Elements 8 breaks my PC

I have a new copy of Elements 8 but every time I instal it my PC then refuses to start. I get as far as the starting windows screen then the PC switches its self off. This happens every tine until I use system restore to remove Elements. The only information I can find is that a Windows 7 Auto Failover is happening. This PC is only 2 months old so I tried a fresh instal of Windows 7 64 bit then installing Elements and the same thing happens.
My Pc is as follows :
Intel i7 930
gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R Motherboard
6 GB Corsair Ram
ATI 5770 Graphics
Samsung F3 1 GB Hard drive
LG Blue Ray Drive
Windows 7 64 Bit
Any ideas ?

Go to My Adobe at the top of this page, then follow the link to My Products.
You'll see your list of activated products there as well as a link to Customer Service, who will help you.

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    I think your best plan if you are going to continue this workflow (opening PDFs in Illustrator Land) is to just save your Illustrator files as native .ai files but turn on "Create PDF Compatible File" in your Save options.
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    Be very careful of combining Acrobat pages from different PDFs where the users used different resources for their fonts, such as a PDF generated from a Mac using Type 1 fonts and a PDF from a Windows machine using Truetype fonts. Even if they are, per say, the same font, such as Helvetica, this could cause many problems down the line. Even if both source PDFs are from Mac machines, make sure they are both using the same font libraries.

  • Sorting Some Myths & Facts About Premiere Elements 9

    Steve Grisetti,
    Part 1 Photoshop Elements Premiere Elements Slide Show Integration
    If you recall, we went down the following Photoshop Elements Premiere Elements integration road when Premiere Elements 8.0 was released. And, I fear we need to go down that road again.
    In spite of the fact (and for whatever reason Adobe persists in saying what it does in its Read Me), you do not have to have Photoshop Elements 9 installed with Premiere Elements 9 in order to use the Photoshop Elements Slide Show Editor Output Option "Edit With Premiere Elements", to get a seamless transfer from Photoshop Elements to Premiere Elements, and to have the Premiere Elements Break Apart command available.
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    Photoshop Elements 7.0/Premiere Elements 9.0
    Photoshop Elements 8.0/Premiere Elements 9.0
    Photoshop Elements 9.0/Premiere Elements 9.0
    as was the case (shown over and over by myself and large number of others)
    Photoshop Elements 6.0/Premiere Elements 8.0
    Photoshop Elements 7.0/Premiere Elements 8.0
    Photoshop Elements 8.0/Premiere Elements 8.0
    Part 2. Premiere Elements 9.0 New Feature: Automatic Change of Project Preset
    At another web site you are featuring a video on this subject where you drag a HD 1080i30 video into a DV Standard project and get a Mismatched Project Setting dialog for changing the project preset from DV Standard to HD1080i30. You do point out that this change is possible ONLY if it is done with the first such clip dragged to the Timeline. However, the impression is a generalization for MORE. I have found that the reverse situation DOES NOT WORK (no dialog) if you bring a DV AVI into a project set up for HD 1080i30. I have not gone through all the possible scenarios, but suspect that the feature has limited application. I make this comment now to fend off questions from users who ask why does this NOT work for me when they are repeating your demo to the last detail (they think) but using a different combo of project preset and file format.
    I have not had time to organize a first look thread here, but I thought that these two points justified themselves as forerunners of what is to come.

    Steve Grisetti
    I would respectfully ask if you did any testing of the Automatic Change of Project Preset feature of Premiere Elements 9 beyond what you demo’d in your mini video tutorial on the matter?
    Earlier in this thread I wrote the following in which I mentioned doubts about a possible limited application for this new “Automatic Change of Project Preset” feature for Premiere Elements 9. Now I am getting to wonder if there are major glitches in the reliability of this feature and if users should be depending on its recommendation blindly.
    First what I wrote initially……
    “Part 2. Premiere Elements 9.0 New Feature: Automatic Change of Project Preset
    At another web site you are featuring a video on this subject where you drag a HD 1080i30 video into a DV Standard project and get a Mismatched Project Setting dialog for changing the project preset from DV Standard to HD1080i30. You do point out that this change is possible ONLY if it is done with the first such clip dragged to the Timeline. However, the impression is a generalization for MORE. I have found that the reverse situation DOES NOT WORK (no dialog) if you bring a DV AVI into a project set up for HD 1080i30. I have not gone through all the possible scenarios, but suspect that the feature has limited application. I make this comment now to fend off questions from users who ask why does this NOT work for me when they are repeating your demo to the last detail (they think) but using a different combo of project preset and file format.”
    Second, Latest Developments
    A user at another forum that I frequent posted that, after allowing the Mismatched Project Setting dialog to change the project preset for him, he could not get the Timeline video reflected in the Edit Mode Monitor although he could get the file audio.
    The details were these:
    Video was from a Canon SX10 IS recorded as 640 x 480 with a video codec described by gspot as Name: AVC1 Codec: H.264. The video had a .mov file extension. (The results to follow were independent of whether I changed the file extension from .mov to .avi or .mpg.) Although it was not spelled out, I believe this to be an AVCHD Lite file.
    When the project preset (new project dialog) was set at NTSC DV Standard (720 x 480) and the file imported into Premiere Elements 9, the Mismatched Project Setting dialog appeared to which the user clicked YES. That YES set the project preset to NTSC/Flip/Flip Mino and Ultra 30p which is shown as 640 x 480 with Editing Mode = “Sony XDCAM EX 720p”.
    When the video was dragged to the Timeline, there was no video reflected in the Edit Mode Monitor, however the audio could be heard as the Timeline content playback progressed from beginning to end. Not ever was there a red line over this Timeline content. This suggested to me that the program was recognizing this video as its new native format AVCHD. If you made a minor edit to the video to force a red line over its content, rendering the Timeline in the Edit Mode DID permit the video to display in the Edit Mode Monitor.
    Until more information is available on this new feature, in this specific case, my recommendation to this user was to use the NTSC DV Standard project preset AND say NO to the Premiere Elements 9 Mismatched Project Setting dialog.  And, when the video (640 x 480) was on the Timeline, it was suggested that the user use Properties Palette/Motion Panel/Scale properties to get rid of any tiny black borders to the left and right in the Edit Mode Template.
    However, the finally puzzlement to this case is that if the user continues in the program's recommended Flip project preset (without a video display in the Edit Mode Monitor) to Share, the export displays both video and audio just fine.
    In case I did not mention it, going direct from the new project dialog/ NTSC Flip Flip Mino and Ultra 30p yielded the same results…no video but audio in the Edit Mode Monitor of the video on the Timeline. My evaluation of the issue was done using a Canon SX10 IS sample video downloaded from the Internet.

