Emergency shutdown on overheat

I built a water cooling system for my pc and so far it working pretty well! I'm looking for a script which can check my cpu temperature and if temperature is too high (>55 C) then do a shutdown (in case my pump stop working). I checked my bios and it can't do it. (it will shutdown pc only if fan stop working).
Anyone can help me?

phrakture wrote:Mine does that automatically... check the /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM stuff for a "Critical" level... it auto-shuts down there.
The /proc/acpi/thermal_zone directory is empty...

Similar Messages

  • SAP Dialog Instance is not Starting - DISPATCHER EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN

    Hi All,
    We  are running on SAP ECC 6.0, Oracle 10, Windows 2003.
    We have One Central Instance an Two Dialog Instances, we shutdown the SAP system (  Jun 10 15:56:18 2008 ) to do an OFFLINE backup, now one of the Dialog Instances is no starting, we try to restart the system on Wed Jun 11 02:05:45 2008
    Oracle is Up and Open.
    The Central Instance and one of the Dialog Instances are Up, so you can login on the SAP System, and execute SAP transactions.
    I will Attach Our DEV_DISP, and DEV_W0 files:
    trc file: "dev_disp", trc level: 1, release: "700"
    sysno      02
    sid        MIS
    systemid   562 (PC with Windows NT)
    relno      7000
    patchlevel 0
    patchno    133
    intno      20050900
    make:      multithreaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized
    pid        4008
    Wed Jun 11 02:05:45 2008
    kernel runs with dp version 232000(ext=109000) (@(#) DPLIB-INT-VERSION-232000-UC)
    length of sys_adm_ext is 576 bytes
    SWITCH TRC-HIDE on ***
    ***LOG Q00=> DpSapEnvInit, DPStart (02 4008) [dpxxdisp.c   1239]
         shared lib "dw_xml.dll" version 133 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_xtc.dll" version 133 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_stl.dll" version 133 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_gui.dll" version 133 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_mdm.dll" version 133 successfully loaded
    rdisp/softcancel_sequence :  -> 0,5,-1
    use internal message server connection to port 3900
    Wed Jun 11 02:05:50 2008
    WARNING => DpNetCheck: NiAddrToHost( took 5 seconds
    ***LOG GZZ=> 1 possible network problems detected - check tracefile and adjust the DNS settings [dpxxtool2.c  5371]
    MtxInit: 30000 0 0
    DpSysAdmExtInit: ABAP is active
    DpSysAdmExtInit: VMC (JAVA VM in WP) is not active
    DpIPCInit2: start server >SAPPREC2_MIS_02                         <
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_adm)          37008     (1480)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(tm_adm)          56268128     (28120)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_ca_adm)          80000     (80)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(appc_ca_adm)     160000     (80)
    DpCommTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=2000/16/2208064/2208080
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(comm_adm)          2208080     (1088)
    DpSlockTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/fiSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0/0
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(slock_adm)          0     (104)
    DpFileTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(file_adm)          0     (72)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(vmc_adm)          0     (1864)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wall_adm)          (416064/346352/64/192)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(gw_adm)     48
    DpShMCreate: SHM_DP_ADM_KEY          (addr: 000000000CCF0050, size: 59524432)
    ERROR => DpShMCreate: ShmCreate SHM_DP_CA_KEY(rc=4) [dpxxca.c     181]
    ERROR => DpIPCInit2: DpShMCreate [dpxxtool2.c  462]
    DP_FATAL_ERROR => DpSapEnvInit: DpIPCInit2
    NiWait: sleep (5000ms) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 5000ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=1
    NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
    NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
    Wed Jun 11 02:05:55 2008
    NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (5000ms)
    DpHalt: shutdown server >SAPPREC2_MIS_02                         < (normal)
    Switch off Shared memory profiling
    ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
    ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
    call semaphore clean-up function ...
    ***LOG Q0E=> DpSigGenHandler, Exception (c0000005) [dpnttool.c   432]
    C-STACK -
    SAP (R) - R/3(TM) Callstack, Version 1.0
    Copyright (C) SAP AG. All rights reserved.
    Application exception occurred:
    Exception : c0000005 (Access Violation)
    App       : disp+work.EXE (pid=4008)
    When      : 6/11/2008 2:5:55.274
    Threads   : 2
    Computer Name       : SAPPREC2
    User Name           : SAPServiceMIS
    Number of Processors: 4
    Processor Type: EM64T Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 6
    Windows Version     : 5.2 Current Build: 3790
    State Dump for Thread Id 11ec
    --> (FAULT) Stack Back Trace <--
    FramePtr         ReturnAd         Param#1          Function Name
    0000000007d1f2e0 000000000041a395 0000000000000001 disp+work!DpVmcCheckDebugProxy [dpxxvmc.c (1211)]
    0000000007d1f3d0 000000000041d007 0000000005561401 disp+work!DpHalt [dpxxdisp.c (10016)]
    0000000007d1fc10 0000000000421a1b 0000000002671ab0 disp+work!DpFatalErr [dpxxdisp.c (17789)]
    0000000007d1feb0 000000000042d570 0000000000000000 disp+work!DpSapEnvInit [dpxxdisp.c (1388)]
    0000000007d1fee0 000000000040108d ffffffff00000002 disp+work!DpMain [dpxxdisp.c (1076)]
    0000000007d1ff10 00000000019c7dd1 0000000000000000 disp+work!nlsui_main [thxxanf.c (84)]
    0000000007d1ff70 0000000077d5966c 0000000000000000 disp+work!wmainCRTStartup [crtexe.c (498)]
    0000000007d1ffa0 0000000000000000 00000000019c7c60 kernel32!BaseProcessStart
    State Dump for Thread Id 1194
    --> Stack Back Trace <--
    FramePtr         ReturnAd         Param#1          Function Name
    000000000ccefe40 0000000077d5f651 0000000007d7bc60 ntdll!NtFsControlFile
    000000000ccefeb0 00000000018ae00f 0000000000000000 kernel32!ConnectNamedPipe
    000000000cceff40 000007ff7fc411c4 0000000000000000 disp+work!SigIMsgFunc [signt.c (679)]
    000000000cceff70 0000000077d6b69a 0000000077d6b660 msvcrt!endthreadex
    000000000cceffa0 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 kernel32!BaseThreadStart
    call clean-up function ...
    SigICallExitRoutine: call exithandler (DpHalt)
    DpHalt: shutdown server >SAPPREC2_MIS_02                         < (normal)
    Switch off Shared memory profiling
    ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
    DpShmPrfSwitch : State already set (OFF)
    ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
    And our dev_w0
    this file was no modifued since we stop SAP System.
    M Tue Jun 10 15:56:18 2008
    M  *** WARNING => ThSndDelUser: delete client/user 020/RMENDOZA     (T60) on server SAPPREC1_MIS_01    

    S Tue Jun 10 19:07:40 2008
    S  server @>SSRV:SAPPREC1_MIS_01@< appears or changes (state 3)

    M Tue Jun 10 19:07:52 2008
    M  in_ThErrHandle: 1
    M  ThIErrHandle: new stat of W0 is WP_SHUTDOWN   
    M  ThIErrHandle: I'm during shutdown
    M  PfStatDisconnect: disconnect statistics
    M  Entering ThSetStatError
    M  ThCallDbBreak: use db_sqlbreak
    M  ThIErrHandle: don't try rollback again
    M  ThShutDownServer: shutdown server
    M  PfStatIndInit: Initializing Index-Record
    M  PfWriteIntoFile: copied shared buf (0 bytes) to local buf
    M  ThIErrHandle: do not call ThrCoreInfo (no_core_info=0, in_dynp_env=0)
    M  Entering ThReadDetachMode
    M  call ThrShutDown (1)...
    B  Disconnecting from ALL connections:
    B  Wp  Hdl ConName          ConId     ConState     TX  PRM RCT TIM MAX OPT Date     Time   DBHost         
    B  000 000 R/3              000000000 INACTIVE     NO  YES NO  000 255 255 20080610 144648 SAPPRECDB      
    C  Disconnecting from connection 0 ...
    C  Closing user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=000000000866D128,usrhp=0000000007D91058)
    C  Detaching from DB Server (con_hdl=0,svchp=000000000866D128,srvhp=0000000018D61918)
    C  Now I'm disconnected from ORACLE
    B  Disconnected from connection 0
    B  statistics db_con_commit (com_total=29203, com_tx=3253)
    B  statistics db_con_rollback (roll_total=494, roll_tx=0)
    M  ***LOG Q02=> wp_halt, WPStop (Workproc 0 2632) [dpnttool.c   327]
    Please Some Tips!
    Best Regards,
    Erick ILarraza

    Hi Deepak,
    Thanks  a lot for your reply, in this case the problem was with the Dialog Instance (Only SAP apps, not Oracle).
    We shutdown the instance with the Microsoft SAP Management Console (right  button -> Stop).
    In general to shutdown the SAP System we first:
    1. Shutdown The Dialog Instance. (SAP Management Console)
    2. Shutdown The Central Instance. (SAP Management Console)
    3. Shutdown Oracle (BR*Tools).
    4. Stop SAP and Oracle Services.
    Maybe is more a problem of Windows Memory Management.....
    Best Regards,
    Erick ILarraza


