Entrust Encryption BREAKS Windows 8 Update and Defender

Programs having issues
Entrust Entelligence Security Provider 9.2 for Outlook
Entrust Entelligence Security Provider 9.2 for Windows
Entrust Entelligence Security Provider Compatibility Kit
Steps to recreate issue.
Load Windows 8 - 64-bit
Install Office 2010 Professional Plus - 64-bit
Install Visio 2010 - 64-bit
Run Windows Update - Install all fix/patches.
Ran sfc /scannow- Everything looks good.
Install Entrust
Run sfc /scannow - Shows unrecoverable issues.
Run Windows Update - Error 80096002
Run Windows Defender - Error 0xc000000d
So I'm not sure if this is a custom installer or what the problem is.
CBS.log file :

After testing I was able to trace the problems caused by installing "Entrust Entelligence Security Provider 9.2" for Windows down to a set of registry keys.  By adding and removing these keys on a fresh Windows 8 VM without entrust, the many issues
we were experiencing with Windows 8 could be reproduced and then fixed by removing the same keys (windows update, windows defender, windows troubleshooting, etc...).  So far everything appears to be working after installing Entrust in
Windows 8, removing these keys, and then rebooting the machine:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\OID\EncodingType 0\CryptDllFindOIDInfo\2.16.840.!1]

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    First sorry to hear that.
    Not all is lost. This is what you do.
    1) Goto itunes.com. Install iTunes. Open it. Sign in to itunes so it displays your email address in itunes.
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    I've recently downloaded 4.0 beta. Works much better than the
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      Hi , Thank you for visiting the HP Forums! A great place where you can find solutions for your issues, with help from the community! I came across your post about the Notebook, and wanted to assist you! I have looked into your issue about your HP ENVY 17-j000 Notebook and issues with it not responding with a Windows 10 update. Try performing a hard reset. When performing a hard reset please note remove any and all USB devices. Disconnect all non-essential devices. It should continue where it left off. Please let me know how this goes. Thanks.

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    This is not a forum that would deal with Windows or internet problems.
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    Hello , Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! To help you get the most out of the HP Forums, I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More. I read your post about the Windows 10 update, and wanted to assist you! To start, can you please provide me with the Product Number of your notebook?  Here is a link you can use that will help you find your Model and Product Number: How Do I Find My Model Number or Product Number? In the meantime, I recommend using the Go back to an earlier build option, in your System Settings:
    HP Notebook PCs - Upgrading to Windows 10
    Once you are back to your original Operating System, check to see if you are experiencing the same issue. If not, then you may consider holding off on the Windows 10 update for a few weeks, until drivers can be updated. Please let me know if this information was helpful by clicking the thumbs up below.
    Have a great day!

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    This is not a solution but a possible work around to see/salvage the contents of your file. If you have a Google Account
    Go to Google Docs (https://docs.google.com)
    Log in with your credentials
    Upload the troublesome files (xlsx, docx etc)
    If you are lucky Google may be able to salvage their contents.
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    Sometimes issues can arise when a driver is downloaded directly from the manufacturer, because in some cases, there are minor tweaks made to the one made specifically for your computer.
    Sometimes the developers (combination of HP software developers and the 3rd party maker's software developers) have to tweak the maker's original driver to work with all of the other components inside your particular computer. All of the dv4-2000s may have, for instance, a specific technology of hard drives and optical drives, but each different dv4-2XXX may have different brands of hard drives/optical drives.
    Graphics drivers are that way. I always recommend getting the ATI driver, not from ATI's website, but directly from the HP Driver Page, because getting the version on ATI's website will cause some issues with the HP Framework (which is responsible for making the whole web of specific components all work together) on the computer. After that several things have to be uninstalled and the correct versions have to be installed just to undo what that one driver version did.
    It gets a little complicated. Suffice it to say, always try to download it from the HP Driver Page for your model first. Then if that version or previous versions don't work, try downloading directly from the 3rd party maker's page. I hope that makes sense. Let me know if I need to clarify anything
    I'm going to recommend the following drivers:
    Intel Chipset Driver version A
    Intel Management Engine Interface Driver version 1.00 A
    Intel Matrix Storage Manager Driver version A
    Intel Turbo Boost Technology Driver version A
    Essential System Updates version 7.00 A
    LightScribe System Software version
    Also, please check and see what BIOS version you're currently on. To do that, press the FN + ESC keys and look for 'F.##' and let me know what that is. I'll compare it to the latest version and link you to that one if necessary.

  • After windows 7 update kb/3006137, all extensions are disabled.

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    It is possible that there is a problem with the file(s) that store the extensions registry.
    Delete the extensions.* files (e.g. extensions.json, extensions.sqlite, extensions.ini) and compatibility.ini in the Firefox profile folder to reset the extensions registry.
    New files will be created when required.
    See "Corrupt extension files":
    If you see disabled or not compatible extensions in "Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions" then click the Tools button at the left end of the Search bar to check if there is a compatibility update available.
    If this hasn't helped then also delete possible addons.json and addons.sqlite files.

  • Bright Bar at Top of Window Goes Dim and Window Goes Inactive Spontaneously

    The other day, I was trying to create space on my computer's hard drive and started going through files trying to delete cache files and other junk.  I also uninstalled most of old Word Perfect 12 because I have upgraded to WordPerfect X4.  After I did these things (which ultimately did not create that much space), while I was in a given program, working, the bar at the top of the window, that is a bright color (the Windows default is that bright blue) when you are active in the window would go pale and the window would be inactive until I clicked the mouse to get it active again.  I will call this the "gone inactive" problem.  The other symptom was that my document icons no longer appeared as little WP icons but as the nonspecific file icons.  So, I reinstalled WP 12 and that took care of the icon issue, but not the gone inactive problem.  (It just did it again in my browser program.)  A friend with technological acumen suggested that this was NOT a hardware problem and thought it might have been a problem in the order in which I had installed the WP products.  He said to uninstall both, then to reinstall the older one and then the newer one.  I did this, but it still is doing the same thing.  It does this in programs other than WP, too, as I just indicated above.  Is this a windows problem?  Is there a particular file that I need?  Did something get corrupt?  Please agree with my friend that it is not a hardware issue!
    I am not sure that ALL files were removed by the uninstallations.  However, oddly, a WP 2000 feature that I still had installed (Desktop Application Director), disappeared and WP 2000 disappeared from the "All Programs" list.
    I wonder if I should start the process of uninstall reinstall over again and put in WP 2000 first?  It does not show up as one of the programs in the add remove programs utility -- in other words, there's no way to remove it.  I wonder if I should delete all WP files?  When I opened X4 it had all my settings as before the uninstall, which surprised me.
    Oddly, there was no requirement that I use the discs to uninstall and neither have an "Uninstall" when you go through the all programs list route.
    I did delete a bunch of those blue $NtUninstallKB2286198$ type files. I thought those were just junk after updates are installed.  I hope that isn't the problem.  I did a windows software update and they showed no priority items to do.
    I put this information on the Microsoft Community site in hopes that it is a software issue and that someone there will know what to do.  I realize this is a Lenovo ThinkPad site more related to hardware matters.  But if anyone out there has any help to offer it would be greatly appreciated.

    Dear Lenovo Community,
    Thanks for your interest.  Problem solved with the help of a very knowledgeable-about-Windows friend.  This problem is solved.

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    ''locking this thread as duplicate, please continue at [https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1030850 /questions/1030850]''
    Overnight windows 7 updated and changed everything (desktop font, games, etc.) and now everything on the screen is larger. How do I change that?

    Is this what you are seeing?
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