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    Trent Schwartz

    This seems to work with FrameMaker 12:
    #target framemaker
    setupNotifications ();
    function setupNotifications () {
        // Set notifications for after mouse command.
        Notification(Constants.FA_Note_PreMouseCommand, true);
    function Notify (note, object, sparam, iparam) {
        // Handle the mouse events.
        switch (note) {
            case Constants.FA_Note_PreMouseCommand :
            if (iparam === 16777269) {
                alert ("double-click on element");

  • Sharing files between Adobe Premiere Elements and Adobe Photoshop Elements

    This question was posted in response to the following article: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/premiereelements/using/WS72D069B5-1663-44a9-BB4E-8182DB2EE6C6. html

    I suspect that this latest set of details is clouding the way to success.
    Typically we would be looking at integrated Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements set. I thought that we were working with Photoshop Elements 8 and Premiere Elements 8.0/8.0.1 which would considered an integrated set.
    Let approach this from a different angle.
    Have you any idea what version of Premiere Elements your project.prel came from? Reflecting back, the concept of integrated combos of Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements did not appear until the combo of Photoshop Elements 5 and Premiere Elements 3.0/3.0.2. Along with that came the perk of the Premiere Elements' Break Apart Elements Organizer Slideshow to do just that for the slideshow that it received from the Photoshop Elements side.
    Unless you have additional details that would support us getting to the goal, I think that the path of least resistance might be:
    a. if you can open the project.prel in question in Premiere Elements 10, then do so.
    b. After you have the slideshow on the Timeline, then use the Split Clip (Scissors Tool) to cut the slideshow at the spots where you want to insert additional pictures. You may have to add back transitions and such.
    The Break Apart Elements Organizer Slideshow would have been perfect for you to make your edits of the slideshow in Premiere Elements. But that command is only available in Premiere Elements under certain condition:
    a. You must be dealing with integrated combos of the programs, example, 5/3, 6/4, 7/7, 8/8, 9/9, 10/10, 11/11. There are a few loopholes in all that but I do not see them helping us at this time.
    b. You would have had to Output the Photoshop Elements to Premiere Elements with the Photoshop Elements Slideshow Editor "Send to Premiere Elements or Edit with Premiere Elements Editor".
    Bottom line: if your task is going to involve more than the version 8 combo, then I think it best to try to open the project.prel that you have and break it apart yourself with the Split Clip Tool of Premiere Elements.
    And, did you say if this project.prel does open in Premiere Elements 10 without any missing media (Media Offline) messages?
    We will be watching for further information and developments. Please let me know if I have misinterpreted any of your information.

  • XML for Forced Return

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    I do not know what the Kosher XML method is, but you can define an element in your EDD, say Break, which has no content or attributes. The EDD defines its formatting as character formatting and a prefix or suffix that is the return character, namely \r. Note that this requires an update to your EDD. Your XSLT would then translate the XML object that indicates a break into the element Break.

