Email Aliases & Replying to Messages

I have Mail on my iPhone setup for email aliases (not Mobile Me aliases). It works great for maintaining a single inbox while still being able to send messages from the various aliases.
However, when replying to messages, Mail always defaults to the main account, regardless of which alias the original message was sent to. In Mail on OS X, when replying to a message, it automatically changes the ‘From’ address to the alias the message was sent to. Is this not possible on the iPhone? I would much rather not have to manually chose which account to send the message from every time I am replying.

Nope, no such luck, at least for now. That's a change Apple would need to make in a future update. You can request it...

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    Your email provider has blocked the standard mail port 25 for sending emails and is requiring a different port. This is to avoid mail relays that use mail clients to send spam. You need to find the port that is used by your provider for sending outgoing mail. Then change the settings in your email account on your phone to match the port. You will also have to provide some security credentials for the account.
    You can also try deleting the email account from your iphone, and the adding the email account back as this will many times set the correct port for sending emails.
    You could also do a Google search on the the settings for your device with your email provider. That will provide you with the proper settings.

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    I am not sure what you mean by "connected with the Apple ID in use".  The email aliases were email aliases that I had with MobileMe and they carried over to icloud.  Email sent to either the original Apple ID or the email alias has always worked as expected.  The email shows up on IOS devices and my Mac regardless of whether the email was addressed to the original Apple ID or the email alias. 

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    I have just been having this problem and it has been driving me mad.   The error message doesn't tell you which file is causing the problem so you can't fix it and it leaves your libray in a state of limbo with some files copied into the new location and some in the old location.  After many hours I found a surprisingly quick and simple solution.
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    2) Right click this playlist and export it as a text file to produce a tab delimited file.
    3) Import this into a spread sheet, or just view it in a text editor with line wrap turned off.  What you are interested in is the last column (or end of the line in a text editor).  This gives you the path of the file associated with each entry in the library. 
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    Fred Blogs <[email protected]>
    Dr F Blogs <[email protected]>
    The Surgery <[email protected]>
    Now, according to the advice, in Mail I can create one Mailbox, and under 'email address' in Mailbox Preferences, enter:
    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
    This works fine as far as it goes, and I get a drop down when creating new mail, however, all 3 'aliases' come from the same person's 'Name' - the 1 name I entered in the mailbox preferences in Mail.
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    Mail however is not having any of it, and won't let me create duplicate accounts. I have even tried adding the full name in the email address field of settings, separated by commas: Fred Blogs <[email protected]>, Dr F Blogs <[email protected]>, The Surgery <[email protected]>. That didn't work either.
    How can I achieve what used to be quite a simple process on my PC? I can't be the only person who uses one unified mailbox account, but sends from different aliases?

    Thanks, but the issue occurs when I am trying to set up the 2nd account and get to the Incoming Mail Server Page.
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    /!\ The account "Account 1" already has this hostname and username.
    It then won't let me continue. Now it sounds like you have the same setup, so do you have the same hostname and username in all your multiple accounts? :-S
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    You are allowed three aliases. When you have three, and delete one, you have to wait 7 days before you can create another to replace it.
    That's the theory. Several posters have complained that the 7 days has extended itself into several weeks, and I've not seen a solution as yet.

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    I have asked a moderator to provide assistance, they will post an invite on this thread.
    They are the only BT employees on this forum, and are a UK based team of people, who take personal ownership of your problem.
    Once you get a reply, make sure that you are logged into the forum, then click on their name, you will see a screen like this. Click on the link as shown below.
    Please do not send them a personal message, as they may not be on duty for a long time, and your message will not be tracked properly.
    For your own security, do not post any personal details, on this forum. That includes any tracking number you are give.
    They will respond either by phone or e-mail within 5-6 working days.
    Please use the tracked e-mail, to reply, not via the forum. Thanks
    This is the form you should see when you click on the link. If you do not see this form, then you have selected the wrong link.
    When you submit the form, you will receive an enquiry number, so please keep a note of it
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

  • Email aliases in iPad

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    HI Robert,
    Try the help here.
    See the post by:
    *d j h*
    Make sure and fill in the "optional" also.

