Error in Delta Request

In our daily data load scheduled for SD Cube, we have 6 requests to be loaded everyday.
But due to wrong date entry, the system has shown following error :
"Time conversion from 0CALDAY to 0FISCPER (fiscal year V3 ) failed with value 16061031"
This is due to wrong year entry by user in R/3 (Year 1606).
I have deleted the requests from InfoCube which were RED due to this error and edited the RED record in PSA.
The Record has been saved but after that, if i again go to "edit data" in PSA for that request, the record status is still RED and the same error is shown by system.
Kindly help me out ASAP.
Note: Points will be given to fast and accurate response.

Prasad, Added records may be ZERO ..becoze the  UR and TR rules may not satisfy or restricting the datapacket
And abt the error ..
while ur urupdating from the PSA
1) go to the PSA tree and Ritclick schedule the update
2) In the IP invoked. at the Errorhandling push button
check the option as valid records update
u have to debugg the Trasfer rules and UR by doing simulate update for that Datapackat and check
lemme know the resutls
is there any other error meseges

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    But the Init was perfect.
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    Please help me in this regard
    Message was edited by: A K

    Hi Guys
    When i ran a delta from R3
    i am getting the error :Time out during allocate/CPIC call THE SAPCMINIT'#'TIMEOUTCONNECTtion
    But the Init was perfect.
    When i want to Execute the LUW manually at SM58 in source system. I dont see the any entry there.
    Please help me in this regard
    Message was edited by: A K

  • Error in loading delta request to ODS

    Dear All,
    i am not being able to load data from ODS to another ODS and Cube. It is saying "the last delta update was incorrect therefore, no new delta update possible".
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    can you all help me. its a bit urgent.

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  • LO Extraction - error in delta upload

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    Now I have problems with the delta upload. I selected update method 'queued delta' in LBWE and run the job. If I try to start the loading via InfoPackage (delta upload) an error occurs. In RSA7 I can see the delta's, but there is nothing in LBWQ. The error message in the BW monitor is the following: 'Transfer structure field not contained in DataSource'. There is one field in Transfer structure, which isn't contained in data source, but I fill it via a routine. Any ideas what the problem could be?
    Thanks a lot.

    check sap oss note
    You load data in Delta mode and the system issues error message R3 037 in the monitor:
    Transfer structure field not contained in DataSource.
    Note 868059 did not deliver a complete correction.
    In Delta requests or repeat requests that contain time-dependent selections, these time dependencies are always transferred to the source system with the 'DATETO' and 'DATEFROM' field names.
    Time selections are also transferred to the source system if the time-based fields are not known as selectable fields in the DataSource.
    Other terms
    Scheduler, Update tabstrip, repeat, DATETO, DATEFROM,
    Delta, Init, date selection, InfoPackage, selection, M, X, 1. R3 037
    Reason and Prerequisites
    The problem is caused by a program error.
    You have implemented Note 868059 as an advance correction or you have imported it using a Support Package.
    BW 3.0B
               Import Support Package 29 for 3.0B (BW3. 0B Patch 29 or SAPKW30B29) into your BW system. The Support Package is available when Note 0783251 "SAPBWNews BW3.0B Support Package 29", which describes this Support Package in more detail, is released for customers.
    BW 3.10 Content
               Import Support Package 23 for 3.10 (BW3. 10 Patch 23 or SAPKW31023) into your BW system. The Support Package is available when Note 0783253 "SAPBWNews BW3.1 Content Support Package 23", which describes this Support Package in more detail, is released for customers.
    BW 3.50
               Import Support Package 15 for 3.5 (BW3.50 Patch 15 or SAPKW35015) into your BW system. The Support Package is available, when Note 0836440 "SAPBWNews BW Support Package 15 NetWeaver'04 Stack 15", which describes this Support Package in more detail, is released for customers.
    BW 7.0
               Import Support Package 05 for 7.0 (BW7.0 Patch 05 or SAPKW70005) into your BW system. The Support Package is available, when Note 0829625 "SAPBWNews BW 7.0 Support Package 05", which describes this Support Package in more detail, is released for customers.
    To provide advance information, the notes mentioned above may be available before the Support Package is released. In this case, the short text of the note still contains the words "Preliminary version".