  • GrabCString

    Dear All, Please see below code. It compiled and plugin is getting created. Since I am not having Debug version of InDesign CS4. So, I am not anle to get the problematic area. Please look into it and provide me the what dignosis I have to do.
    #include "VCPlugInHeaders.h"
    // Interface includes:
    #include "ISignalMgr.h"
    #include "IDocumentSignalData.h"
    #include "INewStorySignalData.h"
    #include "IUIDData.h"
    #include "IObserver.h"
    #include "IDocumentList.h"
    #include "IApplication.h"
    #include "IControlView.h"
    #include "IActiveContext.h"
    #include "IStoryList.h"
    #include "ICommand.h"
    #include <ILayoutUIUtils.h>
    //#include "ISnpRunnableContext.h"
    // General includes:
    #include "CResponder.h"
    #include "Utils.h"
    #include "TextID.h"
    #include "UIDList.h"
    // Implementation includes:
    //#include "SDKListBoxHelper.h"
    #include "EntityID.h"
    //#include "IBNotesUtils.h"
    class CEntityRes : public CResponder
            @param boss interface ptr from boss object on which this interface is aggregated.
        CEntityRes(IPMUnknown* boss);
            Handles the file action signals dispatched by the signal manager. 
            This implementation simply creates alerts to display each signal.
            @param signalMgr Pointer back to the signal manager to get
            additional information about the signal.
        virtual void Respond(ISignalMgr* signalMgr);
    Binds the C++ implementation class onto its ImplementationID
    making the  C++ code callable by the application.
    CREATE_PMINTERFACE(CEntityRes, kCEntityResImpl)
    /* Constructor
    CEntityRes::CEntityRes(IPMUnknown* boss) :
    /* Respond
    void CEntityRes::Respond(ISignalMgr* signalMgr)
            ServiceID serviceTrigger = signalMgr->GetServiceID();
            switch (serviceTrigger.Get())
                case kAfterOpenDocSignalResponderService:
                    InterfacePtr<IDocumentSignalData> data(signalMgr, UseDefaultIID());
                    if (data == nil)
                    InterfacePtr<IDocument> doc(data->GetDocument(), UseDefaultIID());
                    if (doc == nil)
                    InterfacePtr<IStoryList> storyList(doc, IID_ISTORYLIST);
                    for(int32 i=0; i< storyList->GetUserAccessibleStoryCount(); i++)
                        UIDRef storyRef(storyList->GetNthUserAccessibleStoryUID(i));
                            bnStoryObserver(storyRef, IID_ICEntity);
                case kBeforeCloseDocSignalResponderService:
                    InterfacePtr<IDocumentSignalData> data(signalMgr, UseDefaultIID());
                    if (data == nil)
                    InterfacePtr<IDocument> doc(data->GetDocument(), UseDefaultIID());
                    if (doc == nil)
                    InterfacePtr<IStoryList> storyList(doc, IID_ISTORYLIST);
                    for(int32 i=0; i< storyList->GetUserAccessibleStoryCount(); i++)
                            bnStoryObserver(storyList->GetNthUserAccessibleStoryUID(i), IID_ICEntity);
                case kAfterCloseDocSignalResponderService:
                    UIDList delStoryList(nil, kInvalidUID);
                    IDocument* nodoc = nil;
                    TextIndex noteAnchorPos = 0;
                case kNewStorySignalResponderService:
                    InterfacePtr<INewStorySignalData> data(signalMgr, UseDefaultIID());
                    if (data == nil)
                    UIDRef storyRef(data->GetTextModel());
                    InterfacePtr<IObserver> bnStoryObserver(storyRef, IID_ICEntity);
                case kDeleteStoryRespService:
                    InterfacePtr<ICommand> deleteStoryCmd(signalMgr, UseDefaultIID());
                    if (deleteStoryCmd == nil)
                    const UIDList* itemList = deleteStoryCmd->GetItemList();
                        bnStoryObserver(itemList->GetDataBase(), itemList->First(), IID_ICEntity);
                    //IActiveContext* ac = gSession->GetActiveContext();
                    //IDocument* doc = ac->GetContextDocument();
                    IActiveContext* ac = GetExecutionContextSession()->GetActiveContext();
                    IDocument* doc = ac->GetContextDocument();
                    //InterfacePtr<IApplication> app(GetExecutionContextSession()->QueryApplication());
                    //IDocument* doc = Utils<ILayoutUIUtils>()->GetFrontDocument(); //app->GetFrontDocument();
                    TextIndex noteAnchorPos = 0;
        } while(kFalse);
    // End, CEntityRes.cpp.
    #include "VCPlugInHeaders.h"
    // Interface includes:
    #include "ISubject.h"
    #include "IControlView.h"
    #include "IDataBase.h"
    #include "IDocument.h"
    #include "INoteUIUtils.h"
    #include "ITextModelCmds.h"
    #include "ITextStoryThreadDict.h"
    #include "INoteSuiteUtils.h"
    #include "ISelectionUtils.h"
    #include "ITextSelectionSuite.h"
    #include "ITextAttributeSuite.h"
    #include "IStyleInfo.h"
    #include "IStyleNameTable.h"
    #include "ITextTarget.h"
    #include "IXMLReferenceData.h"
    #include "IXMLStyleToTagMap.h"
    #include "IXMLTag.h"
    #include "IXMLTagCommands.h"
    #include "IXMLElementCommands.h"
    #include "IXMLTagList.h"
    #include "IXMLTagToStyleMap.h"
    #include "IXMLUtils.h"
    #include "IXMLReferenceData.h"
    #include "IXMLAttributeCommands.h"
    #include "IIDXMLElement.h"
    #include "IStyleGroupManager.h"
    // General includes:
    #include "NoteID.h"
    #include "TextID.h"
    #include "InCopySharedID.h"
    #include "CObserver.h"
    #include "Utils.h"
    #include "InCopyCoreID.h"
    #include "UIDList.h"
    #include "CAlert.h"
    #include "TextIterator.h"
    //#include "ITextHyperlinkOwnedItemData.h"
    #include "ITextFocus.h"
    // Project includes:
    //#include "SDKListBoxHelper.h"
    #include "EntityID.h"
    //#include "IBNotesUtils.h"
    #include "IComposeScanner.h"
    #include "IDrawingStyle.h"
    #include "IFontFamily.h"
    #include "FileUtils.h"
    #include "PMString.h"
    //#include "SnpInsertGlyph.cpp"
    # include <string.h>
    # include <stdio.h>
    # include <tchar.h>
    #include <atlbase.h>
    #import "msxml4.dll"
    using namespace MSXML2;
    # define MAXLEN        250
    # define APPLYCHAR_SIZE        50
    # define INSCHAR_SIZE        25
    inline void TESTHR( HRESULT _hr )
       { if FAILED(_hr) throw(_hr); }
    typedef struct tagENTITYINSCHAR
           int CharCode;
           char CStyle[MAXLEN];      
