Error collect amounts in ODS

Hi gurus,
I'm throwing a load from an ODS to another. I want to collect the amounts with the same key fields.
When my load is small ando i only have a package, it is collecting correctly. But when I have a large data load and extract several packages, if there are records with the same key fields in different packages, sevaral records created with the same accumulation and when i activate the data, this records are added together and makes that the amounts are multiplying.
Any idea? Why is this? How I can fix it?
Thanks for your comments.

do you have a start routine? or any other routine?
if you use a dtp, you can use the semanic groups (by activating the error handling first). all lines with the same key will be gathered in the same package.

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    Hi rajesh ,
    While activation and creating the SIDs the system will perform the sanity check which will ensure to throgh th error if u trying to load some lower cse letter to IO which doent have the u lowercase check box as checked. You can edit the IO then and also proceed with saveen suggested by processing all capital.

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    This is probably because you loaded transaction data before master data and tried activating it.Load the relevant master data, perform the change run and retrigger activation.
    It should work.
    Else there is a workaround. You can try editing out/blanking out those values in PSA and loading and activating. This will work.
    Also try repairing the ODS object in RSRV.
    When you activate multiple requests tick the activate serially check box.

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    Hi Siggi,
    Thnx for your reply, I did as suggested by you, activated the ODS and update rules again but it was not able to activate the data again I ran the RSRV as suggested by you i got an list of errors
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    Hi Santosh,
    SM37 is mainly for monitoring the back ground jobs...... both in R/3 side and BW side this is same.. just for monitoring the background jobs... fisrt by using SM36 basis people will schedule in background.. and we just identify.. which are completed and which are not completed... in SM37.
    there are various status they are
    Check this link
    In Sm37 u can see the different options for background jobs, like Scheduled, released, ready,active, finished, canceled.. If u want to know the Status of the current running job, U just type the job name, user name then click execute(F8).
    hope this helps
    Assign points if helpful

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    don't post same issue twice. Bhanu working on your thread.
    check this ...
    you are getting this calender qurter from SAP right... check in RSA3 fro the your Datasource. if you are getting same value like '20060'. you can do one thing... you can set 'No Update' in Transfer Rules. you can write a routine in Update Rules for populating the data for calender Week.
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    1. updtae rules
    2. if RSA3(PSA) shows the value of the Quarter as '20050', if it is custom extractor(Generic using FM) you can change this.
    3. If it is Standard Extractor or Generic Extractor (using either view/table or Infoset) you can enhance this. you can do the same thing in SAP Side.
    All the best.
    Nagesh Ganisetti.

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    Hi Vikram,
    Check data in Data Package 24,25 and 26 there is error in some of the data. this u will find Details  tab.
    Delete the request from the ODS and
    then EDIT the data in PSA and load the data in the ODS again.
    then Activate it.
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    What am I doing wrong, all of a sudden?

    Hey ryclark,
    Thanks for responding. Something else is going on here.....
    Here's what I re-replied to our friend...
    Thanks for the response.
    When I built this computer last Nov/Dec, it was built with the second 
    fastest Intel 7i, quad-core chipset on an 64-bit ASUS motherboard. It's  running
    Win 7 Pro. It has a 500GB SSD "C" drive with another 14 TB of true hard 
    drive space. It is set up with 64 bit. I had been using Audition CS3 for  many
    years and even go back to it's origin: Cool Edit and Cool Edit Pro. My 
    learning curve was minimal, sans the CD burning, which I used other software
    for  which is now antiquated, so I need Audition for this. Between this and 
    IZotope 3 I've repaired and improved many a recording. All-in-all extremely 
    useful software.
    As for the idea "to burn it anyway", well the error message comes up and 
    that's it - if I "X" out of that message and try to burn again the message
    comes  back  - so Audition will not let me. It is convinced that this file is 
    longer than it really is, but only when I add track  marks to it!
    There are only 11 tracks.
    I was able to burn a CD of this same file but without all the track marks, 
    so the same exact file length/size will burn, only as the one track.
    I've also succeeded in burning other WAV's , both greater and smaller, with
    and without multiple track marks, without issue. Of course all with less 
    than the CD's max. capacity.
    This problem seems to be with this one file. I've even  re-made/re-recorded
    the file from scratch with no change. There's something else  going on here
    that I can't put my finger on. (I am "recording" LP's and making  personal
    CDs of them)
    Also, only from time to time, I have another error after burning a CD that 
    states it could not verify the CD. For this I assume it is the blank rather
    than AA? The first might burn without issue and with the second burn I 
    get the error. It is near the end of a stack of blanks, so.....
    As for the need to "mark the end" of the file makes a lot of sense but of 
    all the other CD track-marking software I've used, none needed one to do
    this,  but this IS Adobe after all.
    You'd think there might be a smidge of intuitiveness with Adobe, but maybe 
    - Mark
    In a message dated 8/2/2014 8:11:52 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
    [email protected] writes:
    How  to solve Audition CS6 error "The amount of audio to burn will not fit
    on  the CD........."?
    created by ryclark (  in 
    Audition CS5.5, CS6 & CC - View the full  discussion

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    Dear Experts,
    i have posted a line item in Cash Journal.
    now when i m trying to delete/reverse it, i m observing a error "Inconsistent amounts" that leads to a ABAP dumb "FMGL_CHECK_PERIODS_REV_REAL" i have dowloaded & applied a note from SAP 1247225, but could not fix the error.
    please advice & help me out.

