Error in Purchase Order Workflow

I am facing an problem in Purchase Order Workflow. We are working on ECC6.0 Version. I activated the PO workflow WS20000075 (BUS2012) for the PO release strategy. I assigned an user for the task "Release Purchase Order effected" that is step 000107 and after that I deassigned that user from that step.
Now I am facing a problem, that the workflow is getting deactivated and unable to go further because it is getting an error in resolving the agent at that release effected step even after I deassigned the user. Every time I need to go to type event linkages to activate type event for the workflow.
The error it is raising is SWF_RUN 544.
So can anyone suggest me some solution for this and highly appreciated for the quick response.
Thanks & Regards,
Ramesh S

Hi Krishna,
Thanks for the reply. But here I donot want the agent to be assigned to that step. I already deassigned the agent from there but still it is giving me the error saying that unable to resolve the agent.
Thanks & Regards,
Ramesh S

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  • Purchase Order Workflow - getting de-activated

    Hi All,
    We have a Purchase Order workflow that has been working well for quiet some time now. Over this weekend, we installed Enhancement Packs 1 to 3 and in the midst of testing in QA, I have noticed that, each time a PO workflow gets triggered, it de-activates the workflow causing other instances of the workflow to not be triggered.
    Each time, I have to go and re-activate the workflow.
    Has anyone faced such an issue and if so, what did you do to prevent them occuring.
    Thank you,

    I think the person who is creating the PO do not have the Proper authorization hence this deactivating. This deactivating thing can be avoided by going to SWE2 and changing the Error on Feedback field to Do not change Linkage. I hope this will solve your issue. You can also try to find the event that have not triggered from Event Queue SWEQADM

