Envelope with the payload

Hi all,
We are sending a OAGIS 9.0 to the trading partner through B2B. successfully its reaching to trading partner.
My question :---- "is any envelope(header part) goes out with the payload to the supplier" If yes where can we see that headerpart?

Thanks for your response. We are usine AS2 protocol to send data to TP, If we open a wire message , we are able to see only binary code, we are unable to find out the data which consists of test.
But We are able to see header+payload for EDI, but i need for OAGIS file.
Example which we are seeing in wiremessage
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Edited by: user8653471 on Aug 20, 2009 4:36 AM

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    Hi @RCCG_Power,
    Welcome to the HP Forums!
    I understand that you are wondering how to print envelopes with your HP Officejet J4680. I am happy to look into this for you!
    Some questions for starters:
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    Please, take a look through this guide, 'Paper Mismatch,' or 'Paper Size Mismatch' Error Message Displays When Printing, select your Operating System, then printing envelopes.
    For future reference, here is your printer's user guide.
    Hope this is helpful!
    I work on behalf of HP
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    Hi @Silver-Fox , and welcome to the HP Forums!
    I see you're looking into envelope options.  I would love to try and help you, but I do need a little information first. I am linking a few HP Support documents below that will show you how to find which operating system you are using. Also, if you're using Windows, please include whether your operating system is 32-bit or 64-bit. With this information we can provide you with accurate information.
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    Good luck and please let me know the results of your troubleshooting steps. Thank you for posting on the HP Forums!
    Please click “Accept as Solution " if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks" for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP
    "Remember, I'm pulling for you, we're all in this together!" - Red Green.

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    The first part of the multipart message is the XI message payload and receives the SOAP header. The following parts are the XI message attachements.
    If this is different in your system, then it is a bug.

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    (Correcting typos in my post)
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    //Payload of the message to be added here.
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    <nsprop:properties xmlns:nsprop="urn:schemas-IBX:/docs/property.nsproperty" SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="true">
    its a high priority issue.
    Thanks in Advance.

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    Use iCal>View>Show Notifications to choose what to do with the notification.

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    Okay, thank you . This tells me we may be experiencing an issue with the driver or wireless connection.  I suggest using the following steps to delete the printer from device and printers, and the driver from the server properties. 1. In the ‘Devices and Printers’ folder2. Choose ‘Print server properties’.Win XP – With no printer selected, click ‘File’ then ‘Server Properties’.Windows Vista – With no printer selected, press ‘Alt’ then click ‘File’ then ‘Server Properties’.Windows 7/8 and 8.1 – Select any printer in the ‘Devices and Printers’ folder and click ‘Print Server properties’ above.3. Click on the ‘Drivers’ tab at the top of ‘Print server properties’ window4. Choose the printer you want to uninstall and click ‘Remove’5. Choose 'Remove driver only'6. The next screen will give a warning, letting you know that deleting the driver package will remove it from the system. Click ‘Yes’ to say that you are sure you want to do this. If documents are stuck in the print spooler, you may see an error, cancel any documents pending in the print queue, or try restarting the print spooler, then try to remove the driver from ‘Print server properties’ again. If it still won’t remove the package, restarting the computer and the printer should resolve this ‘in use’ error and allow the driver to be removed. If the you continue to get an 'in use' message follow the steps in the document here; The Specified Printer Driver is Currently in Use
     After the driver is removed, open Start > All Programs > HP folder > Printer folder > HP Setup and Software (or the printer icon).
     The Setup and software screen will open and you can click on Connect a new printer.
    I look forward to hearing back from you again. Let me know the outcome, and we will proceed from there. Thanks.

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    Your hard drive may be failing... which model MacBook Pro do you have (e.g., "15-inch Late 2011") and which version of OS X are you running?

