Elements 13 - Clips won't shift after trimming

Working in PrE 13, after trimming clips on the expert timeline, the following clips stopped shifting for me in the middle of a project. I need them to shift, similar to a ripple edit. Has anyone experienced this? Is there an easy remedy that I'm missing?

Thanks for the reply.
It could very easily be the project deteriorating because of computer resources and complexity of the Timeline content. But, it might also be the nature of the clips that are now
surrounding your area of interest (content on track above or below or adjacent to). Have you explored that areas of interest before and after the problem set in.
I am not sure how much you would gain from the point of reversing the situation that you are in, but you might try starting a new project to determine if you can get the shifting that you lost in the problem project.
Just be careful that you do not box yourself into a situation where the project will not open. Do you see any other signs of performance deterioration? Is it possible that you are moving faster than the project under those circumstances and not giving the project enough time to respond to your command?
I will be watching for further news in the morning.

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    Yes and no help.
    See discussion
    Please visit http://www.adobe.com/support/contact if there are more questions for Adobe. Thank you.
    General Info
    Chat start time      Dec 13, 2013 6:52:37 AM EST
    Chat end time      Dec 13, 2013 7:08:55 AM EST
    Duration (actual chatting time)      00:16:18
    Operator      Vaibhav
    Chat Transcript
    info: Hi, there are several customer(s) in line ahead of you. We'll be with you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience. 
    You might also try our community forums, where experts are online 24/7.  
    info: You are now chatting with 'Vaibhav'
    Vaibhav: Hello. Welcome to Adobe Technical Support.
    Vaibhav: Please allow me a moment while I look into your account & verify the details.
    Jerry: okay will wait
    Vaibhav: Can you elaborate the issue please?
    Jerry: I've been trying to open the app, its does not open it give me an error
    Vaibhav: Well we are getting many customer with this issue
    Vaibhav: premiere elements 11 is not compatible with MAC 10.9
    Jerry: okay what are you doing to resolve the problem
    Vaibhav: Well if there will be any update we would inform all the customers right now we have send this to engineering
    Jerry: A friend of mine was sent a link that allowed them to reinstall the application and they were also given a serial number as well can't you do the same for me I really need to use this application asap
    Vaibhav: for this you need to contact customer services or sales
    Jerry: I'm not looking into buying a new copy I NEED HELP!!!!!!
    Vaibhav: Well we can not help in this case as this version was released before mac 10.9
    Vaibhav: and if you want to use it on MAC 10.9 you would need to purchase Premiere Elements 12 and for that need to contact sales
    Jerry: It looks like I am not going to get the same help as every one,just no that you've lost a customer in me
    Vaibhav: Well there is nothing that we on chat or phone can do in this
    Vaibhav: Thank you for contacting Adobe. Good Bye.
    info: Your chat transcript will be sent to [email protected] at the end of your chat.

  • HELP - PE10 - clips move by themselves after trimming/splitting

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    You are most welcome.
    Not exactly how Adobe determined that the default for PrE should be the Ripple, as it is the Insert with PrPro. I suppose that they studied how their two, different target markets worked, and decided that PrE-users would want Ripple most often, while PrPro-users would want Insert - they are just the opposite, though that Ctrl/Cmd modifier key swaps from the default in each program. As I use both, I often have to pinch myself, to remember which program I am in, to determine if I want Ripple, or Insert.
    For general editing, the Ripple is the most useful, at least in my Projects, but doing music video, I can certainly see why you would want Ripple OFF, as things could easily get messy.
    Glad that it worked for you, and happy editing,

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    I find that splitting a clip is much easier then trimming.
    So I tend to scroll through to where I want to make and edit, and then split the clip, and delete the bit to cut out.
    And then you can go as close as about .4 seconds.
    Sadly iMovie iOS isn't really made for fast cuts.
    So the only advise I can give is to split clips to get them shorter.