  • Error in : Purchase order Creation using BAPI_PO_CREATE1

    Hell  guys,
    I am trying to create a PO using a BAPI - BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    I want the new PO to have all the characteristics of an existing PO. whose PO # is  stored in wa_order_split_create-docnr and for the new PO, i want the quantity from wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd and the delivery data to be wa_order_split_create-dly_date. But this process and code below gives a short dump in the std FM - MEPO_DOC_ITEM_GET . It raises an exception of failure. I am trying to create many new PO's in the loop below. If there is just one row, sometimes, it creates the PO even with the exception failure ( which is pretty weird).
    Am i making any mistake while filling the header or item or schedule lines for the BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ? Any tips or clues why I am getting a dump ?
    DATA: i_insert,
            i_cycle     TYPE cycle,
            i_qty_acpt  TYPE dzmeng,
            i_dly_date  TYPE vbak-vdatu,
            i_item      TYPE roijnomiio .
      DATA: i_order TYPE symsgv,
            i_return TYPE swd_return .
      DATA: i_vbak      TYPE vbak,
            i_vbap      TYPE vbap,
            i_ekko      TYPE ekko,
            i_ekpo      TYPE ekpo,
            i_bsoh      TYPE bapisdhd1,
            i_bsohx     TYPE bapisdhd1x,
            i_bpoh      TYPE bapimepoheader,
            i_bpohx     TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
            i_vbeln     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_posnr     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_contr     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_conit     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_ebeln     TYPE ebeln,
            i_ebelp     TYPE ebelp,
            i_pargr     TYPE pargr,
            i_thead     TYPE thead,
            i_line      TYPE tline,
            i_note      TYPE txw_note,
            i_new_vbeln TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_new_ebeln TYPE ebeln,
            i_wa_bsoi   TYPE bapisditm,
            i_wa_bsoix  TYPE bapisditmx,
            i_wa_bsop   TYPE bapiparnr,
            i_wa_bsos   TYPE bapischdl,
            i_wa_bsosx  TYPE bapischdlx,
            i_wa_vbpa   TYPE vbpa,
            i_wa_vbkd   TYPE vbkd,
            i_wa_bpoi   TYPE bapimepoitem,
            i_wa_bpoix  TYPE bapimepoitemx,
            i_wa_bpos   TYPE bapimeposchedule,
            i_wa_bposx  TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
            i_wa_bpop   TYPE bapiekkop,
            i_wa_ekpa   TYPE ekpa,
            i_message   TYPE char72,
            i_bapiretn  TYPE bapiret2,
            i_bapiret2  TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2 INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbpa      TYPE TABLE OF vbpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbkd      TYPE TABLE OF vbkd INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_ekpa      TYPE TABLE OF ekpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsos      TYPE TABLE OF bapischdl INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsosx     TYPE TABLE OF bapischdlx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitem INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpos      TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedule INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bposx     TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiekkop INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_text_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_line_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_txw_note  TYPE TABLE OF txw_note INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_oij_el_doc_mot TYPE oij_el_doc_mot .
      CONSTANTS: c_char_c VALUE 'C',
                 c_char_e VALUE 'E',
                 c_char_p VALUE 'P',
                 c_char_g VALUE 'G',
                 c_char_i VALUE 'I',
                 c_char_s VALUE 'S',
                 c_char_x VALUE 'X',
                 c_zsw(3) VALUE 'ZSW',
                 c_nomit_stat(4) VALUE 'ZDNY' .
      DATA : lv_nomtk_split        TYPE oij_nomtk.
      DATA : i_order_split_create  TYPE TABLE OF zsws_order_split.
      DATA : wa_order_split_create TYPE zsws_order_split.
      LOOP AT i_order_split_create INTO wa_order_split_create.
        IF NOT i_create_order IS INITIAL .
          CLEAR: i_create_order .
              MOVE: wa_order_split_create-docnr  TO i_ebeln,
                    wa_order_split_create-docitm TO i_ebelp .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        po_ekko          = i_ekko
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    * Fill PO Header
              i_bpoh-comp_code   = i_ekko-bukrs .
              i_bpoh-doc_type    = i_ekko-bsart .
              i_bpoh-vendor      = i_ekko-lifnr .
              i_bpoh-langu       = i_ekko-spras .
              i_bpoh-pmnttrms    = i_ekko-zterm .
              i_bpoh-purch_org   = i_ekko-ekorg .
              i_bpoh-pur_group   = i_ekko-ekgrp .
              i_bpoh-currency    = i_ekko-waers .
              i_bpoh-agreement   = i_ekko-konnr .