    typedef struct tagAPPLYCHAR
           char FontFamily[MAXLEN];
           char FontStyle[MAXLEN];
           char CStyle[MAXLEN];
           int InsCharLength;
           ENTITYINSCHAR insChar[INSCHAR_SIZE];      
        void Clear()
            for (int i=0; i <INSCHAR_SIZE; i++)
                insChar[i].CharCode = -1;
    class CEntity : public CObserver
        LPAPPLYCHAR lpacPre;
        LPAPPLYCHAR lpacPost;
        char *EntityPath;
            @param boss interface ptr from boss object on which interface is aggregated.
        CEntity(IPMUnknown* boss);
        ~CEntity() {};
        virtual void AutoAttach();
        virtual void AutoDetach();
        virtual void Update(
            const ClassID& theChange,
            ISubject* theSubject,
            const PMIID& protocol,
            void* changedBy);
        PMString GetCharacter (  UTF32TextChar  character  ); 
        int FindEntityPos(char *String, char *EnityName, int *pLength);   
        int GetStyleName(char *EntityName, char *cStyle, char *Unicode, int *CharCode, char *ffamily, char *fstyle);
        LPAPPLYCHAR FillApplyChar(MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr NodePtr, char *EntityName, char *fontFamily, char *fStyle, char *type);
        char *ConstructXPath( char *EntityName, char *fontFamily, char *fStyle, char *);
        UIDRef CEntity::AcquireTag(const UIDRef& documentUIDRef,
                                         const PMString& tagName
        ErrorCode CEntity::TagTextRange(const UIDRef& storyUIDRef,
                                        const PMString& tagName,
                                        const PMString attName,
                                        const PMString attValue,
                                        TextIndex startIndex,
                                        TextIndex endIndex);
        PMString CEntity::AsString(const XMLReference& xmlReference);
    CREATE_PMINTERFACE(CEntity, kCEntityImpl)
    /* Constructor
    CEntity::CEntity(IPMUnknown* boss)
        : CObserver(boss)
        EntityPath = new char[256];
        PMString path("");
    /* AutoAttach
    void CEntity::AutoAttach()
            InterfacePtr<ISubject> subject(this, IID_ISUBJECT);
            if (subject != nil)
                if (subject->IsAttached(this, IID_ITEXTMODEL, IID_ICEntity) == kFalse)
                    subject->AttachObserver(this, IID_ITEXTMODEL, IID_ICEntity);
        } while(kFalse);
    /* AutoDetach
    void CEntity::AutoDetach()
            InterfacePtr<ISubject> subject(this, UseDefaultIID());
            if (subject != nil)
                if (subject->IsAttached(this, IID_ITEXTMODEL, IID_ICEntity) == kTrue)
                    subject->DetachObserver(this, IID_ITEXTMODEL, IID_ICEntity);
        } while(kFalse);
    /* Update
    void CEntity::Update(
        const ClassID& theChange,
        ISubject* theSubject,
        const PMIID& protocol,
        void* changedBy)
        ErrorCode result = kFailure;
        if (protocol == IID_ITEXTMODEL)
            if (theChange.Get() == kDeleteTextCmdBoss ||
                theChange.Get() == kInsertTextCmdBoss ||
                theChange.Get() == kReplaceTextCmdBoss ||
                theChange.Get() == kMultiReplaceTextCmdBoss ||
                theChange.Get() == kTransposeCmdBoss ||
                theChange.Get() == kTransposeHelperCmdBoss)
                TextIndex focusStart = kInvalidTextIndex;
                TextIndex acFocusStart = kInvalidTextIndex;
                TextIndex focusEnd = kInvalidTextIndex;
                UIDRef storyRef(nil, kInvalidUID);
                    focusStart, focusEnd, &storyRef);
                if(storyRef.GetUID() == kInvalidUID)
                InterfacePtr<ITextModel> textModel(storyRef, UseDefaultIID());
                InterfacePtr<ITextModelCmds> textModelCmds(textModel, UseDefaultIID());
                // kFalse means take ownership of the string           
                K2::shared_ptr<WideString>    tempText (new WideString(""));
                UTF32TextChar ch(65);
                if (focusStart > 15 )
                    focusStart -= 15;
                    focusStart = 0;
                TextIterator begin(textModel, focusStart);
                TextIterator end(textModel, focusEnd+15);
                PMString str("");
                for (TextIterator iter = begin; iter != end; iter++)
                    const UTF32TextChar characterCode = *iter;
                    PMString character;
                    TextIndex position = iter.Position();
                    if (strlen(character.GrabCString()) > 2)
                        str.Append(" ");
                bool bConvertEntity = false;
                WideString glyph("");          
                int EntityLen=0;
                char *EntityName = new char[120];
                char *StyleName = new char[50];
                char *UniCode  = new char[50];
                char *ffamily = new char[MAXLEN];
                char *fstyle = new char[MAXLEN];
                int chCode = -1;
                //Modified on 11-Aug-09
                char* string = (char *)str.GrabCString();
                //Below line commented on 11-Aug-09
                //int EntityPos = FindEntityPos(str.GrabCString(),EntityName,&EntityLen);
                int EntityPos = FindEntityPos(string ,EntityName,&EntityLen);
                InterfacePtr<IComposeScanner> scanner(textModel, UseDefaultIID());
                IDrawingStyle* style = scanner->GetCompleteStyleAt(focusStart);
                InterfacePtr<IPMFont> font(style->QueryFont());
                PMString fontName;
                int RetCode = GetStyleName(EntityName,StyleName,UniCode,&chCode, ffamily,fstyle);
                if (EntityPos != -1)
                    if (chCode !=-1)
                        //textModel->Delete(kTrue, focusStart + EntityPos -1, EntityLen);                       
                        textModel->Delete(focusStart + EntityPos -1, EntityLen);                       
                        UTF32TextChar ch(chCode);
                        bConvertEntity = true;
                if (bConvertEntity == true)
                    IDataBase* db = ::GetDataBase(theSubject);
                    InterfacePtr<IDocument> doc(db, db->GetRootUID(), UseDefaultIID());
                    InterfacePtr<IStyleGroupManager> charNameTable(doc->GetDocWorkSpace(), IID_ICHARSTYLEGROUPMANAGER);
                    if (charNameTable == nil)
                    if (RetCode == 1 || RetCode == 0)
