Error - runClient two time

I have run the Hello RMI for Java 1.5.
First time it run good. But the second time i run it a my localhost the error is:
Client exception: java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host:
I think the host is bloqued or something like this...... any solution.
The example is that is at the sun web.
I have Win profesional 2000, and java 1.5

Hello Allen,
I am not sure what kind of waveforms you will be measuring, but I
thought I would put some ideas out there until you can talk to your
Assuming your two signals will be periodic and similar (same
amplitude, frequency, shape), you can always use the Peak Detector VI
to determine the different peaks and valleys. You can then subtract
the resulting location arrays to determine the time shift between the
two signals.
Some data manipulation is required to get the shift into units of
time. I have attached an example VI to help you get started.
I hope this helps,
Sean C.
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
Attachments: ‏52 KB

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    < Edited By Host >

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    Hello ,
    "Update terminated " error has two reasongs.
    First is system update  was not active and hence terminated
    For this to check Goto the transaction code SM13  and  check whether the SYSTEM UPDATE is active or not.
    If it is active ,
    Then click on the Option TOBE updated in the status  and execute, then in the next screen you can find some list of documents that are not updated and causing error .
    Click on MODULES in the screen and find the erro which causing this error.
    Most this kind of error will happen if something in the Funcion Module or USER EXIT is missing.
    Please check and revert back if you need further details
    Also check the link

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    <netuix:locale language="en"/>
    title="Left-Pane-Header-Footer Shell" description="A header, footer and left pane included in this shell." markupType="Shell" markupName="leftPaneHeaderFooter">
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    <netuix:locale language="en"/>
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    <netuix:jspContent contentUri="/jsp/footer1.jsp" errorUri="/error.jsp"/>
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    Is anyone aware of this issue. How can get rid of this duplication?
    Pradeep Peddi.

    this is the content of
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <netuix:markupDefinition xmlns:netuix="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" markup-netuix-1_0_0.xsd">
    <netuix:locale language="en"/>
    title="Header-Footer Shell" description="A header and footer is included in this shell." markupType="Shell" markupName="headerFooter">

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    *** SESSION ID:(8.8) 2001-01-16 16:43:16.140
    *** 2001-01-16 16:43:16.156
    ksedmp: internal or fatal error
    ORA-12571: TNS:packet writer failure
    ORA-06512: at line 18
    The only way to recover is to terminate the instance's service and restart. This happens every time we add more than 2 users to a group.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    From metalink
    # symptom: ERROR = 12571
    # symptom: trace file generated
    # symptom: Database operations continue successfully
    # cause: The most common cause for the above error is an ungraceful disconnection of a session from the oracle db while the db is currently running a dml statement issued by that session. The error is recorded when oracle attempts to reply back to the session with the results of the dml and cannot access the session. Overall database operations are usually not affected.
    The ora-12571 error usually occurs when the client abruptly terminates with a Ctrl-C or powers down.
    The ora-12571 error, usually, indicates an instability with Oracle with the network. Communication Gap between eHub and Database Server.
    Refer to Doc ID: 164839.1 and Doc ID: 576929.1 on metalink
    Edited by: Anand... on Jan 16, 2009 1:18 PM DoC ID added

  • Why do i need to declate methods two times for this program work

    why should i have to declare 2 times the methods
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {    }
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {    }
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {    }
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {  }
    to make this program work? why when i declate 1 time this program doesn't work good?
    import java.awt.*;*
    import javax.swing.;
    import java.awt.datatransfer.*;
    import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    public class Main extends JPanel implements MouseListener {
    public Main() {
    super(new GridLayout(2,2));
    final JTextArea jt= new JTextArea("dear test :) ",5,20);
    FileReader reader = null;
    System.err.println("Error closing reader");
    JButton bu = new JButton("copiar");
    final Clipboard clipboard = getToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
    //new add
    bu.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
    StringSelection data = new StringSelection(jt.getText());
    clipboard.setContents(data, data);
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
    private static void createAndShowGUI() {
    //Create and set up the window.
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("TextDemo");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Schedule a job for the event dispatch thread:
    //creating and showing this application's GUI.
    javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {    }
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {    }
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {    }
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {  }