              i_bpoh-incoterms1  = i_ekko-inco1 .
              i_bpoh-incoterms2  = i_ekko-inco2 .
    * Fill PO update indicator 'X'
              i_bpohx-comp_code  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-doc_type   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-vendor     = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-langu      = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pmnttrms   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-purch_org  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pur_group  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-currency   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms1 = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms2 = c_char_x .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        pi_ebelp         = i_ebelp
                        po_ekpo          = i_ekpo
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    * Fill PO Item
              i_wa_bpoi-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoi-material   = i_ekpo-matnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-plant      = i_ekpo-werks .
              i_wa_bpoi-stge_loc   = i_ekpo-lgort .
              i_wa_bpoi-quantity   = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              i_wa_bpoi-po_unit    = i_ekpo-meins .
              i_wa_bpoi-tax_code   = i_ekpo-mwskz .
              i_wa_bpoi-val_type   = i_ekpo-bwtar .
              i_wa_bpoi-item_cat   = i_ekpo-pstyp .
              i_wa_bpoi-acctasscat = i_ekpo-knttp .
              i_wa_bpoi-agreement  = i_ekpo-konnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-agmt_item  = i_ekpo-ktpnr .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoi TO i_bpoi .
    * Fill PO Item update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bpoix-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_itemx   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-material   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-plant      = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-stge_loc   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-quantity   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_unit    = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-tax_code   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-val_type   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-item_cat   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-acctasscat = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agmt_item  = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoix TO i_bpoix .
    * Fill PO Item Schedule
              i_wa_bpos-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpos-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bpos-delivery_date = wa_order_split_create-dly_date .
              i_wa_bpos-quantity      = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              APPEND i_wa_bpos TO i_bpos .
    * Fill PO Item schedule update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bposx-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bposx-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bposx-delivery_date = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bposx-quantity      = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bposx TO i_bposx .
              CLEAR: i_pargr .
              SELECT SINGLE pargr
                INTO i_pargr
                FROM t161
               WHERE bstyp = i_ekko-bstyp
                 AND bsart = i_ekko-bsart .
              CLEAR i_ekpa[].
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = i_ekpa[].
              LOOP AT i_ekpa INTO i_wa_ekpa .
                i_wa_bpop-partnerdesc = i_wa_ekpa-parvw .
                i_wa_bpop-langu = sy-langu .
                IF NOT i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 IS INITIAL .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 .
                ELSE .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-parnr .
                ENDIF .
                APPEND i_wa_bpop TO i_bpop .
                CLEAR: i_wa_ekpa, i_wa_bpop .
              ENDLOOP .
                        poheader         = i_bpoh
                        poheaderx        = i_bpohx
                        exppurchaseorder = i_new_ebeln
                        return           = i_bapiret2
                        poitem           = i_bpoi[]
                        poitemx          = i_bpoix[]
                        poschedule       = i_bpos[]
                        poschedulex      = i_bposx[].
              i_order = i_new_ebeln .
              SHIFT i_order LEFT DELETING LEADING '0' .
              i_return-errortype = c_char_i .
              i_return-workarea  = c_zsw .
              i_return-message   = '064' .
              i_return-variable1 = i_order .
            loop at i_bapiret2 into i_bapiretn where type ca 'EAX' .
            append i_bapiretn to t_bapi_return .
          endloop .
          if t_bapi_return[] is initial .
             i_create_order = c_char_x .
                        act_return = i_return. "Popup with new PO no.
          ENDCASE .                                     " Docind
        ENDIF .

