Evilwm launcher patch

Ok so I was a big fan of evilwm during my "minimalist hunt". I still use it as my floating alternative to Ratpoison (yes, tmpwm can do wonders )
One thing that I've always hated about evilwm was the lack of any type of application launcher, all you could do was to spawn a terminal, and start your application from there.
I wrote this little patch really fasts, it works, but I intend to extend on it (for now you can only launch apps or scripts, but I intend to make it default to dmenu without the need of a separate script)
To patch against evilwm-1.0.1(fresh source, nothing messed with or else the patch could fail):
1. Copy the patch somewhere within reach (I usually put it right in the source's directory)
2. Do `patch -p1 ./evilwm-1.0.1-lich.patch`
3. `make clean && make && sudo make install`
You can now run evilwm with an extra flag, -launcher. The patch defaults to using the application called "launcher" (which should not exist unless you made one called like that). If you have an app in your $PATH that has this name already, no need to pass the flag (ONLY IF that application is actually an application launcher, otherwise make the flag point to your launch script). My `launcher` script ( I keep it in my ~/bin directory, which is in my $PATH )
exec $(dmenu_path | dmenu -nb "grey20" -nf "goldenrod" -sb "goldenrod" -sf "grey20")
chmod +x ~/bin/launcher` and that's it, start evilwm and you should have dmenu run on CTRL+ALT+m (default evilwm MOD is CTRL+ALT)
diff -crB evilwm-1.0.1/events.c evilwm-1.0.1-lich/events.c
*** evilwm-1.0.1/events.c 2009-03-30 13:37:06.000000000 +0300
--- evilwm-1.0.1-lich/events.c 2009-10-06 16:36:53.000000000 +0300
*** 33,38 ****
--- 33,41 ----
switch(key) {
+ spawn(opt_launcher);
+ break;
case KEY_NEW:
diff -crB evilwm-1.0.1/evilwm.h evilwm-1.0.1-lich/evilwm.h
*** evilwm-1.0.1/evilwm.h 2009-03-30 13:37:05.000000000 +0300
--- evilwm-1.0.1-lich/evilwm.h 2009-10-06 16:36:53.000000000 +0300
*** 51,57 ****
#define DEF_TERM "xterm"
/* readability stuff */
#define KEY_TO_VDESK(key) ((key) - XK_1)
--- 51,57 ----
#define DEF_TERM "xterm"
! #define DEF_LAUNCHER "launcher"
/* readability stuff */
#define KEY_TO_VDESK(key) ((key) - XK_1)
*** 200,205 ****
--- 200,206 ----
extern unsigned int grabmask2;
extern unsigned int altmask;
extern const char *opt_term[3];
+ extern const char *opt_launcher[3];
extern int opt_bw;
#ifdef SNAP
extern int opt_snap;
diff -crB evilwm-1.0.1/keymap.h evilwm-1.0.1-lich/keymap.h
*** evilwm-1.0.1/keymap.h 2009-03-30 13:37:06.000000000 +0300
--- evilwm-1.0.1-lich/keymap.h 2009-10-06 16:36:53.000000000 +0300
*** 1,6 ****
#ifndef _KEYMAP_H
#define _KEYMAP_H
#define KEY_NEXT XK_Tab
#define KEY_NEW XK_Return
#define KEY_TOPLEFT XK_y
--- 1,6 ----
#ifndef _KEYMAP_H
#define _KEYMAP_H
! #define KEY_LAUNCHER XK_m
#define KEY_NEXT XK_Tab
#define KEY_NEW XK_Return
#define KEY_TOPLEFT XK_y
diff -crB evilwm-1.0.1/main.c evilwm-1.0.1-lich/main.c
*** evilwm-1.0.1/main.c 2009-03-30 13:37:06.000000000 +0300
--- evilwm-1.0.1-lich/main.c 2009-10-06 16:36:53.000000000 +0300
*** 51,56 ****
--- 51,57 ----
unsigned int grabmask2 = Mod1Mask;
unsigned int altmask = ShiftMask;
const char *opt_term[3] = { DEF_TERM, DEF_TERM, NULL };
+ const char *opt_launcher[3] = { DEF_LAUNCHER, DEF_LAUNCHER, NULL };
int opt_bw = DEF_BW;
#ifdef SNAP
int opt_snap = 0;
*** 83,88 ****
--- 84,90 ----
{ "-bw", OPT_INT, &opt_bw },
{ "-term", OPT_STRING, &opt_term[0] },
+ { "-launcher", OPT_STRING, &opt_launcher[0] },
#ifdef SNAP
{ "-snap", OPT_INT, &opt_snap },
*** 189,195 ****
LOG_INFO(" [-app name/class] [-g geometry] [-v vdesk] [-s]");
! LOG_INFO("\n [-nosoliddrag]");
LOG_INFO(" [-V]\n");
if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-h") || 0 == strcmp(argv[i], "--help"))
--- 191,197 ----
LOG_INFO(" [-app name/class] [-g geometry] [-v vdesk] [-s]");
! LOG_INFO("\n [-nosoliddrag] [-launcher app]");
LOG_INFO(" [-V]\n");
if (0 == strcmp(argv[i], "-h") || 0 == strcmp(argv[i], "--help"))
*** 199,205 ****
opt_term[1] = opt_term[0];
wm_exit = 0;
act.sa_handler = handle_signal;
--- 201,207 ----
opt_term[1] = opt_term[0];
! opt_launcher[1] = opt_launcher[0];
wm_exit = 0;
act.sa_handler = handle_signal;
diff -crB evilwm-1.0.1/screen.c evilwm-1.0.1-lich/screen.c
*** evilwm-1.0.1/screen.c 2009-03-30 13:37:06.000000000 +0300
--- evilwm-1.0.1-lich/screen.c 2009-10-06 16:36:53.000000000 +0300
*** 460,466 ****
XK_1, XK_2, XK_3, XK_4, XK_5, XK_6, XK_7, XK_8,
--- 460,466 ----
XK_1, XK_2, XK_3, XK_4, XK_5, XK_6, XK_7, XK_8,
Enjoy, even though anyone with a minimal C knowledge could have done this
Last edited by Lich (2009-10-06 14:06:06)

SamC wrote:Another way to do this is by setting something like gmrun or dmenu_run as your terminal, or using xbindkeys to run it.
Yes, that's how I used it too, but why not have an 'official' option?

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  • StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Live Chat Session - Transcript