    import java.awt.;
    import javax.swing.;
    import java.awt.datatransfer.*;
    import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    public class Main extends JPanel implements MouseListener {
    public Main() {
    super(new GridLayout(2,2));
    final JTextArea jt= new JTextArea("dear test :) ",5,20);
    FileReader reader = null;
    System.err.println("Error closing reader");
    JButton bu = new JButton("copiar");
    final Clipboard clipboard = getToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
    //new add
    bu.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
    StringSelection data = new StringSelection(jt.getText());
    clipboard.setContents(data, data);
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {}
    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { }
    private static void createAndShowGUI() {
    //Create and set up the window.
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("TextDemo");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Schedule a job for the event dispatch thread:
    //creating and showing this application's GUI.
    javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { }
    } the problem is this line bu.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
    if i change this to bu.addMouseListener(this() {
    it gives error saying expected ')'
    and then doesn't compile.
    i just don't know why , although the program runs when i declare the methods two times,
    but i think it's better java code , if i learn it why is this error and correct it

  • I can not make document over two times

    When I use the code generated by xmlclassgen_v1_0_0_2, I can not
    make document over two times in same class. I modified sample
    code( that I got from OTN
    ( to check this problem. I modified it
    like below. The only modification is that I made XML data two
    times. The first call was success, but the second call was
    failed. The result of my test program was below:
    How can I avoid this error? Would you please help me?
    *** Result ****
    ?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ASCII'?>
    <SERVICE NAME="Service1" URL="Service_URL" INPUT="File"
    <BINDING NAME="Binding1" TYPE="Input">
    <REGION NAME="Region1" START="Start" EN
    <VARIABLE NAME="Variable1" NULLOK="False" TYPE="String"
    USAGE="Internal" VALUE="value"/>
    vice1" TYPE="Success"/>
    <VARIABLE NAME="Variable2" NULLOK="True" TYPE="String1"
    <BINDING NAME="Binding2" TYPE="Output">
    <CONDITION REF="CRef2" MATCH="CMatch2" TYPE="Retry"/>
    <VARIABLE NAME="Variable3" NULLOK="False" TYPE="String2"
    USAGE="Function" MASK="mask"/>
    oracle.xml.parser.XMLDOMException: Node doesn't belong to the
    current document
    oracle.xml.parser.XMLDOMException: Node doesn't belong to the
    current document
    at oracle.xml.parser.XMLNode.checkDocument(Compiled
    at oracle.xml.parser.XMLNode.appendChild(Compiled Code)
    at oracle.xml.parser.XMLDocument.appendChild(Compiled
    at oracle.xml.parser.XMLNode.appendChild(Compiled Code)
    at oracle.xml.classgen.CGDocument.<init>(Compiled Code)
    at XML_test1.WIDL.<init>(Compiled Code)
    at XML_test1.TestWidl.test(Compiled Code)
    at XML_test1.TestWidl.main(
    The sample code that I modified was below:
    import oracle.xml.classgen.*;
    import oracle.xml.parser.*;
    public class TestWidl
    public static void main (String args[])
    test(); // I modified
    test(); //I modified
    static void test(){
    WIDL w1 = new WIDL();
    DTD dtd = w1.getDTDNode();
    SERVICE s1 = new SERVICE("Service1", "Service_URL");
    BINDING b1 = new BINDING("Binding1");
    BINDING b2 = new BINDING("Binding2");
    VARIABLE v1 = new VARIABLE("Variable1",
    VARIABLE v2 = new VARIABLE("Variable2",
    VARIABLE v3 = new VARIABLE("Variable3",
    CONDITION c1 = new CONDITION("CRef1", "CMatch1");
    CONDITION c2 = new CONDITION("CRef2", "CMatch2");
    CONDITION c3 = new CONDITION("CRef3", "CMatch3");
    REGION r1 = new REGION("Region1", "Start", "End");
    catch (Exception e)