    Hi Shareen,
    I think in the following parts of the code,
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = i_ekpa[].
    Error in : Purchase order Creation using BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    Posted: Mar 20, 2006 7:39 PM      Reply      E-mail this post 
    Hell guys,
    I am trying to create a PO using a BAPI - BAPI_PO_CREATE1
    I want the new PO to have all the characteristics of an existing PO. whose PO # is stored in wa_order_split_create-docnr and for the new PO, i want the quantity from wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd and the delivery data to be wa_order_split_create-dly_date. But this process and code below gives a short dump in the std FM - MEPO_DOC_ITEM_GET . It raises an exception of failure. I am trying to create many new PO's in the loop below. If there is just one row, sometimes, it creates the PO even with the exception failure ( which is pretty weird).
    Am i making any mistake while filling the header or item or schedule lines for the BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ? Any tips or clues why I am getting a dump ?
    DATA: i_insert,
            i_cycle     TYPE cycle,
            i_qty_acpt  TYPE dzmeng,
            i_dly_date  TYPE vbak-vdatu,
            i_item      TYPE roijnomiio .
      DATA: i_order TYPE symsgv,
            i_return TYPE swd_return .
      DATA: i_vbak      TYPE vbak,
            i_vbap      TYPE vbap,
            i_ekko      TYPE ekko,
            i_ekpo      TYPE ekpo,
            i_bsoh      TYPE bapisdhd1,
            i_bsohx     TYPE bapisdhd1x,
            i_bpoh      TYPE bapimepoheader,
            i_bpohx     TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
            i_vbeln     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_posnr     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_contr     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_conit     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_ebeln     TYPE ebeln,
            i_ebelp     TYPE ebelp,
            i_pargr     TYPE pargr,
            i_thead     TYPE thead,
            i_line      TYPE tline,
            i_note      TYPE txw_note,
            i_new_vbeln TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_new_ebeln TYPE ebeln,
            i_wa_bsoi   TYPE bapisditm,
            i_wa_bsoix  TYPE bapisditmx,
            i_wa_bsop   TYPE bapiparnr,
            i_wa_bsos   TYPE bapischdl,
            i_wa_bsosx  TYPE bapischdlx,
            i_wa_vbpa   TYPE vbpa,
            i_wa_vbkd   TYPE vbkd,
            i_wa_bpoi   TYPE bapimepoitem,
            i_wa_bpoix  TYPE bapimepoitemx,
            i_wa_bpos   TYPE bapimeposchedule,
            i_wa_bposx  TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
            i_wa_bpop   TYPE bapiekkop,
            i_wa_ekpa   TYPE ekpa,
            i_message   TYPE char72,
            i_bapiretn  TYPE bapiret2,
            i_bapiret2  TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2 INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbpa      TYPE TABLE OF vbpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbkd      TYPE TABLE OF vbkd INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_ekpa      TYPE TABLE OF ekpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsos      TYPE TABLE OF bapischdl INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsosx     TYPE TABLE OF bapischdlx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitem INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpos      TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedule INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bposx     TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiekkop INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_text_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_line_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_txw_note  TYPE TABLE OF txw_note INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_oij_el_doc_mot TYPE oij_el_doc_mot .
      CONSTANTS: c_char_c VALUE 'C',
                 c_char_e VALUE 'E',
                 c_char_p VALUE 'P',
                 c_char_g VALUE 'G',
                 c_char_i VALUE 'I',
                 c_char_s VALUE 'S',
                 c_char_x VALUE 'X',
                 c_zsw(3) VALUE 'ZSW',
                 c_nomit_stat(4) VALUE 'ZDNY' .
      DATA : lv_nomtk_split        TYPE oij_nomtk.
      DATA : i_order_split_create  TYPE TABLE OF zsws_order_split.
      DATA : wa_order_split_create TYPE zsws_order_split.
      LOOP AT i_order_split_create INTO wa_order_split_create.
        IF NOT i_create_order IS INITIAL .
          CLEAR: i_create_order .
              MOVE: wa_order_split_create-docnr  TO i_ebeln,
                    wa_order_split_create-docitm TO i_ebelp .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        po_ekko          = i_ekko
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Header
              i_bpoh-comp_code   = i_ekko-bukrs .
              i_bpoh-doc_type    = i_ekko-bsart .
              i_bpoh-vendor      = i_ekko-lifnr .
              i_bpoh-langu       = i_ekko-spras .
              i_bpoh-pmnttrms    = i_ekko-zterm .
              i_bpoh-purch_org   = i_ekko-ekorg .
              i_bpoh-pur_group   = i_ekko-ekgrp .
              i_bpoh-currency    = i_ekko-waers .
              i_bpoh-agreement   = i_ekko-konnr .
              i_bpoh-incoterms1  = i_ekko-inco1 .
              i_bpoh-incoterms2  = i_ekko-inco2 .
    Fill PO update indicator 'X'
              i_bpohx-comp_code  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-doc_type   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-vendor     = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-langu      = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pmnttrms   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-purch_org  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pur_group  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-currency   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms1 = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms2 = c_char_x .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        pi_ebelp         = i_ebelp
                        po_ekpo          = i_ekpo
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Item
              i_wa_bpoi-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoi-material   = i_ekpo-matnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-plant      = i_ekpo-werks .
              i_wa_bpoi-stge_loc   = i_ekpo-lgort .
