Encoding using BASE64

Hi All,
i required some sample code for encoding using BASE64 encoding.
can any one please help in doing the code for encoding a text.
Thanks in advance.

There are quite a few examples of Base64 encoders and decoders on the web. I didn't see any written in Obj-C or coded with a Cocoa interface, but perhaps you might find one if you spend some time searching.
The example code you have is pure ANSI C, which means it can be added to any Xcode iPhone project as a separate file, wrapped into its own Obj-C class, or simply added to an existing class implementation. Since you only need to encode a short string, you'll only need the encode() and encodeblock() functions, along with the cb64[] array. encode() is expecting stdio FILE pointers for input and output, so you'll want to replace those parameters and the code which reads and writes from/to those streams with code that reads a C string (obtained from a NSString with UTF-8 encoding) and returns a NSData object.
If you're not a C programmer, you will need to get some help from one, but it should be an easy job. Of course you should review the MIT license to make sure you're in compliance. But the reason I selected this example for you is that it's so well documented, it will teach you everything you need to know to write your own code from scratch if you need to.
\- Ray
p.s.: Here's some Cocoa code I found for you: [http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?BaseSixtyFour] - R

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          <echoData>Dev Team üöäß</echoData>
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    body { background-image: url("resource:/res/images/OnFire.jpg")
    body:empty { background:url("data:
    body { background-image: url("data:
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    Hot key; '''<Control>''(Mac:<Command>)'' <Shift> A)'''
    On the left side of the page, select '''Plugins.'''
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                import mx.graphics.codec.JPEGEncoder;
                import mx.graphics.codec.PNGEncoder;
                import mx.rpc.AsyncToken;
                import mx.utils.Base64Encoder;         
                import services.exifimagemetadata1.ExifImageMetaData1;         
                import spark.components.Image;     
                public var metaData:ExifImageMetaData1 = new ExifImageMetaData1();         
                public var imageBytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
                public var gpsData:String;
        private function getBase64EncodedImage():String
                    var myEncoder:Base64Encoder = new Base64Encoder();
                    var image64BitText:String = myEncoder.toString();                          
                    return image64BitText;
        public function GetMetaDataFromExif():void{
                    var imageToken:AsyncToken = metaData.GetExifBase64Data(getBase64EncodedImage());               
                    gpsData = imageToken.result.toString();
                    metaResult.text = gpsData;
        protected function GetImageMetaDataFromExif(event:MouseEvent):void
            <s:Image id="test" width="130" height="140" source="@Embed(source='assets/p1000106.jpg')"/>
        <s:Label width="100" height="140" backgroundColor="Blue" click="GetImageMetaDataFromExif(event)">
            <s:Label id="metaResult" width="200" height="140" backgroundColor="yellow"/>           

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    Since I last posted an interesting update happened. I tested my  Flex application again, it is calling a Jetty Server that returns a JSON object, in different BROWSERS.  I disabled HTTPS for now, and the crossdomain.xml policy file is wide open for testing (ie. allowing every request to return data). So the app accessing the data using HTTP only. Browsers  -  IE, Opera, Firefox and Chrome. Each browser contained the SAME application, revision of the Flash Player ( debugger for firefox, chrome, opera, safari PC; consumer version in IE9,) take a look at the screen shot (safari not shown although the result was the same as IE and chrome)
    Note that Opera and Firefox returned successful values (i.e. successful JSON objects) using the same code generated from the Data Services Wizard. Chrome, IE and, Safari failed with an Internal error. So I am left wondering - WHY? Is it something with the Flash Player? the Browsers?  the Flex SDK? Any thoughts are appreciated. Again, the code is found in the original thread above.

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    I have a scenario where I have a SOAP receiver that accepts only messages with gzip compact and base64 encoding, in this order. That means I must first compact the message with gzip and then convert this result into base64 encoding.
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    XMBWS.Encoding = gzip
    XMBWS.TransferEncoding = base64
    XMBWS.XMLEncoding = base64
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    com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.exception.MessagingException: java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException: base64
    Are the parameters correct?
    Can I see the sequence of the operations (compact and encode)?
    Is there anyway to configure this sequence?
    Any other sugestions?

