Error in standard Customer Listing Summary report

I have three questions about this report.
1) Has this report by chance been deprecated? All of the environments that I have checked have the customer listing summary (and detail) concurrent program as NOT enabled. We are on oracle applications version
2) When I try to run the report wide open it fails with the message "process terminated by signal 10". I figure this is due to the fact there are over 1 million customers in the table and the server is running out of memory or something of that nature. Any other ideas as to why I'm receiving this error?
3) The report will complete successfully if you include some parameters. I used customer number in this case and it worked; however, when I tried customer name low and customer name high. Any value I choose would result in the following error: REP-0091: Invalid value for parameter 'P_CUSTOMER_NAME_LOW', which seems to point to a data type error. I checked the value set, AR_CUSTOMER_NAME, and it has a char data type of size 360 which matches the data type varchar2 and size 360 of the database column, hz_cust_accounts.party_name. Any suggestions as to why I am receiving this error?

1) Has this report by chance been deprecated? All of the environments that I have checked have the customer listing summary (and detail) concurrent program as NOT enabled. We are on oracle applications version believe not.
XML Publisher and Concurrent Manager Integration [ID 276691.1]
Publishing Concurrent Requests with XML Publisher [ID 295409.1]
Customer Open Balance Report APPS-FND-01030 customer name ... is longer than maximum length 50 characters [ID 1118825.1]
Why does Customer Name LOV parameter in Autoinvoice Import Program Gives APP-FND-01564: ORACLE error 24345 in fdlget? [ID 1058105.1]
2) When I try to run the report wide open it fails with the message "process terminated by signal 10". I figure this is due to the fact there are over 1 million customers in the table and the server is running out of memory or something of that nature. Any other ideas as to why I'm receiving this error?Please check the CM/OPP log files for any errors.
3) The report will complete successfully if you include some parameters. I used customer number in this case and it worked; however, when I tried customer name low and customer name high. Any value I choose would result in the following error: REP-0091: Invalid value for parameter 'P_CUSTOMER_NAME_LOW', which seems to point to a data type error. I checked the value set, AR_CUSTOMER_NAME, and it has a char data type of size 360 which matches the data type varchar2 and size 360 of the database column, hz_cust_accounts.party_name. Any suggestions as to why I am receiving this error?See if (When Customer Names Greater Than 50 Characters, Reports With This Parameter Have No Output Or Error [ID 307979.1]) helps.

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    Hi Gurus,
    FI -AR:
    in Customer Payment Summary report we have key figures like Arrears with cash discount and Arrears with out cash discount along with key figures Payement with cash discount and payment without cash discount.
    Could some one explain about what does the meaning of Arrears with cash discount and Arrears with out cash discount key figures.

    The report looking like as bellow.
              Paymt w. Cash Discnt     Arrears w Cash Disct     Paymnt w/o Cash Dist     Arrears w/o Cash Dct
    code     Customer     £                      £     
    2000     2001     0.00                                        0                                              5,104.93     152
    2000     2002     0.00                                       0                                             3,272.46         0
    2000     2002     49,609.74                                      12                                               0.00        0
    2000     4999     2,637.88                                     29                                               0.00        0
    Thanks in advance.

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    when using the SharePoint ODATA or REST APIs each list and site would have a different endpoint URL. Some example URLs are below:
    REST API:'ProjectNotes')/Items'Risks')/Items
    The down site is that in Excel you cant dynamically update the connection URL so would have to add all of these in manually and create the data models - I guess this is ok if you don't have many projects and don't create many new projects. In code such as
    JavaScript it is easy and you can build up the URL dynamically using variables like below:
    projSiteUrl + "/_api/Web/Lists/getByTitle('ProjectNotes')/Items"
     The options to explore to see if you have make this dynamic and get the data you want are:
    Potentially look at the search API and use that in Excel:
    Power Query:
    JavaScript (put the data on a page), example:
    Or bring the data down to a custom SQL database table and report of that data:
    Hope that helps
    Paul Mather | Twitter | | CPS

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    I know I can run a detail report but this gives me pages and pages of information, and I can run a management report (host count) which is great.
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    Many thanks
    Ian Vickery

    Probably the easiest way to get a report with just these 3 data fields would be to query the database directly. Otherwise you could use the API and parse the output for those fields:
    If you are looking for this report just to find which hosts are not active the I would recommend using the host search with your criteria.

