Encrypted root and swap and hibernation

I've got this setup and working, but I'm looking to tidy the config up.
I had encryption set up using luks containers as per the wiki, using a key file for the root parition and a new key for the swap. Obviously this is no good for hibernation, and I need to use the same key for the swap all the time. Following the cryptsetup instructions on the wiki is no good either because swap is unlocked far too late in the boot process.
So, I created a new container for swap using the same key as my root parition and added a line to the encrypt hook script to unlock swap if unlocking root was successful. Made sure encrypt was before resume in mkinitcpio.conf, and resume before file system, altered /etc/fstab to mount /dev/mapper/swap during boot, and added resume=/dev/mapper/swap to grub.conf
So during hibernation the memory is saved to the encypted swap /dev/mapper/root, and because swap is unlocked at the same time as root, early in the boot process then resum is able to restore memory from the encrypted swap.
So my question, is there a way to have swap unlocked at the same time as root without having to hack and butcher the encrypt hook script.
Last edited by phildg (2007-12-06 14:34:13)

Without hacking the encrypt hook, you'll only be able to unlock one volume at the same time. Afaik the device mapper asks for a password for each encrypted partition, and using one for all won't work, you have to repeat the process for each partition, whereas the encrypt hook only seems to be able to handle one partition. You can hack it, but I haven't done that (yet), it's already quite messy you have to hack the hook file to make it apply to non-root partitions.

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    Best to you,
    Mike Witherell in Maryland

    Hi Michael
    app.selection[0].textFramePreferences.verticalJustification = VerticalJustification.JUSTIFY_ALIGN;
    Is going to work provided you have the text frame selected. If it's not you'll get an ugly error message.
    You can avoid this by
    if (app.documents.length && app.selection.length && app.selection [ 0 ].constructor.name == "TextFrame")
        app.selection[0].textFramePreferences.verticalJustification = VerticalJustification.JUSTIFY_ALIGN;
    if (app.documents.length && app.selection.length && app.selection [ 0 ].hasOwnProperty ( 'baseline' ))
        app.selection[0].parentTextFrames[0].textFramePreferences.verticalJustification = VerticalJustification.JUSTIFY_ALIGN;
    This will work if the frame is selected (first if statement) or if text if selected or if the cursor is by text (second if statement and do nothing (without giving error messages) if the is no selection or document open etc.
    Good Luck

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    Without hacking the encrypt hook, you'll only be able to unlock one volume at the same time. Afaik the device mapper asks for a password for each encrypted partition, and using one for all won't work, you have to repeat the process for each partition, whereas the encrypt hook only seems to be able to handle one partition. You can hack it, but I haven't done that (yet), it's already quite messy you have to hack the hook file to make it apply to non-root partitions.

  • "Extra" Internal Hard Drives won't mount - swap, /, and /home work.