    Transcript for "StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Developer Chat", Thurs July 15 2010 (Part I)
    Aaron-GS: Good evening and welcome to our StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty developer chat!
    Aaron-GS: Chris Sigaty from Blizzard Entertainment is currently online with us and he's here to answer your questions about the game! Dustin Browder will be joining us shortly.
    ChrisSi: Hello everyone!
    Aaron-GS: This chat is queued and moderated, so please allow the developers some time to review and respond to your questions.
    Aaron-GS: Please also refrain from asking complex, multi-part questions to be fair to other participants.
    Aaron-GS: The queue is now open, so ask away!
    sillyup20: Regarding future balance changes, will you guys continue to patch SC2 after release to ensure balance of all 3 races?
    ChrisSi: Yes, it's definitely important to us to ensure that the game remains balanced after launch. We will make patches as needed to address balance issues after launch
    Guest-16: For the Campaign experience, will there be variation for future play throughs?
    ChrisSi: Yes, one of the things we're really excited about with the campaign of Wings of Liberty is that players can make choices as to which missions to do next, what technologies they want to upgrade their army with, and so on. We think there's a lot of replayability in this huge campaign (29 missions) and players will get a ton of play time just with the campaign and some replayability
    Guest-46: What is the devs' relationship with the Battle.net 2.0 team?
    ChrisSi: We work very closely and we're in constant contact with the Battle.net team. The launch of StarCraft II and Battle.net is very much a team effort at Blizzard.
    Guest-81: Will Kerrigan have a large role in Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty?
    Lamonte: How many 1v1 multiplayer maps will be available for launch? And how will user created maps get put into the 1v1 map pool?
    ChrisSi: yes she definitely plays a large role in the story. but how exactly that plays out, you'll have to play to see
    DustinB: I think it's about 10 maps in the 1v1 queue. As we see great community maps we will take them internally, fix them up to match our map making standards (if necessary) and add them to the pool.
    Guest-19: Will you be doing an overhaul of some of the SC2 sounds, in particular, the siege tank and the hydra death and the marine death sound? Many of the fans are concerned that the audio side of Starcraft 2 will not be up-to-date and on-par with the graphics, animations and multiplayer experience
    Aaron-GS: The queue has been temporarily closed to allow Chris and Dustin some time to answer questions that have already been submitted.
    Aaron-GS: Thank you for your patience.
    DustinB: The sounds you hear in the beta are largely final. We will continue to update sounds in patches and of course in our two expansion products, Heart of the Swarm and Wings of Liberty.
    Guest-73: Will you please stop nerfing Protoss? Much love from Aiur.
    DustinB: The Protoss are now only slightly ahead of the other two races according to our numbers. But I think the nerfs for the Protoss are done for now. However the community continues to learn and we will buff and nerf as needed.=)
    pureWasted: Do you have any plans to make units such as Reapers and Zerglings more viable in the late game?
    DustinB: We continue to watch the balance in the game. Zerglings and Reapers do have some uses in the late game in some match ups, and we are waiting to see if they have more use once the community learns more about the game or if they fall off user build orders all together. We will not be doing any more patches in beta and we will be waiting at least several weeks after launch before we do any additional balance patch work (unless we see something really broken). In many ways the balance is in the hands of the community now for a while. We will see what kinds of strategies people come up with, what they learn to do with what they have and we will make decisions only after we learn a lot more about how the game plays with ALL of our fans playing.=)
    Guest-64: Could you go into more detail on the Zerg campaign for Heart of the Swarm? What new features can we expect?
    Guest-82: Hello, do you plan any new changes with the mothership? Alot of people feel that it's price is not worth it. Also, how about the ultralisk? I think the ultralisk should be able to at least walk over the zerglings. Thoughts?
    DustinB: We are not going to any changes on the Mothership in the near future. Internal debate rages about this unit, I have been told by several people both inside and outside of blizzard that the unit is far too powerful. The Ultralisk needs a lot more testing before we know how good he is or is not in his current state. I have heard complaints both ways on this unit, that he is way too powerful (mostly against Protoss) and way too weak (mostly against Terrans). But we shall have to wait and see.
    Guest-93: Will there be any significant changes between phase 2 beta and the launched version?
    DustinB: We are not going to make major changes to game balance bewteen beta and launch. We will be fixing bugs and improving game perfomance and stability.
    Guest-29: With certain maps being biased to certain races, are you planning on remaking the maps or just releasing other maps to play ladder matches that are balanced?
    DustinB: There are always going to be maps that favor one race over another. We try to strike a good balance between these maps. If there is a map that is VERY unbalanced we will pull it from the match making pool (like Incineration Zone in Beta 1). If a map needs small fixes to make it better we will make those, though in most cases I think we would just put new maps into the mix.
    Guest-89: QXC wants to know if you have plans to tweak Reapers and Battlecruisers so that we see them more in competitive play
    DustinB: We do not have plans on Reapers or Battlecruisers at the moment. That may change after the game goes live and as the community gets more time with the game. I think Battlecruisers are fundamentally vulnerable in PvT and TvT (Void Rays and Vikings) though they could be tweaked to have use in TvZ.
    Guest-104: Dustin, is this really you?! http://beta-us.battle.net/sc2/en/media/artwork#/po​rtrait_goliath_mercenary ^^
    Guest-80: With respect to Battle.Net, will there be automated tournaments a la Warcraft 3 and if so will they have rewards such as portraits or decals?
    ChrisSi: that is a mysterious resemblance, Guest 104!
    DustinB: We do have plans for automated tournaments, but they are a little ways off. Look for these in the future. We are pretty geeked up about getting to put them in (and play them ourselves). =)
    Guest-85: What classic/new units will we play with in the campaign that didnt make the cut in the Multiplayer game? Eg; firebat, medic, what others?
    DustinB: I don't know that I remember the full list. Here is what comes to mind.=) Medic, Firebat, Vulture, Wraith, Science Vessel, Goliath.
    Guest-70: regarding balance changes, how are you basing your balance changes? do you look at the diamond league statistics in a certain region, base them off tournament play, or what? do you guys at blizzard follow the competative tournament scene and base some balance changes of tham?
    Guest-88: Do you plan to add any new units in future expansions that would be available to use online/multilayer?
    DustinB: We look at stats on all regions and all leagues. We emphasize the importance of balance in the Diamond League as well as pulling stats from our top 1% of players. These are the numbers that need to be as close to 50/50 as we can get them. We do try to make sure that Bronze players don't get much worse than 55/45 in any matchup. In addition we look at tournament play and study those games to see what we can learn about how people are playing the game now as well as how they may play it in the future. David Kim and Matt Cooper (our balance designers) spend pretty much their entire day playing games and watching others play games.=)
    Guest-122: Cross realm play.. Why did you not include it? There has virtually been no lag.
    DustinB: That's something we want to get to in the future. There are some technical and business challenges for us. We do offer our players different ways to buy and play StarCraft 2 in different areas of the world and we need to work out cross realm play so it is fair to all of our fans around the world.
    sillyup20: Will future expansions of SC2 lead to new units in the Mutliplayer?
    DustinB: Yes.=) We will add more units. How we will deal with the games growing complexity is the really interesting challenge that we don't yet have the great answer for. We don't want to have 15+ units per race in the game, so we need to think of something clever that will allow us to add new strategies to the game without making the game too complicated.
    Denthar: are the stats on the units in the campaign going to have the same stats as those in muliplayer?
    DustinB: Mostly yes, but there are some exceptions. We do have some of the units that start weaker in the campaign and get stronger as you buy upgrades for them or gain additional abilities through researching alien organisms and artefacts. In general though there are so many new and crazy units in the campaign that you will find it a very different experience from multiplayer combat.
    Guest-151: Are there any features where you won't need a persistent internet connection such as editors or campaign?
    Guest-41: Do you feel there is room for new units to come (or come back) in the future ?
    ChrisSi: There is an offline mode where you can play the campaign, skirmish against AI or challenge mode w/o needing to be connected to Battle.net (Guest 151)
    DustinB: Yes, we will be dealing with the issue of new units in the expansions. I doubt we will add new units or bring back old units in patches, but anything is possible.
    Guest-166: Can we expect significant changes for each "episode" gameplay wise? (I.E. radical new unit functions, gametypes or innovative maps?)
    DustinB: We are going to do more in the expansions to add new strategies for the fans. I don't know what those will be yet.=)
    Lamonte: You said your map making standards, what are blizzards map making standards?
    DustinB: It is a long and complicated list. In many cases it comes down to simple bugs. In user made maps there are often many small mistakes like areas of the map where units can get easily stuck or trapped, or mistakes in mineral and gas placement, that sort of thing. Generally when we put a map into the matchmaking pool we clean up a few of these bugs before publishing it to Battle.Net
    Guest-124: Can we expect new Blizzard maps as well as user-submitted (turned official) maps? If you could ballpark it, how long should we expect new features & additions from Blizzard for SC2?
    DustinB: yes, we will add user made maps. I expect we will be adding features and custom maps in many of our patches between expansions and obviously we will be adding lots of stuff in the expansions themselves.
    Guest-70: as you may know, there are no 1 supply units in the zerg race at the moment and the zerg is lacking their "swarm" aspect. what are you guys looking into to bring the "swarm" back to the zerg?
    DustinB: Well the Zerglings are .5 supply.=) I know many of our Zerg players were annoyed that we made Roaches 2 supply. We just couldn't justify a 1 supply Roach when we took a look at his stats and we watched and played a ton of Beta games. It was not balanced. We really think the "swarm" aspect of the Zerg comes not from the supply cost of some of their units but from the vast amount of resources they often have at their disposal because they find it so easy to expand. In addition with Spawn Larva the Zerg can easily save up a large amount of production, allowing Zerg forces to attack with a large army, lose that army and then rebuild it very quickly and attack again with a similar force. It feels very "swarmy."
    Guest-172: Can you give us any info about Blizzards plan for E-Sports in the west?
    Guest-190: Will there be a snow tileset in the campaign?
    DustinB: No. We will be doing snow in the future. Sorry. =(
    Scytone: What is your take on EMP? Do you feel it is to strong? are there any plans to change it?
    ChrisSi: esports is very important to us at Blizzard and especially for SC2.We do plan on releasing a patch in the months after launch to address the needs of pro tournaments and eSports, so as we get closer to that we'll have more news to share about our plans for eSports overall (Guest 172)
    DustinB: EMP is necessary for Terrans right to defend against Protoss. I also think it might have more use that we are currently seeing against Zerg (but I could be wrong about that). We have nerfed its radius in the past and we can do so again if necessary. We don't believe (currently) that it is a problem.
    Guest-48: Concerning the ladder promotions system, what further clarity can you provide to us on exactly how this works? I've heard that it works based on some sort of interval system, if so, what sort of intervals? I think many people feel left in the dark on how this works and might like a 'progress bar' for promotions or something similar.
    DustinB: The Battle.Net team has been hard at work on this system throughout Beta-1 and Beta-2. It does currently check every so often to see that you are in the right league. I don't know what the current times are that it checks. I know they are talking about doing some updates to those checks so that they happen more often.
    Guest-215: WIth the new expansions, will current units change in any way?
    DustinB: Current units will change if we think of ways to make them more fun and they will change if we need to alter the balance to deal with anything new we add to those expansions.
    Guest-93: Send: Some phase 2 patches took away some of the social features on battle net. Such as being able to join a friends game simply by right clicking and 'joining game'. Or being ablbe to see other peoples friends through your current friends. Making it easier to connect with friends is really important. Do you plan on brining back these features along with others (chat channels?)
    Guest-81: Are you happy with the Ultralisk? Do you see it as a end game unit that the zerg can use effectively? Compared to the other races end-game units, does the big bug need another buff? Or do they neeed a super bug that's bigger?
    DustinB: I have only had a few great Ultralisk experiences myself. I have seen some truly amazing Ultralisk games and I have seen some total disasters. We are going to "wait and see" on him and see how he does in the coming weeks before we do anything else to him. Remember that in many cases the players find lots of clever ways to use units that don't seem at all obvious to us inside the studio.
    ChrisSi: We're goign to be watching closely how players use the social functionality in Battle.net and continue to refine the system and make it easier and more intuitive to do things like invite players to games and so on. As for chat channels, there'll be a post-launch patch that will include the ability to have private chat channels. Battle.net is very much a living service so you can expect that we'll constantly be making feature additions and improvements to meet the needs of players (Guest 93)
    Guest-149: Do you anticipate further tweaking terran mech or the build time of barracks and gateways?
    DustinB: If necessary. We don't have any plans today.
    Guest-177: Do you plan to rotate the map pool for the ladder, if so will user made maps have a chance to be put in the ladder map pool?
    DustinB: Yes.=) This is a popular question. We will add user maps as we become aware of them.
    Guest-200: There are rumors that there is a LAN enabled professional edition available for professional tournaments to reduce latency... Is this true and will it be available for pro-teams to practice?
    Guest-197: Will there be anymore Zerg soundscape changes before retail? – Wankey
    DustinB: I don't believe there are any changes planned before we go live. Sorry. =(
    Guest-102: Are there still plans to implement an invite only "pro" leauge above the diamond league after launch?
    DustinB: Yes. I don't have all the details, but we do plan on having a "Pro League" that works a little differently from our regular leagues.
    ChrisSi: any rumors you've heard about a "pro edition" are just rumors. We've made no official announcements about that. We will address the needs of pro tournaments and eSports in a patch in the months after the release of SC2. (Guest 200)
    AVBenedetto: Zerg player here. I will gladly trade Roaches for Lurkers in multiplayer, any chance of seeing Lurkers before the expansions?
    DustinB: Not likely, though anything is possible. It's not a Roach trade though. It's a Roach+Baneling trade. When we were testing the game with Lurkers we found that their splash and Baneling splash overlapped quite a bit. For sometime the Lurker was Tier 3 as a result (and siege range) but in that position he was easily spotted by detection (since it is so common in Tier 3) and he wasn't really a "Lurker." Also remember that without Dark Swarm, Lurkers don't have quite the same level of use that they did in SC1.
    Guest-136: Do you believe that StarCraft 2 will be able to reach a similar eSports scene success in the US and/or Europe as Brood War has had in South Korea, including multiple multimillion dollar teams and games broadcasted live on tv daily?
    DustinB: No idea. I hope so.=) It certainly is a fun game to watch (as I'm sure most of you know). What nations and communities will embrace it is largely up to our players and fans. We didn't create esports, our fans did that. =)
    spychi: how many new units have been done for campaign only?
    DustinB: I'm not sure on the exact number. I believe it's about a dozen?
    Guest-153: With updated Terms of Use for new Bnet, it was mentioned you needed Blizzard permission for any type of Esports activity. This of course makes sense, but when I personally contacted support to get the needed paper complete through email or fax. I was told they had no information on this and was given Blizzards Corp. mailing address. Can you save people who are doing Esports Livestream / Ustream showmatches the trouble and let us know how to contact to get this permission Please?
    Guest-275: Will there ever be a toggle function for Unit life bars?? Or a way to make Unit life bars smaller??
    DustinB: There is a toggle for unit life bars. We don't have a way to make them smaller. That sounds like a good suggestion.
    ChrisSi: If you're interested in setting up a tournament and getting appropriate licensing for SC2, contact [email protected]
    Aaron|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

