ESS Approval calls ITS

I configured ESS with Portal 7.3. I didn't do this for a long time and think to remember that I could approve the leave request within the URL item. But now I only get a link to a document that calls a HTML-Transaktion. Is this right? Where do I need to configure the UWL Item to be able to trigger the approval right from the uwl item?
Thanks a lot,
  a really confused Vanessa

You dont call ITS in NW 7.3
its based on WD ABAP or WD JAVA if you are ehp5 or ehp4 respectively
customisation of tasks is done in SWFVISU
and you have connectors set up to backend system to access teh workitem details
Here is the help documentation:
the system SAP_Webdynrpo_XSS should have maintained the WAS properties
with the port of the portal.
It should point to the WAS. Please check this.
Please ensure system configuration-
>system landscape->system(my system)->Web Application server settings
please check is it pointing to  ABAP Server, If yes then change to Java
server then your Leave Approver Application will work.
For queries regarding Universal Work List you can consult the
excellent guide given on the link below:

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    if you want to show it in a section of your bsp page use iframe  or frames else use the standard navigation->go_to_page('itsurl');

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    thanks in advance

    Dear Bala,
    if it would have been the port problem then others users also do not get that right
    some users are getting some are not getting
    thanks in advance

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    Can anybody suggest me on  documents on implementation / customization of ESS based on ITS

    Hi Aneez,
    check <a href="">this SAP Help link</a>

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    In settings, tab to "Do Not Disturb". Make shoure it is not turned on.
    If this dosn't work, please tell me what version of iOS you are running.
    Do this by going to Settings > General > About. Look under "Version"

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    can u send me the screen shots .

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    Hi ESS Gurus,
         I have a requirement in ESS Workflow approval process. When the approver was on leave, is there any option of choosing another approver of employee's choice in standard ITS system for the version 4.7. Do we have any SAP standard functionality for this requirement. or else only by customization?

    Go to table : V_PTARQ_TPROCESS
    and try giving option No calculation/manual entry in Determine Next Agent column. 
    If this resolves your problem, then award with points.
    All the best,

  • Call ITS SAP R3 from CRM WebClient using parameter NOHEADEROKCODE=1

    Good day,
    I need some help with an issue.
    We want to hide the command field in the SAP GUI for HTML using parameter ~noHeaderOkCode.
    But we want to hide it only when we access the R3 transactions from the CRM WebClient, not in the rest of uses of R3 ITS SAP GUI for HTML. The CRM WebClient launchs some transactions of SAP R3 inside its web, and we want users not to call another transactions there by using the command field.
    I've been reading about alias and external alias, but not resolved our issue.
    I'll appreciate any help.
    Best regards,

    Hi Martina,
    one option might be to create a ZWEBGUI service for your CRM WebClient. i.e A copy of the WEBGUI service with the parameter  ~NOHEADEROKCODE1 set in its parameters section.
    You could also then restrict  access to the NEW service to your CRM Users.
    See the WIKI:
    [How to limit access to an ITS service to specific users? | ]

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    We are using ESS 50.4 on ECC6 with internal ITS.  It is working well except for a mouseover message when the user places the mouse over a pushbutton in the applications for Address, Personal Information, Bank Information, and Family/Related persons.
    The mouseover message says 'Pushbutton deactivated' even though the pushbutton has not been deactivated. 
    Can this be fixed via the portal or through ICF or in SE80?
    Thanks for any suggestions,
    D. Maupin

    Those parameters look about right for the WEBGUI service, but not so much for the ESS services you mentioned.
    I just had a look at one of the few remaining ITS based ESS services we still use (PZ03 Bank) and the parameters we have set in SE80 and SICF look like this:
    ~AUTOSCROLL      0
    ~POPUPS      1
    ~STYLE      DHTML
    The mouseover messages seem to work fine for us with those parameters, maybe try setting one of yours the same way and see if that helps.

  • RRI?  How to call ITS URL and pass field value from Bex Query.

    I am doing RRI from query to webaddress,
    i have defined jump(report type: webaddress and reicver report as url) from shopping cart bex query(SRM ) to webaddres.
    here url is SRM ITS base link for monitoring shoppingcart(http://(hostname):(SRM port)/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/bbp_mon_sc?sap-client=200&sap-language=EN).
    jump is working from portal(from bex query ivew).
    but i want to pass value(shopping cart value) to above url and want to skip first screen.
    i have maintained assignment detail by assigning field name against shopping cart infoobject with type url parameter, but its not directly call reciver url with given input field.
    i tried the diffrent combination of url and field assignment as like below:
    1: web address url:http://(hostname):(SRM port)/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/bbp_mon_sc?sap-client=200&sap-language=EN
    assigned field: GS_HEADER-OBJECT_ID
    but when we call reciver url from portal bex ivew, only initial screen come with page url as below:
    http://(hostname):(SRM port)/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/bbp_mon_sc?sap-client=200&sap-language=EN?GS_HEADER-OBJECT_ID='selected number value'
    2: web address url:http://(hostname):(SRM port)/sap(cz1TSUQlM2FBTk9OJTNhc3JtZGV2X0lTRF8wMCUzYUdxdFNqdWdMS2xyTEFEelFTNFlWTnJXRjEzdy05UnhTWXl4TW03c3AtQVRU)/bc/gui/sap/its/bbp_mon_sc/~flNUQVRFPTgzMTcuMDAyLjAxLjAx====#jump_to_selected_sc
    assigned field: flNUQVRFPTgzMTcuMDAyLjAxLjAx
    but when we call reciver url from portal bex ivew, only initial screen come with page url as below:
    http://(hostname):(SRM port)/sap(cz1TSUQlM2FBTk9OJTNhc3JtZGV2X0lTRF8wMCUzYUdxdFNqdWdMS2xyTEFEelFTNFlWTnJXRjEzdy05UnhTWXl4TW03c3AtQVRU)/bc/gui/sap/its/bbp_mon_sc/~flNUQVRFPTgzMTcuMDAyLjAxLjAx====#jump_to_selected_sc?flNUQVRFPTgzMTcuMDAyLjAxLjAx='selected number value'
    I have seen the source code of that url(inital screen and after entring the value to that screen) too.
    how to call webadress(SRM ITS base shopping cart URL) with passing the one of field value of that url screen?
    Thanks and regards,

