Error REP-3002 when call report from WebForm

i run form (6.0) on Form Server (IAS9i) to call report (6.0) to print receipt on local printer using RUN_PRODUCT command (PARAMFORM=NO, DESTYPE=PRINTER) and got Error Message "REP-3002 Error initializing printer. Please make sure a printer is installed." but on Client-Server it's OK.
the objective is just want to direct print report to printer (do not show parameter form)
anyone know how to solve this problem ?

i've changed to use RUN_REPORT_OBJECT as your advice and followed the instructions in "Oracle Reports Remote Printing Utility - An Oracle Technical White Paper December 2000". i tested orarrp by created the HTML file follow the steps in page 5 of the paper, it worked.
then i modified existed form, set report object property like this :
note : i'm not sure that i set the right value for REPORT_SERVER property, i got this value from TNSNAMES.ORA file.
then call the report with this statement :
:GLOBAL.ReportHandle := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(report_id);
it showed the same error message :
"REP-3002 Error initializing printer. Please make sure a printer is installed."
i think i set something wrong, but i don't know where. could you help me ?

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    i am getting rep-3002 when i call report from a form on web environment. Report is in character mode. It is coming proper if i change it to bitmap. but my requirement is of character mode. pl. give some solution.

    If you are running in WinNT/2000 environment, the NT/2000 user which runs the Report Server service must have a printer defined. In the control panel, look at the properties for the Report Server to see what user it runs as. Log in as that user and make sure a default printer is defined.
    The Oracle Reports Team --skw                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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    When I call a report by using run_product from a form , i get rep-3002. my report is in character mode. if i change it to bitmap that works fine. but my requirement is of character mode on web environment.
    please help.

    If you are running in WinNT/2000 environment, the NT/2000 user which runs the Report Server service must have a printer defined. In the control panel, look at the properties for the Report Server to see what user it runs as. Log in as that user and make sure a default printer is defined.
    The Oracle Reports Team --skw                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • Getting   FRM-41029   when calling report from form

    I have following procedure to run the report but its running fine but giving error FRM-41029 when calling the report from the form.
    Repid := FIND_REPORT_OBJECT(repobj);
    set_report_object_property(repid, REPORT_SERVER, repserv);
    set_report_object_property(repid, REPORT_COMM_MODE, SYNCHRONOUS);
    set_report_object_property(repid, REPORT_DESTYPE,'file');
    set_report_object_property(repid, REPORT_DESFORMAT,repfor);
    set_report_object_property(repid, REPORT_FILENAME,repfile);

    try something like this.
    PROCEDURE sarah ( p_report_name varchar2, vParamValue number ) is
    l_param_list  paramlist;
    l_rep_id      report_object;
    l_rep_job     varchar2(100);
    l_rep_status  varchar(100);
    l_param_list := Get_parameter_List('tmp');
    IF NOT Id_Null(l_param_list ) THEN
    Destroy_parameter_List( l_param_list );
    END IF;
    l_param_list := Create_parameter_List('tmp');
    add_parameter(l_param_list ,'p_num',text_parameter,to_char( vParamValue ));
    l_rep_id := FIND_REPORT_OBJECT( p_report_name );
         id_null ( l_rep_id )
      msg ( 'There is no Report ' || p_report_name || ' in form ' || name_in ( 'system.current_form' ) );
      raise form_trigger_failure;
    end if;
    SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(l_rep_id, REPORT_OTHER, 'paramform=no');
    l_rep_job := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT( l_rep_id, l_param_list );
    l_rep_status := REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS( l_rep_job );
    l_rep_status := report_object_status( l_rep_job );
    WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT('http://sarah:8889/reports/rwservlet/getjobid'||substr(l_rep_job,instr(l_rep_job,'_',-1)+1) || '?server=repserver', '_blank');
    END; then u may call the procedure something like this.
    when-button-pressed trigger.
    sarah ('REPORT6', :block.item );
    Edited by: S@R@h on Nov 30, 2009 9:39 PM

  • Hide UserID, Password, and Report Path when call Report from Report

    I have been able to call Report from Report using the hyperlink.
    I put these code in my Field on the Report caller.
    function F_3FormatTrigger return boolean is
      temp varchar2(2000);
      temp := 'http://<computer_name>:8889/reports/rwservlet?';
      temp := temp || 'server=repsrv' || '&' ||
                         'report=C:\MyReport\rep_detail.jsp' || '&' ||
                         'userid=scott/tiger@orcl' || '&' ||
                         'desformat=htmlcss' || '&' ||
                         'destype=cache' || '&' ||
                         'P_1=' || :ItemID || '&' ||
                         'P_2=' || :ItemName;
      return (TRUE);
    end;The hyperlink showed, and I can see the rep_detail.jsp showed in the same browser after I clicked the hyperlink.
    The problem is, the hyperlink has to include the reports path and also userid and password.
    If I did not put the userid and password, it will showed in another browse that
    "The report has uncompiled PL/SQL"
    How can I hide those userid, password, and the reports path?
    BTW, Is there anyway to show the report callee in different page (precisely, open another IE) from the report caller?
    Any help would be grateful.
    Many thanks,