    Hello All,
    *** I'm updating my post finally. Sorry it's so long, I'm not entirely sure what is and isn't relevant.
    *** Also I think it's a mix up with RAID causing the issue, as I'll address below, but in case I'm wrong I wanted to include the other information that came to mind before I noticed the RAID issue (because the RAID issue doesn't make a lot of sense to me).
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    I have six hard drives in my computer, all of which are SATA drives. One is a WD 150GB Raptor with my swap, /, and /home partitions on it, the other five are for extra storage on what I call my media-server (they mount to /media/media-server/1 ,2 ,and so on). They only have one partition each. Of those five the first (/media/media-server/1) is a WD 1TB drive, the other four are WD 500GB drives of identical model.
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    On top of that the 1TB drive mounts just fine. But the four 500GB drives will not mount at all. They show up in Dolphin, Disk Utility, KwikDisk, KDiskFree, and Partition Manager. However, their size is not shown and/or marked N/A, except in Partition Manager, where their size is shown. They are not seen by 'df'.
    Output from 'df':
    df -h
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    udev 10M 308K 9.7M 4% /dev
    /dev/sda2 25G 7.7G 17G 32% /
    none 4.0G 0 4.0G 0% /dev/shm
    /dev/sda3 112G 90G 22G 81% /home
    /dev/sdb1 932G 919G 13G 99% /media/media-server/1
    *** As for removable media, it's being a bit odd. When I first wrote this post removable media, specifically USB flash drives and SD media cards mounted fine. A while after that they'd show up in Device Notifier, but wouldn't mount. Just a little while ago they wouldn't show up in Device Notifier and wouldn't mount. Now they show up fine and mount fine again. This is possibly unrelated, I'm not sure.
    Depending on what method I try to mount my hard drives I either get an 'only root can mount that' error or else a HAL drive busy or already mounted error, followed by a 'drive is not mounted' error when I use umount to double check.
    *** Permissions are working better now , Dolphin isn't giving me the 'only root can mount' errors anymore. Still can't mount the drives though.
    All of this output is from when the drives are listed in /etc/fstab:
    Konsole output:
    mount /dev/sdf1
    mount: only root can mount /dev/sdf1 on /media/media-server/5
    sudo mount /dev/sdf1
    mount: /dev/sdf1 already mounted or /media/media-server/5 busy
    umount /dev/sdf1
    umount: /dev/sdf1 is not mounted (according to mtab)
    sudo umount /dev/sdf1
    umount: /dev/sdf1: not mounted
    Dolphin output:
    An error occurred while accessing 'MediaServer5', the system responded: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.PermissionDenied: Device /dev/sdf1 is listed in /etc/fstab. Refusing to mount.
    Device Notifier output (pops up when I try to mount the drives in Dolphin):
    org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.PermissionDenied: Device /dev/sdf1 is listed in /etc/fstab. Refusing to mount.
    Partition Manager:
    The file system on partition /dev/sdf1 could not be mounted.
    Command: mount -v /dev/sdf1 /media/media-server/5
    mount: /dev/sdf1 already mounted or /media/media-server/5 busy
    mount: you didn't specify a filesystem type for /dev/sdf1
    I will try type reiserfs
    At boot, when the daemons are starting I get:
    mount: /dev/sdc1 already mounted or /media/media-server/2 busy
    mount: /dev/sdd1 already mounted or /media/media-server/3 busy
    mount: /dev/sde1 already mounted or /media/media-server/4 busy
    mount: /dev/sdf1 already mounted or /media/media-server/5 busy
    This is from when the drives are not listed in /etc/fstab:
    Dolphin output:
    An error occurred while accessing 'MediaServer5', the system responded: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.InterfaceLocked: The enclosing drive for the volume is locked
    Device Notifier output (pops up when I try to mount the drives in Dolphin):
    An error occurred while accessing 'MediaServer5', the system responded: org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.InterfaceLocked: The enclosing drive for the volume is locked
    I have tried listing (with the UUID method and the /dev method) and not listing the drives in /etc/fstab, and I have 'hal' and 'dbus' daemons in /etc/rc.conf (and I've tried using only the hal daemon and not the dbus in /etc/rc.conf). I've also tried not listing 'hal', 'dbus', and 'kdm' and only booting to terminal and then mounting the drives manually, that doesn't work either.
    Here is my /etc/fstab (back to using UUID's):
    # /etc/fstab: static file system information
    # <file system> <dir> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
    none /dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0
    none /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
    UUID=699cdd5e-3f4a-4b85-8dcb-5d00c00c94a9 swap swap defaults 0 0
    UUID=ce94e7a3-3e07-41e5-90d7-1116e5da3121 / reiserfs defaults 0 0
    UUID=a1dce435-df90-4f0d-892c-61ff3ea0c8d1 /home reiserfs defaults 0 0
    ## Media-Server
    # media-server/1
    UUID=81998a75-f887-4a35-b3fa-e159190f25a3 /media/media-server/1 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    #/dev/sdb1 /media/media-server/1 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    # media-server/2