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    Which is the command to use to list all email aliases/groups and members on the mail server.

    sureshsamuel wrote:
    We are using SJS MEssaging server 6.2 .
    Which is the command to use to list all email aliases/groups and members on the mail server.Email aliases/groups can exist in text files in the configuration directory of Messaging Server or be defined in the LDAP Directory Server. You can use the "commadmin group search" command to list the ldap groups (if you have Delegated Administration installed/configured), otherwise you can use a directory ldapsearch to find the groups.

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    Post relates to: Pre p100eww (Sprint)
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.
    Using outlook it happens to me as well. Notice the difference in page 1 & 2 of the pdf
    it also doesn't display things correctly on the Pre from outlook. I'll explain in a bit once i get screenshots...
    Message Edited by djwhitey on 06-09-2009 09:13 AM

  • Email aliases and .mac

    I have sucessfully set up my .mac alias (using .mac mail).
    First make a note of your primary account information:
    Username & password
    Incoming mail server
    Outgoing mail server
    Ports etc...
    You will be applying these settings to your new account.
    On iPhone go to:
    * Settings/mail/add account/choose "other".
    * Sellect type: imap
    Name the account (name you want to appear in "from" field of email).
    Type in your .mac alias address.
    Description: Name of mailbox (i.e. personal, work).
    Incoming mail server (enter info from your primary account):
    * Host Name: (or
    * Your primary account username
    * Your primary account password
    Outgoing mail server (enter info from your primary account)
    In my case, for out going mail server I am using:, port: 465
    My username & password
    Now, on my iPhone mail, I can select which account to send & receive from.
    Personal or work.
    Works for me, hope it does for you!

    The only way "around" this is to set up truly separate email accounts. Because you are using aliases, all accounts are merely different names for the same primary account. Thus, all accounts will be the same, just with different names. By computer analogy, it would be akin to creating multiple aliases to the same file on your computer but trying to get each one to "point to," or "mirror" a different file. The only solution, or "work-around" to this would be to create separate files.
    The same thing applies to email aliases. They are not truly separate accounts, so no fix or work-around will ever apply. However, rest assured that the recipient will only ever see the alias name of the account used to send the email. They will be under the impression that when they reply, they are replying to your alias name, and will not have access to your primary email name unless you give it to them.
    The beauty of the email alias is that it is transparent to you. If you begin to get spam from a particular alias, you can simply turn it off or delete it altogether. If you look at the "to" filed under your mail header, you can see to which alias each email was sent...

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    Is there any Verzion tech guy or gal reading these message who can REALLY help.

    Go to:
    Go to the Verizon Email Address section, and click on "Settings" on the right side.
    A menu will pop up that has Vacation Reply as a clickable option.
    Click on Vacation Reply, and you should be set.
    I completely agree that it's almost impossible to know that intuitively.  I discovered it this morning while trying to disable my vacation reply.  Hope this helps.

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    I don't have any netflix add ons or extensions installed. I only have necessary plug ins installed. I have turned off all add ons and restarted so this issue is not related to an add on, plug in or extension. I also can rule out my dsl provider as I have hooked my pc up to other family members connections with the same provider on the same server and it did the same thing, However their pc has no issue. I have taken my pc to 3 technicians and there are no problems they can find with my registry or any infections or spyware. The PC does the same thing on their connections.All hardware passes every test they can throw at it. I have tried other browsers and reinstalling this one as well and the same thing happens. This really is mind boggling. I have ATT/uverse beta 6.0. There should be no delay in starting up my browser. After startup, it works great no problems but the speed starting up is on par with old fashioned dial up right now. I have 3 gigs of ram available and I have 85 percent capacity left on hard drive , processor speed of 3.4 with dual core processor. Makes no sense at all.

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    Nate0421, Let's make sure we get your picture messages working! What happens when you try to send a picture message from your phone to your computer? Do you receive any error messages? Are you trying to send the messages using the messaging application or via email? Please share details so we can help.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport
    If my response answered your question please click the �Correct Answer� button under my response. This ensures others can benefit from our conversation. Thanks in advance for your help with this!!

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