    Transcript for "StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Developer Chat", Thurs July 15 2010 (Part III)
    Guest-393: Do you have plans to change the custom game list? I ask this because sometimes I search for a game I like, but its not that popular. Therefore its on the bottom of the list and no one joins the game.
    ChrisSi: I can't speak to that issue specifically but if there is a major problem there we will address it in due time. As you know we are committed to patching even older games like SC and Diablo when necessary. At the moment a lot of attention is focused on this launch, so pelase be patient =) (Guest 334)
    DustinB: Again, this is an area that we will be working on in the coming months.=)
    Guest-340: Would it be plausible to see a "StarCraft HD" in the next five years? We'd all love to see the original game "digitally remastered" along the same lines as timeless movies like "Gone with the Wind", "Cassablanca" or the "Wizard of Oz". We don't enjoy them' films on ol' projector reels these days, no sir! -- We've got VCR's now! *spits*.
    DustinB: That would be pretty cool. Currently we have no plans for such a project. =(
    Guest-281: Recently, StarCraft Legacy wrote a really great article regarding the community's concerns with the new Battle.net and we know that Battle.net is going to evolve - but what is the reason for some of the stuff the community thinks was so basic not being included in release? What's the best way to give you guys feedback? We the hardcore, are a highly underused resource!
    DustinB: Oh, we are hearing you guys, don't worry about that.=) We are going to keep working on it as fast as we can. Stuff that isn't in there is stuff we just didn't get to. Keep sending your feedback though, and we'll try to address it as fast as we can.
    Guest-294: Will there be seasonal SC2 ladder resets, similar to WC3 and WoW arena?
    DustinB: That's the plan. Though I don't know yet when the first season is going to end.
    Guest-400: Do you plan on including good and balanced fan made maps (if made) in some of the future ladder map pools?
    DustinB: Yes. =) Also, I answered this one like ten times already.=)
    DustinB: To Guest-156 That's the plan. I don't know exaxtly what new sorting methods will be used in the future, but it's an area we can work on.
    Guest-337: Is Terrible Terrible Damage going to be a cheat code?
    DustinB: Wait and see.=)
    Guest-73: What is your favourite unit and race, and who would win in a 1v1 match between you two (directed to both)?
    DustinB: As the Game Director I don't have the luxury of having a favorite. I play Random unless I am testing something specific. Chris Sigaty doesn't get quite the play time I do. I would totally pwn that noob.
    ChrisSi: oh I think Dustin would have an advantage over me.
    Guest-156: Do you have any information for us on the custom game selection menu? Will new ways to sort through games be made available Soon^TM? The popularity system has its drawbacks.
    DustinB: That's the plan. I don't know exactly what new sorting methods will be used in the future, but it's an area we can work on.
    Guest-389: How exactly does the current Galaxy Editor differ from the version at launch?
    DustinB: We have made some UI improvements as well as stability improvements. More importantly you will have access to all the art in the campaign.=)
    Guest-298: In multiplayer games, are there any plan to implement a counter that would show the supply and resources of your allies? This is something that the community has been asking for a while. It would be extremely useful when one of your ally leave. I remember reading an interview with Dustin that said that the team thought that such a counter would be used to flame your allies but have you considered the possibility of letting players chose if they want to show the counter or not (kinda like you can...
    DustinB: It's certainly something we can talk about for a future patch. I do think there is going to be flaming no matter what we do, so maybe we can find a nice spot to put this info in the UI.
    Guest-70: The Force Field spell seems to be an extremely strong spell and in the recent patch, they have been buffed by decreasing the amount of Force Fields needed to trap or block a unit. It is even possible to trap Roaches in between 2 Force Fields. What is the reasoning for this change?
    Disease: Will the game ship with multiple languages on one DVD or at least with an option to switch the language?
    DustinB: Yeah, that buff happened because we fixed a bug where Zerglings on creep could actually "run past" a line of Zealots that were blocking a choke point. We have a new fix that will come out in our first patch that will make Force Fields work like they did before AND zerglings will still not be able to run past Zealots. In other words, we didn't do it on purpose, it just happened when we fixed something else. Sorry. =(
    Guest-284: Can we set difficulty of campaign? Or is there normal mode and then after we finish it we unlock other difficulties like Hard in WC3 if I remember correctly?
    DustinB: You can change your difficulty on a per mission basis. So if you start on Casual and it seems to easy you can start the next mission on Normal or Hard. You can play any difficulty at any time without having to beat the campaign.
    Guest-282: Will there be a way at release to customize your key binds, or at least move the F keys to a more convenient position?
    DustinB: Yes, you can do some key rebinding.
    Guest-346: I want to say a BIG "thank you" to you guys and everyone at Blizzard for making these games that millions and I want to play! And for a light-hearted question; What are we more likely to see first, the third expansion to Starcraft 2, or Diablo 3? =)
    ChrisSi: Disease -- you should buy the language version and region that you want to play in. The ability to switch language and which language you want to switch to is going to vary from region to region.
    Guest-419: Resend: Will you be conducting more chats like this one anytime soon, as it seems that direct, public communications between the devs and the community is sparse (reading our posts on the forums/fansites doesn't count, I'm referring to a two-way dialogue)
    DustinB: Thanks dude.=) As far as the race between us and D3 goes who knows? If you are a fan of our games you know how we opperate. It will be done when it's done. Not the best answer for our fans, but the right answer for the games.
    ChrisSi: Guest 419 - we do conduct Twitter chats with fans from time to time. Recommend you add yourself to the official StarCraft facebook and/or twitter accounts so you can be informed when the next one happens. Thanks!
    Guest-29: What is the most popular race being played in the beta?
    Guest-366: With regard to the Oceanic / Asia region, coming from the Philippines I am still contemplating which version to buy (right now I have better ping to LA servers). Has there been any update regarding the traceroutes on the forums, which version would Australian / Philippine players buy to experience better multiplayer experience (read: less lag). Thanks.
    DustinB: Terran. That may be because they are the default race, or because they are the most "understandable" race (they look human) or it may be because people think they are the most powerful. Not sure why.=)
    Guest-82: I really miss "20 minute No Rush" titles on custom games, with this new battle.net you can't do that, is there anyway we can impliment that? Also, any news on clan chat and general chat?
    DustinB: yeah, I hear you on the "no rush" games. I don't have a solve for you in the current UI. No news on Clan or General chat, but it is on the list of big important things we have to do, that is for sure.
    Guest-314: There appears to be a significant input delay when using keyboard commands in custom maps that is (probably) unrelated to latency that has remained since Warcraft 3. Trying to play games on battle.net using arrow keys to move for example, is impossible. Is your team aware of this issue and are there plans to fix it?
    ChrisSi: Guest 366 -- we are always trying to work with local ISPs to improve routing to Battle.net servers. I'd strongly encourage you to play in the SEA region as our goal is to build up strong regional communities of players. By putting down servers in the region, we are committing to providing the best play experience for you there.
    DustinB: We are very aware. Last I heard they were working on it but it was a hard problem. I don't know if a fix is incoming or possible. We shall have to wait and see what the engineers come up with.
    Guest-211: Have you watched any SC2 beta tournaments? If so, who is your favorite player?
    DustinB: I have watched many. I don't know if it would be right for me to say my favorite.=) I like players who have good manners, play creatively and try new stuff a lot.
    Guest-470: Dustin, when i first read about the new AI, which Sc2 would introduce, I thought you would be more inventive. I would love to recommend your AI-team some readings on planning AI... I see that you already read up on steering behavior for the zerglings (which results in poor movements by ultralists, but that's another story). (Master in AI @ university of Copenhagen, Denmark)
    DustinB: Sorry if you don't like our AI. I think it's pretty challenging and does a really good job of being aggresive and keeping you on your toes. Try Insane if you have mastered Very Hard.=)
    Guest-397: Is there going to be a single-player demo like there was for the original shortly before or after release?
    DustinB: We are working on something, but it is still a little bit in the future to know exactly when we will have it ready.
    Guest-258: Will there be a way to view replays with my friends within battle.net? Currently the only way (that I know) to view them concurrently is to send him the file, and we both click start at the same time =\. Its sort of a hassle.
    DustinB: One day yes, not for launch.=( It is a good feature and we are going to try to get it as soon as we can.
    Guest-364: It seems to be that in terran vs anything. terran is called the favored match up in polls and in major tournaments. even pro players changing to terran because of the imbalance. does blizzard feel there is an imbalance?
    DustinB: I haven't seen numbers that prove this to me yet. I have also had players tell me that Protoss are the most imbalanced. Polls we don't really respond to, we don't know who is in them or if they are accurate. If we start to see a large number of terran players dominating the high end tournaments we will certainly do something. Currently I don't feel there is an imbalance, but as always we are open to new data.
    Guest-173: Considering the limitation of 1 account per purchase of SCII, it makes it very difficult for players to play their 'off' races competitively without losing their rank for their 'best' race. If having multiple accounts is not possible because of spam, and repeatedly playing against bronze-level to feel 'pro', etc, etc, Could it be possible to implement 4 different placement match sets of 5 for each individual race? (P T Z and Random?) So we can play all of them and improve our entire SC play, sti...
    Guest-194: how come the US didnt get an open beta? I cant wait 11 more days =(
    DustinB: Yeah. I know exactly how you feel. I don't know what the fix is yet for this issue. We'll try to think of a good fix that makes everyone happy.
    Guest-347: You mentioned, in relation to the balance of TvZ, that although you feel Siege tanks might be too powerful vs. Zerg generally, the "stats" don't back that up because the win rate is close to 50/50. Taken to the extreme, isn't it possible that, say, Baneling busts are OP vs Terran early and Siege tanks are OP vz Zerg in the mid-to-late game? Therefore Zerg would win 50% of the time on Baneling busts, and Terran would win the other 50% of games that make it to the mid-game. Obviously this is an ex...
    ChrisSi: Guest 194 -- Hang in there! Sorry you didn't make it into beta but it won't be long before you can play. Hope to see you soon on Battle.net!
    Guest-53: You said the campaign will be available offline and that campaign progress is kept serverside. Will users be able to earn Achievements while playing offline? Are game saves going to be saved locally or on the server?
    DustinB: Yes, that is possible. But we don't just use the stats. When we are playing, we find that experienced Zerg players are doing well in both tournaments and in high end play. And our testers and balance guys are crushing with zerg. As far as ZvT is concerned we are waiting for more data. I feel like there is a problem but we haven't seen the proof yet. We need to know what to do before we make a fix. So we are going to keep watching it.
    Guest-86: 1 ghost emp could possibly whipe out VERY MANY archons , and of all of their life but a puny 10 hitpoints, also with giving up psistorm do you even see archons as a useful unit , PvT anyways ? *P.S. how longs the Q+A gonna last ?*
    DustinB: EMP does not do 100% damage to shields. Archons have some shields remaining when they get hit.
    ChrisSi: Guest 53: If you're not connected to Battle.net you can't earn achievements. And obviously if you want to access cloud file storage to save your campaign progress you'll need to be connected online to do that as well.
    Guest-363: Are there any plans to standardize the in game time with the actual game speed we play on? IE give us correct APM for the fastest setting and in game time regaurding unit build times, and other references to time that arent on the speed that is played on.
    DustinB: Yeah, this is an issue we have to address. I'm not sure what fix we decided for this off the top of my head. Sorry.=(
    Guest-454: What do you guys plan on doing about the exceeding number of smurf accounts currently occupying the Bronze league, I messed up my placement matches and now it seems like theres no way out. :[
    DustinB: We will promote you out of Bronze if you win games. It takes 30+ games in the current version of the system. Also, I highly suggest to players in Beta-2 to NOT intentionally throw their first 5 games. I now some players who have done this and then been frustrated that they can't just win their way out quickly. The system is conservative right now (though we are talking about some changes) and it will only promote you after it is pretty sure it knows where you belong.
    Guest-73: It seems that the new and improved AI heavily favours ranged units and in mid to late game, melee units become weak against them. Do you feel that this is the case and tweaking needs to be done?
    DustinB: that is not feedback that I have heard. But we can certainly look at it.
    Guest-283: Any plans to get group replay watching out in the near future? The community would love this and it would be great for team players. What about things like drawing across the replay screen, etc?
    Guest-473: Is StarCraft 2 going to be pay to play on Latin America?. Game voices are on Latin Spanish like WoW?
    DustinB: Not in the near future, but as soon as we can. That would be a ton of fun.
    Guest-340: Relic's RTS 'Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor' allows you to swap out specific units in a melee game, allowing for some greater variety in a matchup. Could we see this feature in future expansions? If not the complexity of mix & match armies, perhaps simply custom unit artwork (earned through tournaments or other promotional elements)?
    DustinB: It's a cool idea. If it makes sense we could do something like that. The most important thing for StarCraft is always going to be the game balance. That will help determine what we are and are not willing to do in the expansions.
    Guest-303: Do you feel the ladder placement system is successful? I went 4-1 in my placement matches and was placed in silver. Also, will the magic number of placement matches still be 5 after release?
    ChrisSi: Our players in Latin America still ahve the option of purchasing an unlimited play client directly from us. We do have the ADDITIONAL option (for players who want it) to buy a lower-cost box that has limited play time. You can then buy additional play time if you like. So it's up to you which way you want to go. And yes the game will be fully voiced and localized in Latin American Spanish (not Castellano).
    DustinB: We have found that 5 matches is enough to place most players somewhat close to their correct league. If we want to be more precise we have to wait until almost 35 matches to know for sure where you belong (and that's too long). So we are going to keep it at 5 and then promote as necessary. The current system is a little bit conservative with promotions. We are looking at possibly making it a little bit more aggresive with promotions for launch. But that may or may not happen depending on the work involved.
    Guest-199: Do we have to expect to servers to be laggy on the first day of release or are you guys REALLY ready for launch?
    DustinB: I hope we are ready. We have certainly put in the work to BE ready. I THINK we are ready. OK, now you are making me nervous with this question.
    Guest-397: A year or two back, I believe it was mentioned that we could mix and match tilesets (say, you could use the dirt or grass from Agria or Bel'Shir, but could also include terrain from a tileset such as Korhal or Shakuras). From what I've heard, this was not possible in the Beta. Is this one of the UI improvements you mentioned? If not, why was it removed?
    Guest-167: How is the sp campaign replayability wise? Are there incentives for doing the missions/campaign again aside from collecting achievements? Maybe branching mission paths or choices in the campaign that affect how the rest of the campaign will play out?
    DustinB: I don't think this feature was removed. But I haven't used the editor in some time. If it's out it may be a mistake.
    Guest-446: Forgive me if this has already been addressed, but will there be a SINGLE top league? I love having multiple Bronze->Platinum, but we NEED to know who is the best. Either Diamond or a new bracket above diamond should exist as single top 100 league. Please?
    DustinB: Eventually we are planning on a "Pro League" that will include the best players only.
    Guest-419: Why are the patch notes always incomplete? Why not disclose all the changes up front? Also, will you host any tournaments at BlizzCon with well known commentators in the community DJing?
    DustinB: Because we are making patches too quickly and we screwed up and forgot to put some stuff in. Sorry. =(
    AVBenedetto: Can Void Rays lose their charge when they change targets like they did ages ago? Pretty please with spidermines on top?
    ChrisSi: Guest 167: There will be some different mission branches throughout the campaign that tell the sidestories of certain characters like Tosh or Dr. Hanson. There will also be a couple opportunities there for your choices to affect the fate of certain sidestories. Between the branching mission paths and the ability to customize your army through single-player only units and tech and mercenaries, we think there's a good amount of replayability built-in to the game.
    DustinB: I think Void Rays are doing pretty well in the balance of the game right now. No plans for such a change (which is a pretty big nerf).
    Guest-132: You mentioned that larger/"pro" maps are for pro players and tournaments. Does that mean we won't be seeing any more maps the size of Lost Temple in the 1v1 ladder map pool?
    Guest-449: Are you planning on having the servers live for midnight launches in the US?
    DustinB: No, Lost Temple will be in that pool. Desert Oasis is in there too (and is pretty big). Some of the pro maps from Broodwar could almost be 3v3 maps. And they are often very technical maps with all kinds of height differences and complex layouts. They are AWESOME for pro play, but can be a little intimidating for many.
    Guest-280: What are your plans for the 1st expansion in terms of campaign and how will it be different to the hyperion stuff and how missions work in SC2 WOL
    ChrisSi: Guest 449: Yes, if you go and buy your box at midnight in the US, we're planning on the servers being ready for you to install and play when you bring that box home
    Aaron|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • [Solved?] Installing multiple versions of Firefox at the same time