              i_wa_bpoi-quantity   = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              i_wa_bpoi-po_unit    = i_ekpo-meins .
              i_wa_bpoi-tax_code   = i_ekpo-mwskz .
              i_wa_bpoi-val_type   = i_ekpo-bwtar .
              i_wa_bpoi-item_cat   = i_ekpo-pstyp .
              i_wa_bpoi-acctasscat = i_ekpo-knttp .
              i_wa_bpoi-agreement  = i_ekpo-konnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-agmt_item  = i_ekpo-ktpnr .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoi TO i_bpoi .
    Fill PO Item update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bpoix-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_itemx   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-material   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-plant      = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-stge_loc   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-quantity   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_unit    = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-tax_code   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-val_type   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-item_cat   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-acctasscat = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agmt_item  = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoix TO i_bpoix .
    Fill PO Item Schedule
              i_wa_bpos-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpos-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bpos-delivery_date = wa_order_split_create-dly_date .
              i_wa_bpos-quantity      = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              APPEND i_wa_bpos TO i_bpos .
    Fill PO Item schedule update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bposx-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bposx-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bposx-delivery_date = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bposx-quantity      = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bposx TO i_bposx .
              CLEAR: i_pargr .
              SELECT SINGLE pargr
                INTO i_pargr
                FROM t161
               WHERE bstyp = i_ekko-bstyp
                 AND bsart = i_ekko-bsart .
              CLEAR i_ekpa[].
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = <b>i_ekpa[].</b>
              LOOP AT i_ekpa INTO i_wa_ekpa .
                i_wa_bpop-partnerdesc = i_wa_ekpa-parvw .
                i_wa_bpop-langu = sy-langu .
                IF NOT i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 IS INITIAL .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 .
                ELSE .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-parnr .
                ENDIF .
                APPEND i_wa_bpop TO i_bpop .
                CLEAR: i_wa_ekpa, i_wa_bpop .
              ENDLOOP .
                        poheader         = i_bpoh
                        poheaderx        = i_bpohx
                        exppurchaseorder = i_new_ebeln
                        return           = i_bapiret2
                    <b>    poitem           = i_bpoi[]
                        poitemx          = i_bpoix[]
                        poschedule       = i_bpos[]
                        poschedulex      = i_bposx[].</b>
    it should be only i_bpoi, i_bpoix, i_bpos, i_bposx but not  i_bpoi[], i_bpoix[], i_bpos[], i_bposx[].
    CHange the code as follows:
    DATA: i_insert,
            i_cycle     TYPE cycle,
            i_qty_acpt  TYPE dzmeng,
            i_dly_date  TYPE vbak-vdatu,
            i_item      TYPE roijnomiio .
      DATA: i_order TYPE symsgv,
            i_return TYPE swd_return .
      DATA: i_vbak      TYPE vbak,
            i_vbap      TYPE vbap,
            i_ekko      TYPE ekko,
            i_ekpo      TYPE ekpo,
            i_bsoh      TYPE bapisdhd1,
            i_bsohx     TYPE bapisdhd1x,
            i_bpoh      TYPE bapimepoheader,
            i_bpohx     TYPE bapimepoheaderx,
            i_vbeln     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_posnr     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_contr     TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_conit     TYPE posnr_va,
            i_ebeln     TYPE ebeln,
            i_ebelp     TYPE ebelp,
            i_pargr     TYPE pargr,
            i_thead     TYPE thead,
            i_line      TYPE tline,
            i_note      TYPE txw_note,
            i_new_vbeln TYPE vbeln_va,
            i_new_ebeln TYPE ebeln,
            i_wa_bsoi   TYPE bapisditm,
            i_wa_bsoix  TYPE bapisditmx,
            i_wa_bsop   TYPE bapiparnr,
            i_wa_bsos   TYPE bapischdl,
            i_wa_bsosx  TYPE bapischdlx,
            i_wa_vbpa   TYPE vbpa,
            i_wa_vbkd   TYPE vbkd,
            i_wa_bpoi   TYPE bapimepoitem,
            i_wa_bpoix  TYPE bapimepoitemx,
            i_wa_bpos   TYPE bapimeposchedule,
            i_wa_bposx  TYPE bapimeposchedulx,
            i_wa_bpop   TYPE bapiekkop,
            i_wa_ekpa   TYPE ekpa,
            i_message   TYPE char72,
            i_bapiretn  TYPE bapiret2,
            i_bapiret2  TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2 INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbpa      TYPE TABLE OF vbpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_vbkd      TYPE TABLE OF vbkd INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_ekpa      TYPE TABLE OF ekpa INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsos      TYPE TABLE OF bapischdl INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsosx     TYPE TABLE OF bapischdlx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bsop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoi      TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitem INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpoix     TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpos      TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedule INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bposx     TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_bpop      TYPE TABLE OF bapiekkop INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_text_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_line_tab  TYPE TABLE OF tline INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_txw_note  TYPE TABLE OF txw_note INITIAL SIZE 1,
            i_oij_el_doc_mot TYPE oij_el_doc_mot .
      CONSTANTS: c_char_c VALUE 'C',
                 c_char_e VALUE 'E',
                 c_char_p VALUE 'P',
                 c_char_g VALUE 'G',
                 c_char_i VALUE 'I',
