the CC trial but it has run out. maybe I need to uninstall Creative cloud, but all the other programs installed with no problems so i am not sure why its just after effects.

    Thanks so much for your help, but i am encountering some issues with the log. In the link you posted I was directed to look for the log in library>logs>adobe>installers and that the file would consist of the product name/install date and end in .log.gz
    However I can't find and file that meets this description or even an installers folder inside the adobe folder
    ^this is all that is in the adobe folder, and both these folders are empty.
    There is another folder called adobe downloads which contains these files
    which still don't really fit the description provided.
    am i doing something wrong? or should i look somewhere else?
    thanks again

  • Trying to copy effect into anther project

    Sorry for the vague info. I created a movie and I am trying
    to add a text effect to the movie. The text effect contains an
    Actionscript. How do I transfer the effect to my movie in progress,
    short of rewriting the script.
    Merge two seperate files into one, or transfer effects from
    one file into another is the basic gist of what I am trying to do.

    ozdawg wrote:
    > Sorry for the vague info. I created a movie and I am
    trying to add a text
    > effect to the movie. The text effect contains an
    Actionscript. How do I
    > transfer the effect to my movie in progress, short of
    rewriting the script.
    You could "Copy Frames" and "Paste Frames". While doing it
    all the clips that
    are used on these frames and clips within these clips will
    automatically be
    transfered. Along the action script attached to frames.
    Best Regards
    !!!!!!! Merry Christmas !!!!!!!
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

  • Script command 'BOX WIDTH ...' TAKES NO EFFECT

       In my script ,i use many
    BOX WIDTH '32.4' CM HEIGHT '0.1' MM INTENSITY 100'
    command like this , but some of this didn't work, i dont
    know why ,pls help me, tks !!

    ye, it takes effect, thanks a lot!
    but i wonder why some '0.1' mm line can display and some cant?

  • Actionscript 3 photobooth upload photo with PHP

    Morning everyone, in this few days I search for a lot references online and tried to make my first photobooth program with actionscript and PHP, finally I had done the actionscript part, but when I tried to upload my photo which took from actionscript to server via php, the problem had come. I follow and modify from the references and tutorials I found online, but the php part never work, so the last choice for me is look for professional help here, and below is my source code, any professional please tell me where's the problem is, thanks!
    import com.adobe.images.JPGEncoder;
    var cam:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
    var video:Video = new Video(1900,940);
    video.x = 20;
    video.y = 20;
    import flash.display.Bitmap;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(video.width,video.height);
    var imgBD:BitmapData;
    var imgBitmap:Bitmap;
    //Frame choosing
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    var addGreen1:Green1 = new Green1();
    var addRed2:Red2 = new Red2();
    var addYellow3:Yellow3 = new Yellow3();
    var addBlue4:Blue4 = new Blue4();
    var addOrange5:Orange5 = new Orange5();
    btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnone);
    function btnone(event:MouseEvent):void {
    addGreen1.x= 0
    addGreen1.y= 0
    btn2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btntwo);
    function btntwo(event:MouseEvent):void {
    addRed2.x= 0
    addRed2.y= 0
    btn3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnthree);
    function btnthree(event:MouseEvent):void {
    addYellow3.x= 0
    addYellow3.y= 0
    btn4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnfour);
    function btnfour(event:MouseEvent):void {
    addBlue4.x= 0
    addBlue4.y= 0
    btn5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnfive);
    function btnfive(event:MouseEvent):void {
    addOrange5.x= 0
    addOrange5.y= 0
    //button for user confirm the frame
    btn_cframe.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btn_cf)
    function btn_cf(event:MouseEvent):void {
              btn1.visible = false;
              btn2.visible = false;
              btn3.visible = false;
              btn4.visible = false;
              btn5.visible = false;
              shotBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startCountdown);
    //shot or remove button
    var timer1:Timer = new Timer(6000);
    timer1.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, countdowntimer);
    var addcd_number:Cd_number = new Cd_number();
    shotBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startCountdown);
    function startCountdown(event:MouseEvent) {
              //trigger countdown graphic
              addcd_number.x= 788;
              addcd_number.y= 355;
              shotBtn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startCountdown);
    function countdowntimer(e:Event){
              removeBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, removeSnapshot);
              sendBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, uploadImage);
        imgBD = new BitmapData(1920,994);
        imgBitmap = new Bitmap(imgBD);
    function removeSnapshot(event:MouseEvent):void {
        shotBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startCountdown);
              removeBtn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, removeSnapshot);
              sendBtn.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, uploadImage);
    // for connect the php side
    function uploadImage(e:MouseEvent):void {
      var myEncoder:JPGEncoder = new JPGEncoder(100);
      var byteArray:ByteArray = myEncoder.encode(bitmapData);
      var header:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/octet-stream");
      var saveJPG:URLRequest = new URLRequest("post.php?photosNo=" + input_txt.text);
      saveJPG.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
      saveJPG.data = byteArray;
      var urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
      navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://www.google.com"),"_self");
      $jpg = $GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"];
      $photosNo = $_GET["photosNo"];
      $filename = "images1/". mktime(). ".jpg";   
      if ($photosNo != 1 && $photosNo != 2 && $photosNo != 3 && $photosNo != 4 && $photosNo != 5) {
        $photosNo = "watermark";
      $overlaying = "images1/" . $photosNo .".png";   
      $icon = imagecreatefrompng($overlaying);   
      file_put_contents($filename, $jpg);   
      $src_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($filename);  
      imagecopy ($src_img,$icon,0,0,0,0,30,30);   
      imagejpeg($src_img, $filename);   
    } else{
       echo "Encoded JPEG information not received.";
    $date = date("Ymd"); 
    $sql = "INSERT INTO webcam_booth (picurl,date) VALUES('$filename','$date')"; 
      if(!mysql_query($sql, $con)) {
         die("ERROR!" . mysql_error());
       } else {
    Thanks for your time !

