ES2 problems on Windows.

  I am using JavaFX 8 b102 and I have compiled ES2 (for this version)
without any problems. I use the jfxrt.jar and prism_es2.dll.
But when I run with: -Dprism.verbose=true -Dprism.order=es2,d3d,sw, I receive this:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.sun.prism.es2.ES2PhongShader
What I must do to solve that !!!

Maybe download a copy of a Linux of OS X build, extract the jfxrt.jar from that and place it on the classpath such that it gets picked up after the standard windows jfxrt.jar has loaded.
I'm guessing as the Linux or OS X builds run with the es2, that the jfxrt.jar file from those builds will include the necessary compatible Java classes.
There may be some way to tweak the open-jfx build to get the jfxrt.jar built for Windows to include es2 pipepline related Java classes.
Also, I'm sure your aware, that running the es2 pipeline on Windows is not an officially supported configuration by Oracle.
I'm curious as to why you want to do this.

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  • How to compile only prism-es2 native on windows...

    I only desire to compile the JavaFX prism-es2 native for windows.
    (Because the prism-es2.dll is not included in JDK 8).
    The information I have from OpenJFX is:
    (Not very usefull).
    I do not wish to recompile the JDK 8 in totality !!!!!!
    Only the part Prism-es2 native... How I can do that ???
    I had taken the source code from:
    Thank you ....