                 c_char_s VALUE 'S',
                 c_char_x VALUE 'X',
                 c_zsw(3) VALUE 'ZSW',
                 c_nomit_stat(4) VALUE 'ZDNY' .
      DATA : lv_nomtk_split        TYPE oij_nomtk.
      DATA : i_order_split_create  TYPE TABLE OF zsws_order_split.
      DATA : wa_order_split_create TYPE zsws_order_split.
      LOOP AT i_order_split_create INTO wa_order_split_create.
        IF NOT i_create_order IS INITIAL .
          CLEAR: i_create_order .
              MOVE: wa_order_split_create-docnr  TO i_ebeln,
                    wa_order_split_create-docitm TO i_ebelp .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        po_ekko          = i_ekko
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Header
              i_bpoh-comp_code   = i_ekko-bukrs .
              i_bpoh-doc_type    = i_ekko-bsart .
              i_bpoh-vendor      = i_ekko-lifnr .
              i_bpoh-langu       = i_ekko-spras .
              i_bpoh-pmnttrms    = i_ekko-zterm .
              i_bpoh-purch_org   = i_ekko-ekorg .
              i_bpoh-pur_group   = i_ekko-ekgrp .
              i_bpoh-currency    = i_ekko-waers .
              i_bpoh-agreement   = i_ekko-konnr .
              i_bpoh-incoterms1  = i_ekko-inco1 .
              i_bpoh-incoterms2  = i_ekko-inco2 .
    Fill PO update indicator 'X'
              i_bpohx-comp_code  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-doc_type   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-vendor     = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-langu      = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pmnttrms   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-purch_org  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-pur_group  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-currency   = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms1 = c_char_x .
              i_bpohx-incoterms2 = c_char_x .
                        pi_ebeln         = i_ebeln
                        pi_ebelp         = i_ebelp
                        po_ekpo          = i_ekpo
                        no_records_found = 1
                        OTHERS           = 2.
              IF sy-subrc <> 0 .
              ENDIF .
    Fill PO Item
              i_wa_bpoi-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoi-material   = i_ekpo-matnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-plant      = i_ekpo-werks .
              i_wa_bpoi-stge_loc   = i_ekpo-lgort .
              i_wa_bpoi-quantity   = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              i_wa_bpoi-po_unit    = i_ekpo-meins .
              i_wa_bpoi-tax_code   = i_ekpo-mwskz .
              i_wa_bpoi-val_type   = i_ekpo-bwtar .
              i_wa_bpoi-item_cat   = i_ekpo-pstyp .
              i_wa_bpoi-acctasscat = i_ekpo-knttp .
              i_wa_bpoi-agreement  = i_ekpo-konnr .
              i_wa_bpoi-agmt_item  = i_ekpo-ktpnr .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoi TO i_bpoi .
    Fill PO Item update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bpoix-po_item    = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_itemx   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-material   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-plant      = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-stge_loc   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-quantity   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-po_unit    = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-tax_code   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-val_type   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-item_cat   = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-acctasscat = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agreement  = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bpoix-agmt_item  = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bpoix TO i_bpoix .
    Fill PO Item Schedule
              i_wa_bpos-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bpos-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bpos-delivery_date = wa_order_split_create-dly_date .
              i_wa_bpos-quantity      = wa_order_split_create-qty_acptd .
              APPEND i_wa_bpos TO i_bpos .
    Fill PO Item schedule update indicator 'X'
              i_wa_bposx-po_item       = i_ekpo-ebelp .
              i_wa_bposx-sched_line    = '0001' .
              i_wa_bposx-delivery_date = c_char_x .
              i_wa_bposx-quantity      = c_char_x .
              APPEND i_wa_bposx TO i_bposx .
              CLEAR: i_pargr .
              SELECT SINGLE pargr
                INTO i_pargr
                FROM t161
               WHERE bstyp = i_ekko-bstyp
                 AND bsart = i_ekko-bsart .
              CLEAR i_ekpa[].
                        application = c_char_p
                        ebeln       = i_ebeln
                        bstyp       = i_ekko-bstyp
                        pargr       = i_pargr
                        x_ekpa      = i_ekpa.
              LOOP AT i_ekpa INTO i_wa_ekpa .
                i_wa_bpop-partnerdesc = i_wa_ekpa-parvw .
                i_wa_bpop-langu = sy-langu .
                IF NOT i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 IS INITIAL .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-lifn2 .
                ELSE .
                  i_wa_bpop-buspartno = i_wa_ekpa-parnr .
                ENDIF .
                APPEND i_wa_bpop TO i_bpop .
                CLEAR: i_wa_ekpa, i_wa_bpop .
              ENDLOOP .
                        poheader         = i_bpoh
                        poheaderx        = i_bpohx
                        exppurchaseorder = i_new_ebeln
                        return           = i_bapiret2
                        poitem           = i_bpoi
                        poitemx          = i_bpoix
                        poschedule       = i_bpos
                        poschedulex      = i_bposx.
              i_order = i_new_ebeln .
              SHIFT i_order LEFT DELETING LEADING '0' .
              i_return-errortype = c_char_i .
              i_return-workarea  = c_zsw .
              i_return-message   = '064' .
              i_return-variable1 = i_order .
            loop at i_bapiret2 into i_bapiretn where type ca 'EAX' .
            append i_bapiretn to t_bapi_return .
          endloop .
          if t_bapi_return[] is initial .
             i_create_order = c_char_x .
                        act_return = i_return. "Popup with new PO no.
          ENDCASE .                                     " Docind
        ENDIF .