  • Customer Balance Summary Report

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    SELECT   mpv.organization_code org_code, gcc.segment2 branch, z.customer_id,
             z.segment2 branch_acc, xba.description, z.customer_number,
             z.customer_name, z.invoice_amt, z.cm_amt, z.receipt_amt, z.balance
        FROM (SELECT         /*main.type,
                             rc.customer_number, rc.customer_name,   --main.value,
                       main.customer_id, gcc.segment2,
                       hca.account_number customer_number,
                       hp.party_name customer_name,
                       --SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE,'Invoice', DECODE (SIGN (main.VALUE),1, main.VALUE,0),0)) invoice_amt,
                       SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE,'Invoice',main.VALUE,0)) invoice_amt,
                       --SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE,'Invoice', DECODE (SIGN (main.VALUE),-1, main.VALUE,0),0)) cm_amt,
                       SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE,'CM_Manual',main.VALUE,0)) cm_amt,
                       SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE, 'Receipt', main.VALUE, 0)) receipt_amt,
                       --SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE,'Invoice', DECODE (SIGN (main.VALUE),1, main.VALUE,0),0))
                       SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE,'Invoice',main.VALUE,0))
                       --+ SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE,'Invoice', DECODE (SIGN (main.VALUE),-1, main.VALUE,0),0))
                       + SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE,'CM_Manual',main.VALUE,0))
                       - SUM (DECODE (main.TYPE, 'Receipt', main.VALUE, 0))balance
                         (SELECT 'Invoice' AS TYPE,
                                 rct.cust_trx_type_id trx_type_id,
                                 rct.bill_to_customer_id customer_id,
                                 SUM (ROUND(DECODE (NVL (rctl.quantity_invoiced,0),0, rctl.quantity_credited,rctl.quantity_invoiced)
                                           * NVL (rctl.unit_selling_price, 0),2)) VALUE
                            FROM ra_customer_trx_all rct,
                                 ra_customer_trx_lines_all rctl
                           WHERE rct.customer_trx_id = rctl.customer_trx_id
                             AND trx_date BETWEEN TO_DATE (:fdate,'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
                                              AND TO_DATE (:tdate,'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
                             AND rct.org_id = '102'
    and (rct.bill_to_customer_id = :p_cust_id or  :p_cust_id is null)
                             AND rctl.sales_order IS NOT NULL
                        GROUP BY rct.cust_trx_type_id, rct.bill_to_customer_id
                        UNION ALL
                          SELECT 'CM_Manual' AS TYPE,
                                 rct.cust_trx_type_id trx_type_id,
                                 rct.bill_to_customer_id customer_id,
                                 SUM (ROUND(DECODE (NVL (rctl.quantity_invoiced,0),0, rctl.quantity_credited,rctl.quantity_invoiced)
                                           * NVL (rctl.unit_selling_price, 0),2)) VALUE
                            FROM ra_customer_trx_all rct,
                                 ra_customer_trx_lines_all rctl
                           WHERE rct.customer_trx_id = rctl.customer_trx_id
                             AND trx_date BETWEEN TO_DATE (:fdate,'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
                                              AND TO_DATE (:tdate,'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
                             AND rct.org_id = '102'
    and (rct.bill_to_customer_id = :p_cust_id or  :p_cust_id is null)
                             AND rctl.sales_order IS NULL
                        GROUP BY rct.cust_trx_type_id, rct.bill_to_customer_id
                        UNION ALL
                          SELECT 'Receipt' AS TYPE,
                                 rcta.cust_trx_type_id trx_type_id,
                                 rcta.ship_to_customer_id customer_id,
                                 SUM (NVL (araa.amount_applied, 0)) VALUE
                            FROM ar_receivable_applications_all araa,
                                 ra_customer_trx_all rcta,
                                 ar_cash_receipts_all acra
                           WHERE araa.status = 'APP'
                             AND araa.display = 'Y'
                             AND araa.applied_customer_trx_id = rcta.customer_trx_id
                             AND acra.receipt_date
                                    BETWEEN TO_DATE (:fdate,'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
                                        AND TO_DATE (:tdate,'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
                             AND rcta.org_id = '102'
                           and (rcta.customer_trx_id = :p_cust_id or  :p_cust_id is null)
                             AND araa.cash_receipt_id IS NOT NULL
                             AND araa.cash_receipt_id = acra.cash_receipt_id
                        GROUP BY rcta.cust_trx_type_id, rcta.ship_to_customer_id
                       ) main,
                       hz_cust_accounts hca,
                       hz_parties hp,
                       ra_cust_trx_types_all rctt,
                       gl_code_combinations gcc
                 WHERE main.customer_id =hca.cust_account_id
                   AND hca.party_id=hp.party_id
                   AND main.trx_type_id = rctt.cust_trx_type_id
                   AND gcc.code_combination_id = gl_id_rec
                   AND rctt.org_id = 102
              GROUP BY gcc.segment2,
                       hp.party_name) z,
             xx_branch_acc xba,
             mtl_parameters_view mpv,
             gl_code_combinations gcc,
             hr_organization_units_v houv
       WHERE xba.branch_acc = z.segment2
         AND gcc.code_combination_id = mpv.material_account
         AND houv.organization_id = mpv.organization_id
         AND gcc.segment2 = xba.branch_acc
         AND mpv.organization_code BETWEEN NVL (:forg, mpv.organization_code)
                                       AND NVL (:torg, mpv.organization_code)
         AND date_to IS NULL
    ORDER BY mpv.organization_code, z.customer_name