  • Error in delta run in the process chain

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    I have a delta infopackge that runs everyday , since many days the process chain is giving error at the IP.
    The IP is red everyday and the following objects does not start, however when I check in the monitor the ip is completed successfully without any errors.
    I checked the logs which is in greeen in the batch job , please find the details below.
    Job started
    Step 001 started (program RSPROCESS, variant &0000000111903, user ID ALEREMOTE)
    Last delta upload not yet completed. Cancel
    Data saved successfully
    Start InfoPackage ZPAK_4EH1CYBST65PTYCQVFAQY6ZI7
    Last delta upload not yet completed. Cancel
    Last delta upload not yet completed. Cancel
    InfoPackage ZPAK_4EH1CYBST65PTYCQVFAQY6ZI7 created request
    Request REQU_4L001XOSR2IQQ14M90QLO1CTA could not be generated with InfoPackage REQU_4L001XOSR2IQQ14M90QLO1CTA without errors
    Last delta upload not yet completed. Cancel
    Error After Starting InfoPackage ZPAK_4EH1CYBST65PTYCQVFAQY6ZI7 in Process Chain ZIM_INT_ORDER
    Entire chain now has status 'A'
    Job finished
    Could you please suggest.

    Thanks for your reply
    the problem was with the way it was schudled, the chian was ticket at periodic run , as a result it as running automatically, and causing problem.
    I have removed the periodic n saved it again ...the error stopped appearing !
    The issue is resolved now.
    Thanks for your help.

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    Hi BW KING,
    An infoobject can be a data target and also use direct update. Are you loading using an InfoSource? Check where you have the load infopackage, if it's under an infosource, you can do that. If you have your infopackage under the infoobject "icon" (without update rules), then you don't have the option to manage the loads.
    Hope this helps.

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    Select the content which is causing a problem and use the 'Report a problem' button in Your Purchase History on your computer.

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    source OS: Windows 2008 R2,  source DB: MSSQL server 2008 R2 SP1 CU3
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    <!HELP[Manual modification of the header may cause parsing problem!]/>
    <!FORMATTER[ [%s]: %-100l [%t]: %m)]/>
    Jan 11, 2012 10:14:58 AM [Error]:                 [Thread[ExecuteWorker,5,main]]: Execution of command failed: while trying to invoke the method of an object returned from
    Jan 11, 2012 10:14:58 AM [Error]:                 [Thread[ExecuteWorker,5,main]]: java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to invoke the method of an object returned from
    Jan 11, 2012 10:14:58 AM [Error]:                 [Thread[ExecuteWorker,5,main]]: java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to invoke the method of an object returned from
    Jan 11, 2012 10:14:58 AM [Error]:                                        [Thread[ExecuteWorker,5,main]]: java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to invoke the method of an object returned from
    I could not get Upgrade started.  Any help is appreciated

    Did you get this solved?
    I have the same problem

  • Error during print request output. l_rc = 1

    Hi ,
    I have a request to create on ouput device which can copy the spool request to desired location in application server. Our server is not connected to any physical server and is windows NT.
    I am tring to create ACCESS TYPE 'L' with host printer name '__default'.
    I am using control set to copy file at desired location on server
    COPY &F <path for file to be copied>&T
    File is being copied to desired location but its returing error message "Error during print request output. l_rc = 1"
    Complete log is below:
          SAP spool error log                                                                   
    Print request processing log                                                                               
    The host spool is reporting errors                                                                               
    Message from host spool:                                                                               
    1 file(s) copied.                                                                 
    End of message                                                                               
    Command used: COPY E:\usr\sap\D06\DVEBMGS00\data\000002934300001.D06 E:\interface\D06\                                                                               
    Errors occurred processing this print request                                                                               
    Error during print request output. l_rc = 1                                                 
    There may be no printout                                                                               
    Most important attributes of spool request                                                                               
    Request number 29343                                                                               
    Request name SCRIPT ZRAJ BASISADMIN                                                         
    Client 220                                                                               
    Owner BASISADMIN                                                                            
    Request attributes                                                                          
    Time created   2008102906203900                                                             
    Remaining life  +00008000000                                                                
    Dispo 1 (Go/Hold) G                                                                         
    Dispo 2 (Keep/Delete)     K                                                                 
    Dispo 3 (Indirect/Direct) D                                                                 
    Default output device ZRAJ                                                                  
    Default no. copies  1                                                                       
    Format X_PAPER                                                                               
    Main print request characteristics                                                                               
    Spool request number 29343                                                                  
    Print request number 1                                                                      
    Print request attributes                                                                    
    Time created   2008102906203900                                                             
    Output device ZRAJ                                                                          
    Format X_PAPER                                                                               
    Character converter active when first problem occurred                                                                               
    No information available                                                                               
    Pls help.
    Raj Kiran

    If you have done a search with your subject line, you would have got the following [results.|]
    so do a search in SCN before posting your question.
    Karthik D

  • DTP Delta request for open hub destination.