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    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Quoting Steve:
    "I'll say it once more: It's impossible to cut a piece of video and then resave your file.....[because] IT'S [against] THE NATURE OF EDITING VIDEO WITH EVERY VIDEO EDITING SOFTWARE IN THE WORLD."
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    I'm very pleased to say that I've found out how to do exactly what I wanted to do, despite Steve's strongly stated opinion that it is "impossible."
    I can:
    ..... trim or split a video
    ..... and save it under the same name or a different name(s)
    ..... WITHOUT converting it to something else before or after trimming
    ..... WITHOUT changing it from its original format
    ..... WITHOUT exporting (compressing) it
    ..... WITHOUT "rendering" it different in any way except my desired length change (and resulting smaller file size)
    This is desireable to me in order to:
    ..... save many gigs of space on my terabyte drives
    ..... while retaining source file footage that may be useful in future projects
    ..... IN ITS ORIGINAL (source) FORMAT !!!!!
    I got thinking about the software that came with my camera.  I didn't install it because it included things like a program to handle RAW images (and I prefer to use Adobe Lightroom 3) and a program that I thought might be similar to Bridge (and I really like Adobe Bridge).
    But I decided to install it and see if there was anything there that would allow me to work with the videos and sure enough, there it was - the ability to trim my videos of the junk while keeping the rest in original perfect format, just as it was shot. From a user's point of view, it is a precise video version of cropping a still image in Photoshop.  EXACTLY what I wanted to do!!!
    Here is a collage of the properties box of the "before" version (the original original), collaged together with the  properties box of the "after" version (the trimmed original).  The properties boxes are the properties as reported by Adobe Premiere Elements 9.
    In the above-shown collage of the screenshots that I've made for you, you can see that nothing has changed in terms of the properties.  The only changes are the length (because I cut it), the file size (because it is MUCH smaller now), and the name (because I wanted to preserve the original file in order to make a screenshot of its properties for you). I WANT TO REPEAT - the new CUT file is identical to the original, except the unwanted portion has been cropped away. It was NOT compressed, it was NOT rendered, it was NOT exported.  It is a true source file utilizing original footage in its original format.
    (This forum limits images to 450 pix wide so to see that all the relevant format properties are the same in both properties boxes, you may have to increase the size through your browser by holding down the [Ctrl] and hitting the "=" key (the one with the "+" above the "=" sign).)
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Here are the steps I took to make the screenshot above:
    1 - Opened the original file in Canon ZoomBrowser EX 6.7 (which came with the camera).
    2 - Trimmed ("cut") the file by placing a start point and stop point around the desirable footage.
    3 - Saved under a different file name.  (NOTE:  This was a true save, NOT an export, NOT a "render" of some sort.)
    4 - Switched to Adobe Premiere Elements 9 and started a new "project."
    5 - Used "Get Media" to pull the original version and the cut version of the video into the project.  NOTE:  I pulled the cut version in first, so if there had been a format mismatch (as compared with the DSLR-1080p30 @29.97 setting I normally use when creating a new project), Premiere would have said so.  But there was NOT a format mismatch.  And it runs perfectly, just as it did before, including audio.
    6 - Right clicked each video and took a screenshot of the properties of each to show you.
    And this means I can use the trimmed footage for any purpose down the road, yet I didn't have to save the entire file which included unwanted footage.  And I've saved a considerable amount of space on one of my terabyte drives.
    Easy as pie:
    I trimmed the excess off a video WITHOUT "converting," "exporting," "compressing," "rendering" or changing the format away from the original in any way.
    No loss of any type of data whether audio or visual or "other."  (Except, of course, the unwanted footage.)

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    attach a screenshot of what pops up after clicking pse 12, http://forums.adobe.com/thread/963429

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    Whether or not you are doing a slideshow as you are, the Premiere Elements "gap" may not close with use of the "Delete and Close Gap" command. This is typically due to content being on the upper tracks. When this happens you use the mouse cursor to move the clips together to fill the gap. Often holding down the Alt key of the computer main keyboard as you make Timeline additions or maneuvers avoids disturbing other components of the Timeline.
    But, I would ask this...what did you use for the Output option for the Photoshop Elements 11 slideshow in its Editor? Did you use Edit With Premiere Elements Editor? And, if so, did you right click the slideshow when it arrived on the Premiere Elements Timeline, followed by the selection of the command "Break Apart Elements Organizer Slideshow"?
    Where are you trimming these video clips? In the Preview Windows Set In and Set Out points? Or, by using the split clip tab on the stem of the Timeline Indicator?
    The techniques mentioned above should take care of the issues that you mentioned. If not, please let us know and supply more details, including details of your workflow from the time the slideshow first arrives as a whole video (.psess) on the Premiere Elements Timeline.

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    Does anyone else have this problem?
    I have had this problem both in 10.6 and 10.8
    Regards Robin Hansson

    When rebooting the computer, the display sleeps after set interval and can manually be put to sleep using shift+ctrl+eject.
    However if the computer goes to sleep or I myself close the lid to make it sleep, the display won't sleep again.
    The display won't sleep after set interval in power settings and when I press shift+ctrl+eject the keyboard backlit turns off but the screen stays on.
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    I have tried resetting SMC and NVRAM but to no avail.
    I have the first generation aluminium macbook.
    Does anyone else have this problem?
    I have had this problem both in 10.6 and 10.8
    Regards Robin Hansson

  • Why won't iMovie voiceover clips won't play sound!

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    At this point I recorded another clip to add thinking my problem was fixed, but alas that voicover clip played no sound. I thought I might try running through the entire project again to see if that would help like the last time. But no, that was not the case, in fact even more sound clips have stopped working.
    I read in a lot of other threads that it might be a corrupt clip and it will have a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in it (or a spinnign circle?), but none of the clips have this! Is there something I need to do to see the triangle, if that is the problem? Or is it something completely different?
    Please help me I desperately need to get this working by tonight!

    Sorry, but there's a dedicated discussion forum for iMovie, where you might be luckier finding help.

