Effects Titles lock up FCPX / 10.8.2

Just got a new imac i7, 16gb RAM, Fusion Drive, GTX680mx, events and projects on Promise R6, FCPX version 10.0.7
Seem to have the most issues with placing effects on h.264 1080p footage, started to optimize imported footage or convert to .mov, but it still seems random.
However, everytime I try and place a title effect pixie dust or far far away the entire computer locks up. Mouse will not respond, can not force quit, have to end up holding power button down. This will happen if I place the effect on an empty timeline, but does not lock up until I edit the effect, change font or color.
I've deleted the fcpx preference, checked the font book.
Could it be the fusion drive? I already have about 400gb of data on the drive.

I just tried to replicate your problem. Could not. (See screen shot. I changed the parameters, etc.) Since it's brand new... (and I'm sure you have AppleCare) I'd call and ask for ProApp support. This seems odd. You've plenty of RAM and proc power. My only question would be, how much headroom do you have above that 400 gigs? (The expert users say you should have at least 20% to spare.) But, again... I'd call Apple Care on this one.
I've no experience with "Fusion." Supposedly, it can "virtually" split into two drives... distancing your App from media, etc.

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    Another alternative is to publish the M5 project as a FCP generator.
    I use that approach with opens for a couple of reasons: easier to locate (for my set up); and on occasion I may need to tweak something for a specific show in the future in some unanticipated way.
    Good luck.

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    Sample.png ‏7 KB

    I would say what you see is expected behavior, even though it's a bit complicated.
    The "Lock front panel until the event case for this event completes" option will only defer clicks and other things generating events until the current event handler completes. So this means that the click is placed in a queue and only evaluated once the event is finished. At this time, the button is no longer disabled, so an event is generated.
    When the "Lock front panel until the event case for this event completes" is not checked, the click is immediately evaluated, but it's happening on a disabled control, so it does not generate an event.
    From the LV help:
    By default, when an event enters a queue, LabVIEW locks the front panel that contains the object that generated that event. LabVIEW keeps the front panel locked until all Event structures finish handling the event. While the front panel is locked, LabVIEW does not process front panel activity but places those interactions in a buffer and handles them when the front panel is unlocked.
    Note If an event case that locks the front panel takes a significant amount of time to execute, consider using the Set Busy function or displaying a dialog box to notify the user that the front panel is locked.

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    Preferences do get corrupted rather often, and deleting them is usually one of the first thing one tries whenever something strange happens in FCP X.
    How exactly did you delete the preferences? The current method of choice is by holding down the command and option keys when starting the application and then confirming when the dialog box comes up.
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    Although I haven't done an complete inventory, AFAIK all the Motion filters are available in FCP. Some of them offer more parameter adjustments than the ones in FCP. If you're referring to custom effects, you could create them in Motion with drop zones and save them as templates.
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    Good luck.

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    You would probably find more direct help by talking to other Nikon shooters who use FCPX. M
    I don't know anything about the Nikon codec or why it might be giving you trouble while others do not but have you tried simply transcoding the footage to ProRes422? Your files will expand by a factor or three or four but you will not have these difficulties.

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    I doubt the audio problem you describe has to do with the number of audio tracks you use or how you've used them. In fact, I'm not even sure it has anything to do with iMovie. These things get complicated real fast, and this project has gotten complicated.
    You've imported video clips created in a different application to iMovie to join them together, then passed the iMovie project along to iDVD. Apparently something in that process is affecting iDVD's ability to encode the audio. That's not too surprising, actually. If there's a tiny audio flaw anywhere, iDVD may not be able to encode the DVD properly, causing an audible defect. (iDVD's job is convert an iMovie project to the MPEG-2 format used by DVD players. If the material we hand it isn't perfect, we might hear a burp. Interestingly, the burp may be more obvious on some DVD players than others.)
    You said Photo to Movie movies work fine sent straight to iDVD. But that never "joins" the clips in the same way as importing them to iMovie does. iDVD encoding each separately doesn't present the same challenge as joining them in one movie. Joining requires a perfect match.
    The solution may be to export the iMovie project to a Full Quality movie that you import to iDVD. Exporting to Full Quality will export to a QuickTime movie that's a DV Stream. That will "flatten" the audio, making it far easier for iDVD to handle. If there's a "burp" where clips come together, exporting might eliminate it. Or a least change the burp into sweet silence.
    That's where I'd start. Export the iMovie project to a Full Quality movie. Drag that movie into the window of a new iDVD project.
    If that still doesn't work, there's one more thing to try. It sometimes helps to slow down the burn speed. Instead of using iDVD to burn the DVD — which doesn't let us slow it down — use iDVD to create a disk image of the encoded video. Use the File > Save as Disk Image command to create a disk images instead of burning a DVD. (Not available in older versions of iDVD.) Open that disk image in Disk Utility and use Disk Utility to burn the DVD, choosing the slowest burn rate possible.
    Keep us posted.