    Hi expert,
    As you know, In BW 7.0, open hub destination is used for open hub service, and you can create tranformation/DTP for the destination. and in some case the DTP delta is enabled.
    my questions are
    1) in the context menu of open hub destination, I did not find something like manage, which could list all the DTP request executed for this open hub destination..but for normal infocube or ods, you can find a list.
    2) if the DTP could enable the delta, where can I delete the latest delta request, and have a new load..
    3) I assume the DTP could be excuted with batch integrated with process chain by process type 'DTP', right ? if the destination type is third party tool, can it also be integrated with process chain ?
    4) can give some obvious difference of InfoSpoke and open hub destination in terms of advantage and disadvantage..
    Thanks a lot for the feedback.
    Best Regards,

    Hi ,
    Please look at the links below . hope it helps .

  • HOW TO: Resolve 'An error has occurred: Request timed out' issue

    Post Author: fmi-charles
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
    After doing a new install of BOE Server software, encountered a problem viewing long running reports on-demand.  InfoView displayed: 'An error has occurred: Request timed out.' Couldn't find answers anywhere (not even on this site) that would help me resolve this issue.  So, I decided to post the resolution.
    The error from this post's subject line is displayed when viewing on-demand reports that run for longer than 90 seconds.  If the report was scheduled, it wouldn't have a problem - only viewing on-demand.  This issue transpires with the following setup:   * M$ Windows 2003 Server   * IIS v.6   * .NET 2.0.50727   * BO Enterprise Server XI R2 SP2   * M$ SQL Server 2005
    The resolution is to find the 'machine.config' file for your current version of the .NET Framework (e.g. C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework \v2.0.50727\CONFIG\machine.config).  Edit the file and place the following into a new line within the 'system.web' section: <httpRuntime executionTimeout="3600"/>
    The timeout is set in seconds.
    Then, restart IIS using the command line.

    Hello Cristinel -
    Thanks for send your inputs but I have solved this error.
    I would like that if you solve my this question.
    My project's URL is
    I want to put w3stander HTML logo in my website.
    I have done many error but some error i could not understand.
    please click on below url and send me your suggestion how to solve this errors?
    I hope you send your best inputs.

  • ICal error "400" the request for account fail!!

    iCal on my Macbook keeps on popping up with the following:
    The server responded with an error.
    The request for account “myemail (at)” failed.
    The server responded with
    to operation CalDAVCalendarSplitDualTypeCalendarQueueableOperation.
    I don't even have a calendar account with my yahoo account, since I use my gmail and iCloud calendar. I went into system preferences and made certain the "calendars" option was unchecked for my yahoo account in the Internet Accounts page. Nonetheless, iCal pops up with the same error message multiple times within the hour. I'm not sure why iCal is even requesting for my yahoo calendar, since I have never used it in iCal since day one. Any ideas?

    Just out of curiosity, did you install FileZilla recently? The install comes with malware called Speedial. You may have noticed that your default search engine in all browsers is set to Yahoo, and furthermore impossible to override via the normal course of action.
    Removing Yahoo from local apps is easier than resetting them. All I had to do was delete the (added without my consent) Yahoo account from System Preferences, and the iCal Yahoo calendar disappeared momentarily.
    For resetting Safari, look here: Reset Safari Settings/Preferences

  • Error in Creating Request - Access Enforcer

    When using copy request option to create a request similar to another user and creating  10 user IDs simillar to other ID, Iam getting error" error in creating request".
    When I look at log report it is giving Ora-XXXXXX error Unable to save the request.
    How to fix this issue?
    Thank you,

    This looks more like an Oracle problem; did you check everything's ok regarding tablespaces, redo-log, available space for tables,indexes, etc.

