Error -70217 Comunicación LabView - SolidWorks

Estoy tratando de hacer un proyecto que involuctra solidworks y labview, el diagrama a bloques ya está hecho y cuando le doy correr uno de los bloques que corresponden a ejes me lanza el error 70217
Ya he intentado varias soluciones como borrar el eje desde my computer y poner otro, he verificado que los ejes esten activos, que el NI Engine se active con la función deploy
alguna ayuda?

Saludos majo_90,
Gracias por utilizar los Foros de Discusión de National Instruments, he dejado una respuesta en los otros dos posts que creaste:
SolidWorks.LabView error 70217:
Comunicación LabView - SolidWorks:
Por favor procura no abrir dos post para la misma consulta, saludos cordiales.
David P.
National Instruments
Applications Engineer

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    could you help me please??  It´s a very importante work

    Hello majo_90,
    Have you tried the steps mentioned in the following forum post?
    Error -70217 when trying to run NI SoftMotion/SolidWorks:
    Best regards.
    David P.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

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    Es un placer echar una mano siempre( Base de una sana convivencia). Si mi respuesta te sirve por favor agradecemelo con un Kudo
    Un especial saludo a mis hermanos latinos. Un mundo mejor es posible.

    Hola ingenieromecatronico,
    Cuando le suceda este error. Guarde todo. Cierre todos los softwares y repita los pasos en el orden correcto. Comente si le funcionó.
    Es un placer echar una mano siempre( Base de una sana convivencia). Si mi respuesta te sirve por favor agradecemelo con un Kudo
    Un especial saludo a mis hermanos latinos. Un mundo mejor es posible.

  • Linker.cpp error @ line 2075 w/Labview 6.0.2 and Appl. Builder

    So frustrating! The libraries run in the debugging environment just fine. No errors and two minor warnings. I have to constantly tweak and upgrade these libraries because each has about 40 VIs and are rebuilt on average two times a week. The executables are used at a dozen places and I can't place the developer system on each computer, that is what the Builder and the Labview runtime engine is for.
    About a month ago after doing very minor changes in one VI I rebuilt the library into an executable using the same build file and BANG, I get this linker error. After acknowledging Labview disappears (stealth crash). Well eventually I figured I had to copy the diagram of the VI I had changed (yes, complete with changes) to another blank VI. After deleting the old VI and renaming the new (it used to be blank) VI, I rebuilt it. Everything was fine.
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    This issue is currently being worked on by NI support but I want to try the resources of the developer community because this is such a rare problem with big implications (at least to me).

    OK, NI support came through! If the library is mass compiled the typedef in my controls won't mess with the linker. Labview 6.1 solves this problem.
    Since my email to NI support got returned I'm not sure they received it. The message is: it worked and thanks.

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    Robert_Deschambault wrote:
    When installing the device drivers that come with LabVIEW 7.1, near the end of the installation I get the following error message:
    Error 1706: No valid source could be found for product LabVIEW 6.0.2. The Windows installer cannot continue. Continue?
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    Hello Robert,
    You can find out more information about this error at the following post.
    what does Error 1706 mean during LabView 6.1 installation
    This error is not specific to the install of LabVIEW but with the upgrade of the IMAQ device driver.
    Please let me know if you have any other questions
    Matt F
    Keep up to date on the latest PXI news at

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    You need to check the full path that you are passing to the Open Make sure that if you are deriving the file from say the file constants such as the Current VI's Path, that if the VI is contained in a LLB, then this will be in the path name. eg ..\myLib.llb\ Therefore, you will have to strip out the llb. Similarly, if you have built an exe file, the pathname will contain the myEXE.exe.
    Hope this provides some pointers. If not then post your VI, so others can help pin point your problem.
    Ray Farmer
    Ray Farmer

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    Thanks, Sven.

    Thanks, but I already know these entries from the Knowledge Base. I found no
    help in there and my error text is also not mentioned there.
    JRA schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:
    [email protected]..
    > There is actually a few Knowledge Bases on NI's website which deals
    > with this exact issue. You will probably want to start there.
    > 1. >
    > ...
    > 2. >
    > do ...