    UUID=8cdd114a-b190-44f6-9240-1910a5d048f7 /media/media-server/2 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    #/dev/sdc1 /media/media-server/2 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    # media-server/3
    UUID=59164593-b56d-4c49-8837-277b3c392dfb /media/media-server/3 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    #/dev/sdd1 /media/media-server/3 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    # media-server/4
    UUID=ba6007bd-1e36-431c-85f4-857c83845c86 /media/media-server/4 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    #/dev/sde1 /media/media-server/4 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    # media-server/5
    UUID=6fab5364-1acb-4ba3-9f83-bb171a6d398a /media/media-server/5 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    #/dev/sdf1 /media/media-server/5 reiserfs defaults 0 0
    ## VirtualBox USB
    none /proc/bus/usb usbfs auto,busgid=108,busmode=0775,devgid=108,devmode=0664 0 0
    Here's the daemons line from /etc/rc.conf:
    DAEMONS=(syslog-ng !dbus hal network netfs crond wicd openntpd sshd avahi-daemon avahi-dnsconfd samba alsa mysqld lircd mythbackend !mpd !sensors !sensord !fancontrol cups keytouch kdm)
    Also, /etc/mtab because only the first media-server drive is listed in it (the one that does mount):
    proc /proc proc rw,relatime 0 0
    sys /sys sysfs rw,relatime 0 0
    udev /dev devtmpfs rw,nosuid,relatime,size=10240k,nr_inodes=1014438,mode=755 0 0
    /dev/sda2 / reiserfs rw,relatime 0 0
    fusectl /sys/fs/fuse/connections fusectl rw,relatime 0 0
    none /dev/pts devpts rw 0 0
    none /dev/shm tmpfs rw 0 0
    /dev/sda3 /home reiserfs rw 0 0
    /dev/sdb1 /media/media-server/1 reiserfs rw 0 0
    none /proc/bus/usb usbfs rw,busgid=108,busmode=0775,devgid=108,devmode=0664 0 0
    I attempted to add the other drives to /etc/mtab but they get overwritten upon a reboot. I've drived mounting the drives from konsole and dolphin.
    All my drives used to work. At one point I had Chakra installed and had this issue after an update, however after thinking about it the problem may have actually started after the power flashed on and off here. I couldn't fix it so I installed Arch64 and KDE4 (the normal KDE from the Arch repos, not KDEMod) thinking maybe it was a Chakra specific issue. That fixed it at the time. It later happened on my Arch install. I reinstalled Arch again and the issue was gone. However the issue is back. Again I think it was after a power outage/flash but it was also after an update that included a kernel update. Best I can remember each time it's happened has been after a kernel update and power flash. So I can't say for sure which is the cause.
    Oddly though if I boot from a live disc (in my case a Chakra Live DVD) I can mount and access all of the drives just fine.
    Another oddity, is that in 'Disk Utility' (palimpsest) there is a 1.5TB RAID-5 array listed. The only thing I can figure is that that is what is making the individual drives busy.
    Here's a screenshot from Disk Utility of the RAID-5 array:
    http://theavataroftime.com/sites/defaul … enshot.png
    After talking to a friend I remembered that quite a while back (over a year) we had messed around trying to setup a RAID array and dual boot WindowsXP. However, we never could get it working quite right, not even just in Linux without dual booting. I really can't say what all we did/tried, it's been too long. I realize that's not much help but...
    Anyway I'm pretty certain I deleted everything RAID related at the time and turned it off. However I must be mistaken or I guess the array wouldn't be showing up.
    I apologize, I really know nothing about RAID or RAID controllers. I do have an onboard RAID controller, but it's not a full fledged hardware RAID controller. It's onboard, but doesn't have it's on proccessor like good hardware RAID would. Or that's the way I understand it. Perhaps 'hybrid' is the proper term?
    I checked in BIOS and my onboard RAID controller is off.
    I take it that my attempts at setting up a RAID array before are still in the MBR (on that note I use GRUB and have never used LILO)? That's the only place I can think of that any leftover RAID configurations wouldn't have been wiped during reinstalling and reformatting the drives and partitions? I've reformatted my drives completely and changed the size of swap, /, and /home on several occasions since then, as well as formatting the media-server drives to ReiserFS (not sure what FS I was using when trying to setup RAID before. Perhaps FAT32 since I was trying to dual boot).
    I clicked the stop array button in Disk utility, and then all the options except start array went away. Then I clicked start, and instead of my four media-server drives being listed at the side of Dolphin there was one 1.4TB drive. I rebooted and now it's back to the 4 500GB media-server drives.
    I'm worried about losing a bunch of data, so I'm hesitant to start experimenting. How should I go about getting rid of the remnants of the RAID array safely?
    Also here's a screenshot of MediaServer5 from Disk Utility. The other 500GB drives have the same info minus the names and labels of course:
    http://theavataroftime.com/sites/defaul … enshot.png
    *** I had forgotten about dmesg output. It's quite long so instead of copying it, here's a link to it:
    http://theavataroftime.com/sites/defaul … /dmesg.txt
    Thanks for advice on the matter.
    Last edited by The Avatar of Time (2010-10-07 08:27:06)

