EOS 20D nur PTP beim Download

Warum funktioniert unter PhotoshopElements 5.02 nur der PTP Modus beim Download? Ich meine die ersten PhotoshopElements Versionen haben auch das Standard Übertragungsverfahren der EOS 20D beherrscht.

Yes, the updaters don't work well previous to CS6. Here is the CS5 update for Windows: Adobe - Photoshop : For Windows : Adobe Photoshop 12.0.4 update for Adobe Photoshop CS5
And the Camera Raw update for Windows: Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Windows : Camera Raw 6.7.1 Update

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    Having problems tranferring from Canon EOS 20D. Although Apple say it is compatable all I get is Unsupported device. Any Idea's...

    No worries Paul & Sam,
    Unplug everthing, soft reset your iPod, connect the camera connector to your card reader and put your card in the reader before you plug it in the iPod, then connect it, let the iPod find everything and then import photo's if this doesn't work try this below:
    The Belkin Reader i've got has this model number. F5U249ea if you've got the same one, it's powered off the iPod, the 60gb model should be no different. Have you got the latest iPod update installed. If you have all i can say make sure everything on your iPod is still on your computer, completely restore your iPod with the latest iPod update, then connect everything together again, if this still does'nt work, i'm not sure what you can do? i'll try and find some more info for you but try everything i've said first and i'm sure you'll get everything to work fine.
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  • Canon EOS 20D, iPhoto, and import

    To hook a Canon EOS 20D to iPhoto, you must set its communications mode to "PTP"
    Here's how:
    1. Press the "Menu" button on the back of the camera.
    2. Scroll down to "Communication"
    3. Click the "Set" button.
    4. Scroll to "PTP" (and not the default, "Normal")
    5. Click the "Set" button again.
    6. Click the "Menu" button again to exit the menu.
    Now iPhoto will recognize and import from the 20D as it should.
    I post this because I just got the thing to work! Hope it helps someone.

    Use the Canon software that came with your camera to download photos to your computer, review those and select the ones you want in iPhoto then use iPhoto to import the wanted photos.

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    Weiss jemand eine Support Mailadresse, an die ich meine Fragen schreiben kann?
    Ich bin für eure Hilfe dankbar und erwarte nun auch von Apple fachkundige Hilfe (beziehungsweise eine Stellungsnahme ...).
    Mit freundlichen Grüssen
    G5 2Ghz   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Please read:
    iPod Camera Connector: Supported Devices
    The iPod Camera Connector requires a Fifth Generation iPod, iPod photo (also known as iPod with color display) and a supported camera or media reader. Other iPods, including iPod mini, iPod nano, iPod (Click Wheel), and iPod shuffle, are not supported with the iPod Camera Connector.
    The iPod Camera Connector supports cameras with USB connectivity based on the following commonly used protocols:
    Type 4 (or Normal)
    Mass Storage
    For the complete list of supported cameras and media readers, see this webpage.
    If you're using Mac OS X 10.3.x, you can use Image Capture to quickly verify what protocol your camera supports. To do this:
    Connect your camera.
    Open Image Capture.
    Click Options and then click Device Options.
    You can also check your camera's owner manual or the vendor's website to find out what protocols your camera supports. Also see "iPod Camera Connector: Choosing a photo importing protocol on a camera" for additional information.

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    Seriennummern gabs nur bei der Logic Version mit der DVD Installation.
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    /Library/Application Support/ ProApps/
    If you open the file with an XML editor and compare it with the Logic About page, then you will see the registration information (the serial number however seems to be encoded)
    Hope that helps
    Edgar Rothermich
    'I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.'

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    You could try using the DNG converter 8.7 on Windows vista:
    <Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Windows : Adobe DNG Converter 8.7>
    <Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Macintosh : Adobe DNG Converter 8.7>
    You then need to watch this video to get hang of it:
    <Camera Raw: How to use Adobe DNG Converter - YouTube>
    Hope this helps.

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    Hi ..
    There's an alternative. You can use the pre installed Image Capture app located in your Applications folder to import photos to your Mac.
    Mac Basics: Connect your camera or camcorder

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    Ok, thanks. I looked at other similar problems on the forum and they also recommend a card reader so I guess I just have to go and buy me one. If anyone do know a solution to the problem without a card reader I would be very glad to hear about it. I mean, the Canon EOS 20d is a pretty common camera although it is a "little" old by now. But like you also mentioned, it could also be the OS update...
    Friendly regards

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    Kann keiner wissen. Keine Systeminformationen, kein sonst nix. Da wir hier über CS2/ AU3 reden, solltest du dich schon mal an den Gedanken gewöhnen, dass das nix wird. Von Kompatibilitätsproblemen des Programms selber bis hin zu Treiberproblemen mit deiner Audiohardware, könnte das nie funktionieren. Auf jeden Fall natürlich erstmal das programm im Kompatibilitätsmodus für WinXP oder sowas installieren und ausführen. Vielelicht reicht das ja schon.

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    was kann/muss ich tun??

    Das hatte ich wohl unvollständig beschrieben. Das Problem war tatsächlich etwas komplexer.
    Beim neuen Betriebsystem wir nicht automatisch die neue Java Version mitinstalliert, die bei Adobe Programmen wohl fürs Öffnen unerlässlich ist.
    Da keine Fehlermeldung kam war die Diagnose schwer. Ein Blicken di Konsole hat verraten, daß eine Java Element Nip  falies to install.
    Alos nach langen Ausprobieren das Problem finally behoben. Danke Daniel und Mac Labor!

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    Hi, kgaynes.
    Will iphoto 2 support 20D EOS cameras?
    Change the Image Capture pref to open iPhoto instead of PS CS, and find out. I don't know the answer, not having a 20D or iP 2 myself.
    Have you installed Canon's proprietary software that came with the 20D? There may be a driver included in that software bundle that's required for your camera to talk to your Mac via USB.
    It is possible, as you suggest, that iPhoto 2 doesn't support the significantly newer 20D. But if you change the Image Capture setting and install the software that Canon supplied, you should be able to find out whether or not that's true in fairly short order.

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    All my previous Canon cameras enabled me to import into iphoto. Now with 20D the Canon software uses image browser & EOS utility & I dont know how to download from these to iphoto. Grateful if someone could tell me how. Thanks.

    Go to iPhoto>Preferences. There's an option called "Connecting Cameras Open:" Choose iPhoto instead of the other programmes. The next time when you connect a camera iPhoto should open automatically.
    Message was edited by: John Guo

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