    Satoshi Ikeda (guest) wrote:
    : Hello.
    : When I use the code generated by xmlclassgen_v1_0_0_2, I can
    : make document over two times in same class. I modified sample
    : code( that I got from OTN
    : ( to check this problem. I modified
    : like below. The only modification is that I made XML data two
    : times. The first call was success, but the second call was
    : failed. The result of my test program was below:
    : How can I avoid this error? Would you please help me?
    : *** Result ****
    : <
    : ?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ASCII'?>
    : "file:/D:/usrs/ikeda/java/myprojects/XML_test1/WIDL_dtd.txt">
    : <WIDL NAME="WIDL1" VERSION="1.0">
    : <SERVICE NAME="Service1" URL="Service_URL" INPUT="File"
    : OUTPUT="File"/>
    : <BINDING NAME="Binding1" TYPE="Input">
    : <REGION NAME="Region1" START="Start" EN
    : D="End"/>
    : <VARIABLE NAME="Variable1" NULLOK="False" TYPE="String"
    : USAGE="Internal" VALUE="value"/>
    : vice1" TYPE="Success"/>
    : <VARIABLE NAME="Variable2" NULLOK="True" TYPE="String1"
    : USAGE="Header"/>
    : </BINDING>
    : <BINDING NAME="Binding2" TYPE="Output">
    : <CONDITION REF="CRef2" MATCH="CMatch2" TYPE="Retry"/>
    : <VARIABLE NAME="Variable3" NULLOK="False" TYPE="String2"
    : USAGE="Function" MASK="mask"/>
    : </BIN
    : DING>
    : </WIDL>
    : oracle.xml.parser.XMLDOMException: Node doesn't belong to the
    : current document
    : oracle.xml.parser.XMLDOMException: Node doesn't belong to the
    : current document
    : at oracle.xml.parser.XMLNode.checkDocument(Compiled
    : Code)
    : at oracle.xml.parser.XMLNode.appendChild(Compiled Code)
    : at oracle.xml.parser.XMLDocument.appendChild(Compiled
    : Code)
    : at oracle.xml.parser.XMLNode.appendChild(Compiled Code)
    : at oracle.xml.classgen.CGDocument.<init>(Compiled Code)
    : at XML_test1.WIDL.<init>(Compiled Code)
    : at XML_test1.TestWidl.test(Compiled Code)
    : at XML_test1.TestWidl.main(
    : The sample code that I modified was below:
    : import oracle.xml.classgen.*;
    : import oracle.xml.parser.*;
    : public class TestWidl
    : public static void main (String args[])
    : test(); // I modified
    : test(); //I modified
    : static void test(){
    : try
    : WIDL w1 = new WIDL();
    : DTD dtd = w1.getDTDNode();
    : w1.setNAME("WIDL1");
    : w1.setVERSION(WIDL.VERSION_1_0);
    : SERVICE s1 = new SERVICE("Service1", "Service_URL");
    : s1.setINPUT("File");
    : s1.setOUTPUT("File");
    : BINDING b1 = new BINDING("Binding1");
    : BINDING b2 = new BINDING("Binding2");
    : VARIABLE v1 = new VARIABLE("Variable1",
    : v1.setVALUE("value");
    : VARIABLE v2 = new VARIABLE("Variable2",
    : VARIABLE v3 = new VARIABLE("Variable3",
    : v3.setMASK("mask");
    : CONDITION c1 = new CONDITION("CRef1", "CMatch1");
    : c1.setSERVICE("Service1");
    : CONDITION c2 = new CONDITION("CRef2", "CMatch2");
    : CONDITION c3 = new CONDITION("CRef3", "CMatch3");
    : c3.setSERVICE("Service3");
    : REGION r1 = new REGION("Region1", "Start", "End");
    : b1.addNode(r1);
    : b1.addNode(v1);
    : b1.addNode(c1);
    : b1.addNode(v2);
    : b2.addNode(c2);
    : b2.addNode(v3);
    : w1.addNode(s1);
    : w1.addNode(b1);
    : w1.addNode(b2);
    : //w1.validateContent();
    : w1.print(System.out);
    : catch (Exception e)
    : System.out.println(e.toString());
    : e.printStackTrace();
    WIDL w1 = new WIDL();
    out of test() and modify it as
    public class TestWidl
    static WIDL w1 = new WIDL(); ...
    and this will work.
    Oracle XML Team
    Oracle Technology Network

  • Why do I need to reflesh one, to two times just to view a webpage properly?

    Every time I visit a page, I have to refresh one, to two times before the page is able to be viewed properly. This happens on other computers, and other internet connections. How can I make it so the webpage is exactly as it should be the first time around? When I go to a page, I get the "basic" text version. Once I refresh, all the formatting, videos, and pictures will be up.