    I would like to install the normal Firefox in the repositories and also firefox-pgo-minefield-smp from the AUR so that I may use either one as desired. 
    Looking at the current PKGBUILD from http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=33506 (pkgbuild @ http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/firef … p/PKGBUILD ) I am thinking that perhaps I would modify this line:
    export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib/firefox-$_prever -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--hash-style=gnu,--as-needed"
    to reflect the path where I would like to install it like so:
    export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/opt/firefox-$_prever -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--hash-style=gnu,--as-needed"
    And then presumably fix my symlink at /usr/bin/firefox to point back to /usr/lib/firefox-2.6 again. (and also fix the menu links and I realize I would have to use an ugly 'pacman -U tarball --force' to install it -- there's got to be a better way as that is very ugly and wrong surely???? Perhaps modify the pkgname as well as conflicts and provides so I could install it more normally?)
    Correct?  Would I also need to modify a prefix or such besides this and if so where in the pkgbuild (ideally) or source would you recommend (must I change the actual makefile or does my modification in the PKGBUILD take care of this?  Would you in your experience recommend another approach for this?
    I thought it wise to ask here before hacking away with this stuff and possibly hosing my system in unforeseen ways.   Please forgive my greenness.  I have spent a few hours researching this but still am not quite sure thus I ask. While I think I could do it with a straight compile with a modified configure I'm unsure of how to do it best using the arch tools...
    Thanks for your time.
    Last edited by davidm (2010-02-08 14:51:21)

