Error in calculating aggregate time in sqlserver 2008

iam working in an employee management application in which i want to find out intime, outtime, overtime of each employee in a day.
following is working code
create table #temp(empid numeric(18,0),empname nvarchar(50),intime datetime,outtime datetime)
insert into #temp values(2500,'Sachin','2014-01-01 09:00:00','2014-01-01 10:30:00:00')
insert into #temp values(2500,'Sachin','2014-01-01 11:00:00','2014-01-01 12:30:00:00')
insert into #temp values(2500,'Sachin','2014-01-01 13:30:00','2014-01-01 20:30:00:00')
select EmpId ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), InTime,106 ) as workingday,left(CONVERT(TIME,MIN(InTime),108),5)as intime,left(CONVERT(TIME,max(outTime),108),5)as outtime ,dstatus=
 WHEN CONVERT(TIME,MIN(InTime),108)>'08:35' and CONVERT(TIME,MIN(InTime),108) <'11:00'
  WHEN CONVERT(TIME,MIN(InTime),108)>'11:00'
  THEN 'halfday'
  else 'right' end ),convert(varchar(5), max(OutTime)-MIN(InTime),108) as Difference
        ,RIGHT('0'+CONVERT(varchar, FLOOR(SUM(DATEDIFF(MI, inTime, outTime)/60.0))) , 2)
       +':'+RIGHT('0'+CONVERT(varchar, SUM(DATEDIFF(MI, inTime, outTime))%60), 2) AS [total work_hour(s)]
        ,left(cast(CAST(DATEADD(MINUTE, SUM(DATEDIFF(MI, inTime, outTime))-45, 0) AS TIME) as varchar),5) TotalTime,
        left(cast(CAST(DATEADD(MINUTE, CASE WHEN SUM(DATEDIFF(MI, inTime, outTime)) > 525 THEN SUM(DATEDIFF(MI, inTime, outTime))-525 ELSE 0 END, 0 ) AS TIME ) as varchar),5) OverTime,
       right('0'+CAST((datediff(mi,CAST(DATEADD(MINUTE, CASE WHEN SUM(DATEDIFF(MI, inTime, outTime)) > 525 THEN SUM(DATEDIFF(MI, inTime, outTime))-525 ELSE 0 END, 5 ) AS TIME ),CAST(DATEADD(MINUTE, SUM(DATEDIFF(MI, inTime,
outTime))-45, 0) AS TIME)) / 60) AS VARCHAR(8)),3)
       +':'+right('0'+CAST((datediff(mi,CAST(DATEADD(MINUTE, CASE WHEN SUM(DATEDIFF(MI, inTime, outTime)) > 525 THEN SUM(DATEDIFF(MI, inTime, outTime))-525 ELSE 0 END, 0 ) AS TIME ),CAST(DATEADD(MINUTE, SUM(DATEDIFF(MI,
inTime, outTime))-45, 0) AS TIME)) % 60) AS VARCHAR(2)), 2) ActualTime
FROM #temp  GROUP BY EmpId , CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), InTime,106 )
drop table #temp
its output is
EmpId    workingday    intime    outtime    dstatus    Difference    total work_hour(s)    TotalTime    OverTime    ActualTime
2500    01 Jan 2014    09:00    20:30            L            11:30          
10:00                        09:15           01:15       08:00
this is working fine.
following is calcultion of each field
difference  means difference of maximum outtime-minimum intime
 total work_hour(s) means Diffrence- sparetime
here an eployee with id 2500 arrives at 09:00 and gone out side at 10:30 again come at 11:00 here he spends 30 minutes outside.there is total 01:30 spare time in this table
Totaltime means   total work_hour(s)-45(lunch time)
Actual time means it is fixed 8 hour a day
overtime means the time exceeds 08 hrs.
if total time is more than 08 hrs overtime =Totaltime-actualtime else overtime is 0.
here my requirement is lunch time is from 12:45 to 13:30 .if anyone go outside on this time this shouldn't be this table the employee gone outside at 10:30 and come back at 11:00 here spare time is 00:30 hrs.
he again gone outside at 12:30and come back at 13:30 .here is the error according to query ,the spare time is 01:00  hrs.
but my requirement is it should be 15 minutes means from 12:30 to 12:45 . because 12:45 to 13:30 is lunch time.
suppose any gone outside at 12:30 and come back at 13:45 sparetime should be 15+15=00:30 hrs.
finally my output should be like this
EmpId    workingday    intime    outtime    dstatus    Difference    total work_hour(s)    TotalTime    OverTime    ActualTime
2500      01 Jan 2014    09:00    20:30          L           11:30           
10:45                       10:00         02:00        08:00
How to solve. thanks in advance
Baiju Krishnan