                        int TagChCount=0;
                        acFocusStart = focusStart;
                            if (strcmp(lpacPre->CStyle,"")!=0)
                        if (lpacPre)
                            for(int i=0; i < lpacPre->InsCharLength;i++)
                                WideString ins("");
                                UTF32TextChar ch(lpacPre->insChar[i].CharCode);
                                if (ch==nil) continue;
                                        focusStart, focusEnd, &storyRef);
                                UID csUID = charNameTable->FindByName(lpacPre->insChar[i].CStyle);
                                focusStart, focusEnd, &storyRef);
                        UID csUID = charNameTable->FindByName(StyleName);
                        if (csUID != nil)
                        if (lpacPost)
                            for(int i=0; i < lpacPost->InsCharLength;i++)
                                WideString ins("");
                                UTF32TextChar ch(lpacPost->insChar[i].CharCode);
                                if (ch==nil) continue;
                                        focusStart, focusEnd, &storyRef);
                                UID csUID = charNameTable->FindByName(lpacPre->insChar[i].CStyle);
                                if (csUID != nil)
                        int focusCount = 0;
                        if (lpacPre)
                            for(int i=0; i < lpacPre->InsCharLength;i++)
                                WideString ins("");
                                UTF32TextChar ch(lpacPre->insChar[i].CharCode);
                                if (ch==nil) continue;
                                else focusCount++;
                                UID csUID = charNameTable->FindByName(lpacPre->insChar[i].CStyle);
                                acFocusStart = focusStart - (lpacPre->InsCharLength+lpacPost->InsCharLength) + i;
                                if (csUID != nil)
                        acFocusStart = focusStart - (lpacPost->InsCharLength);
                        csUID = charNameTable->FindByName(StyleName);
                        if (csUID != nil)
                        if (lpacPost)
                            for(int i=0; i <lpacPost->InsCharLength;i++)
                                WideString ins("");
                                UTF32TextChar ch(lpacPost->insChar[i].CharCode);
                                if (ch==nil) continue;
                                UID csUID = charNameTable->FindByName(lpacPost->insChar[i].CStyle);
                                acFocusStart = (focusStart - lpacPost->InsCharLength)+i+1;
                                if (csUID != nil)
                        if (TagChCount)                       
                            TagTextRange(storyRef,"aid:entity","name",EntityName,focusStart-TagChCount+1,focusStart+1 );                  
        if(protocol == IID_INOTEDATA)
            if (theChange.Get() == kCreateNoteCmdBoss ||
                theChange.Get() == kDeleteNoteCmdBoss)
                int n = 3;
    PMString CEntity::GetCharacter (  UTF32TextChar  character  ) 
         PMString result;
         if (character == kTextChar_CR)
             return result;
         else if (character == kTextChar_SoftCR)
             return result;
         else if (character == kTextChar_Table)
             return result;
         else if (character == kTextChar_TableContinued)
             return result;
         else if (character == kTextChar_ObjectReplacementCharacter)
             return result;
             return result;
         return result;
    //    End CEntity.cpp
    int CEntity::FindEntityPos(char *String, char *Entity, int *pLength=0)
        int retPos = -1;
         bool bEntity = false;   
         *pLength =0;
         while (*String)
            if (bEntity == false) retPos++;
                *(Entity+*pLength-1) = *String;
            if (*String == '&')
                *(Entity+*pLength) = *String;
                bEntity = true;
            if (*String == ';' && bEntity == true)
                *(Entity+*pLength-2) = '\0';
                return retPos+1;       
         *(Entity+0)= '\0';
         return -1;
    int CEntity::GetStyleName(char *EntityName, char *cStyle, char *Unicode, int *CharCode, char *ffamily, char *fstyle)
    try {
         MSXML2::IXMLDOMDocumentPtr docPtr;
         MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr DOMNodePtr;
         MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr NodePtr;
         MSXML2::IXMLDOMNamedNodeMapPtr DOMNamedNodeMapPtr;
          VARIANT uCode;
          VARIANT chCode;
          *CharCode = -1;
          *cStyle ='\0';
          *Unicode = '\0';
          // load a document
          _variant_t varXml(EntityPath);
          _variant_t varOut((bool)TRUE);
          varOut = docPtr->load(varXml);
          if ((bool)varOut == FALSE)
            // creating xPath string
            char *xPath = new char[125];       
            NodePtr = docPtr->selectSingleNode (xPath);
            DOMNamedNodeMapPtr = NodePtr->attributes;
            if (NodePtr)
                VARIANT varCStyle;
                *CharCode = atoi(_bstr_t(chCode));
                return 1;
                *CharCode = atoi(_bstr_t(chCode));
                //*CharCode = -1;           
                return 0;
       } catch(...)
           return -1;
        return -1;
    UIDRef CEntity::AcquireTag(const UIDRef& documentUIDRef,
                                         const PMString& tagName
        UIDRef retval;
        do {
            InterfacePtr<IDocument> document(documentUIDRef, UseDefaultIID());
            if(!document) {
            InterfacePtr<IXMLTagList> tagList(Utils<IXMLUtils>()->QueryXMLTagList(documentUIDRef.GetDataBase()));
            if(!tagList) {
            WideString WSTagName =(WideString)tagName;
            //UID existingTagUID  = tagList->GetTag(tagName);
            UID existingTagUID  = tagList->GetTag(WSTagName);
            if(existingTagUID == kInvalidUID) {
                UID createdTagUID = kInvalidUID;
                //ErrorCode err = Utils<IXMLTagCommands>()->CreateTag (::GetUIDRef(tagList),
                //                                                tagName,
                //                                                kInvalidUID,
                //                                                &createdTagUID);
                ErrorCode err = Utils<IXMLTagCommands>()->CreateTag (::GetUIDRef(tagList),