    Thanks for the reply.
    Here is my output from the commands you suggested:
    fuser -v -m /media/media-server/2
    root kernel mount /
    theavataroftime 2518 fr.e. startkde
    theavataroftime 2561 Frce. gpg-agent
    theavataroftime 2575 .rce. dbus-launch
    theavataroftime 2576 .rce. dbus-daemon
    theavataroftime 2584 Fr.e. kdeinit4
    theavataroftime 2585 Fr.e. klauncher
    theavataroftime 2587 fr.e. kded4
    theavataroftime 2592 .r.e. kglobalaccel
    theavataroftime 2605 .r.e. kwrapper4
    theavataroftime 2613 Fr.e. ksmserver
    theavataroftime 2622 .r.e. kwin
    theavataroftime 2656 fr.e. knotify4
    theavataroftime 2658 fr.e. plasma-desktop
    theavataroftime 2662 .rce. kuiserver
    theavataroftime 2665 .r.e. akonadi_control
    theavataroftime 2667 .r.e. akonadiserver
    theavataroftime 2670 Fr.e. mysqld
    theavataroftime 2714 .r.e. akonadi_contact
    theavataroftime 2715 .r.e. akonadi_contact
    theavataroftime 2716 .r.e. akonadi_ical_re
    theavataroftime 2717 .r.e. akonadi_ical_re
    theavataroftime 2718 .r.e. akonadi_maildir
    theavataroftime 2719 .r.e. akonadi_maildis
    theavataroftime 2720 .r.e. akonadi_nepomuk
    theavataroftime 2721 .r.e. akonadi_vcard_r
    theavataroftime 2739 .r.e. nepomukserver
    theavataroftime 2741 .r.e. nepomukservices
    theavataroftime 2747 .r.e. kaccess
    theavataroftime 2759 fr.e. krunner
    theavataroftime 2765 Fr.e. virtuoso-t
    theavataroftime 2772 Fr.e. kio_http_cache_
    theavataroftime 2774 .r.e. kmix
    theavataroftime 2782 Fr.e. konsole
    theavataroftime 2785 .r.e. kjots
    theavataroftime 2790 .r.e. bash
    theavataroftime 2807 .r.e. kalarm
    theavataroftime 2809 fr.e. kopete
    theavataroftime 2812 .r.e. polkit-kde-auth
    theavataroftime 2815 .r.e. kwin
    theavataroftime 2821 .r.e. dolphin
    theavataroftime 2822 Fr.e. firefox
    theavataroftime 2834 .r.e. kwalletd
    theavataroftime 2839 .r.e. kwalletmanager
    theavataroftime 2842 Frce. gconfd-2
    theavataroftime 2850 .r.e. python
    theavataroftime 2854 .rce. wicd-client
    theavataroftime 2858 .r.e. klipper
    theavataroftime 2861 .r.e. nepomukservices
    theavataroftime 2862 .r.e. nepomukservices
    theavataroftime 2865 .r.e. nepomukservices
    theavataroftime 2867 .r.e. nepomukservices
    theavataroftime 2868 .r.e. nepomukservices
    theavataroftime 2869 .r.e. nepomukservices
    theavataroftime 2870 .r.e. nepomukservices
    theavataroftime 2871 .r.e. korgac
    theavataroftime 2883 fr.e. kmozillahelper
    theavataroftime 2979 .r.e. amarokapp
    theavataroftime 2989 .r.e. plugin-containe
    theavataroftime 3010 .r.e. npviewer.bin
    theavataroftime 3048 Fr.e. kdeinit
    theavataroftime 3051 Fr.e. dcopserver
    theavataroftime 3053 Fr.e. klauncher
    theavataroftime 3055 fr.e. kded
    theavataroftime 3075 .r.e. ruby
    theavataroftime 3081 fr.e. kio_file
    theavataroftime 15311 .r.e. kio_http
    theavataroftime 15312 .r.e. kio_http
    theavataroftime 15313 .r.e. kio_http
    theavataroftime 15314 .r.e. kio_http
    theavataroftime 15315 .r.e. kio_http
    theavataroftime 15316 .r.e. kio_http
    fuser -v -m /dev/sdb1
    /dev/sdb1: root kernel mount /media/media-server/1
    I ran 'fsck.reiserfs --check' one /dev/sdf1, which is the /media/media-server/5 hard drive.
    Here are the results:
    fsck.reiserfs --check /dev/sdf1
    reiserfsck 3.6.21 (2009 www.namesys.com)
    ** If you are using the latest reiserfsprogs and it fails **
    ** please email bug reports to [email protected], **
    ** providing as much information as possible -- your **
    ** hardware, kernel, patches, settings, all reiserfsck **
    ** messages (including version), the reiserfsck logfile, **
    ** check the syslog file for any related information. **
    ** If you would like advice on using this program, support **
    ** is available for $25 at www.namesys.com/support.html. **
    Will read-only check consistency of the filesystem on /dev/sdf1
    Will put log info to 'stdout'
    Do you want to run this program?[N/Yes] (note need to type Yes if you do):Yes
    reiserfsck --check started at Mon Sep 27 19:21:20 2010
    Replaying journal: Done.
    Reiserfs journal '/dev/sdf1' in blocks [18..8211]: 0 transactions replayed
    Checking internal tree.. finished
    Comparing bitmaps..finished
    Checking Semantic tree:
    No corruptions found
    There are on the filesystem:
    Leaves 77863
    Internal nodes 474
    Directories 2856
    Other files 18718
    Data block pointers 77184421 (0 of them are zero)
    Safe links 0
    reiserfsck finished at Mon Sep 27 19:29:03 2010
    Also I just used Partition Manager to check /media/media-server/5 as well.
    Check and repair partition '/dev/sdf1' (465.76 GiB, reiser)
    Job: Check file system on partition '/dev/sdf1'
    Command: fsck.reiserfs --fix-fixable -q -y /dev/sdf1
    reiserfsck 3.6.21 (2009 www.namesys.com)
    ** If you are using the latest reiserfsprogs and it fails **
    ** please email bug reports to [email protected], **
    ** providing as much information as possible -- your **
    ** hardware, kernel, patches, settings, all reiserfsck **
    ** messages (including version), the reiserfsck logfile, **
    ** check the syslog file for any related information. **
    ** If you would like advice on using this program, support **
    ** is available for $25 at www.namesys.com/support.html. **
    Will check consistency of the filesystem on /dev/sdf1
    and will fix what can be fixed without --rebuild-tree
    Will put log info to 'stdout'
    reiserfsck --fix-fixable started at Wed Oct 6 22:29:02 2010
    Replaying journal: Replaying journal: Done.
    Reiserfs journal '/dev/sdf1' in blocks [18..8211]: 0 transactions replayed
    Checking internal tree..
    ***I'm cutting most of this out, it's insanely long: \|/-\|/-\|finished
    Comparing bitmaps..Bad nodes were found, Semantic pass skipped
    3 found corruptions can be fixed only when running with --rebuild-tree
    reiserfsck finished at Wed Oct 6 22:36:43 2010
    block 32772: The level of the node (48287) is not correct, (1) expected
    the problem in the internal node occured (32772), whole subtree is skipped
    block 262149: The level of the node (28423) is not correct, (1) expected
    the problem in the internal node occured (262149), whole subtree is skipped
    block 11326: The level of the node (63701) is not correct, (1) expected
    the problem in the internal node occured (11326), whole subtree is skipped
    vpf-10630: The on-disk and the correct bitmaps differs. Will be fixed later.
    Check file system on partition '/dev/sdf1': Error
    Check and repair partition '/dev/sdf1' (465.76 GiB, reiser): Error
    Thanks for the advice.
    Last edited by The Avatar of Time (2010-10-07 05:53:05)