    import java.awt.;
    import javax.swing.;
    import java.awt.datatransfer.*;
    import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    public class Main extends JPanel implements MouseListener {
    public Main() {
    super(new GridLayout(2,2));
    final JTextArea jt= new JTextArea("dear test :) ",5,20);
    FileReader reader = null;
    System.err.println("Error closing reader");
    JButton bu = new JButton("copiar");
    final Clipboard clipboard = getToolkit().getSystemClipboard();
    //new add
    bu.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
    StringSelection data = new StringSelection(jt.getText());
    clipboard.setContents(data, data);
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {}
    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { }
    private static void createAndShowGUI() {
    //Create and set up the window.
    JFrame frame = new JFrame("TextDemo");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Schedule a job for the event dispatch thread:
    //creating and showing this application's GUI.
    javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { }
    public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { }
    } the problem is this line bu.addMouseListener(new MouseListener() {
    if i change this to bu.addMouseListener(this() {
    it gives error saying expected ')'
    and then doesn't compile.
    i just don't know why , although the program runs when i declare the methods two times,
    but i think it's better java code , if i learn it why is this error and correct it

  • Directory being added two times in JTable rows.(JTable Incorrect add. Rows)

    I have a problem, The scenario is that when I click any folder that is in my JTable's row, the table is update by removing all the rows and showing only the contents of my selected folder. If my selected folder contains sub-folders it is some how showing that sub-folder two time and if there are files too that are shown correctly. e.g. If I have a parent folder FG1 and inside that folder I have one more folder FG12 and two .java files then when I click on FG1 my table should show FG12 and two .java files in separate rows, right now it is showing me the contents of FG1 folder but some how FG12 is shown on two rows i.e. first row shows FG12 second row shows FG12 third row shows my .java file and fourth row shows my .java fil. FG12 should be shown only one time. The code is attached. The methods to look are upDateTabel(...) and clearTableData(....), after clearing all my rows then I proceed on adding my data to the Jtable and inserting rows. May be addRow(... method of DefaultTableModel is called two times if it is a directory I don't know why. Please see the code below what I am doing wrong and how to fix it. Any help is appreciated.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.*;
    public class SimpleTable extends JPanel {
         /** Formats the date */
         protected SimpleDateFormat           formatter;
    /** two-dimensional array to hold the information for each column */
    protected Object                     data[][];
    /** variable to hold the date and time in a raw form for the directory*/
    protected long                          dateDirectory;
    /** holds the readable form converted date for the directories*/
    protected String                     dirDate;
    /** holds the readable form converted date for the files*/
    protected String                     fileDate;
    /** variable to hold the date and time in a raw form for the file*/
    protected long                          dateFile;
    /** holds the length of the file in bytes */
    protected long                         totalLen;
    /** convert the length to the wrapper class */
    protected Long                         longe;
    /** Vector to hold the sub directories */
    protected Vector                     subDir;
    /** holds the name of the selected directory */
    protected String                    dirNameHold;
    /** converting vector to an Array and store the values in this */
    protected File                     directoryArray[];
    /** hashtable to store the key-value pair */
    protected static Hashtable hashTable = new Hashtable();
    /** refer to the TableModel that is the default*/
    protected DefaultTableModel      model;
    /** stores the path of the selected file */
    protected static String               fullPath;
    /** stores the currently selected file */
    protected static File selectedFilename;
    /** stores the extension of the selected file */
    protected static String           extension;
    /** holds the names of the columns */
    protected final String columnNames[] = {"Name", "Size", "Type", "Modified"};
         * Default constructor
         * @param File the list of files and directories to be shown in the JTable.
    public SimpleTable(File directoryArray[])
              this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
              this.setBorder( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
              data = new Object[this.getRowTotal(directoryArray)][this.getColumnTotal()];
              formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm aaa");
              //this shows the data in the JTable i.e. the primary directory stuff.
              for(int k = 0; k < directoryArray.length; k++)
                        data[k][0] = directoryArray[k].getName();
                        data[k][2] = "File Folder";
                        dateDirectory = directoryArray[k].lastModified();
                        dirDate = formatter.format(new java.util.Date(dateDirectory));
                        data[k][3] = dirDate;
                        (SimpleTable.hashTable).put(directoryArray[k].getName(), directoryArray[k]);                    
                   else if(directoryArray[k].isFile())
                        data[k][0] = directoryArray[k].getName();
                        totalLen = directoryArray[k].length();
                        longe = new Long(totalLen);
                        data[k][1] = longe + " Bytes";
                        dateFile = directoryArray[k].lastModified();