    Basically solved but not yet mastered.
    So I've figured out how to do this, it works, but not yet optimally and I am unsure about some things.  Namely:
    [david@arch-desktop opt]$ ls -l /opt/bin
    total 0
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 33 Feb 8 07:27 firefox -> /opt/lib/firefox-3.7a1pre/firefox
    [david@arch-desktop opt]$ ls -l /opt/lib
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 4096 Feb 8 07:27 firefox-3.7a1pre
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Feb 8 07:27 firefox-devel-3.7a1pre
    [david@arch-desktop opt]$ ls -l /opt/lib/firefox-devel-3.7a1pre
    total 8
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 Feb 8 07:27 bin -> /opt/lib/firefox-3.7a1pre
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 Feb 8 07:27 idl -> /opt/share/idl/firefox-3.7a1pre
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 Feb 8 07:27 include -> /opt/include/firefox-3.7a1pre
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 Feb 8 07:27 lib -> /opt/lib/firefox-devel-3.7a1pre/sdk/lib
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Feb 8 07:27 sdk
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2082 Feb 8 05:06 xpcom-config.h
    [david@arch-desktop lib]$ ls -l /opt/lib/firefox-3.7a1pre
    total 17428
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2102 Feb 8 07:27 application.ini
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2531 Feb 8 07:27 blocklist.xml
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 232 Feb 8 07:27 browserconfig.properties
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Feb 8 07:27 chrome
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 8 07:27 components
    drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Feb 8 07:27 defaults
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 139 Feb 8 07:27 dependentlibs.list
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 8 07:27 dictionaries
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Feb 8 07:27 extensions
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3913 Feb 8 07:27 firefox
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 56788 Feb 8 07:27 firefox-bin
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 76888 Feb 8 07:27 greprefs.js
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 8 07:27 icons
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1846520 Feb 8 07:27 libmozjs.so
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 900176 Feb 8 07:27 libmozsqlite3.so
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11540 Feb 8 07:27 libxpcom.so
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14796800 Feb 8 07:27 libxul.so
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 30826 Feb 8 07:27 LICENSE
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 8 07:27 modules
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3108 Feb 8 07:27 mozilla-runtime
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10720 Feb 8 07:27 mozilla-xremote-client
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 154 Feb 8 07:27 platform.ini
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 8 07:27 plugins
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 177 Feb 8 07:27 README.txt
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16712 Feb 8 07:27 removed-files
    drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Feb 8 07:27 res
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10370 Feb 8 07:27 run-mozilla.sh
    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 8 07:27 searchplugins
    [david@arch-desktop include]$ ls -l /opt/include
    total 80
    drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 77824 Feb 8 07:27 firefox-3.7a1pre
    It seems as though it is a bit messy, as if I have more than I need installed. Especially the two entries in /opt/lib/.  Do I really need all this?
    # Maintainer: Devin Cofer <ranguvar{AT]archlinux[DOT}us>
    # Contributor: blasse <koralik(at)gmail(dot)com>
    # PKGBUILD MODIFIED The above info does not apply. Modified by davidm for personal use, not intended for distribution.
    # This package is not a normal -hg package. I manually bump $_workingrev every now and again when
    # a revision of Firefox passes all of the Linux tests on http://bit.ly/1O4siz
    pkgdesc="Mozilla Firefox customizable web browser Electrolysis Nightly installed in opt (XULRunner independent, PGO optimized, 64-bit TraceMonkey, Dev tree, Multithreaded)"
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    license=('MPL' 'GPL' 'LGPL')
    _soundsystem='alsa-lib' # 'alsa-lib' for ALSA, 'oss' for OSS
    makedepends=('mercurial' 'autoconf-compat' 'gcc>=4.4' 'zip' 'pkgconfig'
    'diffutils' 'libgnomeui>=2.24.1' 'python' 'wireless_tools')
    depends=('gtk2>=2.18.0' 'gcc-libs>=4.4' 'libidl2>=0.8.13' 'mozilla-common'
    'nss>=3.12.4' 'libxt' 'hunspell>=1.2.8' 'startup-notification>=0.10'
    'libnotify>=0.4' 'mime-types' 'dbus-glib>=0.82' 'desktop-file-utils'
    'cairo' ${_soundsystem})
    #Original hashes
    # sha256sums=('8d08ee111b88473a53e8c0852d463971af7a827f796a94d3fe74ca2eed76ca0b'
    # '21722965bb0bab05e3fbd2f584dbcaeb9f0726ed755f59bbf6fb26a7f964e6ec'
    # '00641e2d7ba45a607522a621aa86c21e13b2951ebca920b1e0b538b0e1188445'
    # 'd4948cc5878b2100b4d19b0fbc09119c34377593c5847678d5788db2b4e0fe43'
    # '0ca095ff2af57297f615877a7e79ddc84d1a3f62509a8af6ca50aad7a8671f6a'
    # '0e9631fdad5efa3fd7a95b59171f5d15420d10aa61748b920cc994ee9227915c'
    # 'e6b8345215eb0c595cadfd6b1abb3a12a1cad8b8b1f3528e6affc58900695215'
    # 'bf53a9712aada73dbecb45516bf932b52e7b8debf25cf19294adbfcc54d80028')
    #My MODIFIED HAshes
    # Don't use normal _hgroot/_hgrepo, we don't want Pacman automagically changing the pkgver.
    build() {
    msg "* Note: If the build fails, try again, try without jemalloc PGO, and try *"
    msg "* without PGO at all. Also, try with 'potential-pgo-fix.patch'. PGO can be *"
    msg "* temperamental -- it can sometimes take two or three builds before you'll *"
    msg "* get a good one. *"
    sleep 15
    cd "$srcdir"
    # It can take a long time to re-fetch the Mozilla source...
    # The commented lines are for use by experienced users who build often.
    hg clone "$_ff_hgroot/mozilla-$_mozver" "mozilla-$_mozver" || return 1
    # tar xf "$startdir/mozilla-$_mozver.tar.gz" || return 1
    cd "mozilla-$_mozver"
    # hg pull || return 1
    # hg update || return 1
    # cd ..
    # tar czf "$startdir/mozilla-$_mozver.tar.gz" "mozilla-$_mozver" || return 1
    # cd "mozilla-$_mozver"
    # hg up "$_workingrev" || return 1 # Comment out this line to use the untested latest source.
    cp "$srcdir/mozconfig" .mozconfig || return 1
    # Don't strip if the user doesn't want to... ;p
    if [ "$(check_option strip)" = "n" ]; then
    sed -i 's/--enable-strip/--disable-strip/' \
    .mozconfig || return 1
    sed -i 's/--enable-install-strip/--disable-install-strip/' \
    .mozconfig || return 1
    if [ "$_soundsystem" = "oss" ]; then
    msg "Using OSS instead of ALSA."
    sed -i 's/sydney_audio_alsa/sydney_audio_oss/' \
    media/libsydneyaudio/src/Makefile.in || return 1
    # Get rid of ALSA config system stuff (requires autoconf rerun)
    sed -i '/alsa\//d' config/system-headers || return 1
    sed -i '/alsa\//d' js/src/config/system-headers || return 1
    sed -i '/LIB(asound/d' configure.in || return 1
    msg "Patching source."
    msg "Patches from main Arch xulrunner/firefox packages..."
    # Fix stub launcher - Arch
    patch -Np0 -i "$srcdir"/fix-mozilla-launcher.patch || return 1
    # Use LANG environment variable to choose locale
    patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/mozilla-firefox-1.0-lang.patch || return 1
    msg "Patches from this package..."
    # PGO compilation LDFLAGS fix
    patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir"/ldflags-namespec.patch || return 1
    # Enable experimental PGO for jemalloc (speed).
    # See Mozilla bugs #418866 and #419470.
    patch -Np0 -i "$srcdir"/jemalloc-enable-pgo.patch || return 1
    # Sometimes necessary for PGO build to work, especially when PGO compile
    # aborts with an error about control sum mismatch (thx to methuselah!)
    # patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/potential-pgo-fix.patch" || return 1
    msg "Setting up build."
    # Changing the user's optimization flags is justified, because this is
    # a package specifically for an optimized software build, and because of
    # the official branding, binaries can't be redistributed anyways.
    # These flags just set guidelines for the build, they are overridden in
    # most compile job pieces by Firefox's better judgement.
    #export CFLAGS="-march=native -O2 -pipe"
    #export CXXFLAGS="-march=native -O2 -pipe"
    export CFLAGS="-march=i686 -mtune=pentium4 -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"
    export CXXFLAGS="-march=i686 -mtune=pentium4 -O2 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"
    # The hash-style and as-needed flags are in Arch defaults anyways,
    # and the other optimization falgs are almost definitely safe.
    export LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/opt/lib/firefox-$_prever -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--hash-style=gnu,--as-needed"
    autoconf-2.13 || return 1
    msg "Actual build."
    # Yes, all this is SMP. MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS takes care of it.
    # Compile a non-PGO build first to reduce chance of error in PGO build.
    make -j1 -f client.mk build MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="$MAKEFLAGS" || return 1
    # Comment out remaining lines for a non-PGO build.
    msg "Profiled build now."
    # Don't let PGO disrupt the user, use a virtual framebuffer.
    LD_PRELOAD="" /usr/bin/Xvfb -nolisten tcp -extension GLX :99 &
    DISPLAY=:99 LD_PRELOAD="" make -j1 -f client.mk profiledbuild \
    MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="$MAKEFLAGS" || return 1
    kill -9 $XPID
    package() {
    cd "$srcdir/mozilla-$_mozver"
    make -j1 DESTDIR="$pkgdir" -C ff-pgo install || return 1
    # install -Dm644 "$srcdir/mozilla-$_mozver/other-licenses/branding/firefox/mozicon128.png" \
    # "$pkgdir/usr/share/pixmaps/firefox.png" || return 1
    # install -Dm644 "$srcdir/firefox--minefield-smp.desktop" \
    # "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/firefox-minefield-smp.desktop" || return 1
    # install -Dm644 "$srcdir/firefox-safe-minefield-smp.desktop" \
    # "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/firefox-safe-minefield-smp.desktop" \
    # || return 1
    # Remove devel stuff.
    rm -rf "$pkgdir/usr/include/"
    rm -rf "$pkgdir/usr/lib/firefox-devel-$_prever/"
    rm -rf "$pkgdir/usr/share/idl/"
    ac_add_options --enable-application=browser
    mk_add_options MOZ_CO_PROJECT=browser
    ac_add_options --prefix=/opt --libdir=/opt/lib
    ## System libs are preferred
    ac_add_options --with-system-nss --with-system-jpeg --with-pthread
    ac_add_options --with-system-zlib --with-system-libpng --with-system-bz2
    ac_add_options --enable-system-cairo --with-system-hunspell --with-system-sqlite
    ac_add_options --with-system-nspr
    ## GNU/Linux stuff
    ac_add_options --disable-installer --disable-updater
    ac_add_options --enable-official-branding
    ac_add_options --enable-startup-notification
    ## Optimize
    ac_add_options --disable-pedantic --enable-jemalloc --enable-xterm-updates
    ### Reverse these lines (enable vs disable) for a debug build
    ac_add_options --enable-optimize --disable-debug --disable-tests
    ac_add_options --enable-profile-guided-optimization
    ac_add_options --enable-strip --enable-install-strip
    ## Edit these as you see fit
    ac_add_options --disable-crashreporter --disable-parental-controls
    ac_add_options --enable-printing --enable-xinerama
    # Sane settings include cairo-gtk2-df, cairo-gtk2, and cairo-qt.
    ac_add_options --enable-default-toolkit=cairo-gtk2
    ac_add_options --enable-places --enable-svg --enable-pango --enable-canvas
    ac_add_options --enable-smil --disable-java-xpcom --enable-canvas3d
    # This is disabled in order to speed Firefox up, it prevents checking Google
    # for every single URL Firefox processes. If you're using this package, it's likely you already
    # know enough to be safe online, or are paranoid (perhaps with reason) about
    # Google getting your URLs. Also, this is GNU/Linux, we have somewhat less to fear ;-)
    ac_add_options --disable-safe-browsing
    mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=@TOPSRCDIR@/ff-pgo
    mk_add_options PROFILE_GEN_SCRIPT='$(PYTHON) $(MOZ_OBJDIR)/_profile/pgo/profileserver.py'
    export BUILD_OFFICIAL=1
    mk_add_options BUILD_OFFICIAL=1
    mk_add_options MOZILLA_OFFICIAL=1
    # Want to change the compiler?
    #export CC='gcc-4.5'
    #export CXX='g++-4.5'
    ^ A dirty hack to download the latest nightly of the electrolysis tree, pgo optimized for an intel i686 P4 (not native to get around the seg fault bug). I just commented out the .desktop files as well as the icon for now. Also the conflicts and provides section have merely been commented out. The goal is to have this work independently from the standard firefox allowing me to run both on the system at the same time.
    Anyone see anything that I have missed and could fix as far as doing the separate install in /opt using makepkg and the pkgbuild?   I've been using arch less than a month and this is the first I've really hacked with a PKGBUILD and mozconfig so I feel I could really use the help. Any insight appreciated greatly.
    Last edited by davidm (2010-02-08 15:25:49)