    Our Dispatcher is getting halted.
    We have installed sap solution manager 7.0 on windows 2003 server.
    Previously It was working fine but today its not getting started.
    kindly help us.
    *Here is Developer Trace*
    trc file: "dev_disp", trc level: 1, release: "700"
    sysno      00
    sid        FSM
    systemid   560 (PC with Windows NT)
    relno      7000
    patchlevel 0
    patchno    159
    intno      20050900
    make:      multithreaded, Unicode, optimized
    pid        7632
    Fri Dec 26 14:43:39 2008
    kernel runs with dp version 237000(ext=110000) (@(#) DPLIB-INT-VERSION-237000-UC)
    length of sys_adm_ext is 576 bytes
    SWITCH TRC-HIDE on ***
    ***LOG Q00=> DpSapEnvInit, DPStart (00 7632) [dpxxdisp.c   1254]
         shared lib "dw_xml.dll" version 159 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_xtc.dll" version 159 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_stl.dll" version 159 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_gui.dll" version 159 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_mdm.dll" version 159 successfully loaded
    rdisp/softcancel_sequence :  -> 0,5,-1
    use internal message server connection to port 3900
    Fri Dec 26 14:43:47 2008
    WARNING => DpNetCheck: NiHostToAddr(www.doesnotexist0152.qqq.nxst) took 8 seconds
    Fri Dec 26 14:43:51 2008
    WARNING => DpNetCheck: NiAddrToHost( took 4 seconds
    ***LOG GZZ=> 2 possible network problems detected - check tracefile and adjust the DNS settings [dpxxtool2.c  5403]
    MtxInit: 30000 0 0
    DpSysAdmExtInit: ABAP is active
    DpSysAdmExtInit: VMC (JAVA VM in WP) is not active
    DpIPCInit2: start server >aelssm_FSM_00                           <
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_adm)          26728     (1572)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(tm_adm)          4401096     (21896)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_ca_adm)          24000     (80)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(appc_ca_adm)     8000     (80)
    DpCommTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=500/8/528056/528064
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(comm_adm)          528064     (1048)
    DpSlockTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/fiSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0/0
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(slock_adm)          0     (96)
    DpFileTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(file_adm)          0     (72)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(vmc_adm)          0     (1544)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wall_adm)          (38456/34360/64/184)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(gw_adm)     48
    ERROR => DpShMCreate: ShmCreate for key SHM_DP_ADM_KEY failed (4) [dpxxtool2.c  2394]
    ERROR => DpIPCInit2: DpShMCreate [dpxxtool2.c  462]
    DP_FATAL_ERROR => DpSapEnvInit: DpIPCInit2
    NiWait: sleep (5000ms) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 5000ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=1
    NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
    NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
    Fri Dec 26 14:43:56 2008
    NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (5000ms)
    DpHalt: shutdown server >aelssm_FSM_00                           < (normal)
    Switch off Shared memory profiling
    ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
    ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
    call semaphore clean-up function ...
    ***LOG Q0E=> DpSigGenHandler, Exception (c0000005) [dpnttool.c   438]
    C-STACK -
    SAP (R) - R/3(TM) Callstack, Version 1.0
    Copyright (C) SAP AG. All rights reserved.
    Application exception occurred:
    Exception : c0000005 (Access Violation)
    App       : disp+work.EXE (pid=7632)
    When      : 12/26/2008 14:43:57.31
    Threads   : 2
    Computer Name       : AELSSM
    User Name           : SAPServiceFSM
    Number of Processors: 2
    Processor Type: x86 Family 15 Model 4 Stepping 3
    Windows Version     : 5.2 Current Build: 3790
    State Dump for Thread Id 1c58
    eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=00000000 edi=00000001
    eip=0042b909 esp=058be364 ebp=058bf3ec iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
    cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00010246
    function : DpVmcCheckDebugProxy
            0042b8f0 33db             xor     ebx,ebx
            0042b8f2 33f6             xor     esi,esi
            0042b8f4 395d08           cmp     [ebp+0x8],ebx          ss:0b17b74e=????????
            0042b8f7 741f             jz      DpVmcCheckDebugProxy+0x37 (0042b918)
            0042b8f9 8b7508           mov     esi,[ebp+0x8]          ss:0b17b74e=????????
            0042b8fc a1dc3aac02       mov   eax,[sys_adm (02ac3adc)] ds:02ac3adc=00000000
            0042b901 4e               dec     esi
            0042b902 f7de             neg     esi
            0042b904 1bf6             sbb     esi,esi
            0042b906 83e6c6           and     esi,0xc6
    FAULT-> 0042b909 8898a41a0000     mov     [eax+0x1aa4],bl              ds:00001aa4=??
            0042b90f 891d9030ac02 mov [shutdownCount (02ac3090)],ebx ds:02ac3090=00000000
            0042b915 83c63c           add     esi,0x3c
            0042b918 a1a430ac02 mov eax,[debug_proxy_pid (02ac30a4)] ds:02ac30a4=00000000
            0042b91d 3bc3             cmp     eax,ebx
            0042b91f 0f84b4000000     je      DpVmcCheckDebugProxy+0xf8 (0042b9d9)
            0042b925 ff359430ac02                                    ds:02ac3094=00000000
                                      push    dword ptr [debug_proxy_handle (02ac3094)]
            0042b92b 50               push    eax
            0042b92c e8cc330100       call    DpProcDied (0043ecfd)
            0042b931 84c0             test    al,al
            0042b933 59               pop     ecx
            0042b934 59               pop     ecx
    --> Stack Back Trace <--
    FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
    058bf3ec 0041049b 00000001 00000002 058bfc98 00000000 disp+work!DpVmcCheckDebugProxy [dpxxvmc.c (1219)]
    058bf480 0041231b 00000001 00001388 0043ebc1 01d98ffc disp+work!DpHalt [dpxxdisp.c (10083)]
    058bfc98 00414b31 01d997b8 01d98ffc 00000001 00000000 disp+work!DpFatalErr [dpxxdisp.c (18043)]
    058bff00 00422436 00000000 00000000 7ffd4000 058bff60 disp+work!DpSapEnvInit [dpxxdisp.c (1409)]
    058bff14 00401085 00000002 00246840 00000001 00000000 disp+work!DpMain [dpxxdisp.c (1088)]
    058bff60 01264d10 00000002 00246840 00247628 01d23000 disp+work!nlsui_main [thxxanf.c (84)]
    058bffc0 77e6f23b 00000000 00000000 7ffd4000 00000000 disp+work!wmainCRTStartup [crtexe.c (395)]
    058bfff0 00000000 01264bcd 00000000 00000000 00000000 kernel32!ProcessIdToSessionId
    State Dump for Thread Id 1a64
    eax=00000000 ebx=00000103 ecx=05a91628 edx=028851c0 esi=00000000 edi=00000000
    eip=7c8285ec esp=07f8fec0 ebp=07f8ff04 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
    cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00000246
    function : KiFastSystemCallRet
            7c8285ec c3               ret
            7c8285ed 8da42400000000   lea     esp,[esp]              ss:07f8fec0=7c8270fb
            7c8285f4 8d642400         lea     esp,[esp]              ss:0d84c223=????????
    --> Stack Back Trace <--
    FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
    07f8ff04 011a959c 000006c8 00000000 00000000 00249430 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet
    07f8ff84 7c362213 00000000 00000000 00000000 05a91628 disp+work!SigIMsgFunc [signt.c (678)]
    07f8ffb8 77e64829 05a91628 00000000 00000000 05a91628 MSVCR71!endthreadex
    07f8ffec 00000000 7c3621a4 05a91628 00000000 00000008 kernel32!GetModuleHandleA
    Fri Dec 26 14:43:57 2008
    call clean-up function ...
    SigICallExitRoutine: call exithandler (DpHalt)
    DpHalt: shutdown server >aelssm_FSM_00                           < (normal)
    Switch off Shared memory profiling
    ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
    DpShmPrfSwitch : State already set (OFF)
    ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
    Chandresh Pranami.

    Hi, Chandresh
    ERROR => DpShMCreate: ShmCreate for key SHM_DP_ADM_KEY failed (4) http://dpxxtool2.c 2394
    ERROR => DpIPCInit2: DpShMCreate http://dpxxtool2.c 462
    DP_FATAL_ERROR => DpSapEnvInit: DpIPCInit2
    I have seen above log, i think its problem with shared memory,
    restart your system and let us know.

  • Dispatcher emergency shutdown after instance started

    I am getting the below error while starting SAP instance:
    ***LOG Q0I=> NiIBindSocket: bind (126: Cannot assign requested address) [nixxi.cpp 3227]
    ERROR => NiIBindSocket: SiBind failed for hdl 0 / sock 8
        (SI_EADDR_NAVAIL/126; I4; DG; [nixxi.cpp    3227]
    ERROR => DpCommInit: NiDgHdlBindName failed: -16 [dpxxdisp.c   9999]
    DP_FATAL_ERROR => DpSapEnvInit: DpCommInit
    increase tracelevel of WPs
    NiWait: sleep (10000ms) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 10000ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=9
    I think this is related to port/address issue.
    Please advice.
    SAP ECC 6.0; DB2 UDB 9.1

    "LOG Q0I=> NiIBindSocket: bind (126: Cannot assign requested address) http://nixxi.cpp 3227"
    I think its because of firewall. Check the portnumbers blocked by firewall and if there is only specific ip addresses allowed.
    Also check  if it has some ingress filter method enabled in it.
    If possible provide dispatcher trace. Also if you think there is some kind of port conflict, you can refer this.
    Not sure if this helps.
    Edited by: Ajith Kamath on Oct 14, 2009 1:49 PM

  • Database emergency shutdown

    Hi all!
    I have an IBM server (2 Xeon CPUs 16 GGb RAM) SAP DB platform version, OS Windows 2003 server x86
    I have started database 30.01.2012 at 5:00 AM during 2 days database stops with emergency shutdown this is the log
    Date       Time       TID(hex) Typ MsgID Label    Message-Text
    2012-01-30 04:59:06                               --- Starting GMT 2012-01-30 04:59:06           7.4.3    Build 027-123-048-452
    2012-02-01 11:09:50      0xC70 ERR    12 DATACACH ASSERTION FAILED; 35
    2012-02-01 11:09:50      0xC70 ERR 18196 DBCRASH  vabort:Emergency Shutdown, vgg01.c: 2261
    Please anybody can enplane why it shutdown, after this error I started database  normally
    Edited by: rextazy on Feb 1, 2012 7:35 AM

    Does it means CACHE SIZE value? Is size of the cache depends from size of the data or from quantity of the volumes?
    I have 150000 pgs cache size, 15 volumes (20 ggd) Data about 70%
    Edited by: rextazy on Feb 3, 2012 5:01 AM

  • Emergency shutdown on MacBook Air?

    Does emergency shutdown work the same on the MBA as other Macs – I.e. hold down power button for five seconds?

    Thanks. My Windows using friend in another state just bought a MBA (which I've never used) and I'm trying to help him with it by phone.