    -How to compile OpenJFX ?
    I try several ways (JDK1.6, JDK1.7, ...) to compile and all time,
    I receive a lot of errors.
    (Missing com.sun.javafx.font,
      I do not found these packages: com.sun.javafx.font and com.sun.javafx.text.
          (possibly auto-generated)
    And the use of ant with: -Dbuild.compiler=javac1.7 change absolutely nothing...
    =>This is how finally I compile sucessfully. (After one week of different tests !!!)
    +First, I follow the instructions of:
    Take the source code:
    +From OpenJDK)
    -Basic Windows Check List:    (I follow all the instructions).
    1. Install the CYGWIN product.                          <--Done (The 64 bits version)
    2. Install the Bootstrap JDK, set ALT_BOOTDIR.          <--Done (JDK 1.8)
    3. Optional Import JDK, set ALT_JDK_IMPORT_PATH.    <--Not done(Not necessary for us)
    4. Install the Microsoft Visual Studio Compilers).  <--Done
       Visual Studio 2010 Express (Visual C++/C) installed.
       Windows SDK 7.1 installed (To build 64 bits). ==>WindowsSdkDir added.
       VS100COMNTOOLS is defined.
    5. Setup all environment variables for compilers (see compilers).   <--Done (64 bits)
        ...\Common7\Tools\vsvars32.bat not used because
            ...\VC\bin\amd64\vcvars64.bat is used for 64 bits.
       We set all manually for us)
        set CYGWIN=C:\ProgramFiles\cygwin64\bin
        set VSINSTALLDIR=C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Microsoft_Visual_Studio10.0
        set WindowsSdkDir=C:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft_SDKs\Windows\v7.1
        set PATH=%VSINSTALLDIR%\vc\bin\amd64;%VSINSTALLDIR%\Common7\IDE;%WindowsSdkDir%\bin;%CYGWIN%;%PATH%
        set INCLUDE=%VSINSTALLDIR%\vc\include;%WindowsSdkDir%\include
        set LIB=%VSINSTALLDIR%\vc\lib\amd64;%WindowsSdkDir%\lib\x64
    6. Install Microsoft DirectX SDK.                         <--Done. (June 2010 version)
       set DXSDK_DIR=C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\MicrosoftDirectX_SDK(June2010)
       set INCLUDE=%INCLUDE%;%DXSDK_DIR%\Include;
       set LIB=%LIB%;%DXSDK_DIR%\Lib\x64;
    7. Install Ant 1.7.1 or newer, make sure it is in your PATH and set ANT_HOME. <--Done.
       (The version 1.9.1)
    And also)
      -So it's important that the Visual Studio paths in PATH preceed the CYGWIN path /usr/bin.
          (due to link.exe)        <--Done
      -And for the: MSVCR100.DLL   <--Done
       set ALT_MSVCRNN_DLL_PATH=%VSINSTALLDIR%\Common7\Packages\Debugger\X64 (This is the only place found)
    +From OpenJFX)
    I follow all the instructions...
    But for antlr, I use the version from:
    -Change inside build-src\genVSproperties.bat
    to include my zzz_batch1\c_settings1.bat
    REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    REM PATCH ZZZ....Visual Studio 2010...
    Rem Must be called by master\build-src\genVSproperties.bat
    REM Result is inside
    REM No .NET\Framework...
    REM These lines will be installation-dependent.
    set CYGWIN=C:\ProgramFiles\cygwin64\bin
    set VSINSTALLDIR=C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\Microsoft_Visual_Studio10.0
    set WindowsSdkDir=C:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft_SDKs\Windows\v7.1
    set DXSDK=C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\MicrosoftDirectX_SDK(June2010)
    set ALT_MSVCRNN_DLL_PATH=%VSINSTALLDIR%\Common7\Packages\Debugger\X64
    REM The following should be largely installation-independent.
    set INCLUDE=%VCINSTALLDIR%\include;%WindowsSdkDir%\include;%DXSDK%\Include;%INCLUDE%
    set LIB=%VCINSTALLDIR%\lib\amd64;%WindowsSdkDir%\lib\x64;%DXSDK%\Lib\x64;%ALT_MSVCRNN_DLL_PATH%;%LIB%
    set DEVENVCMD=%DEVENVDIR%\VCExpress.exe
    set PATH=%VCINSTALLDIR%\bin\amd64;%VSINSTALLDIR%\Common7\IDE;%WindowsSdkDir%\bin;%CYGWIN%;%PATH%
    REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if not exist "%DEVENVCMD%" set DEVENVCMD=%DEVENVDIR%\VCExpress.exe
    REM ZZZ Patch...
    call ..\zzz_batch1\c_settings1.bat
    REM Echo out a properties file
    Now I receive a lot of errors at the compilation:
        [mkdir] Created dir: C:\zgroup1\userbase1\javafx1\open-jfx\master\rt\javafx-ui-quantum\build\classes
        [javac] Compiling 43 source files to C:\zgroup1\userbase1\javafx1\open-jfx\master\rt\javafx-ui-quantum\build\classes
        [javac] C:\zgroup1\userbase1\javafx1\open-jfx\master\rt\javafx-ui-quantum\src\com\sun\javafx\tk\quantum\ error: constructor PresentableState in class PresentableState cannot be applied to given types;
        [javac]         super();
        [javac]         ^
        [javac]   required: View
    etc ...
    After search, I found that the compilation process, use the file:
       I rename it: jfxrt.jarXXX
       (I don't know how this jar is included after some searchs).
       After the C:\zgroup1\userbase1\javafx1\open-jfx\master\artifacts\sdk\rt\lib\ext\jfxrt.jar
       causes the same errors. I create an empty jar named jfxrt.jar.
       Now I can recompile all, (After a clean)
       I clean all, I recompile but I have the another errors.
    I change the rt\build.xml:
           <condition property="include.ogl">
              <istrue value="${isWindows}"/>
            Build targets...
        <target name="jar" depends="init">
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/javafx-accessible/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/javafx-common/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/javafx-logging/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/glass/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/javafx-beans/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/javafx-util-converter/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/javafx-anim/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/javafx-geom/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/pisces/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/decora-compiler/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/decora-runtime/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/javafx-sg-common/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/javafx-ui-common/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/javafx-concurrent/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/prism-util/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/prism-common/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/javafx-ui-quantum/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/javafx-sg-prism/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/javafx-embed-swing/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/javafx-ui-controls/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/javafx-ui-charts/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/decora-prism/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <antcall target="jar-decora-d3d"/>
            <antcall target="jar-decora-es2"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/decora-jsw/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/decora-prism-sw/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/decora-prism-ps/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <antcall target="jar-decora-sse"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/prism-util/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/prism-common/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/prism-j2d/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/prism-ps/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/prism-null/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <antcall target="jar-prism-sw"/>
            <antcall target="jar-prism-d3d"/>
            <antcall target="jar-prism-es2-all"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/javafx-beans-dt/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/javafx-fxml/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
            <antcall target="jar-javafx-android"/>
            <antcall target="jar-javafx-embed-swt"/>
            <ant antfile="${rt.root.dir}/javafx-builders/build.xml" target="jar" inheritAll="false"/>
    I recompile and now:
        [mkdir] Created dir: C:\zgroup1\userbase1\javafx1\open-jfx\master\rt\javafx-ui-common\build\classes
        [javac] Compiling 471 source files to C:\zgroup1\userbase1\javafx1\open-jfx\master\rt\javafx-ui-common\build\classes
        [javac] C:\zgroup1\userbase1\javafx1\open-jfx\master\rt\javafx-ui-common\src\com\sun\webkit\dom\ error: cannot find symbol
        [javac] import netscape.javascript.JSException;
        [javac]                           ^
        [javac]   symbol:   class JSException
    --->Compile webview (and webview needs another packages, circular problems)...
    Recompile all is not really possible due to intersecting packages...
    I change rt\glass\glass\build.xml because missing)
        <property name="jfx.accessible.dir" value="${rt.dist.root.dir}/javafx-accessible"/>
        <property name="jfx.accessible.jar" value="${jfx.accessible.dir}/dist/javafx-accessible.jar"/>
    Now I recompile, I have errors but now I understand something.
    When master\artifacts\sdk\rt\lib\ext\jfxrt.jar is the empty version, I compile at a certain point.
    I copy the C:\ProgramFiles\Java\jdk1.8.0\jre\lib\ext\jfxrt.jar to master\artifacts\sdk\rt\lib\ext
    and I able to go to another point. When errors, I take the empty version and alternatively I pass
    from the empty to full version.
    Finally I compile all and:
         [echo] Creating merged openjfxrt.jar file
        [mkdir] Created dir: C:\zgroup1\userbase1\javafx1\open-jfx\master\rt\dist\lib
          [jar] Building jar: C:\zgroup1\userbase1\javafx1\open-jfx\master\rt\dist\lib\openjfxrt.jar
         [echo] Copying binaries
        [mkdir] Created dir: C:\zgroup1\userbase1\javafx1\open-jfx\master\rt\dist\bin
         [copy] Copying 1 file to C:\zgroup1\userbase1\javafx1\open-jfx\master\rt\dist\bin
    I have my ES2 (Decora,Prism) part compiled with prism-es2.dll inside prism-es2-native.jar
    Now I will test all !!!