  • Problem with the examples of Transmitting and Receiving Custom RTP Payloads

    I have tried the examples of this web:
    Transmitting and Receiving Custom RTP Payloads
    I run the examples all right.
    But I want to transmit the sound using my own format, so i want to change the file PcmPacketizer.java
    and PcmDepacketizer.java
    I think the sound data is in the byte[] inData ---- {byte[] inData = (byte[])inBuf.getData();}
    so i change the data with my own function, so the inData have the diffrent length:
    then i transmit the data with the packet header
    public synchronized int process(Buffer inBuf, Buffer outBuf) {
    int inLength = inBuf.getLength();
    byte[] inData = (enbase((byte[])inBuf.getData()));
    byte[] outData = (byte[])outBuf.getData();
         if (outData == null || outData.length < PACKET_SIZE) {
         outData = new byte[PACKET_SIZE];
         // Generate the packet header.
         int rate = (int)inFormat.getSampleRate();
         int size = (int)inFormat.getSampleSizeInBits();
         int channels = (int)inFormat.getChannels();
         outData[0] = 0;     // filler
         outData[1] = (byte)((rate >> 16) & 0xff);
         outData[2] = (byte)((rate >> 8) & 0xff);
         outData[3] = (byte)(rate & 0xff);
         outData[4] = (byte)inFormat.getSampleSizeInBits();
         outData[5] = (byte)inFormat.getChannels();
         outData[6] = (byte)inFormat.getEndian();
         outData[7] = (byte)inFormat.getSigned();
         int frameSize = inFormat.getSampleSizeInBits() * inFormat.getChannels();
         // Recompute the output format if the input format has changed.
         // The crucial info is the frame rate and size. These are used
         // to compute the actual rate the data being sent.
         if (rate != (int)outFormat.getFrameRate() ||
         frameSize != outFormat.getFrameSizeInBits()) {
              outFormat = new AudioFormat(CUSTOM_PCM,
                        AudioFormat.NOT_SPECIFIED, // rate
                        AudioFormat.NOT_SPECIFIED, // size
                        AudioFormat.NOT_SPECIFIED, // channel
                        AudioFormat.NOT_SPECIFIED, // endian
                        AudioFormat.NOT_SPECIFIED, // signed
                        size * channels,     // frame size
                        rate,               // frame rate
    if (inLength + historyLength >= DATA_SIZE) {
         // Enough data for one packet.
                   int copyFromHistory = Math.min(historyLength, DATA_SIZE);
                   System.arraycopy(history, 0, outData, HDR_SIZE , copyFromHistory);
    int remainingBytes = DATA_SIZE - copyFromHistory;
    System.arraycopy(inData, inBuf.getOffset(),
                   outData, copyFromHistory + HDR_SIZE, remainingBytes);
    historyLength -= copyFromHistory;
    inBuf.setOffset( inBuf.getOffset() + remainingBytes);
    inBuf.setLength( inLength - remainingBytes);
    if (inBuf.isEOM()) { // last packet
    System.arraycopy(history, 0, outData, HDR_SIZE, historyLength);
    System.arraycopy(inData, inBuf.getOffset(),
                   outData, historyLength + HDR_SIZE, inLength);
         outBuf.setLength(inLength + historyLength + HDR_SIZE);
    historyLength = 0;
    // Not enough data for one packet. Save the remainder
         // for next time.
    System.arraycopy(inData, inBuf.getOffset(),
                   history, historyLength,inLength) ;
    historyLength += inLength;
    I think I change the data use my own function debase(), so i should decode the data in the file:PcmDepacketizer.java
    but int PcmDepacketizer.java the example is so simple that i don't know how to find and change the data.
    there is only a few lines here:
    Object outData = outBuf.getData();
         outBuf.setLength(inBuf.getLength() - HDR_SIZE);
         outBuf.setOffset(inBuf.getOffset() + HDR_SIZE);
         System.out.println("the outBuf length is "+inBuf.getLength());
    I write a function : public static byte [] debase(byte[] str)
    but i don't know where can i use it.
    please tell me what should i do or where is wrong about my thought.

    the function in PcmPackettizer.java is
    public static byte[] enbase(byte [] b) {
         ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
         //byte[] oo = new byte[(b.length + 2) / 3*4];
         //for (int i = 0; i < (b.length + 2) / 3; i++) {
         for (int i = 0; i < (b.length + 2) / 3; i++) {
              short [] s = new short[3];
              short [] t = new short[4];
              for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                   if ((i * 3 + j) < b.length)
                        s[j] = (short) (b[i*3+j] & 0xFF);
                        s[j] = -1;
              t[0] = (short) (s[0] >> 2);
              if (s[1] == -1)
                   t[1] = (short) (((s[0] & 0x3) << 4));
                   t[1] = (short) (((s[0] & 0x3) << 4) + (s[1] >> 4));
              if (s[1] == -1)
                   t[2] = t[3] = 64;
              else if (s[2] == -1) {
                   t[2] = (short) (((s[1] & 0xF) << 2));
                   t[3] = 64;
              else {
                   t[2] = (short) (((s[1] & 0xF) << 2) + (s[2] >> 6));
                   t[3] = (short) (s[2] & 0x3F);
              for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
         //return new String(os.toByteArray());
         return os.toByteArray();
    just like the base64 function