  • Uncompiled Objects after Upgrade from 12.1.1 to 12.1.3

    I have upgraded from a vanilla 12.1.1 to 12.1.3 on Linux 64bit and I am now experiencing a number of uncompiled database objects. I have compiled a number of them manually but a number are giving me the following error when compiling the package body:
    PLS-00801: Internal error [1401]
    The packages that are giving me this error are as follows:
    APPS     PACKAGE BODY     OKL_AM_WF     
    APPS     TYPE     SYS_PLSQL_54180_87_1     
    My environment details are as follows:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    WF Version 2.6.0
    I applied the following patches on top of 12.1.1
    12.1.3 patch 9239090
    12.1.3 documentation 9239095
    POST-R12.ATG_PF.B.DELTA.3 Patch 9817770
    Please advise,
    Many thanks.

    I've gone through again to try and compile more package bodies and I have the list of uncompiled packages that give me the error :Internal Error 1401 as the following:
    They all seem to have something to do with WF. Is there anything I can check there?
    Thanks in advance

  • [extra:editors] nvu 1.0 with KDE mimetypes

    The Nvu WYSIWYG web editor is available on two flavors:  the standard build which do not require KDE, and another one which use KDE to provide mimetypes icons on the Site Manager. This thread supports only the KDE mimetypes version.  For the non KDE version, look here.
    Below is a comparison picture of both Site Managers so you can compare and decide then which version do you want to install.
    Note: Both packages share the same directory structure, which means only one of them can be installed at the same time. That's the reason a conflict restriction exists between them.
    Pre Install Notes
    1. If upgrading from 0.80 or earlier, remove the .nvu dir in your home folder.  Already have 0.90 or later?  Can keep your dir and settings.
    2. Look the Change Log at the botton for a summary of the changes.
    1. Grab a gziped tar from on AUR site here, or the splited files below:
    b. mozconfig
    c. nvu.desktop
    d. mozilla-1.7.3-ft2.patch or get it from /var/abs/network/mozilla-firefox (or mozilla-thunderbird)
    e. nvu-0.70-domainfix.patch
    f. launcher.patch
    g. mozilla-ext
    h. nvu-browser-ext
    i. nvu-1.0PR-kdesitemanager.patch
    j. nvu-nonroot.tar.gz
    2. Create the folder to store the files with the name nvu-kde on your abs/local folder
    $ mkdir /var/abs/local/nvu-kde
    3. Put the files on that directory
    $ cp * /var/abs/local/nvu-kde
    4. Change to /var/abs/local/nvu-kde dir and build the package
    # cd /var/abs/local/nvu-kde && makepkg
    5. Install the package
    # pacman -U nvu-kde-1.0-1.pkg.tar.gz (Upgrading a previous version installed, or)
    # pacman -A nvu-kde-1.0-1.pkg.tar.gz (Adding or installing a new program)
    Post Installation & Enhancements
    After installing Nvu and recommended prior to its first execution, but can be done anytime, visit this link which allow the normal user to add themes & extensions to Nvu and in fact, to all mozilla product line installed on your computer.
    This step will not be included on the package until the changes explained on that HOWTO became adopted by other Arch mozilla packages.
    Click the icon and doesn't run:  Run it from the console, and if you got a loop message with the phrase "Loading the extensions datasource", then as root type:
    $ nvu -register
    and run nvu again as a user, and report your sucess or failure here.
    Loading the extensions datasource message on shell:  Look above for the workaround.
    1. Browse button and help hyperlinks open mozilla-firefox and I would like to open another browser. Edit your /opt/mozilla/bin/mozilla-ext, comment the line exec $MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME/firefox $url and uncomment one of the other lines.  Currently you can choose between firefox, mozilla, opera and konqueror.
    Current Issues
    Nothing at the moment
    Nothing at the moment
    Change Log
    Doc modified 2005-07-01: Updated info.
    Files modified in 2005-06-31:  PKGBUILD, nvu-nonroot.tar.gz
    2005-07-01 (1.0-1) Upgraded to 1.0, smaller nonroot patch.
    2005-04-15 (1.0PR-1) Upgrade to 1.0PR, return to nonroot patch so Gnome users can compile without root.
    2005-03-11 (0.90-1) Upgrade to 0.90.
    2005-02-13 (0.81-1) Upgraded to 0.81, nonroot patch replaced by nvu -register, new script to activate browse button and help hyperlinks. Locale dirs of win and mac removed.
    2005-02-05 (0.80-1) Updated to 0.80.
    2005-01-19 (0.70-2) Freetype2 fix, file structure matches other mozilla apps. Mozilla-common dependency added.
    2005-01-12 (0.70-1) First version with KDE mimetypes support.
    Hope you enjoy it.

    New package for the 0.81 version. 
    In addition to the updated version, I made the following enhancements or changes to the package:
    1. Remove some locale directories bundle with nvu which belongs to mac and windows architectures.
    2. Added a mozilla-ext script which is execute a predefined browser either when the browse button is pressed or a hyperlink from the help menu entries is clicked.  Previous versions do nothing on those actions.  The default browser is firefox, but the file can be edited if your current browser is other.  Just edit /opt/mozilla/bin/mozilla-ext, comment the first browser which is firefox, and uncomment the one you want to use.
    3. The most important in terms of usage and future package maintenance is the replacement of the nonroot.tar.gz file with  the -register option.  That change takes out the most difficult and time consuming patch  of the package.  That means faster releases.
    Since many changes were done to the package, please test it and post any success or failure.