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    The screenshot of the code is attached.
    Please let me know if anyone knows the reason of having this error.
    Thank you.
    Go to Solution.
    Screen Shot 2014-12-02 at 09.58.08.png ‏60 KB

    I have added another code which includes the "simple chemical reaction" which I am trying to model using ODE in LabVIEW, but I am continously having the same problem.
    Kindly see the attachment and try to help me out solving this issue. I couldn't found this kind of error listed on NI forum.
    Thank you.
    Attachments: ‏22 KB

  • Error -70217 when trying to run NI SoftMotion/SolidWorks

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    Usually this is caused by a motion control command that caused the axis to go into a fault protection mode. Here are some debugging suggestions:
    - Make sure the the SolidWorks Motion is active, navigate in SolidWorks to Tools->Add Ins and mark the check boxes on the left and the right of the SolidWorks Motion item.
    -  In the LabVIEW project, right-click on My Computer and got to Properties. Then go to the Scan Engine tab and make sure the box is checked next to Start Scan Engine on Deploy. You may also want to set the Scan Period to 10 ms if it's not already. If the value is above 5 ms, you'll get a warning message when you deploy but this is usually just fine for simulation with SolidWorks. 
    -  Individually select each of the motion axes in your project and do the following: Select Properties and then click on the left-most button to configure the Axis Setup. Make sure the box is checked for Enable Drive on Transition to Active Mode.
    -  Now select all of the motion items (including My Computer) in the LabVIEW Project, right-click and select Deploy. Normally, since this is your first deployment it
    will start the SolidWorks simulation running and so your are ready to
    run the LabVIEW shipping example. If not, right-click on My Computer
    and select Utilities>Scan Engine Mode>Switch to Active.
    - Once you are in active mode and the simulation is running, right-click on the motion axis and go to the Interactive Test Panel. This should show you that the axis is enabled and there are no faults or errors. When you are finished, close the test panel and run your LabVIEW motion control application. 

  • Why do I get "The exception Privileged instruction (0xc0000096) occured in the application" error message when exiting LabVIEW 6.1?

    I have created a vi that uses the LV-GPIB and database connectivity vis. The program runs fine and it ends execution by running the "Close Database".
    After closing out my front panel windows and exiting LabVIEW 6.1, I get an error dialog box that reads the message "The exception Privileged instruction (0xc0000096) occured in the application". What does this error mean and how do I resolve it?

    Hi Taf,
    Given the broad scope of your application, it may be best to try and isolate the problem down by taking out parts of your application and simplifying it down as much as possible until you can get a consistent version that throws this exception. I would first try to take out either the GPIB or database connectivity portions of the application to narrow down our problem. This error generally occurs when accessing DLLs and external applications, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's the GPIB or database. Let's try to see exactly which one it is and then we can dig deeper into that part of the code. Thanks for your cooperation!
    Jeremy L.
    National Instruments
    Jeremy L.
    National Instruments

  • MAX giving error - Unable to locate Labview run-time engine

    I have LV 7.1 and 8.5.1 installed on a WinXP pc. No problems until now.
    I installed some support software for a LabJack  interface, which required LV version 6.1 run-time, so I let it install that.
    I now get the error whenever I run MAX:
    "Unable to locate the Labview run-time engine. LVBrokerAux71 requires a version 7.1 (or compatible) Labview run-time engine...."
    After closing the error boxes, MAX seems to work fine. Both versions of Labview also work. I uninstalled run-time engine 6.1 and re-installed version 8.5.1, but that made no difference. I tried to install run-time version 7.1 from the msi file but it would not let me because a later version of the run-time is installed.
    What is LV Broker? Why does it not accept version 8.5.1 run-time engine? Is it possible to have 2 versions of the run-time engine installed, and if so, how?