Hi Baiiju,
Please find below with the required format..
--create table #temp(empid numeric(18,0),empname nvarchar(20),intime datetime,outtime datetime)
--insert into #temp values(2500,'Sachin','2014-01-01 08:10:00','2014-01-01 10:30:00:00')
--insert into #temp values(2500,'Sachin','2014-01-01 11:00:00','2014-01-01 12:45:00:00')
--insert into #temp values(2500,'Sachin','2014-01-01 13:30:00','2014-01-01 18:30:00:00')
        ,CONVERT(VARCHAR,dteOuttime - dteIntime,108) [Difference]
        ,CONVERT(VARCHAR,DATEADD(mi,-45,dteOuttime - dteIntime),108) [TotalWorkhour]
        ,RIGHT('00' +CONVERT(VARCHAR,(Totaltime / 60)),2) + ':' + RIGHT('00' +CONVERT(VARCHAR,(Totaltime % 60)),2) TotalTime
        ,RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,(EarlyArrivalCalc / 60)),2) + ':' + RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,(EarlyArrivalCalc % 60)),2) as [EarlyArrival]
        ,LEFT(CONVERT(VARCHAR,DATEADD(mi,EarlyArrivalCalc,OverTime)),5) [OverTime]
    select EmpId
            ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), InTime,106 ) as workingday
            ,CONVERT(VARCHAR,MIN(InTime),108) AS intime
            ,CONVERT(VARCHAR,MAX(outtime),108) AS outtime
                 WHEN CONVERT(TIME,MIN(InTime),108)>'08:35' and CONVERT(TIME,MIN(InTime),108) <'11:00'
                 THEN 'L'
                  WHEN CONVERT(TIME,MIN(InTime),108)>'11:00'
                  THEN 'halfday'
                  else 'right'
              END [dstatus],
             MIN(InTime) [dteIntime]
             ,MAX(outtime) [dteOuttime]
                                    CASE WHEN intime BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'12:45:00',108)) AND CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112) + ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'13:30:00',108))
                                        THEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'13:30:00',108))
                                        ELSE intime
                                    ,CASE WHEN outtime BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,outtime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'12:45:00',108)) AND CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112) + ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'13:30:00',108))
                                        THEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,outtime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'12:45:00',108))
                                        ELSE outtime
                                )) Totaltime
                   --             , RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,(case when cast(min(intime) as time) <
                   --    then DATEDIFF(MINUTE, CAST(min(intime) as time), '08:30')
                   --    else 0
                   --end / 60)),2) + ':' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,(case when cast(min(intime) as time) < '08:30'
                   --    then DATEDIFF(MINUTE, CAST(min(intime) as time), '08:30')
                   --    else 0
                   --end % 60)) as [EarlyArrival]
                   ,CASE when cast(min(intime) as time) < '08:30'
                       then DATEDIFF(MINUTE, CAST(min(intime) as time), '08:30')
                       else 0
                   END AS [EarlyArrivalCalc]
                                        THEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'13:30:00',108))
                                        ELSE intime
                                    END, CASE WHEN outtime BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,outtime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'12:45:00',108)) AND CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112) + ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'13:30:00',108))
                                        THEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,outtime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'12:45:00',108))
                                        ELSE outtime
                                    END )) > 480 THEN SUM(DATEDIFF(MI,  CASE
                                        THEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'13:30:00',108))
                                        ELSE intime
                                    END, CASE WHEN outtime BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,outtime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'12:45:00',108)) AND CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112) + ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'13:30:00',108))
                                        THEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,outtime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'12:45:00',108))
                                        ELSE outtime
                                    END))-480 ELSE 0 END, 0 ) AS TIME )  OverTime
                                    ,CASE WHEN SUM(DATEDIFF(mi,
                                    CASE WHEN intime BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'12:45:00',108)) AND CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112) + ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'13:30:00',108))
                                        THEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'13:30:00',108))
                                        ELSE intime
                                    ,CASE WHEN outtime BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,outtime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'12:45:00',108)) AND CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112) + ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'13:30:00',108))
                                        THEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,outtime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'12:45:00',108))
                                        ELSE outtime
                                )) > 480 THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR,(480/60)) + ':00'
                                    CASE WHEN intime BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'12:45:00',108)) AND CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112) + ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'13:30:00',108))
                                        THEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'13:30:00',108))
                                        ELSE intime
                                    ,CASE WHEN outtime BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,outtime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'12:45:00',108)) AND CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112) + ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'13:30:00',108))
                                        THEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,outtime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'12:45:00',108))
                                        ELSE outtime
                                )) / 60)) + ':' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,(SUM(DATEDIFF(mi,
                                    CASE WHEN intime BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'12:45:00',108)) AND CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112) + ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'13:30:00',108))
                                        THEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'13:30:00',108))
                                        ELSE intime
                                    ,CASE WHEN outtime BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,outtime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'12:45:00',108)) AND CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,intime,112) + ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'13:30:00',108))
                                        THEN CONVERT(DATETIME,CONVERT(VARCHAR,outtime,112)
+ ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,'12:45:00',108))
                                        ELSE outtime
                                )) % 60)) END [ActualTime]
    FROM #temp
    GROUP BY EmpId , CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), InTime,106 )
) a