  • MM Purchase order Workflow  links

    Dear friends,
            I was working on MM Purchase order workflows.
            Please specify Links for exploring MM workflows.
    thanks and Regards,

    Standard Workflow for Purchase Order is WS20000075(Access it via PFTC_DIS Tcode). The business Object for Purchase order is BUS2012(access it via SWO1 Tcode).
    <b>Reward points if useful</b>

  • Output error in purchase order 3000000002 for output medium PRN

    I got this error message:
    'Output error in purchase order 3000000002 for output medium PRN'

    <b>Please go through this -></b>
    To set Output type,check the foll path:
    SPRO->supplier relationship management-> SRM Server->Cross application basic setting->set output action and output format
    See the foll link for more details:
    <b>Related notes:</b>
    Note 1028388 - User settings for output medium is not saved.
    Note 885593 - SRM 5.0 SP02: Incorrect output medium and change impossible
    Do let me know.
    - Atul

  • Purchase order workflow generating mails to invalid peron for one plant

    I have a situation, where the user is receiving workitem mails to approve to outlook, even though he is not an approver. This is the case with only one plant. One more point is even in non-PO workflow, he is receiving the woritem mail execution mails, and plant is same as in PO workflow. Can anyone explain, where I can find the plant and this user relation and how it is happening.

    Check wrong user ID assigned release code in basis side in authorization(SU01 & PFCG) and also check  wrong user ID assigned release code to following path:
    SPRO ---> MM -> Purchasing- > Purchase Order- > Release Procedure for Purchase Orders- > Define Release Procedure for Purchase Orders--- > Workflow ---> Here against each release code assign OT as US and respective User ID's for Release
    Biju K

  • When creating entry sheet,the error raise:purchase order incomplete(parked)

    dear all:
    When I create entry sheet of one po with tcode ml81n,the error raise:purchase order incomplete(parked)message id:se215.
    How to solve this?Thank you!

    hi Jian,
    Go into the PO using ME22N, check whether there is any warning message in it.Complete the PO and then only save it.
    Also check whether the PO is to be released,if it is yes then Release it and then create Entry Sheet using ML81N.wrt PO.
    Also check whether you are referencing a park or hold PO.
    Hope it will help you.
    Manoj K Singh

  • Purchase Order Workflow message for previous level approver

    Hi folks!!
    We are implementing PO workflow through which we want to notify the next level releaser as well as we also want to notify the previous levels releaser as well as Purchase requisition creator (if PR has been used as reference document to create PO).
    I have already successfully implemented the workflow, in which next level of approver gets the notification in his/her SAP Business Workplace as soon as the PO gets approved by the previous level.
    But my requirement is on final approval of PO, notification should also send back to the previous levels approver of PO and Requisition creator.How can I achieve it, please help.
    Best regards

    A check can be made during final level of approval for which e-mail will get triggered to the previous approver and the requisitioner. you would need to provide a Logic to your developer with the message body whihc will trigger an e-mail during final approver and mail recipients will be the previous approver and the Requisitioner which can be picked from Line item in Purchase Order.

  • Error release purchase order using transaction code me29n

    i have warning error this purchasing document number cannot be released.
    while i enter me29n t code.why?
    then how to release purchase order using me29n t code?
    can anyone answer this two questions.

    i have warning error this purchasing document number cannot be released. while i enter me29n t code.why?
    is the release strategy is triggred for the po ?? check thisin  P order in me23n ,in header level check release strategy tab ,
    then how to release purchase order using me29n t code? can anyone answer this two questions.
    just go to me29n >release strategy tab here just click on the release button in front of the release code

  • Unit of Measure Error in Purchase order

    Hi Gurus,
    While saving the Purchase order i am getting the Error message
    "Unit of measure KG not defined for language GB."
    We are trying to place this  PO outside the US .PR already created and released.But when i am converting the PO and saving it gives me this error .
    Thanks a lot in Advance
    Edited by: Metroid01 on Jul 23, 2009 12:55 AM

    How do i create the UOM in CUNI for the specific language? I can see the below
    Int  meas unit---->KG
    Technical---->  Kg(in Po it is taking  g is lower case)
    in ALE/EDI--->ISO Code is EA.
    Can you check this if it is the right set up in  config.
    Thanks a lot for the help.

  • Error in purchase order creation

    While doing me21n systyem throwing error message.
    "purchase order unit  "TO" allows fewer decimal places only"
    i want to enter purchase order quantity as 100.200 Tonnes
    but system is not allow this quantity how to rectify this error.

