EFI Firmware Update 2.2 but still old firmware version?

Just installed the new firmware update for early 2011 MBP. According to apple I should get a new boot rom version (MBP81.88Z.0047.B1E.1109091244). System Information still shows MBP81.0047.B1E. I wonder if anybody else has experienced the same and of course if the install went through or not. I did not experience any problem during the update. Power was plugged in, everything happend as it should - except for the boot rom version that still says I have 2.1...
Tried the whole process again and now I get the message that I can't run the update on my system...

Has everyone reported this directly to Apple through Feedback?
I have the same result of Boot ROM version reported in System Info still being the same pre-update. However, I have not experienced any operational problem, so it's "no harm, no foul," except I do not know about Lion Recovery.
I suspect if we all give feedback to Apple they'll figure it out and fix it.
Oops. I just went back to the firmware update download page, and the text has been changed to reflect that "Boot ROM Version will be: MBP81.0047.B1E."
So I guess it got noticed.

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    These program will help you.
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    Which SRM version are you using ? <b>We encountered the Same Issue long time back -></b>
    Are you updating the Addresses in Web Transaction or using SAP GUI (SU01 transaction) ?
    <b><u>Please go through the following SAP OSS Notes below, which will definitely help -></u></b>
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    Hi CursedIn,
    If the Firmware update required for Mavericks requires 10.7.5 to install, you may be able to download it directly from the following link:
    OS X Lion Update 10.7.5 (Client Combo)
    - Brenden

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    Go to the  Applications folder.
    Highlight Messages
    Do a Get Info  (See File Menu for Keystrokes)
    Change it from Opening in 32Bit mode to an unticked box (64bit mode)
    Restart Messages
    9:02 PM      Tuesday; March 13, 2012
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    This issues occurs because of the connectivity issue. (You can refer the steps from here : : Sign in, activation, or connection errors | CS5.5 and later)
    In a Finder window, choose Go > Go To Folder.
    Type /etc.
    Select the hosts file and open it.
    Back up the hosts file: Choose File > Save As, save the file as hosts.backup, and then click OK.
    Search the hosts file for entries that reference activate.adobe.com (for example, activate.adobe.com) and delete these entries.
    Save and close the file.
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    Sign out and Sign in to the Creative Cloud Desktop App, refer the link for steps : Sign out, Sign in | Creative Cloud Desktop app
    Hope this will resolve your issue.
    Thank you.

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    Apps will always be tied to the account from which it is purchased and will always have to updated suing that account.

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    Oh okay. I'm not up on all the computer lingo.
    Name: Flash10n.ocx                        Type: ActiveX Control
    Name: FlashInstall.log                      Type: Text Document
    Name: FlashUtil10n_ActiveX.dll       Type: Application Extension
    Name: FlashUtil10n_ActiveX.exe     Type: Application
    Name: install.log                              Type:Text Document
    The above Names and Types for the names is what is in the Windows link above.
    Let me know if you need more info.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Verify that System Profiler in Hardware Overview shows both:
    "Boot ROM Version: IM41.0055.B03"
    "SMC Version: 1.1f5"
    If so, the installation is permanent, and if you have not yet done so, delete the now obsolete Firmware installer from your desktop or downloads folder (whichever one you have chosen).

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    Contrary to the misleading impressions given by the marketing copy on the Adobe webite, the new CC versions of the Cloud apps are not available until June 17 (Adobe time - probably San Jose - W Coast USA)
    Should arrive in the Cloud within the next 24 hours.

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