  • SAP Crash - DBCRASH  vabort:Emergency Shutdown

    Hi there. We stopped 15 min ago our 76.06.004 DB and during DBM Gui interface drivedown, the DB crashes
    During DBMgui interface drive down message shown: 24994 environment error db_admin -f) Check knldiag!
    Kernekl died before reached ADMIN state  ( OS error code 11000)
    The Log shows:
    ERR 11599 BTRACE   -
    > Symbolic Stack Back Trace <----
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE      0: 0x0000000000ef407d eo670_UnixTraceStack +0x01ad
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE          /sapdb/MCD/db/pgm/kernel
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0x0]
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE      1: 0x0000000000ef4a49 eo670_CTraceContextStackOCB +0x0009
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE          /sapdb/MCD/db/pgm/kernel
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0x0]
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE      2: 0x0000000000ef4b92 eo670_CTraceStackOCB +0x0032
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE          /sapdb/MCD/db/pgm/kernel
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0x0]
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE      3: 0x0000000000ef4bc7 eo670_CTraceStack +0x0017
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE          /sapdb/MCD/db/pgm/kernel
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0x0]
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE      4: 0x0000000000f17817 vabort +0x0027
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE          /sapdb/MCD/db/pgm/kernel
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0x0]
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE      5: 0x0000000000f39e6c en81_WorkerMain +0x005c
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE          /sapdb/MCD/db/pgm/kernel
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0x0]
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE      6: 0x0000000000ee8773 eo07_PthreadEntry +0x00c3
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE          /sapdb/MCD/db/pgm/kernel
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0x0]
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE      7: 0x00002b726ef29143 start_thread +0x0093
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE          /lib64/libpthread-2.4.so
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0x0]
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE      8: 0x00002b726f749bed __clone +0x006d
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE          /lib64/libc-2.4.so
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0x0]
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE   -
    > End of Stack Back Trace <----
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21136 ERR 11599 BTRACE   -
    > Emergency Stack Back Trace <----
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR     7 Messages Begin of dump of registered messages
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21136 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (0):0xef49e5
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR     8 Messages End of the message list registry dump
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21136 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (1):0xef4a49
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11195 DBCRASH  vabort:Emergency Shutdown
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21136 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (2):0xef4b92
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21136 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (3):0xef4bc7
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21136 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (4):0xf17817
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21136 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (5):0xf39e6c
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21136 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (6):0xee8773
    2011-10-17 15:42:44     0 ERR 12006 DBCRASH  Kernel exited without core and exit status 0x100
    2011-10-17 15:42:44     0 ERR 12010 DBCRASH  Kernel exited exit code 1
    2011-10-17 15:42:44                          ___ Stopping GMT 2011-10-17 13:42:44           7.6.06   Build 004-123-207-084
    2011-10-17 15:44:11 21445 ERR 11846 TASKING  ABEND: dispatcher semop error Identifier removed
    2011-10-17 15:44:11 21442 ERR 11846 TASKING  ABEND: dispatcher semop error Identifier removed
    2011-10-17 15:44:11 21443 ERR 11846 TASKING  ABEND: dispatcher semop error Identifier removed
    2011-10-17 15:44:11 21450 ERR 11000 di_main  semop error: Identifier removed
    2011-10-17 15:44:11 21444 ERR 11846 TASKING  ABEND: dispatcher semop error Identifier removed
    2011-10-17 15:44:11                          --- Starting GMT 2011-10-17 13:44:11           7.6.06   Build 004-123-207-084
    2011-10-17 15:44:12     0 ERR 12006 DBCRASH  Kernel exited without core and exit status 0x6
    2011-10-17 15:44:12     0 ERR 12009 DBCRASH  Kernel exited due to signal 6(SIGABRT)
    2011-10-17 15:44:12                          ___ Stopping GMT 2011-10-17 13:44:12           7.6.06   Build 004-123-207-084
    2011-10-17 15:47:32 22283 ERR 11846 TASKING  ABEND: dispatcher semop error Identifier removed
    2011-10-17 15:47:32 22289 ERR 11846 TASKING  ABEND: dispatcher semop error Identifier removed
    2011-10-17 15:47:32 22287 ERR 11846 TASKING  ABEND: dispatcher semop error Identifier removed
    2011-10-17 15:47:32 22284 ERR 11846 TASKING  ABEND: dispatcher semop error Identifier removed
    2011-10-17 15:47:32                          --- Starting GMT 2011-10-17 13:47:32           7.6.06   Build 004-123-207-084
    2011-10-17 15:47:32     0 ERR 12006 DBCRASH  Kernel exited without core and exit status 0x6
    2011-10-17 15:47:32     0 ERR 12009 DBCRASH  Kernel exited due to signal 6(SIGABRT)
    2011-10-17 15:47:32                          ___ Stopping GMT 2011-10-17 13:47:32           7.6.06   Build 004-123-207-084
    The database messages part at this time shows:
    2011-10-17 15:47:54 23975     20018 Pager    Start TaskId: 7
    2011-10-17 15:47:54 23975     20019 Pager    First DataCacheSegment:61
    2011-10-17 15:47:54 23975     12929 TASKING  Task T6 started
    2011-10-17 15:47:54 23975     20018 Pager    Start TaskId: 6
    2011-10-17 15:47:54 23975     20019 Pager    First DataCacheSegment:62
    2011-10-17 15:47:54 23975     12929 TASKING  Task T5 started
    2011-10-17 15:47:54 23975     20018 Pager    Start TaskId: 5
    2011-10-17 15:47:54 23975     20019 Pager    First DataCacheSegment:63
    2011-10-17 15:47:55 23959         3 RunTime  State changed from STARTING to ADMIN
    2011-10-17 15:47:55 23975        31 SrvTasks Permanently reserved 53 servertasks for 'Backup / Restore'.
    ======================================= end of startup part ====================
    2011-10-17 15:47:55 23959     11570 startup  complete
    2011-10-17 15:47:55 23975        31 SrvTasks Permanently reserved 2 servertasks for 'Backup / Restore'.
    2011-10-17 15:47:55 23975        31 SrvTasks Permanently reserved 1 servertasks for 'Savepoint'.
    current write position -
    Do we have to restore the database now?
    Edited by: ralf thomas wahlen on Oct 17, 2011 4:12 PM

    Hi there. We stopped 15 min ago our 76.06.004 DB and during DBM Gui interface drivedown, the DB crashes
    During DBMgui interface drive down message shown: 24994 environment error db_admin -f) Check knldiag!
    Kernekl died before reached ADMIN state  ( OS error code 11000)
    The Log shows:
    ERR 11599 BTRACE   -
    > Symbolic Stack Back Trace <----
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE      0: 0x0000000000ef407d eo670_UnixTraceStack +0x01ad
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE          /sapdb/MCD/db/pgm/kernel
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0x0]
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE      1: 0x0000000000ef4a49 eo670_CTraceContextStackOCB +0x0009
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE          /sapdb/MCD/db/pgm/kernel
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0x0]
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE      2: 0x0000000000ef4b92 eo670_CTraceStackOCB +0x0032
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE          /sapdb/MCD/db/pgm/kernel
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0x0]
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE      3: 0x0000000000ef4bc7 eo670_CTraceStack +0x0017
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE          /sapdb/MCD/db/pgm/kernel
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0x0]
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE      4: 0x0000000000f17817 vabort +0x0027
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE          /sapdb/MCD/db/pgm/kernel
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0x0]
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE      5: 0x0000000000f39e6c en81_WorkerMain +0x005c
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE          /sapdb/MCD/db/pgm/kernel
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0x0]
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE      6: 0x0000000000ee8773 eo07_PthreadEntry +0x00c3
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE          /sapdb/MCD/db/pgm/kernel
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0x0]
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE      7: 0x00002b726ef29143 start_thread +0x0093
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE          /lib64/libpthread-2.4.so
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0x0]
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE      8: 0x00002b726f749bed __clone +0x006d
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE          /lib64/libc-2.4.so
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE         Frameinfo [0x0]
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11599 BTRACE   -
    > End of Stack Back Trace <----
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21136 ERR 11599 BTRACE   -
    > Emergency Stack Back Trace <----
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR     7 Messages Begin of dump of registered messages
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21136 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (0):0xef49e5
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR     8 Messages End of the message list registry dump
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21136 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (1):0xef4a49
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21134 ERR 11195 DBCRASH  vabort:Emergency Shutdown
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21136 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (2):0xef4b92
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21136 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (3):0xef4bc7
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21136 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (4):0xf17817
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21136 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (5):0xf39e6c
    2011-10-17 15:42:43 21136 ERR 11599 BTRACE   (6):0xee8773
    2011-10-17 15:42:44     0 ERR 12006 DBCRASH  Kernel exited without core and exit status 0x100
    2011-10-17 15:42:44     0 ERR 12010 DBCRASH  Kernel exited exit code 1
    2011-10-17 15:42:44                          ___ Stopping GMT 2011-10-17 13:42:44           7.6.06   Build 004-123-207-084
    2011-10-17 15:44:11 21445 ERR 11846 TASKING  ABEND: dispatcher semop error Identifier removed
    2011-10-17 15:44:11 21442 ERR 11846 TASKING  ABEND: dispatcher semop error Identifier removed
    2011-10-17 15:44:11 21443 ERR 11846 TASKING  ABEND: dispatcher semop error Identifier removed
    2011-10-17 15:44:11 21450 ERR 11000 di_main  semop error: Identifier removed
    2011-10-17 15:44:11 21444 ERR 11846 TASKING  ABEND: dispatcher semop error Identifier removed
    2011-10-17 15:44:11                          --- Starting GMT 2011-10-17 13:44:11           7.6.06   Build 004-123-207-084
    2011-10-17 15:44:12     0 ERR 12006 DBCRASH  Kernel exited without core and exit status 0x6
    2011-10-17 15:44:12     0 ERR 12009 DBCRASH  Kernel exited due to signal 6(SIGABRT)
    2011-10-17 15:44:12                          ___ Stopping GMT 2011-10-17 13:44:12           7.6.06   Build 004-123-207-084
    2011-10-17 15:47:32 22283 ERR 11846 TASKING  ABEND: dispatcher semop error Identifier removed
    2011-10-17 15:47:32 22289 ERR 11846 TASKING  ABEND: dispatcher semop error Identifier removed
    2011-10-17 15:47:32 22287 ERR 11846 TASKING  ABEND: dispatcher semop error Identifier removed
    2011-10-17 15:47:32 22284 ERR 11846 TASKING  ABEND: dispatcher semop error Identifier removed
    2011-10-17 15:47:32                          --- Starting GMT 2011-10-17 13:47:32           7.6.06   Build 004-123-207-084
    2011-10-17 15:47:32     0 ERR 12006 DBCRASH  Kernel exited without core and exit status 0x6
    2011-10-17 15:47:32     0 ERR 12009 DBCRASH  Kernel exited due to signal 6(SIGABRT)
    2011-10-17 15:47:32                          ___ Stopping GMT 2011-10-17 13:47:32           7.6.06   Build 004-123-207-084
    The database messages part at this time shows:
    2011-10-17 15:47:54 23975     20018 Pager    Start TaskId: 7
    2011-10-17 15:47:54 23975     20019 Pager    First DataCacheSegment:61
    2011-10-17 15:47:54 23975     12929 TASKING  Task T6 started
    2011-10-17 15:47:54 23975     20018 Pager    Start TaskId: 6
    2011-10-17 15:47:54 23975     20019 Pager    First DataCacheSegment:62
    2011-10-17 15:47:54 23975     12929 TASKING  Task T5 started
    2011-10-17 15:47:54 23975     20018 Pager    Start TaskId: 5
    2011-10-17 15:47:54 23975     20019 Pager    First DataCacheSegment:63
    2011-10-17 15:47:55 23959         3 RunTime  State changed from STARTING to ADMIN
    2011-10-17 15:47:55 23975        31 SrvTasks Permanently reserved 53 servertasks for 'Backup / Restore'.
    ======================================= end of startup part ====================
    2011-10-17 15:47:55 23959     11570 startup  complete
    2011-10-17 15:47:55 23975        31 SrvTasks Permanently reserved 2 servertasks for 'Backup / Restore'.
    2011-10-17 15:47:55 23975        31 SrvTasks Permanently reserved 1 servertasks for 'Savepoint'.
    current write position -
    Update: We 've got an OS error on SLES10 SP2, some links between libs are gone! The error was fixed related
    to the reconfigure of the package! The DB seems to be clean !
    Edited by: ralf thomas wahlen on Oct 17, 2011 4:12 PM