    According to (Solution for China Accounting Software Data Interface Standard for R12 [ID 858435.1]) those reports are available without applying any new patches. Have you checked from (System Administrator > Concurrent > Program > Define) if you have those reports or not?

  • How to copy standard SAP list edit tcode IW28 , IW29 to our Z transtions...

    Hi friends,
    Can any one help me on this plz.
    Need two reports for Notifications List Edit, one for change mode and one for display mode.
    These reports need to be copied from the standard SAP list edit transactions IW28 and IW29.
    I. The selection and display variants for the customized notification list edit (ZIW28 & ZIW29) need to include the following custom fields:
    a) SONGS custom Notification attributes include:
    •     Significance level
    •     MRule code
    •     ARC
    •     “Feedback Required? “ checkbox
    b) PPD custom Notification attributes include:
    •     Outage Issue checkbox
    •     “Feedback Required? “ checkbox
    c) Order attributes to be included:
    •     Order Type
    •     Order system statuses
    •     Order users statuses
    •     Order Maint activity type
    •     Order Revision code
    d) Non-Energy Notification custom field attributes include:
    •     Circuit ID
    •     Caller Name
    •     Caller SAP Personnel No
    •     Caller Pax
    •     Caller Alt Phone
    •     Caller email
    •     Caller Company
    •     Caller Bus Unit
    •     Caller Dept
    •     Contact Name
    •     Contact SAP PERNR
    •     Contact PAX
    •     Contact Alt Phone
    •     Contact email
    •     Peregrine #
    •     Created by
    •     Closed by
    e) EAM Notification custom field attributes include:
    •     Location
    •     Elevation
    •     Room
    •     Column
    II. These fields need to be available on both selection and display variant screens. They will be grouped together on the Selection screen (as given in the layout). Also, these fields need to be variant configurable (include/exclude) on the Display screen. Report should make use of the ABAP List Viewer (ALV) functionality to permit standard SAP display results sorting, filtering, etc.
    III. The above requirement specifies that the identified custom fields need to be added to the Custom List Edit Display Variant. In addition, the Order Header Short Text (CAUFVD-KTEXT) and Order Delay Code (WA_COCI_AUFK-ZZDCODES) should only be added to the Custom List Edit Display Variant.
    IV. Delete the standard SAP section for "Selection Using IS-U Objects" and Display Variant fields from the custom list edit report.
    Thanks and regards,

    Copy RIQMEL20 program to your Z Program, and insert your custom fields.
    But i think it will be very difficult since it has many enhancement point and it's not recommended. And it also will give you much trouble in upgrading time.
    May be you can find screen exit for this program and add your custom fields, or just create your new z program.

  • Summary Report by Cost Element/Cost Center.

    Hi SAP Experts,
    Could you please help me in generating the following report.
    I/Customer need the cost center + the cost element + the dollars + the quantity (SKF) + the currency - in the same report.
    Could you please tell me from which table I need to retrieve the above fields.
    Thanks for all your help in advance

    Hi Akhilesh,
    Thanks for your help. Your answer helped me very much.
    The customer wants summary report by Cost Element i.e
    SKFActual(SKF Qty)Cost CenterCostElementDollars+Report Currency.
    First 2 fields (SKF+Actual - SKF Qty) we got from S_ALR_87013611 report. Then we double clicked on SKF then it will take to KSB1 transaction code(as said by you) there we got the rest of the fields.
    Currently we are developing the same Custom Report but it should show by summary i.e by Cost Element.
    Could you please tell me what Tables and Data types we need to refer?
    Again, I wish to hear from you soon.
    Thanking you,

  • Standard Report for Customer Listing

    Hi Gurus
    Is there any standard report available for Customer listing which display customer details.
    Points will be rewarded..