    Hi Moccamaximum,
    My bad, it is the first time I post some question about coding online, so I don't really know what kind of information should I provide beside the code and what I had met.
    1. The "Photobooth program" I mentioned actually is use the Flash actionscript 3 to create the Flash program with photo shooting and frame choosing function, but not any existing program.
    2. Can be consider a plugin as after I finish the Flash and PHP part, I will import it into HTML.
    3. There's not any error in Flash, but the problem is, after I used the Flash to take the photo with webcam, it cannot upload into the folder which in the online server with PHP.
    4. This is the first time I work with PHP, but I do a lot of research online and these are the main references I follow with:
    5. Yap, I used an online server to tested.
    6. This one should be a basic php function, but I will double check about that.
    Thank you

  • Any ideas how to achieve this effect?

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  • Stretch effect

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    created another layer using the same text for a second effect after the slide in from left has ended. I added this at the end of the slide in animation
    I converted the text  to a movie clip, double clicked to bring up the sub time line ( I want the effect to loop)
    I now cannot see how to gain the effect I want.
    Simply if I have the text
    I want the text to stretch into A B C D so that the letters stretch in both the x and y axis with the spaces increasing as well. Imagine the type on a balloon and then stretch the balloon.
    Can anyone tell me how to get this effect

    Just create a three-keyframed (not 3 framed) timeline tween using the movieclip of the text where you stretch the instance in the middle keyframe to whatever proportions you intend, just like it would happen on a balloon.  At the last frame of it you tell it to go to the second frame of it.
    If you want the spaces between to change more than they would stretching a balloon, then you will need to animate each letter individually.

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  • Fog effect in front of static image?

    hello community,
    i'm a beginner concerining Adobe After effects. I just spent about 3 hours searching the web how to create a neboulus effect in front of a static image(made with fotoshop) the fog machine preset looks good but (as far as i know) you can't put an image behind it. Further i  want the fog to dissapear after 10 seconds. Is there a simple possibility without rendering the z-axis and creating 3d effect with cinema 4d etc? I'd greatly appreciate a response, or at least a tutorial/youtube vid or something like this. ( I'm sorry for my english, in my country there are no helpful instructions for Adobe after effects)
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    but (as far as i know) you can't put an image behind it.
    Blending Modes
    Shift Channels
    Further i  want the fog to dissapear after 10 seconds.
    Animation and Keyframes

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    Depending on your needs, it's usually better to create muzzle flashes in Motion or After Effects.

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    thanks in advance.

    please suggest someone

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