    After delete the line "XMBWS.XMLEncoding = base64", the server began to return this error: com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.exception.MessagingException: java.io.IOException: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/PLAIN; HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type
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    XMBWS.XMLEncoding = charset iso-8859-1
    XMBWS.TransferEncoding = base64
    XMBWS.Encoding = gzip
    XMBWS.AcceptEncoding = compress, gzip
    But the same error occurs: com.sap.engine.interfaces.messaging.api.exception.MessagingException: java.io.IOException: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/PLAIN; HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type
    Is there anyway to check the operations sequence (first compact then encode)?

  • Using base64 in applet

    I want to use the base64 encoder in my applet but I get faults.
    I think the problem is that he doesn't recognize the BASE64Encoder.
    This is my code:
    //some other imports
    import javax.crypto.spec.PBEParameterSpec;
    import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec;
    import javax.crypto.*;
    import java.security.*;
    // This is for BASE64 encoding and decoding
    import sun.misc.*;
    public class Demo4 extends Applet{
    //some code
    public String encrypt(String pass, String plaintext)
              throws Exception
              char[] password = pass.toCharArray();
              byte[] ciphertext = plaintext.getBytes();
         //herkend BASE64Encoder niet
              BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
              String ciphertextString = encoder.encode(ciphertext);
              return encoder.encode(ciphertext);
    This function I want to call in my html page using javascript.
    Does anyone know what the problem can be?

    Don't use the sun.misc.* classes. They are undocumented, subject to change, and may not be included with all distributions of Java.
    There are many alternatives out there for Base64 encoding. I have written one:
    You can include it in your applet.

  • Quicktime encoding using x264 encoder failing in AME and Mac OS 10.8.2

    I'm trying to encode an x264 codec Quicktime using AME and Mac OS 10.8.2. I also tried it with two versions of the x264 encoder which I downloaded from here: http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/24173/x264encoder
    This encoder works 100% fine and better than the h264 encoder when using Apple Compressor and Apple QT Pro V7. I've been however trying to transition all of my video encodes to AME due to a number of reasons: dynamic link to AE, Premiere and the interface to name a few.
    Everytime I start an encode it gives me an error and I hear that blasted sheep. lol. This is what the log displays, which is frankly probably no help to anyone.
    - Encoding Time: 00:00:00
    01/13/2013 04:48:10 PM : Encoding Failed
    Export Error
    Error compiling movie.
    Unknown error.
    I've also tried to specify the bitrate and have had no luck. Whether I specify the bitrate or not, I still get the error. The source video has been PNG sequences and ProRes movies at 1920x1080, 29.97fps. Both result in the same unknown error.
    Any suggestions? Thanks!

    I know this is pretty old now, but I thought I'd add a reply for those who are having this issue. I just had AME CC 2014 fail on me today, and this is the FIRST thing I've ever tried to render with it. I'm using a TGA sequence and exporting to an X264 codec Quicktime MOV file at 720p. I restarted a few times, repaired permissions etc. and nothing worked except for the following.
    I went to:
    Library/Preferences/Adobe/Adobe Media Encoder/8.0/
    I deleted the entire 8.0 folder (or you could delete whatever version you are having problems with). I then restarted AME and the preferences were recreated and I could successfully use the x264 codec again. Hope this helps someone.

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    transcode -i <name>.vob -N 0x2000 -w 1000 --nice 10 -F mpeg4 -y ffmpeg,raw -o <name>.avi"
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    Encoding in mencoder using exactly the same technique works fine, but I hate mencoder and mplayer because they are both brain-dead and buggy. Mencoder won't detect half of the stuff it should, e.g. the aspect ratio, forcing me to look at every DVD I encode, read the aspect ratio and set it manually, which is just not on. I need to use transcode anyway to rip the DVD image, since mencoder claims that it can't acutally read the DVD half the time when everything else can, so if I can just get past this stupid problem then I will be happy.
    So, if anyone can help me figure out the problem here I'd be very grateful

    Argh! I never even noticed that option, despite having read the man page about 7 million times. Acidrip is not so great IMO, I think it uses MEncoder, so it suffers from the same problems I highlighted earlier, plus it is very crude and buggy. IIRC it also seems to be biased towards single-pass encoding, which is stupid because for a little more time you can get better quality with multi-pass as long as you're happy with running an encoding process in the background for a few hours (not such a big deal as long as you nice it down to a low priority)

Maybe you are looking for