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    Are you installing a Demo version of NetWeaver? If so please post your questions and search for answers here: SAP NetWeaver Application Server
    If this a real full blown system please contact the OSS, via the Marketplace ( or by OSS transaction in your SAP System.

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    7/26/08 3:25:46 PM /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1061] Error: (-36) copying /Volumes/Gabrielle's Brain/iMovie Archive to /Volumes/Spock's Brain/Backups.backupdb/Sandra Hall’s iMac G5/2008-07-26-151657.inProgress/FA4576F7-BB1A-44A4-9F03-4FB4EBFB31DE/Gabrielle' s Brain
    7/26/08 3:25:46 PM /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1061] Error: (-36) copying /Volumes/Gabrielle's Brain/iPhoto Library to /Volumes/Spock's Brain/Backups.backupdb/Sandra Hall’s iMac G5/2008-07-26-151657.inProgress/FA4576F7-BB1A-44A4-9F03-4FB4EBFB31DE/Gabrielle' s Brain
    7/26/08 3:25:46 PM /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1061] Error: (-36) copying /Volumes/Gabrielle's Brain/iPhoto Library 1999, 2004-2005 to /Volumes/Spock's Brain/Backups.backupdb/Sandra Hall’s iMac G5/2008-07-26-151657.inProgress/FA4576F7-BB1A-44A4-9F03-4FB4EBFB31DE/Gabrielle' s Brain
    7/26/08 3:25:46 PM /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1061] Error: (-36) copying /Volumes/Gabrielle's Brain/iPhoto Library 2006 to /Volumes/Spock's Brain/Backups.backupdb/Sandra Hall’s iMac G5/2008-07-26-151657.inProgress/FA4576F7-BB1A-44A4-9F03-4FB4EBFB31DE/Gabrielle' s Brain
    7/26/08 3:25:46 PM /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1061] Stopping backup.
    7/26/08 3:25:46 PM /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1061] Error: (-36) copying /Volumes/Gabrielle's Brain/Movies to make to /Volumes/Spock's Brain/Backups.backupdb/Sandra Hall’s iMac G5/2008-07-26-151657.inProgress/FA4576F7-BB1A-44A4-9F03-4FB4EBFB31DE/Gabrielle' s Brain
    7/26/08 3:25:46 PM /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1061] Copied 101 files (2.2 GB) from volume Gabrielle's Brain.
    7/26/08 3:25:46 PM /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1061] Copy stage failed with error:11
    7/26/08 3:25:51 PM /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[1061] Backup failed with error: 11

  • Biztalk 2013 configuration with remote sqlserver 2008 R2

    can any one help me to configure Biztalk server 2013 with remote sqlserver 2008 R2(Installed in other system) ,
    what are the steps need to be follow to configure the same.