                        fileDate = formatter.format(new java.util.Date(dateFile));
                        data[k][3] = fileDate;
                        (SimpleTable.hashTable).put(directoryArray[k].getName(), directoryArray[k]);
    model = new DefaultTableModel();
    model.addTableModelListener( new TableModelListener(){
              public void tableChanged( javax.swing.event.TableModelEvent e )
              final JTable table = new JTable(model);
              table.setBorder( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
              table.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter()
    public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
    //TBD:- needs to handle the doubleClick of the mouse.
    System.out.println("The clicked component is " + table.rowAtPoint(e.getPoint()) + "AND the number of clicks is " + e.getClickCount());
    if(e.getClickCount() >= 2 &&
    (table.getSelectedColumn() == 0) &&
         System.out.println("The clicked component is " + table.rowAtPoint(e.getPoint()) + "AND the number of clicks is " + e.getClickCount());
              /** set the columns */
              for(int c = 0; c < columnNames.length; c++)
              /** set the rows */
              for(int r = 0; r < data.length; r++)
              //this sets the tool-tip on the headers.
              DefaultTableCellRenderer D_headerRenderer = (DefaultTableCellRenderer ) table.getTableHeader().getDefaultRenderer();
              table.getColumnModel().getColumn(0).setHeaderRenderer(D_headerRenderer );
              ((DefaultTableCellRenderer)D_headerRenderer).setToolTipText("File and Folder in the Current Folder");
    //Create the scroll pane and add the table to it.
    JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
    //Add the scroll pane to this window.
    this.add(scrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    * Returns the number of columns
    * @return int number of columns
    public int getColumnTotal()
         return columnNames.length;
    * Returns the number of rows
    * @return int number of rows
    public int getRowTotal(Object directoryArray[])
         return directoryArray.length;
    * Update the table according to the selection made if a directory then searches and
    * shows the contents of the directory, if a file fills the appropriate fields.
    * @param JTable table we are working on
    * //TBD: handling of the files.
    private void upDateTable(JTable table)
    if((table.getSelectedColumn() == 0) && ((table.getColumnName(0)).equals(columnNames[0])))
         dirNameHold =(String) table.getValueAt(table.getSelectedRow(),table.getSelectedColumn());
                   File argument = findPath(dirNameHold);
                             fullPath = argument.getCanonicalPath();                          
                             selectedFilename = argument.getCanonicalFile();                          
                             extension = fullPath.substring(fullPath.lastIndexOf('.'));
                             CMRDialog.filtersComboBox.addItem("( " + extension + " )" + " File");
                        catch(IOException e)
                             System.out.println("THE ERROR IS " + e);
                   else if(argument.isDirectory())
                        String path = argument.getName();
                             //find the system dependent file separator
                             //String fileSeparator = System.getProperty("file.separator");
                        CMRDialog.driveComboBox.addItem(" " + path);
              subDir = Search.subDirs(argument);
              /**TBD:- needs a method to convert the vector to an array and return the array */
              directoryArray = new File[subDir.size()];
                   int indexCount = 0;
                   /** TBD:- This is inefficient way of converting a vector to an array */               
                   Iterator e = subDir.iterator();               
                   while( e.hasNext() )
                        directoryArray[indexCount] = (File);
              /** now calls this method and clears the previous data */
                   data = new Object[this.getRowTotal(directoryArray)][this.getColumnTotal()];
                   formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm aaa");
                   data = null;
                   data = new Object[this.getRowTotal(directoryArray)][this.getColumnTotal()];
                   for(int k = 0; k < directoryArray.length; k++)
                             data[k][0] = directoryArray[k].getName();
                             data[k][2] = "File Folder";
                             dateDirectory = directoryArray[k].lastModified();
                             dirDate = formatter.format(new java.util.Date(dateDirectory));
                             data[k][3] = dirDate;
                             (SimpleTable.hashTable).put(directoryArray[k].getName(), directoryArray[k]);
                        else if(directoryArray[k].isFile())
                             data[k][0] = directoryArray[k].getName();
                             totalLen = directoryArray[k].length();
                             longe = new Long(totalLen);
                             data[k][1] = longe + " Bytes";
                             dateFile = directoryArray[k].lastModified();
                             fileDate = formatter.format(new java.util.Date(dateFile));
                             data[k][3] = fileDate;
                             (SimpleTable.hashTable).put(directoryArray[k].getName(), directoryArray[k]);                    }
    * Searches the Hashtable and returns the path of the folder or the value.
    * @param String name of the directory or file.
    * @return File     full-path of the selected file or directory.
    public File findPath(String value)
         return (File)((SimpleTable.hashTable).get(value));
    * This clears the previous data in the JTable and removes the rows.
    * @param     JTable table we are updating.
    public void clearTableData(JTable table)
         for(int row = table.getRowCount() - 1; row >= 0; --row)

    java gurus any idea how ti fix this problem.

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