  • Disp+work.exe stops *Emergency Shutdown*

    After performing J2EE patch 13 upgrade the disp+work.exe stops.  See developer trace below, Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    trc file: "dev_disp", trc level: 1, release: "640"
    Fri Sep 16 15:22:10 2005
    kernel runs with dp version 128000(ext=102000) (@(#) DPLIB-INT-VERSION-128000-UC)
    length of sys_adm_ext is 524 bytes
    systemid   560 (PC with Windows NT)
    relno      6400
    patchlevel 0
    patchno    43
    intno      20020600
    make:      multithreaded, Unicode
    pid        848
    ***LOG Q00=> DpSapEnvInit, DPStart (00 848) [dpxxdisp.c   1100]
         shared lib "dw_xml.dll" version 43 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_xtc.dll" version 43 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_stl.dll" version 43 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_gui.dll" version 43 successfully loaded
    Fri Sep 16 15:22:15 2005
    WARNING => DpNetCheck: NiAddrToHost( took 5 seconds
    ***LOG GZZ=> 1 possible network problems detected - check tracefile and adjust the DNS settings [dpxxtool2.c  3886]
    MtxInit: -2 0 0
    DpSysAdmExtInit: ABAP is active
    DpSysAdmExtInit: JAVA is not active
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_adm)          13160     (1316)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(tm_adm)          2780232     (13832)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_ca_adm)          24000     (80)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(appc_ca_adm)     8000     (80)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(comm_adm)          1160000     (580)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(vmc_adm)          0     (372)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wall_adm)          (38456/34360/64/184)
    DpShMCreate: SHM_DP_ADM_KEY          (addr: 058C0040, size: 4065320)
    DpShMCreate: allocated sys_adm at 058C0040
    DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm at 058C1B58
    DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm_list at 058C4EC0
    DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm at 058C4EE8
    DpShMCreate: allocated wp_ca_adm at 05B6BB30
    DpShMCreate: allocated appc_ca_adm at 05B718F0
    DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm_list at 05B73830
    DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm at 05B73848
    DpShMCreate: allocated vmc_adm_list at 05C8EB88
    DpShMCreate: system runs without vmc_adm
    DpShMCreate: allocated ca_info at 05C8EBB0
    DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm at 05C8EBB8
    MBUF state OFF
    EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
    <ES> client 0 initializing ....
    <ES> InitFreeList
    <ES> block size is 1024 kByte.
    Using implementation flat
    <EsNT> Memory Reset disabled as NT default
    <ES> 1227 blocks reserved for free list.
    ES initialized.
    rdisp/http_min_wait_dia_wp : 1 -> 1
    ***LOG CPS=> DpLoopInit, ICU ( 2.6.1 2.6 4.0) [dpxxdisp.c   1462]
    ***LOG Q0K=> DpMsAttach, mscon ( bwdev) [dpxxdisp.c   9736]
    CCMS: Initalizing shared memory of size 60000000 for monitoring segment.
    Fri Sep 16 15:22:16 2005
    CCMS: start to initalize 3.X shared alert area (first segment).
    DpMsgAdmin: Set release to 6400, patchlevel 0
    MBUF component UP
    DpMBufHwIdSet: set Hardware-ID
    ***LOG Q1C=> DpMBufHwIdSet [dpxxmbuf.c   1025]
    DpMsgAdmin: Set patchno for this platform to 43
    Release check o.K.
    Fri Sep 16 15:22:55 2005
    ERROR => W0 (pid 3304) died [dpxxdisp.c   12187]
    ERROR => W1 (pid 3104) died [dpxxdisp.c   12187]
    ERROR => W2 (pid 3204) died [dpxxdisp.c   12187]
    ERROR => W3 (pid 3496) died [dpxxdisp.c   12187]
    my types changed after wp death/restart 0xbf --> 0xbe
    ERROR => W4 (pid 3532) died [dpxxdisp.c   12187]
    my types changed after wp death/restart 0xbe --> 0xbc
    ERROR => W5 (pid 3612) died [dpxxdisp.c   12187]
    my types changed after wp death/restart 0xbc --> 0xb8
    ERROR => W6 (pid 2960) died [dpxxdisp.c   12187]
    ERROR => W7 (pid 3704) died [dpxxdisp.c   12187]
    my types changed after wp death/restart 0xb8 --> 0xb0
    ERROR => W8 (pid 2652) died [dpxxdisp.c   12187]
    my types changed after wp death/restart 0xb0 --> 0xa0
    ERROR => W9 (pid 2660) died [dpxxdisp.c   12187]
    my types changed after wp death/restart 0xa0 --> 0x80
    DP_FATAL_ERROR => DpWPCheck: no more work processes
    increase tracelevel of WPs
    killing W0-3304 (SIGUSR2)
    ERROR => DpWpKill(3304, SIGUSR2) failed [dpxxtool.c   2468]
    killing W1-3104 (SIGUSR2)
    ERROR => DpWpKill(3104, SIGUSR2) failed [dpxxtool.c   2468]
    killing W2-3204 (SIGUSR2)
    ERROR => DpWpKill(3204, SIGUSR2) failed [dpxxtool.c   2468]
    killing W3-3496 (SIGUSR2)
    ERROR => DpWpKill(3496, SIGUSR2) failed [dpxxtool.c   2468]
    killing W4-3532 (SIGUSR2)
    ERROR => DpWpKill(3532, SIGUSR2) failed [dpxxtool.c   2468]
    killing W5-3612 (SIGUSR2)
    ERROR => DpWpKill(3612, SIGUSR2) failed [dpxxtool.c   2468]
    killing W6-2960 (SIGUSR2)
    ERROR => DpWpKill(2960, SIGUSR2) failed [dpxxtool.c   2468]
    killing W7-3704 (SIGUSR2)
    ERROR => DpWpKill(3704, SIGUSR2) failed [dpxxtool.c   2468]
    killing W8-2652 (SIGUSR2)
    ERROR => DpWpKill(2652, SIGUSR2) failed [dpxxtool.c   2468]
    killing W9-2660 (SIGUSR2)
    ERROR => DpWpKill(2660, SIGUSR2) failed [dpxxtool.c   2468]
    NiWait: sleep (10000 msecs) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 10000 ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=1621
    NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
    NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
    Fri Sep 16 15:23:05 2005
    NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (10000 ms)
    dump system status
    Workprocess Table (long)               Fri Sep 16 19:23:05 2005
    No Ty. Pid      Status  Cause Start Err Sem CPU    Time  Program  Cl  User         Action                    Table
    0 DIA     3304 Ended         no      1   0             0                                                             
    1 DIA     3104 Ended         no      1   0             0                                                             
    2 DIA     3204 Ended         no      1   0             0                                                             
    3 DIA     3496 Ended         no      1   0             0                                                             
    4 UPD     3532 Ended         no      1   0             0                                                             
    5 ENQ     3612 Ended         no      1   0             0                                                             
    6 BTC     2960 Ended         no      1   0             0                                                             
    7 BTC     3704 Ended         no      1   0             0                                                             
    8 SPO     2652 Ended         no      1   0             0                                                             
    9 UP2     2660 Ended         no      1   0             0                                                             
    Dispatcher Queue Statistics               Fri Sep 16 19:23:05 2005
    max_rq_id          13
    wake_evt_udp_now     0
    wake events           total     9,  udp     7 ( 77%),  shm     2 ( 22%)
    since last update     total     9,  udp     7 ( 77%),  shm     2 ( 22%)
    Dump of tm_adm structure:               Fri Sep 16 19:23:05 2005
    Term    uid  man user    term   lastop  mod wp  ta   a/i (modes)
    Workprocess Comm. Area Blocks               Fri Sep 16 19:23:05 2005
    Slots: 300, Used: 1, Max: 0
    NiWait: sleep (5000 msecs) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 5000 ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=1621
    NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
    NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
    Fri Sep 16 15:23:10 2005
    NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (5000 ms)
    Shutdown server ...
    DpModState: buffer in state MBUF_PREPARED
    NiBufSend starting
    NiIWrite: write 110, 1 packs, MESG_IO, hdl 3, data complete
    MsINiWrite: sent 110 bytes
    MsIModState: change state to SHUTDOWN
    DpModState: change server state from STARTING to SHUTDOWN
    Switch off Shared memory profiling
    ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
    ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
    DpWakeUpWps: wake up all wp's
    Stop work processes...
    Stop gateway
    killing process (3192) (SOFT_KILL)
    Stop icman
    killing process (2900) (SOFT_KILL)
    Terminate gui connections
    [DpProcDied] Process lives  (PID:3192  HANDLE:1600)
    waiting for termination of gateway
    NiWait: sleep (1000 msecs) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 1000 ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=1621
    NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
    NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
    Fri Sep 16 15:23:11 2005
    NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000 ms)
    [DpProcDied] Process died  (PID:3192  HANDLE:1600)
    [DpProcDied] Process died  (PID:2900  HANDLE:1592)
    DpHalt: cancel all lcom connections
    MPI CancelAll 2 -> 0
    MPI DeleteAll 2 -> 0
    NiIMyHostName: hostname = 'bwdev'
    AdGetSelfIdentRecord: >                                                                           <
    AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 60 (AD_SELFIDENT), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0
    AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 4 (AD_STARTSTOP), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0
    DpConvertRequest: net size = 163 bytes
    NiBufSend starting
    NiIWrite: write 562, 1 packs, MESG_IO, hdl 3, data complete
    MsINiWrite: sent 562 bytes
    send msg (len 110+452) to name          -, type 4, key -
    detach from message server
    ***LOG Q0M=> DpMsDetach, ms_detach () [dpxxdisp.c   9962]
    NiBufSend starting
    NiIWrite: write 110, 1 packs, MESG_IO, hdl 3, data complete
    MsINiWrite: sent 110 bytes
    MsIDetach: send logout to msg_server
    MsIDetach: call exit function
    DpMsShutdownHook called
    NiSelClear: removed hdl 3 from selectset
    MBUF state OFF
    AdGetSelfIdentRecord: >                                                                           <
    AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 60 (AD_SELFIDENT), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0
    AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0
    AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0
    blks_in_queue/wp_ca_blk_no/wp_max_no = 1/300/10
    LOCK WP ca_blk 1
    make DISP owner of wp_ca_blk 1
    DpRqPutIntoQueue: put request into queue (reqtype 1, prio LOW, rq_id 19)
    MBUF component DOWN
    NiBufClose: clear extensions for hdl 3
    NiBufSetStat: bufstat of hdl 3 changed from OK to OFF
    NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 3 / socket 1604
    MsIDetach: detach MS-system
    EsCleanup ....
    ***LOG Q05=> DpHalt, DPStop ( 848) [dpxxdisp.c   8495]
    Good Bye .....