    Thanks for the answers.
    Yet, I am still doubt about using cgicmd.dat.
    I have looked around in this forum saying that it is not secure to use cgicmd.dat. Because all report request does not use authentication (the client can directly open report without login).
    In Form, I can use the On-Logon to do the Oracle Form login (to do logon to the database), and then I use my own custom user login to restrict the menu for each user.
    I do this since I want to restrict the user,
    i.e user A can only view the sales form as well as sales report,
    user B can only view the purchasing form as well as purchasing report.
    Well, I am not so fond about the SSO itself.
    It comes to my mind, since I don't have to re-login (to the database) each time I call another form (login database is only once at the first Form, On-Logon). It also goes to when calling the report caller.
    What is RAD?
    How can we use it?
    Is OID = Oracle Internet Directory?
    If true, maybe, I won't use it since I don't understand about it also.
    Why we don't have to specify the userid and password when Form calls Report1 (using Run_Report_Object and Web.Show_Document())?
    But we have to specify the userid and password when Report1 calls Report2.
    Any help is appreciated.
    Many thanks,

  • FRM-41213 When calling report from a form using RUN_REPORT_OBJECT

    I get an error frm-41214:unable to connect to the report server when i am trying to call a report from a form using RUN_REPORT_OBJECT.
    My code is as follows:
    I have created a simple report using employee table such tht when i give the department number as parameter it should get the corresponding details along with that i also have highlited the system parameters:
    also other user parameters as
    and in the before parameter form trigger the following code:
    function BeforePForm return boolean is
    vc_parameter_form VARCHAR2(4000);
    vc_hidden_runtime_values VARCHAR2(1000);
    vc_report_name VARCHAR2(100);
    IF (:P_ACTION = '_action_') THEN
         vc_hidden_runtime_values := '_hidden_';
    END IF;
    vc_parameter_form:='<html><body bgcolor="#ffffff"><form method=post action="'
    ||:P_ACTION||'">'||'<input name="hidden_run_parameters" type=hidden value="'
    ||vc_hidden_runtime_values||'">'||'<center><p><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>'
    ||'<input type=submit></td><td width=15><td><input type=reset></td>'||'</tr></table><p><hr><p>';
    return (TRUE);
    After this i created a form with department table as my datablock:
    I created a report object in the form with name REPORT6.
    -Created a procedure in the form with the following code
    report_message VARCHAR2(100);
    rep_status VARCHAR2(100);
    vc_user_name VARCHAR2(100);
    vc_user_password VARCHAR2(100);
    vc_user_connect VARCHAR2(100);
    vc_connect VARCHAR2(300);
    ||' paramform=yes P_USER_CONNECT='
    ||vc_connect||' P_SERVERNAME='||reportserver
    ||' P_ACTION=http://iitv-1:8888/reports/rwservlet?');
    rep_status := report_object_status(report_message);
    rep_status := report_object_status(report_message);
    END LOOP /* Wait for Report to be finished */;
    IF rep_status='FINISHED' then
    message (rep_status||' Report output aborted');
    END IF;
    I created a press button and in the when_button_pressed trigger i added the following code:
         repid REPORT_OBJECT;
         repserver VARCHAR2(100);
         runformat VARCHAR2(10);
         repid := find_report_object('REPORT6');
         repserver := 'rep_iitv-1';
         runformat := 'HTML';
    Then tried to run the form but i got this error frm-41213 unable to connect to the report server.
    Any one please help me.

    Run_report_object can't work with forms9i
    Vikas Singhal

  • Urgent: Getting FRM-41211 when calling reports from forms for first time.

    We are running into the FRM-41211 error, when the users try to call a report from a form. The report is called from a form in SYNCHRONOUS mode. This is the only report that is being called. No other report is
    running at that time when the users get this error. This is happening only the first time when they try to call the report from the form. After getting this error, when they click on OK, and when they try to call this
    report again, the report works fine.
    Any ideas?? It's urgent...

    Maybe try to use "run_report_product"?

  • ERROR:SRW Packages to call report from PL/SQL.