                ASSERT(err == kSuccess);
                ASSERT(createdTagUID != kInvalidUID);
                retval = UIDRef(::GetDataBase(tagList), createdTagUID);
            } else {
                retval = UIDRef(::GetDataBase(tagList), existingTagUID);
        } while(kFalse);
        return retval;
    ErrorCode CEntity::TagTextRange(const UIDRef& storyUIDRef,
                                        const PMString& tagName,
                                        const PMString attName,
                                        const PMString attValue,
                                        TextIndex startIndex,
                                        TextIndex endIndex)
        ErrorCode err = kFailure;
        do {
            InterfacePtr<ITextModel> textModel(storyUIDRef, UseDefaultIID());
            ASSERT(textModel != nil);
            if(!textModel) {
            IDataBase* database = storyUIDRef.GetDataBase();
            UIDRef rootDocumentUIDRef(database,database->GetRootUID());
            UIDRef tagUIDRef = this->AcquireTag(rootDocumentUIDRef,
            XMLReference aidElement;
            err = Utils<IXMLElementCommands>()->CreateElement(tagUIDRef.GetUID(), storyUIDRef,
                startIndex, endIndex,kInvalidXMLReference,&aidElement);
            WideString WSAttName =(WideString)attName;
            WideString WSAttValue = (WideString)attValue;
            err = kSuccess;
        } while(kFalse);
        return err;
    PMString CEntity::AsString(const XMLReference& xmlReference)
        PMString retval;
        do {
            InterfacePtr<IIDXMLElement> element(xmlReference.Instantiate());
            // This can legimately be nil sometimes so don't assert
            if(!element) {
            ClassID elementClassID = ::GetClass(element);
            //PMString elementClassName = sSnpXMLResolutionHelper.ResolveClass(elementClassID.Get());
            UID contentItem = element->GetContentItem(); // content Item UID
            XMLReference xmlRef = element->GetXMLReference(); // XMLReference
            UID xmlRefUID = xmlRef.GetUID(); // UID of XMLReference
            LSID xmlRefLSID = xmlRef.GetLogicalID(); // Logical ID of XMLReference
            PMString tagString = element->GetTagString(); // tag
            IDataBase* dataBase = xmlRef.GetDataBase();
            ClassID backClassID = dataBase->GetClass(xmlRefUID);
            ClassID contentClassID = dataBase->GetClass(contentItem);
            //PMString backClassStr = sSnpXMLResolutionHelper.ResolveClass(backClassID.Get());
            //PMString contentClassStr = sSnpXMLResolutionHelper.ResolveClass(contentClassID.Get());
            retval += "Element: <";
            retval += tagString;
            retval += "> (class ";
            //retval += elementClassName;
            retval += "), \n BkStore UID=";
            retval += " (class ";
            //retval += backClassStr;
            retval += "), LSID=";
            retval += ", \n ContentItem UID=";
            retval += " (";
            //retval += contentClassStr;
            retval += ")\n";
            for (int32 attrIndex = 0 ; attrIndex < element->GetAttributeCount() ; attrIndex++)
                PMString attributeName = element->GetAttributeNameAt(attrIndex);
                WideString WSArrtribName=(WideString)attributeName;
                //PMString attributeValue = element->GetAttributeValue(attributeName);
                PMString attributeValue = element->GetAttributeValue(WSArrtribName);
                retval +="\t+Attr=";
                retval += attributeName;
                retval += ", val=\"";
                retval += attributeValue;
                retval += "\"";
            XMLContentReference contentRef = element->GetContentReference();
            retval += "\nContentReference UID = ";
            ClassID cid = dataBase->GetClass(contentRef.GetUID());
            //PMString bcstr = sSnpXMLResolutionHelper.ResolveClass(cid.Get());
            retval += "(";
            //retval += bcstr;
            retval += ") ";
            if(contentRef.IsTable()) {
                retval += ", Table Content\n";
            } else if(contentRef.IsTableCell()) {
                retval += ", Table Cell\n";
        } while(kFalse);
        return retval;
    LPAPPLYCHAR CEntity::FillApplyChar(MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr NodePtr, char *EntityName, char *fontFamily, char *fStyle,char *type)
        MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr ResultNodePtr;
        MSXML2::IXMLDOMNamedNodeMapPtr DOMNamedNodeMapPtr;
        MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeList *DOMNodeListPtr;
        MSXML2::IXMLDOMNode*          pXMLNode;
        //MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodeList *pInsNodeList;
        MSXML2::IXMLDOMNamedNodeMap *InsAttList;
        LPAPPLYCHAR lpApplyChar = new APPLYCHAR();
        HRESULT               hr;
        char *xPath = new char[250];
    //    char aStyle[125];
        ResultNodePtr = NodePtr->selectSingleNode (xPath);
        if (ResultNodePtr == NULL)
            ResultNodePtr = NodePtr->selectSingleNode (xPath);
        if (ResultNodePtr == NULL)
            ResultNodePtr = NodePtr->selectSingleNode (xPath);
        if (ResultNodePtr == NULL)
            return lpApplyChar;
        DOMNamedNodeMapPtr = ResultNodePtr->attributes;
        long Len = -1;
        VARIANT varCStyle;
        CComBSTR              bstrName;
        int j=0;
        for (int i = 0; i <Len  ; i++)
            hr = DOMNodeListPtr->get_item(i, &pXMLNode);
            if (FAILED(hr)) return lpApplyChar;       
            hr = pXMLNode->get_nodeName(&bstrName);
            if (FAILED(hr)) return lpApplyChar;
            if (bstrName == "ins")
                CComBSTR bstrAttVal;
                VARIANT varCStyle;
                MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr AttNodePtr;
                char temp[250];
                if (atoi(temp) == 0) continue;
                lpApplyChar->insChar[j].CharCode = atoi(temp);
                lpApplyChar->InsCharLength = j;
            // Release temporary COM objects.
    return lpApplyChar;
    char *CEntity::ConstructXPath( char *EntityName, char *fontFamily, char *fStyle, char *type)
        char *xPath = new char[250];       
        //XPath: .//applychar[@type='pre' and @ffamily='' and @fstyle='']
        strcat(xPath,"' and @ffamily='");
        strcat(xPath,"' and @fstyle='");
        return xPath;