    Hey Happy,
    I think there is no standard report functionality to get the list of the customer but you can get that in this way,
    Go to SE16 transaction enter the table KNVV then execute system will give the all customer which are maintaining sales area data.
    Take the table KNA1 to get the general data customers list
    Take the table KNB1 to the company code data customers list
    I hope it will help you

  • Custom Template for Third Party Balance Summary Report(Java type executable

    Hi Al,l we have a requirment to have a layout with some of the fields from
    Third Party Balance Summary Report( Which is a Java type executable and
    Data definition has Data Template attached(.xml)).
    I tried in below way.
    Coppied the Third Party Balance Summary Report program with same application and parameters
    with. Then defined a Datadefinition with my concurrent prog short name
    attached the same standard .xml file(Not sure what it is) and developed a custom template with
    a custom rtf(excel output type), and submitted the program
    the output is generated in excel but my custom .rtf layout is not getting applied
    rather it is showing same layout as in standard.
    Some thing I am missing here or else it is not the way of changing the
    If any one know how to do this please let me know.
    My client want only some files from the standard report(no need of new fileds)
    with output type xls.
    Thanks in Advance.
    The same content is posted in Custom Template for Third Party Balance Summary Report(Java type executable sorry for duplicating the thread, just for increase the visibility for my issue I did this.

    I gave up on using a different font or figuring out if I could use Times New Roman's built-in fractions visible in Font Book (as unicodes) and did a work-around based on Michael Wasley's tips in this discussion.
    I adapted it however and think it looks a little better.
    Font: Times New Roman 12 point
    I used the fraction bar in 12-point (Shift-Option-1) for automatic kerning.
    For the numerator, I changed the font style to superior (12-point).
    For the denominator, I changed the font style to subscript (Shift-Command-hyphen) and reduced the font size to half, or 6-point using the short-cut Shift-Command-<.
    When the fractions occured in my footnotes (9-point), I used 4-point in the denominator; 10- and 11-point, I used 5-point in the denominator. This seemed to produce the best result when printing.
    Thank you, Michael.

  • Error  while running custom BI report in R12.1.1

    Hi All,
    We are encountering below error while running custom BI report in R12.1.1...
    Forcing NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS to: '.,' for XDO processing
    APPLLCSP Environment Variable set to :
    Current NLS_LANG and NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS Environment Variables are :
    Enter Password:
    MSG-00001: started report
    REP-1401: '': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred.
    REP-0069: Internal error
    REP-57054: In-process job terminated:Terminated with error:
    REP-1401: '': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred.
    Report Builder: Release - Production on Fri Jun 24 16:47:30 2011
    Please let us know how to fix this error.

    Hi Praveen,
    Seems the issue is with the rdf. Check whether all the parameters are passed correctly.
    REP-1401: '': Fatal PL/SQL error occurred.

  • Report for customer list

    Is there any report where if i have a list of customer number and i would like to know each of  the payment term of each customer?
    Or any T-code to display each payment term of each user in a long list?

    t code for customer lidt is S_ALR_87012179

  • Error in running custom query from jspx(site) for Content Tracker Report

    Hi All,
    I want to generate a custom Content Tracker Report. I am able to do so from Content Tracker console, but when i try to invoke the service 'SCT_GET_DOCUMENT_INFO_ADMIN' or 'SCT_GET_DOCUMENT_INFO' with my custom query(which simply counts the number of rows in a table) from my jspx page, it gives the following error.
    oracle.stellent.wcm.server.request.RequestException: Error
    occurred in Content Server executing service
    Caused By: oracle.stellent.ridc.protocol.ServiceException: Unable to get
    document info. Unable to execute service method 'sctExecuteQuery'. The
    error was caused by an internally generated issue. The error has been
    What could be the reason and the resolution?
    Also, I know that i am invoking the service in the right way as custom report from query as 'select * from users' works fine from site.
    P.S. I am using UCM 11g + SSXA