    Dear CDancer
    Thank you for contacting NI. First of all, you can have as many versions of LabVIEW run time engines you want loaded on your computer without a problem. LV Broker is installed by all drivers that uses LabVIEW testpanels like DAQmx does. In your case it seems that the LV Broker installation is corrupted or has failed. This can be rectified by overwriting the files in the specified directory listed below:
    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Broker
    Your directory should look like the screenshot I have attached; labelled LV Broker Directory View
    I have attached a ZIP File that will replace the LV Broker directory. Please try replacing your files with these if different to the screenshot and let me know how you get on. Many thanks.
    Many thanks for using the NI forums and I look forward to your reply.
    Kind regards
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments UK
    LV Broker Directory View.JPG ‏57 KB
    LV ‏413 KB

  • Error -18004; An error occurred accessing the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine DLL. TS 4.2.1 / LV 2010

    When I try to run a VI that is reentrant in parallel execution, I receive this error.  The details of the error is:  LabVIEW:  The property or method is not supported in this version of LabVIEW.
    This is run under the Simple Operator Interface in LV 2010.  The TestStand engine is version 4.2.1 using LV 2010 run-time engine adapter.
    If I save for previous version to LV 2009 SP1 and set the TS adapter to 9.0.1 (2009 SP1), this works.
    Can anyone reproduce this error (bug?) ?
    Go to Solution.

    have you got the latest updates for TestStand using LabVIEW 2010?
    Ray Farmer

  • Error 1722 when uninstalling Labview run-time engine 7.1.1

    I have been trying to uninstall all NI software so I can start off with a clean slate. I have been going to the control panel under add/remove programs to remove the NI stuff. Everything is gone except the Labview run-time engine 7.1.1. Everytime i try to remove it, i get teh 1722 error followed by the 1603 error. I've tried repairing it but I still get the same results when i try to remove it agian. I've also tried removing it with MSI Blast. This did not work either. I've gone through the registry and manually deleted anything related to NI and that still didn't work. Is there anything else I could try?

    Hey Steve,
    I have tried repairing it through the control panel.
    I tried reinstalling just the run-time engine and it said it was already installed. So I reinstalled Labview 7.1 and repaired the 7.1.1 run-time engine through the control panel. Then I uninstalled everything. Thanks for all your help
    Thanks again,
    Message Edited by Nick_C on 03-12-2007 03:57 PM

  • Error on installation of LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 8.5.1: "This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way"

    a colleague in India cannot install the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 8.5.1 on Windows XP. On attempting to install, an error box is shown, which says:
    (window title)
    Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime library:
    (message box text)
    Runtime error!
    Program: C:\National Instruments Downloads\LabVIEW 8.5.1\Runtime Engine\setup.exe
    This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
    Please contact the application's support team for more information.
    I didn't find any relevant clues for this in NI forums. A search at Google brought me to, offering a HotFix to solve the problem. Unfortunately, the installation of this HotFix does not solve the problem.
    Do you know this behavior and do you have any ideas how the problem can be solved?
    Thanks in advance.
    Best regards
    Message Edited by Manuel Häderle on 10-07-2008 10:41 AM
    Go to Solution.

    Hi there
    log in as administrator and kill all processes not needed and try again. I've seen cases where one of these free download tweak applications (like "Memory Defragmentation" and stuff like that) caused that error. 
    Best regards
    CL(A)Dly bending G-Force with LabVIEW
    famous last words: "oh my god, it is full of stars!"

  • Error 6 while Building Labview Application OSX

    Hello everyone,
    I have an application I am trying to compile on OSX10.8 using Labview 2012. I built the application fine yesterday, however, after some work today I don't seem to be able to replicate the feat.
    Everytime I try to build I receive the following error:
    "Error copying files. Source: Macintosh HD:Applications:National Instruments:LabVIEW 2012:resource:lvanlys.framework Destination: Macintosh HD:tNIAB:appName.appupport:lvanlys.framework Delete in Copy From Folder To>Librarian>>>>>>>>>>>>><APPEND> Macintosh HD:tNIAB:appName.appupport:lvanlys.framework"
    Anyone have any suggestions?

    Nothing that should matter. I updated some logic in the VIs and added some OS dependent conditional disable structures. The project file has remained the same. 
    I think it might be a permissions error. Before this particular error, it randomly started giving me some errors when I tried to save things saying I didn't have permission to save certain things. So I attempted to fix all the permission mismatches with some good old chmod. And then it started giving this error. 
    It also does not appear to help to revert the code to the state it was in when it was first built. This leads me to beleive it is not something to do with the source code.

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