    Thanks a lot.
    Please see below code:
    PMString attributeValue = element->GetAttributeValue(attributeName);
    I am getting the below error:
    error C2664: 'IIDXMLElement::GetAttributeValue' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'PMString' to 'const WideString &'
    If I am confused if the below code is correct or not:
    PMString attributeValue = element->GetAttributeValue((WideString)attributeName);
    Another error I am getting on below code:
    int EntityPos = FindEntityPos(str.GrabCString(),EntityName,&EntityLen);
    Error is "error C2664: 'CEntity::FindEntityPos' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'ConstCString' to 'char *'
    I replaced above code with below line:
                char* str1 = (char *)str.GrabCString();
                int EntityPos = FindEntityPos(str1,EntityName,&EntityLen);
    These kind of errors I am getting with my old code. But if I modified the code then plugin is getting created, but it is not working as per expectation.
    One more thing I don't have debug version of indesign, so I am unable to debug and see the problem.

  • Ugly interlacing problem in FCP

    I am working on a stop-motion animation done with a digital camera and also have a couple of live action clips filmed with a dv camcorder.
    I rendered the stop-motion shots into QT mov files in FCP using animation as the compression and then brought them into the project timeline and added some of the live footage as well.
    The problem is that when I preview the timeline (or scrub it) the clips created from the digital camera shots look fine but the clips from the live footage have that ugly interlacing effect where the edges of the moving elements break up into little horizontal lines. Even if I render the timeline to a QT movie, the problem persists.
    I also tried rendering the live footage on its own with de-interlace footage ticked, but that just made it look rougher.
    Can anyone suggest how to get the live footage to look as clean as the clips created from the digital stills?
    Thanks for any advice.

    Hit command+0 (Main menu>Sequence>Settings) and change field dominance to none.

  • View multiple inboxes

    this seems like a simple task but I can't see how to do it.
    Can a user be setup to allow him access to his sub-ordinates WF inboxes?

    Thanks both for your replies.
    I am going to try and stay away from programming if possible so will hold off on the FM for a while.
    I am testing the substitution at the moment but cannot get the substitute items to appear in the superior workplace. What I have done so far:
    For user1 created a substitute (user2) and activated it.
    Went into user2 workplace and adopted the substitute. Nothing new appeared. Checked the online help and saw this:
    <i><b>Work item display for substitutes</b>
    Table T77S0 contains an indicator specifying whether the substitute should automatically see the additional work items when a substitution is activated. This indicator should be set.
    This setting can be processed using transaction SM30. The indicator must bet set for AUTOF.</i>
    But there is no entry for AUTOF in the T77S0 table:
    <i>ADMIN     PHOTO     HRICOLFOTO     Document type for (passport) photo in HR
    ALE     BSIZE     200     ALE: Maximum number of objects for distribution
    ALE     POPUP                    ALE: online dialog box
    ALE     REPLI                    ALE: Distributed Organizational Management active
    APPSY     COMPA                    Type of appraisal comparison
    APPSY     DELHI                    Historically recorded appraisals can be deleted
    <b>APPSY     QUALI                    Allow qualification as appraisal element
    BREAK     AUTHC                    Break switch for</b> authorization check
    BREAK     DBDMP                    Dump switch for database driver SAPDBPCH
    BREAK     DBPCH                    Break switch  -  database driver SAPDBPCH
    BREAK     DBSTA                    Access statistics  -  database driver SAPDBPCH</i>
    Do you know where this setting should be?