  • SQL Causes server to swap and become unresponsive, What is it doing?

    SQL Causes server to swap and become unresponsive does it have the same effect with other users??
    WARNING - script causes my servers to not respond, requiring reboot after 30 mins
    Only run on a server/vm where a bounce is ok
    The script creates a table
    Runs an anonymous block to put 160mb in a single clob
    Runs a simple select with some REGEXP_REPLACE and REGEXP_SUBSTR
    This has been raised with Oracle support.
    Their conclusion is lots of single block reads are causing the server to hang.
    I do not think this is the reason and would like someone else to run it, to see what they think!
    on red hat 5.7 and Oracle enterprise edition it seems to hang the server
    [oracle@ ~]$ uname -a
    Linux  2.6.18-274.el5xen #1 SMP Fri Jul 8 17:45:44 EDT 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    [oracle@edu-db3 ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.7 (Tikanga)on redhat 4.5 Oracle - it seems to just kill the instance
    [oracle@ ~]$ uname -a
    Linux  2.6.9-55.ELxenU #1 SMP Fri Apr 20 16:56:53 EDT 2007 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    [oracle@edu-db1 ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 5)When running the sql oracle consumes all the memory on the server, although SGA and PGA configured well bellow os memory
    SQL> show parameter sga
    lock_sga boolean FALSE
    pre_page_sga boolean FALSE
    sga_max_size big integer 5G
    sga_target big integer 5G
    SQL> show parameter pga
    pga_aggregate_target big integer 2G
    [oracle@ scripts]$ free
    total used free shared buffers cached
    Mem: 8388608 7346232 1042376 0 70060 6498460
    -/+ buffers/cache: 777712 7610896
    Swap: 4161528 1212380 2949148Script Output
    SQL> @kill_server.sql
    Table created.To start with we see oracle using the 5g sga
    13007 oracle 25 0 5352m 216m 212m R 95.9 2.6 0:19.33 oracle163mb clob created
    163SQL Running
    Oracle process using 13gb of memory!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    13007 oracle 18 0 13.4g 6.5g 210m D 7.3 81.8 0:55.42 oracleBut PGA has not grown
    SQL> select * from v$pgastat;
    aggregate PGA target parameter 2147483648 bytes
    aggregate PGA auto target 1767444480 bytes
    global memory bound 214743040 bytes
    total PGA inuse 183654400 bytes
    total PGA allocated 248871936 bytes
    maximum PGA allocated 522175488 bytes
    -- SCRIPT
    -- WARNING (again) - script causes my servers to not respond, requiring reboot after 30 mins
    -- Only run on a server/vm that does not matter!
    DROP TABLE testing.clob_store PURGE;
    -- Clob holding table
      clob_data CLOB
    -- Make a 100mb test clob
      g_clob  CLOB := EMPTY_CLOB;
      PROCEDURE clob_append(p_line VARCHAR2) IS
        l_line VARCHAR2(2000) := p_line || CHR(10);
        DBMS_LOB.WRITEAPPEND( g_clob, LENGTH(l_line), l_line );
      clob_append( '<Workbook>' );
      clob_append( '<Styles>' );
      FOR i IN 1..1000000 LOOP
        clob_append(' <Styles><Style ss:ID="Default" ss:Name="Normal"><Alignment ss:Vertical="Bottom"/><Borders/><Font/><Interior/><NumberFormat/><Protection/></Style>');
      END LOOP;
      clob_append( '</Styles>' );
      clob_append( '<Workbook>' );
      FOR i IN 1..1000000 LOOP
      END LOOP;
      clob_append( '</Worksheet>' );
      clob_append( '</Workbook>' );
      INSERT INTO testing.clob_store(clob_data) VALUES (g_clob);
    -- Check sizes
      round(DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH (clob_data)/1024/1024) mb
    -- Test lob set up
    -- no trace and run simple select
    column rd new_value run_date noprint
    select to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY_MM_DD__HH_MI') rd from dual
    alter session set tracefile_identifier = 'bad_sql_&run_date'
    alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12'
    -- Some regexp extracts
      REGEXP_REPLACE( REGEXP_REPLACE( REGEXP_SUBSTR( RPO.CLOB_DATA , ' <Styles>.*</Styles>.', 1, 1, 'n' ) , ' </?Styles>.', NULL, 1, 0, 'n' ) , '  <Style ss:ID="Default".*?  </Style>.', NULL, 1, 0, 'n' ) STYLES
    , REGEXP_SUBSTR(RPO.CLOB_DATA, ' <Workbook.*</Workbook>.', 1, 1, 'n') worksheet
      testing.clob_store rpo
    /Extra info
    SQL Trace
    *** 2012-11-12 10:22:03.936
    WAIT #47954520916768: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 28421 file#=12 block#=1324297 blocks=1 obj#=567174 tim=1352715723936618
    WAIT #47954520916768: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 34490 file#=12 block#=1324345 blocks=1 obj#=567174 tim=1352715724000358
    WAIT #47954520916768: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 59165 file#=12 block#=1324298 blocks=1 obj#=567174 tim=1352715724314041
    WAIT #47954520916768: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 68224 file#=12 block#=1324346 blocks=1 obj#=567174 tim=1352715724395729
    *** 2012-11-12 10:22:04.631
    WAIT #47954520916768: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 34901 file#=12 block#=1324299 blocks=1 obj#=567174 tim=1352715724631454
    WAIT #47954520916768: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 32349 file#=12 block#=1324347 blocks=1 obj#=567174 tim=1352715724701167
    WAIT #47954520916768: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 109175 file#=12 block#=1324300 blocks=1 obj#=567174 tim=1352715725093610
    WAIT #47954520916768: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 69001 file#=12 block#=1324348 blocks=1 obj#=567174 tim=1352715725194967
    *** 2012-11-12 10:22:05.913
    WAIT #47954520916768: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 23154 file#=12 block#=1324301 blocks=1 obj#=567174 tim=1352715725913197
    WAIT #47954520916768: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 31894 file#=12 block#=1324349 blocks=1 obj#=567174 tim=1352715726090547
    WAIT #47954520916768: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 29719 file#=12 block#=1324302 blocks=1 obj#=567174 tim=1352715726457981
    WAIT #47954520916768: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 29533 file#=12 block#=1324350 blocks=1 obj#=567174 tim=1352715726593580
    *** 2012-11-12 10:22:07.096
    WAIT #47954520916768: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 121833 file#=12 block#=1324035 blocks=1 obj#=567174 tim=1352715727096799
    WAIT #47954520916768: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 56658 file#=12 block#=1324131 blocks=1 obj#=567174 tim=1352715727322665STRACE
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 130647 Nov 12 10:29 strace_oracle.log7 minutes after last oracle trace entry!!
    brk(0x60013000)                         = 0x5ffef000
    mmap(NULL, 1048576, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x2b9e772b5000
    brk(0x60013000)                         = 0x5ffef000
    mmap(NULL, 1048576, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x2b9e773b5000
    brk(0x60013000)                         = 0x5ffef000
    mmap(NULL, 1048576, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x2b9e774b5000
    brk(0x60013000)                         = 0x5ffef000
    mmap(NULL, 1048576, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x2b9e775b5000
    brk(0x60013000)                         = 0x5ffef000
    mmap(NULL, 1048576, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x2b9e776b5000Edited by: Tom 55 on Nov 13, 2012 6:39 AM

