Entourage Set-Up

Hi. I want to set-up my daughter with an email account. She is a user with her own log-in. When we attempt to open entourage (2004) in her account, it prompts us that it can't be opened, suggesting rebuilding the database. We also get a (-50) error.
I thought I set permissions correctly, but must be missing something.
- Tried rebuilding database through my admin account, just for yucks, to no avail.
- Put alias in the main users-account folder; placed original under my daughter's user folders - and vice versa. Didn't help.
Thanks for your reply.

Ok...I experimented with a new account on my computer..
I don't believe your daughter has permissions to view the Entourage data stored on the Entourage Identity under your OS X Login Account...
If you want her to have all the emails that currently are in Entourage, I think you are going to have to copy to a backup hard drive the Entourage identity that you have been using up to this point, and then copy them back under your daughter's account:
1. While your daughter is logged in, and under her Entourage account, click on Entourage>Switch Identity. Highlight the Identity that has currently available for her, and rename it to something else (so that the next file you import won't be confused with the current identity).
2. Log out of daughter's OS X, and log into your OS X. Now take a look at the folder Documents/Microsoft User Data/Identities and the folder Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2004 Identities.
3. Copy the Identity for the Entourage Account that you've been using to an external hard disk. It could be called "Main Identity" if no others have been set up. If you don't have an external hard drive, try to copy the Identity folder to the folder Macintosh/Users/Shared (actually duplicate the folder and contents--don't make an alias of it).
4. Then log in to your daughter's OS X account. Once logged in, copy the identity folder (with all it's associated files) to her Documents/Microsoft User Data/ folder.
5. With your daughter logged in, start Entourage, and click on the Entourage>Switch Identity. If you see the Identity you want in the window, click on it.
Hopefully everything you had under your account will now be on her account as well. Because of the permissions issue, they will now be separate and distinct (emails she received will not show up when you are logged into your OS X account).
IF the folder you expect to show up in Entourage isn't there, recheck where you placed the new identities folder. Don't try to rename it under OS X. Entourage won't recognize it if you do...
Perhaps someone out there can let CoachDad know of a way to change the permissions of his Identities Folder so that it will be available to his daughter without going through the above steps?
Hope this helps. I may be out of internet connectivity for a few days starting Wednesday...

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    Hello Dan
    I see the problem.
    You can import your pst but you're right, it's a different format and copy/paste won't do
    Here is the link to Microsoft How To on this topic
    I suppose you could also use bootcamp and have windows with outlook on your mac.
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    All the best

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    Can you be specific about what you consider an "advanced" feature?
    but I think in MAC, we have only Microsoft Entourage is available, no Microsoft Entourage.
    Sorry, but this statement doesn't make any sense (and it's Mac, not MAC). What is the real question you're asking?
    I am getting images from my friend, but every time I need to click on "Download images".
    Who's using Entourage, you or your friend? Is your friend sending HTML emails with images, or is he/she sending images as attachments to the email itself?

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    Actually, a more precise link is: http://www.microsoft.com/mac/community/community.aspx?pid=newsgroups
    Either way, we cannot help you with what settings to enter. You'd need to ask your network admin or ISP for the server settings.

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    The general syntax for multiple addresses in Entourage is:
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    end tell
    In other words, the addresses in your string are separated by a semicolon.

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    Sample code is below.
    --- Code starts here ---
    set {rName01, rAddress01} to {"Shemp Howard", "[email protected]"} -- 'To:' recipient.
    set {rName02, rAddress02} to {"Moe Howard", "[email protected]"} -- 'Cc:' recipient.
    set {rName03, rAddress03} to {"Curly Howard", "[email protected]"} -- 'Cc:' recipient.
    set {rName04, rAddress04} to {"Larry Fine", "[email protected]"} -- 'Bcc:' recipient.
    set tContent to "Here is the requested information." -- 'Contnets:' or 'Message' string.
    set tSubject to "NEW ORDERS / " & rName01 & ", " & (do shell script "date +%v") -- 'Subject:' string.
    tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
    set tMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {recipient:(rName01 & my format_eMailAddress(rAddress01)), CC recipients:(rName02 & my format_eMailAddress(rAddress02) & ", " & rName03 & my format_eMailAddress(rAddress03)), BCC recipients:(rName04 & my format_eMailAddress(rAddress04)), subject:tSubject, content:tContent}
    send tMessage
    end tell
    on format_eMailAddress(eMailAddress)
    return " <" & eMailAddress & ">"
    end format_eMailAddress
    --- Code ends here ---
    View 'Re: Entourage Bcc and cc' for additional information.

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    In that case, unless you actually need to review the contents of the email in order to approve the invoice, I would use dispatch time '2' and specify the 24 hour hold on the NAST record.  RSNAST00 will not process the record until that time and the email will not be dropped into the queue.  This is a safer method than allowing the email to be generated and possibly processed incorrectly.  You can set a wait time on an email as well though.

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    On your iPhone, go to settings and then mail,contacts,calendar,etc. Change your default calendar to Entourage.

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    Sounds like maybe you have Entourage set to leave messages on the server, which will cause it to download the same message again and again.
    Go into Tools / Accounts and choose the account you want to edit
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    As Entourage is a Microsoft product, you may be better off asking this question in their forums. Comcast can provide you with information such as the server names for sending and receiving email.
    Best of luck.

