Event in Cluster View

Hi Experts,
I've defined a cluster view for 1 header table and 3 dependant tables.
Some fields from the header table are obligatory, so I am checking it in a form routine.
  IF v_sdchgfta-fieldtype IS INITIAL.
    MESSAGE e001(mc_sdfta).
I've created an event on the header view : 05 (creating a new entry) + "F_VALIDATE_FIELDS" (form routine).
The problem is, when I test the cluster view, and one of those fields is empty, the error message is displayed but the rest of the lines are shown in display mode.
Do you know how must I do it so that I can enter the empty fields when I check it?
I should check the fields are not empty if I change the line too (not only when I add a line).
Please help me out in this.
Thanks in Advance,

Change error to warning and for mandatory fields make the initial values checkbox to be checked.

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    Raghavendra Goutham P.

    Hello Pasapula
    When you are in the View Cluster maintenance dialog (SE54) click on dialog "Events".
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    Check this...

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    If I would append or change or delete records in the first view I want to add or change or delete some records in the second view
    Without a dependant field how will you perform this operation ?
    You have to link the fields in the tables, generate maintenance view, add it to cluster view and do it.

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    Bug or design flaw?
    Try setting it as a recurring event (yeah, I know, it's not a great solution, but it gets the job done)

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    Perhaps I'm not setting up my events as you are but I see a color for each day of my multi-day event.
    My steps:
    1. Add a multi-day event to iCal:
    2. Switch to Year view and observe the matching date range (26th - 29th):
    Make sure you have all your updates installed (Apple > Software Update).
    Toggle the "all day" check box for the events in question and see if that makes the events show up in Year view.
    If that doesn't help, please provide a screen shot of the edit window of the event in question so we can see how you have it configured:

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    THXS Henk

    Same here. Though make it an all day event and it spans all day in month view.
    Looks like an obscure bug (I'd guess most folks who have events that span more than one day just make them all day events. This is worth a bug report to Apple: http://discussions.info.apple.com/webx?linkprocess_@@.3bbae6ea

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    You could create a separate calendar for repetitive events, and uncheck them when using the day/week view.

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    I've tried double clicking in a day as I always did but nothing.

    Ko be,
    Application UI issues are in many cases, caused by a corrupt plist file.
    Quit iCal, and try removing the com.apple.iCal.plist file from your Macintosh HD/Users/yourusername/Library/Preferences Folder. Since that Library is now hidden, you have to use the Finder>Go Menu>Depress the "Option" key>Library. Drag the .plist file to your desktop, and log out/in or restart and check iCal for functionality.
    Also read Apple iCal 5 Office Software Review | Macworld for a description of Lion iCal.

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    Try refreshing the iCal plist file. You will find the com.apple.iCal.plist file in your Macintosh HD/Users/yourusername/Library/Preferences Folder. To get to the Library folder use Finder>Go>Depress the "Option" Key and select LIbrary. Quit iCal, drag the .plist file to your Desktop. Then log out/in or restart.

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    Is there a way to fix these issues in iCal? Or is there an iCal alternative that offers these things? I am basically looking for these things, each of which is a possible deal breaker for me (and I find it hard to figure out if iCal alternatives offer these basic functions):
    Week view.with out-of-view markers.
    Week view showing ALL all-day events.
    Icon that shows the date (in the icon or in a badge).

    I'm not sure how this got in the iPhone forum. I seem to recall posting in the iPad forum, but I may be wrong. Anyway, it's iCal for iPad I'm talking about, even though the same issues exist on the iPhone.

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