  • Durations of clips are Randomly shifting - HELP

    I normally work in Final Cut Pro, and needed to do a piece in iMovie due to the fact I'm traveling and do not have FCP on the computer I'm working on. I've been building a cut out of still images, 3 different songs, fades, transitions, etc. and as I move forward towards the end and add images, music all the work I've already done keeps shifting, the timing keeps changing, and I have to go back and re-time everything - this is ridiculous. Durations of clips in the beginning of the cut are RANDOMLY changing - I just don't understand, but it is doing it. Everytime a clip randomly changes - everything after it shifts. I have no choice, this is for a family event and I do not have the time to redo in FCP or keep re-timing this piece - is there any way to lock the picture to audio as I go?? I am working in the latest versions of iMovie/OSX, etc. - thank you.

    One thought immediately comes to mind. When inserting a new transition are you sometimes changing the default duration of the transition in the Inspector? If so, make sure that the box entitled "Applies to all transitions" is NOT checked (ticked). If it is ticked, then all clips with transitions may have their duration changed (depending on the type of transition) due to the transition's length changing. Some transitions use extra frames from the clips when increasing the duration of the transition, for example, Cross Dissolve.

  • Restoring quicktime to original length after "trim to selection" debacle.

    After trimming a selection in Quicktime Pro, I accidentally saved the file, now I have a one-minute clip that is 9.7 GB on the hard drive. I'm using QTpro 7.1.5, how do I get my file back to the original length?
    I have seen this issue post on this forum twice before, and have tried the replace "free" with "moov" fixes posted there. However, that solution was for a QT 7.0 file, and there are some discrepancies ("[free" is "fREe" and when I change it to "moov", I get an unopenable file).
    A freind suggested dragging the whole thing into Final Cut, does anyone know if that will work?
    Please help.

    hi lown,
    I had the same problem as you, accidentally saved an unwanted trim over my original quicktime file. I found a solution based on this discussion:
    Basically you need a Hex editor to search and replace "free" to "moov" in the quicktime file. You can use a Hex editor like this one called Hex Fiend,
    The thing is not to use "find and replace all" instead, only find the "free" that makes sense in a line, instead of the ones combined together with other characters (without spacing).
    Hope it works for you. After you edited it, save it as a separate file.

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    it just reads "Lightroom-Opening Catalog:New Years Day 2014 031.JPG.Ircat   assertion failed!
    New Years day 2014 is a folder and 031 is the picture in the folder that I tried to enhance in the 30 day free trial of Lightroom 3.  I bought Lightroom 5 from B &H and it appears to be hung up on the Lightroom 3 trial.
    kglad <[email protected]> wrote:
    kglad http://forums.adobe.com/people/kglad created the discussion
    "Re: Lightroom 5 won't load after 30 day trial of Lightroom3 error."
    To view the discussion, visit: http://forums.adobe.com/message/6048439#6048439

  • My illustrator won't open after I install

    my illustrator won't open after I install

    I believe you may as well go straight to 6) on the list.
    The following is a general list of things you may try when the issue is not in a specific file (you may have tried/done some of them already); 1) and 2) are the easy ones for temporary strangenesses, and 3) and 4) are specifically aimed at possibly corrupt preferences); 5) is a list in itself, and 6) is the last resort.
    If possible/applicable, you should save curent artwork first, of course.
    1) Close down Illy and open again;
    2) Restart the computer (you may do that up to 3 times);
    3) Close down Illy and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift/Cmd+Option+Shift during startup (easy but irreversible);
    4) Move the folder (follow the link with that name) with Illy closed (more tedious but also more thorough and reversible);
    5) Look through and try out the relevant among the Other options (follow the link with that name, Item 7) is a list of usual suspects among other applications that may disturb and confuse Illy, Item 15) applies to CC, CS6, and maybe CS5);
    Even more seriously, you may:
    6) Uninstall, run the Cleaner Tool (if you have CS3/CS4/CS5/CS6/CC), and reinstall.

  • Mac mini won't boot after RAM upgrade.

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    2. Holding option at start-up, shows no icon.
    3. Holding shift, no luck.
    4. Holding X, nothing.
    How do I get it to accept a CD if it won't boot?

    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    You clearly have a problem, but you don't describe exactly what that is other than that your mini won't boot after the upgrade. What happens when it starts up? Does it attempt to start and hang up on the grey or blue screens, or does it start beeping at you almost immediately after you try and start it up, and also flash the power light?
    If the former, then you may have dislodged a connector while working inside the system, in which case opening it up and checking that everything is firmly connected would be the first thing to do. If the latter, then the beeping/light flashing is the system telling you it has failed the power-on self test and the pattern of beeps/lights indicates why. In your case likely the system can't find workable memory. In that instance, opening the system and ensuring that the RAM is firmly and fully seated would be a good step, and if the mini continues to fail, then replacing the new RAM with the original to test that the system will then start.
    It is not likely that anything had damaged your MacOS install in the process of upgrading, thus normally no reason to need to boot to CD as a result of a RAM issue.

Maybe you are looking for