    Hi All,
    Thanks for the quick repose ,i am getting below error while configure the BTS 2013 .
    Error Details:
    TITLE: Microsoft BizTalk Server Configuration Wizard
    Failed to create the SQL database 'SSODB' on SQL Server '' (with SSO Administrator account 'SSO Administrators'). (SSO)
    For help, click:
    (0xC0002A21) An error occurred while attempting to access the SSO database.
    For help, click:
    An error occurred while attempting to access the SSO database. See the event log (on computer ' ') for more details.
    For help, click:

  • Link server SqlServer 2008 R2 and oracle 8i

    I have many days trying to link a oracle 8i AIX with SQLServer 2008 R2 64 bits.
    I tested with ODAC: 11,10 and 9.
    Any one can tell me any suggestions to do it? I read many articles and blogs and says not possible to do.
    Some guys wroted in blogs articles that was succesful, but when I do the step by step dont work.
    We cant update the oracle 8i AIX, we cant shut down the system.
    Kind regards.

    Just an update to this problem as I have had time to get round to looking at it again.
    Installed MSSQL Server 2008 on a Windows XP 32 bit virtual PC.
    Installed Oracle Instant Client, copied the TNSNAMES.ORA from the server above.
    Set the Environmental Variables and rebooted.
    Same BIDS package as in the original problem.
    Only 8 seconds to run and transfer 39062 rows, roughly 4883 rows a second!
    I am very curious about where the problem lies.
    Is it a problem with the Oracle 64 bit drivers but while within the BIDS environment it should be using the 32 bit drivers?
    The package did not run any faster when using MS SQL Agent to run the package where it would have used the 64 bit drivers.
    I think I will leave this Virtual XP setup running on our Virtual Server Server to do the transfers.
    I'd still like to know what the problem is and how to fix it.
    So if anyone else has the same problem and solves it please post the answer here.
    Thanks in advance

  • How to perform calculations on time? (e.g., time x 26.2?)

    I need to do various calculations on time, such as:
    (1) Marathon finish time is 3:39:00 (h:mm:ss). Divide by 26.2 to get the pace (minutes per mile).
    (2) I run 0.935 miles in 6:57 (m:ss). Divide 6:57/0.935 to get the pace.
    These were dead-simple in AppleWorks. My formulas were simply =A1/26.2 and =A2/0.935 respectively. But I'm having a sinking feeling that I can't do it in Numbers, at least not easily. I did find the TIMEVALUE() function, so for the first problem I can use the more cumbersome =TIMEVALUE(A2)/26.22460, but then my result is in decimal form (8.35878), and I can't find a way to get it back into time format (8:22).

    Michael Bluejay wrote:
    I need to do various calculations on time, such as:
    (1) Marathon finish time is 3:39:00 (h:mm:ss). Divide by 26.2 to get the pace (minutes per mile).
    (2) I run 0.935 miles in 6:57 (m:ss). Divide 6:57/0.935 to get the pace.
    These were dead-simple in AppleWorks. My formulas were simply =A1/26.2 and =A2/0.935 >respectively. But I'm having a sinking feeling that I can't do it in Numbers, at least not easily.
    The original premise of your question was incorrect. You can most definitely divide a duration by a number and avoid having to convert from a decimal back to a duration.
    You may be using the wrong format for your data (what you are calling "time") and that is probably the root of the problem. Time and duration are two different things. TIMEVALUE works on the date&time data type, not durations. If TIMEVALUE is not giving you an error, your durations are not durations but are, instead, the date and time of day.
    Here are two equations that work just fine in Numbers if the 3h 39m is a duration value.
    3h 39m/26.2 = 0h 8m 21s 527ms (hms format)
    3:39/26.2 = 0:08:21.527 (colon format)
    If you want to convert a decimal value to a duration, use the DURATION function. That is not necessary for what you are trying to do but I present it because you asked. If you want to convert 3:39:00 to 8:22, make sure the 3:39:00 is a duration and not "January 25, 2010 3:39:00AM" then divide the 3:39:00 by 26.2

  • Not able to open PDF or do any changes even if the PDF opens. Run Time Error is shown every time when trying to open PDF. Please help

    Not able to open PDF or do any changes even if the PDF opens. Run Time Error is shown every time when trying to open PDF. Please help

    Hi Shilpa ,
    Please refer to the following link and see if that helps you out.
    Are you trying to access the PDF with Acrobat or Adobe Reader?
    Sukrit Dhingra

  • I purchased a magazine using the Zinio app which I'd recently downloaded on to a recently purchased iPad. I received an error message at the time (can't recall the details) but have since been invoiced for the $8.99. How can I get the Magazine I purchased

    I purchased a magazine using the Zinio app which I'd recently downloaded on to a recently purchased iPad. I received an error message at the time (can't recall the details) but have since been invoiced for the $8.99. How can I get the Magazine I purchased?