    Hi Hussein
    In addition to the application of the note using SNOTE
    you would also need to perform the following manual steps (configuration)
    Call transaction SM30 and change the following entries in the table TRWPR:

  • Customer collection amount againts bill no.

    Hi experts
    What are the tables or views where from I can get the Customer Collection Amount and corresponding Accounting Document No. and Bill No. in one table or view?
    If it is possible please help or if not then what are the possible tables or views with relation between them?
    Awating for reply.

    Hi Banerjee,
    BSAD & BSID are the Custormer Accouting tables...
    Or you can use BSEG.
    Thanks & regards,
    Dileep .C

  • Table & Fields for Collection Amount

    I want to create an ABAP report for invoice Vs. Collection. But getting stuck in 1 scenario.
    Case: I have raised 2 invoices for a same client.
       Inv No.        Date.          Amount  
    10000001    23.03.2009     100.00
    10000011    15.04.2009     300.00
    But I got a single collection cheque of Rs. 400/-
    So I need to clear the 2 invoices against the collected cheque & pass a single entry in F-28.
    After that my report show the values as
       Inv No.        Date.          Amount    Chq No.     Chq Date.       Chq Amt.     Outstanding.
    10000001    23.03.2009     100.00      1021        25.04.2009        400.00         -300.00
    10000011    15.04.2009     300.00      1021        25.04.2009        400.00         -300.00
    Which shows all total a wrong information.
    For collection amount I am choosing BSAD Table with WRBTR Field.
    Please suggest how to resolve this issue, where can I find the field in which table, which can tell me the bifurcation of collection.

    Collect all amounts from document type for collections, then collect all amounts from invoice document type. then you will be able to compare both amount.
    The invoice amount should be sellected from both BSAD and BSID while the amount for collection should be selected in table BSAD.
    Hope this help.


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    In the Enterprise Manager console, "HOST/Configuration/Operating System/Error
    collecting Operating System" link and the error is showed.
    "The following error occurred when collecting Operating System for host <host_name>.
    Failed to insert component Operating System of [Information of type Host
    Configuration for Host <host_name>] into repository:
    java.lang.NullPointerException Collection problem(s) for failed component: OS
    is null."
    Anybody doing this?

    Rfer to :
    Authentication performs from OS level perspective.
    As " os_authent_prefix " is not null - then we need to supply the password *"a it gets created during user creation identified by passwrod"*. Perhaps if user got created externally then he can login as " / ".
    - Pavan Kumar N

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  • IV Error No amount authorization for customers/vendors in company code IN01

    Hi Friends,
    I am getting an error "No amount authorization for customers/vendors in company code IN01"while doing MIRO.
    Please help to resilve this.

    Check in SPRO > MM > Logistics Invoice Verification > Authorization Management > Define Tolerance Groups > Here check the Tolerance Group for Company Code and also the amount
    If it is not assigned then copy it from Company Code "0001"
    Check in SPRO > MM > Logistics Invoice Verification > Authorization Management > Assign User Tolerance Group > Here check the Tolerance Group assigned to User

  • Error - No amount authorization for customers/vendors in company code

    Hi All,
    I'm new to SAP MM. This question has been posted many times but the suggested solutions are not working for me.
    Whatever i'm doing related to amounts (either while invoicing through FB60 or while creating down payment request through F-47), I'm getting error "No amount authorization for customers/vendors in company code".
    I have already tried following solutions -
    1.) Created tolerance groups and assigned to company code via tcode OBA3
    2.) Gone to SPRO and assigned 2 tolerance groups to company code (one blank and one created above in Step-1)
    3.) Assigned user-id (as in SAP system) to the respective tolerance group.
    Still I'm getting below error.
    Any inputs on this issue are welcome.

    I dont really know why you mentioned that you are new to MM, as this is related to FI.
    the error message has number  F5 155, the F in the beginning or hte error message number already mentions that it belongs to FInance
    If you use SE91 and lookup the where-used list  for this number then SAP will show you a few programs, in the detail you can see that SAP checks table T043T
    if you then use SM30, enter T043T and click customizing, then SAP takes you to the customizing knot to maintain this table.
    which is: IMG > Financial Accounting > Financial Accounting Global Settings > Document > Line Item >
    ....Define Tolerance Groups for Employees
    ....Assign User/Tolerance Groups

Maybe you are looking for