  • Firefox compile error

    c++ -o nsNegotiateAuthFactory.o -c -I../../dist/include/system_wrappers -include ../../config/gcc_hidden.h -DMOZILLA_INTERNAL_API -DOSTYPE="Linux2.6" -DOSARCH="Linux" -DBUILD_ID=0000000000 -I../../dist/include/xpcom -I../../dist/include/string -I../../dist/include/necko -I../../dist/include/pref -I../../dist/include/negotiateauth -I../../dist/include -I../../dist/include/nspr -I/usr/X11R6/include -fPIC -I/usr/X11R6/include -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -Wall -Wconversion -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Woverloaded-virtual -Wsynth -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy -Wno-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-long-long -mtune=i686 -O2 -pipe -fshort-wchar -pthread -pipe -DNDEBUG -DTRIMMED -mtune=i686 -O2 -pipe -I/usr/X11R6/include -DMOZILLA_CLIENT -include ../../mozilla-config.h -Wp,-MD,.deps/nsNegotiateAuthFactory.pp nsNegotiateAuthFactory.cpp
    nsNegotiateAuthFactory.cpp:94:2: #error "missing implementation"
    nsNegotiateAuthFactory.cpp: In function `nsresult nsNegotiateAuthConstructor(nsISupports*, const nsIID&, void**)':
    nsNegotiateAuthFactory.cpp:97: error: `nsNegotiateAuth' undeclared (first use this function)
    nsNegotiateAuthFactory.cpp:97: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.)
    nsNegotiateAuthFactory.cpp:97: error: `inst' undeclared (first use this function)
    nsNegotiateAuthFactory.cpp:97: error: `nsNegotiateAuth' has not been declared
    nsNegotiateAuthFactory.cpp: At global scope:
    nsNegotiateAuthFactory.cpp:105: error: `NS_AUTH_MODULE_CONTRACTID_PREFIX' was not declared in this scope
    nsNegotiateAuthFactory.cpp:105: error: expected `}' before string constant
    nsNegotiateAuthFactory.cpp:105: error: expected `}' before string constant
    nsNegotiateAuthFactory.cpp:105: error: expected `,' or `;' before string constant
    nsNegotiateAuthFactory.cpp:107: error: expected declaration before '}' token
    nsNegotiateAuthFactory.cpp:51: warning: 'nsresult nsHttpNegotiateAuthConstructor(nsISupports*, const nsIID&, void**)' defined but not used
    nsNegotiateAuthFactory.cpp:97: warning: 'nsresult nsNegotiateAuthConstructor(nsISupports*, const nsIID&, void**)' defined but not used
    nsNegotiateAuthFactory.cpp:102: warning: 'components' defined but not used
    make[3]: *** [nsNegotiateAuthFactory.o] Error 1
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/mnt/station/arch_pkg/x11/network/firefox-devel/src/mozilla/extensions/negotiateauth'
    make[2]: *** [libs] Error 2
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/mnt/station/arch_pkg/x11/network/firefox-devel/src/mozilla/extensions'
    make[1]: *** [tier_94] Error 2
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/station/arch_pkg/x11/network/firefox-devel/src/mozilla'
    make: *** [default] Error
    Anyone have an idea? This is the 3rd time in a row I've gotten this. It seems to be related to enabling SSL support, but I'm not 100% on that.
    Here's my PKGBUILD:
    #Contributor: Shadowhand <[email protected]>
    pkgdesc="Firefox 1.5 Beta 1 (Deer park)"
    conflicts=('mozilla-firefox' 'firefox-fr' 'firefox-deerpark')
    provides=('mozilla-firefox' 'gecko-sdk')
    depends=('gtk2' 'x-server' 'libxml2' 'mozilla-common' 'libidl2')
    firefox-devel.sh firefox-devel-nonroot.tar.gz mozconfig
    mozilla-firefox.desktop mozilla-firefox.png launcher.patch)
    md5sums=('a1b2549a31c74e7366213bb2ba76876f' '77e8611f92539604021f7019fe56520d'
    'c28385288eb9a9cefba21d62d7870cfd' '4fc1b9bcb25ad85866ab66c48d2c7ef7'
    '2b6a43020e86b7e4f6266b67d3620d3e' 'bff260036c5dcca45da3218517fb33d8'
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/mozilla
    patch -Np0 -i $startdir/src/launcher.patch || return 1
    export MOZ_PHOENIX=1
    sed "s@#CFLAGS#@$CFLAGS@g" $startdir/src/mozconfig >.mozconfig
    make || return 1
    make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install || return 1
    # initialize some data so that firefox will run as a non-root user
    cd $startdir/pkg/opt/firefox
    tar zxf $startdir/src/mozilla-firefox-nonroot.tar.gz || return 1
    # Remove useles default profile setup
    rm -rf $startdir/pkg/opt/firefox/bin/defaults
    # Place these in /usr until all common desktops support icon lookups in XDG_DATA_DIRS
    install -dD -m755 $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications
    install -dD -m755 $startdir/pkg/usr/share/pixmaps
    install -m644 $startdir/src/mozilla-firefox.png $startdir/pkg/usr/share/pixmaps/
    install -m644 $startdir/src/mozilla-firefox.desktop $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications/
    mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/etc/profile.d
    mv $startdir/src/firefox-devel.sh $startdir/pkg/etc/profile.d
    chmod +x $startdir/pkg/etc/profile.d/firefox-devel.sh

    Fixed. It was an issue in my mozconfig file. Firefox 1.5b1 compiles sucessfully now! I'll have binary packages available from my repository and a PKGBUILD in the AUR tonight.

  • How come I can't access Hotmail account on my Macbook

    WHy... It still works on my PC...
    but on my mac no...... I did loged in my MSN messenger..
    but it didn't work too....

    I emailed Microsofts MSN tech support about a week ago because I have the same problem (continuous refresh before returning to login page). They quickly responded saying they were aware of it, and would resolve it 'soon'.
    I noticed that it all started when microsoft launched their new 'live login' service for passport, so I guess they have to do some post launch patch ups for us safari/mac users.
    G4 mini 1.5ghz   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

  • Mozilla thunderbird en español

    Hola a todos , soy nuevo en archlinux y hasta ahora la fuí llevando bastante bién (instalación , configuración, etc) la primer traba que tengo es que no puedo instalarle la extención del idioma español al thunderbird, pero se me ocurrio una idea y no se como dar el primer paso, hay una versión compilada del thunderbird (es_AR) es un tar que al descomprimirlo ya queda ejecutable.
      Como se puede hacer para crear un PKGBUILD y así generar un paquete de archlinux desde una aplicación ya compilada? supongo que no solo se podrán generar paquetes a partir de fuentes, sinó tambien a partir de aplicaciones ya compiladas, pero hasta ahora no encontré documentación completa sobre las macros y comandos de PKGBUILD, o por lo menos la que pude leer no la entendí mucho.

    Buenas, bienvenido
    El PKGBUILD para la version inglesa, utiliza las fuentes para compilar el thunderbird, la verdad no se que tipo de parche habria que aplicarle a tiempo de compilacion para que quede en castellano, pero bueno, si te sirve de algo: aca tenes el pkgbuild para crear el paquete de la version en ingles:
    # $Id: PKGBUILD,v 1.9 2005/01/18 13:39:01 dale Exp $
    # Maintainer: Dale Blount <[email protected]>
    # Contributor: Anders Bostrom <[email protected]>
    pkgdesc="Standalone Mail/News reader from mozilla.org"
    depends=('gtk2' 'libidl2' 'mozilla-common')
    mozilla-1.7.3-ft2.patch launcher.patch
    mozilla-thunderbird.png mozilla-thunderbird.desktop
    md5sums=('232ffe434fd65f5f0284a760d6e4ba2a' 'e79634ee1e611182b6c227daa362b20d'
    'aaaa941f1a25075d65c60180fb608955' '904bcfd107d5ead431e976d7ec925140'
    '04115f0e204444eac76a092a63c89027' 'db60d6f5059e10d8b1a54a97c0675563'
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/mozilla
    patch -Np0 -i $startdir/src/mozilla-1.7.3-ft2.patch
    patch -Np0 -i $startdir/src/launcher.patch
    sed "s@#CFLAGS#@$CFLAGS@g" $startdir/src/mozconfig >.mozconfig
    export MOZ_THUNDERBIRD=1
    # fix typo (mozilla bug 258177)
    sed -i "s@destdir@DESTDIR@" $startdir/src/mozilla/mail/app/Makefile.in || return 1
    make || return 1
    make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install || return 1
    cd $startdir/pkg/opt/mozilla/lib && ln -s thunderbird-$pkgver thunderbird
    # initialize some data so that thunderbird will run as a non-root user
    cd $startdir/pkg/opt/mozilla/lib/thunderbird-$pkgver/
    tar zxf $startdir/src/$pkgname-nonroot.tar.gz || return 1
    # Remove common mozilla aclocal stuff
    rm -rf $startdir/pkg/opt/mozilla/share
    rm -rf $startdir/pkg/opt/mozilla/include
    rm -rf $startdir/pkg/opt/mozilla/lib/pkgconfig
    # Remove useless default profile setup
    rm -rf $startdir/pkg/opt/mozilla/bin/defaults
    install -m755 -dD $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications
    install -m755 -dD $startdir/pkg/usr/share/pixmaps
    install -m644 $startdir/src/mozilla-thunderbird.desktop $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications/
    install -m644 $startdir/src/mozilla-thunderbird.png $startdir/pkg/usr/share/pixmaps/
    Te recomiendo leer la documentacion sobre ABS y MAKEPKG antes de que te pongas a hacer paquetes... en particular este no es uno de los mas faciles
    pd. Este pkgbuild no te va a servir sin los parches que utiliza Arch, por ende, te recomiendo fuertemente leer sobre ABS si queres utilizarlo.