  • HT3952 How do I format and print envelopes on a MacBook Pro. Print them with the destination Barcode.

    How do I formay and print an envelope on a new MacBook Pro, also print the envelope with delivery point barcode?

    Install Aperture on the MBP. Then it's a simple process:
    Export the Event as an Aperture Library. Copy it to the iMac. Import the Library to the main one there.

  • I have some old pagemaker files that I need to open so I have bought a G3 on ebay. It turns on OK but all that comes uo on the screen is an envelope with alternating question mark and apple logo. Any ideas?

    I have some old pagemaker files that I need to open so I have bought a G3 on ebay. It turns on OK but all that comes uo on the screen is an envelope with alternating question mark and apple logo. Any ideas?

    I suggest you get 9.2.  You need to install the same or later version of the OS.  One some computer the shipped version has extra drivers.  The drivers will not be in the official release in this case 9.1.  They would be in 9.2.
    Mac OS 9.1 (Mac OS ROM 7.5.1) and Mac OS X 10.0.4 (4P13)
    *blinking question mark*
    The blinking question mark means that your mac firmware could not find a valid operating system
    on one of your disk volumes.
    Somethings to do to resolve the blinking question mark.
    Try holding down the option key then power on.  This brings up the startup manager.  Click on your hd. Click on right arrow key.
    You need to figure out the level of your firmware before installing 10.2 or greater. ( The PC name for firmware is BIOS. ) Installing 10.2 with a down level firmware will most likely make your iMac unusable and difficult to fix.
    What is firmware?
    The firmware software receives control when you poweron your machine.  It does some hardware testing and some hardware configuration then passes control to your version of Mac OS.   It reside on a PROM ( program read only memory ) chip on the logic board.
    Figuring out what level of firmware you have?
    Open Firmware, boot into Open Firmware.
    Power on your iMac while holding down command+option+o+f
    The first output line contains the firmware level. Mine reads:
    Apple PowerMac4,1 4.1.9f1 BootRom built on 09/14/01 at 13.18.04
    Copyright 1994-2001 Apple Computer Inc.
    On my machine, I have 4.1.9f1.
    What firmware do you need?
    For a slot loading iMac, this article indicates that you need to be running 9.1 or later version of Mac OS Classic.
    "The iMac Firmware Update 4.1.9 will only run on iMac computers with lot-loading CD or DVD drives running Mac OS 9.1 or later from a local drive. If you are using Mac OS X you must boot from a local Mac OS 9.1 or later writeable partition (not a CD, or network disk) prior to following the update instructions."
    You can download the Mac OS 9 updates from the Apple site.

  • Updating payload with the remote java library

    Please Help.
    Does someone know how to update the payload using the remote java library?
    I tried this way...
    IWorklistContext ctx = client.authenticateUser(user, password);
    Task t = client.acquireTask(ctx,taskId);
    client.customTaskOperation(ctx, taskId, action);

    Hi Veronica,
    we've encountered the same problem. It is possible to update the payload, but the data doesn't come back (when using the remote lib). We've created a TAR for this, but so far there's no solution yet. But, we did manage to create a workaround for it. It's not the cleanest solution, but for now it works.
    What we do is, we create an XSD for the payload, and send it along with the usertask as usual. Only, our JSP saves the document in the Comments field. In the BPEL we can then extract the document using ora:parseEscapedXML to transform it from comments to our own userpayload.
    Mike van Alst

  • How come there isn't a comma between the city and state when I go to make an envelope with an address book contact?

    How come there isn't a comma between the city and state when I go to make an envelope with an address book contact?

    On an envelope, there's not supposed to be. The US Postal Serveice prefers no punctuation, which can interfere with machine sorters. USPS Address Format

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