Engine E2 Question

Dear Sir/Madam,
I manage four Cisco IPS sensors SSM-20. I am currently running 6.0(3) E1 and do not particularly want to upgrade to 6.0(4) because of the following;
CSCsm60273 AIP-SSM stays in Unresponsive state after ASA5500's bootup
I have a number of power downs this year but need to continue to install signature updates but will be unable to if I do not upgrade to 6.0(4) E2 as per your comment below,
Warning: After E2 is released, your sensors must be running release 5.1(7)E2 or 6.0(4)E2 to continue to install signature updates.
I would prefer to stay on 6.0(3) and upgrade to E2 (as this version is eligibale for engine upgrade) and wait until caveat CSCsm60273 is resolved - hopefully in 6.0(5)but I then will not be able to apply the signature updates.
Please can you assist me?
Thanks in advance for your time.

Understand that CSCsm60273 is not specific to 6.0(4). It can also happen with the 6.0(3) you are already running and likely earlier versions as well.
It will also not be fixed in 6.0(5).
Instead it has been determined to be a bug in the ASA/Rommon and not in the IPS image.
So it can not be fixed in 6.0(5), and instead needs a new ASA and/or Rommon to get the fix.
So this bug should not affect your decision on whether or not to upgrade to 6.0(4).
As for E2 understand that 6.0(3) is NOT elligible for upgrade to E2. E2 will only be created for 6.0(4).
The 6.0(3) elligibility for E2 ran out at the end of April.
The signature policy states "b) Signature update support for service packs of currently supported major and minor software releases will be supported for at least sixty (60) days following the introduction of a new service pack."
So 6.0(3) was fully supported for signature updates (and therefore engine updates) for 60 days after 6.0(4) released.
6.0(4) released at the end of February so 6.0(3) support was only guaranteed for 60 days which was the end of April.
Now in May there is no longer any guarantee of signature support (or engine updates) for 6.0(3).
So long as E2 has not released you can still install the E1 signature updates on any E1 sensor (including 6.0(3)E1). But when E2 is released it will only support 6.0(4). It will not support 6.0(3) because when E2 releases it will have been more than 60 days since 6.0(4) was released.
NOTE: E2 will also support the latest service pack on the 5.1 train which is 5.1(7).

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    Go to Solution.
    actionengine.vi ‏22 KB

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    actionengine.vi ‏67 KB
    test_action_engine.vi ‏144 KB

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    Relational Options, Inc.
    Florham Park, New Jersey
    201-301-00377 (FAX) [email protected]

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    · Scaling.
    · User-based security.
    · Initial value.
    · The ability to create custom I/O servers.
    · Integration of the LabVIEW event structure with the shared variable.
    · LabVIEW VIs to programmatically control all aspects of shared variables and the shared variable engine.
    Question 1
    I did not realize that the Initial Value feature was part of the DSC Module. If I use it in a project, does that mean that my customer would need to buy a DSC runtime license? (I'm not using any other DSC feature)
    Question 2
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    Question 3
    I created a new NSV on my new machine (which doesn't have DSC installed). I saw the "Scaling" option. Is Scaling part of the DSC module or not?
    Question 4
    Initial Value and Scaling are generic features, unrelated to data logging/supervisory control. Why are they in the DSC Module? Should they not be in the base SV Engine?
    Go to Solution.

    1. Yes, any build that uses DSC features require a runtime license.
    2. That's a recommendation for more reliable operations.
    3. No, it is a native LabVIEW capability. The DSC modules simply adds more features regarding communication to protocols, alarming, etc
    4. Initial value, Yes. Scaling, no. I believe is for easy access. Old school method is the one shown in here at the section "Initialize Your Shared Variables".
    For more information about DSC visit this page.
    Alejandro | Academic Program Engineer | National Instruments

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    Kind Regards,

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    Thank You

    WCS is a Windows 2003 application (so not "on the controller") that is completely separate and has to be purchased separately with different levels of licensing for different feature sets.
    WCS is most useful when having several WLCs to manage and is offered when you buy a lot of stuff I think.
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    MSE is a kind of "calculation appliance" that you link to your WCS to locate all clients and rogues in real-time on the map. Only that. But it's a cool enough feature :-) Without MSE you can only view one client at a time (when entering its mac address in the search field) on WCS maps.