  • [new] firefox 1.0.2

    Well, I've built firedfox 1.0.2
    Here's the PKGBUILD
    pkgdesc="Standalone web browser from mozilla.org"
    depends=('gtk2' 'libidl2' 'mozilla-common')
    replaces=('mozilla-firebird' 'phoenix')
    mozilla-firefox-nonroot.tar.gz mozconfig launcher.patch
    mozilla-1.7.3-ft2.patch mozilla-firefox.png
    md5sums=('fd1a0dec3e763e93eb45c0c34b399712' 'c28385288eb9a9cefba21d62d7870cfd'
    'd640068adccc968dbb88fdb08c9d0403' '224962b5f2446cab7727fdf07fd526de'
    'e79634ee1e611182b6c227daa362b20d' 'bff260036c5dcca45da3218517fb33d8'
    build() {
    cd $startdir/src/mozilla
    patch -Np0 -i $startdir/src/mozilla-1.7.3-ft2.patch || return 1
    patch -Np0 -i $startdir/src/launcher.patch || return 1
    sed "s@#CFLAGS#@$CFLAGS@g" $startdir/src/mozconfig >.mozconfig
    export MOZ_PHOENIX=1
    # fix typo (mozilla bug 258177)
    sed -i "s@destdir@DESTDIR@" $startdir/src/mozilla/browser/app/Makefile.in || return 1
    make || return 1
    make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install || return 1
    # initialize some data so that firefox will run as a non-root user
    cd $startdir/pkg/opt/mozilla/lib/firefox-$pkgver/
    tar zxf $startdir/src/mozilla-firefox-nonroot.tar.gz || return 1
    cd $startdir/pkg/opt/mozilla/lib && ln -sf firefox-$pkgver firefox
    rm -rf $startdir/pkg/opt/mozilla/share
    rm -rf $startdir/pkg/opt/mozilla/lib/pkgconfig
    rm -rf $startdir/pkg/opt/mozilla/include
    # Remove useless default profile setup
    rm -rf $startdir/pkg/opt/mozilla/bin/defaults
    # Place these in /usr until all common desktops support icon lookups in XDG_DATA_DIRS
    install -dD -m755 $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications
    install -dD -m755 $startdir/pkg/usr/share/pixmaps
    install -m644 $startdir/src/mozilla-firefox.png $startdir/pkg/usr/share/pixmaps/
    install -m644 $startdir/src/mozilla-firefox.desktop $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications/
    If you guys want I'll supply a binary.

    # fix typo (mozilla bug 258177)
      sed -i "s@destdir@DESTDIR@" $startdir/src/mozilla/browser/app/Makefile.in || return 1
    Why is it still here, this bug has been marked RESOLVED, and I can compile mozilla firefox without any problem without this patch.
    Anyway I recommend to try mozilla-firefox-cvs or mozilla official nightly binary, which runs faster in my experience.

  • Appearence of white patches when application is launched by Acrobat 8.0

    Hi All,
    When I launch an application(scanner) from acrobat 8.0(createPDF->From Scanner) I can see some white patches on the application but this doesn't happens when scanner is launched as standalone application.
    Can any one faced this problem?
    Thanks in advance.

    You print to the Adobe PDF printer using the PDF Port. That is how AcroTray notes the file that is produced and starts Distiller. Printing to file with the Adobe PDF printer and then opening in Distiller is the base line of PDF creation that all other methods depend on. If this one does not work, then you have a problem. If you can print to file, then open the file in Distiller to get a PDF, then it is typically AcroTray that is the problem. Sometimes you have to kill AcroTray and then restart it.
    It sounds like you may need to do a repair on the Acrobat installation. That is done from the control panel. In XP it is in the Add-Remove Programs. It was moved to another icon name in VISTA. It seems MS and Adobe both like to move things around and rename them!
    You say you get an error when you check the print-to-file button, or at least that is what I think you said. Is that correct, or were you able to get a PDF with Distiller? Some folks have also found the need to do a repair after a Windows update. You might also want to look at the subversion you have. AA8 is up to either 8.1.7 or 8.2. You can check in the help file and then download any updates from Adobe.com>downloads>updates>Windows Acrobat. Be sure you install any updates in order, they are no cummulative unless it specifically says so.

  • Have installed Illustrator CC but can't update it, won't even launch without patches... help!!!!

    Have installed Illustrator CC but can't update it, won't even launch without patches... help!!!!
    Have uninstalled it several times, and reinstalled to no avail.
    Have checked log files and changed permissions to read-write on all folders/files that the log files suggest.
    I still can't apply the update and Illustrator won't eve launch with it.
    Latest imac, mavericks

    update manually,  http://www.adobe.com/downloads/updates/

  • Slow Performance BI Launch Pad - BI 4 SP2 patch 8

    Hi experts, i have this seriuos problem: i have installed BI 4 SP2 patch 8 on windows server 2008 server based on 12 GB Ram but when tree user access at the same time at BI Launch Pad, the server has an lowering performance and to access in BI Launc pad is necessary attend  long time.
    Could you help me? Are there some configuration parameters to set?
    Thank's a lot.

    This is what I received from SAP:
    - It is a bug in the BI 4.0 product and an ADAPT01711291 has
    been raised for the same.
    - Please go through the attached KBA '1933935 - BI Launchpad search
    failing with error "The property with ID SI_CUID does not exist in the
    object" for non-Admin users' for   more  information.
    - As per the ADAPT details, it is targeted to be fixed in BI 4.0 SP10
    which is scheduled to release in July 2014 week 30
    - The schedule is subject is to change without prior notice. You can
    regularly check the SAP BusinessObjects maintenance schedule on the
    following link on SAP   service  marketplace
      SAP Support portal -> Software Downloads ->SAP Software Download
    Center -> Support Packages and Patches -> SAP Support Package stacks
    - You are using BI 4.1 SP2 and I did not find information about
    inclusion of fix of this issue in release notes of latest Service
    packs of BI 4.1 (SP3 or SP4)
    - So as per my knowledge you will have to wait for BI 4.0 SP 10 to
    release and the releases of BI 4.1 post to that will have the fix of
    this issue.

  • Collaboration Launch Pad Configuration Error with Patch 27.

    Hi all,
    After applying Patch 27 for EP6 SP2 (both platform and
    KMC), I can't launch Collaboration Launch Pad Configuration
    iview, the following error retrieved:
    Nov 24, 2004 2:03:13 PM # PRT-Async 3          Fatal           Exception ID:02:03_24/11/04_0004
    com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.PortalComponentException: Error in service call of Portal Component
    Component : pcd:portal_content/administrator/super_admin/super_admin_role/com.sap.portal.content_administration/
    Component class : com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.config.ConfigComponent
    User : epadmin
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.handlePortalComponentException(PortalRequestManager.java:853)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(PortalRequestManager.java:311)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(PortalRequestManager.java:138)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.AsyncIncludeRunnable$1$DoDispatchRequest.run(AsyncIncludeRunnable.java:363)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.AsyncIncludeRunnable.run(AsyncIncludeRunnable.java:376)
         at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$Worker.run(PooledExecutor.java:729)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:479)
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
         at com.sapportals.htmlb.page.PageProcessor.handleRequest(PageProcessor.java:63)
         at com.sapportals.portal.htmlb.page.PageProcessorComponent.doContent(PageProcessorComponent.java:135)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.config.ConfigComponent.doContent(ConfigComponent.java:49)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.serviceDeprecated(AbstractPortalComponent.java:209)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.component.AbstractPortalComponent.service(AbstractPortalComponent.java:114)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.callPortalComponent(PortalRequestManager.java:301)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.PortalRequestManager.dispatchRequest(PortalRequestManager.java:138)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.AsyncIncludeRunnable$1$DoDispatchRequest.run(AsyncIncludeRunnable.java:363)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at com.sapportals.portal.prt.core.async.AsyncIncludeRunnable.run(AsyncIncludeRunnable.java:376)
         at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$Worker.run(PooledExecutor.java:729)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:479)
    Any suggestions?

    Hi Yuri,
    the problem with the ConfigComponent also should be fixed with Hotfix 1 (also worked for me).
    See note 792995: Major problems fixed with this Patch 27 Hotfix 1: [...] Config : After upgrading to Portal SP2 Patch 27 the configuration iView did not work.
    Hope it helps

  • OUI cannot be launched when applying patch from CD-ROM

    Hi, I need help! Could someone tell me what is wrong:
    When I am trying to install the patch from CD-ROM, I get the following error
    Error: OUI cannot be launched because the current working directory is set on the CD-ROM mount point. Launching OUI from this directory will make it difficult to unmount the disk later in the installation. Please change the working directory and relaunch OUI.
    The operating system is solaris 64-bit 5.9
    The database is of enterprise edition
    I am running the installer from a local directory /tmp with full path to the patch installer.
    When I install the patch NOT from CD-ROM or ISO, everything is fine.

    Ensure you are not on the CD mountpoint before runing installer.
    For instance, cd to oracle's home directory and run it from there.

  • Patch 4573517  launches but patch 4045639 doesn't launch

    We have 4573517 patch for OAF and it launches great when jdevw.exe is executed.
    However, when the jdevw.exe from 4045639 patch is executed, the command window shows for a second and vanishes. If we try running it as "jdevw.exe -hotspot" the Oracle JDeveloper spalsh screen shows but then nothing happens.
    This is recreated across all machines on XP.
    Its important that we run the later patch because the Apps instance is 11.5.10K. Using the earlier patch throws errors for some profile option SERVERRESP_.
    I will appreciate your help a lot.

    Mac Spinning Wheel https://forums.adobe.com/message/5470608
    -Similar in Windows https://forums.adobe.com/message/5853430

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