    For assistance with billing questions or other order inquiries, please refer to our online support page by clicking here: If you cannot find the answers you are seeking in our robust knowledge base, you can contact us by visiting the following URL, clicking on the appropriate Customer Service topic, then using the contact button or email form at the bottom of the page. Responses to emails will be provided as soon as possible.
    Phone: 800-275-2273 How to reach a live person: Press 0 four times
    Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm ET
    Email: [email protected]
    How to report an issue with Your iTunes Store purchase
    How to Get a Refund from the App Store
    Canceling a Digital Subscription on/
     Cheers, Tom

  • How to raise multiple error messages at a time in a BADI

    Hi all,
    I'm using CHECK method of BADI ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST for some validation in ME21N/ME22N. I want to raise multiple error message at a time, when user clicks on Check button or Save button. Please let me know, is there any function module for this or is there any particular procedure for this?
    Thanks in Advance,
    Siva Sankar.

    Raising messages from within BAdis is not a good choice and from the look of it , it appears to be causing a dump.
    Look if the BAdi interface has any exceptions defined for the method, if so, raise the exception with your message like:
    MESSAGE e002(sy) WITH 'Error' RAISING <badi_exception>.
    Otherwise call the FM POPUP_TO_CONFIRM To show msgs to user
    Kiran Sure

  • Error message from my time capsule

    I get the following error message from my time capsule when I try to backup my HD:
    There was a problem connecting to the server "XXXXX".
    Check the server name or IP address, and then try again. If you continue to have problems, contact your system administrator.

    You have lost all network connection to the TC. This is not so unusual since Mavericks.
    You have listed hardware but the more important part is OS you are running.
    Have you done a restart of the TC? That often gets it going.
    A full network restart in correct order is next. With everything off.. power up modem.. wait 2min.. power up TC.. wait 2min. Power up computers etc.
    Still no luck. Factory reset the TC and start over.

  • Error Message 3 Quick Time failed to install

    I have tried every way I know possible to download iTunes. I have loaded Quicktime stand alone, I have loaded iTunes to my hard drive and tried to start the install from there and not the internet. I have turned off all firewalls and virus/spyware software. I continue to get Error Message 3, Quick Time failed to install. I am very frustrated with this problem as well as the run around I'm getting from Apple. I can't even update my iPod. I thought my iPod purchase was going to be great. But after the short battery life issue and now the software issue. I am starting to re-think my purchase. Does anyone have a solution to the software problem that works??? Apple even tried to blame the problem on my computer. I see from all the people that have this problem in this forum it is not my computer. Please help if you can...Thanks, M
    Toshiba Qosmio F25-AV205   Windows XP Pro   Also Windows Media Center

    Do you use Yahoo messenger? It's probably easier to walk you through it

  • Error while realigning aggregates through master data attr. change run

    Hi all,
    We are using Sales Overview cube (SD_C03) on which we have built aggregates. now during the master data attribute change run it tries to realign the aggregate once the master data is loaded via Process chain. In this step we are facing an error:
    "Error while procesing aggregate <aggregate technical name>"
    From ST22 we can find
    Database error text........: "ORA-14400: inserted partition key does not map to any partition"
    Internal call code.........: "[RSQL/INSR//BIC/F200009 ]".
    Whereas from SM21 we can find out:
    Database error 14400 at INS access to table /BIC/F200009.
    /BIC/F200009 is the fact table of one of the aggreates we have. really looking forward to your valuable suggestion.

    Hi Jogeswara Rao Kavala,
    When I am pressing back or NO option  it is showing error like this
    What is this OK- Code means?
    how can I resume this process, even it was not going to back screen also and only one option is available for exit from this is by going into MENU-SYSTEM-SERVICES-BATCH INPUT-CANCEL.
    Sunil Boya

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  • Can you add components to an existing OAS installation?

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