    Sorry that I have not mentioned the problem
    disp+work is stopped. please advise me.
    here is the trace:
    Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.
    This file contains port numbers for well-known services defined by IANA
    <service name>  <port number>/<protocol>  [aliases...]   [#<comment>]
    echo                7/tcp
    echo                7/udp
    discard             9/tcp    sink null
    discard             9/udp    sink null
    systat             11/tcp    users                  #Active users
    systat             11/tcp    users                  #Active users
    daytime            13/tcp
    daytime            13/udp
    qotd               17/tcp    quote                  #Quote of the day
    qotd               17/udp    quote                  #Quote of the day
    chargen            19/tcp    ttytst source          #Character generator
    chargen            19/udp    ttytst source          #Character generator
    ftp-data           20/tcp                           #FTP, data
    ftp                21/tcp                           #FTP. control
    telnet             23/tcp
    smtp               25/tcp    mail                   #Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
    time               37/tcp    timserver
    time               37/udp    timserver
    rlp                39/udp    resource               #Resource Location Protocol
    nameserver         42/tcp    name                   #Host Name Server
    nameserver         42/udp    name                   #Host Name Server
    nicname            43/tcp    whois
    domain             53/tcp                           #Domain Name Server
    domain             53/udp                           #Domain Name Server
    bootps             67/udp    dhcps                  #Bootstrap Protocol Server
    bootpc             68/udp    dhcpc                  #Bootstrap Protocol Client
    tftp               69/udp                           #Trivial File Transfer
    gopher             70/tcp
    finger             79/tcp
    http               80/tcp    www www-http           #World Wide Web
    kerberos           88/tcp    krb5 kerberos-sec      #Kerberos
    kerberos           88/udp    krb5 kerberos-sec      #Kerberos
    hostname          101/tcp    hostnames              #NIC Host Name Server
    iso-tsap          102/tcp                           #ISO-TSAP Class 0
    rtelnet           107/tcp                           #Remote Telnet Service
    pop2              109/tcp    postoffice             #Post Office Protocol - Version 2
    pop3              110/tcp                           #Post Office Protocol - Version 3
    sunrpc            111/tcp    rpcbind portmap        #SUN Remote Procedure Call
    sunrpc            111/udp    rpcbind portmap        #SUN Remote Procedure Call
    auth              113/tcp    ident tap              #Identification Protocol
    uucp-path         117/tcp
    nntp              119/tcp    usenet                 #Network News Transfer Protocol
    ntp               123/udp                           #Network Time Protocol
    epmap             135/tcp    loc-srv                #DCE endpoint resolution
    epmap             135/udp    loc-srv                #DCE endpoint resolution
    netbios-ns        137/tcp    nbname                 #NETBIOS Name Service
    netbios-ns        137/udp    nbname                 #NETBIOS Name Service
    netbios-dgm       138/udp    nbdatagram             #NETBIOS Datagram Service
    netbios-ssn       139/tcp    nbsession              #NETBIOS Session Service
    imap              143/tcp    imap4                  #Internet Message Access Protocol
    pcmail-srv        158/tcp                           #PCMail Server
    snmp              161/udp                           #SNMP
    snmptrap          162/udp    snmp-trap              #SNMP trap
    print-srv         170/tcp                           #Network PostScript
    bgp               179/tcp                           #Border Gateway Protocol
    irc               194/tcp                           #Internet Relay Chat Protocol       
    ipx               213/udp                           #IPX over IP
    ldap              389/tcp                           #Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
    https             443/tcp    MCom
    https             443/udp    MCom
    microsoft-ds      445/tcp
    microsoft-ds      445/udp
    kpasswd           464/tcp                           # Kerberos (v5)
    kpasswd           464/udp                           # Kerberos (v5)
    isakmp            500/udp    ike                    #Internet Key Exchange
    exec              512/tcp                           #Remote Process Execution
    biff              512/udp    comsat
    login             513/tcp                           #Remote Login
    who               513/udp    whod
    cmd               514/tcp    shell
    syslog            514/udp
    printer           515/tcp    spooler
    talk              517/udp
    ntalk             518/udp
    efs               520/tcp                           #Extended File Name Server
    router            520/udp    route routed
    timed             525/udp    timeserver
    tempo             526/tcp    newdate
    courier           530/tcp    rpc
    conference        531/tcp    chat
    netnews           532/tcp    readnews
    netwall           533/udp                           #For emergency broadcasts
    uucp              540/tcp    uucpd
    klogin            543/tcp                           #Kerberos login
    kshell            544/tcp    krcmd                  #Kerberos remote shell
    new-rwho          550/udp    new-who
    remotefs          556/tcp    rfs rfs_server
    rmonitor          560/udp    rmonitord
    monitor           561/udp
    ldaps             636/tcp    sldap                  #LDAP over TLS/SSL
    doom              666/tcp                           #Doom Id Software
    doom              666/udp                           #Doom Id Software
    kerberos-adm      749/tcp                           #Kerberos administration
    kerberos-adm      749/udp                           #Kerberos administration
    kerberos-iv       750/udp                           #Kerberos version IV
    kpop             1109/tcp                           #Kerberos POP
    phone            1167/udp                           #Conference calling
    ms-sql-s         1433/tcp                           #Microsoft-SQL-Server
    ms-sql-s         1433/udp                           #Microsoft-SQL-Server
    ms-sql-m         1434/tcp                           #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor
    ms-sql-m         1434/udp                           #Microsoft-SQL-Monitor               
    wins             1512/tcp                           #Microsoft Windows Internet Name Service
    wins             1512/udp                           #Microsoft Windows Internet Name Service
    ingreslock       1524/tcp    ingres
    l2tp             1701/udp                           #Layer Two Tunneling Protocol
    pptp             1723/tcp                           #Point-to-point tunnelling protocol
    radius           1812/udp                           #RADIUS authentication protocol
    radacct          1813/udp                           #RADIUS accounting protocol
    nfsd             2049/udp    nfs                    #NFS server
    knetd            2053/tcp                           #Kerberos de-multiplexor
    man              9535/tcp                           #Remote Man Server
    sapgw00s         4800/tcp # sap secured gateway
    sapsp00           3400/tcp #
    sapms00          3500/tcp
    sapmsC11         3600/tcp
    sapdp00          3200/tcp # sap dispatcher
    sapdp01          3201/tcp
    sapdp02          3202/tcp
    sapdp03          3203/tcp
    sapdp04          3204/tcp
    sapdp05          3205/tcp
    sapdp06          3206/tcp
    sapdp07          3207/tcp
    sapdp08          3208/tcp
    sapdp09          3209/tcp
    sapdp10          3210/tcp
    sapdp11          3211/tcp
    sapdp12          3212/tcp
    sapdp13          3213/tcp
    sapdp14          3214/tcp
    sapdp15          3215/tcp
    sapdp16          3216/tcp
    sapdp17          3217/tcp
    sapdp18          3218/tcp
    sapdp19          3219/tcp
    sapdp20          3220/tcp
    sapdp21          3221/tcp
    sapdp22          3222/tcp
    sapdp23          3223/tcp
    sapdp24          3224/tcp
    sapdp25          3225/tcp
    sapdp26          3226/tcp
    sapdp27          3227/tcp
    sapdp28          3228/tcp
    sapdp29          3229/tcp
    sapdp30          3230/tcp
    sapdp31          3231/tcp
    sapdp32          3232/tcp
    sapdp33          3233/tcp
    sapdp34          3234/tcp
    sapdp35          3235/tcp
    sapdp36          3236/tcp
    sapdp37          3237/tcp
    sapdp38          3238/tcp
    sapdp39          3239/tcp
    sapdp40          3240/tcp
    sapdp41          3241/tcp
    sapdp42          3242/tcp
    sapdp43          3243/tcp
    sapdp44          3244/tcp
    sapdp45          3245/tcp
    sapdp46          3246/tcp
    sapdp47          3247/tcp
    sapdp48          3248/tcp
    sapdp49          3249/tcp
    sapdp50          3250/tcp
    sapdp51          3251/tcp
    sapdp52          3252/tcp
    sapdp53          3253/tcp
    sapdp54          3254/tcp
    sapdp55          3255/tcp
    sapdp56          3256/tcp
    sapdp57          3257/tcp
    sapdp58          3258/tcp
    sapdp59          3259/tcp
    sapdp60          3260/tcp
    sapdp61          3261/tcp
    sapdp62          3262/tcp
    sapdp63          3263/tcp
    sapdp64          3264/tcp
    sapdp65          3265/tcp
    sapdp66          3266/tcp
    sapdp67          3267/tcp
    sapdp68          3268/tcp
    sapdp69          3269/tcp
    sapdp70          3270/tcp
    sapdp71          3271/tcp
    sapdp72          3272/tcp
    sapdp73          3273/tcp
    sapdp74          3274/tcp
    sapdp75          3275/tcp
    sapdp76          3276/tcp
    sapdp77          3277/tcp
    sapdp78          3278/tcp
    sapdp79          3279/tcp
    sapdp80          3280/tcp
    sapdp81          3281/tcp
    sapdp82          3282/tcp
    sapdp83          3283/tcp
    sapdp84          3284/tcp
    sapdp85          3285/tcp
    sapdp86          3286/tcp
    sapdp87          3287/tcp
    sapdp88          3288/tcp
    sapdp89          3289/tcp
    sapdp90          3290/tcp
    sapdp91          3291/tcp
    sapdp92          3292/tcp
    sapdp93          3293/tcp
    sapdp94          3294/tcp
    sapdp95          3295/tcp
    sapdp96          3296/tcp
    sapdp97          3297/tcp
    sapdp98          3298/tcp
    sapdp99          3299/tcp
    sapgw00          3300/tcp # sap gateway
    sapgw01          3301/tcp
    sapgw02          3302/tcp
    sapgw03          3303/tcp
    sapgw04          3304/tcp
    sapgw05          3305/tcp
    sapgw06          3306/tcp
    sapgw07          3307/tcp
    sapgw08          3308/tcp
    sapgw09          3309/tcp
    sapgw10          3310/tcp
    sapgw11          3311/tcp
    sapgw12          3312/tcp
    sapgw13          3313/tcp
    sapgw14          3314/tcp
    sapgw15          3315/tcp
    sapgw16          3316/tcp
    sapgw17          3317/tcp
    sapgw18          3318/tcp
    sapgw19          3319/tcp
    sapgw20          3320/tcp
    sapgw21          3321/tcp
    sapgw22          3322/tcp
    sapgw23          3323/tcp
    sapgw24          3324/tcp
    sapgw25          3325/tcp
    sapgw26          3326/tcp
    sapgw27          3327/tcp
    sapgw28          3328/tcp
    sapgw29          3329/tcp
    sapgw30          3330/tcp
    sapgw31          3331/tcp
    sapgw32          3332/tcp
    sapgw33          3333/tcp
    sapgw34          3334/tcp
    sapgw35          3335/tcp
    sapgw36          3336/tcp
    sapgw37          3337/tcp
    sapgw38          3338/tcp
    sapgw39          3339/tcp
    sapgw40          3340/tcp
    sapgw41          3341/tcp
    sapgw42          3342/tcp
    sapgw43          3343/tcp
    sapgw44          3344/tcp
    sapgw45          3345/tcp
    sapgw46          3346/tcp
    sapgw47          3347/tcp
    sapgw48          3348/tcp
    sapgw49          3349/tcp
    sapgw50          3350/tcp
    sapgw51          3351/tcp
    sapgw52          3352/tcp
    sapgw53          3353/tcp
    sapgw54          3354/tcp
    sapgw55          3355/tcp
    sapgw56          3356/tcp
    sapgw57          3357/tcp
    sapgw58          3358/tcp
    sapgw59          3359/tcp
    sapgw60          3360/tcp
    sapgw61          3361/tcp
    sapgw62          3362/tcp
    sapgw63          3363/tcp
    sapgw64          3364/tcp
    sapgw65          3365/tcp
    sapgw66          3366/tcp
    sapgw67          3367/tcp
    sapgw68          3368/tcp
    sapgw69          3369/tcp
    sapgw70          3370/tcp
    sapgw71          3371/tcp
    sapgw72          3372/tcp
    sapgw73          3373/tcp
    sapgw74          3374/tcp
    sapgw75          3375/tcp
    sapgw76          3376/tcp
    sapgw77          3377/tcp
    sapgw78          3378/tcp
    sapgw79          3379/tcp
    sapgw80          3380/tcp
    sapgw81          3381/tcp
    sapgw82          3382/tcp
    sapgw83          3383/tcp
    sapgw84          3384/tcp
    sapgw85          3385/tcp
    sapgw86          3386/tcp
    sapgw87          3387/tcp
    sapgw88          3388/tcp
    sapgw89          3389/tcp
    sapgw90          3390/tcp
    sapgw91          3391/tcp
    sapgw92          3392/tcp
    sapgw93          3393/tcp
    sapgw94          3394/tcp
    sapgw95          3395/tcp
    sapgw96          3396/tcp
    sapgw97          3397/tcp
    sapgw98          3398/tcp
    sapgw99          3399/tcp
    trc file: "dev_disp", trc level: 1, release: "46D"
    Fri Sep 16 16:45:39 2005
    relno      4640
    patchlevel 0
    patchno    748
    intno      0
    pid        2092
    ***LOG Q00=> DpSapEnvInit, DPStart (00 2092) [dpxxdisp.c   878]
    MtxInit: -2 0 0
    MBUF state OFF
    MBUF opmode USE
    Fri Sep 16 16:45:40 2005
    EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
    <ES> client 0 initializing ....
    <ES> InitFreeList
    <ES> block size is 1024 kByte.
    Using implementation std
    <ES> Memory Reset enabled as NT default
    <EsNT> EsIUnamFileMapInit: Initialize the memory 360 MB
    <ES> 359 blocks reserved for free list.
    ES initialized.
    ***LOG Q0K=> DpMsAttach, mscon ( erp) [dpxxdisp.c   7536]
    MBUF set hwid_state to HWID_PENDING
    CCMS: Initalizing shared memory of size 10000000 for monitoring segment.
    CCMS: start to initalize 3.X shared alert area (first segment).
    DpMsgAdmin: Set release to 4640, patchlevel 0
    MBUF component UP
    MBUF set hwid_state to SAP_O_K (P0427188049                             )
    DpMsgAdmin: Set patchno for this platform to 748
    Release check o.K.
    Fri Sep 16 16:47:40 2005
    ERROR => W0 (pid 1768) died [dpxxdisp.c   9723]
    ERROR => W1 (pid 1284) died [dpxxdisp.c   9723]
    ERROR => W2 (pid 896) died [dpxxdisp.c   9723]
    ERROR => W3 (pid 2088) died [dpxxdisp.c   9723]
    ERROR => W4 (pid 1204) died [dpxxdisp.c   9723]
    ERROR => W5 (pid 628) died [dpxxdisp.c   9723]
    ERROR => W6 (pid 1624) died [dpxxdisp.c   9723]
    ERROR => W7 (pid 880) died [dpxxdisp.c   9723]
    ERROR => W8 (pid 812) died [dpxxdisp.c   9723]
    ERROR => W9 (pid 672) died [dpxxdisp.c   9723]
    ERROR => W10 (pid 1168) died [dpxxdisp.c   9723]
    ERROR => W11 (pid 1160) died [dpxxdisp.c   9723]
    ERROR => W12 (pid 1152) died [dpxxdisp.c   9723]
    ERROR => W13 (pid 1144) died [dpxxdisp.c   9723]
    ERROR => W14 (pid 1136) died [dpxxdisp.c   9723]
    my types changed after wp death/restart 0x3f --> 0x0
    DP_FATAL_ERROR => DpEnvCheck: no more work processes
    Fri Sep 16 16:47:41 2005
    ***LOG Q0M=> DpMsDetach, ms_detach () [dpxxdisp.c   7741]
    MBUF state OFF
    MBUF component DOWN
    ***LOG Q05=> DpHalt, DPStop ( 2092) [dpxxdisp.c   6458]
    please advise ??