    Things are turning weird. The below two queries work from jspx.
    1. SELECT * FROM Users
    2. SELECT dname FROM Users
    But, the following query gives error (SQL is correct).
    select dname, count(dname) from users group by dname
    Unable to execute service method 'sctExecuteQuery'. Null pointer is dereferenced.
    $Unable to get document info.!csUnableToExecMethod,sctExecuteQuery!syNullPointerException
    intradoc.common.ServiceException: !$Unable to get document info.!csUnableToExecMethod,sctExecuteQuery
    3:sctExecuteQuery,**no captured values**
    at intradoc.server.ServiceRequestImplementor.buildServiceException(
    at intradoc.server.Service.buildServiceException(
    at intradoc.server.Service.createServiceExceptionEx(
    at intradoc.server.Service.createServiceException(
    at intradoc.server.Service.doCodeEx(
    at intradoc.server.Service.doCode(
    at intradoc.server.ServiceRequestImplementor.doAction(
    at intradoc.server.Service.doAction(
    at intradoc.server.ServiceRequestImplementor.doActions(
    at intradoc.server.Service.doActions(
    at intradoc.server.ServiceRequestImplementor.executeActions(
    at intradoc.server.Service.executeActions(
    at intradoc.server.ServiceRequestImplementor.doRequest(
    at intradoc.server.Service.doRequest(
    at intradoc.server.ServiceManager.processCommand(
    at intradoc.server.IdcServerThread.processRequest(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.get(
    at intradoc.util.IdcConcurrentHashMap.get(
    This works fine from Content Tracker UI.
    Anyone has any idea, what could be the issue here?

  • Error when editing some Items in SharePoint Custom List

    Hello I have a custom list with multiple workflows and a customized infopath form. I am getting an unexpected error on some of the list items when I try to edit them. I can view them just fine but the error is occuring on edit for some items.
    I am also able to edit the same item that I am getting the problem with from the datasheet view but just not with infopath form.
    I use the USL to view the correlation error and it just said leaving monitored scoped.
    I also tried saving the list as a template and creating a new list from the template and then creating a new item in that list and got the same error. Please help.
    04/04/2014 11:07:36.72 w3wp.exe (0x1A84) 0x0D3C SharePoint Foundation Runtime tkau Unexpected System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: s at System.IO.StringReader..ctor(String s) at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Internal.WorkflowUtilities.FlattenXmlToHashtable(String strXml) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Internal.WorkflowUtilities.DoesWorkflowCancelWhenItemEdited(String associationXml) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.ConsoleDataSource.EnsurePageNotInLockingWorkflowIfInEditMode() at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.ConsoleDataSource.LoadDataSource() at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.ConsoleDataSource.OnLoad(EventArgs e) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.XmlConsoleDataSource.OnLoad(EventArgs e) at Microsoft.SharePoint.... bfecfe90-9ef9-45d4-ae37-355adb4dd2bb
    04/04/2014 11:07:36.72* w3wp.exe (0x1A84) 0x0D3C SharePoint Foundation Runtime tkau Unexpected ...Publishing.WebControls.PublishingSiteActionsMenuCustomizer.OnLoad(EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) bfecfe90-9ef9-45d4-ae37-355adb4dd2bb
    04/04/2014 11:07:36.75 w3wp.exe (0x1A84) 0x0D3C SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET:http://mydomain:Port/Site/Lists/Listname/Item/editifs.aspx?List=c15b9e3c%2D2aac%2D4a84%2D8317%2De3f9358f41bc&ID=144&IsDlg=1&Web=b5b749d6%2D0d3c%2D4cb5%2Daf3a%2D819ff5ceb88c)). Execution Time=75.1751473982343 bfecfe90-9ef9-45d4-ae37-355adb4dd2bb
    04/04/2014 11:07:36.78 w3wp.exe (0x1A84) 0x0D3C SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:http://mydomain:Port/_catalogs/theme/Themed/7D19B0BC/corev4-8A0ABD2F.css?ctag=0))