    I am facing the following problem while calling a report from PL/SQL Block.
    This is my code
         SRW.ADD_PARAMETER(myPlist,'GATEWAY'     ,'http:..............');
         SRW.ADD_PARAMETER(myPlist,'USERID'      ,'CGIA_AUTO/AUTO_DEV@ipaddress/ORCL');
         SRW.ADD_PARAMETER(myPlist,'SERVER'      ,'rep_cgian');
         SRW.ADD_PARAMETER(myPlist,'REPORT'     ,'PGIRCGIC047.rdf');
         SRW.ADD_PARAMETER(myPlist,'DESTYPE'     ,'file');
         SRW.ADD_PARAMETER(myPlist,'DESFORMAT'     ,'pdf');
         SRW.ADD_PARAMETER(myPlist,'DESNAME'     ,'\\ipaddress\CGIA_FormPrint\WatchFolder\OTHERS\'||Z.CS_REMARKS_BL||'_'||Z.CS_CHQ_NO||'_'||M_SEQ_NO||'-'||Z.CS_FLEX_07||'-'||Z.CS_FLEX_08||'.pdf');
         SRW.ADD_PARAMETER(myPlist,'PARAMFORM'     ,'NO');
         SRW.ADD_PARAMETER(myPlist,'P_1'     ,Z.CS_BANK_CODE);
         SRW.ADD_PARAMETER(myPlist,'P_2'     ,Z.CS_BAD_ACNT_NO);
         SRW.ADD_PARAMETER(myPlist,'P_3'     ,Z.CS_CHQ_BOOK_ID);
         SRW.ADD_PARAMETER(myPlist,'P_4'     ,Z.CS_CHQ_NO);
         SRW.ADD_PARAMETER(myPlist,'P_5'     ,Z.CS_CHQ_NO);
    *** Length of Paramlist : 1
    OK : Parameter added : GATEWAY=http://...
    *** Length of Paramlist : 2
    OK : Parameter added : USERID=CGIA_AUTO/AUTO_DEV@ipaddress/ORCL
    *** Length of Paramlist : 3
    OK : Parameter added : SERVER=rep_cgian
    *** Length of Paramlist : 4
    OK : Parameter added : REPORT=PGIRCGIC047.rdf
    *** Length of Paramlist : 5
    OK : Parameter added : DESTYPE=file
    *** Length of Paramlist : 6
    OK : Parameter added : DESFORMAT=pdf
    *** Length of Paramlist : 7
    OK : Parameter added :
    *** Length of Paramlist : 8
    OK : Parameter added : PARAMFORM=NO
    *** Length of Paramlist : 9
    OK : Parameter added : P_1=SDNB
    *** Length of Paramlist : 10
    OK : Parameter added : P_2=7000674257
    *** Length of Paramlist : 11
    OK : Parameter added : P_3=7000
    *** Length of Paramlist : 12
    OK : Parameter added : P_4=102024
    *** Length of Paramlist : 13
    OK : Parameter added : P_5=102024
    Starting run_report: building url
    *** Building URL (RUN_REPORT)
    OK : URL built :
    *** Submitting HTTP Request
    *** using URL
    OK : Request submitted - Return stream : <?xml version = '1.0' encoding =
    'ISO-8859-1' standalone = 'yes'?>
    <error code="503"
    component="REP" message="You did not specify the name of a
    Here in this case even though i specify the report id in the parameter,debugger message says that 'You did not specify the name'.
    The same code is working in some other server and giving the pdf output.
    Thanks in advance for any clarification.

    Hello Chirag,
    If you want to invoke and run a report from your PL/SQL code in the database, you can do so by installing and using the SRW package supplied with Reports. This package allows you to run parametrized report jobs on a specified Reports Server from your PL/SQL program and track the job status. Please take a look at the documentation for this package in the Publishing Reports manual on OTN at:
    On the other hand, if you just need to invoke the Reports Builder program from your PL/SQL routine, you would need to use the default builtin for calling external applications from PL/SQL.
    The Oracle Reports Team.


    good morning colegas
    i'm from panama
    when i call a report from a oracle forms menu, its send a user, pass and bd in the url, i need to hide this parameter userid,
    cuando llamo un reporte desde forms, se envia el usuario, pass y bd en el url nesesito ocultar estos parametros del url, le agradeceria si alguno tiene algun eejmplo q me de, de como ocultar estos parametros
    i'm using oracle forms y report 10g
    this is my msn [email protected]
    slds desde panama

    this document show us, only when i call a report from a forms, but not from a menu!
    but to hide these parameters, i need to create a bean in a block a way and the menus do not allow me to create these objects
    you done this before?
    you have a example?
    slds desde panama

  • No Parameter form when calling report from Forms 6i webpage

    I have my Forms 6i fmx files and Reports rep files runnung off of HP Unix
    within the same directory and yet when I call the report with RUN_PRODUCT,
    I don't get the Parameter Form popup. I left it as default at first, and then I even tried using ADD_PARAMETER(pl_id,'PARAMFORM',TEXT_PARAMETER,'HTML') to my parameter pl_id in my RUN_PRODUCT call. Can anyone tell me why I don't get a Parameter form?