  • Hello! Recently encountered a problem with OSX start,  after an emergency shutdown macbook

    Hello! Recently encountered a problem after an emergency shutdown macbook (it was shut off due to low battery) and now I can not boot in OS X, the fact that I can't see what became of OSX, so as I have in parallel is Windows that is loaded instead of OS X (video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oSTZhaVy9g sorry for the quality, with YouTube's nothing you can do) When you select a disk partition with OSX in Windows, via Bootcamp the same. What could it be? Maybe there is a function of the last successful run? I have the opportunity to the entire disk with OS X, from file system to programs. Moreover, OS X has remained 1password. I would be very grateful for help, because the answer is never found. I have MBP 371 ll/a with OSX 10.9.5.

    Yes, I can see the partition with OS X and Windows, better watch the video, it demonstrates this point.

  • Toshiba Satellite L745D-S4230 between shutdown randomly & shutdown by overheat

    the laptop is Satellite L745D-S4230
    its been 3-4 years old, with spec
    Model Name      : Satellite L745D
    Os Version    : Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 (64 bit)
    Bios                     : InsydeH2O Version CCB.
    Bios Version      : 1.30
    CPU                      : AMD A6-3400M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
    Harddisk Capacity : 460.840 [GB]
    Harddisk Free Space Capacity : 413.745 [GB]
    Video               : AMD Radeon(TM) HD 6520G version=8.911.6.0
    IDE Device     : WDC WD5000LPVX-22V0TT0 ATA DEVICE
                                TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-L633F ATA Device FW version=TF01
    RAM                : 8192MB
    at the first year, the laptop work great
    after that, when laptop already alive for many hour then i do a heavy  stuff, it shutdown automaticly
    at 1 and half year,, it begin shut down randomly (sometimes after few second after it turn on)
    but most of the time, when i do something heavy, this Laptop will always shutdown automaticly
    when it shutdown automaticly, there is two LED (after the LED power), blinking in orange ...
    i never put the battery when it all happen ( its already not work properly in early year )
    i already disassembly the laptop, clean the fan, and apply thermal paste,  but everything still same
    i take it to the service .. and they say everything still good except the harddisk
    so i buy new Harddisk, but everything still same
    how to fix this problem?
    any information will highly appreciate ...

    the laptop is Satellite L745D-S4230
    its been 3-4 years old, with spec
    Model Name      : Satellite L745D
    Os Version    : Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 (64 bit)
    Bios                     : InsydeH2O Version CCB.
    Bios Version      : 1.30
    CPU                      : AMD A6-3400M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
    Harddisk Capacity : 460.840 [GB]
    Harddisk Free Space Capacity : 413.745 [GB]
    Video               : AMD Radeon(TM) HD 6520G version=8.911.6.0
    IDE Device     : WDC WD5000LPVX-22V0TT0 ATA DEVICE
                                TSSTcorp CDDVDW TS-L633F ATA Device FW version=TF01
    RAM                : 8192MB
    at the first year, the laptop work great
    after that, when laptop already alive for many hour then i do a heavy  stuff, it shutdown automaticly
    at 1 and half year,, it begin shut down randomly (sometimes after few second after it turn on)
    but most of the time, when i do something heavy, this Laptop will always shutdown automaticly
    when it shutdown automaticly, there is two LED (after the LED power), blinking in orange ...
    i never put the battery when it all happen ( its already not work properly in early year )
    i already disassembly the laptop, clean the fan, and apply thermal paste,  but everything still same
    i take it to the service .. and they say everything still good except the harddisk
    so i buy new Harddisk, but everything still same
    how to fix this problem?
    any information will highly appreciate ...

  • S10e emergency shutdown when screen opened too much?

    Type: 4187-5LG
    When the screen is tilted too much the computer shuts down, and I have to remove AC power and the battery for 15 seconds before it can be started again.
    I know it has a limit of 130 degrees, but the hinges are quite firm and it is not possible to tell when it is at the limit! - I have read the Hardware Maintenance Manual and was unable to find an answer.
    Does the S10e have an emergency switch in the hinge, or am I hurting my new little workhorse?
    Message Edited by hpholm on 01-03-2009 01:40 AM
    Go to Solution.

    This sounds like either a brute force issue, or your machine has issues.  My friend has an S10 and I can open the screen right to the stops and nothing happens.  Note that I'm not pressing real hard, I open it until it won't open anymore and then stop trying to open it more.
    If you're sitting it on the floor and doing handstands on the two halves to get it to open more, then that would be the source of your problem.
    Since I assume you aren't doing something like that, I'd bet you've got some wiring issue near one of the hinges and something is shorting out somewhere it shouldn't.

  • Computer Emergency shutdown

    Ok freaking a little over hear. So i was just doing stuff on my mac and then all of a sudden i couldn't move or type, and a gray screen cam up. It told me to restart immediately. I had to hold the power button down. But i don't know why. It later said the Mac OSX had crashed. But is my computer ok or what caused it? is there anything i can do to prevent this from happening again?

    Tough to tell if it's Hardware or Software at the moment.
    Could it be Heat related where you are?
    Boot off your Install Disk while holding down the *d key*, (not c key), then run the extended Apple Hardware Test. Some disks require you to use the Option key at bootup to select AHT. Some models have a separate AHT CD.
    At this point I think you should get Applejack...
    After installing, reboot holding down CMD+s, (+s), then when the DOS like prompt shows, type in...
    applejack AUTO
    Then let it do all 5 of it's things.
    At least it'll eliminate some questions if it doesn't fix it.
    The 5 things it does are...
    Correct any Disk problems.
    Repair Permissions.
    Clear out Cache Files.
    Repair/check several plist files.
    Dump the VM files for a fresh start.
    First reboot will be slower, sometimes 2 or 3 restarts will be required for full benefit... my guess is files relying upon other files relying upon other files!
    Disconnect the USB cable from any UPS so the system doesn't shut down in the middle of the process.

  • Emergency Shutdown While Locked

    Ok, I need some help.  I had my phone locked, with a password.  Then this kid I know walked up and punched some buttons on my phone, shutting it off.  He knows just about nothing about BB, just a couple tricks his relative showed him.  How do I do this myself, for future reference, and how can I prevent this?
    Go to Solution.

    The only way I can think of to do that would be to hold down the power button for a few seconds. That will work even when it's locked. The only way I'm aware of is to maybe lock the device, then put the device in standby. I just tested this and while in standby I can hold the power button down and I don't get the prompt that the device is about to be turned off. I can only exit standby by hitting the standby button
    If someone has been helpful please consider giving them kudos by clicking the star to the left of their post.
    Remember to resolve your thread by clicking Accepted Solution.

  • Neo2 CPU overheat shutdown feature?

    Last night Windows XP gave me a message that my computer is about to shutdown due to my CPU overheating. It shut down moments later by itself and I was able to restart it no problem and everything is working fine.
    My question is why did this happen only once without changing any settings! Does the MSI mobo have an automatic emergency shutdown feature or is this something windows detects?  Also to prevent this from happening again I have enabled the cool n quiet and now it idles at 32c and loaded optimized defaults and it has not happened since.

    I know I set the digi cell monitor to around 55c but usually it only gives me a loud warning sound. Where do I go to configure it?