  • Installation problem on windows server 2008 r2 datacenter edition 64bit

    today, i tried to install the current maxdb 7.8 release on my virtual server with a windows server 2008 r2 datacenter 64bit edition os. at the first installation, i got an error message something with "rte runtime error". at this point, the installation stopped.
    because of this error, i tried to uninstall the failed installation. this was not possible, in the uninstaller, i didn't see any components, so i can't uninstall.
    so i tried to delete the files manually: the entries in the start menu, and the application's path under "program files"... first, i need to kill a process named "serv.exe", that creates a tcp daemon under port 7200... after killing it, the deletion of the dir in program files was successful.
    this is very very weird, now my server is "contaminated" with an uncomplete uninstallation of maxdb...
    why maxdb 7.8 has problems on windows server 2008 r2 datacenter 64bit edition???
    thanks for feedbacks!
    regards, jan

    > no, because i canceled this virtual server - another method to solve this problem. (i have really no time for things like that..!)
    If you take the time to give exact error messages then someone will be certainly able to help
    > on windows server 2003, there are NO problems.
    Windows 2003 != Windows 2008 - they use a different kernel, a different security system (UAC) and other features that may prevent a succesfull installation in the first place.
    I installed a MaxDB 7.8 just today on Windows 2008 R2 and it worked fine.

  • Oracle database 11g release 2 installation problem on windows 7 (64-bit)

    First of all my windows is not genuine, but on my friend's desktop oracle download and installation  worked fine, he chose "create and configure database" options, and it works very well on his desktop, though his windows is also illegitimate. In my case, when I select "Create and configure database" option and pressed 'next",
    (Go to my blog to see it with snapshots: Computer Science: Oracle database 11g release 2 installation problem on windows 7 (64-bit))
    it asks to select class, I select "Desktop class" and pressed "next". The moment I pressed "next", the whole setup thing disappeared like it was never started. I searched for all possible reasons for why its not getting installed on my laptop, I used registry cleaner s/w,  deleted 25 GB of data to create free space if it were the problem, increased the virtual memory to increase the space for RAM, I did almost everything to get this setup working, but I found no success with the "Create and Configure database" option
    I chose a "database software only" option and chose to store in a folder w/o spaces. This way, I got database s/w only and then later I found "Database configuration Assistant (DBCA)"  from windows START button and clicked to create and configure database manually. The steps are pretty much interactive and doesn't involve much brainstorming.
    The values I filled for
    1) Global Database Name :  orcl
    2) System Identifier : orcl
    3) I chose common password for both SYS and SYSTEM
    4) while on Enterprise Manager Configuration step, It asked me to create and configure listener in oracle home, so for that too, I typed "netca" in windows START menu and clicked it. There I added a listener.
    5) I chose a Storage area which was the Oracle-home itself i.e. where our installation files goes , in my case it is : C:\oracle_base\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oradata
    6) Then after few more nitty-gritty clicks, we are set to go !
    Finally to write SQL code and to create your first TABLE , type "sqlplus" in windows "START" menu and click it when it appears. A command-prompt like window appears , which will ask you for username and password, so here they are :
    Username : sys/ as sysdba
    Password : (its the one you created in step 3 stated above )
    After this you are ready to write your first SQL command.