  • PE 7 DVD rom access problem

    After installation og Premiere elements 7, my DVD rom and DVD burner drive could not be used anymore. Error "cannot load or damaged driver code 39"
    Deinstallation did not helped only with window repairpoint to point before installation of Premiere worked, with lost information.
    Windows XP home SP3
    Dual processor pentium4 2.6 GHz
    1 G RAM
    Toshiba DVD rom
    Nec DVD RW
    What causes this problem? And how can I avoid this with installting Premiere 7?

    I've never heard of Premiere Elements breaking a drive, Jan. Might be worth a call to Adobe Tech Support though.
    Meantime, have you tried refreshing the driver?
    Right-click My Computer, select Properties, then Hardware, then Device Manager. Open the CD/DVD devices listing and right-click and uninstall the hardware.
    Windows will automatically install fresh ones in a few minutes.
    Also, be sure to go to Windows Update and press the Custom button. This will give you access to Microsoft's non-critical updates, which you can then install manually.

  • I am about to download adobe photoshop elements to my laptop, my laptop may not last much longer, if it breaks can i download on a new laptop?

    My laptop may not last much longer, i just bought adobe photoshop elements and wanted to use it, if I download on this laptop and it breaks, can i download to new computer or do i need to rebuy it?

    Yes, you can download it to another machine if you need to and should never have to purchase the same version more than once.  Your license allows you to have it installed and activated on two machines.  If you get a new machine before the first one breaks you can deactivate it on the old one just to have the extra activation still available.

  • Split elements at paragraph breaks

    Using FM 8.0p277 on Windows XP.
    I have a structured document with some content copied from unstructured documents and pasted into the structure. Inside some elements, there are paragraph breaks that do not coincide with the end of an element, for example:
    <li>First item</li>
    <li>Second item¶
    Third item</li>
    What I need to do is find every instance and split the elements at the ¶. While the latter part is easy (typing Esc, E, s), is there a way to find elements containing a paragraph break?
    Thanks in advance for any helpful advice,

    It would be possible to create a program finding those instances, but it is not an easy task, because the ElementBegin and ElementEnd information is inside a paragraph. Well, maybe it would be enough to check whether the last string segment in a paragraph ends at the position of the paragraph end... unfortunately I have no time for experiments.
    If you show Text Symbols and Element Boundaries (using the View menu), those paragraph breaks ¶ are rather easy to spot, because all others have one or more ] in front of them. Of course, if you have thousands of them...
    - Michael

  • Remove line breaks within a xml element

    I have a xml element that contains a long text string with multiple line breaks. something like this:
    text text
    text text text
    How can I remove all line breks except one, i e I still want a line brek after each text line:
    text text
    text text text
    Thanks for you help!

    This is a media object (BLOB) in a JDE report. But we have now modified the report to get the xml file correct from start instead.

  • How to protect elements from line break in smartforms ??

    in a smartform we pass variables that contain spaces which we don't want to break in a line
    for instance
    hello my birthday is 27 april 2010
    27 april 2010 we absolutely don't want to break like
    hello my birthday is 27
    april 2010
    when I just add it in a text element I can use <31> to prevent breaking only when I pass the value
    27<31>april<31>2010 to a variable smartforms doesn't interpretet this correctly
    in sapscript you can define elements which can be set to protect so it keeps it together only in smartforms that is also not possible.
    is there a neat solution for this in smartforms ??
    kind regards

    I have also looked at the parameters that can be passed but there is no parameter which keeps the variable together
    with ZC it wil also break down half way the variable.
    If I click on the variable in the smartform I can't see where I can see the attributes ??
    and page protection is for an entire block and not for an individual variable in a sentence.
    like a text we have
         The Examination Board of the &GS_STUDY_EN-PROGTYPE& in
         &GS_STUDY_EN-NAME&, which is accredited on &GV_CONFER_ACCRED_DATE_EN&
         declares that
    so if the name off the study is to long the date has to be printed entirely on the next line but if the study name is short it has to be printed right after accredited on.
    kind regards
    Edited by: A. de Smidt on May 4, 2011 3:55 PM

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  • Servlets and EJBs in weblogic 5.1

              Me somebody can say like communicating servlet that this in a machine with Weblogic 5,1 with a EJB in another machine also with weblogic5.1           When trying gives it to me Comunication Exception .           But if I have the 2 in the s

  • Delaying the erase with the Write On behavior

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  • How to set the actionname property in B2B 11g

    I have an outbound file sent via AS2 over http. I gather from other b2b forums/documents that for preserving the file name I have to set the actionname property. I have a BPEL process which is setting the fromTP, toTP, document TYPE etc, and then inv