    Thanks Iggy, now I know the strace show the os is really out of memory.
    Some more Debug, using Tanels tools...
    SQL> @snapper stats 5 1 13
    Sampling SID 13 with interval 5 seconds, taking 1 snapshots...
    -- Session Snapper v3.52 by Tanel Poder @ E2SN ( http://tech.e2sn.com )
        SID, USERNAME  , TYPE, STATISTIC                                                 ,     HDELTA, HDELTA/SEC,    %TIME, GRAPH
         13, TESTING   , STAT, session logical reads                                     ,      1.93k,      386.6,
         13, TESTING   , STAT, consistent gets                                           ,      1.93k,      386.6,
         13, TESTING   , STAT, consistent gets from cache                                ,      1.93k,      386.6,
         13, TESTING   , STAT, consistent gets from cache (fastpath)                     ,        277,       55.4,
         13, TESTING   , STAT, consistent gets - examination                             ,       1.1k,      220.8,
         13, TESTING   , STAT, logical read bytes from cache                             ,     15.84M,      3.17M,
         13, TESTING   , STAT, shared hash latch upgrades - no wait                      ,        552,      110.4,
         13, TESTING   , STAT, calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgss                         ,        276,       55.2,
         13, TESTING   , STAT, index crx upgrade (positioned)                            ,        552,      110.4,
         13, TESTING   , STAT, lob reads                                                 ,        276,       55.2,
         13, TESTING   , STAT, index fetch by key                                        ,        276,       55.2,
         13, TESTING   , STAT, index scans kdiixs1                                       ,        552,      110.4,
    --  End of Stats snap 1, end=2012-11-13 10:54:06, seconds=5
    SQL> @snapper stats 5 1 13HANG!
    So snapper not showing anything?
    Over to ostackprof
    SQL> @ostackprof 1143 0 5
    Below is the stack prefix common to all samples:
    # 34 ->__libc_start_main()
    # 33  ->main()
    # 32   ->ssthrdmain()
    # 31    ->opimai_real()
    # 30     ->sou2o()
    # 29      ->opidrv()
    # 28       ->opiodr()
    # 27        ->opiino()
    # 26         ->opitsk()
    # 25          ->ttcpip()
    # 24           ->opiodr()
    # 23            ->opifch()
    # 22             ->opifch2()
    # 21              ->qerstFetch()
    # 20               ->qertbFetch()
    # 19                ->qerstRowP()
    # 18                 ->kpofcr()
    # 17                  ->evaopn2()
    # 16                   ->evaopn2()
    # 15                    ->evaopn2()
    # 14                     ->kokle_rxsubstr()
    # 13                      ->kole_rxsubstr()
    # 12                       ->lxkRegexpSubstrLobNSub()
    # 11                        ->lxregexec()
    # 10                         ->lxregmatch()
    #  ...(see call profile below)
    # - Num.Samples -> in call stack()
         2 ->lxregmatgpt()->kole_rxrdcb()->koklc_read()->koklread()->koklOutlineRead1()->kdlf_read()->kdl_read1()->kdlprl()->__intel_new_memcpy()->__sighandler()->->
         2 ->__sighandler()->->
         1 ->lxregmatpush()->__sighandler()->->Ok we see the regex function running
    Server starting to overload now
    SQL> @ostackprof 1143 0 5
    Below is the stack prefix common to all samples:
    #  ...(see call profile below)
    # - Num.Samples -> in call stack()
         2 ->__libc_start_main()->main()->ssthrdmain()->opimai_real()->sou2o()->opidrv()->opiodr()->opiino()->opitsk()->ttcpip()->opiodr()->opifch()->opifch2()->qerstFetch()->qertbFetch()->qerstRowP()->kpofcr()->evaopn2()->evaopn2()->evaopn2()->kokle_rxsubstr()->kole_rxsubstr()->lxkRegexpSubstrLobNSub()->lxregexec()->lxregmatch()->lxregmatgpt()->kole_rxrdcb()->koklc_read()->koklread()->koklOutlineRead1()->kdlf_read()->kdl_read1()->kdlprl()->kdlrdb()->kcbgtcr()->__sighandler()->->
         1 ->__sighandler()->->
         1 ->__libc_start_main()->main()->ssthrdmain()->opimai_real()->sou2o()->opidrv()->opiodr()->opiino()->opitsk()->ttcpip()->opiodr()->opifch()->opifch2()->qerstFetch()->qertbFetch()->qerstRowP()->kpofcr()->evaopn2()->evaopn2()->evaopn2()->kokle_rxsubstr()->kole_rxsubstr()->lxkRegexpSubstrLobNSub()->lxregexec()->lxregmatch()->lxregmatgpt()->kole_rxrdcb()->koklc_read()->koklread()->koklOutlineRead1()->kdlf_read()->kdl_read1()->kdlprl()->__intel_new_memcpy()->__sighandler()->->
         1 ->__libc_start_main()->main()->ssthrdmain()->opimai_real()->sou2o()->opidrv()->opiodr()->opiino()->opitsk()->ttcpip()->opiodr()->opifch()->opifch2()->qerstFetch()->qertbFetch()->qerstRowP()->kpofcr()->evaopn2()->evaopn2()->evaopn2()->kokle_rxsubstr()->kole_rxsubstr()->lxkRegexpSubstrLobNSub()->lxregexec()->lxregmatch()->lxregmatgpt()->__sighandler()->->
    SQL> @ostackprof 1143 0 5
    Below is the stack prefix common to all samples:
    #  ...(see call profile below)
    # - Num.Samples -> in call stack()
         2 ->__sighandler()->->
         2 ->__libc_start_main()->main()->ssthrdmain()->opimai_real()->sou2o()->opidrv()->opiodr()->opiino()->opitsk()->ttcpip()->opiodr()->opifch()->opifch2()->qerstFetch()->qertbFetch()->qerstRowP()->kpofcr()->evaopn2()->evaopn2()->evaopn2()->kokle_rxsubstr()->kole_rxsubstr()->lxkRegexpSubstrLobNSub()->lxregexec()->lxregmatch()->lxregmatgpt()->kole_rxrdcb()->koklc_read()->koklread()->koklOutlineRead1()->kdlf_read()->kdl_read1()->kdlprl()->kdlrdb()->kcbgtcr()->__sighandler()->->
         1 ->__libc_start_main()->main()->ssthrdmain()->opimai_real()->sou2o()->opidrv()->opiodr()->opiino()->opitsk()->ttcpip()->opiodr()->opifch()->opifch2()->qerstFetch()->qertbFetch()->qerstRowP()->kpofcr()->evaopn2()->evaopn2()->evaopn2()->kokle_rxsubstr()->kole_rxsubstr()->lxkRegexpSubstrLobNSub()->lxregexec()->lxregmatch()->lxregmatpush()->__sighandler()->->
    SQL> @ostackprof 1143 0 5
    Hit CTRL+C to cancel, ENTER to continue...HANG!
    Now I am lost!!
    As Iggy points out from the strace, the OS is returning an error back to the Oracle foreground process, is this not handled?
    Or is it normal for oracle to ignore this error, and ask for more memory?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Edited by: Tom 55 on Nov 13, 2012 7:54 AM