  • Applescripting Entourage

    I'm posting on behalf of my boss, he's in need of an Applescript for Entourage.
    It needs to extract the body of incoming emails and put the results into a .csv file on the desktop.
    The emails will be in the following format:
    First Name: John
    Last Name: Smith
    Street Address 1: 9 High Street
    City: New York
    Postal Code/Zip: 12345
    Country: USA
    There are also 4 other fields before First Name, but these need to be ignored.
    The First Name and Last Name need to be put into the same field in the .csv field. So it would be: John Smith.
    I posted this on scriptlance but I don't think there's anyone there who has the skills. So feel free to post a bid on what price you could do this for.

    Two examples.
    Example 01.
    Process latest e-Mail messge of 'Inbox'.
    --- Code starts here ---
    property tList : {"First Name: ", "Last Name: ", "Street Address 1: ", "City: ", "Postal Code/Zip: ", "Country: "}
    tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
    set message_Content to content of last message of folder "Inbox" -- Obtain latest received e-Mail message.
    set tParagraphs to paragraphs of message_Content -- Convert e-Mail message to individual lines of text.
    set tString to "" -- Variable to contain '.csv' files' content.
    repeat with i in tParagraphs -- Cycle through the individual lines of text.
    repeat with j in tList -- Cycle through the items of 'tList'.
    -- If the line of text contains an item from the 'tList' continue -
    if (i contains j) then if (j contains (item 1 of tList)) then -- If the line of text contains first item of 'tList', continue, by appending a space (' ') after 'tString's new entry, else ...
    set tString to tString & (get (characters ((count j) + 1) through (count i) of i) as string) & " "
    else -- ... append a comma (',') after 'tString's new entry.
    set tString to tString & (get (characters ((count j) + 1) through (count i) of i) as string) & ","
    end if
    end repeat
    end repeat
    end tell
    if ((count (tString)) > 0) then -- If 'tString' is not empty, continue.
    set tDate to do shell script ("date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S") -- Obtain unique name for '.csv' file.
    -- Write the contents of the 'tString' to tne newly created 'Desktop' based '.csv' file.
    set FILE_REF to open for access ((((path to desktop from user domain) as string) & tDate) & "Entourage.csv") with write permission
    write tString to FILE_REF
    close access FILE_REF
    -- Format of newly created 'Desktop' based file is: 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSSEntrouage.csv',
    -- where 'YYYY' is year, 'MM' is month, 'DD' is day, 'HH' is hours, 'MM' is minutes, and 'SS' is seconds.
    end if
    --- Code ends here ---
    Example 02.
    Process selected e-Mail messages.
    --- Code starts here ---
    property tList : {"First Name: ", "Last Name: ", "Street Address 1: ", "City: ", "Postal Code/Zip: ", "Country: "}
    tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
    set tSelection to selection
    repeat with x in tSelection
    set tParagraphs to paragraphs of (content of x) -- Convert individual e-Mails' message to individual lines of text.
    set tString to "" -- Variable to contain '.csv' files' content.
    repeat with i in tParagraphs -- Cycle through the individual lines of text.
    repeat with j in tList -- Cycle through the items of 'tList'.
    -- If the line of text contains an item from the 'tList' continue -
    if (i contains j) then if (j contains (item 1 of tList)) then -- If the line of text contains first item of 'tList', continue, by appending a space (' ') after 'tString's new entry, else ...
    set tString to tString & (get (characters ((count j) + 1) through (count i) of i) as string) & " "
    else -- ... append a comma (',') after 'tString's new entry.
    set tString to tString & (get (characters ((count j) + 1) through (count i) of i) as string) & ","
    end if
    end repeat
    end repeat
    if ((count (tString)) > 0) then -- If 'tString' is not empty, continue.
    set tDate to do shell script ("date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S") -- Obtain unique name for '.csv' file.
    -- Write the contents of the 'tString' to tne newly created 'Desktop' based '.csv' file.
    set FILE_REF to open for access ((((path to desktop from user domain) as string) & tDate) & "Entourage.csv") with write permission
    write tString to FILE_REF
    close access FILE_REF
    delay 0.25 -- Induced 0.25 second delay. Prevents new files of same date and time to write over previous files.
    -- Format of newly created 'Desktop' based file is: 'YYYYMMDDHHMMSSEntrouage.csv',
    -- where 'YYYY' is year, 'MM' is month, 'DD' is day, 'HH' is hours, 'MM' is minutes, and 'SS' is seconds.
    end if
    end repeat
    end tell
    --- Code ends here ---
      Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • Entourage script needed

    Hi, I need a script that would select a group from Entourage address book as bcc recipient.
    Following is a script I have compiled that would copy some selected text from Safari and paste it in a new Entourage message. I managed to select the "to recipient" and also a "signature" but do not know how to add a bcc recipient (which is a group).
    Any hint?
    Here is the script so far:
    delay 1
    tell application "System Events"
    keystroke "c" using command down
    end tell
    tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
    set theRecipient to {address:{display name:"My Name", address:"[email protected]"}, recipient type:to recipient}
    set theSignature to the content of signature "Sign1"
    set theMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {recipient:theRecipient, content:theSignature}
    end tell
    open theMessage
    tell application "System Events"
    keystroke "v" using command down
    end tell

    Using portions of Budgies' and keesters' code ...
    set theSender to "[email protected]"
    set theSubject to "Bob"
    set theBody to "is this what your after?"
    tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
    set MyReply to make new outgoing message with properties {recipient:theSender, subject:"Hello: " & theSubject, content:theBody}
    open MyReply -- (Optional) Display the e-Mail message. Delete or comment this line (with '--') to not display the e-Mail message.
    --send MyReply --Un mark this to auto send your mail.
    end tell
      Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

Maybe you are looking for