    Actually if you are on the Web then you don't have much control over the format the parameter form is in, so specifying it as HTML doesn't help.
    Try paramform=yes when calling teh Report and this "temporarily" should help. The problem that you run into the is that there is nothing happening when you click the parameter form submit button. The reason is that when using Run_Product you are talking to a static HTML file generated into teh Reports temp directory with no services assigned to it.
    Check the Whitepaper under for the options that you have.

  • Supressing the parameter form when calling report from form...

    Hi everybody
    I call a report from a form passing a parameter. After pressing
    the button, the runtime parameter from appears. How do I
    suppress it so that the report appears right after pressing the

    Hi Serguei ,
    You have to add a text parameter 'PARAMFORM' with the value
    'NO' to the passing parameter list.

  • Default file location when calling report from Forms 10G

    I've tried this in the reports forum, but it applies equally to forms I guess..
    I've managed to put together a routine for running a report from a 10G Form. In 6i I specified a "relative path" to my report name as follows:-
    "Run_Product(REPORTS, '..\Reports\myreportname', SYNCHRONOUS, RUNTIME, FILESYSTEM, pl_id, NULL); "
    In 10G I would like to just specify the report name, rather than the full file path. Can I specify a relative file path - or alternatively can I set the default report location in a configuration file?
    At the moment I'm having to specify something like:
    I would like to just have:
    Many thanks,

    Do you run your application on an application server?
    If so you should use the REPORTS_PATH environment variable (in windows registry entry).
    Alternatively you could use an environmentid in the reports.conf-file:
    <server version="">
    <environment id="YOURID">
    <envVariable name="REPORTS_PATH" value="C:\......"/>
    You call the report with the parameter &envid=YOURID in the URL.

  • When calling report from forms, only html format report can show chinese characters

    To all experts,
    When I run report by calling run_report_object() in forms, only html format can show chinese characters. If I choose pdf format, garbage characters were shown instead of chinese characters. My settings on server are as follows:
    Do you know why? I hope to print report in PDF format as PDF turned out to be more regular in format. Is there any additional settings required?
    May experts here broaden my mind?

    You have two different ways of generating Japanese PDF files from Reoprts. One is font aliasing and the other is font subsetting.
    <font aliasing>
    You will need to have the following entries in uiprint.txt (example).
    [ PDF ]
    .....JA16SJIS = "KozMinPro-Regular-Acro"
    "MS UI Gothic".....JA16SJIS = "KozMinPro-Regular-Acro"
    You may need to download and install Japanese Font Pack from Adobe's web site (if your Acrobat is non-Japanese version).
    <font subsetting>
    You will need to add C:\WINNT\Fonts (or wherever your TTF/TTC fonts are installed) to your REPORTS_PATH.
    You will also need to have the following entries in uiprint.txt (example).
    [ PDF:Subset ]
    "Andale Duospace WT J" = "Aduoj.ttf"
    "Albany WT J"="AlbanWTJ.ttf"
    "MS UI Gothic" = "msgothic.ttc"

  • How to hide URL when calling Reports from Forms 10g.

    Hi ,
    When end user runs a report through a form then report output is displayed and following type of URL is also generated on address bar of browser: http://server:7778/reports/rwservlet/getjobid22243?server=rep_servername_appsrv
    Can we hide this URL so that the user cant change the JOB_ID and get access to other previous reports.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Actually, there are several options including the one already offered above. Here are a few more:
    1. If you are using and a newer JRE on the client (e.g. 1.6.0_10 or newer), you could use java script to open the report. This will not be a perfect solution because it may not work if using a non-IE browser or if java scripting is disabled. Refer to MyOracleSupport Article 265863.1 for more information.
    WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT ('javascript:void("","","location=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,"));self.close()','_blank');Replace the url in the above example with the call to your report.
    2. Set the age of the cache to a very short value so that it is only available long enough to be viewed by the user who created it. In other words, when setting the reports properties in your Forms code, include the Reports "others" parameter with TOLERANCE=1
    SET_REPORT_OBJECT_PROPERTY(repid,REPORT_OTHER,'TOLERANCE=1');This will cause the cache (on the server) to live for only one minute then be deleted. Refer to the Report Deployment Guide for more information.
    3. Upgrade to Fusion Middleware (Forms/Reports) 11. In version 11, the Reports jobid can be randomized. See section 18.8.2 of the Reports 11 Deployment Guide

  • MSS - Business Event Details - Error Unexpected Exception when Calling RFC

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    Manager is getting the Error "Unexpected Exception when Calling RFC from Profile Application 'Business Event' when he tries to get the Training history of ONE employee in MSS. However, he is getting the details for the other employees of his department.
    Any inputs on this?
    Thank you.

    I believe it is our custom iView that is incorrect.

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