  • SSD disks and swap

    I know this has been discussed numbers of times but still I find it confusing. My new PC will have a SSD (and no traditional hard disk). My question is what to do with the swap and especially the swapiness parameter? Is it really a good idea to reduce it? How the default value of 60 has been decided?
    What confuse me is that I have seen too many posts that say, roughly, that we need to avoid any write to the SSD in order to spare it; often to the point we can wonder if the SSD will remain useful... I have seen that SSD supports 100000 write cycles; with a 120GB SSD, you will thus need to write 12000 Tera (12 peta) before it fails. It is clear to me that small things (like putting /var outside the SSD somehow) makes no sense. Even the swap makes me dubious: is it really worthwhile to try to spare the SSD, will it not become obsolete well before it dies. Because the SSD is faster, it could actually make sense to swap on it on an optimal way? SSD supports fast reading of nonadjacent data, which seems a big plus for the swap.
    Edited: It seems that this page http://ef.gy/statistics:ssd-write-endurance go in my sense. You will need more that six months to wear a SSD if you write to it at the maximum possible rate 24h/24h. If that is true, the SSD will never fail unless you do it on purpose. I have no estimate how much data we write on a hard disk on average but I think it is only a tiny fraction of that...
    # mod edit: please don't rollback edits that make your thread title more relevant to the actual question you are asking. "SSD disk" means fsck all...
    Last edited by jasonwryan (2013-08-20 07:04:07)

    I think it is highly dependent on what you are using your machine for, but yes, I too see very little swap use with 8GB RAM. In my experience, hibernation on linux (suspend to disk) is far from perfect, and has always cased me more issues than the functionality was worth. 
    Recently though, I was able to set up Intel Rapid Start Technology, which is like hibernation controlled by the firmware.  Typically you would use it by setting a timeout in the bios.  So after being suspended for that set period of time, it would power back up partially and write the contents do disk, then "hibernate".  But as of 3.11 Matthew Garrett created a userspace driver for it, so I can set it to only function in the event that my battery gets super low (at what point it decides that I'm not quite sure).
    If your machien supports IRST, you should be aware that because it is firmware controlled, you cannot get away with "hibernating" on an Intel Rapid Start Technology partition that is less than the size of your RAM.  It does not compress or try to opitimize the RAM contents for size at all.  Also, it must be used on an SSD, so it is likely going to be taking valuable space on the faster disk.  Interstingly, gehidore has the same machine as me, yet IRST works great for me, yet not at all for him.

  • Hard Drive Swap and Time Machine

    Maybe a weird situation here - I couldn't find anything about this exact scenario online.
    My wife and I own 2 identical early 2008 Macbook Pros.  The body of her computer has recently taken serious cosmetic damage.  I plan on upgrading to a new Macbook Pro soon, so I decided to just give her the body of mine, which is in nice shape.  I thought the easiest way to do this would be just to open up both computers and swap the hard drives (put her hard drive into my computer, and mine into hers). I accomplished this easily and everything works, however when I tried to do a time machine backup neither external drive was recognized - I cannot backup either machine with this new setup, at least without starting an entirely new backup.  If I hook my external drive to her computer (my old computer with her hard drive) time machine is allowing me to access my old backups stored in the external drive.  If I hook my external drive to my machine (her computer with my hard drive) I cannot access any old backups.  All attempts to backup are failing.  
    Is there something else I need to swap (hardware) to get this right?  I would like to be able to resume backups as they were. 
    Thanks for any help!
    MacBook Pro early 2008
      OS X 10.5.8
      Processor Name:          Intel Core 2 Duo
      Processor Speed:          2.4 GHz
      Memory 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM

    TimeMachine is specific to each computer.  Your serial numbers, etc... are all different.  All you did was swap the hard drive, and I believe I read somewhere that if you use encryption on your TimeMachine backup, you need the passcode AND the computer you backed up from originally.
    Disclaimer:  I believe I read the encryption thing at one point, but I am not 100% certain about that part.

  • Difference between swap -l and swap -s output

    I am a java developer who inherited a Sun Sparc machine to administer when our Unix admin quit. I know next to nothing about Solaris and Unix in general.
    Right now, I am trying to figure out how much swap space is configured on our Solaris 10 machine. My reading has led me to believe that I get that info from the swap command.
    Below are the output from swap -l and swap -s. They seem to be telling me very different things. Swap -l makes me think we have 8G of swap ((8405360+8191984)*512) and swap -s makes me think we have 21G of swap space. Can anyone clarify the difference and which is the amount of swap I have? Or if I should be using a different command to determine the amount of swap?
    root@zrhapp99 # swap -l
    swapfile dev swaplo blocks free
    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1 32,9 16 8405360 8405360
    /moredisk/moreswap/swapfile - 16 8191984 8191984
    root@zrhapp99 # swap -s
    total: 351600k bytes allocated + 32608k reserved = 384208k used, 21428488k available

    Thanks for your prompt reply! I have just one more question...
    I am doing this in preparation for an Oracle 11g installation. The Oracle dox say that "Swap Space" should be .75 times the size of RAM. It does not say if it should be with or without memory usage.
    We have 16G of RAM in this box. If, by "Swap Space", Oracle means without memory usage (swap -l) then we don't have enough swap and I need to read the dox and configure more. If they mean WITH memory usage (swap -s) then we are ok and we can proceed with the install.
    Can you hazard a guess which they mean by "Swap Space"?
    Thanks SO much for your help.

  • Satellite S50T-B - Adding RAM and swapping HDD for SSD

    HI there,
    I have recently purchased the Satelitte S50t-B laptop and have a few question about upgrading:
    1. What is the recommended RAM to add (8GB)
    2. What is the recommended SSD to add?
    3. Are there any instructions to add RAM and an SSD to my laptop?
    4. Will I void my warranty by installing more RAM and swapping the current hard drive for an SSD?
    Thank you for your help

    This notebook is listed on Toshiba page:
    - What is the recommended RAM to add (8GB)
    The unit supports 16GB RAM, so you can add an second PC3-12800 8GB DDR3L (1600Mhz) SO-DIMM module (i.e PA5104U-1M8G)
    - 2. What is the recommended SSD to add?
    Its up to you there are different SSD drive on the market and most of the 2.5 SATA SSD drives should be compatible.
    - 3. Are there any instructions to add RAM and an SSD to my laptop?
    It looks like both parts (RAM as well as SSD/HDD) are not user upgradable since there is no separate access to the memory or HDD bay. This means that whole plastic cover at the bottom of the unit needs to be remove in order to get access to these part.
    But as far as I know this would cancel the device warranty!!!
    - 4. Will I void my warranty by installing more RAM and swapping the current hard drive for an SSD?
    If you want to keep the warranty valid, such upgrade should be performed by authorized engineer.