    Declare the gv_orderid in modulepool program.
    And Declare the parameter as import parameter in smartform.
    CALL FUNCTION  lv_form
    *   ARCHIVE_INDEX              =
    *   ARCHIVE_INDEX_TAB          =
    *   ARCHIVE_PARAMETERS         =
    *   CONTROL_PARAMETERS         =
    *   MAIL_APPL_OBJ              =
    *   MAIL_RECIPIENT             =
    *   MAIL_SENDER                =
    *   OUTPUT_OPTIONS             =
    *   USER_SETTINGS              = 'X'
         i_input                    =  gv_orderid
    *   DOCUMENT_OUTPUT_INFO       =
    *   JOB_OUTPUT_INFO            =
    *   JOB_OUTPUT_OPTIONS         =
    *   FORMATTING_ERROR           = 1
    *   INTERNAL_ERROR             = 2
    *   SEND_ERROR                 = 3
    *   USER_CANCELED              = 4
    *   OTHERS                     = 5

  • Create an object instance without calling its constructor?

    Sometimes it's useful to create object instances without calling their constructor. When? For example object deserialization.
    By default when deserializating an object, the instance in the VM is created by calling the default constructor of the first non Serializable super-class (if you don't have such you're in trouble). I think that the db4o object database don't even call any constructor you may have written.
    So such thing exists, but how is this possible? I fugured out that sun's deserialization mechanism first finds the constructor of the first non Serializable super-class and then:
    cons = reflFactory.newConstructorForSerialization(cl, cons); Here I'm stuck.
    Here's the source of the method for finding serializable constructor:
         * Returns subclass-accessible no-arg constructor of first non-serializable
         * superclass, or null if none found.  Access checks are disabled on the
         * returned constructor (if any).
        private static Constructor getSerializableConstructor(Class cl) {
         Class initCl = cl;
         while (Serializable.class.isAssignableFrom(initCl)) {
             if ((initCl = initCl.getSuperclass()) == null) {
              return null;
         try {
             Constructor cons = initCl.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[0]);
             int mods = cons.getModifiers();
             if ((mods & Modifier.PRIVATE) != 0 ||
              ((mods & (Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.PROTECTED)) == 0 &&
               !packageEquals(cl, initCl)))
              return null;
             cons = reflFactory.newConstructorForSerialization(cl, cons);
             return cons;
         } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
             return null;
        }So any info about this ReflectionFactory, and the problem as a whole?

    So the question is how to create object instance without initializing it (calling the constructor)? And if you have any info about ReflectionFactory it will be useful too.
    When serializing an object you save all its fields and some extra info. When you deserialize it you have to reconstruct it, by copying the fields back, but not to reinitialize.
    import java.lang.reflect.*;
    import sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory;
    public class Test0 implements Serializable {
        public Test0() {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            Constructor<Test0> constr = reflectionFactory.newConstructorForSerialization(Test0.class, Object.class.getConstructor(new Class[0]));
            System.out.println(constr.newInstance(new Object[0]).getClass());
        private static final ReflectionFactory reflectionFactory = (ReflectionFactory)
             new ReflectionFactory.GetReflectionFactoryAction());
    }When you execute this piece you get:
    class Test0

  • Calling ITS Service via abap program

    We have made an ITS Service (SAP GUI for HTML) for one of the R/3 programs (Customized).
    If the URL is linked directly to the service, it shows correctly.
    But if we call the service via transaction code as in: Call tcode Zabc..., it does not work.
    How can we call the service directly from the abap program on the click of a button?
    Thanks in advance.

    You can do something like this:
               url                          = path
               new_window                   = 'X'
               frontend_not_supported       = 1
               frontend_error               = 2
               prog_not_found               = 3
               no_batch                     = 4
               unspecified_error            = 5
               OTHERS                       = 6
    where PATH variable is ITS service url:
        CONCATENATE 'http://server:port/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui?transaction=xxxxxx&okcode=xxxx INTO path.
    Hope this helps,

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