    Is this your solution to your original post at Oracle database 11g release 2 installation on windows 7 (64-bit) ?
    Pl be aware that you should not create any custom objects in SYS or SYSTEM schema - you should create any such objects in a separate custom schema.
    About Database Administrator Security and Privileges

  • Lightroom 3.2 Installation Problem on Windows 7 64-bit

    Lightroom 3.2 Installation Problem on Windows 7 64-bit
    I can't install Lightroom 3.2 (German) on my computer (Windows 7 Professional 64-bit).
    While copying the extracted program files the following error message appears:
    An error occurred during the installation of assembly component {6435B7C0-E0C8-3EA2-91AE-7640034EAFCE}. HRESULT: 0x80070002.
    I found out that other users had the same problem, and couldn't find a solution.
    Perhaps it is a Microsoft .NET Framework related problem. But after installing .NET Framework 4 nothing changed.
    Thanks for ideas to solve the problem.

    Thanks for your advice, Mr. McLion.
    I downloaded the 3.4.1 version and started the installation as administrator. Unfortunately the same error message occured again.
    Then I tried to install the 32-bit version (although I prefer a 64-bit program on a 64-bit operating system). A similar error message appeared at the same point of installation progress, but with another combination of numbers and letters in brackets.

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    According to your description, it seems like VS itself problem, you can try to repair this program through Control Panel for test. If no use, it would be better to post your question at VS forum for further assistance.
    Contact VS forum:
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

  • TS3918 I am experiencing this problem on Windows 7 64 bit.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    I am experiencing aniTunes reinstall problem on Windows 7 64 bit.    I have uninstalled the iTunes product and reinstalled 11.02 for windows 7 64 bit but can't get iTunes going again.  The first error message I get is: "The file "iTunes Libirary.itl" cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes".  The next error message I get is:  "There is a problem sending the command to the program."  Any suggestions on what to do next would be appreciated. ( I would have posted this in Windows area had I been given a choice.)

    I believe that message can sometimes be a sign of a corrupt library file, unless of course you've tried to downgrade to an older build of iTunes. Restore it as described in this post.

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    My brand new Mac:
    MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014)
    2,5 GHz Intel Core i7
    16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

    I have the same problem on macbook pro retina 15 late 2013 - top configuration

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    i have a problem with windows in after effect in my monitor
    my monitor is 15.6 and resolution is 1366*768
    for example when i open interpret footage window i can't see that complete and amount of size window dont visible.

    Your system doesn't meet the requirements and that is that. AE has required 900 pixel height ever since CS4. Other than changing your screen res or shuffling around windows there is nothing you can do.

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    Hi has anyone had a problem with windows 7n and Itunes...My Itunes was working now wont open says files missing reinstall...which I have done several times also other programs that were working now have error message your side by side configuration isnt correct any ideas!!!

    Yes, I am also having trouble with my windows 7n.  I tried to install the download but it didn't have 32 bit for my computer and I don't think it will help me see my phone on my external devices. I can't transfer my photos. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Problems with Windows XP SP3 in Boot Camp

    I have recently received a 21.5" iMac; it is the higher-end of the 21.5" standard configurations. The problems I am having, I believe, specifically relate to drivers.
    Firstly, I get no sound whatsoever in Windows XP SP3 (boot camp); I have tried removing and reinstalling the drivers from the Snow Leopard install disc, but no success. I have no yellow question marks in the device manager window, but the absence of audio still persists.
    Secondly, I cannot gain access to the special functions of the Apple wireless keyboard in Windows XP SP3 via Boot Camp. Again, I have tried reinstalling the drivers, but no success. I have read an Apple support document which states that the keys are only supported on late 2009 Macs; I own one of these Macs, so that cannot be the problem.

    Problems with Windows XP SP3 in Boot Camp
    Boot Camp forums are here:

  • I am having a problem with Windows Fusion installed on a MacBook.