  • My MacBook (late 2009 Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63) often runs VERY slow...beach ball of death frequently.  My page ins (5.29GB), page outs (5.64BG), and swap files (10GB) seem extremely high in comparison to most other discussions in here.  HELP!!??

    My MacBook (late 2009 Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63) often runs VERY slow...beach ball of death frequently.  My page ins (3.29GB), page outs (5.64BG), and swap files (10GB) seem extremely high in comparison to most other discussions in here.   I don't know how to copy the pie chart so it shows on here but here's what it says right now:
    Free - 176 MB
    Wired - 592MB
    Active - 843MB
    Inactive - 432MB
    Used - 1.82 GB
    VM size - 198GB
    The page ins and page outs have 0 bytes/sec in the parenthesis even though the numbers are so high. 
    Any help anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated!!!

    You difinately need more ram. 2gb is the bare minimum to run just the Lion OS, anything extra will slow your Mac to a crawl. Upgrade to 8gb from either Crucial http://www.crucial.com/ or OWC http://eshop.macsales.com/
    And you will be a happy camper!

  • Computer asking for password to make changes to root directory, system and Library.

    My computer is asking for my password to make any changes to the root directory, system and Library folders, and and sub folders within those. I dont recall it doing this in the past. I am logged in as the Administrator.

    That's normal.

  • I cannot read S/MIME encrypted Mails on iPhone and iPad

    I have a Certificate for my email address by Comodo. It is installed in Thunderbird on PC and iPhone and iPad with iOS 7.1.2.
    Thunderbird on PC behaves like expected, i can send and read encrypted emails.
    On iPad and iPhone i cannot read encrypted emails.
    I imported my S/MIME Certificate via email attachment (p.12-File) and activated it in the mail section for my account. I also enabled signature and encryption function.
    1. When i receive an email that is signed but not encrypted, the certificate of the sender is trusted & installed.
    2. When i receive an email that is encrypted, the same sender is now shown in red color. I cannot read the email, because my profile allegedly does not contain my identitiy.
    3. When i try to reply to the signed but not encrypted email (1.) then the message i send is signed but not encrypted, even though the address is shown in blue with a lock (which text info: encryption is possible).
    4. When I send an encrypted email to my own account via ipad or iphone, i can read it on both ipad and iphone. This makes me think that the iOS Mail App uses S/MIME encryption a little bit different then Thunderbird.
    All of this does not fit together. It think I correctly installed my certificate but there are problems in the Mail Program on iOS.

    Solved: the problem was that the emails were encrypted with an old public key.

  • Hot swap and JSP debugging for Weblogic in exploded format?

    I'm trying to use JDeveloper for JSF development to be deployed to a weblogic server.
    I must say JDeveloper is a great tool for JSF development as none of the free IDE in the market can do what JDeveloper does.
    However, I have a question on hot swap and JSP debugging.
    I have managed to setup JDeveloper to debug my JSF application deploy to my Weblogic server's applications folder in exploded format.
    I can step through the java code.
    However, I didn't manage to do a hot swap and the break point set in the JSF-JSP does not seems to take effect.
    I would appreciate any advice on the problem.
    Han Ming

    How did you setup the server to handle exploded format? Appreciate the help. Sorry can't help with your question though.

  • Encrypt sensitive with password and calling sub pkgs

    Hi we run 2012 enterprise and r introducing a db2 connection that "allows saving password".
    We run from the file system (not the catalog) and face a challenge.
    The default prot level on the SUB PACKAGE that has the db2 connection (only such connection right now) prevents our prod credentials from making the connection because its a different user than the one that created the sub pkg.
    Encrypt sensitive with password seems a more strategic alternative but I dont know if the param (I think its called "decrypt") on the dtexec command line that allows passing a password at run time applies to just the parent pkg or all subs also.
    I dont want to delay validation.  I wouldnt even mind changing the xml connection string (by entering pswd in whatever syntax is necessary) using notepad but dont know what issues that will cause.
    I wouldnt mind having someone logon and "re" save  the pkg using the credentials of our prod userid and choosing the default prot level instead.
    I also wonder if none of the other pkgs (including master) dont have any sensitive data, can their prot level defaults be left alone?
    Can the community comment?

    If you are having sensitive info (passwords for conn strings etc) in our packages, the best way is to change the protection level to "encrypt sensitive with password" and then provide the password.
    When we schedule a job or exec the parent package, the child packages are called automatically.
    Thanks, hsbal

  • Concern with "File Sharing: On" -- my root user folder (and subfolders) and Macintosh HD is visible

    Hi all,
    When I set up a File Sharing folder in OSX called "Share", I connected from my PC to my Macbook Pro and not only did I see the "Share" folder but I also could see and have total access to my root user folder (all its subfolders too) and my Macintosh HD (hard disk).  Did I miss something?  All I did was check mark "File Sharing" in the Sharing option of System Preferences.  Then I specifically shared only the "Share" folder that I created on the OSX desktop.
    How do I turn of sharing for the root user folder and my Macintosh HD folder?
    Many thanks in advance!

    Yes, I was logging in from my PC laptop to Mac as the Admin.  However, since there is a User called "Everyone" and I, for testing purposes only, turned Read/Write on for "Everyone", I figured I did not have to set up another user (such as "Guest").  I was wrong.  Once I created a new user called "Guest" and specifically checked the Guest account in the SMB option, it worked in the restricted mode I was hoping for.  Thanks!

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  • 10.0.2 pdf fiels

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  • Code interface node - .lsb generated but does not load

    Howdy, i am using labview 6.1 and VC++/visual studio .NET 2003. i tried creating a simple code interface node to add two numbers. i followed the steps given in the "Using External Code in Labview" Manual. I made only one change, which is switching ou