    here is the result of Merge-Splogfile
    04/04/2014 11:07:36.72 w3wp.exe (0x1A84) 0x0D3C SharePoint Foundation Runtime tkau Unexpected System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: s at System.IO.StringReader..ctor(String s) at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Internal.WorkflowUtilities.FlattenXmlToHashtable(String strXml) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Internal.WorkflowUtilities.DoesWorkflowCancelWhenItemEdited(String associationXml) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.ConsoleDataSource.EnsurePageNotInLockingWorkflowIfInEditMode() at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.ConsoleDataSource.LoadDataSource() at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.ConsoleDataSource.OnLoad(EventArgs e) at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.XmlConsoleDataSource.OnLoad(EventArgs e) at Microsoft.SharePoint.... bfecfe90-9ef9-45d4-ae37-355adb4dd2bb
    04/04/2014 11:07:36.72* w3wp.exe (0x1A84) 0x0D3C SharePoint Foundation Runtime tkau Unexpected ...Publishing.WebControls.PublishingSiteActionsMenuCustomizer.OnLoad(EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) bfecfe90-9ef9-45d4-ae37-355adb4dd2bb
    04/04/2014 11:07:36.75 w3wp.exe (0x1A84) 0x0D3C SharePoint Foundation Monitoring b4ly Medium Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET:http://mydomain:Port/Site/Lists/Listname/Item/editifs.aspx?List=c15b9e3c%2D2aac%2D4a84%2D8317%2De3f9358f41bc&ID=144&IsDlg=1&Web=b5b749d6%2D0d3c%2D4cb5%2Daf3a%2D819ff5ceb88c)). Execution Time=75.1751473982343 bfecfe90-9ef9-45d4-ae37-355adb4dd2bb
    04/04/2014 11:07:36.78 w3wp.exe (0x1A84) 0x0D3C SharePoint Foundation Monitoring nasq Medium Entering monitored scope (Request (GET:http://mydomain:Port/_catalogs/theme/Themed/7D19B0BC/corev4-8A0ABD2F.css?ctag=0))

  • Adding items to custom list - performance issues - Request timed out error

    I am using VS 2010, c#.
    I am inserting records from an excel file, which contains 6000 records to a custom list.
    I am using the Visual webpart, and oledb connection. I am not using the openXML format, as i need to use "xls" and "xlsx" type.
    I am doing the below steps currently:
    1) From the file upload control, i am saving the excel to the sharepoint layouts - inside that a custom folder, to keep the records.
    2) Using the oledb connection to read the records and fill it in a datatable.
    3) Inserting the datatable values to a custom list.
    Looping through the datatable and inserting 3000 – 4000 records to List, I am getting the "Request timeout error".
    Below is the sample code, where i am looping the datatable and inserting the record:
    SPList prjCmpList = oWeb.Lists[strListName];
    SPListItemCollection prjCmpListItems = prjCmpList.Items;
    SPListItem prjCmpListItem;
    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
    prjCmpListItem = prjCmpListItems.Add();
    prjCmpListItem["Title"] = dr[0];
    prjCmpListItem["FirstName"] = dr[1];
    catch (Exception)
    I am using the "using block" for the spsite and web objects. When I see the execution time out in my web.config it is set to 3600.  But I am getting the request time out after 2 mins only.
    I have checked these link's :
    However, I am following the best practices, and also the insertion of records is to be done programmatically.
    Has anyone faced this kind of issue? How to fix this?

    Thanks for the reply.
    If the list has custom columns which consists of string and Date types, can the same type be used? Or should the list be an empty list without any columns?
    In the xml if it is put as "onerror= continue", how to fetch the records which error out?
    Also, in the datatable code block, which I had put in the first post, I am also trying as below:
    if(dt[1] != null)
    prjCmpListItem["FirstName"] = dt[1].toString();
    Can these condition checks be performed with the "processbatchdata" approach?

  • Create a Report with InfoPath to Show Only Some of Data in a Custom List

    I have to create a report using InfoPath from a SharePoint 2010 custom list. 
    The report has 8 columns, and there will be four repeating? tables in it, each table including data that is filtered from the bigger list to meet two criteria.  All the items in all four repeating tables will meet one of the criteria (Type of Task field
    = Human Capital) and each of the other four repeating tables will be different depending on the contents of the Personnel Action Location field.  Neither Type of Task or Personnel Action Location will be columns in the repeating tables.
    How can I filter data from a custom list as it goes into a form?
    Can I do this on fields that don't otherwise appear in the form?
    If I can just figure out how do to one form, we can do many, many more, and finally really move over to SharePoint, but I just need to get the first one figured out please.  Thanks!

    If you would like to connect data to InfoPath form from SharePoint list, you could make use of Data Connection. You could locate it via InfoPath form > Data ribbon > Get External Data > From SharePoint List.
    And here are the links to use it for your reference:
    Add a query data connection > Step 1: Add a secondary data connection
    SharePoint List Data Connections in InfoPath 2010
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

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