  • TRIALSP11 Application server Shutdown at SAP LOGON

    This is my first adventure with SAP or ABAP..
    1. I installed and followed the  SAPNW2004sABAPTrialSP11 install instructions.
    2. The installation instructions went fine from the
    3. SAMMMC has MSG_SERVER.exe and DISP_WORK.EXE both green when I stared the SAP Logon.
    4. After I start the SAP the waiting for response shows up.
    5. SAP GUI comes up with a error saying application server shutdown.
    6. my disp+work.exe goes to stopped state.
    7. Error message says componet is 710, version 10, return code -17, counter 1.
    The Log is attached. Any help is rewarded.
    trc file: "dev_disp", trc level: 1, release: "700"
    sysno      00
    sid        NSP
    systemid   560 (PC with Windows NT)
    relno      7000
    patchlevel 0
    patchno    95
    intno      20050900
    make:      multithreaded, ASCII, optimized
    pid        2192
    Fri Jun 29 21:56:47 2007
    kernel runs with dp version 224(ext=109) (@(#) DPLIB-INT-VERSION-224)
    length of sys_adm_ext is 360 bytes
    SWITCH TRC-HIDE on ***
    ***LOG Q00=> DpSapEnvInit, DPStart (00 2192) [dpxxdisp.c   1239]
    Fri Jun 29 21:56:48 2007
         shared lib "dw_xml.dll" version 95 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_xtc.dll" version 95 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_stl.dll" version 95 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_gui.dll" version 95 successfully loaded
         shared lib "dw_mdm.dll" version 95 successfully loaded
    rdisp/softcancel_sequence :  -> 0,5,-1
    use internal message server connection to port 3900
    Fri Jun 29 21:56:52 2007
    WARNING => DpNetCheck: NiAddrToHost( took 4 seconds
    ***LOG GZZ=> 1 possible network problems detected - check tracefile and adjust the DNS settings [dpxxtool2.c  5355]
    MtxInit: 30000 0 0
    DpSysAdmExtInit: ABAP is active
    DpSysAdmExtInit: VMC (JAVA VM in WP) is not active
    DpIPCInit2: start server >kiranmtop_NSP_00                        <
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_adm)          6328     (904)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(tm_adm)          3605136     (17936)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_ca_adm)          1200     (60)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(appc_ca_adm)     1200     (60)
    DpCommTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=500/8/528040/528048
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(comm_adm)          528048     (1048)
    DpSlockTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/fiSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0/0
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(slock_adm)          0     (96)
    DpFileTableSize: max/headSize/ftSize/tableSize=0/0/0/0
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(file_adm)          0     (72)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(vmc_adm)          0     (1280)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(wall_adm)          (22440/34344/56/100)
    DpShMCreate: sizeof(gw_adm)     48
    DpShMCreate: SHM_DP_ADM_KEY          (addr: 059B0040, size: 4205552)
    DpShMCreate: allocated sys_adm at 059B0040
    DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm at 059B1A28
    DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm_list at 059B32E0
    DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm at 059B3310
    DpShMCreate: allocated wp_ca_adm at 05D235A0
    DpShMCreate: allocated appc_ca_adm at 05D23A50
    DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm at 05D23F00
    DpShMCreate: system runs without slock table
    DpShMCreate: system runs without file table
    DpShMCreate: allocated vmc_adm_list at 05DA4DB0
    DpShMCreate: allocated gw_adm at 05DA4DF0
    DpShMCreate: system runs without vmc_adm
    DpShMCreate: allocated ca_info at 05DA4E20
    DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm at 05DA4E28
    MBUF state OFF
    DpCommInitTable: init table for 500 entries
    Fri Jun 29 21:56:53 2007
    EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
    MM global diagnostic options set: 0
    <ES> client 0 initializing ....
    <ES> InitFreeList
    <ES> block size is 1024 kByte.
    Using implementation view
    <EsNT> Memory Reset disabled as NT default
    <ES> 127 blocks reserved for free list.
    ES initialized.
    rdisp/http_min_wait_dia_wp : 1 -> 1
    Fri Jun 29 21:56:54 2007
    ***LOG Q0K=> DpMsAttach, mscon ( kiranmtop) [dpxxdisp.c   11663]
    Fri Jun 29 21:56:55 2007
    DpStartStopMsg: send start message (myname is >kiranmtop_NSP_00                        <)
    DpStartStopMsg: start msg sent
    Fri Jun 29 21:56:56 2007
    CCMS: alert/MONI_SEGM_SIZE = 0   monitoring and alerting switched off.
    DpMsgAdmin: Set release to 7000, patchlevel 0
    MBUF component UP
    DpMBufHwIdSet: set Hardware-ID
    ***LOG Q1C=> DpMBufHwIdSet [dpxxmbuf.c   1050]
    DpMsgAdmin: Set patchno for this platform to 95
    Release check o.K.
    Fri Jun 29 21:57:35 2007
    ERROR => W0 (pid 2268) died [dpxxdisp.c   14318]
    ERROR => W1 (pid 2276) died [dpxxdisp.c   14318]
    ERROR => W2 (pid 2284) died [dpxxdisp.c   14318]
    my types changed after wp death/restart 0x9f --> 0x9e
    ERROR => W3 (pid 2292) died [dpxxdisp.c   14318]
    my types changed after wp death/restart 0x9e --> 0x9c
    ERROR => W4 (pid 2300) died [dpxxdisp.c   14318]
    my types changed after wp death/restart 0x9c --> 0x98
    ERROR => W5 (pid 2308) died [dpxxdisp.c   14318]
    my types changed after wp death/restart 0x98 --> 0x90
    ERROR => W6 (pid 2316) died [dpxxdisp.c   14318]
    my types changed after wp death/restart 0x90 --> 0x80
    DP_FATAL_ERROR => DpWPCheck: no more work processes
    increase tracelevel of WPs
    NiWait: sleep (10000ms) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 10000ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=1629
    NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
    NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
    Fri Jun 29 21:57:45 2007
    NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (10000ms)
    dump system status
    Workprocess Table (long)               Sat Jun 30 04:57:45 2007
    No Ty. Pid      Status  Cause Start Err Sem CPU    Time  Program  Cl  User         Action                    Table
    0 DIA     2268 Ended         no      1   0             0                                                             
    1 DIA     2276 Ended         no      1   0             0                                                             
    2 DIA     2284 Ended         no      1   0             0                                                             
    3 UPD     2292 Ended         no      1   0             0                                                             
    4 ENQ     2300 Ended         no      1   0             0                                                             
    5 BTC     2308 Ended         no      1   0             0                                                             
    6 SPO     2316 Ended         no      1   0             0                                                             
    Dispatcher Queue Statistics               Sat Jun 30 04:57:45 2007
    max_rq_id          12
    wake_evt_udp_now     0
    wake events           total     7,  udp     4 ( 57%),  shm     3 ( 42%)
    since last update     total     7,  udp     4 ( 57%),  shm     3 ( 42%)
    Dump of tm_adm structure:               Sat Jun 30 04:57:45 2007
    Term    uid  man user    term   lastop  mod wp  ta   a/i (modes)
    RM-T7, U8,                 , kiranmtop, 21:57:24, M0, W-1,     , 1/0
    Workprocess Comm. Area Blocks               Sat Jun 30 04:57:45 2007
    Slots: 20, Used: 2, Max: 1
    NiWait: sleep (5000ms) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 5000ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=1629
    NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
    NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
    Fri Jun 29 21:57:50 2007
    NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (5000ms)
    DpHalt: shutdown server >kiranmtop_NSP_00                        < (normal)
    DpModState: buffer in state MBUF_PREPARED
    NiBufSend starting
    NiIWrite: hdl 2 sent data (wrt=110,pac=1,MESG_IO)
    MsINiWrite: sent 110 bytes
    MsIModState: change state to SHUTDOWN
    DpModState: change server state from STARTING to SHUTDOWN
    Switch off Shared memory profiling
    ShmProtect( 57, 3 )
    ShmProtect( 57, 1 )
    DpWakeUpWps: wake up all wp's
    Stop work processes
    Stop gateway
    killing process (2252) (SOFT_KILL)
    Stop icman
    killing process (2260) (SOFT_KILL)
    Terminate gui connections
    send SHUTDOWN to REM TM 7
    blks_in_queue/wp_ca_blk_no/wp_max_no = 2/20/7
    LOCK WP ca_blk 2
    return errno (-17) to T7
    errormsg without overhead: take mode 0
    NiBufIAlloc: malloc NiBufadm, to 0 bytes
    try to send 14 to M0
    NiBufSend starting
    NiIWrite: hdl 5 sent data (wrt=14,pac=1,MESG_IO)
    REL WP ca_blk 2
    set status of T7 to TM_DISCONNECTED
    NiBufISelUpdate: new MODE -- (r-) for hdl 5 in set0
    SiSelNSet: set events of sock 1508 to: ---
    NiBufISelRemove: remove hdl 5 from set0
    SiSelNRemove: removed sock 1508
    NiSelIRemove: removed hdl 5
    DpDelSocketInfo: del info for socket 5 (type=3)
    NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 5 / sock 1508
    NiBufIClose: clear extension for hdl 5
    dp_tm_adm[7].stat = DP_SLOT_FREE
    DpGetSchedule: next schedule 1183179475/922000
    Fri Jun 29 21:57:51 2007
    DpGetSchedule: no schedule found
    DpITmSlotRelease: release slot 7
    DpListInsert: insert elem 7 into tmadm_free_list (at begin)
    DpListInsert: 194 elems in tmadm_free_list
    DpListRemove: remove elem 7 from tmadm_inuse_list
    DpListRemove: 7 elems in tmadm_inuse_list
    wait for end of work processes
    wait for end of gateway
    [DpProcDied] Process died  (PID:2252  HANDLE:1592)
    wait for end of icman
    [DpProcDied] Process lives  (PID:2260  HANDLE:1608)
    waiting for termination of icman ...
    NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 1000ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=1629
    NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
    NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
    Fri Jun 29 21:57:52 2007
    NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)
    [DpProcDied] Process lives  (PID:2260  HANDLE:1608)
    waiting for termination of icman ...
    NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 1000ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=1629
    NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
    NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
    Fri Jun 29 21:57:53 2007
    NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)
    [DpProcDied] Process lives  (PID:2260  HANDLE:1608)
    waiting for termination of icman ...
    NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 1000ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=1629
    NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
    NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
    Fri Jun 29 21:57:54 2007
    NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)
    [DpProcDied] Process lives  (PID:2260  HANDLE:1608)
    waiting for termination of icman ...
    NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 1000ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=1629
    NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
    NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
    Fri Jun 29 21:57:55 2007
    NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)
    [DpProcDied] Process lives  (PID:2260  HANDLE:1608)
    waiting for termination of icman ...
    NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 1000ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=1629
    NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
    NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
    Fri Jun 29 21:57:56 2007
    NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)
    [DpProcDied] Process lives  (PID:2260  HANDLE:1608)
    waiting for termination of icman ...
    NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 1000ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=1629
    NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
    NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
    Fri Jun 29 21:57:57 2007
    NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)
    [DpProcDied] Process lives  (PID:2260  HANDLE:1608)
    waiting for termination of icman ...
    NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 1000ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=1629
    NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
    NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
    Fri Jun 29 21:57:58 2007
    NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)
    [DpProcDied] Process lives  (PID:2260  HANDLE:1608)
    waiting for termination of icman ...
    NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 1000ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=1629
    NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
    NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
    Fri Jun 29 21:57:59 2007
    NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)
    [DpProcDied] Process lives  (PID:2260  HANDLE:1608)
    waiting for termination of icman ...
    NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 1000ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=1629
    NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
    NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
    Fri Jun 29 21:58:00 2007
    NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)
    [DpProcDied] Process lives  (PID:2260  HANDLE:1608)
    waiting for termination of icman ...
    NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 1000ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=1629
    NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
    NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
    Fri Jun 29 21:58:01 2007
    NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)
    [DpProcDied] Process lives  (PID:2260  HANDLE:1608)
    waiting for termination of icman ...
    NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 1000ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=1629
    NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
    NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
    Fri Jun 29 21:58:02 2007
    NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)
    [DpProcDied] Process lives  (PID:2260  HANDLE:1608)
    waiting for termination of icman ...
    NiWait: sleep (1000ms) ...
    NiISelect: timeout 1000ms
    NiISelect: maximum fd=1629
    NiISelect: read-mask is NULL
    NiISelect: write-mask is NULL
    Fri Jun 29 21:58:03 2007
    NiISelect: TIMEOUT occured (1000ms)
    [DpProcDied] Process died  (PID:2260  HANDLE:1608)
    DpStartStopMsg: send stop message (myname is >kiranmtop_NSP_00                        <)
    NiIMyHostName: hostname = 'kiranmtop'
    AdGetSelfIdentRecord: >                                                                           <
    AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 60 (AD_SELFIDENT), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0
    AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 4 (AD_STARTSTOP), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0
    DpConvertRequest: net size = 189 bytes
    NiBufSend starting
    NiIWrite: hdl 2 sent data (wrt=562,pac=1,MESG_IO)
    MsINiWrite: sent 562 bytes
    send msg (len 110+452) to name                    -, type 4, key -
    DpStartStopMsg: stop msg sent
    NiIRead: hdl 2 received data (rcd=274,pac=1,MESG_IO)
    NiBufIIn: NIBUF len=274
    NiBufIIn: packet complete for hdl 2
    NiBufReceive starting
    MsINiRead: received 274 bytes
    MSG received, len 110+164, flag 1, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -
    DpHalt: received 164 bytes from message server
    NiIRead: hdl 2 received data (rcd=274,pac=1,MESG_IO)
    NiBufIIn: NIBUF len=274
    NiBufIIn: packet complete for hdl 2
    NiBufReceive starting
    MsINiRead: received 274 bytes
    MSG received, len 110+164, flag 1, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -
    DpHalt: received 164 bytes from message server
    NiIRead: hdl 2 received data (rcd=274,pac=1,MESG_IO)
    NiBufIIn: NIBUF len=274
    NiBufIIn: packet complete for hdl 2
    NiBufReceive starting
    MsINiRead: received 274 bytes
    MSG received, len 110+164, flag 1, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -
    DpHalt: received 164 bytes from message server
    NiIRead: hdl 2 received data (rcd=274,pac=1,MESG_IO)
    NiBufIIn: NIBUF len=274
    NiBufIIn: packet complete for hdl 2
    NiBufReceive starting
    MsINiRead: received 274 bytes
    MSG received, len 110+164, flag 1, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -
    DpHalt: received 164 bytes from message server
    NiIRead: hdl 2 received data (rcd=274,pac=1,MESG_IO)
    NiBufIIn: NIBUF len=274
    NiBufIIn: packet complete for hdl 2
    NiBufReceive starting
    MsINiRead: received 274 bytes
    MSG received, len 110+164, flag 1, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -
    DpHalt: received 164 bytes from message server
    NiIRead: hdl 2 received data (rcd=274,pac=1,MESG_IO)
    NiBufIIn: NIBUF len=274
    NiBufIIn: packet complete for hdl 2
    NiBufReceive starting
    MsINiRead: received 274 bytes
    MSG received, len 110+164, flag 1, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -
    DpHalt: received 164 bytes from message server
    NiIRead: hdl 2 recv would block (errno=EAGAIN)
    NiIRead: read for hdl 2 timed out (0ms)
    DpHalt: no more messages from the message server
    DpHalt: send keepalive to synchronize with the message server
    NiBufSend starting
    NiIWrite: hdl 2 sent data (wrt=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
    MsINiWrite: sent 114 bytes
    send msg (len 110+4) to name           MSG_SERVER, type 0, key -
    MsSndName: MS_NOOP ok
    Send 4 bytes to MSG_SERVER
    NiIRead: hdl 2 received data (rcd=114,pac=1,MESG_IO)
    NiBufIIn: NIBUF len=114
    NiBufIIn: packet complete for hdl 2
    NiBufReceive starting
    MsINiRead: received 114 bytes
    MSG received, len 110+4, flag 3, from MSG_SERVER          , typ 0, key -
    Received 4 bytes from MSG_SERVER                             
    Received opcode MS_NOOP from msg_server, reply MSOP_OK
    MsOpReceive: ok
    MsSendKeepalive : keepalive sent to message server
    NiIRead: hdl 2 recv would block (errno=EAGAIN)
    Fri Jun 29 21:58:04 2007
    NiIPeek: peek for hdl 2 timed out (r; 1000ms)
    NiIRead: read for hdl 2 timed out (1000ms)
    DpHalt: no more messages from the message server
    DpHalt: sync with message server o.k.
    detach from message server
    ***LOG Q0M=> DpMsDetach, ms_detach () [dpxxdisp.c   11976]
    NiBufSend starting
    NiIWrite: hdl 2 sent data (wrt=110,pac=1,MESG_IO)
    MsINiWrite: sent 110 bytes
    MsIDetach: send logout to msg_server
    MsIDetach: call exit function
    DpMsShutdownHook called
    NiBufISelUpdate: new MODE -- (r-) for hdl 2 in set0
    SiSelNSet: set events of sock 1556 to: ---
    NiBufISelRemove: remove hdl 2 from set0
    SiSelNRemove: removed sock 1556 (pos=2)
    SiSelNRemove: removed sock 1556
    NiSelIRemove: removed hdl 2
    MBUF state OFF
    AdGetSelfIdentRecord: >                                                                           <
    AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 60 (AD_SELFIDENT), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0
    AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0
    AdCvtRecToExt: opcode 40 (AD_MSBUF), ser 0, ex 0, errno 0
    blks_in_queue/wp_ca_blk_no/wp_max_no = 2/20/7
    LOCK WP ca_blk 2
    make DISP owner of wp_ca_blk 2
    DpRqPutIntoQueue: put request into queue (reqtype 1, prio LOW, rq_id 15)
    MBUF component DOWN
    NiICloseHandle: shutdown and close hdl 2 / sock 1556
    NiBufIClose: clear extension for hdl 2
    MsIDetach: detach MS-system
    cleanup EM
    EsCleanup ....
    EmCleanup() -> 0
    Es2Cleanup: Cleanup ES2
    ***LOG Q05=> DpHalt, DPStop ( 2192) [dpxxdisp.c   10333]
    Good Bye .....