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    Since the timing of the texts is consistent throughout, you can place two Spin title instances end to end together in the storyline. To make the end of the first one match up with the beginning (previous lines fade out and drift away) of the second one, place a default Cross Dissolve transition  between the two (1 second 15 frames duration seems to work quite well). If you can't use up all eight combined text entries, delete the text lines you don't need from the end. If you try to trim the second title instance, you will speed up the timing on the animation. To get around that, select both title instances (with the transition) and create a compound clip. Delete the titles from the storyline, add the compound clip, and trim the end as needed.

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    OSX 10.8.2

    Sorry, here is what I know from the questions on the FAQ
    After Effects CS5
    No recent updates
    Mac OSX 10.8.2
    No Source footage Just trying to open a new comp
    No error message
    It happens when I click anything on the top menu bar see image
    It was working fine for about a week before it started doing this.
    Running no other software
    No third-party effects
    Processor 3.33 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon Memory 32 GB
    No third-party hardware
    I'm not using OpenGL
    It happens when I click the top menu bar
    I'm not using Multiple frame processing.
    If I open AE and not a project it will lock up when I click in the top menu bar.
    If I open a project I can use the tools and windows, but if I click the top menu bar or use a short cut that is from the top menu bar it will lock up.

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    Specifially, I go into the Titles Browser and select "Gradient - Edge" which I then drag onto the timeline for my video. I then have to manually go into the Inspector to make the appropriate changes.
    I have a series of videos that will all use the same text and would like to know if there was any way to save my changes in "Gradient - Edge" and then simply drag it to my video each time I want to use it, all with the same text and modifications.
    I'm using Final Cut Pro X 10.0 on a 13" MacBook mid 2010 Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4
    Many thanks.

    I can think of two ways to achieve this.
    1) Create an empty compound clip in the Event Browser, open it in the timeline, add the generators and titles you want, adjust everything to your liking.
    This will be there in the Event library to reuse over and over again.
    I do this often and I even have a specific event, which I called Templates (but, of course, could be called anything meaningful) for the purpose of keeping the stuff that I reuse often.
    2) Control-click on the title or generator, and choose "Open a copy in Motion".
    Then you can adjust everything in Motion and have a new title or generator (they can be both practically the same thing) rigged (pun intended!) just the way you like it, right there in the generator browser in FCP X.
    Message was edited by: Luis Sequeira1

  • Template page title locked

    I have created a template and DW CS4 has automatically placed
    the page title in the non-editable region of the document. When I
    create any pages using the template it will not allow me to rename
    them. How do I fix this?

    This is the sign of an improperly made template.
    Do this -
    Create a new page (Basic HTML).
    Use FILE | Save as Template....
    Look at the code in the head region of the page, particularly
    the editable
    region around the <title> tag, and the other editable
    region in the head
    called "head".
    Make your template file look like that.
    Always use FILE | Save as Template when you create your
    templates and you
    won't have this problem again.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "csteed" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ghqtd8$pk6$[email protected]..
    >I have created a template and DW CS4 has automatically
    placed the page
    >title in
    > the non-editable region of the document. When I create
    any pages using the
    > template it will not allow me to rename them. How do I
    fix this?
    > Chris

Maybe you are looking for