    Hi Mehboob,
    This is in configuration.
    Go to CUNI transaction code.
    Select TO unit of measure and change its decimal places.
    Please let me know if this works for you.
    Abhay Kapase

  • Error on Purchase Order - Document number 45* not within defined interval

    Hi All,
    PLEASE HELP ME or guide me in the right direction.
    I am faced with a somewhat unique case in our enviroment. Some background first.
    Back in 2000 when we upgraded from Walker to SAP, a number of Purchase orders had to be migrated, one of them is the order i am struggling with. Back then very little validations were built in, resulting in a Local Order being incorrectly created as a International Order but against a local currency.
    Now this ordered is still being reflected as open in our system. When attempting to change the order by activating the 'Delivery Complete indicator", we get an error "use only foreign currency" This is due to the fact that validations against Document Type and Currency was created in 2003 and are in full operation now. It is hard coded thus i can not remove this easily.
    Now when attempting to get around this by changing the Document Type to a Local Purchase order or trying to delete a line, we get the error below.
    "Document number 45* not within defined interval"
    Number ranges do come to mind based on the error description, however, Local Orders have a number range of 45, International Orders have a number range of 47. In this case, the order is created as a International Order BUT the number range is 45*, again, due to a lack of validations/incorrect config back in 2000
    Do any of you know a possible solution to such a problem.
    Jody Ponnusami.

    The validation of document type and currency is not standard, and if this validation cannot be deactivated, then you will have to resort to making changes in debug mode. Put a breakpoint at the relevant check and force it to accept the current combination.
    The second option is to update EKPO table manually using SE16N. Set the delivery completed indicator to X.

  • Need to add two activities in Purchase order workflow template

    I got a requirement for purchase order at workflow template level need to add two activities like below
    a) p.o changed
    b) p.o cancelled.
    once p.o changed based on agent determination agent will receive the mail in his inbox same functionality for p.o cancelled. 
    also at work item level need to add attributes .
    but currently standard workflow for PO release it WS200000075  have only release activity   .
    how to add activity types to be available workflow template also please let me how to do binding for above activities once created?

    Hi vinoth,
    yes this p.o workflow based on release strategy. i was copied the standard workflow template added activities
    one is for changed and another is rejection.
    once functional guy rejected the purchase order rejection  activity  not working properly
    also same problem faced for changed step also while change the p.o value at item level.
    i am using business object BUS2012 adding attributes for work item.
    please guide me how to achieve above functionality also how to do binding for changing and rejection activities?

  • Purchase order workflow issue

    Hi All,
    A PO is created and rejected by a user in user decision step.The workflow will end.If the PO is changed(amount) again,the release strategy is triggered for the same user.But the workflow is not triggering.If the release strategy is for a different user,its triggering the workflow.I have used a fork inside which 1 parallel branch contains a wait for significantly changed event & another branch contains the user decision step,po release step & rejection reason scenario.
    Please refer the thread below.
    PO Release Strategy Issue
    Replies will be greatly appreciated.
    Edited by: Feddie on Jan 3, 2008 11:43 AM

    This is not workflow issue(work flow is different term)
    It seem problem of BADI (program written for creation of purchase order based on sales order)
    Take help of ABPer so he/she can solve this issue

  • Activating conditions for Purchase Order workflows in EBP

    Dear SRMer's,
    I am facing the following problem:
    System Info :SRM Server 5.5, ECC 6.0
    Scenario 1:
    All start conditions for Purchase Order in SAP Business Workflow are activated.
    I created a direct procurement shopping cart (DP)  in SRM browser and ordered it, then I logged in as proffessional purchaser, changed the Price and processed the DP PO.
    When Ordering, the follow on Documents are created, but says the PO is waiting for approval.  When I check for this PO in the Backend R/3 system in the Me22n (Display PO changes), I don't see the PO.
    Scenario 2:
    All Start conditions for Purchase Order in SAP Business Workflow are de-activated
    I created  another direct procurement shopping cart (DP2)  in SRM browser and ordered it, then I logged in as proffessional purchaser, changed the Price and processed the DP2 PO (Status is held). 
    When Ordering, I get the Warning message, no workflow found, contact system administrator.
    Please advice what needs to be configured for the PO to be ordered successfully.
    Thanks in advance

    In your scenario 1, if system is saying that there the PO has to be approved, it means that you have managed the user that will receive the workitem..
    Activating all PO WF is not a solution as in standard there are two many cases activated (amount, role, limit...)
    I propose you to first activate only the 0 step WF and to overwrite the code inside
    Just code that every PO modification should trigger O step WF thus it will be more simple to test it.
    Later on, if you want to implement more complex starting conditions, you just have to modify the WF content...
    Kind regards,

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