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    The address of http://webserver:567 can be retrieved
    The problem are the results of following tests:
    These errors occured because the both pathes /sap/bc/ping and /sap/bc/webdynpro do not exist on Portal/Java engine.
    How can we connect ABAP backend to Portal with extra Webdispatcher?
    What are the setting within WAS area?
    kind regards

    Hi Thom,
    Is your webdispatcher in front of your portal? or in front of the ICM of your Backend System?
    If the applications that you want to enable via your EP are of the type: WD for ABAP, BSP, IAC or ITS then you should also have a webdispatcher in front of your Backend System (in addition to on in front of your portal).
    Please check the following link:
    On this page, scroll down to the last example. Although the image is there to explain "High Availability of the SAP Web Dispatcher" it gives you a good view on the request respond steps.
    One rule of thumb is that the EP system itself doesn't act as a reverse-proxy. In other words, if an iView points to a WD 4 ABAP application on the Backend then the actual WD4ABAP application is rendered in an iFrame.
    From a technical/connection point of view the client (browser) has 2 connections, one to the EP and 1 tot the Backend.
    Allot of people do not realize this when they start there project...
    Cheers, hope this helps you a bit....

  • Add new customer  fields on Basic Data Header of Bid Invitations

    Add new fields on Basic Data of Header  of BID INVITATIONS  and other screens. I found many notices sap that it indicates that I can use badi BBP_CUF_BADI_2, both how does it?
    I understand that method  MODIFY_MODE_QUOT is due to implement because he is the one that  allows to use in way edition the screen. In this method only   CV_MODE  ='E'.
    In which method  I assign the structure with the new fields or customer fields?
    In where I indicate to him in that screen must add the new fields or customer fields?
    I need to implement more methods to add the new fields the headed one of  basic data of BID INVITATIONS.
    Thank you.

    Perhaps some answer for you can be found here:
    in this forum thread: Bidding Engine general questions :-(
    I have moved your thread from the general Business Process Expert forum to here as I think it has a better chance of being answered.

  • Address parameters in the signature definitions (4.1)

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    Question: Is there any way to change the action triggered by the signature based upon the network/host source/destination address in all kinds of engines?
    Response: No. When the signature is defined the selected actions will take place regardless of the addresses (unless the alarm is filtered).
    Question: In Atomic engine it is possible - for example triggering different levels of alarms, based upon the victim network address. What about the all other engines?
    Answer: No In version 4.x the alarm is either triggered and the actions taken, or the alarm is filtered and no actions are taken.
    Some of this changes in version 5.0.
    You still won't be able to assign specific actions for a given address set. But combinations of some of the added features may come close to providing you the granularity you are asking for.
    I would suggest posting this question again after 5.0 is released. Then I will be able to go into feature details and give you some hints and tricks to get close to what you are asking for.

  • Looping a query without cursor

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    i want to know that is there is any way by which we can loop through Resultset of a query without using cursor for loop in plsql

    No. Reason:
    Any SQL statement in PL/SQL is a cursor. Any rows "obtained" from a cursor, is fetched via a read-cursor-loop mechanism.
    This can be an explicit cursor, where you open the cursor and manually code the loop with the FETCH statement.
    It can be an implicit cursor, where you simply code something like [SELECT col INTO var FROM table] - in which case PL/SQL still creates a cursor and still uses a cursor fetch to read the result of that cursor.
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    What makes PL/SQL different is that the PL/SQL language and compiler integrates so tightly with SQL, that you can mix two different programming languages in the same source code. Unlike Java, Delpi and C, you can code native SQL inside your PL/SQL code. The PL/SQL compiler is clever enough to know what it can execute, and which source lines are SQL that need to be "wrapped and delivered" to the SQL Engine.
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Maybe you are looking for