  • Error while creating request list DSU execution error   in Upgrade PI

    I´m doing upgrade de PI 3.0 - 7.0 in mscs and run startup.bat...
    DSU execution error  on
    Error while creating request list - see proceeding messages
    Instance profile for instance 00 on host hostnode1 not found profile SID_w*00_hostnode1 not found in directory ...../usr(sap/SID/profile
    Help please.
    Edited by: Luis Maura on Nov 5, 2010 1:38 PM

    Instance profile for instance 00 on host hostnode1 not found profile SID_\w*00_hostnode1 not found in directory
    hostnode1 is physical or virtual ?, this file SID_\w00_hostnode1*  exist or not .
    compare the GLOBAL HOSTNAME settings in profiles of Default,Instance and start

  • Error while accessing SharePoint 2013 news feed REST api - "The server encountered an error processing the request. See server logs for more details."

    Hi Experts,
    I am facing an issue while accessing SharePoint 2013 news feed REST api URL <SiteCollectionURL>/_api/social.feed/my/news from browser giving error "The server encountered an
    error processing the request. See server logs for more details."
    This is happening after posting the image to news feed without entering any text or description with that. If i post an image with some text or description, then i can able to get the feeds. Or else if i delete the image post then also i can able to get
    the feeds.
    I can able to see below logs in log files.
    Exception occured in scope Microsoft.Office.Server.Social.SPSocialRestFeed._SerializeToOData. Exception=System.MissingMethodException: No parameterless constructor defined for this object.     at System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType
    type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandleInternal& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck)     at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceSlow(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipCheckThis, Boolean fillCache,
    StackCrawlMark& stackMark)     at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceDefaultCtor(Boolean publicOnly, Boolean skipCheckThis, Boolean fillCache, StackCrawlMark& stackMark)     at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
        at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type)     at Microsoft.SharePoint.C...
    ...lient.ValueTypeConverter.<GetODataProperties>d__2.MoveNext()     at Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteProperties(IEdmStructuredType owningType, IEnumerable`1 cachedProperties, Boolean isWritingCollection,
    Action beforePropertiesAction, Action afterPropertiesAction, DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker duplicatePropertyNamesChecker, EpmValueCache epmValueCache, EpmSourcePathSegment epmSourcePathSegment, ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation projectedProperties)    
    at Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteComplexValue(ODataComplexValue complexValue, IEdmTypeReference metadataTypeReference, Boolean isOpenPropertyType, Boolean isWritingCollection, Action beforeValueAction, Action afterValueAction,
    DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker duplicatePropertyNa...
    ...mesChecker, CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator collectionValidator, EpmValueCache epmValueCache, EpmSourcePathSegment epmSourcePathSegment, ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation projectedProperties)     at Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteProperty(ODataProperty
    property, IEdmStructuredType owningType, Boolean isTopLevel, Boolean isWritingCollection, Action beforePropertyAction, EpmValueCache epmValueCache, EpmSourcePathSegment epmParentSourcePathSegment, DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker duplicatePropertyNamesChecker,
    ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation projectedProperties)     at Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteProperties(IEdmStructuredType owningType, IEnumerable`1 cachedProperties, Boolean isWritingCollection, Action beforePropertie...
    ...sAction, Action afterPropertiesAction, DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker duplicatePropertyNamesChecker, EpmValueCache epmValueCache, EpmSourcePathSegment epmSourcePathSegment, ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation projectedProperties)     at Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteComplexValue(ODataComplexValue
    complexValue, IEdmTypeReference metadataTypeReference, Boolean isOpenPropertyType, Boolean isWritingCollection, Action beforeValueAction, Action afterValueAction, DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker duplicatePropertyNamesChecker, CollectionWithoutExpectedTypeValidator
    collectionValidator, EpmValueCache epmValueCache, EpmSourcePathSegment epmSourcePathSegment, ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation projectedProperties)     at Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSeriali...
    ...zer.WriteCollectionValue(ODataCollectionValue collectionValue, IEdmTypeReference propertyTypeReference, Boolean isOpenPropertyType, Boolean isWritingCollection)     at Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteProperty(ODataProperty
    property, IEdmStructuredType owningType, Boolean isTopLevel, Boolean isWritingCollection, Action beforePropertyAction, EpmValueCache epmValueCache, EpmSourcePathSegment epmParentSourcePathSegment, DuplicatePropertyNamesChecker duplicatePropertyNamesChecker,
    ProjectedPropertiesAnnotation projectedProperties)     at Microsoft.Data.OData.Atom.ODataAtomPropertyAndValueSerializer.WriteProperties(IEdmStructuredType owningType, IEnumerable`1 cachedProperties, Boolean isWritingCollection, Action beforePropertiesAction,
    Action afterPropertiesAct...
    Can anyone please help me out.

    Is this still an issue?
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

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