Email PDF Form and Sign Entire Submission - Can this lock the form and show the signature?

Thanks to those who explained how to create a button that allows me to email a form as a PDF rather than XML. It helped me a great deal.
Now I want to cause our time sheet adjustment form to be emailed from the employee to their supervisor, and have the form-data be read-only, and the employee signature to be obvious to the recipient.
I've tried checking the Sign Submission check box in the Submit tab of the Button Object window, (where the mailto: tag has been entered.
I clicked the "Settings..." button on the Submit tab and then, under the "Sign Data and Submit Settings" dialog box I selected "Sign Entire Submission". But this does not lock the data and the resulting PDF form once emailed, shows no sign of a signature.
I also tried adding a signature field, and clicked on it to add a signature. But once the signature was added, the Button was disabled and I could not submit the form via the mailto: tag.
Is there a way to signa form with a self-signed signature, and email the entire PDF such that the recipient can see the signature, and that the data are no longer editable?
Wouldn't that just be ducky...?
Thanks again,
-David Bartholomew

Thanks for your comment. I suppose I need to add a context to my intended usage to explain why I want what I described. I want the signature to be apparent so users can see that a submission was signed. These forms that I am considering will replace a paper form used internally within my organization, to request a time card change. They only need to be signed as a pro-forma requirement.
If the electronic forms solution is approved by management, I will make a case that since the network is a closed intranet, there is little consequential likelihood that a fellow employee would forge another's time card change request. And since the new form would be submitted through email, there is a further validation that the email will identify the sender's email address. This proposed electronic submission method is certainly as valid as forms where users cut and paste an image of their signature in a document...
The good news is that since I asked this question, I discovered the samples that came with LCD 8...
An example can be found in the Live Cycle Interactive Purchase Order sample found at [installdir]\EN\Samples\Purchase Order\Interactive.
The interactive Purchase Order sample shows how a collection of fields can be defined and then the signature applied only to the data in the collection. The email button is defined as not included in the collection. This way the signature field can be used, and once the document is signed, the email button remains enabled.
The interactive purchase order sample also demonstrates how a drop down list can be populated by a JavaScript as well as some array handling syntax that I've been looking for.
I recommend the samples to anyone who, like me, may not have been aware of their relevance.
Thanks again, this forum is a great resource.

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