    Hi Russell,
    I am also facing the same problem as Kiran.
    I have attached dev_w0 file, with this msg.
    can you please tell me where the problem lies?
    trc file: "dev_w0", trc level: 1, release: "620"
    ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL           1

    B Sun Jul 01 18:13:56 2007
    B  create_con (con_name=R/3)
    B  Loading DB library 'C:\usr\sap\TEK\SYS\exe\run\dboraslib.dll' ...
    B  Library 'C:\usr\sap\TEK\SYS\exe\run\dboraslib.dll' loaded
    B  Version of 'C:\usr\sap\TEK\SYS\exe\run\dboraslib.dll' is "620.02", patchlevel (0.112)
    B  New connection 0 created
    M  systemid   560 (PC with Windows NT)
    M  relno      6200
    M  patchlevel 0
    M  patchno    251
    M  intno      20020600
    M  pid        3464

    M  ***LOG Q0Q=> tskh_init, WPStart (Workproc 0 3464) [dpxxdisp.c   1016]
    I  MtxInit: -2 0 0

    X Sun Jul 01 18:13:58 2007
    X  EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
    X  <ES> client 0 initializing ....
    X  Using implementation std
    M  <EsNT> Memory Reset enabled as NT default
    X  ES initialized.

    M Sun Jul 01 18:14:07 2007
    M  calling db_connect ...
    C  Got ORACLE_HOME=C:\oracle\ora81 from environment

    C Sun Jul 01 18:14:12 2007
    C  Client NLS settings: AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8DEC
    C  Logon as OPS$-user to get SAPTEK's password
    C  Connecting as /@TEK on connection 0 ...
    C  Attaching to DB Server TEK (con_hdl=0,svchp=06AA97F8,svrhp=06AA9604)

    C Sun Jul 01 18:14:13 2007
    C  *** ERROR => OCI-call 'OCIServerAttach' failed: rc = 12541
    [dboci.c      3566]
    C  *** ERROR => CONNECT failed with sql error '12541'
    [dboci.c      9536]
    C  Try to connect with default password
    C  Connecting as SAPTEK/<pwd>@TEK on connection 0 ...
    C  Attaching to DB Server TEK (con_hdl=0,svchp=06AA97F8,svrhp=06AA9410)

    C Sun Jul 01 18:14:14 2007
    C  *** ERROR => OCI-call 'OCIServerAttach' failed: rc = 12541
    [dboci.c      3566]
    C  *** ERROR => CONNECT failed with sql error '12541'
    [dboci.c      9536]
    B  ***LOG BY2=> sql error 12541  performing CON [dbsh#2 @ 962] [dbsh    0962 ]
    B  ***LOG BY0=> ORA-12541: TNS:no listener [dbsh#2 @ 962] [dbsh    0962 ]
    B  ***LOG BY2=> sql error 12541  performing CON [dblink#1 @ 419] [dblink  0419 ]
    B  ***LOG BY0=> ORA-12541: TNS:no listener [dblink#1 @ 419] [dblink  0419 ]
    M  ***LOG R19=> tskh_init, db_connect ( DB-Connect 000256) [thxxhead.c   1098]
    M  in_ThErrHandle: 1
    M  *** ERROR => tskh_init: db_connect (step 1, th_errno 13, action 3, level 1) [thxxhead.c   8277]

    M  Info for wp 0

    M    stat = 4
    M    reqtype = 1
    M    act_reqtype = -1
    M    tid = -1
    M    mode = 255
    M    len = -1
    M    rq_id = -1
    M    rq_source = 255
    M    last_tid = 0
    M    last_mode = 0
    M    rfc_req = 0
    M    report = >                                        <
    M    action = 0
    M    tab_name = >                              <

    M  *****************************************************************************
    M  *
    M  *  LOCATION    SAP-Server sapsrv_TEK_00 on host sapsrv (wp 0)
    M  *  ERROR       tskh_init: db_connect
    M  *
    M  *  TIME        Sun Jul 01 18:14:14 2007
    M  *  RELEASE     620
    M  *  COMPONENT   Taskhandler
    M  *  VERSION     1
    M  *  RC          13
    M  *  MODULE      thxxhead.c
    M  *  LINE        8408
    M  *  COUNTER     1
    M  *
    M  *****************************************************************************

    M  Entering TH_CALLHOOKS
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >SAP-Trace buffer write< for event BEFORE_DUMP
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >ThrSaveSPAFields< for event BEFORE_DUMP
    M  *** ERROR => ThrSaveSPAFields: no valid thr_wpadm [thxxrun1.c   672]
    M  *** ERROR => ThCallHooks: event handler ThrSaveSPAFields for event BEFORE_DUMP failed [thxxtool3.c  235]
    M  Entering ThSetStatError
    M  Entering ThReadDetachMode
    M  call ThrShutDown (1)...
    M  ***LOG Q02=> wp_halt, WPStop (Workproc 0 3464) [dpnttool.c   345]

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    I have more than a year with this amazing machine. About a month ago it only will sleep manually, even when my external HD is off, no printer conected and IDISK not sync. Any help ? I search in the forums but most common trouble seems to be the oppos

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    I created a report script using the Hyperion Essbase Report Edit and saves the text in ASCII file. There is no error or warning message. If I checked the "Window" box under the "Report Output Options", the following warning message is displayed:

  • Unable detect a flash drive.

    i got this mp3 player that acts as a flash drive (samsung yp-t7f). it cannot be detected by my apple ibook. is there anyway to solve this problem? by installing drivers? thx.

  • Can't save my Text Edit files!

    Hope I'm in the right forum.  This started yesterday and I don't know why or how to fix it. I can't save my Text Edit Files (rtf).  I got 1 error message that can't save file until problem is fixed but I have no idea what the problem is. Running Text