    I am having a problem with Windows Fusion installed on a MacBook OS 10.  When attempting to use a Browser, (either IE, or Chrome), under Windows Fusion, I cannot browse to ANY page except
    I checked all security settings, and found no problem. Neither browser will allow me to do ANYTHING other than go to!!!
    I am not sure if I have some virus on my Windows side, because Google and Safari both work perfectly on my Apple side, just not when running Windows Fusion.
    Is there some setting I am missing, or do you think I have malware/virus issues?? My Internet connection is DEFINITELY working fine - I can send, receive, open, and close all my email on Gmail only, and can navigate freely on Gmail, but cannot get to any other site even hyperlinked to Gmail.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you very much.

    HartEJ wrote:
    ...Neither browser will allow me to do ANYTHING other than go to!!!...
    If you've already tried my previous suggestions, it may be that something has tampered with the DNS settings in your Windows VM, which might bypass the settings your Mac uses. Assuming you're using Windows 8, these instructions explain how to check and change the DNS settings. There's also a link in those instructions listing a variety of suggested DNS settings. If you do try changing the settings, record what the settings currently are in case you want to return to them.

  • IPod/iTunes problems on Windows XP

    Now equiped with 5G iPods, my wife and I tried putting our photo album onto them. We have separate Windows XP logins.
    Problem 1: Using the same photo directory was impossible: the "iPod Photo Cache" that is created there is write-protected against users other than the creator. Couldn't it be made shareable, or else created elsewhere than in the shared photo directory root (as is the iTunes music library)?
    Problem 2: All our music files are on an external USB hard drive. Up until now, this drive did not need to be connected for me to sync the iPod with the podcasts in my music directory. It would just claim it couldn't find the disconnected files. I decided (given problem 1) to put a copy of our photos on the external drive too. When I tried sync'ing without the drive attached, iTunes got stuck in a busy-loop, using up all the CPU of the machine. I had to kill the process. I copied the photos back to the PC's internal disk, attached the external drive, reconfigured to point to the internal drive and sync'ed. All OK. Then I sync'ed without the external drive being there: looping again!
    Problem 3: Windows XP has a much too simplistic approach to assigning drive letters. Even if you use the Computer Management -> Disk Management tool (accessible via the Control Panel's Administrative Tools) to assign a particular drive letter to an external drive, Windows is only too happy using that letter for another, non-assigned drive. Unfortunately, I loaded my songs into the iTunes library when the external drive was labelled G, the first free drive letter on my machine. Short of deleting the library and starting again (something I don't want to do), there is no way I can see to repoint the library references as a group (you can do it file-by-file, but that's incredibly slow and frustrating for even a single directory/album; forget a collection of 6000 songs!). Can this be scripted in some way on XP?
    Thanks for any help/suggestions/fixes to iTunes!
    Sony VAIO VGN-A190   Windows XP  

    I have no idea. It is not listed in any App articles and a Google search did not even find a hit for the error number.
    All I can suggest is:
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Removing and Reinstalling iTunes, QuickTime, and other software components for Windows XP

  • Having problems installing Windows 7 on my Macbook Pro w/Boot Camp

    Having a problem installing Windows 7 Home Premium (64-Bit) on my Macbook Pro (mid-2010) 13". I use the Boot Camp Assistant, download the necessary drivers and burn them to a disc. I insert my legit Windows 7 install disc, and the process begins but once I get to 'Completing installation', my mac freezes and I have to restart it and delete the partition. This has happened twice. I have contacted Apple and Microsoft and neither of them said that they could help me with the problem so if someone has had a similar issue and found a solution to it, I would really appreciate the help.

    Hi S,
    You may want to post in the Boot Camp forum where more of those experts hang out:

  • Looking for a site that shows problems with windows patches or updates.

    Looking for a site that shows problems with windows patches or I know what not to install.
    Plenty of sites list and summarize individual patches, I want one that consolidates problems and complaints so I can better assess the risk. Currently I'm waiting to install patches several days and doing google searches. That works, but I'd rather find a place
    that does it with expertise.
    Which forums would be best to look for such problems.
    Thanks in and advance for suggestions

    I agreed with Cyber and Rick.
    Windows update helps to keep your PC safer—and your software current—by fetching the latest security and feature updates from Microsoft via the Internet.
    Although there might be some problems when installing it, Windows update is not the one to blame.
    For troubleshooting Windows updates, if needed:
    Fix Microsoft Windows Update Issues
    Best regards
    Michael Shao
    TechNet Community Support

Maybe you are looking for